EIGHT RCSEBURS REW5-REVIEW, CRE50R FRIDAY, OCTOBER i, 1944. 1 raj ifl -is RMS Grid Lineup Revised for Game At Eugene Tonight The nospburi? btph srhool In difins pft tO'lny for Euwrn4, where thoy will moot Univmsilv high nt 8 o'clock tonl)ht In Hip second foot bull pnmo of the sea son for tho Roscbur; tram. Pnllnwlno Ihn fli'tr-at miffprod Inst week at the hands of Co - ouille, Cnaeh Mel Intjram has made a number of changes in lineuo. Roy KnlfiPP, who has been nlav- Ine at the center Dosition. has been shifted to left guard, nnf Boh Bash ford has hen moved In to the center snot. Bob Krell. vet eran from last season, was trans leried from left end to ritfhl previously. Tunv Kennerlv, whoj 'lni" en' ll led coto-' ma'ff and entered Buffered a let? InfurV in the CO-'In 'he above entitled matter on the nulllo aimo mill tint he nhlo In Wine game. Will not Of anif to plftV tonight, and Hob Harrison will ha In lli lft htlfhnr.U nr ml. ' ' lion. Diirlno' thn wwk Tnrr:im has ocen drilling the Indians in nass defense and also has been perfect - Inr new plays on offense. i The forward wall has b"en preatlv strengthened and cast charfdn; is expected to aid de- lenslvelv. The Indians will play at Cot tage Grove next week and will meet Junction City on the Rose burg field Oct. 20. Urgent Labor Need Pointed Out By S. P. Co. Officials ' Current lahor ShoHan-es OTP 'sent the snme verified H t .v mak(np it PXtmmnlv difficult fort1"0 undl'd nmtn!trrx the Soi'thorn Parific rompanv to mopt Pho (lpmnt'! nf war trans portation. I,. P. Fnok'ns. sunor. Intondont of thp Portland rt( vi sion, renortod todiy. B. C. Tavlor, pfislttpnt gonnral frpicht aRpnt; F. C. Nnlson. frpit'ht traff'p min nr;pr for hp northern d'st rf. both of PortLmd. ;nd R. II. Holmes, district fmlht and oas- son pp anopt. MPtlfnrd. topthpr with Mr. TJonlf'ns and J. K Clark. nnnnt nf Rncohnro ennnt tho cl.iv. In Rnoohinu pnthprinf data on : in nonuig Bn'PnrmR naia on ' u " i i inuu-i i an " ---fi nuni ano me nim - frrowth and future transportation "Anient of said intp. ,,hX,, Alillnnl. M .11. M'Yh.S OU'OOK Kvor-utrlv Of tti- P.n(n of (-rp O Th" Sonlhf"-n Parlfip comnanv1 P"'-""n inr--i-ii t ons nnil Loni; is utilizing all avallcHe poiiIo -""""'-.' r said estnii.. mont 1o kooo pace with wartime! NT.--, r-r plMAI SCTT, foment transportation dc-mnntls. thn of-1 notipk is incuKiiv c;n'i.V ihm th fk'ors rcnort"'!, and have boon "hit.-.-.i1 hn rn,.,i i,k r -,i -'.o,,i able to handle the tremendous l?,,.'.' Z"'i',,SZ i'L -. ul VOllimP Of traffic, hut COH'd OOfT onlei- f Hiiid cmi-t Mnndiiy.' Novmtr fitp morp pffidenilv if additional, luhor could he obta ned. Onlv through importation of i Mexican Knetlon workers has It been dobs! hie to keep rnndheds In' repair. It was slated, but the work ; done hv such laborer has be'Mi po well nerformctl that tracks. are now in better condition th-m pt the start of tl1" war demiltp Imp hpavv tratflc they have been! lorcett to carry Rotarians Hear Speech by Cordon Guy Cordon. United States sen ator, told Rospburg Rotarians In his sneech hpforc the reKiilar club meeting Tbursdav noon at Hie Umpqua hotel, that in his oninion nil congressmen and senators should bp reouirpd to sipnd a cprtain part of each year among th'r 'own cnnstittients, as he i:iiuvi-ii uuu whs me uniy utirM- me metnon ot Knowing the wisnes of the clpctorate. Mr. Co'on ea vp t h p club a different Idea of the Workings of the dai'v routine of the senators. The talk was pntirclv non polit leal and hp oxnresB-nd kepn en loympnt at bein with the home ppnnlc aeain. The senator also told of the DOUGLAS MARKET Shop our counlers and see Ihe meats you can buy with out points. No points required to pur chase the following: BEEF C GRADE According to a government bulletin, this meat is very wholesome and tasty. Roasts, arm cuts Ct No points, lb J' Loin Steaks, T Bone Round Steaks No points, lb 30c LAMB, utility grade tender, tasty, wholesome. Chops to Fry 2fir No points, lb JJ- PORK PIG PAK Shoulder Roast 33 Shoulder Steaks 36C Sausage 1g Pure and lean, lb. J Visit our market and save. 230 N. Jackson Telephone 350 great problem of postwar plan ning and the amount of effort he. ine extended to movirio a work able plan. Mr. cordon predicts a tremen rloil shift In nnnltitlnn fllnn'lnCT the war and declared the govern ment must provide a cushion to receive the shocks of such mi gration. Goet To Euan net Mck M.inrv McOlintork, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U K. McC'hntock, Kosrburg. j left today for Eiii'iii to spoint the weekend visiiinL' her sister. , Miss PlilrklU Mi'ClJllloek. at the j H lieta FJhl sorority house. While in Kupene, she will attend the : itoseourff nigh university nifc'h ' toonian Rame. REAL ESTATE NOTICE f OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Oiu't of the Rtuie of ji"iron tor Douglas ( ounly mutter ,,f ih" "uardlanshlp of He. InconiMclent J Ym I under ,,,h tf"v October, HM t. nut horlzlni; t lu'ht. title, estate, lien or Interest In thp linde..ried a, guardian of the es-- I and to the following described real tate of Zack Whl'e, n'-onipe"'it , I'operty In Douglas county, Uiegn to- I person, to e" fl nf the H"ht tlHe.ujt i and interest of wald tnc""Hreten tn and I to the real property hereinafter de- i sc 'hed. NOW. TI'RKFORF:. hP. ni such "Ufirdlnn. will at rV office in Roee buri' Orcon. on and -fter the h dav of November. 19-M. offer f'r nale anil p"ll a nrhate mile for canh In a sum of not less thnn the npni-aised vidue ifmm-i"u ji-io suoieci to ine connirnn llon bv said court, the In "rent of fmUI lncor"'ietent In and to t ip follawlng described real tironortv o-w!t '''he W". or the NW", and the NF:' nf NW' an-' Ih- NW of the SW', of Sec fi Two. :0 i S ran-e 7 west Wllla-'eiie Meri ! ("'oi. MoiM'l'it; r'oun'v ( Irei'on. Dated ind first published October li j 1944. I pAfL F rfTpne 1 riuicHInn nf Ihn i.h.Ia ,xt 7,.l, llo.Lt.. Incomoetenl. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice her"h' yh-en ih-tt t nn-f'nt-ulune't ha been tv the f-iintv i'.lit-i (, Ine S'"e ..f oet"m for n-.,l"- tas Countv pn-iolnted adr"'n'' imp ciair mi ninrv j.ini m' nnnv n-- ceq-nd. A persons ha'nn claims. Oti'llv f)re..tv Within h(v months from the dn'c li Dulcd " fi.- -uldLshcd this Cth day of October. 1944. DELIA McCARTI ' Y. Aftlnl"1 -f'-tv of thp I'n-itc of Marv Jnne McCarthy, deceased. P'TP f)c F'NAI St-TTi E u ENT Vnttc Is h"r''l" ii vn h-it tho nn der'n"1 h-.v fil.) h'"' d-'-ni'-t fount v Court "f Don-1 -is Conn- Mv Brecon in '. mitir .r ih, llf.p1! sa'd how nt o odock a. m." and the o'flcp of t,n Count v .huvo In Mm pouuln County coi.rl hoi,M in P'"" - HII J Oregon, nn the time and place . . (i. i;il4. nt 111 o-clock A. M In the ; I ''ounlv court r-iom In the ci'in' hiMiii n Ko-udmi ". Oomrliii county. Orccon. I t"iv )u-cn fh-'il i l ie tlini' ii"il nlii"i i for hi'inlni' ohlcrtlotis If nnv Ui-mi- li" to wild f'"'i ""counl, nnd for the sel- ' llcmcnt thereof. 1 !.! and first putdlslied Octnhcr 1 (th. l!Ml. r,. V, YOIINH Kwu'o,- of the en me of I.ulavln II ,'AVtn,r: ' ,,',,ls,Ml Mr-rtr or f'Nai. rettlement N""-',. hereby is riven Mint the I ''(M-t"nert filed his fln:i iiecnniil f the state of (U-i'von f"f Douirhis countv: that bv order of tiithl coii'-t diii- made 'Hid en- 'ii-d ' lecfiiil Tuesday, the ?0th dav T Oct. .pet, piM at ten o'clock ii'-ni Im the i.-M'-f In ItnsebiM' Oreqon have been r.nd f- ,c I' ' is e-tli-'v Keil .i Hie Urn.- 'Hi' nhU-ctl.Mls. tf i ti'i'-' f if. :i, iinint ; 1 1 1 1 1 It lent -f I UMtl.KV K V'MIK -or "t the estiitc nf Nutii K AdtnNi- used. NOTICE TO CREntTORS pc'-ons hai le-' claims aualnsl the Bint.- of M.v Hllker .te-eav h nv pen'Mne In thi county court of llou-liot countv ''fepon are bei-'-'iv not "led to uesi-nt ! same, nnmerlv verified, to the nerlet-4-n'ft fi'-'llte't .r at t-'s mc in R isebio-ir f'ei;on vHhln 'v OPEN EVENINGS l-l'-h l SpittvnitHT t 'HI! D;il,.(l S.-l.l.-nilui -v I t . . t P i J 0 M IV feV It. 1. WHM-rtE M K Mi.i. Our ie- f m3, S Ef I,f tfo Ak7 A(niiiUl i nt..r wlth wll nnnrvml .f 1 il " i-sl: f Mmnl.- M .. . . 4! lM l OS. 3 V . S I I SOT LEGAL NOTICE8 SUMMONS In the circuit eouii nt the state of OrcL'fin for Dmul'Iji.h count v. Norman 1.. Com it I on and ;-rlniflf O PlantlffB. vs. John Dot I .even, whose true ChrU thn name Ik unknown: nnd the un known he It s of Zii-h'iis I. e veils. (le-i-eased ; also all other persons or p.-it'lIcK unknown ctalmlriK any rlht. Mile, estate Men or interest In oi 1o the real t-fiile iU-s-illt-l In the rum plulnt tin flu li.-ftfnt;ioM 'I it lh ji(mi e nmi'i 1-fcii','ints ".foi n line l.e'4'ii(. host- line t'hrls M.ii n j me Is unkwm n . a nit the un it now n hei s of Z;irhui I '. en. tie reused; also all other p.-rstuis or h;m -llen unknown cl.ilmlnK any r I u'Mt 11th estate, lien or Interest In or to Hie real estate de.serlht'tt In the complaint here in " IV THK N'AMK OF Till-: STATF OK ORKOON' you lire herehy remilred to appear and answer the complaint filed innnst yiu In the a hove entltd-il court and cause within four weeks (torn the dale of the first puhiical Ion of this sunimonM. And if you f'" to so aptieai and an.swei' .sit I it c.iini-'nltit for want thereof. pliilnl iris win a-orv to the I ,ol"'f fnr 'he relief demamleit therein reuulred to ap'tear and set forth the n-'ote and character of nnv dalm, I The South twentv five ncres of land of the S'uth end of the X.ach ens I. evens Donation I,nd f'lal-n No. 37. In Township TJ South P--ne 7 Wotit of the WM'-onel t o Nfc'ttlnn. mnro pn-t ieularl v de-S'-rihed IS fo'Iows, all thai portion nt ijie fo'lowln': de" ;bed tiiop''"v hinL- South of a Mne drawn 't t7 chains North of and -uirallel in the F-Mth "Me nf " 7ai-,,"ii'-- 1 .evens Dona' ton Land Claim No :t7. And that upon the heatinif thf-reof It tie decreed that the nl ji nt if fs N'or eiin I.. Compton and Oertrude O. 'don nre the tivtic"; In fe" slm"h' of Oi. va''1 -eal nroietv ami that yon hive tit rif lit title esta'e. lien or In tcevt in or to said real propcrl v nnv ran ifc-ret.f nnd that the title of the n'-i'nMfr therein be fur-ever oub't ed against you and that wit he en hilned feoni asertlni; or ela1rnm' nnv r-'i-ht. tM'e. ef'ate. Ib-n or in't-rest In or 'o --'ttd real proner'v. ant' "itit tl l-lnlntlfi hue sn"h oih-- '-'lef ; to j !-! nav seen eouHable ritniniiin Is e e.l uik mtonai ion in inn ifnsomirc p;- i n U"-ni now--paper ()f i;r-ncrnl , clr'-'i'T ion pni' U-h-.rt 'n 0'it"'ns tv Ori'i-'m onrmmn 'o ""lev if the If.or il,'" C--' K V'linl.'-'v 'o't -e . f ' '( rh.'" nt;ile ii'l (."!! (,n tw, 'Th He- of Scptct-er 1011 Onteil fitwl nrvt f"ll ishcil the ytth dav of Sept em '" r:rni)i:s a rn v n Afirncvs f'r o'n'ntlff'-P"- Office Address. ItosehutK. Ore- noticf to r,nFr)' top .,il,.,. l ,,..rilv ..i.-cn th-i ihn iin llertenei h'.i hv iin oilier of the countv com-i ,,f poiK'Oit co-mlv. Ore y of ie es'-lli nT e v k'm "one All ;"", ' rioMfto- to at be ep '?( Sou Hi P-.r. ' O' i a f"iin'v months fioin the nrp(in n 'Miln sl r1c horcif Dated Scptcrr'- nr MYRTM.i.a Ff VTTT Pvcotrlv of te Int vlll nnd t-sta mcnl of K. K. Knimltt. deceased. noticr to crfditops All pei'vons hnvlnf rlnlmi a"'ilnst Pie cii:i f n-,.n , Ik,.,,, deci;ii( ure n"t I fed to present t he anie. rlfl.-l ns bv law reiiil i-'tl. to iwrc (Hilv iiw- ..,,,. i , .,u. rimce "1 tt. ll. Hi'Mie H'isetHii'i!. i M nn ivlth III tlx lllO'lll'S f.-nin Mo- Mot., hereof ! and flisl pnlillht-.l Sept.-niher in. itiii. It VMOND t .N'T S'' I' 1 eci'or ",- estate of I Mr a I. IVan. deceased. ' "l'n luniller. 1H1 SHOP NOTICE TO CIlEniTOlM ,'''innVy"r.Vil' ltr ' AH havlnr ,1lnw iralnl Ihe' int. II'" AVI?' !. j40 Tl Wtk. I i..l.n It Ron ,l,-,',...v,l ,...,i.. ,. VWt "v Jfr ji , priiilliii' 111 tin' , nl- i --r All Ufi-M k vS f4 3 i " rr ...n iii.i n.......f 1 AQr rf15 1 ' '..m'' .i',;,1' A',';;:,' I I - iV M ;X ff NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT 1 Vkj " pjT filt'.h.' .V;SnVv'!7.Mrt"r."'m:n ih." !5 J " Cseffii OSsw LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF HtAu rnurtnTv Notice ts hereby uiven that bv virtue! of an exerutlon and order of sate Is-1 seph W. Forrinev. deceased, has filed sued out of the circuit court of the! tn the county court of Douglas countv, S'ate of Oregon for Douglas countv. t Oregon, his final account tn settle on the .TOth day of August, 1M4. upon ment of said estate and Tuesday, the and pursuant to a Judgment and decree inth day of October. 1944. at 10 00 duly given and made In ald court on i o'clock a. m. In the county court room the 8th day of August. 1JM4. In a stilt In the court house In Roseburg, Doug for the foreclosure 'if a mortgage pend- j las county. Oregon, has been fixed as lug therein In which F K . polk was the time and place for hearing objec platnMff 'ind Addle M. Malln and Waif- tlt.ns. If any there be. to said final ac " h MaHn wre defendants which ex-1 count and for the settlement thereof, -i-otlon and oider of sale- was to me i A N fiRPtrTT -lirecte.l and commanded me to sell the! propi-ttv therein and hereinafter de ; x iiut-ti iii miiimv me iiens auu cnarges i In said decree specified. Now. therefore. 1 will on Monday r the Hh day of October. 1941. at 10:00; -io-k m me loienoon n snifi nny at -iie t-oiiTi utilise iioih noor in koi- 'leisignen, nas Keen appointed execu-'-urg MoiiL'las county. Oregon, offer .irlx of the last will unit testament of for sale and sell at public auction In Ous J,. Backstrom. deceased, and any one parcel for cash. suhect to redemp-1 one having claims against said estate Mon as jinivlded bv law. all the right are noli fled to file the same, properly title and Interest of the defendants in ; verified UK by law reuulred. with the s'dfl suit, and of all persons claiming Uald executrix at the office of Attorney bv. through or under them or either II. A. Tanuday. ut lir W. Cass street, of iIk-tm since the :nd dav of Nov m Rosehui g. Oregon, within six months h--r ;irid i., the foil (vvln de from the date of the first publication scilhf'd K-il proper! v. lo wit: ,,( this notice, numbered 5 in Ii'ock mim. i First publication September, 29th., he led r tn !he Town of Canyon- 1914. tunny. un'Bon, as the same appears of record In th office tif the county clerk of Doug In; count v. Oregon. j DTted this Hih day of September. I O. T. CARTF.R, Sheriff of Douglas county. Oregon. NOTI0F. OF FINAL SETTLEMENT the unl craned h, 5 ul 'h S nun! In the countv court of Douchi mmIv Oret'on. In the matter of estate ) f K .1 Uo"t.wiv. decea-ed said court is flved Octohfr 1911. at 10 o"-1 'ticlf a m. of said day nnd the ofrice ! f the countv tud'je In Douirlas muni v . ioMMI in nosenurg. vucgon. as Hi. i 1 ind th- tiettlement of soid estate in nisi putnisiied Septembe I'tll KD'Tif I. rr ir:r? Ailmlnlstrattlv of estate of R. J. Hollo wnv deceased Long and I-on. At torney for estate. NOTirp OF FINAL SETTLEMENT 1 NOThT-: Is hereby riven tha' tie tin-1 i aom in ist rat or has filed his fill I In '; o' .f;im R..h. (ii n;)."n -wtr'H ricciM-ofl. n"d thf. hull"' of M.. fiuntv foin-l nf ririiiiFinu ' irr"n. n-it iixi-n h rtdnv tjc- toher 21st. 1944. at ten o'clock n. m. at the of fee of the count v court tn th ir-f l-mitn in P.oseburK. Oregon, as d;iie "-n.. rnd Td-o-e for the henr oi li-itit final icio'i. Anv one hav- oht.rllon n1IIV rl'e ('imp In uald ie on or before said time of hear 'iteii this 22nil day of September. K ICR. MKT mi:f:T7kt,. Administrator. MOTIPF ntr FINAL c ETTLFMF-NT iiMlnK-t,.,!.,,- of t k,i. nt K'-n ' hereby uU-es no , 'i-itv n-c-.n his flved October 'N ''I at ten c'l'lnrlf a. m as the time mil the countv court room In the court i iv ( -it " ,t(,n,lri, Hon (Has countv. revon a 'be place for he-rir i-tbtec i-tns ' -'nv i. to the final ac- iiif' of lic rif-ifnt "i lot Dated September 'St "11 a.iii .L . . . ' Kent deceased. j NOTICE TO CREDITORS All pervon h-vln" clalme iu"ilnt Ihe tile -if ':l1h, 'Vyc'-off. deceased OPEN SUNDAYS . n.'nrlm,! In Ih,. ,tv iv-iirt nf Js"-,,,",,"k ffiZm. gWmlm. I"i-':i ntv Onwin mi- lwi;-jm - - p? V LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Or FINAL SETTLEMENT The undersigned administrator with the will annexed nf the ptrnm nf Jn- Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Joseph W. Foidney, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' .'ottce is nereny given, that the un- alma m nnn Executrix. Inst will and testament of Ous L. Ilai'kstrom. deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT t Notice is hereby given that the un j derslgned administratrix -of the estate oi luiu a. Willis, deceased .has filed her final account In the county court ' ..PSny- .9". said court has fixed Monday, the 23rd dny of Oc- tooer. nt tne nonr or ten o-clock In ibe forenoon, and the county court room In the courthouse at Roseburg. Oregon, as the time and place for hear ing said final account and oblectlons thereto If linv nnd for the settlement I tn(l of. and for order of distribution. Da'ed and first published September ROSK BTTZKR. Adm'nlstrntrlv of the eh tate of I.ulu A. Willis, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Ih hereby given that the un dersigned has been, hy order of the countv court for Douk)" countv. Ore iron, duly anpolnted administratrix of the eptiip or I honns C. Johns, deceas ed. AH oersons having cln'nis against i sahl estate are hereby notified to pre-, sent the same, duly verified as bv law required, to the unde-slened. a the J law of'ice of Ira B. Riddle. In Rose hurjr. Douglas countv. OreRon. within j slv months from the date of this notice. Date-i 0nd first published September AONFS V.. JOHNS. AdmlnKtralrtx of tl estate of Thomas C. Johns, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby Riven that the un dersigned has filed ht final account In the countv court of Douglas county. '"in. in inn mmipr oi ine estate or -,.. ' .. n,.,ntml SV miJ . I of the county Judne In the Douclas 'county court room. In the Douglas countv coitrt house of Rosehurc. Ore ( eon. the t"ie and plnep for harlnr i oli tect tons. f nnv, to snid nccnunt and the settlement of M pptnto j TONATZ MAVFRFD , Fvpcntor nf the palate of Herman J. ivttuwin necenseo. I onK anrt L,,n- "orneys for estate. i - 1 ! You can always be sure of this the coffee in the Hills Bros, vacuum-packed glass jar and the Hills Bros, red glassine-lined carton is exactly the same blend of the finest coffees obtainable. Our, registered trade-marks, the familiar "Arab" and "Red Can Brand," which appear on both containers is our guarantee of this. Although there's no difference between the Hills Bros. Coffee in these two types of containers, there is a difference between Hills Bros. Coffee and other coffees. One of the reasons is because of the way Hills Bros. Coffee is roasted . . . a little at a time instead of in bulk. This exclusive Hills Bros, process Controlled Roasting eliminates variations in flavor because it prevents under roasting or over roasting. The result is that every pound of Hills Bros. Coffee you buy has the same matchless flavor. Since the Wartime Package is not vacuum-packed, for freshness' sake, buy only one pack age at a time. MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS .rr nceJcd in thf fields and ranncrm ro help hin-est vital food crop. Regular wages for full or parr time work When vour local call comes sin up with Farm Labor Office or County Agricultural Aent. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT No. 4326 In the county court of the state ol Oregon for the county of Douglas. In the matter of the estate of Walter Daniel Smith, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Guy Cordon, as administrator of the estate of Walter Daniel Smith, deceased, has filed his final account and that the county court of the state of Oregon for Douglas county has fixed Monday, the 16th day of October. 14. at th hour of 10 GO a. m. as the time In th court room of the county court, stati of Oregon for Douglas county at th ' re3an Ior. "u'aa "unty at tn , l?urt, houe Rometiurg. pr.xon. the placv fur hearing objection. If any mere oe, to sum iinat account. GUY CORDON. Administrator of the estate of Walter Daniel Smith, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice 'Is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the last will and testament of Watson E. Boise, deceas ed, has filed his final account In the county court of Douglas county, Ore gon, and said court has appointed Tuesday. October 31. 1944. at 10:00 o' clock In the forenoon in the county court room In the court house In Rose burg, Doui'las county. Oregon as the time and place for hearing oblectlons. If any, to said account and the settle ment thereof. All persons Interested are notified to file their oblectlons. If any, to said account, at or before the time appointed for hearing. Dated September 29. 1914. EUCKNK B. BOTSE. Executor last will and testament of Watson K. Boise, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE HEREBY Is given that Monday, October 23rd. 1944. at 10 o' clock a. m. at the county court room In the court house In Roseburg. Doug las county, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objec tions, If any there be. to the final ac count filed hy the undersigned admin istratrix in the above entitled court. HELENE NACHTER. Administratrix of the estate of John Stephen Naehter, deceased. C D D Q D Q Cocktail Bar Tnd. iurka DR. S. W. AASEN VETERINARIAN Office and Small Animal Hospital Located at address formerly occupied by DR. NICHOLAS Phone 663 426 Beacon St. Residence 716-J Roseburg, Ore. House Don't worry because you are unable to get wood siding. We have just received a carload of Asphalt Roll Siding. This Siding is an excellent product; presents a fine appear ance, requires no painting; easily applied and is economical in cost. Applied over sheating or you can moderniie your home by applying over old siding. See this new material at COEN LUMBER COMPANY Floed and Mill streets Phone 121 DINE and DANCE THE WILLOWS - - - - Saturday Oct. 7th 0 fvl? 1 1 t Rt UhtOt Siding 0