f EIGHT ROSEBURS NEWS.REVIEW, ROSEBUftS, ORESOR PRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1944. Hollandia Base Of Japs Receives Hews Hammering ALLIED MEAD QUARTERS, Soulhwest Pacific, April 14 (AP) Fifth army uirforee plan r a scourged Hollandia, Dutch NewGuinea, Wednesday with. 322 tons of bombs and thousands of maehlnegun and cannon shells, Gen. MacArthur reported today, making it 1,334 tons of explo sives poured on the Japanese base in accelerated attacks of the past two weeks. While bombers and attack DOUGLAS MARKET 230 N. Jackson Telephone 350 HAMBURGER Lean and fresh (6 pU.) lb ABC SAUSAGE Your favorite break fast meat (3 pts) lb 25c PORK ROAST8 29c 1 pt.) lb SEE OUR HAMS Special, (3 pts.) lb. 35C BACON, heavy of light, lb. .... 25c CHICKENS, colored roasting, lb 35c WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES. planes smashed shipping, air dromes and supply dumps, Light ning fighter pilots knocked down eight enemy planes and damaged 10 more. One American plane was lost. Two of the destroyed enemy planes fell to Capt. Richard I. Bong of Poplar, Wis., whose guns have, latoopd. a total score of 27 victims to give him the new American record for aerial com bat victories. Smoke rose 10,000 feet above battered Hollandia as the Ameri can planes withdrew, leaving de struction which Included a 2,000 on freighter sunk and two small freighters, seven coastal vessels and several barges afire In Hum boldt harbor. In a recent communique Mac Arthur said that 288 Japanese clanes bad been destroyed at Hpl lundia, but the ships In the har bor and the efforts of intercept' 'ng planes to ward off the more than 200 attacking aircraft Wed nesday Indicated that the enemy had brought in. reinforcements in li dogged effort to keep their last big base on the northern New Guinea coast In operation. Senator Cordon to broadcast From Pendleton Tonight United States Senator Guy Cor don, who was chosen by Governor bnell to succeed the late Charles L. McNary, and who also has the distinction of occupying, tempo rarily at least, the seat In the senate which formerly belonged to Daniel Webster, will speak from Pendleton over a state-wide network tonight at 7:15. This will be the senator's final talk In his campaign for the republican nomination to succeed himself in the U. S. senate, before return ing to Washington by plane to resume his official duties. A dinner In the senator's hon or has been arranged by his Pen dleton supporters. While in eastern Oregon Sena- Really Good Butter Takes No More Points! You call get the best by asking for MEL O-MAID BUTTER , None Better at your grocers. MADE BY DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY Bring us your cream we pay top prices. Jackson and Douglas Telephone 340 F OUT OUR WAY Bw J. R. William ' C- f& VEH, I'M OH, i HAT MAKES ARE WCLE-AMIKl'UP Y ME WORE1 ABOUT NAY j VOL) - I TH' CELLAR FUTURE.' I LIVE IKJ AM r TRY IMG .V I'M ALLU APARTMENT AKf HAVE S7 TO MAKE -f W A HAVIW TO MO CELLAR, ATTIC, YARD HIM U- - CLEAN) UP ) OR GARAGE TO CLEAN).' FEEL. jV,A V SUMPIM.' J I'M MOT GETTIM' PROPER.' j BETTER . TRAIN I M' IN INDUSTRY A, OR 7frT V AN1' IT SCARES ME 7 WORSE? 1 1 i"J5IC rsrSH rn-n ifl jGiFviSba x. &r -:... 1 m?Yt&wwi m mmm THP fOMFOCTFR t. . a u. . mt. of. J I i t v-ui iruis i cr copr w by nc sebvic J New Zealand Troops Score in Cassino Battle Mm - wm -r r i it "W , 2 Former Willkie States to Choose Delegates Today (By the Associate! Press) Some indication of who is going to inherit the New Eng land following that had Tx-en gen erally conceded to Wendell L. Willkie may come today when Maine and Connecticut choose their delegates to the republican national convention. Willkie himself has made no public move since dropping out of the running, and the activity in one or tils former political strongholds took on fresh pi quancy with the sudden resur gence of a draft-MacArthur-for-president movement. Connecticut, first state, to vote solidly for Willkie four years ago, names lb delegates today but they probably will go to the Chi cago convention without instruc tions. And the field Was left wide open when House Minority Lead er Joseph W. Martin of Massa chusetts told them last night that the republican party has "a num ber of good men" qualified for the presidency. Maine republicans choose the first six of their 13 delegates aft er hearing their convention chairman. Rep. Margaret C. Smith, warn against permitting "the glamor of apparent victory to blind us." Maine' also was strong for Willkie in 1940. More Backing For F. R. .Meanwhile President Roosevelt appeared likely to pick up somr more fourth term support at a scheduled meeting today of Mich igan democrats, who will name convention delegates holding 38 votes. Democrats gathered also in Minnesota, where they were ex pected to merge with farmer la borites preparatory to selecting 24 delegates to the democratic national convention tomorrow. . Tomorrow will be another busy day for the republicans, with Ari zona picking 8 delegates, Idaho 11 and Virginia completing its slate of 19. Iowa democrats will name a fourth term delegation with 20 votes the same day. ular fancy, for all of Its early crudeness, and development was rapid. The $120 box office take at the first public showing was the herald of an Industry that soon dealt in fabulous costs and fabulous salaries Tne average American family throws away 400 pounds of. Xood every year. Sixty-one per cent of the Bur mese men and 17 per cent of the women are literate. - Come in and let us check your car. If your motor is sluggish and dirty you can have it mechanically flushed with the new Motor Vifalizer at the C. A. Patchett ASSOCIATED SERVICE STATION Across from the Rose Hotel. Oil Changing Lubrication Washing Battery Charging - 1 With smoke of battle still lingering on scene, these New Zealand infantrymen home In Cassmo as they look lor enemy snipers during heavy lignum tougheat single point In battle lor t (NEA Telcphoto) ' search partially demolished for possession of German stronghold, sIow Stfnners frAAoft n Donrl'v Havoc Bomber STORE FOR SALE (One of the owners leaving for Army Duty) This , store is doing e volume of $6,000.00 monthly end buyer cen have immediate possession. This fine store is equipped with latest modern equipment which in cludes an 8-(t. lighted Super-Cold refrigerated showcase for meats, etc., a large Super-Cold refrigerator for milk, beverages, etc. Store equipment includes National Cash Register, 2 Addinq Machines, Plat form Scale, several Toledo and Day ton scales of new design, in fact, all the necessary equipment to do busi ness. The stock of groceries and dry goods is complete. The full cash price is only $12,000. Listed Exclusively with o WILLIAM A. OERDING, e O REALTOR O 124 West Cass Street Roseburg, Oregon. Telephone 213. ' l- ; ' ' ' V' K- :J zfl- 1 : Film Industry 50 Years Old; First Show Netted $120 NEW YORK, April 14. (AP) loday marks the 50th anniver-1 sary of the motion picture indus try. . I On the night of April 14, 1894, Thomas A. Edison's kinetoscope was shown to the public for the first time in. a converted shoe store on Broadway. It was reported that $120 was taken in that night. The forerunner of today's huge movie palaces permitted only one spectator at a time to view its I picture through a peep-hole. But ' the projector principle was suc cessfully demonstrated, and the principle. Is the same as that of projectors today. I I i ne urst Kinetoscope pictures cic unci, xu-sei-unu aiiairs, ueai Ing with such subject matter as I Annie Oakley displaying her pro wess with a gun, dancing girls, men In comic situations and the like. The pictures were photo graphed In a box-like building, called the "Black Maria," at Edi son's West Orange, N. J plant. J The new medium captured pop- COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, APRIL 16 Beginning at 11:00 o. m. AT I. W. BOOTH RANCH FORTUNE BRANCH COW CREEK ON THE HI-WAY Right South of Azalea TERMS: CASH The following livestock, farm implements, household furniture, etc., will be offered for sale: LIVESTOCK HORSES Black Percheron Stallion; 10 years, 1600 Pounds; Black Mare, 9 years old and Colt 1 month; Heavy Work Horse; Saddle Horse. ; . ' ,' ' CATTLE Durham; Jersey; Guernsey; several head "Just Fresh" and "Springers"; Bulls; Durham-Guernsey 1 year old; Black Angus, 3 mos. old; several yearling heifers and steers. SHEEP AND HOGS 100 Feeder Pigs; 1 Boar; 5 Brood Sows; 4 Stags; 16 Head Sheep; 5 Lambs. FARM IMPLEMENTS 3 Mowers, 1 nearly new with power takeoff; Cultivator; Disc Plow; 3-Horse Plow; 2 DeLaval Cream Separators; Milking Machine; Work Harness. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and many miscellaneous ar ticles and equipment. Note: This auction is open bring in what you wish to sell. Jay Anderson, of Eugene, Oregon, Auctioneer (NBA 7WeiiA.mil A power turret housing two .50-caIlbcr machine pins Is the latest addition to heavy fire power of this deadly Douglas A-20 Havoc bomber Just off the assembly line at Douglns' Santa Monica, Cal., plant. The Army reveals that the famed bomber now packs nine ,50-callber guns. tor Cordon will Inspect the site of the proposed Umatilla rapids dam on the Columbia river. Sen ator McNary Is generally credited with having secured Bonneville dam for the Pacific northwest, and Senator Cordon, who has re- . talned all of the late senator's Washington staff, has announced that he will curry on where Sen ator McNary left off with all de velopment projects which will be i benetlclal to the state. Air Scout Troop Here Sponsored by Eagles Organization of a troop of air scouts Is being sponsored in Rose burg by the Eagles lodge. Pat terned in many respects after the Hoy Scouts of America, the or ganization places special empha sis upon aviatlon. Enrl Henry has been appointed scout lender and a group of lodge members form the troop committee. The next renulnr meeting will bo held Wednesday, April 19, at 7:30 p. m. Boys IS years of age and old er are invited to be present. The first postal service In America was Inaugurated on Mav 1. 1693. between Portsmouth, N. H., and Philadelphia. Angelenos Lead League; Portland Drops fo 4th Spot (By the Associated Press) Scorinff once on thpir tnno hm hits of the ball game and again on a pair of errors by Second Sacker Gaviollo and an outfield N.v. the undefeated Los Angeles AnL'el onntlnnnH thnh- way last night with a 2-0 victory over the Sacramento solons. Portland, losing to San Fran cisco 5-3, dropped from second to the foot of the first division, giv ing wnv to San Dieun. u-hleh orlo. ed Oakland 76, and Hollywood, wnose lone lenin-lnning tally bested Seattle 1-0. The Los Angeles vletorv who simply a case of the Angels tak- in HuvHiuage oi tne breaks. Powers, Senator right hander, gave out onlv two hits, hnih in the second Inning and enough to score Russell who had walked. In the Seattle llnllvunnH nlnoh Tincup gave up only one hit for i ne tt aimers in the regulation nine lnnines hut pnvn im n h, on balls and a collection of !n- gles In the extra Inning to fill Jones' game-winning single to right field. League Standings. W. L. Pet. Los Angeles 4 0 1,000 San Diego 4 2 .667 Hollywood 4 2 .667 Portland 3 2 .600 San Kranclsco 2 3 .400 Seattle 2 Oakland 2 Sacramento .....0 .333 .333 .000 Vital Statistics BORN SHERMAN To Mrs. Erta' Sherman, Tenmile, at Mercy hos pital, Thursday, April 13, a i daughter, Linda Lou; weight sev-i en -pounds fifteen ounces. , j MARRIAGE LICENSES PEARCE-LYONS Ralph Wal ter Pcarce and Mabel Victoria Lyons, both residents of Roseburg. AN AMAZING OFFER The makers of Dr. Parker's Corn Remover will give you double your money back if it fails to remove your corn or callous. Only 35c et Chap man's Drug Store. PORK CHOPS. 6 pts. lb. 37c SIRLOIN STEAK, 10 pts., lb. 36c BACON, 1 pt., lb. 55c HAM, 3 pts., lb. 35c OPEN EVENINGS it V u OPEN SUNDAYS ine oases ana set tne stage for