Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 17, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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$ "4
Sunday nU 1 iwU sr
948 West
First St. Wm.
Ross, pastor.
Sunday: "The birth and the in-
, fancy of Jesus," Is the lesson
for Bible school which begins at
9:45. Morning worship hour
starts at Jl. The .Christ Ambassa
dors .service will be at 6:30. This
week .thore is to be formal Re
bate as to whethor the young
people of today are faced with
more temptation ithan those of
yesterday. Miss Dormalee Bunn
will be in charge. Children's
church will begin at 6:45 with
Mrs. Albert Martin teaching. The
evening evangelistic service will
begin at 7:30. The regular Tues-,
day prayer meeting will start at
7:30. This Thursday there will be
the presentation of our Christ
mas program. We welcome you
to be with us and worship' the
Lord. We also Invite you to tunc
in our radio broadcast on Tues
days from 5 to 5:15,
Sunday school convenes at 10.
Evening worship at 7:30. The
Christmas program is Thursday
evening. Gene Elliott, pastor.
10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m,
morning worship. Prayer meet
ing Tuesday .evening. The Christ
mas program is Thursday eve
ning at the school house. Gene
Elliott, pastor.
10 a. m.. Sunday school. IX a. m.
morning worship. The Christ
mas program is Wednesday eve
ning at .the school house. Gene
Elliott, pustor.
The pastor will bring a Christ
mas message at the 9:45 service.
Sunday school convenes at 10:45,
Gene Elllot,t, pastor.
477 South Jackson street. John
W. Strom, pastor. After the Sun
day school hour which teg Ins at
10 a. m. .we arc having a special
service In honor of our boys in
the armed forces. With the pas
tor giving a message in 'this re
gard. The Sunday evening meet
ing will be held at 7:30. The an
nual Christmas progrum will
take place Wednesday evening at
7:30 p. m. You are welcome to
.all of these services.
. Lane and Jackson streets. Rev.
Morris H. Roach, Th. D. minis-
tcr, Mrs. Max Pennie, organist,
, Mr. E. S. Hall, choir director. Mr.
G. W, Blake, Sunday school
Supt. ,
t The Christmas message will be
the theme for the morning and
evening services at the Prcsby
terlan church. Mrs. H. K. Joslyn
will sing "Jesu Bambino" at the
11 o clock service. The morning
sermon will bo "Glory to God in
the Highest," and the evening
sermon "ChristmasWust What
You Want."
The senior high school glee
clubs will present a special pro
gram at the First Presbyterian
. church on Wednesday at 8 p. m.
These groups are under the di
rection of Miss Phoebe Haw
thorne. Calendar for the week:
v Sunday, Organ Chimes, KRNR
9:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:50 a.
m:; morning worship, 11:00 a.
( m.;-Junior C. E., 4:30 p. m.; C. K.
Societies, 6:30 p. m.; evening ser
vice, 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday: Boy Scouts, 7:30 p.
Wednesday: Glee club concert,
8:00 p. m.
Thursday: Radio Bible class,
rvuem, JI.J3 a. m.; choir
tlce, 7:30 p. m.
rriday: Bible Adventures,
. KRNR, 5:00 p. m.
Saturday: Pastor's Scrap Book,
KRNR, U:15 a. m.
Cor. Douglas and Kane Sis.
Lrn B. Flsliback, minister, Fran
res Linlolt, organist, Jessie Wag
goner, choir director.
The Blbie school meets at 9:45
a m. with Veil Miller as Supt.
Our Christmas program and tree
will be Thursday evening Dec.
23 at 7:30 p. m.
The sermon subject al 10:45 a.
m. will be. "The Christmas Mes
sage of Yesterday and Today."
'I he choir will sing "We Three
Kings of Orient Arc," wiih lnc.
dental solos by Edwin Harvey,
Pale MrKarland, and Lawrence
Moore. The Women's- oliorus will
King "The Angel's Song.
Al 6:30 p. m. ,thc Christian En
deavor society will have n Fire
side Christmas service at (he
Fishback home, 143 S. Kane St.
Each one is lo bring a .white gift
for our .Christmas basket.
At 7:30 p. in. we dismiss our
.evening service to attend the
Christmas Cuntuta at (he First
Methodist church. Kememler,
you arc always welcome at the
"homelike" church.
Rinke A. Feenstra, pastor. "We
vv ui auifJ uic -vJ4i lai vimu o mi:
theme for .the Methodist church
school Sunday morning, Decem
ber 19. With carols and scripture
reading the children o the
church will tell the story of the
First Christmas. They will bring
their White Gifts for the unfor
tunate of our own community
and money for the poor of the
world. This service begins with
Christmas music at 9:45 with Vi
vian Miller at the organ and Mrs.
Myrtle JBurr at the piano. Class
es will meet in their departments
until 10 o'clock when the service
will begin in the auditorium. "Ex
Changing Gilts With God" is the
subject that Rev, Feenstra will
use at the morning worship hour.
This service will close with the
singing of the "Hallejujah Chor
us" from Handel's "Messiah."
'.'Gloria In Excelsis" a sacred can
tata using Mendelssohn's music
to the Christmas Story will be
sung at the evening service at 8
p. m. Everyone Is welcome .to
these services. The program ,by
the children will be given on
Christmas eve, Dec. 25, Friday
night this year. Wo say with
Tiny Tim: "God Bless Everyone
of You!"
Communion service at 8 o'clock
Churoh school at 9:45. Holy Com
munion and sermon at 11. Arch
deacon H. R. White, officiating.
400 E. Douglas, Rev. Leonard
T. Hannon, pastor, 835 Wlnchrs
ler St. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Mis. Roy Denny, superintendent.
Morning worship ",5'l praise ser
vice. Christmas uommunion
Young people's service at 7 p. m.
Evangelistic service at 8. Christ
mas program Tuesday evening at
(Missouri Synod), Corey and
Military streets, West Roseburg.
The service of Sunday, Dec. 9,
begins at 11 a. m. The sermon
topic is "the Christian's Prepara
tion of the King's Coming." This
is the fourth of a series of Ad
vent sermons entitled. "The Com
ing of the King." The Sunday
school meets at -9:45 a. m. All
children are asked to bo present
on time since the first part of
the Sunday school session will be
used in rehearsing for the Christ
mas service. A special song ser
vice will be hold Friday, Dec. 24
(Christmas Eve) beginning at 7:
30 p. m. The choir will sing,
"Cantlque de Noel" bv Adams.
The Sunday school will tell the
Christmas sttTly. We most cor
dially invite all to attend our ser
vices and Sunday school. The Lu
theran Hour will be broadcast
Sunday over KRNR at 1 p. m.
Tune in, write in, tell olhers. The
choir meets tonight at the church
lor Its regular rehearsal. W. A.
Sylwestor, 1170 Military street,
312 E. Douglas street. Regular
services Sunday at 11 a. m. Sub
iect of Lesson: "Is the Universe.
Including Man, Evolved bv At
omic Force?" Silnday school con
venes at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday
evening meetings which Include
testimonies of healing and re
marks on Christian Science are
held at 8 o'clock. The Reading
room at 317 Perkins building is
open dally except Sundays and
holidays from 10:30 a. m. lo 4:
30 p. m. Here the Bible and all
authorized Christian Science lit
erature, may be read, borrowed
or subscribed for. The public Is
cordially Invited to atlend the
church services and to visit thrgon, within six (61 months from
Reading room.
Harvard and Umpqua streets.
Tillman Houser, pastor.
At 10:00 Mrs. Gwen Houser
will lead the Sunday school. The
pastor will lead the morning
worship hour at 11:00. Rev. D. L.
Fcnwtck conference supt. will
bring the morning message. This
service will be concluded by a
communion service.
The Y. P. M. S. meeting at 7:00
will lie led by Tillman llouser.
The evening service will begin at
The Sunday school Christmas
program will he Wednesday eve
nlng at K:(K). All Sunday school
pupils will take pail atid they
certainly invite everyone, espo
dally their parents.
Five miles west of Sulhetlin.
Tillman Houser, supply pastor
The Sunday school will lie led
by Wesley Jefrrles at 2:00 p. m.
Kev. D. F. 1'enwlik, conference
superintendent will bring the
afternoon message at 3:0(1 p. in.
The evening young people's ser
vice will be at 7:30.
The Christmas service will be
announced Sunday ultcrnouu,
Rev. H. P. Sconce, pastor. "The
Low Down on Santa Claus" is
the sermon topic Sunday night,
7:30, at the First Baptist church.
Is it right to teach children there
is a Santa Claus? Should church
es have a Santa Claus on their
Christmas programs? Where did
the Idea of gifts and cards origi
nate? How many wise men came
I from the East? When was Christ
j " -wvi-i ut mullets
will be sung Sunday evening
"The Crowded Out Christ" is
I he sermon topic Sunduy morn
ing at eleven. Mrs. Grace Deets
and a group of young people will
render special music.
! iAU members are urged to be
present Sunday evening to con
sider a very important item .of
The "old fashioned" Christmas
program of the Sunday .school
and church will be held Thursday
evening at 7:30.
J. K. Howard, minister. "Let
Us Go to Bethlehem" will be the
text of the sermon at 11 a. m.
Bethlehem will hold the spot
light this coming week. We will
all go there in Imagination, at
least. And why? The evening ser
vice at 7:30 will continue tin
Christmas theme. Come to thes.'
services and lot us give Chris!
his place in our hearts as we
cross the threshold of another
Christmas week.
The Christmas program of th-;
Sunday school will be rendered
on Friday evening. To this all arc
invited, especially the children.
Legal Notices
In the county court of the state
of Oregon for Douglas county.'
In the matter of the guardian
ship of Amanda M. Kirk, incom
that under and pursuant to an
order of the above entitled court
made and entered 'he above en
titled matter on th ;th day of De
cember, 1943, authorizing the un
dersigned as guardian of the per
son and estate of Amanda M.
.Kirk, an, incompetent person, to i
sell the real property hereinafter
described; I
Now, therefore, I, John E. Pin-!
kerton, as such guardian will at'
the office of Hallmark & Geddes
in Roseburg, Oregon, on and af
ter the 17th day of January, 1944,
offer for sale and sell at private
sale either for cash or for part
cash and the balance upon such
terms as might be confirmed bv
said court and subject to confir
mation by said court the follow
ing described real properly be
longing to said estate, to-wlt :
Lot Seventeen (17), Block
Ten (10), Walte's Addition to
the City of Roseburg, Doug
las county, Oregon.
Dated and first published De
cember 17, 19-13.
Guardian of the person and es
tale of Amanda M. Kirk, an in-.
""'"-'em prison. j
Ms-riOT -p
'vi-ncuuuna i
Notice Is hereby eivon that the
undersigned has been bv order
of the county court of Douglas
county, Oregon, made and enter-
ou oi record appointed adminis
trator of the estale of Benjamin I
Harrison Miller, deceased. All '
persons having claims against i
said estate are hereby nolilied to I
present same as by law required!
to the undersigned at the law of-1
flee ot Long and Long, in Rose
burg, Oregon, within six (ti)
months from date of first nuhliea-t
lion of this notice, whioh is the
17th day of December, 1943.
Administrator of the estate of
lienlamin Harrison Miller, de
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been hv order of
the county court of Douglas conn-
t.v, Oregon, made and entered of
record appointed administratrix 1
of (lie estate of Grover E. Me-1
Aiisier, deceased. All ueisons i STATE OF OREGON: You are ! and place for hearing said resolu
havlng claims against said estate I hereby required to appear and tion. All persons interested are
are hereby notified lo nrrseni , answer the rrmiithii f;ii nniifir,H .... :J
same as by law required to the 1
undersigned at the law office of ,
Long and Lonu in Hosehnw w.
date of first publication of this
19I3 Wlllcn ls December 17lh,
aomini.snainx or the estate of
iii-over E. AlrAlister, deceased. !
NOTICE TO CRFnimnT" 1 h,u ,ou 'Wired lo ap
M ,ii , . i CREDIT0RS Pear and set forth the nature and
Notice is hereby given that the ! character of vour adverse claim
undersigned has Imvp bv m-der nfi in ilm f.iiinu'ino ,ioc,.,-p,.,.i i
the county court of Douulas conn-
iy. uregon, made and cnieierl
apK)lnted administratrix of the
estate of George C. Miller, de
ceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby no
titied to present the same to the
undersigned at the law ofMcc oft
Long and Long, Roseburg, Ore- i
,.,'tl, .ttllllf, MA III, II11IIIII1V I ,-.1,11
date of first publication of this !
notice, which Is December 17ih
Administratrix ot the estate of
George C. Miller, deceased.
NOTICE heivhy Is given that
January 4, 3944, at ten o'clock a.
m. at the county court room in
the rourt hous. in Rosi
Douglas county. Oregon, has been !
fixed as the time and place furjE.
hearing tibleclimis, if any there I
ne, to the fina ai-eounl filer! In-
the undersigned administrator.
Administrator Willi the will an
nexed of the estate of Alice
Fate, deceased.
Legal Notices
that January 15, 1944, at 10:00
o'clock a. m., at the- county court
room in the court house In Rose
burg. Douglas county, Oregon,
has been fixed as the time and
place lor hearing objections, if
any there be, to the final account
f ilnri hu tha iinrlnrEinnnrl orlmlri.
ISU alOr,
Administrator of James T. Under
bill estate.
NOTICE hereby is given that
January 4, 1944, at ton o'clock a.
m. at the county court room in
the court house in Roseburg,
Douglas county, Oregon, has been
fixed as the time and place for
hearing objections, if any there
bo, to the final account filed by
the undersigned administrator.
Administrator of the estate of
Remick Fate, deceased.
No. 4102
In the county court of the
state of Oregcn for Douglas
In the matter of the estate of
.CVi'ii l,und;hl. deceased. '
that under and pursuant to an
order of the above entitled court
made and entered in the above
entitled matter on the 15th day of
December, 1943, authorizing the
undersigned as executor ot said
estate to sell the real property
hereinafter described;
Now, therefore, I, Frank John
son, as such executor will at the
office of Hallmark & Geddes, in
Roseburg, Oregon, on and after
'he 17th day of January, 1944, of
fer for sale and sell at private
sale either for cash or for one
half cash and the balance upon
such terms as might be confirm
ed bv said court and subiect to
confirmation by said court the
following described Teal property
belonging to said estate, to-wit:
Lot One (1) in Block fifty
seven (57) in Railroad Addi
tion. Roseburg, Douglas coun
ty, Ore.
Also, Lots Twelve (12),
Thirteen (13), and the North
12 feet of Lot Fourteen (14),
Block Fourteen (14) of Kin
ney's Improved Plat to the
City of Roseburg.
Dated and first published De-ee-nber
17, 1913.
Executor of the Last Will and
Testament of the estate of Ged-
da J-.undahl, deceased.
that the undersigned has filed
his final account in the county'
court of the state of Oregon, for
uougias county; mat Dy order oi uoicnuanis to appear 1 and
said court duly made and enter- j answer is on or before four weeks
ed of record, Tuesday, January -from the date of the first publica
18, 1943, at ten o'clock a. m. in tion of this Summons, and the
the county court room In the court I date of the first publication of
house in Roseburg, Douglas coun-1 this summons is December 10
ty, Oregon, have been fixed as ; 1943. '
tll( tilYle Illllt ril.'IfV, fill hi,:iT-lr.,r I " PTtT B. ""0-.T Tivt,
objections, if any there be, to said
nnul account, and for settlement
l'""" -
inueti and lust nub shed this
'17th day of December. 1943.
Administrator with the will an
noxed of the estate of Gertrude
Peck Rostron, deceased.
No. 9294
In the circuit court ot the state
of Oregon for Douglas county.
E. V. Weaver, plaintiff,
W. P. Eidson and Althea Eidson,
and also all other persons or
parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or 'inter
est in or to the real estate de
scribed in Hie complaint here
in, defendants.
To: W. P. Eidson and Althea
Eidson, and also all other persons
or parlies unknown claiming any
i-igiii, line, esiaie, urn or inter
est In or lo the re:il ochiti Ho.
scribed in the complaint herein,
against you in the above entitled
court and cause within fruiruwks
trom the date of the first publics-1
inio u i mis summons, ana if you
fail so to answer said complaint,
for want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to (he court for the
rriiei uiercin demanded, a sue
Uinet si
t slalonient of which is as ,
nws: I
property, tn.wit!
The West Half (WD of the
Southwest Quarter (SWtl of
the Southwest Quarter (SV3)
of Section 18, Township 29
.smith. Range 4 West. Wil
lamette Meridian, Douglas
county. Oregon.
And that upon the hearlnir
lllf - 1 - ..llt It in .l.w........J IK...
plaintiff Is the ow ner in fee sim-
pie of said property, and that vnu
have no right, title, estate, lien
or interest in or lo the same or
nnv part thereof, and that the
title of the plaintilf to the same
be forever quieted against you
and that yon be enjoined u-um as-
ening any right, title, estate.
li 'ti or interest In the same.
Una summons is served imon I
..... ... jiiiiiiituiiuii in lnP nose- -
i-Hiii; i-ews-itcview. mn-cn.-int tn
the order of the Honorable Carl I
Wlmbcrly, judge of said court,
duly niade'aiid entered
nil the
.nil o.'ty oi iHveinlter. 191.1.
Dated and first published IV-ccmber-3,
Attorneys for plaintiff, Roccbuxc,
, Oregon.
Legal Notices
No. 9331
In the circuit court of the
state of Oregon for Douglas
N. W. McMillen and Mabel Mc
Millcn, husband and wife,
Cora Steel; Oregon and Califor
nia Railroad Company, a cor
poration. Southern Pacific Com
pany, a corporation; Morris M.
Berger, trustee; also all other
persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, es
tate, lien or interest in the real
estate described in the Com
plaint herein, defendants.
To Cora Steel, Morris M. Ber
ger, trustee, and . also all other
persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, estate,
lien or Interest in the real estate
described in the complaint herein:
each of you are hereby required
to appear and answer the Com
plaint ,of plaintiffs filed against
you in the above entitled court
:ind cause on or before four weeks
from the date of the first publi
cation of this summons, and if
you fail to so appear and an
swer said complaint, plaintiffs for
want thereof will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in
said complaint, a succinct state
ment of which Is as follows, to
wit : -
That it be decreed that the
plaintiffs are the owners in fee
simple of the following described
real property situated in the
county of Douglas, state of Ore
gon, to-wit:
That part of the North
half of the Southeast quarter
and the, .Southwest quarter
I oi me rNorincast quarter lying
north and east of the north
easterly right-of-wav line of
County Road No. 4 in section
17, TownshiD 26 South of
Range 2 West of the Wil
lamette Meridian In Doug
Jas county, Oregon, subject to
the right-of-way of property
owners on Honey Creek to a
right of easement for a road
across said real property and
premises, containing 80 acres,
more or less,
free from any and all right, title,
estate, lien or interest of the
above named defendants or eith
er or any of them, and that said
defendants and each and every
one of them bo forever enjoined
and restrained from asserting
any right, title, estate, lien or
interest in or to said premises or
any part thereof.
This Summons is served tm'nn
you by publication once each
Week for four ctieencoi.... .,nnu
in th& Roseburg News-Review, by
order of the Hon. Curl V. Wlm.
berly, Judge of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Doug-
lue r-nnnt,, ...UI..I. , . .. V
' las County, which said order is
dated December 7, 1943, and the
time prescribed in said order for
Attorneys for Plaintiffs!
..Post Office Address: Roseburg,
Notice is hereby given that the
county court of Douglas county,
Oregon on the 14th day of De
cember, 1943, duly made and en
tered its Resolution declaring its
intention to exchange the follow
ing described real property, to
wit: WiWl and the NE1, Sec
tion 28,. and the NEJSEJ, Section
10, Township 24, South Range 8
West Willamette Meridian. In
Douglas county, Oregon, with the
United States of America for the
following described O. & C. real
properly, to-wit: WJNEi, the
EJNVV'i of Section 9, Township
29, South Range 8 West Willam
ette Meridian, and the SEINE!
and the SE1, Section 15. Town
ship 22, South Range 7 West Wil
lamette Meridian, all in Douglas
couniy, uregon; and that Wed
nesday the 26th day of January.
1U44, at 10:00 o'clock n. m nf ualrf !
day at the county court room in I
the court house , at ' Roseburg,
Oregon, has been set as the time
time and place set for said hear
ing, to snow cause it any they
have why an order shniiid nt
be made authorizing the exchange
ir. atlIM lilllll.
Dated and first nnhlui.mi n,i.
17th day of December. 19)3.
County Clerk of Douglas County,
AH persons having claims
against the estate of Mary M. V.
Whipple, deceased, now end
ing in the county court of Doug
las county, Oregon, axe hereby
notified io present the same,
veri lied us required by law, to
Hallmark & Geddes, attorneys,
Roseburg, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated this 19th day of Novem
ber, 1943.
Administrator of the estate of
Mary M. V. Whipple, deceased.
NOTirp nc "
Ttt, AL
the administratrix of the es-
I'll" vi i-.rnesi jean Shm-n ,..
ceased, hereby gives notice that '
the county court of Dmmindgon. as the time nnri nkn. rr
iim.v. wit-gun, nas tixea Janu-1
arv j:m-i. jii t
ary 8, 1941. at ten o'clock A. M.
on o'clock A. M.
the county court
t house at Rose-
unty. Oregon, as
as the time, and
'"com In the cour
burg. Doul'Ijs count
the place lor hearing objections,
ii any mere be. to the fin;, I
count of said administratrix.
Dated December lo. 1943
Legal Notices
NOTICE is hereby given, that
the administratrix de bonis non,
with the will annexed, has filed
her final report in the estate of
Prudence A. Crawford, deceased,
In the county court of Douglas
county, state of Oregon, and the
court has fixed Monday, Janu
ary 3rd, 1944, at ten, o'clock in
the forenoon of said day, at his
office in the court house in Rose
burg, Oregon; as the date, time
and place for hearing on said
final report and for settlement of
said estate. Any one having ob
jections to said report are notified
to file same in said cause on or
before the time set for said hear
ing. -Dated
this 2nd day of Decem
ber, 1943.
Administratrix de bonis non with
the will annexed, of the estate
of Prudence A. .Crawford, de
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
estate of Ruth M. Blair, deceased,
"las filed in the county court of
the state of Oregon for Douglas
county his final account in settle
ment of said estate, and by .order
Df said court Tuesday, December
21, 1943, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. in
the county court room in the
court house in Roseburg, Douglas
county, Oregon, has been fixed
as the time and place for hearing
objections, if any there be, to said
final account, and for the settle
ment thereof.
Administrator of the estate of
Ruth M. Blair, deceased.
NO. 9315
In the circuit court of the state
of Oregon for Douglas county.
Edwin Mattin and Lucia M.
Mattin, husband and wife,
Harry C. Spear and Jane Doe
bpear, his wife; the unknown
heirs of Andrew C. McKenzie,
deceased; also all other persons
or parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate lien or inter
est in the real estate described in
the complaint herein, Defendants
To Harry C. Spear, Jane Doe
Spear, the unknown heirs of An
drew C. MeKonzie, deceased, also
all other persons or parties un
known claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the
real estate described in the com
plaint herein:
eacn oi you are hereby required
to appear and answer the com
plaint of plaintiffs filed against
you in the above entitled court
and cause on or before four
weeks from the 26th day of No
vember, 1943, that being the date
of the first publication of this
summons, and if you fail so to
appear and answer said complaint
plaintiffs for want thereof will
apply to the court for the relief
demanded in said complaint
succinct statement of which is as
follows, to-wit:
That It be decreed that nlain
tiffs are the owners in fee and
in possession of the followine de
scribed real property in Douglas
couniy, uregon, to-wit:
Lots three (3) and four (4)
in block fourteen (14) of
South Drain Addition to the
Town of Drain (now City of
Drain), in Douglas county,
subject only to the rinhts of Al
fred E. Esselstrom and Joyce N.
Esselstrom under an executory
contract of purchase entc.ed into
wun tne plaintiffs on the 26th
day of July, 1943; and that the
right of possession and titln to
said premises be forever quieted
in plaintiffs, and that it be fur-
tner decreed that any claim of
the defendants or either of them
In or to said premises Is without
foundation in law or In equity,
and that plaintiffs are the own
ers in fee of the said premises
and the whole thereof, free from
any and all claims and Interest
ot said defendants or either of
ihnm rf nnu IrinM ...u...
soever, and that said rle fun Horn
ma ail persons i claim ne bv.
through, or under them, or either
of them, be forever restrained
and enjoined from asserting any
right, title, estate, lien or inter
est in or to said premises or any
part thereof, and for such other
and firthcr relief as to the court
shall appear equitable.
i ms summons is served upon
you oy publication once each
week for four suewssivo weeks
in the Roseburg News-Review, a
ncwspaer of general circulation
as provided by statute, published
and Issued in Roseburg, Douglas
tuuuiy, uregon, Dy order ot the
Hon. Carl E. Wimborly, Judge of
the above entitled court, made
1943h 2"IUl l'il 0t lsiovolnbor'
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Post Office Address: Roseburg,
Notice Is hereby eiven that the
undersieiiod executrix of the :
hS,almf. V' G- Mll0llcl'i deceased,
..o.-. i in -i 1111,11 hcvouih in inc
county court of the state of Ok-
lK0" """R""8 county, and said
1 com' h!u "PPOln'ed Tuesday. De-
, eembcr 28, 1943, at 10:00 o'clock
"e forenoon, in the county I
court room n tne rnin-t hmnn u.
Roseburg. Douglas couniy, Ore-i
""uig oDjecuons. it anv,
accoun and the settlement I
thereor. All persons Interested
notified to file their objec-
. y, to said account at
rW account and the settlement I
r before tlir time appointed lor
Dated November 26. 1943.
I,eeutrl.v. Jast will and testameut
of W. G. Mueller, deceased.
Legal Notices
That the undersigned has filed his
final account in the county court
of the state of Oregon, for Doug
las county; that by order of said
court duly made and entered of
recqrd, December 28, 1943, at ten
o'clock a. m. in the county court
room in the court house in Rose
burg, Douglas county, Oregon,
have been fixed as the time and
place for hearing objections,- if
any there be, to said final ac
count, and for settlement hereof.
Dated and first published this
26th day of November, 1943.
Executor of the estate of Malinda
Catherine Morris, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been by order of
the county court of the state of
Oregon for Douglas county ap
pointed executor of the last will
and testament of Watson E. Boise,
deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are no
titled to present the same, veri
fied as required by law to the
undersigned executor at the of
fice of Rice & Orcutt at Rose
burg, Douglas county, Oregon,
within six months from the date
of this notice.
Dated November 26, 1943.
Executor of the last will and tes
tament of Watson E. Boise, de
All persons having claims
against the estate of Catherine
Nellls, deceased, are hereby no
tified and required to present the
same to the undersigned adminis
trator at Yoncalla, Oregon, or to
R. L. Whipple, his attorney, at
Roseburg, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this no
tice which is November 26, 1943.
Administrator of the estate of
(Catherine Nellis, deceased.
All persons having claims
against the estate of Alexander
H. i erguson, deceased, now pend
ing in the county court of Doug
las county, Oregon, are hereby
notified to present the same, veri
fied as required by law, to Hall
mark & Geddes, attorneys, Rose
burg, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated this 19th day of Novem
ber, 1943.
Executor of the estate of Alexan
der H. Ferguson, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administratrix of the
estate of Frederick O. Lange, de
ceased, has filed her final account
in the county court of the state
of Oregon for Douglas county and
said court has appointed Tuesday,
January 4, 1944, at 10:00 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day in
the county court room in the
court house In Roseburg, Doug
las county, Oregon, as the time
and place for hearing objections
to said account and the settlement
thereof. All persons interested are
notified to file their objections,
if any, to said account at or be
fore the time appointed for
Dated December 3, 1943.
Administratrix, Estate of Fred
erick O. Lange, Deceased.
In the ,circuit court of the state I
of Oregon for Douglas county. I
Kaymono (j. L,aurance. Jr.. and :
Ruth C. Lauranee, Plaintiffs,
1 vs.
Rose Bushey, the unknown
heirs of Rose Bushey, if deceased,
and all other persons and parties
unknown claiming any right,
title, estate, lien or interest In the
real estate described in the com
plaint herein, Defendants.
To: Rose Bushey. the unknown
hairs of Rose Bushey, if deceas
ed, and all other persons and
parties unxnown claiming any
right, title, estate.'lien or inter-1
est in the real estate described In I
U ..t!.. U 1- -Jr ......
in,.-uiiipmniL nc-it-iii, ueicnaanxs: 1
TM tup ma ni.-- mud
hereby required to appear and an.
swer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled court
and cause within four weeks from
the date -of the first publication
of Ihis summons, and if you fail
so to answer said complaint, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief
therein demanded, a succinct
statement ot which is as follows:
That you be required to appear I
and set forth the nature and
character of your adverse claim
to the following described real
properiy. town:
South half of Lot Firiecn
1151 and all of lot sixteen
(16), block eight (8) River
side Addition to the city of
Roseburg, as the same is plat
ted and of record in the of-
nce ot tne county clerk of
Domrlas ennnlv Omnnn
.u : .
mm upon me Rearing; ,
thereof t be decreed ihf n,
nl.iintlff u fh i , r
pie of said property, and that you :
nave no right, title, estate lien
or Interest in or to the same or
anv part thereof, and that the
title of the plaintiff to the same
be forever quieted against you I
and that you be cp joined from as. I
pri no un -pinto :i ., .
or interest in the I
nils summons is servea nr,
vnu hv nihiip..ti.. i A1 "' .
burg News-Rcview. pursuant to
the order of the Honorable art
E. Wimborly. Judge of sakl court I
duly mad,- and Entered orf the 1
burg News-Review. .", . !
-in tray oi (November, 1913.
Dated and fil,t published No-1
vcmoer 26th. 1943. I
A,.,0''.ne.s 'orriatntilf. ItectSV,
Legal Notices
No. 9335
In the circuit court of the state
of Oregon for Douglas county.
Umpqua Forest Industries, a cor
poration, plaintiff,
y VS.
Neenah-Oregon Land Company,
a corporation, S. F. Shattuck,
Ruth H. Shattuck, Mary E. Lar
son, Katie E. Larson, Orval C.
Schaefer, Erma L. Shaefer, Ed
mund Stafford, Elizabeth Staf
ford, B. F. Nichols and Lenora
Ellen Nichols, Rose A. Lerwill,
John Doe Lerwill, E. R. Wil
liams, J. C. Thompson, Jr.,
Douglas County, Oregon; also
all other persons and parties
unknown claiming any right,
title, estate, lien or interest in
the real property described in
the complaint herein, defen
dants. To: S. F. Shattuck, Ruth H.
Shattuck, Mary E. Larson. Katie
E. Larson and Neenah-Oregon
Land company, a corporation, and
all other persons and parties un
known claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the
pronertv described in the com-
plaint herein, defendants.
hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed
against yqy in the above entitjeciy.
wullullUknu.lL niLlllll igUI WCllYa .
from the dale of the first publi- '
cation of this summons, and if. 1
you fail so to answer said com- I
plaint, for want thereof, the I
plaintiff will apply to the court f
for the relief therein demanded, I
a succinct statement of which 1
is as follows: I
That you be required to appear '
and set forth the nature and
character ot your adverse claim
to the following described -real
property, to wii.
The South Half of the
South Half of Section 35,
Township 29 South, of Range
1 West of the Willamette
Meridian. Also the South
Half of the Northwest Quar
ter, and the North Half of
the Southwest Quarter of
Section 2, Township 30 South
of Range 1 West of the Wil-
IntTIAlta Mnpilinn
The West Half, and the I
west half of the Southeast
warier oi section 16, Town
ship 30 South of Range 1
West, W. M., the North Halt,
and the West Half of the
Southwest Quarter of Sec.
10, Township 30 South of
Range 1 West of the Willam
ette Meridian; the North Half
of the North Half. South
Half of the Southeast Quar
ter; Southeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter; Northeast
Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter of Section 2. Town
ship 30 South of Range 1
West, W. M.; the West Half
and the Southeast Quarter of
Section 12, Township 30
South of Range 1 West of .1
the Willamette Meridian, all
in Douglas county, Oregon. '
And that upon the hearina
thereof it be decreed that the
p aintiff is the owner in fee sim
ple of said properly, and that
you have no right, title, estate,
lien or interest in or to the same
?.anyrp.rt 'hP'eof. and that the
title of the plaintiff to the same
w uiiuvLT OUieied flfraincf
and that you be enjoined from 1
asserting any right, title, estate. '
lien or interest in the same.
This summons is served upon '
you by publication in the Rose- i
burg News-Review, pursuant to 1
,J?e(?.1'der ? the Honorable Carl
E. Wimborly. iudee of aia .7. :
duly made and nntora .u (
day of December, 1943. !
Dated and first published De-
t,. mo.
HALLMARfr r:tpr-,i-,E.c
Attorneys for Plaintiff, Rose
burg, Oregon.
Notice- is hereby given that
the undersigned has6 be?n an
pointed administratrix of th
estate of Lulu A. Willis, deceased!
by the county court nf nn.,i
COlintV. nrnnn. , . ""1
i- .-b"". aim nas
duly -j
H.iciniiuu as sucn.
persons . h;n,inn i.
?Rai"st sai'' estate are rcoi.esiorf
: P','csc"t the same, duly verified.
tO UIC llnrlnrcirrn.l
j ".-.wu.H'it.-u ,u nor rest
donee 117 S. .T;ieko,
iJ.lC'KSOn SI rent
Orennn i,i.t.i '
mntilh. f,. ...?. ' . S.IX
lice" 01 Ulis no-
cemie?3:,1943':nit PUblis:'Cd,.v :r; "V.
Willis, drmtscd.
n.NOTICIi ls "erehy given that
the adm nistrainr h ln' 1
V ' roport 1,1 tho estate of Will
MateVo" 01 Was'eounty!
1M4 m. ,0,lrt,f,y' Ja"Hry 3rd,
1-M4, at ten o'clock in the fore
tTcon -it'1 da?' at his otflJe in
eon J101?0 Rseburg, Ore
fn, V3 hc tim? and place
for hearing on said final report
and for settlement of said esuSe
Any one havin .-i.?' 'u .os,a,.e: V-r-"""-"ons 10 said
pon are no i fieri in .
nio .- . . " "
. , - - i.i-tu clliu
cause on or be-
ore the time set r,,,- u
Dated thi o.i ...?' .
Dated this 2nd dav ,,r nA-
bir - 1W3-
Admin is! rat or
Win t Ti "ln esiato of
JUIIayner, deceased.
Ttirsri.iJ, tw. given that
ten n'H,ut
wiccmoer 2H, 1913. t
, " " " '" ac the county
n. at the couniy
Roseburg ruX "ous ,n
EonT haj'be f COUniy' re-
anl plwTor heaHn i!i ftae
any Sere "o fhr?b PC' 0nS'
Rn,,pT'Vn.1",0 muTt "ouse in
lunt fHed hv',"'"!.'
administrator in "ho i,'lvno
litlcil court. 0 cn
OLIVER li t toaw
Administia.or of the
1J 1 ... . . -"-
H. Larson, dca:a4:U,