FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1943. Sy Churches AdsfefiuRG. methodist CHURCH Rlnke A. Feenstra, pastor. "The Need bi Love's Revealing" will . be the theme of the pastor's Sun day morning pre-Christmas mes sage. The church school are pre paring for Christmas worship and Bible study at 9:45. Mr. Ma rion Felter is the general super intendent. The Christmas pro gram ol the school will be given on Friday night, Christmas Eve. The Youth Fellowship will meet , at six-thirty with Bob Krcll con ducting the business meeting and Lawrence Wiley leading the dis cussion on "Jeremiah, the Weep ing Prophet". At the evening ser vice at 7:30 Mrs. Lucloh Cbbb will sing. Mrs. Feenstra's mes sage will be on "Praying for , God's Gift". ' COUNTY 'HOLINESS ASSOCIATION MEETING WEDNESDAY On Wednesday, DecembRr i5, at 2 p. m. and at 7:30 the month ly meeting of the Douglas County Holiness association will be held in the chapel, of the Methodist church. A Missionary Prayer Band meeting will be led by Mrs. E L. Brlggs at 2 p. m. At 3 p. m. Rev. Gene Elliott, pastor of the Dillard circuit will preach. The evening meetttig will begin with a Praise service led by the Rev. Leonard Hannoh; pastor bf the Nazarene church, and group sing ing led by the pastor of the Pil grim Holiness church, John Strom. These, services are espe cially planned for the deepening and enrichment of a vital Chris tian experience sd tnuch needed by the church today. TH6 FittSf BAP' ISt CHUfiCH "Arc We Living In The Last Days?" Is the sermon topic Sun day night, 7:30. Is the world get ting better or worse? Will Chris tianity die out or have a new birth In America? Will this be the last war? Will the Russian, Chinese, U. S. and British pact . bring permanent peace? Miss Dorothy Felt will sing "Come Untp Him" from the Messiah. "God's Unusual Choices" is the sermon topic Sunday morning at cleveri. Frank Grubbe will be the soloist. The departmentalized Bible school meets each Sunday morning, 9:45. YoUth groups and art adult group meet each Sun day evening, 6:30. Members and friends rejoice over the fact that twenty-two hundred dollars came In last Sunday for the World Emergency Forward Fund. , ST. PAULS LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri synod), Corey and Military streets, West Roseburg. The Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. Our Sunday school Is now Rehearsing for the special Christ inas Eve service. The Service be gins at 7:30 p. m. The topic is, ' "The Signs of Christ's Coming." This Is the third of a series of Advent meditations. The text Is Luke 21; 29-38. WC most cordially Invite all, especially those having no church-home to attend our service and, Sunday school. The Lutheran Hour will be broadcast Sunday over KRNR at 1:00 p. m. Tune In; write in; tell others! The choir meets Sunday evening lifter service for a short rehears al and also on Friday at 7:30 p. m. The Mid-Week Bible class meets Thursday, December IB, at 2:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. R. Hcbard. 734 South Pine: Mrs. A. Cocnenborg will be the host ess. This will be the annual Christmas party ot the class. W. A. Sylwcster, 1170 Military street, pastor. ' FIRST PRESBYTER I AN CHURCH , Lane and Jackson streets. Rev. Morris H. Roach, Th. D., minis ter. Mrs. Max Pcnnle, Organist. Mr. E. S. Hall, choir director. Mr. W. G. Blake, Sunday school Supt. "The Incomparable Book" will be the sermon topic Sunday morning In observance of Bible Sunday. ''The Sign of His Birth" will bo the evening sermon. Calendar for the week: ' Sunday: Organ Chimes, KflNR 9:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:50 a. m.; morning worship. 11.00 a. m.; Junior Christian Endeavor, 4:30 p. m.; C. E. Societies, 6:30 p. m.; evening service, 7:30 p. m. Tuesday: Choir practice, 7:30 p m.; Boy Scouts, 7:30 p. m. ; Wednesday: Prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m. . Thursday: Radio Bible Class, KRNR,-11:15 a. m, , Friday: Bible Adventures, KRNR, 5:00 p. m. Saturday: Pasior's Scrap Book, KRNR, U:t5 a. hi. CHURCH 6F Trie nXzarene ' 400 E. Douglas. A welcome ex fended to everyone. ' Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Mrs. Roy Denny, Supt. Morning wor ship 11:00 a. m. Subject, "Must Jesus Hear the Cross Albne." Young people's service 7:00 p. m. Topic, "The Call of the Pines." Evangelistic service 8:00 p. m. Midweek prayer service 7:45 p. m. DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHARLES A. EDWARDS A Christmas Prayer , Eternal God, our Father, who hast brought us. once more unto the Joys of the Ad vent season and made us glad with the yearly rememberance of the birth of thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ,, grant us grace to enter into the mys tery of His coming. We thank thee that the silence was bro ken at Bethlehem. There in gentle lowliness thy Godhead took on our human form in the child of Mary. Conceived of thy Holy Spirit thou hast visited and redeemed thy peo ple, raising up for all man kind a great salvation in the house of thy servant David, and fulfilling the words of thy holy prophets, which have been since the wdrld began, that we should be dellverbd from all our foes, both sin and death, and enter upon life Immortal, d God of light, lighten Our darkness ahd grant Us to behold thy salva tion, which thou hast prepar ed before the face of all peo ple. A light to ilghten the Gentiles and Its glory bf thy people Israel. Thanks be unto thee for thine Unsneakahlp. gift. O Geld of love, we be seech thee In our extremities, that the governments bf this troubled world may speedily be upon his shoulders whose name Is Wonderful Counselor. The Mighty God. The Ever lasting Father. The Prince of Prince of Peace, throuch him Who Is the God of the stem of Jesse and the branch that, has growh from his roots. Amen. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 312 E. Douglas Street. Regular services Sunday at 11 a. rH. Sub ject of lesson:. "God the Preserv er of Man". Sunday school cori venes at 9:45 a. m.. Wednesday evening meetings which Include testimonies of healing and re marks ori Christian Science are held at 8 o'clock The reading room at 317 Perkins building is open dai!y except Sundays and holidays from 10:30 a. ffl. to 4:30 p. m. Here the Bible and ail au thorized Christian Science liter ature may be rend, borrowed or subscribed for. The public Is cor dially invited to attend the church services and to visit the reading room. THE SALVATION ARMY 327 W. Cass street, Captain Norma Koon and Lieut. Belty mim, oillccrs in charge. Saturday, prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m., Sunday, Sunday school at 10 p. m. holiness meeting at salvation meeting at 7:30. Tuesday, Sunbeams at 4:30, Corp Cadets at 6:30, Bible studv at 7:- 30, Wednesday, Ladles Home Lea gue at 2, Y. p. Legion and club at 7-8:13, Friday, Play practice at 7. Come and bring your, friends you are welcome. PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH 477 South Jackson street. Our Sunday school convenes, at 10 a. m.. Rev. O. C. Keller, superinten dent of the Pacific Northwest District will be guest speaker at bdth the mornlnc and evenlne worship services at 11 . m. and 7:30 p. m. At 3 p. m. there will be a service held at the county home. Oh Wednesday night oilr group will meet at the Methodist church for the monthly holiness association meeting. Thursday afternoon; at 2 the ladles Bible study will be held. You are Invit ed to these services at "the little Church with the big welcome." John W. Strom, pastor, 620 East Douglas. St. QEOrJGE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Communion service at a Church school at 9.-15. Sermon at 11 o'clock. Archdeacon H. R. White officiating. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Myrtle Creek, holds services each Sunday In the Grange Hall, 3rd and Division streets tit 11 a. m. The subject of the lesson-sermon forSunflay, Dec. 12 is: "God, the Preserver of Man." A meeting which Includes tes timonies of healing, and remarks on Christian Science Is held on the first Wednesday of each month at 8 p. m. The public is cordially invited tb attend these services. TENMILE COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 9:45 morning worship. 10:45 Sunday school. F. Gene Elliott, pastor. CAMAS VALLEY COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 10 a. m. Sunday school. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. WE8TSIDE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Harvard and Umpqua streets. Tillman Houser, pastor. . Sunday school meets at 10:00 with Mrs. Houser leading. . The Pastor brines the messaeo and an offering will be taken for the church cbuncil for service men. This council sends religious lit erature to the men in service. The young peoples service is at 7:00 p. m. led by Mrs. Houser. The pastor brings the message at 7.:45. The prayer service Thurs day evening will be at the par sonage at 8:00. ' CALAPOOIA FREE ' METHODIST CHURCH Five miles west of Suthcrlln. Tillman Houser, pastor. Wesley Jeffries will lead the Sunday school at 2:00. Universal,! Bible Sunday and also church council for men in service Sun day will be observed. The young people will be led In their devotional hour by Doro thy Jeffries at 7:30 at the church. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Corner Douglas and Kane streets. Len B. Flshback, minis ter. The Bible School meets at 9:43 a. m. with Verl Miller as Supt. There IS a good teacher fbr every class and a good class rodm for every teacher The sermon subject at 10:45 a. m. will be, "Evangelize br Fossi lize." There will be a vocal solo by Mrs. Frank Poole. At 5:30 p. m. the Christian Eh deavor young people will meet at the chUfch for their 30-30-30 meeting. The sefmort subject at 7:30 p. m. will be, "Excuses We Face in Personal Evangelism." There will be a vocal solo by Betty Hahn. Remember, the "Homelike" church invites you. DILLARD COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH ib a. m. Sunday "c'-ooi.. 11 a. m. morning worshi,). Don't for get the special missionary offer ing. Prayer meeting Monday eve ning. F. Gene Elliott, pastor. LOOKINGGLASS COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. morning worship. Kathryn Montgomery will bring the mes sage. 7:30 p. m. evening worship. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hodges. F. Gene Elliott, pastor. DAYS CREEK COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school 10 a. m. Dec. 12, 1943. Miss Beulah Atherton, su perintendent. Morning worship hour 11 a. m. A cordial invitation is extended to our friends and neighbors to come arid worship with us. L. E. White, pastor. Elsenhower's Value on Poket Hand is Acclaimed NAPLES,, bee. 10 (API Gen. Eisenhower's popularity has skyrocketed throughout the Fifth army as a result of one of his recent pronouncements on the po tentiality of drawing a poker hand composed of three kings and a pair of jacks. A soldier who heard that the commander in chief has a hobby of mathematically computing odds on poker hands asked him about that particular full house. Eisenhower replied that He fuidn't actually solved the prob lem, but would guess the bdds against it would be 1,082,900 tb 1. Since then doughboys through out Italy have been doing heavy pencil and paper work. Scores of them wrote letters to the Stars ami Stripes declaring "Ike" al most hit It on the nose with his estimate. One declared, . "I've always thought a lot of the general, but now he's tops on my list of great greats." legal Notices NOTICE TO-CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate ot Mary M. V. Whipple, deceased, now pend ing In the' county court of Doug las county, Oregon, are hereby notified, to present the same, verified as required by law, to Hallmark ueddes, attorneys, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the dale hereof. Dated this 19th day of Novem ber, 1943. CLINTON JONES, Administrator of the estate of Mary M. V. Whipple, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the. undersigned has been by order ot the county court of the slate ot Oregon for Douglas county un pointed executor of the last wilt and testament of Watson E. Boise, j ui-i-riiM-u. u persons uavinu' claims against said estate arc no: tilled to piTsent the same, veri fied as required by law to the undersigned executor at the of- ee of Rice Orcutt at Rose burg, Douglas county, Oregon, wllhin six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated November 20, 19-13. EUGENE B. BOISE. Executor of the last will and tes- lament of W atson E. Boise, demised. Legal Notices NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT The administratrix of the es tate of Ernest Jean Sharp, de ceased, hereby gives notice that the county court of Dou'elas county, Oregon, has fixed Janu ary 8. 1944. at ten o'clock A. M. as the time, and the- county court room In the court house at Rose burg; Douglas county, Oregon, as me piace ior nearmg Objections, if any there be, to the final ac count of said administratrix. Dated December 10, 1943. ELIZABETH JEAN SHARP, .... Administratrix. ' SUMMONS " i - . No. 9331 In the circuit court bf the state of Oregori for Douglas county. ' . N. W; McMlIlen ahd Mabel Mc Mlllen; husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. , . Cora Steel; Oregon and Califor nia Railroad Company," a cor poration. Southern Pacific Com pany, a corporation; Morris M. Berger,. trustee; also all other persoMs or parties unkndwn claiming .any rlEht. title, es- tate, lien or Interest In the real estate described in the Cbm- maint Herein, defendants. To Cora Steel, Morris M. Bt?r- ?er; trustee, and also all other persons or parties unknown -Maiming any rleht. title, estate Men or interest in the real estate jescnoeo in me complaint herein IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; Yoii and each of you are hereby required to appear arid answer the Com plaint of plaintiffs filed against vuu in ine aoove entitled court and cause on or before four weeks from the date of the first nuhli. cation of this summons, and if you tan to so, appear and, an swer said complaint. Dlaintiffs for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint, a succinct state ment of which is as follows, tn. Wit: . That It be decreed that the plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple of the following described real property situated in the county of Douglas, state of Ore gon, , to-wit: . That part of the North half of the Southeast quarter and the Southwest quarter . of the Northeast quarter lying north ahd east of the north easterly rlght-bf-wav line of County Road No. 4 in section 17, Township 26 South of Range 2 West of the Wil lamette Meridian in Doug las county,. Oregon, subject to the right-of-way of property owners on Honey Creek to a right of casement for a'road across said real property and premises, containing 80 acres, more or less. ( free from any ahd all right, title, estate, lien or interest nf.thn above named defendants or cith er or any of them, and that said defendants and each and every one of them be forever enjoined and restrained from asserting any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said premises or any part thereof. , This Summons is served upon ybu by publication once each week for foul- successive weeks In the Roscburc News.Pnirfn,,, v,.. order bf the Hon. Carl E. Wirri neriy, jucige of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Doug las CoUntV. Which ulK nnt, I. dated December 7; 1943, and the time prescribed in said order for said defendants to appear and answer is on or before four weeks from the date of thefirst publics- iiun ui i,ii5 summons, and the date of the first publication of una summons is December 10 1943? 1 . RICE & ORCUTT, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Post Office, Address: Roseburg, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims againsi me estate Of Ole Hanson deceased, now pending in the County Court bf Douglas County Oregon, are hereby notified to uieseni tne same, properly veri fied, to the undersigned Adminis trator at his office in Roseburg Oregon, within six months from the 12th day of November, 1943. aj , H- - TARGETED, Administrator of the estate of Ole Hanson; deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Douglas county appointed executrix of the last will and tes tament of Ella Frances Patter son, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are notified to present the same, veri fied as t-equired bv law, to the undersigned executrix at the of fice of Rice-& Orcutt in Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated November 12, I'M."). IRENE SNIDER, Executrix. l.ast Will and Testa ment bf Ella Frances Patterson, deceased. NOTICe OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby elvrn tht undersigned administrator of the esiaie ot uutn M. Blair, deceased, has filed in the county court of the slate of Oregon for Doug fag "iuiiy ma nnai account in semi' ment of said estate, and hv or.lhi- of said court Tuesday, Decemlior 21, 1913, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. In the county court room In the court house In Rdseburg, Doug Ins eouifty, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, ir any there be, to said final account, and for the settle ment thereof, W. H. BLAIR, Administrator of the estate of Until M. Ululr, deceased. Legal Notices NOTICE OF FINAL : ' SETTLEMENT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the undersigned has. filed his final account in the cbunty eourt of the state of Oregon, for Douglas county; that by order of said court duly made and en tered of record, Tuesday, Decern- ner it, iotj, at ten o clock a. m. In the county court room In the court house In Roseburg, Doug las county, Oregon, have been fix ed as the time and place for hear ing objections. If any there be, to said final account and for settle ment hereof. Dated and first published this iztn day or November, 1943. PAUL E. GEDDES. Administrator with the will an nexed ,of the estate of Lovida E. Davis, also known as L. E. Davis, deceased. 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby riven that the undersigned, nas been by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Douglas countv aoooint- ed executrix of the last will and testament of John .Lee Maupin, deceased. . All persons having claims against said estate are no tified to present the same, veri fied as required by law, to the underslgnfed .executrix at the of fice of Rice & Orcutt In Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. . , Dated November 12, 1943. . JEJVNIE LEONA FISHER, Executrix,. Last Will and Testa ment of John Lee Maupin, de i ceased. No. 92&4 SUMMONS " In the circuit court of the state Of Oregon for Douglas county. E. V. Weaver, plaintiff,' ' vs. W. P. Eidson and Althea Eidsbh, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title; estate, lien or inter est in br to the real estate de scribed in the complaint here in, defendants. . To: W. P. Eidson and Althea Eidson, and also all other Dersons or parties unknown claiming any ngnt, title, estate, lien or inter est In or to the real estate de scHbed in the complaint herein. defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required td appear and answer the comrilaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this summons, and if you fail sd tb answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein demanded, a suc cinct statement of which is as follows: . That you be re'ouirod to ap pear and set forth the nature and character of your adverse claim tb the following described real property to-wit: The West Half (Wl) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1) of Section 18, Township 29 South, Range 4 West, Wil lamette Meridiuri, Douglas county, Oregon, . And that UDon the hearinc thereof it be decreed that the plaintiff is the owner in fee sim ple of said property, and that vou have no rieht. title, estate, lien or , interest in or to the same or any part thereof, and that the title of the plaintiff to the same De rorever quieted against you and that you be enjoined from as serting any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the same. This summons Is served upon you by publicstion in the Rose burg News-Review, pursuant to the order of the Honorable Carl E. Wimberly, judge of said court, duly made and entered on the 3rd day of December, 1943. Dated and first published De cember 3, 1943. HALLMARK & GEDDES, Attorneys for plaintiff, Roseburg; Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ' . NOTICE hereby is given that January 4, 1941, at ten o'clock a. m. at the county court room in- ivnni... m tiiw i-uun iiuuse in KosnrnircT j fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if any there be, to the final account filed by the undersigned administrator. ' THOMAS EPPIPNG FATE, Administrator ot the estate of Remlck Fate, deceased. J ""'"" WTO NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the undersigned, has filed his final account in the countv court of the state of Oregon, for Doqglas county; that by order ol said court duly made and enter. ed of record,-Tuesday,, December 14. 1943, at ten o'clock a. ni. in the county couM room tn thn court house in Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, have been fixed as me time and place for hearing objections, if any there be, to said final account, and for settlement hereof. , ' Dated and first published this 12tH day of November, 1913. PAUL E. GEDDES, Administrator of the estate ol Rudyard E. Davis, deceased. - NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NhTICE hereby Is given that January 4, 1944, nt ten o'clock a. m. at the county court room in the court house in Roseburg, Douglas county, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if anv there be. to the final, account filed by the undersigned administrator. THOMAS EPPINO FATE. Administrator with the will an nexed of the estate of Alice l-'uic, deceased. ' Legal Notices . NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN That the undersigned has filed his final account in the countv court of the state of Oregon, for Doujl las county; that by order of said court duly made and entered of record; December 28, 1943, at ten o'clock a. m. in the county court room in the court house in Rose- ourg, uougias county, uregon, have been fixed as the time and .place for hearing objections, if any mere De, to said iinai ac count, and for settlement hereof. Dated and first Dubhshed this 26th day of November, 1943. CURTIS BARKER, Executor of the estate of Malinda Catherine Morris, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Catherine Ncllis. deceased, are hnrehv no tified and required to present the same to the undersigned adminis trator at Yoncalla, Oregon, or to k. Li. w nipple, nis attorney, at Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice which is November 26, 1943. , JACOB NELLIS, Administrator- of the estate of Catherine Nellis, deceased. . ; NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Alexander H. Ferguson, deceased, now pend ing in the county court of Doug las county; Oregon, are hereby notified" to present the same; veri fied as required by law, to Hall mark & Geddes, attorneys, Rose burg, Oregon, within six months from flie date hereof. Dated this 19th dav of Novem ber, 1943. ARCHIE N. FERGUSON. Executor of the estate of Alexan der H: Ferguson, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Jennie M. Andrus, has been duly appointed execu trix of the last will and testament of Alice E. Bostick, deceased, and j an.y unu uaving claims against said estate is hereby notified to i)ie tne same, properly verilied as oy law required, witn said ex- ecutor, at -the law office of H. A. Canadav. 132 N. Jackson street, Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the dale of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication No vember 12th, 1943. JENNIE M. ANDRUS, Executrix of the last will and tes tament of Alice E. Bostick, de ceased. , NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby giveii that the undersigned administratrix of the estate of Frederick O. Lange, de ceased, has filed her final account in the county court of the stale of Oreeon for Douclas countv and said Court has appointed Tuesday, January 4, 1944. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day in the county court room ii: the court house in Roseburg, Doug las county, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said account and the settlement thereof. All persons interested are notified to file their objections, if any, to said account at or be fore the time appointed for hearing. Dated December 3, 1943. , CYNTHIA TRUEMAN, Administratrix, Estate of Fred erick O. Lange, Deceased. SUMMONS In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Douglas county. . Raymond C. Laurance, Jr., and Ruth C. Laurance, Plaintiffs, vs.,- ' Rose feushey, 'the unknown heirs of Rose Bushey, if deceased, and all other persons and parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the ' real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. To: Rose Bushey. the unknown hairs of Rose Bushey, if deceas- ed, and all other persons and parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or inter est in the real estate described In the complaint herein, defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are , , . ner .-ny required 10 appear and an- - the-comolaint filed aaaiiua you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from" the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relict therein demanded, a succinct statement of which is as follows: That yob be reuuired to anoear and set forth the nature and character of your adverse claim! to the following described real property, to-wit: Soulh half of JM Fifteen (15) and all of lot sixteen (16) , block eight (8) River- side Addition to the city of Roseburg, as the same is plat ted and of record In the- of- i fice of the county clerk of Douglas county, Oregon.' And that upon the hearing thereof It be decreed that the plaintiff is the owner in fee sim ple of said property, and that you have no right, tille, estate, lien or interest In or to the same or any part thereof, and lhat the'and further relief as to the court tille of the plaintiff to the same! shall .-ipjM'ar equitable. . oe ininver quieten against you ! ann mill you oe enioineit from as-1. sei ung any ngnt. tide, estate, lien or interest in Ihe same. This summons is served t:nn,1 .. . burg News-Review, oursuanl to the order of the Honorable Carl 'county. Oregon, bv order of E. Wimberly. Judge ot said court, Hon. Carl Wimberlv, Judge of i and ntefhSiki duly made and entered on the the nlrovr entitled com t m rule ? "nnv i L, n i. . "? b.jcct ons 33rd day of November, 1943. en 1!k :'2r.J day of November ! enuT rn, , h'. ,hC .finaI ac Dated and first published No-11913. 'i,', by- ,h undersigned, vember 2lilh. 1943. P.ICT onnrrr : ;i rairastrator in tho obw-c en- HALL-MARK & GEDDKS. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Roseburg, Oregon. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed guardian of the person .md itnte nf Marv Hayner, mentally diseased person, and any one having claims against said ward are notified to file the same properly verified as by law required, wan tt. a. vanauay, i his law office, 132 N. Jackson street. Roseburg, Oregon, within . six months from the date of the first niihlication of this notice- Date of first publication, No vember 12th, 1943. H. A. CANADAY, Guardian of the person and estate of Mary Hayner, a mentally dis eased person. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby given, that the administratrix de bonis non, wtth the will annexed, has filed her final report in the estate of Prudence A. Crawford, deceased, in the county court of Douglas county, state pf Oregon, and the court has fixed Monday, Janu ary 3rd, 1944, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at his office in the court house in Ross- burg, Oregon, as the date, time and nlace' for heating on said final report and for settlement of said estate. Any one having ob jections to said report are notuied to file same in said cause on or before the time set for said hear ing. . , Dated this 2nd day of Decem ber, 1943. FRANCES CRAWFORD, Administratrix de bonis non with the will annexed, of the estate of Prudence A. Crawford, de . ceased. NOTICE OF FINAL 6ETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executrix of the estate of W. G. Mueller, deceased, has filed her final account in the countv court of the state of Ore gon for Douglas county, and said court has appointed luesciay, ue cember 28. 1943, ut 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, in the county court room in the court house In Roseburt;, Douglas county, Ore gon, as the time and place for i hearing objections, if any, to r said account and the settlement thereof. All persons interested are" notified to file their objec tions, if any, to said account at or before the time appointed for hearing. Dated November 26, 1943. EDNA G, MUELLER, Executrix, last wjll and testament of W. G. Mueller, deceased. SUMMONS NO. 9315 In the circuit court of the slate of Oregon for Douglas eolinty. Edwin Mattin -and Lucia M. Mattin, husban'd and wile, Plaintiffs, vs. , Harry C. Spear and Jime Doe Spear, his wife; the unknown heirs bf Andrew C. McKenzie, deceased; also all other persons or parlies unknown claiming any right, title, estate lien or inter est in Ilia real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants To Harry C. Spear, Jane Doe Spear,, the unknown heirs of An drew C. McKenzie, deceased, also all other persons or parties un persuns ur panics claiming any right, title, lien or interest in the ale described in the com-1 known estate. real estate described in the com nlaint herein- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and i lu itpputir hmu answer uie com- plain, of plaintiffs filed against , you in the above entitled court and cause on or before four, wrens irom ine oin aay 01 imo- i vcmber. 1943. that bein; the date' of th fil-ct nnhllr.,,.! f .hi. I summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint plaintiffs for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows, to-wit That it be decreod that plain- tiffs are the owners in fee and in possession of the following de scribed real property in Douglas county, Oregon, to-wit: Lois three (3) and four (4) in block fourteen U4) of South Drain Addition to the Town of Drain mow City of Drain l, in Douglas county, Oregon. subject only to the rights of Al fred E. Esselstrom and Joyce N. Esselstrom under an executory contract of purchase ente.ed into with the plaintiffs on Ihe 2(ith day of July, 1943; and that the right of possession and tille to said premises be forever quieted in pinintiirs, and bo fur- final report in the estate of Will ther decreed that any claim of'J. Hayner, deceased, in the the defendants or either of them in or to said premises is without lounaatton in law or in equity, and that plaintiffs are the own ers in fee of the said premises and the whole thereof, free from any and all claims and interest of said defendants or either ot thehi of any kind or nature what- Mii ver, and mat said defendants aim an persons claimlne bv.Trrport are notified to appear and through, or under them, or either: tile same in said cause on or he of them, bo forever restrained j fore the time set for said hearinc and enjoined from asserting any Hated this 2nd day of Decem- .mi-,, iicii or inter est in or to said premises or any part inereoi, and for such other iras summons is served tiKin ; vou by puoiic;itio;i once each I eek four SUCC'SMln U rutln-i in the RoscimiL. Nnu;.R nowsuaiKT of pen..r.-.i" ' J;" 1 . ;ii i . ed iv stum!,. r.,,i,ii,.i... 'and issued in ' TWhm'V i Z.Z ,"i i Legal Notices - No. 9335 ' SUMMONS In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Douglas county. Umpqua Forest Industries, a cor poration, plaintiff, vs. Neenah-Oregon Land Company, a corporation, S. F. Shattuck, Ruth H. Shattuck, Mary E. Lar son, Katie E. Larson, Orval C. Sehaefer, Erma L. Shaefer, Ed mund Stafford, Elizabeth Staf ford, B. F. Nichols and Lenora Ellen Nichols, Rose A. Lerwill, John Doe Lerwill, E. R. WU- Hams. J. C. Thompson, Jr., Douglas County, Oregon; also all other persons and parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real property described in the complaint herein, defen dants. To: S. F. Shattuck, Ruth H. Shattuck, Mary E. Larson. Katie E. Larson and Neenah-Oregon Land company, a corporation, and all otner persons and parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the property described in the com plaint herein, defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publl- cation of this summons, and If you fail so tb answer said corn-, plaint, for want thereof, this' plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein demanded, a succinct statement of which is as follows: That you be required to appear and set forth the nature and character of your adverse claim to the following described real property, to-wh. , The South Half of the South Half of Section 35, .' Township 29 South, of Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian. Also the South Half of the Northwest Quar ter, and the North Half of , the Southwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 30 Soulh of Range 1 West of the Wil lamette Meridian. The West Half, and the west half of the Southeast Quarter of Section IB, Town? ship 30 South of Range 1 West, W. M., the North Half, and the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Sec. 10, Township 30 South of R.-mge 1 West of the Willam ette Meridian; the North Halt of the North Half, South Half of the Southeast Quar ter; Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; Northeast Quarter ot the Southeast Quarter of Section 2, Town . ship 30 South of Range 1 West, W. M.; the West Half ;mi the Southeast Quarter of Section 12. Township , 30 South of. Range 1 West, of the Willamette Meridian, all. in Douglas county, Oregon. And that upon the hearing thereof it he decreed that the plaintiff is the owner in fee sim ple of said property, and that you have no right, title, estate, lien or Interest in or to the same or any part thereof, and that the title of the plaintiff to the same be forever ouieted aeainst von un-i,n,i tt,f u , , I ' . J nJ('?!!lcd f.m : f'J in& tori, ,i, ,(1' Csta,c -?i,?J " s An.the samf- SU",,I"B ls sl-ivc.q upon " Vws Rnv- 'H th RT P, Pg,.rte?o' Hulv tn-n n, nntwnj IC . i voTmbioa " the " iV,i,.fi r? n i, . eemher in ? Published Do- HAT T iVVAPK- A -cr,r,ir-? a., " ... ,.K!i... G.?PD?S "l riaim!!!, Rose- burg, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that me unuersignen Has been an- poimcci administratrix nf tha estate of Lulu A. Willis, deceased, by the county court of Dnunine county, Oregon: and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned" at her resi dence 117 S. Jackson street, in Roseburg, ' Oregon, within six months from the dale of this no tice. Dated and first published De cember 3, 1943. . . . ROSE BITZER, Administratrix estate Lulu A Willis, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE ls herein- rlvnn ihut the administrator has filed his county court of Douglas county, state of Oregon, and the court u.xeu flionday, January 3rd, 1914, ot ten o'clock in the fore noon of said day, at his office In the court house in Roseburg, Ore gon as the date, time and place for hearing ti said final report and for settlement of said estate mi one naving objections to said bi-r, 1943. , , . I- deWAARD, Administrator of the estate of Will J. Hayner, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT t --tt ..... . !.",'.' - ,':',IJ,u.r - B1 "".Riven that "'" ."ceemner 2H. 10-13, at . . ' "-uuiny lm, a, jii . .un . ... omJn lp urt house in ) V li. Larson, tioa.usud.