FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEM0ER 12, 1943. 3 s -3 Sunday fU FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Cor. Douglas and Kano streets, l.on B. Fishback, minister. Th lillile school meets at 9:45 a. m. with Veil Miller as superinten dent. Several classes have joined in the Victory march the past month. There Is a well organized class for every ago. The sermon subject at 10:45 a. m. will he "The Church at Ephc sus, or was it Roseburg?" There will he a vocal solo by Jessie Waggoner. At 11:30 p. m. the young peo ple's Christian Endeavor society meets at the C. E. room with Wesley Ashworlh as leader. The sermon subject at 7:30 will he "Thou Shalt Not Kill". Spe cial music selected. Remember, you are always welcome at the "homelike" church. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERIN CHURCH (Missouri Synod), Corey and Military streets, West Kosoburg The service of Sunday hoRins at 7:30 p. in. with Sunday school at 0:45. a. m. We most cordially in vile all those havinR no church home of their own to attend our service and Sunday school. The Lutheran Hour will be broadcast Sunday over KUNIt at 1 p. m. Tune In, write in, tell others. The choir meets Friday (tonight I at 7:30 p. m. The mid-week Bi ble class meets Thursday, No vember 18, at the home of Mrs. A. Schllck, 108 Mosher street, with Mrs. C. Klnenhammer as co-hostess. This will be a politick luncheon beRinnitiR at 1 p. m. All members, and friends are most cordially invited to he present. W. A. Sylwester, 1170 Military street, pastor. CALAPOOIA FREE METHO DIST CHURCH Five miles west of Sutherlin. Sunday school is at 2 p. in. Wes ley Jefferles Is in charge. I'reai h Iiir at 3 p. m., message brought by the pastor. The youiiR people meet at 7:30 at the church. Wed nesday evening Is the prayer ser vice. Spend part of Sunday aft ternoon worshplng God with us. T. Houser, supply pastor. "CATHEDRAL OF THE AIR" Nftt-work Over K. R. N. P. 1490 Kll. SUNDAY 3:304:00 . in. l-'i'iiturlni: Hit' Ciillit'ilnil rh.iltl.s anil C.-ithrilnil Mlitc cjnai U'ltr. Also the rcut-lllilK of Harold W. Jefforlei, B. D. . D. IV. .lrf'iM-lc! has lii-m t.niiifl.'.'isllni-tin- (iiiKpi'l fur over ftiiirtt'rn yen is mill Ms ministry huri Ih-oii rnlyycil hy tens of llimisiinils. We lllvlh' ynu to .lulu Ills tumuli, nf listeners. To servo others as we would be served. DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME Cor. Pine and Lane Streets FRANK W. LONG, Manager Licensed Lady Attendant Call 112 Day or Night AMBULANCE SERVICE I. I Ji WJ V CONSERVE for WARTIME THRIFT! If jou'rr consider'ng huwnq v-mr usual iiioi.i of I,. II clothes this year, stop and recall all nt the warning vnu've read on llio dang ers nf rising prices, ll's patriotic, it's smart In save In limiting your purchasing to a minimum number "I only the necessities. Spend the money you will save for war bonds and stamps to insuie your future securilv. Have vour old clothe; cle.ined. pressed and' reconditioned lor another season of wcar.ihihty Cleaning; preserves the fabric, helps It to hold its si ,im. makes clothes fit better, last longer. Try our quality cleaning snvuv today . , . we guarantee complete satisfaction. ALLOW FOUR DAYS FOR SLRVK.L UMPQUA CLEANERS :v n. main rtipMr 4: i TV fa Sir THE METHODIST CHURCH Rlnke A. Feenstra, pastor. "Not by Bread Alone" is the text ol the pastor's message at the 11 o'clock hour this week. The church school will meet in the departments for devotional ser vices at SMS. The adult Bible classes in the auditorium, with the young people of both the senior and Junior high school and Marlon Felter will direct the worship period. The Junior and primary children meet in the two basement rooms with Mrs. Fred Soulhwick and Mrs. A. J. Star rier as superintendents. A nur sery class and n kindergarten c-iass are also found there with Mrs. Marlon Felter In charge. The young people meet at the parsonage as usual and the lea gue discussion will be at 6:30 at the- church. Al 7:30 the evening service Mrs. R. A. Feenstra will resume her messages on The Sermon on the Mount, using the topic: "Salt." WEST SIDE FREE METHO DIST CHURCH Harvard and avenue. Sunday school is at 10 a. in. Come and bring the children. Worship service al 11, the pastor preach ing. Y. P. M. S. service at 7 p. m. with Miss Nellie liaird in charge. Monday we are starling a week of special meetings with Rev. C. W. Green, of. Santa Cruz, Califou nia. The services starting al S p. m. You are invited. 'J'. Houser, pastor. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 312 E. Douglas street. Regu lar services Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject of lesson "Mortals and Immortals." Sunday school con venes at !l:4.r a. m. Wednesday evening meetings which include testimonies of healing and re marks on Christian Science an; held al H o'clock. The reading room at .117 I'crklns building is open dally except Sundays and holidays from 10:30 a. m. to !:- 10 p. m. Here the Bible and all uilborized Christian Science Ml- erature may be read, borrowed i or subscribed for. The public is cordially Invited to attend the! church services anil to visit the reading room. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Christian Science society, Myr tle Creek, holds services each ! Sunday al 11 a. m. in the Change hall, 3rd and Pivisiou streets. I The lesson-sermon for Sunday,! 9-1H W. 1 si street. Sunday set Nov. I I is: "Mortals and Immor-j vices are Itihlc school al II: 15, tills." The subject this wi.,. is: "Sam' A meeting which Includes tes- j son's l.asl Days." Morning uor limonles of healing and remarks ship al 11. Service al littisi home on Christian Science is held on,"1 :l l- '" Young people (;:.)o the lirsl Wednesday of each j Childi en's church at li:,lo. Kve- month at 8 n ,m. The public cordially Invited to attend these services. PILGRIM HOLINESS 177 S. Jackson street. You are cordially invited to attend ser vices at the little church wit It a big welcome. Sunday school be gins al 10 a. m. with an interest ing class for everyone. The pas lor will speak al lite morning worship at 11 a. m. A service will be held al the county home it 3 p. m. Key. Strom will speak in (he evening service at i :30 p. in. Wednesday night prayer meet ing will be held in the home of one of I he church members. DILLARO COMMUNITY METHODIST CHUHCH 10 a. tu. Sund.iv school 1 1 a. m. morning worship. Trayer meeting Monday evening at 7;30 F ;nne Klhott. paI'M 1 II Vjtr- SiHJK JAPAN... Mil ' ( Bur, LIKE MOST OF THEIR OTHER ASSETS, P) THE JAPS DID NOT ( ( ADOPT IT UNTIL SOMEONE ELSE HAD ) ) pFecro it S ) CHINESE PLANT 1 ( BREEDERS WERE I DEVELOPING THE ) FLOWER AS EARLY ) ) AS THE FIFTH ( CPI-B "Ml 8 MA SIfiVICE. thC. I. M. JUG. U. 5. PAT. CFf. CATERPILLARS --5S T&l HAVE NEACLV , J- 1 - V ' AS MANY MJICteS AS jjtGL-. '''jj1 ' HUMAN BEINGS'. -2"!! '' ' 51 " KLONDIKE GOLD RUSK S v'V Vi ' ' l 100K PLACE ABOUT ANSWKK: 18118. j NEXT: We're still in the , Ice Age. j THE FinST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. II. I'. Sconce, pastor. "What Keeps Men Out of the Kingdom." is the sermon topic-al the Baptist chinch Sunday morn ing al eleven. A beaulilul can dle lighting service will be pre sented Sunday evening at 7:30. This will be followed by a briel evangelistic message by the pas lor. ! rank (Ji ulilie will he the ! soloist Sunday tnorr'ng. Diii o i Ihy I'ell and othe. ill render special music Sund.ij 'vening. A di pai tmentalied liible school meets cadi Sunday morning al 9:15, Three youth groups- anil an adult group meet each Sunday evening al (i:.'IO. i lie annual venison supper, brief business meeting, ft ii World Parish day program will be combined Wednesday, Niivem "it u. nr. w. Starring, and den. h. Harms will he special gnosis for I he day. Special re cordings of addresses from ibe incident ol the Northern Haplist conventiiiii wi . i!vm.:,im -,, ine program ,m Wednesday. All members o Hie congregalion an urged In be present. ASSEMBLY OF GOD ning service at 7:30. Week day services are Tuesday, praver j '"''''ting al 7:30. Thursday f:.'IO ; preaching service and question I night. There have been a num I her of illeslions relative to Hi hlo passages that will be answer. ed Irom the pi, it lurm. j you lo worship 1 1 : i , have no church home. I C. Itoss. e invite i it on istor'w. ST. GEORGE'S CPISCOPAL CHURCH , Communion s e i v i c e at s, C'hureli school 0:45. Holy com - nuinion and sei-mon at II o'clock. ; Archdc.n on 1 1 ;. white, nftie.-it ing. I CHURCH OF THE NAZAHENE ' -100 K. I'ouglas. Uev. Leonard ' T. Ilannon, pastor. S.'i5 Winches let slri'et, Sunday school 10 a. in Mis. Kov IVnny superintendi nt 'Worship ami pi .-use service II a in. Young peoples ..ei v ice 7 p. m Subject: "Christian M.irtvrs" Leader Mrs Lois Lindley. L'van gelistic son ice S p. in. Siiliiect 'Why Men Will lac For l'hri-t." Mlilui-ek p'.iver int-i-iing 7:. eillU'sda v ev ening. TEN MILT COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH '' 15 a, in. ir.oi ii.iil: voi ship Sunday school convenes at 10 L ..hool I lene Kill. .11. past. CAMAS VALLEY METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH n Sue.dav h.. i-dne..iv li.-ne i-:ili,.tt - nan-.: past.. i 15 !' Try This New Amazing Cci'gEi Mhm Oulvoll All Other in Canodtj on Merit Alone Mode in U.S.A. THE FinST BAPTIST CHURCH LOOK I NGGLAS5 i METHODIST 'I'1-" Km .f 111 i-.t.:li ii.Ml.-m.-s lor , vil,. .., I. ,, u, ,1 in . - I X -! '' ' ' I m- f i: . I i i 1 .. 'N VlM.'l. . f .-1 . t.ii.11. Ii.l'l.' .11. Hi.'i-. . 1 I- r.-l.l. ! - .ii J r' i. in I' , ins. - - . ! , ., r ..s. i S - ... -1 ll. I l -1 . I in - .... .. .. or lM s:p. iii.,l . " -1 a .. r-i . V..U c.l .. -ii,. ; ,. ..u n-.-l tho . rrirt ..I Hn.kl.-.'y. 1 ..Ti..l'., II..U! t.n. . ., t'i'-A l; I -SIH H'ltl I'. I -.-I - . " ' ' t I" . !'. k,.-.ll,, IS,. ! .- V !-!.-, . . I l-r- . .Ml. ' . I ll -ir ' , ...l n.l .... i,.it. ,.- t . , . j. . it I I'll in .-..-Ik i, I. i' ' r -! . i - ,i v F ....1 .linn .-' -. i ; . -; . . c , . i n.i.r iu "r ii.L-. I'.isi. i I'li.i. oi.u y V rWV C&-. Era? COMMUNITY CHURCH i 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. ,m. morning worship. Kalhryn j .Montgomery will bring the mi's sage. 7:30 p. m. evening worship. Prayer meeting Tuesday eve I ninj: at 7:15. F. Gene Klliolt, pas tor. DAYS CREEK COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school 10 a. in. Nov. Li. Miss Huelah Atheiion, super intendent. Worship hour II a. m. Cordial invitation is extended to our friends and neighbors of the Pays Creek and Tiller districts to come worship with us. Levi Ii. While, pastor. 1ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Lane and Jackson streets. Rev. Morris II. Koach, Th. I)., minis ter. Mrs. Homer Grow, organist. Mr. W. G. Hlake. Sunday school superintendent. Key. and Mrs. McNeill will close i heir series of meetings Sun lay night. lo not lail to hear Mis- M.-Volll i - "" ii.o ' Him vibra-liarp. The last services of the preaching mission will be Fri day night al 7:30, and Sunday at 1 1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. A meeting ol the Sunday school teachers will be held Sunday af ter church. The business session will follow a politick dinner at noon. Sutherlin SUTHERLIN. Nov. 12 Mrs. Mall Aldropp has been in Eu gene Ihe past week with her lather, who is confined in the hospital there. Mrs. George Green assisted in the Red and While store Friday dining Ihe absence of Mis. El 'en never. The Girl Scouts and the Hoy Senilis were very busy Saumlay, selling lorget ine nuts, and had' a very suecesslul dav. Mrs. C. J. Lang ford iindetuenl ' a major operation at the .Mercy j hospital in lioseburg Wednesday.' She was reported as getting! along very nicely. j Sergeant Harry Hughes ol t hi I marines is home visiting his mother. Mi s. C. .1. Long. it il j Mrs l.aweiance Robertson I flopped and transacted business j in llosehuig Friday. Mrs l.onor Grubb and d.m.ih lir. olhe, visited in Roselilli -g lor .i ..era! ilavs last week Private Holi, irt Grady is home en a ten-day tiit loiigh visiting his wile. v. ho is making hot home v nil I:, i- mother. Mrs. I la -el Da vis. Iloli-iil i xpects to be sent oy. ,-iseas very soon. Mrs. 1 lorotliv (;in ton ,i u d I'aili'liler. Jackie Lee. and .Mrs. Hetty Morgan visited at tin- home ot the Ionian's parents. Mi .uid .Mrs, .1. A. olson. t hi- past we.-k. Mis I ni. it hy Kurt. ill anil Mrs. I tlv Morgan lell S.itlli il.-iv lor San Diego win ih.'ii husbands tr.. lined ell 1 Mi and Mis. .1 Maui a e V',::i laid lip ihe p.l-t 111 Ilil'V e they will visit Jackie I. c- a' grainlp u i lits, A I llsetl ipho h i w ith Mrs V. Cecil quite l-'ll. ll h. tt lloiga:, ai In- has is out It'll i ib ill is t t Is arain heli... bill ll.' it "ill h- ill l- .ei the g.iltl Mi s it Mi.- Union : t. nt . Maude Vcgelphol. M: A. Gilchrist, Mrs, i. k. Jertv PoMulli s vi.iiois m j;,.M and; Hi lt-1 were hu-ltl'' Mono. !,'"' ! . AN AMAZING OFFER The ma ken of Dr. Parker's Corn Remover will qive you double your money back If it feil to remove your corn or callous. Only 35c ai Chap, man'j Drug Store. Legal Notices NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OF CITY OF YONCALLA WATER I BONDS. SECOND SERIES Notice is hereby given that by resolution of the council of the city of Yoncalla duly adopted on I he 2ith day of October, 1913, and : pursuant to the terms of Ordi ! nance No. 84 passed bv the coun : i-il and approved by the mavor ion the 7th day of June, 1910, the j undersigned city treasurer of the ! city of Yoncalla, Oregon, hereby gives notice that the following bonds of the City of Yoncalla Water Lionels, Second Series, are hereby called for redemption on ; the 1st day of January, 1944, and , sairt bonds with accrued Interest will be redeemed as of said date ; at the office of the treasurer of the city of Yoncalla, Oregon. In terest will cease on slid bonds ion said date. The bonds so to be I redeemed arc as follows: Prin cioal $ 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 Nos. 1 Maturity July 1. 1941 July 1, 1915 Julv 1, 19 Hi July 1, 1917 July 1, 1!)4K July 1, 1949 July 1, 1950 Julv 1, 1951 July 1, 1952 July 1, 1953 July 1, 1954 July 1, 1955 July 1, 195 July 1, 1957 July 1, 1958 !Lr ::::. 1 and 5 0 and 7 S and 9 10 and 11 i 12, 13 and 14... 15, 10 and 17... i IS to 21, both i inclusive 22 to 25. both 1 inclusive 2000 2000 25(H) 2500 3000 3000 20 lo 30, both inclusive ... 31 to 35, both inclusive 30 to 41, both inclusive 12 lo 17, both inclusive ... IK lo 50, both inclusive Julv 1. 1959 1500 I ins nonce is published subject to the nrovisions of uiirl n-.ii. nance No. 84, for two issues in the Roseburg News-Review a newsnaner pulilislied in rinimins coun.y, wregon HARRIET E. HOHERTS City Treasurer of the City of Yon calla, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Ole Hanson, deceased, now pending in the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby notified io present the same, properly vcri- ii. -o. oj uie undersigned Actminis I Irator at his oriice in Roseburg, 'Oregon, within six months from j the 12lh day of November. 1913. Administrator of the estate ol ole n. V. I'AKCKlK i rianson, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given thai Ihe undersigned has hon bv county court of the slale of Ore gon lor Douglas count v appoint ed executrix of the last will and testament of John Lee Maunin. deceaseil All i.... - ... . I."'"""" , i minis ilea nsi are no- linen io present the same, veri lied as required by law, to the undersigned executrix at the of lice o Rice ( livutt in Roseburg, Douglas -county. Oregon, within six months from the dale of Ibis tint ice. Daled November 12. 1943 JENNIE LEONA FISHER, Executrix. Last Will and Testa ment ol John Lee Maiuiin ile. ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given thai Ihe undersigned has been by ihe county court of the slale of Ore gon tor Douglas countv appointed executrix ,,f u,e last will and tes tament of Ella Frances Palter son. deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are notilied to present the rame. veri lied as required by laiv, lo the undersigned executrix at the of fice ol Rice & ( Ireoll in l',.s..l,.,.... Douglas county. Oregon, "within i six months from the date ol this i nonce. I Dated Xoyi niber 12. 1913 I ,. IRENE SNIPER. Executrix. Last Will and Testa ment ol Ella Frances Patterson deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the undersigned has filed "'count in the ooimtv his final I court ol the stale of Oregon, tor I Douglas county: that by order I ol said court duly made and en ilered ol record. Tuesday, Decern ; her I I. 1943. a I ten o'clock a. m in the county court room in the court bouse in Roseburg. Doug- las county. Oregon, 1;1Vp .,. fiv, ed as the time and nlaei- for I,,,-,,-. ing objections. II any there be, lo said final account and lor settle- I meat hereol. j 'oeo aim nisi published l-'tll day pi November. 1943. this . . I'-V'L E. GEDDES. Administrator 'with the will an nexed ol the estate nf r m irfr, E. DoVIS. also liliov.n ... I c- Pavis, deceased ! Candle Liqnhna Sprvir.-. KiSet at Baptist Church There will he an ieioi essi o candle lighline serviee f,,.- n, nearly one hinwi-,.a tented on Ihe Baptist church ser 1 vi.v flag Sunday night. 7.3o. Red. : w hue, and blue candle will h lighted and pla,vd by ;, member of each seryns man's lamily in j i.ii ge v shaped candelabra, i .Miss Dorothy Fell will sing "A j Star On The Me" and twelv Service Flag Foi . e gills dreiM-.l in wiiue rones will assist in the lighting. Pictures of the men will also tx- on display. Mrs. H. S. Check is m charge of this un usual public program. Nearly tuothlrds of all the lamb e.ucn in the United States is (Ytnsumed in the -i:,-, ti..ttli nf I I' gli. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas county ap pointed executrix of the last will and testament of George W. Burt, executor of the estate of Sara J. i vs deceased. All persons having i Graham, deceased; that the judge I Dora C. Hamilton, some times claims against the estate of said of said court has fixed Monday, j known as D. C. Hamilton, John George W. Burt, .deceased, are J December 6th, 1943, at ten o'-.Doe Jones, whose true given notified to present the same, , clock in the forenoon of said name is unknown, the unknown verified as required by law, to the: day at the court room of said heirs of F. T. Sanderson, deceas undersigned executrix at the law i court in the court house in Rose-1 cd, and also all other jiersons or offices of Rice & Orcutt in Ilose-j burg, Oregon, as the date, time parties claiming any right, title, burg, Douglas , county, Oregon, and place for hearing on said estate, lien or interest in the real within six months from the date final report. Any one having ob-1 estate described in the complaint hereof. I jections thereto, are notified to herein, defendants. Dated October 15, 1913. j file same in said court and cause, To John Doe Jones, whoso MARGARET BURT, ion or before the time and date i true give name is unknown, the Executrix of the last will and tes-! set for said hearinc. 'unknown heirs of F. T. Sander- lament of George W. Burt, de-! ceased. i NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by an or der of the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Douglas county appointed administrator with the will annexed of the estate of R. L. Stearns, deceased.; Ail persons having claims against: trix of the last will and testament said estate are notified to pre- of Lizzie Connelly, deceased, have senl the same, verified as requir-1 tiled their final account, and the ed by law. to the undersigned ad-1 court has appointed Tuesday, No ministrator at the offices of Rice vemher 30, 1943, at 10:00 o'clock A: Orcutt in Roscburg. Douglas! in the forenoon in the county county, Oregon, within six ; court room in the court house in months from the dale of this no tice. Dated October 15, 1943. LOYAL FAY STEARNS, Administrator with the will an iof. All persons interested are no-! nexed of the estate of R. L. itified lo file their objections, if j Stearns, deceased. ! any, at or before the time ap ! ; pointed for hearing. i NOTICE OF FINAL Daled Ocloher 29. 1943 SETTLEMENT E. G. CLOAKE and ' The administrator of the estate j LUCY "LEE CLOAKE, i of Cassia E. New land, deceased, j Executor and executrix of Ihe hereby -gives notice that the! last will anil testament of Lizzie county court of Douglas county, I Connelly, deceased. i i (JII'Kon, has fixed November 2i, I at o'clock a. m. as i the time, and the county court room in the court house tit Rose burg, Douglas county, Oregon, as the jilace for hearing objections, if any there be, to the final ac count of said administrator. Dated October 29, 1943. MAURICE J. NEWLAND, Administrator, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In (lie county court of Ihe slate of Oregon for Douglas county. Notice is hereby given that No vember 20th, 1943, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. in the county court room in the courthouse in Roseburg, ! ."'cOM- li:is lm'n fixed as the tune and place for hearing ob jections, if any there he. to the: linal account filed bv the under-! ' si-'nprl administrator in Ihe above-1 I entitled court. .1. V. J.U.M., Administrator of the estale of O. ' E. Brand, deceased. i NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims; against Ihe estale of C. If. 1 lei-1 weg, deceased, now pending in the County Court of Douglas i-ounty. Oregon, are hereby noti-: lieu io piescni ine same, vim tied quired by law, to Hallmark ,fc Geddes. attorneys, Roseburg, Oregon, within six 'months from the dale hereof. Daled tins 5,1 h day ot Novem ber, 1943. PAUL IIELWKG, Administrator with the will an nexed of Ihe eslate of C. 14. Ilehveg, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Xo:i.'o is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed guardian of the person and estate ot Mary Havner, a mentally diseased person, and any one having claims against said ward are notilied lo tile the same properly verilie.l as by law required, with II. A. Canadav. al iiis law olticc. 132 N. Jackson slice:, Roseburg, Oregon, within six monihs from the dale ot the lirst uuhlication ot this notice D aie ot first publication. No-1 v.'irbci l::ih. 1943. II. A. CANADAV, Guardian of tile person and estale ol Mary I lay nor. a mentally dis-eas'-d person. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby civon. that the undersigned, Jennie M. Andrus. has been .duly appointed execu trix of the lasl will end testament ol A'a-e E. I lost ids. deceased, and anv one having claims against Slid est ale is hereby notified to file the .same, properly verilied as hy law required, with said ex crutor. at the law ollice ot II. A. Canada. v. 1 !2 . Jackson si reel. Roseburg. Oregon, within siy months Horn the dale of the firsi publication of this notice. Dale ot lust publication No-vrmlH-r 12h. 19-13 JENNIE M. ANDR1S Executrix of the l.,st will and tes lament ot Alice K. ii.i.liek, .lo ceased. I NOTICE OF FINAL ; SETTLEMENT , NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the undersigned has tiled ,ihis linal airman in Ine county i court ot i-.c state ot ( M egon. for Douglas countv ; that hy order of I. said court duly made ami em,.,-. ed ot i.-is rd. Tuesd.iv. December 1 1 at ten o'clock a. m. in '"'"'t liou-e jn Rosetiin-L- Douglas count' . oivgon, have been ti.x. d r,e tune and place tor liparin" """"' "ons. it any there be. to said '"-'""m'- and lor settlement hereof. Dated 121 h .t.n and lirst pulilislied of Novomtw-r. 1913 this I'-U'L E GEDI'E, VlminiMraloi' of the estat. of '.unyaid I:. Davis, d.-ceased. I Ik- I'oi. j.oi.l oiv h.'.iith l.'i in ore ias. s of is. Uostir.L t h. i.'.in iv.rt.l six infantile oaralvsis . ,iv s lot :! lo,- Hu- ( to 12. Legal Notices NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is herebv given that the undersigned has filed his i final report in the County Court! of Douglas Countv. Oregon as ; Dated this 4th day of N'ovem- 'son, deceased, also all other per her, 1943. j sons or parties unknown claim- VICTOR W. SHAW, i ine anv right, title, estate, lien txecutor, Last will and Testa ment of Sara J .Graham, de ceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that Ihe undersigned executor and execu Itoseburg, Douglas countv, Ore- pon, as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, to said account, and ine settlement there NOTICE OF FINAL ! SETTLEMENT j Notice is hereby given that Ihe! Administrator of the estate ol Gertrude V. Jones, deceased, has' filed his linal account, and the1 county court of the state of Ore ' gon for Douglas countv has an : pointed Tuesday, November 23, ; 1913, at 10:00 o'clock in the fore noon of said day in the county court room in the court house in Roseburg, Douglas county, Ore gon, as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, to said account. All .persons interested! ll-e Mil I ... In li .i IKr.!,. ,.l. , :,... j. , . , , ii.-.. ii i.o., io s.nii iiccouni ai my or helore Ihe time appointed for hearing. Dated October 22. 1913 GEORGE F. JONES, I Administrator of the eslale of Gertrude V. Jones, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL j SETTLE M E M NT In Ihe county court for Doug-1 las county, Oregon. , N.'n'rri'l.' w irm.-liv r-i ,-i:-s.r ' That final account in estate of i Charles Lulman. deceaseil, lias been filed, and countv court has fixed November 20lh,' 1913 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in of said day and the oflicc nf the countv lodge, in Douglas county court room ill Roseburg, Oregon, as the lime and place for hearing ob jections to said account, if any, and the settlement ot said estate. First published Ocloher 22, 1943. ! EI.VIX R. LUTMAN and Ni IRA WILSON, , Executor and executrix of estate j of Charles Lulman, deceased. i Long and Long, attorney for t estate. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been bv the county court ot the state ol Ore gon for Douglas county, appoint ed executrix of ihe last will and testament ol E. Alice Bigelow, deceased. All persons havinu ch'ims against said estate are no- tilied to present the same, 'veri- - fied as required by aw, to Ihe undersigned executrix at Ihe of-'io fit'es ol Rice & orcutt in Roseburg. Douglas counly. Oregon, within i six months Irom the dale of ibis notice. i I '.tied ( letoher 22, 1943. ! MAN'OLA DUNCAN, ; Executrix of the last will and : testament of E. Alice Bigelow, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ail persons having claims against the estale ol Mary Henri eita C.ii'svvrll, deceased, now pending in the county court of Dou'jlas county, Oregon, are hereby notilied to present the same, properly verified, to the undei signed administrator at Yoncalla. (Megon, within six mouths irom the 22nd day of Oc loher, 191.1. W. .1. GARNER, .Vlmlnisi; at .r i.! the estale of Mary Henrietta C.irswcll, de ceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All person.-, hivin:' claims against the estale of Frank V. Bnk.T. di. 'eased, r.ow pen-ling in th- county cotiii ol Douglas county. I iregon, are hereby no tilied lo present the same, ' veri fied as required by law, to Hall mark Gi'fiiles. attorneys. Rose burg, Oregon, within six months fl-om lite date hereof. i I '.il-d tins nth d iv ol Noveti: her. Iff! oi.l. IN T BAKER, .Vlmii'i -I ; o( the estue of Frank V. Baker, deicasrd. NOT'CE TO CREDITORS Al' n-i -.ns I,,,, in-; claims .' ;.iu:st Ihe est, He of Matilda Gi o.,s, 1,. ,s ..I. now pei'ding in the county ciiitt ot Douglas c-.iuiity. oiegnti, are herein' noti tied to present ihe same, prnfier ly verilied , to ihe undersigned oh-inist.'aior at his office in Ko'-'t'iig. I'li'sin, within six n'o'ith front Ihe 2Jt:d day of Oc l"hcr, 19 i I. A N t.lil'IT the es'i'i ucvca..t'.!.,il;r il. -Mdiidl Gi Legal Notices SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County ol Douglas. , James M. Miller and Tressio L. .Miller, plaintiffs, interest in the real estate de scribed in the comnlaint herein IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You and each of you are here by i-ennired to anneal and. an. swer the Complaint of Plaintiffs filed against you in the above en tilled court and cause on or be fore four weeks from the 5th day of November, 1943, that be ing the date of the first publica tion of this Summons, and if you fail to so apt-ear and answer said complaint, Plaintiffs, for . I want tnereni win anpty to tno i.-i.uii ior ine reiiei iicinaiKieti in said complaint, a succinct state ment of which is as lollows, to wit: That von and each of you be rrouired to assert anil disclose the nature and character of any claim, estale or interest you have or claim in and to the following 'L'sci-ibed real nrnocrtv situate in the Cily of Roseburg, Douglas countv. Oregon, lo-wit: Lots numbered Seventeen ii7i and Eighteen MS) in niock Twenly-lhree, Kinneys rmprnved I'lat lo the City of Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, accordint? to Ihe of ficial nlal thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon, and subject the same to a judicial investigation that the right of nossession and title between plain tiffs and defendants may be for ever qoieled. and thai it he de creed that any claim of the de fendants and each of them is without foundation in law or in i 1 -"" "" j'K.iinii i.s ...i. . .in- in. I nets in lee ol said nre- mises and the whole thereof free from any and all claims or in i teres! of said defendants or either ; of them of anv kind or nalure whatsoever and that plaintiffs have such oilier and further re- uei as io ine court may seem just and equitable. This Summons is served upon you by publication once each week for four successive weeks in the Roseburg News-Review, a newspaper of eeneral circulation published and issued In Roseburg, Douglas counly. Oregon, by or-de- of the Don. Car! E. Wimherlv, jnilne of the above entitlerl court made on Ihe lsl day of Novem ber, 1913. IRA B. RIDDLE. Attorney for Plaintiffs. Post Office address, Roseburg, ( Iregon. NOTICF OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is herebv given that the undersigned administrator of Ihe estale of Ida L. Leatherwood, de ceased, Iris filed his final account in the countv court of the stale of Oregan for Douglas county, and the judge of said court has 'upoinled 'Tuesday. November 30, 1913, al 10:00 'o'clock in the toronoon in 1 1n- countv court room in the court hnnsn in r?o. burg. Douglas county. Oregon, as .''"' time and plei- for be.-ninc objections, if any. to said account "e settlement thereof. All ' nersnns interested are notified '''' their objections, if any to said account at or before the lime appointed for hearing. Dated I a tober 29, 1913 J. A. LEATHERWOOD. Ailmimsiialor, eslale ol Ida L Lcalhervvood, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against tie- eslale ol Christina K. knerr, deceased, now pending in Ihe ('.uniy Court of Douglas county. Oregon, nrc hereby no tilied to present the same, prop erly veri lied to the undersigned aoiniiiisliatrix with the will an nexed al her residence in Rose burg Oregon, within six months from Ihe 5th day of November, ALICE A. CHAPMAN, Administratrix with the will an nexed ol the eslale or Cliriv tin i E. Ki:e-r, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS il p.'i sons hiving claims ;';.:''n'-' "f Mary o.M".-ir.i. dicased. now pending in the county court nf Douglas counlv. Oregon, are hereby noti- in a i p.esi'tn the ame, veri- fed as loqilire.'l hy !aw, to Hall- : ..,.,.-:.. a.iorneys. i;,ise- burg, Oregon, within six months Irom the d-.te hereof. I .ii d ihis 29" h day of (.(toiler, ''A' I. E. GEDDES. I"l' Will-, the -, H. til', estate of Marv A It'iu i tir v i I'M,- sed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' ' 1 "" -'us hiving laims .',' ' 'l'1' ' ' i'e ol M ,i;d ,M. I us,,, d-e, . , aie Ivrebv no ...i'-i lo pt.-som if,,, same'veri -is icqtllied hv la.y to the IV' t n' !l '"' "'' offif- of Ira '.."I'''''. I'e: kins building in i. 'S'-oir I "..Ui'la.s cn-ito-,', fliv.. "' "I1'"" six nioiiihs irorn the ''e Ih i .,,f 1,1,-1, ,s ( h (oiler i "'.i. Ihl.i. Al'.XFR H. MARSH, vii.a.-o.sti ator of the cstd'e ct ' H. y-dco-.ucd. SX-MT' 'w !7-v ! -gy.-ww