ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1943. State High School Hi uiiu icaiii) 1 ate Hot Weekend Bill mm tsm t EIGHT H 81 HI iil DISCREET DECORATION IN SUIT DRESSES Thii famoui deiigner offcri you for fall, 1943 the jam dressed up effect with lubdued, simple em broidery. These ore suit dressos you'll wear through fall and winter. Style 2172 Style 2185' Sim M'j to 22', Sil ' 22V 14.98 to 24.75 New... Officers Coats The No. I hit of this winter season, the warm double-, breasted officer's coat a wide range of colors and sizes. 37.50 up Jumper Dresses These new arrivals in our dress department, are the latest in figure flattering gay, young apparel. Ask for a showing of these new Jumper dresses. 6.98-798 WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS n c u DEPARTMENT STORE- Si m mm Naii Army in Terribly Bad Plight In Russia but Complete Disaster Not Imminent, Opinion of Analyst Uly PKWT1T MACKKNll'i ( Associiilcil Pivss V:ir Analyst) The IkimIii (it tills ill tin t:vM ImmiiI nf I In- Hiiicpi'i- 1 1 ; 1 rividipfl n ni.tjinitudc ;itul ;i trio cily ivmmisivnt of Siulinj;i ;hI. find liki- I cpir single llii )ros'ni cii'itlict c;isis a prim slrtilow l illsitstrr ,-iuiks llli' n:iis armirs on tin1 raslrrii front. llimvviT. I think M' should no slim- in furniinc jiili:iiunt ;t tn llir I'Mcnt ol tin- German lifli cullies. Tin1 -di hi lii'aiiin.' Ititln is in a hail hnlo. lull shall tin well to slick with the ailiiicini lion 1 Milt "s'.ilfiric'nt until thi'ilav For newspaper deliveries from 6:00 to 7:00 Pleetso Call 215-L is thr evil llicreer," anil not make lamliose lnrerasls. Tnu. the iirnm is gloomy lor the nais. Kven llerlin has I n Ini-ivd In the uinveleoiiie task of pii-parint: the lone sin li ririi: Ceiiiian public for anoth er 'atrastroihe l'he only (liesllo lein.iiniiii; is what the extent o! the calami')- will be. The capital has liroaileasi r.cws of ".1 Urea' Cerman with iliaal niovenient" in the Pnic it hemi. Worried I lulerile I'har lie .Mi-t'arthys have passed on to the people the hitter information that a larpe part of their thou sand mile line has hern forced hack. Not Air-Tight Mosemv tells us thai the Her mans are throwim: everything they have Into the battle to stem the red oiisiini:ht frosli Iroops. lanks. warplanes and artillery Indications are, however, that this bloody resistance is lieinj; made, not with the idea of hold iiiK (lie present positions, but to permit of the (,'eneral withdraw al of the lone, unwieldv front without a colossal debacle. A hune number of nai troops originally totaliiin maybe half a million have been or slill are ill dancer ol Miir trapped In the onrusliiiiK reds in Ihe Pnie per bend. Those Cerman soldiers must he withdrawn so far as jkis sible. and the only way for I lie Hitlerites to keep a eatewav open for them is to slai;e ihe sanguinary counterattacks now in progress. The position is such tint whole sale disaster mii;hi prow out of it. However, the chainvs are that scores of thousands of Iroops al ready have lnvn rescued from the trap, and that many thousands more will be pulled out. No Collapse Yet When Ihe Cerman hipli com mand has salvaged all that speed iiiK time will permit, the Hitler iles w ill try to make an ordei Iv withdrawal of the w hole line anil fall hack on other prepared po sitions. Moscow Indicates that, (By MATT KRAMER) (Associated Press Staff Writer) 1 he race for the slale hi;:li school foolball championship, an : orderly eiiminalion process no I to this point, will break out in a free-for-all this weekend and Ihe only certain thing is that the I Milwaukie Maroons will emerge I undefeated and untied. I They will accomplish this by ' the simple expedient of remain I inn idle. Uul Milwaukie will be I the only unbeaten team sittinn I this one out. The others, outside I of Portland, ro into a hot and 1 heavy session that shapes up ;like this: Northwestern district- Unbea ten Newbeif! and Korest Grove, leaders of the Tualatin-Yamhill league, meet Krlduy. Undefeated Parkrose tackles Central Cuth olio, the unbeaten Porlland team that forfeited five games be cause one player was discovered ineligible. Eugene wilh a spot- s district record travels to et Corvallis, a team I hat is beginning to show strength after suffering two losses. Among the smaller teams, unbeaten Spring field engages in Koseburg In a non-district contest, and untie fritted Cottage drove plays Keedsport. Southern district Klamath palls goes Into lis last district game favored to cinch a berth In the slate title playoff with a win over Grants Pass, although the Klamath S'ock is down since a scoreless tie with Kngene in a non-district game last week. Eastern district - Milton-Free-water, winner of six straight games, travels to Maker, favored lo chalk up win No. 7. Two ether hurdles remain for Milton- ; Freewater Pendlettin and the j Dalles. Hend will tourney to Salem for oh inlet-sectional game. , The rest of Ihe bill includes: C'nquille at Marshlield, Eureka ! al Medford, Eakeview at Ash- land, Lebanon al Junction City. ! Sweet Home at University high ; of Eugene. j I Slacker Prefers Jail to Breaking Pact With Wife PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 28. John D. Slick, 4.'), is a man of his word. Arraigned before U. S. Com- I missioner Norman J. Griffin on j a charge of violating Ihe selective service law yesterday, Slick said he neglected to fill out a ques tionnaire because lie thought he wouldn't be called on account of his age. "Well, fill one out and I'll dis miss the charge," said Griffin. "Thanks," said Slick - then he hesitated. "I couldn't do that. I can't sien anythini; without asking mv wife. She and I agreed long ago never to sign anything without reading it over and telling each other," he explained. "If you don't. I'll have to hold you in $1,000 bail." replied Grif fin. Slick said he'd have lo go lo jail, and was turning away in the custody of a depulv marshal when someone suggested, "Why don't you call her up?" Slick did. his wife OK'd the project, sighl unseen, and he was released. "I'm not henpecked. Don't get that idea." Slick lold roxirtors. j "My wife and I agreed lo tell I each other everything and we keen the agreement." "Well." he said, putling on his hat, "it's been a dry session. Guess I'll go down the street and get a couple of beers." And he did --without asking anyone's permission. The American Red Cross has shipped 20.000 fishing kits for use of American soldiers. the nazis are in slow but steady retreat on the crucial sum hern front. The invaders are suffering terrible casualties and loss of ma teriel bul it's significant that no debacle has set in. (if course, the Germans are in n terribly dangerous position. Should a rout he started any where on their front, there's tio telling how far Ihe collapse of morale might spread. Still, while that possibility must be considered we should remember that thus tar the morale of the German ar mies has been top hole appar ently better than the civilian mo tale at home. Their retreat this summer to the Dnieper was a military misteipiece. and we have no right lo jump lo the con clusion thai they won't be able to duplicate Ibis feat now. Skin Sufferers? Stop Scratching! Try This PiitreM of tily pimple, nnhfn, Itching, burnint mkin dimnU'n rcsnit IiiK from eittriml irritations can ofttn be quickly itIipvpH bj (bn simple m expensive trcttttnfMit. (ivt sninll Uittlr of Moonp'n Emor Id (Ml it the nrareNt ttruf morr. I nt directed for 10 darn. Satixfaotioo fvrutd monej back. Chapman's Pharmacy Specials, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 29th - 30th RAISINS 4 lbs. 53c HONEY fisr,. 5 lbs. 1.29 OLD FASHION GRANDMA MOLASSES Quart Jar.. 45C !NSTANTP0STUM8. 39C POP CORN ffl 2 25C KRAFT MALTED MILK 5 Lb. ior 133 P A OR VELVET TOBACCO i 79C CRACKERS' T?M2 28C WALDORF TISSUE 4 Rons . , 1H CLAPPS JUNIOR FOODS Z 2H CLAPPS BABY FOODS 3 eoBS 20c Gallon cans BIFF FLY SPRAY, BORDENS OR CARNATION MILK Tall Cans, 3 for Case PERRY'S ROAST BEEF ,4.0 can TOMATO SOUP SSi 3 to DEL MONTE PUMPKIN ,..2. HILLSDALE Broken Slices 2s. can 1.2S 29C 27C 27C 33C PURITAN SALAD OIL Gallons .. 1.98 SNOWDRIFT 3-Lb. Jar 73C LEA and PERRINS SAUCE Vo'o,33' 63C POST-TENS CEREALS ,0 wh. 25C SPEAKING OF PARTIES Don't Be a Witch at Your Own BEAUTY SALON Make Your Appointment Now Mart No. 1 Telephone 522 TOILETRIES JERGENS LOTION so.. 39c KOTEX Reg. or Super, 12s 22C 2 for 43C ONE-A-DAY TABLETS 30s 49C PABLUM 18-01. Package 39C BAYER'S ASPIRIN 59C BISODOL Large So,, 89C ALKA-SELTZER 40c 49C CARTER'S LIVER PILLS 19C SWEET CIDER Gallon FRESH MODEL DONU.TS Package 18 POTATOES U. S. No. 2s, 50 lbs. 83c SWEET POTATOES U. S. No. is 3 lbs. 25c KiuiinfjiiBi j! 50 !b skl89 BALL Fruit Jars QUARTS Dozen Si C PINT! me Dozen 75C ECONOMY 4 cops 19C JAR RUBBERS 4 3 dozen 1UC MEATS HAMBURGER Ajt Pound 5UC FRANKFURTERS Pound Z9C BROOKFIELD CHEESE Pound 39C 5 1b. loaf 179 T-BONE STEAKS Grade A, Lb 4?C VEAL ROUND STEAK kt Grade A, Lb 40C ROUND BEEF STEAK ir Grade A. Lb SIRLOIN STEAK Grade A, Lb 4ZC Swifts PURE LARD 1 Lb. package RIB STEAK Grade A, Lb J J BACON m, Jowels, Lb AvC LUNCH MEAT Nice Assortment VMj Pound JVC CRISCO 1 Pound 47C MARTS STORE NO. 1 TELEPHONE 522 "IT'S SMART TO BE THRIFTY" STORE NO. 2 TELEPHONE 39 111