FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURGj OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1943. Angoft Decisions White; Bout Split By Light Failure HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 28-(AP) - Sammy Angott is still the Ji(jht weight champion, and the very last fellow to dispute it today would he Luther ( Slugger I White, Baltimore negro, who got the boxing lesson of his life lust night in 15 rounds. Jt was one of the most Interest ing and unusual fights ever held here. As the boys started the fourth round a generator failure plunged the Hollywood baseball park Into darkness, ft was an hour and seven minutes before electrisians repaired the trouble. Angoit was complete master of the situation. He went out in the first round to steal the clay from the fast-punching While. He danced uway and around the Negro and came back to deliver any number of hard, delayed left and right upperculs. This tireless smashing bad a marked effect on White over a long period of time, and in the fourteenth and fif teenth he seemed on the verge of being knocked out. Midway in the fifteenth S:im my smashed home a terrific right to the Jaw sent White out of the ring, but the Negro bounded back and continued to lake terrific punishment as he Here's a READY MARKET for your EGGS Northwest' Poultry Co.. 500 Wost Lane Phone 210 41 VS5 ( KEEPING AHEAD OF THE ) fll JAPANESE INVASION, CARRIED ( (a J "Z- ) 2o, ooo roAs or ( I A" OOCTOttS , DO LIVE LONGER THAN I THEIR PATIENTS, ON THE j AVERAGE It YOU 5AID TOMORROW YESTERDAY YOU MEANT TODAY," RUTH SPIES. NEXT: When is the next, chance of the moon? wobbled around the ring. OAKLAND, Calif., Oct. 2S --AP- Al, Ware, Oakland heavy weight, li'inke his right arm last i.igbt III the first round of a scheduled 10-rounder when he connected with Hen Moro chin and the f 'hilailelpliian was given the bout on a technical knockout. Up to that time Ware had Mo ray, staggering from a rapid-fire barage of blows. A single army motorized divi sion requires 400 Ions of supplies il.iilv. M A 13 W IS T Tribute to 0. S. C. Is Voiced on Its 75th Anniversary COnVALLfS, Ore., Oct. 28 l AiJ "The land-grant college, whenever it has been true to Its oiiginal purposes and intent, has emphasized the two most essen tial and significant qualities de manded of our citizens in win ning the war." So said Harrison C. Dale, nres- ident of the University of Idaho yesterday, in a tribute to Oregon State college on the 75th anni versary of its founding. Dale explained that "these are technical knowledge, or 'what in dustry calls 'know-how.' and those qualities of imagination, In itiative and leadership which have never been absent In the philosophy or education, to which Oregon State college has consistently subscribed." I The celebration of charter day I was small due to wartime condi I lions but more than 50 represen tatives of past graduating class es attended I he ceremonies in which robed prolessors paraded with soldiers assigned, to the tr .Tious for training, fiovji'nor SnelJ praised the col leges work white carrying on the extra burden of training men I ' I hi- armed services. Dr. A. L. , Strand, the college's president. expressed appreciation for public I support of the school and prais ; cd bis faculty. i The celebration marked the an ! niversary of the slate's first step in support of higher education, j ibe slate legislature in JSGS des I ignatcd old Corvallis college as a land-grant institution. Yes, We Have n't i t3 1 ES. 4 jt " - ttv if "a i for T You Hold the Key to Victory As farmers producing essential food, you hold the key to the health of our fighting forces. Without the food you produce, our guns, planes, and tanks would be of little use in winning this war. Plan now to keep food lines filled for the coming year by having your farm machinery put in tip-top shape. The ser vices of our skilled men and specially tooled shop are ready to help you. DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON LIVESTOCK I ' I 'I iHTLA.MD, Oct. 27 I API iWFA) -Cattle: Market steady I with late Tuesday; cows . largely i 25 cents below Monday; few me ! dium sleers 12.(10; common light j stockers 7.5050; common to me dium heifers 8.00-11.00; canner and cutter cows 4.75-0.50; com-1 nion to medium h- -' cows 7.23-1 0.50; odd good co. to 10.50; common to medium mills 7.50.S. '); some mid higher: good to choice vealers 13.50 11. 50; com- j moll to fairly good grass calves j '.1.50 12.00. flogs: Market slow; steady to 25 cents lower than Tuesday; 1 goon io choice lKo-225 Mis. 14.2a- ! lirulons Shoes 14.50; negligible Jot 11.75; 210- j Industrial Supply .-oo ins.; ngnt lignts l.i.00-13.50; food sows steady; largely 11.75 12.00; choice 120 fb. feeder pigs 13.00; weights below 100 lbs. very slow; lew sales down to 1I.50. IIP' Seven pounds of bananas, taken internally, have put Frances Ward of Atlanta in the Murine Corps. Short on weight at her first examination, Miss Ward stullcd on the tilling fruit, then was accepted. What's bother ing us is, where'd she get thr bananas? Industrial League Tea m Limits lladio .. . Sheep; Feeding lambs steady; others slow; few good to choice wonled lambs 12.50; good to choice shorn lambs No. 1 and 2 pells 11.50 11,75; medium local feeder lambs S.00; common year lings 7.00-8.00; good grades to 10.00; common ewes 2 00-2.50; good ewes salable 4.50-5.00. Coca Cola I (irimms Grocery I Blessings j Youngs Hay .. . I Harths Toggery Games Wednesday Night W L Til. .11 4 .778 .11 7 .(ill 10 8 .550 .10 8 .5501 . 8 10 .114 ! 8 10 .444 1 .7 11 .38' . 4 14 .222! held at the Eugene hotel Novem ber 2. starting at 10:30 o'clock, announces Mrs. If. A. Watzig, Roseburg, president. This is .ho second meeting of Ihe year, ,ho annual business meeting having Vjeen held in June at Oregon State college. Current problems facing hatch erymcn include equipment sup plies, the feed situation, extend ing the hatching season, and .Im possibility of ceiling prices on breeding stock, hatching '.-i,-s, chicks, and poults. Mexicans Retained to Aid in Winter Harvests PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 28.--(API Many of the Mexican la borers who helped harvest this year's crops in the northwest will remain through the winter for work in ('allies, orchards and vineyards. The War Food i.dmiuistration's labor officer here said about 100 will stay in the Rogue river val ley pear country and be housed in a CCC tamp near Modford, Oregon. Large numbers, however, will start back to Mexico next week. the ,'igenrv aid. Assn. Library Lists McClain's Thesis A thesis prepared by E. S. lit Clain, manager of the Roseburg branch of the United States Na tional bank, has been added .o the library of the American Bankers' association in New York. The thesis was written fol lowing graduation from the Graduate School of Banking at Rutgers university, New Bruns wick, N. J where Mr. McClain was a student at three summer sessions. . From among the papers sub mitted by students at last sum mer's school, 29 were selected .o be added to the library. Those of McClain -and Milton W. Rice, the latter assistant cashier of the O. S. National bank at Portland, who also was a graduating stu dent this year, being among those chosen. Of ten employees of the U. S. National bank who have attend ed the course, six have submitted papers which were placed in the association library. Mr. McClain wrote on the sub ject: "Farm Implement Financing." oregon even ts flashed from Wire service I at a ioggina operation above Hoi I land Mondny, was 'reported ' at I Grants Pass. (By the Associated Press) Death of Leon G. Currier, 63 terby, struck by a falling tree I leases on Coos county land. Marshfield oil men reported the Texas company, the British American Oil company and the Sun Oil company were seeking GOOD COFFEE MEANS . , , jji crisp, rtt Id da ys Hurrah for snappy wcadicr! Three cheers for Schilling Cofi'ce, so rich, full -flavored, satisfying! VACUUM PACKED A LOT Schilling a metteSMmary worn Bread is vitally important to our American well be ing. It adds essential vitamins, iron and other minerals to the diet. BE SURE to ask fsr PATTERSON'S "An Umpqua Valley Product" OPA VS. OPA PORTLAND, Ore. .lames Mount is district OPA rationing official, in charge of distributing 1,500,000 ration books. But Mount couldn't gel a No. I ration book- his No. 3 had never been validated. Urutons Slioes 'A. Industrial Supply 0; Blessings Grimms Grocery 1; Lunds Radio .'), Ilarths Toggery 0; Youngs Bay 2, Coca Cola 1. Remarks High individual game score: Baughman, 2.'ll. High individual series score: Baughman, 51)1. Coca Cola: I landieap Spencer .. C'hapin . Burk .. . Adams . Black Totals .117 .. 108 .. IWi 212 . 1 IS 212 1013 117 152 1(14 LSli 122 14H SS7 117 10! I 201) .' 1) 134 U15 Youngs Bay Lumber Co.: Vep up uour meals with SNOW HAKES! These grand-tasting crackers are so full of flavor they add extra appeal to everything you serve them with I PASS AROUND a IienpiiiR plate of snow flakes and the whole meal's transformed! Family appetites perk right up. Even the simplest soup or salad tastes r.rrn good. That's because snow flakes are baked of the very finest ingredients are always so fresh, so light and flaky. And how that tempt ing salty llavor brings out the best in other foods! Better buy a big red package from your grocer today. He has know vikk fresh from the ovens of the nearby Nabisco bakery. Extra fRtSH! Extra FLAM! Extra FLAVOR! Handicap C. Petersen C. Miller i. Anderson I-.'. Moore . A. Taylor .. Totals Harths Ilaiuiicif G. Loumis A. Fisher A. Koller R. Taunlund C. Cramer Totals 108 1) 1H4 153 184 21 I 1023 1'oggery: 140 120 111 !'5 212 150 Si 1 Lunds Radio: I landieap Part in G. R. Phillip: Stevenson Hoy Ynuiig Wellman Totals Gi nnm: I landieap Keck Brenner Ujals B. Ferguson Feru'tNnii Totals BlesMngs: I landieap I-' Compton 1 eh rbiicb K.niulima.'i Totals 10.1 140 15!) 105 1 i-j 174 SlK Groccrv 1 It) 2i Hi 170 123 1 IS I l.i !H 10 1 25 lli7 10S i; 142 ISO !24 IDS 15!) 153 102 175 103 U20 110 1S7 120 120 lis 10S SS0 10O 122 200 101 177 171 !H0 1 10 170 l) lltl.l Hi; 170 P0S 125 201 no no 173 171 P3S IDS 103 124 120 177 213 !I37 I III 1S5 l to 112 sr.-; urn no 1S7 2H3 130 1S1 .Til 51!) 550 533 400 4!)l 2S47 321 534 401 435 550 . 5!K) I 2U0.1 ; 420 . 4!)2 3S0 327 512 452 J5S!) 300 3S4 555 55!) 133 520 i Goblins and spooks will prowl, horns will blow, front door bells will ring on rhar night of nights, Hallowe'en! Be prepared with plenty of apples, popped corn, cook ies, cider, candy and doughnuts lor the prowlers who will derr. ir.d "Tricks or treats.". Buy your needs at Red & White today! SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY--OCTOBER 29 - 30 S23 275'.) 1 10 101 177 13.' l'l 1 I". Sir 1 25 135 1S3 It I 330 5 13 527 145 4115 II-1 71 I .Siiipl c. I l.ihihc.ip P.ivis Porter H.iniic man Fllloit i Sherman Totals Bruinns shoe I lainliijp . IV Cut ' lleliu U. Hruton ; K. Phillips Totals 11!) 103 103 131 101 150 SOU 100 IS) 121 t 12 IS7 171 !I0S 1 1!) 100 140 147 130 t'U S2I i; 107 I5S 172 13!l 13S IIP 17l 137 13S in.; :'iv 202 105 1S3 177 SSI) 1051 506 l!7 300 152 3!ll '7S7 357 511 1 100 II!) 525 125 '..'7.'W 3IS 5it0 IS1 179 50!l ISO 2X3!) fKed & White oi. isz Red & White TOMATO SAUCE 8-oz, Tin Red & White TOMATO JUICE No. 2 Tin far Blue & White CATSUP 14-oi. bottle .. 2 for 33C Baby Chick Assn. Sets Fall Meeting at Eugene The ni;inv problems no" ; frontinr. hatchery operators will I lie considered at the annual fall educational meeting of the tire i im Baby Cluck Siocution. to be ' Red & White PANCAKE FLOUR 2'--lb. Package milk N0dt Taif: 3for m HMIO CRACKERS u., 20$ BEETS "sliced No6 2 Tin 2 for 25$ PEAS Fan. y3 Sieve-No. 2 Tin Ig$ CORN Whole Kirnc! Vacuum Tjck 12-oz. Tin fcr 2$ OUP MIX "chkVen Hsorflc or Vcgcfablo, 2 3-4-07.. 2 for 1,9$ VHEAT CEREAL mT"! 2for IU rACCEC Red & White , CUrrtC Yccuun Pack Mb. jJC OYSTERS Sr: 40$ Kcd & White PIMENTOS Red & White CREAM CORN -oi .Glass Jar Red & White TOMATOES Red & White xTijCj i m cm fWBmv HftJT Ibz FLOUR ia,if! 2 3-i Lb. Tif I e Package g JF " I No. 2 Tin 2.H2 I