Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 14, 1943, Page 8, Image 8

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Select Now
Your Fur Coat
for the Future
May we advise that prices are
bound to be higher-and that fur
coats like Fishers' are able to
show you now may not be avail
able later.
We have an extraordinary
showing of the famous Benoff
Furs of San Francisco. The usual
guarantees and terms-always
dependable qualities and
values. It is our advice to select
All prices. 69.50 to 250.00 and up
Eagles Lead Off
In Donation To
United War Chest
The Eafilcs lodfje today made
the first conlriluilion toward
Hour las county's iiota in lliitcil
War Chest drive, the sum of $r0
being presented by lr. If. II Seo
field .secretary, to Tom Parkin
son, chairman of the county com
mittee. The appropriation to aid
In the war chest campaicn was
voted by the local aerie at its
regular Tuesday meeting, at
which time the initiation of a
class of .'1-1 candidates was con
ducted. New members accepted into
the orders are A. M. William,
- Ororqe I'olzln. Albert Shadlev,
W. S. Scarpi, Klpplcy Nevall, El
met' LaKavre, Sam j,cman, lintr
ert Lutes, Krnesl Teague, Kih'.ir
Vanderhoef, Harry I' Mel
vin Coons, lionald Hoard, Fran
cis Mayo, 1-:. J. Kreadman. Kve
rett Want, Howard C.iffnrd Hot)
ert ("rain. Albert Weaver. Verne
Hanson, Itiissell Parr, Jesse Mar.
tin. Ernest I lcdncpetli. Buckley
Dell, (His .Salt in, Uuy M. Con.
.less Snyder, A. K. nss"ll, Sam
Truax. ,1. .1. Panh. C. S. Camp
bell. Vii-Rll .lennle, K. C. Seely
and Elmer Hampton.
Jack Later was advanced from
outside i;uard to the oftice ol
conductor, replacing Hobert Lea.
resigned, and Al'an was elect
ed outside nuard.
The dance committee gave a
report showim; exiellent attend
nnce tit .Saturday niriht danci's
It was announced that at the
reiptlar meet lit); next Tuesday
ninht It Is planned to initiate the
class which , will complete the
aerie's membership quota of !U
for the year. New members ac
copied to dale number Nt.
Reedsport Man Crashes
Into Class "A" Bowling
HEl'nSPOHT. Ore.. ( -t. 1 I
t API -The American Howling
connress may be interested in the
performance of Krank L. Taylor
of Hecdsporl clurinc a match lea
Put S-purp9s Va-tro-nol up each i
nostril. It (1) .blinks swollen nHnn- i
brancs, (2) soothed Irritation, (.1; re
w, iicvestransientcoiitfcstion . !
bririKSKruit.Tlire.iih- fj& j
intt comfort, i-'ollow -i-
dircctiuia in folder. VATSO MOl I
i:ue name in which his team de
leated the Sanitary bakery of
Marsh field.
A score of L'ltr is class "A"
iHiwIinn, considerinn the scratch
figure of Pit), but Taylor rolled
consecutive names of 20a, 20;i
and L'O'i winch may pill him ill
the AHC record hook.
Activities Listed
By Scottish Rite
A class of ten candidates will
complete the work in the local
l.odne of Perfection wnen the
Mill decree is conferred upon
them Saturday ninbl. October
III. A delegation from Marsh
field, ineludinn (wo candidates,
will lii' in lioKohurn for the meet
ing,. Visitors from the Scottish
Kite hollies ill Eugene and Salem
are expected to he present.
Tile meetinn will be preceded
by a dinner at p. tu. at the
Masonic temple.
Tlie degrees ill the Chapter
Hose Croix wiil he conferred on
the class early in November in
order that they may be ready for
the annual tall reunion in Eu
gene. Several members of the
class will complete the work
through the .TJnd degree at the
reunion, which will be held No-veinb-r
II, IJ and l.'.
Mrs. Frank Croucher,
Native of Olalla, Dies
Mr and Mrs. Tall
have received word from Med
'onrf the death there Wednes
day id' Mrs. Krank Cruncher, n:i
live of the t Malla conimunily
Mrs. Crouclier was (be daughter
of Mr. and .Mrs. V. ;. Ki lend and
pcnt her early lite In Mougla
Surviving are her husband; a
son. ivnald Croucher. stationed
in Sol,.ane: a daughter. Mrs P.illair, New York: Ivr
mother. Mi s Addie Kr -nch. Med
ford; a sivter. Mis H-Miry (Vim
cber. and three brothers, Pale.
Charles and Chiton Kriend, aP
of .Mcdloid.
Intormaii'in has nc been re
ceived coii'-erning luneial ar
rangcinents. other than that in
termeni services will lie held a
II o'clock Saturday at the Ten
mile cemctet v.
Umpquo Savinqs and
Loan Association
Real Estate Loans
Phone 87
Working At Facility Miss
Ruth Matthi'ws has accepted u
position nt the Veterans Admin
istration facility.
Here From Olympia Gordon
Marsh, formerly of this city and
now of Olympia, Wash., is spend
ing a few days here attending 10
Attending To Business George
Johnson ,who is employed in na-
' tionai defense work in Portland,
Is .spending a few days here at-
j tending to business.
Enlists In Navy Kenneth A.
Perdue of lioseburg has enlisted
in the U. S. navy, according 10
a report received from the naval
i recruiting service at Portland.
j Returns Home Corporal Her
bert liachor has received his
honorable discharge from the U.
S. army and has returned to the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kaehor, at Days
Here From Medford Bren
Sturdier, secretary-manager of
the Southern Oregon Production
I Credit association, Medford. is
spending a few days at the local
office attending to business.
Past Presidents Club to Meet
The Past Presidents club of
George Slarmer auxiliary to
United Spanish War Veterans
will meet Friday al 1:30 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Hubert
Home On Leave Francis Wes
I ley Mode, son of Mr. and Mrs.
j Arthur Mode, and Charles Morris
: Minler, son of Mr .and Mrs. Day
( ton Minter, on leave from a navy
I destroyer, are visiting at their
! homes in Kellogg for 18 days. ,
Riversdale Grange to Meet
fiiversdale grange will meet Fri
day night at 8:1!5 o'clock at the
ball. Refreshments will be in
charge of Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Tipton. Mrs. Edward Salven and
daughter. Miss Pricilla, ami Mr.
mil Mrs. Eldon Ogle.
Spend Monday Here Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Mercer and two chil
dren, Jerry and Dolores, of Med
ford spent Monday here attend
inn 1 business and visitim;
friends. They formerly made
their home here. Mr. Mercer is
employed by the Pierce Freight
Spend Weekend Here Techni
cal Sergeant Hoy Wolford and
his wife and Miss Joy Garcia, of
Portland, spent the weekend here
visiting Sgl. VVol ford's parents
and brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. .1. 1 1. Wolford and Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Deholl Mann. Sgt.
Wolford is taking his army train
ing at present in eastern Oregon.
Will Visit On Furlough Dale
Calhoun went through Hoseburg
yesterday on the bus en route
from the government hospital al
Modesto. Calif., to Eugene to visit
bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Calhoun, and his brother-in-law,
and sister, Mr. anil Mrs. Dean
Morrow, and family. Dale was
accompanied by his bride, having'
been married a few days ago in
California. He was recently re
turned to this country followim;
service with the V. S. forces in
the Solomons and was in tin1
same ward al the Modesto bosiii-I
tal with Marshall Hunt. sml ',
Mr. an,. Mrs. C. W Hun, of this
city, who is convalescing from j
malaria. Mr. Calhoun's parents :
recently sold their place in Car-!
den Vallev and moved to Eugene i
Hale and his wile expect to I
snend .-, n-,, i f ,i, T.i.,.. f.... i
lough in Tillamook visiting his
oioiner. i -r. ivan i alhmm.
r n
vrecn Reelected President
Of AFL for 20th Term
larea designated by the O. and
BOSTON' Oct 1-1 .( P1 The Administration, unless other-An,,.,-
i.-.,.i ,,i., ', , .., I w ise authorized by the Chief
oday reelected President ' Wil i
ham Green for his 20ih term as
tie.ui ot the labor oi ganiAilion.
In his acceptance speech.
Green forecast a fateful year and
said the federation would contin
ue to urge that its "wayward
t rot hers" n -lurn.
"We only ask." he said, "thai
lv come hack as they left us,
with no additions and coniplica-
ions." He added that the rights
d present AFL affiliates "must
'lid will be protected."
Men, Women! Old at
40, 50, 60! Get Pep
Feol Years Younger, Full of Vim
K Him (hi-"Liiin Vil
ilc Tftl'lfltt .(.v Win fivl .M
Stall fcviUm iH'i'l'lcr ami ) uUtiiiiT, Ihla Ur) d&jr.
U ir.i.i.l .iniir --
in tui tt at
n ovi'ivwhcif
t l li'H S I'lUtf.
Postwar Planning
Program Endorsed
By Roseburg Lions
The Rnsehuru Lions club, at lis
regular weekly meeting In the
Umpipia hotel last night, unan
imously adopted a resolution pro
posed by Lion Bruce Elliott that
the club endorse a proposal for
a postwar planning program.
The resolution proposed that a
committee composed of repre
sentatives from county court, the
city council, the school board, the
California-Oregon Power com
pany, and other industrial or
gauiations be formed to outline
plans for financing and making
much-needed improvements im
mediately alter the war. It was
suggested that a swimming pool,
community hall, park, play
ground, Y. M. C. A., Oak Street
bridge, city beautification, under
ground conduit for power and
lights, and many other projects
might well be undertaken and
plans laid for their completion.
It was pointed out that the city
of Eugene had made plans for
improvements in that communi
ty and already was raising mon
ey for the needed projects. Ant!-,
cipating industrial expansion in '
and around Roseburg, the club
fell that immediate action local- I
Iv was needed.
" Mr. E. A. Britton, local 411
club leader, gave a report on the
Lions club program which was
lust concluded by which 4-H i
members were encouraged to
produce livestock and garden
produce In return for cash and
livestock prizes.
"I wish." stated Mr. Britton,
"that the members of this club
could have ar; opportunity to sec
how boys and girls 111 Douglas
county have been stimulated to
product! bettor products and live
stock by the program sponsored
by the local Lions club." Mr.
Britton outlined to the club the
various activities engaged in by.
the boys and girls throughout the
A Kirtable X-ray machine used
by tin' army medical corps can
hi- assembled in six minutes and
will locate foreign matter in '10
Sealed bids, marked outside "Bid
for Timber", and addressed to the
Chief Forester, O. C. Adminis
tration, 901 Guardian Building,
iwilimd Oreeon. wi be receiv
ivl until 10:31) A. M., Pacific
Time. October 2(i. 1!M3 for the
niirchase of timber upon tracts
hereinafter described; each bid
most slate the amount nor M.
reel H. M., which will be offered
for each species and the total
consideration which will be paid
for the timber. No bid for less
than the appraised value will he
considered. f.acn oiu most in
submitted in duplicate and be ac
companied bv a deposit in the
form of a certified check in favor
of the Treasurer of the United
Stales. The deposit of any suc
cessful bidder will he credited on
the contract. Payment in full at
the time of filing the contract
is required in sales amounting to
S'JfilH) or less. For conies of the
form of proposal, form of con
tract and bond, terms of pay
ment, amount of deposit requir
ed with hil, amount of bond re
diiired with contract and other
informal ion. application should
be made to the address shown
T. 2 S H. 6 W., Si'c '2f. all
merchantable timber designated
for cutting on the NK'.NW',,
estimated for the purpose of tills
sale to be S75 M. feet of Douglas
Fir. 10 M. feet Incense Cedar,
-' M. feet Hemlock, 10 M. (eet
Western Red Cedar. No bid for
less than S3.00 per M. ft. . M.
for the Douglas Fir. Sl -r'0 per
M ft. H. M. for the Incense
Cedar. Hemlock, and Western
Red Cedar, or a total purchase
price of S2.fiti2.S0, will be con
sidered. T. 21 S.. H. 7 W.. Sec.
11. all merchantable timber desig-
nated for cutting on the Nht.
estimated t?1''.J';''n" " , , "!
- ' ' FlM.
f(,,,t Im.,,ns(, Cedar, 75 M. feet
Western Red Cedar. 5 M. Uvt
Hemlock. No bid for less (ban
S3 30 per M. ft. B. M. for the
Douglas Fir. SI. 50 tier M. ft. B.
M. for the White Kir and incense
ft. H. M. for
Cedar SI. 25
I p M f, M f,. , Hemlock.
Kir a total purchase price of
SS.-I57.25. will he considered. All
umivr in each of the above de-
I scribed areas must lie manil
lacuired in the loca' marketing
The right to waive
detects, and to reiect
all bids is reserved.
Dated at Portland. Oregon, this
Mil dav of October. 1!H3. W. II.
Horning. Chief Forester. O. and
C. Administration.
Without Painful Backache
Many auffrrrr Miev tinttitiim bilfkarttt
quirkiy, mice tltt'Y dipfovrr llmt tl rral
ciir of their Iri'iii'lf may 1 tirl kMncy.
The kul in- arc Nalurv's clm-l way ol t ak
in Hip fM aci.l ami wnMe out of th
lUi. Ttiey help tuoet people paM Uut 3
pints a tl.iy.
WU-n .ItrtltT nt kulnry function prntilt
TvitvRi'ii nmttt-r U T insio in jmir hit!, it
Hl!l i'Ut lirttftlHit ) irk irltf. rln'IIItltl 1 1.' p.liHH,
Irg Kiiti, if (up ami fti.rvv, Kt'innj up
tuclit. wcliin. piitdin'M unil r rr.
ImvuIm. Im ant! ltifinM. I'ni nt or Mnt'
ptm.iin it!i Ptit.iritiiK siul I'titn uit . iim'-timi-a
altw itii'n1 i Miu'tttiU4 rvu ith
yoar kidtf-9 or biatdler.
IHm't :ut! Ack your (iniBpidt for TV-an'i
Pillit ui piiWMluily by million for vrr
40 t r, I'livv ivv li.ippv rlit uul 'II hitp
lh- l.i tmW ol ki'lnrv lnl t'nli om .m-
Nutrition for the
A Hearty ITJell-Balance Breakfast
Authorities agree that approximately one-third of the day's calories should be provided at breakfast! This
means calories, proteins, minerals, and vitamins should all be represented at the breakfast table. Cereals tapp
ed with fruit and rich milk are a fine starter for the day make them a breakfast habit in your home. They're
economical and easy to prepare.
&mmJ Lge. Pkg. ,15c
Large Pkg 35c
48-oz.Pkg. ...38c
Grade A Steer Beef
SIRLOIN STEAKS, pound ....39c
T-BONF. STEAKS, pound 39c
BEEF ROAST, pound 32c
PORK STEAK, pound 35c
MINCED HAM, pound 29c
FRANKFURTERS, pound .....33c
' kiu miti (jii m
50 Lb. Sack
Nothing helps more than a new hair-do
Mezzanine Floor
Mart No. 1 Phone 522
Lge. Pkg. .lie
Full Cream
Pound .... 37c
Don't Become Drab
Don't fall down on your groom
ing. Attend to your looks and your
morale will rise 100',' .
Whole Family in
CANTALOUPE, Dillard, each . . . 5c
2 for .....29C
. U. S. NO. 2
50 pound sack 89c
2 Lbs 19
Peet's Soap Powder, Lg. Pkg. 30c
Palmolive Toilet Soap, 2 for ... 1 5c
Yellow Bowl Peas, 2 cans .25c
Purex, Vi Gallon Jug .23c
Aunt Polly's Soup Mix, 3 Pkg. . .25c
A & H Soda, 1 Lb. Pkg., 3 for. . .25c
Calumet Baking Pwd. 25 oz can 25c
Rita Crackers, Lg. Pkg 23c
Snowflake Crackers, 2 .Lb. Box 33c
Sunbrite Cleanser, can 5c
Golden West Coffee, 1 Lb. Pkg 30c
Chinese Noodles, Lg. Pkg 15c
dozen ... ... 29c
3 Lbs 29
2 Lb. Package
15 and 16TH