ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG". OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, '1943. fnueiAS court runnnn I ? 1 II V II o i r i J U UuU rv lira $15,500 WHEREVER THEY GO THERE'S A USO 1 7 National Agency Members 6 State Including USO and War Prisoners Aid Major Participants WAR. WORKERS OF THE .SEA ALU NATIONAL AP FUND ' " " " ' i V tSW i To miliums of servicemen the I SO is the first stop in town. Maintaining information booths in terminals throughout the coun try, the USO, a member agency of the National War Fund, is al ways ready to lend a hand to the servicemen seeking entertainment or a place to stay. 4 SEAMAN'S HOLIDAY V TART! OCT- U8th PREPARED TO GIVE!! ..j -... i ) '' , . ...y-fcifca Seamen of the merchant marine face the hazards of days, weeks or months in open boats exposed In cold, heat, snow and rain. To the l ulled beamens Service, a member agency of the National War Fund, falls the task of contributing to the costs of their hospitaliza tion and convalescence, in cooperation with the War Shipping: Administration. Though they ve Rambled with death In the performance of their duty these merchant seamen can't forget the sea, even on a holiday. Here they are recuperating at one of the many rest tenters which the United Seamen's Service, a member agency of the National War Fundt maintains here and abroad, In cooperation with the War Shipping Administration. YOU CANT SAY "NO" 23 TIMES!!! Ah Organization of Business and Professional Interests United in All-out War Effort Under the National Plan you are now asked only twice to give. WAR FUND in the Fall RED CROSS in the Spring FIVE