FIVE ax ujjuraisiraiHKRr tts JIT Help Wanted Autos Real Estate For Sale Miscellaneous For Sale Miscellaneous No Hunting ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1943. LOGGERS WANTED Choker setters, fallers. buckers. Camp is mues east ol Sutherlin. Modern camp facilities rnalnt tained for employees, serving highest quality food. Daily bus sevice furnished from tswn to camp. Inquire at camp or mill Office Roseburg Lumber Co. WANTED . AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS Permanent Work. Call 3132 Eiicksen Motor Sales Eureka, Calif. HACHET SETTER wanted by Douglas County Lumber Com pany. See M. L. Hallmark, Douglas National bank build ing. MECHANIC experienced on Chevrolet and Bulck, also paint er and metal man wanted. Han sen Chevrolet company. WANTED High school boy to work after school and on Sat urdays. Western Auto Supply Company. WANTED 2 automobile me chanics and 1 body and fender man. Good pay. Lockwood Molors. Work Wanted THE OLD Fashioned Blacksmith. I specialize on plows, logging equipment, thread cutting and spring work. E. E. Woodcock. SAVE YOUR DEER SKINS. Have tanned, made Into gloves, coats. Ross Glove Factory. Douglas street, 1 mile east. SEPTIC TANKS ceANEI1 Modern equipment. Carte's Dis posal Service. Box 71, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. MAN and 1 1-2 Ion flat truck want hauling. $2.00 per hour. Ray Angermayer, Glide, Ore gon. HAVE cat available for logging or road work. Phim' ll-.l-'l. Fuel phone 4fis Green Slab Woou ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Poultry FOR SALETurkeys. 110 4 1-2-month-old at $3.50 each; 100 3-month-old at $2.00 each. Walt er Iakr, Dixonville. RED RYDER coneon, one- WE RE WW1 A LOCK IN-3IPE rODErCtJ CABIN Yv'HILt- Ht' ALLEY OOP fO WTO W.MwS .... p t-""' FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS RED E5 CAVED FKOn ! 4 PRieOrM AMD CONE J Gee, miss kav; vou'hf OWE TrACMEB. WHO ISN'T STRICTLY OFF ThE CC& "V USED CARS WANTED WE PAY MORE FOR GOOD USED CARS CALL 80 FOR THE HIGHEST CASH OFFERS FOR YOUR CAR. LOCKWOOD MOTORS WANTED USED CARS AND TRUCKS. TOP CASH PRICE FOR ALL MAKES. KEEL MOTORS, Your Studcbaker dealer, 443 N. Jackson. USED CARS, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS WANTED. HIGH EST CASH FRICES PAID. HANSEN MOTOR CO. 1934 CONVERTIBLE Chevrolet coupe, motor in good condition, tires poor, price $175.00. D. W. Fate. Days Creek. Lost and Found STRAYED from W. S Johnston ranch at Brockway Wednes day, October G, Corriedale buck. Tops of both cars cut off and 20 foot rope tied around neck, scar on forehead. Seen 4:30 Wednesday p. m. on highway at covered bridge near Olalla road. Call 47-F-ll. LOST A black and white Air dale male dog with California license. Answers to "Punch." Reward. Call 46-F-24 Oakland or notify by mail, Mrs. Win, Haines, cook house, Ford's camp, Sutherlin. LOST- On Rice-Kent creek di vide, small brown and white bull dog. Phone 148 Y X. Re ward. LOST Plywood fishing tackle box. Reward to finder Phone 15-F-22. LOST -LADIES GOLD WATCH. Reward. Return to Cy's Place. FOUND- Leather coal. Cook, Sutherlin. Walter Ration Books Lost LOST Ration hooks No. 1, of Hugh D. Copcland, Alberta M., Hugh It., Charles B., and Del mcr L. Box 101, Oakland, Ore. LOST- Ration books No. 1 and No. 3. Walter and Etta Cook, Sutherlin. , ' Ninety-six rents out of every aoitur ifucs lor war !?if . expenditures. Tlie other four cents goes for Government expenses "as usual." For Freedom's Saka fSHUT UP-' rtODODI ftJT ?r vvc. -u i e In Hfc.AL KNOWS W IPO THIS I TELL LST. H' Caj'O VMTH OUI2. CrIW I f 3...'5T5ANEC COVtMANiD1 TM:S'0 AP IS OOP! Thawk you, Yeah , miss k ay most of THE OTHER. fMfl LWj ( SPECIALISTS M0THBALL5: JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR Small acre age on creek, close in, electric ity and water system, newly re modeled dwelling. Small dwelling witli excellent garden soil, just outside city limits, $1500.00. 123 acres, plastered dwelling, electricity, water system from springs, two barns. Corn and hay with place. Price $7600.00. Everything in Real Estate and In surance. Fred A Goff, Realtor, 122 S. Stephens, phone 218. FOR SALE 37 acres In high state fertility. 10 head fine Jer seys and Guernseys, 1200 chick ens, incubating and laying equipment for 3000. Modern six-room house, all furnished. Electricity, hot and cold water. Priced to soil. Nelson Bros. Rifle range road. WANTED I.lorK larm listings. We have many good prospects , on the waiting list all sizes, types and prices. Call at 813 S. Stephens street, Roseburg, or phone 173-L. St! out Realty Agency. Ray Ruebel, agent. 100 ACRES, west of Roseburg. Cabin .crock, springs, hunting and fishing ,lots of outrange, good soil. F. H. Crittenden, 5326 S. E. G9lh Ave, Portland, 6, Oregon. FOR SALE One five-room house, furnished, and one eight-room house, partly fur nished .003 W. Lane. FOR SALE 4 unit apartment house. Sound investment with good income. Phone 213-J. RESIDENCE for sale, 401 N. Jackson street, $3250. Cocn Lumber company. FOR SALE - Modern five room house. W. J. Hickman, Oak land, Ore. FOR SALE 5-room house, and 3 lots. Reasonable. Phone 533-L, evenings. Rentals FOR RENT -- 2 unfurnished rooms, cheap. No smokers or drinking. Also storage for fur niture. Inquire at Warm's gro cery, Edenbower. FOR RENT -Two-room furnish ed apartment. Adults only. 348 S. Pine. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Vetch seed. J. Aikins. Riddle. Oregon. L. Gets What He Wants I'LL DO TH'l AH.' HERE'S JU5T WHAT TrtVT RED SEEN MEtDiN'i COUNTRY Repercussions if Surely a Slick Chick "' Tdl---ar...-.T a You V I do nt SPEAK KINDA ) IT, BOVS I SPEAK kONLY TCY To BRAIN AROUND OUC AllNDFRWAIdrt ir; FOR SALE No hunting or tres passing signs, employees ter mination blanks, statements of earning and deduction books, rubber stamps. Special printed forms or every description. Phone 100. Roseburg News-Review. FOR SALE Sewing machine, $25.00; dining table and solid oak chairs, fine shape, $30.00; bed and springs, $10.00; dress er; couch; oil heater; wash machine, $25.00; bed and springs, $7.50. 530 N. Pine St. FOR SALE-1 baby bed, slightly used, with Simmons mattress; oak breakfast set, table and four chairs; '34 Ford coupe, good tires and fair shape. 408 Rowc street. FOR SALE Modern 22-foot trail er house, factory built, fully equipped. Reasonable. Inquire of Leo Buttevfield .just west of housing project, Sutherlin. 1,000 feet electric wire, No. 14, new .perfect, sell to best offer. Write Ray Angermayer, Glide, Oregon, amount wanted and price offered. LATE REMINGTON pump gun, 12 gauge. Rubber bumper, and leather case; one box shells. $112.50. R. S. Mesick, Days Creek. FOR SALE Genuine Elk's tooth with emblem and 1 diamond on gold chain. $50.00. Box 1594 c o News Review. CANNING TOMATOES Bring containers. Pick them your sel f, 50c bushel. Walter Leake, Dixonville. FOR SALE Galoway cream sep arator, 300 lb. capacity. A. L Wilson, Winston, phone 21-F-31. WHEEL TRAILER with side tent, all new tires, for sale or renl. 427 Mill street. FOR SALE Trailer house. Call at trailer just E. of Sutherlin housing. Ed Harbison. NEARLY new davenport and two chairs to match. Sutherlin hotel. Apartment 212. ' - FOR SALE Concord grapes and apples A. K. Suksdorf, Coos Junction. ONE 8 and one 9-hole steam table. Inquire Roseburg hotel. GRAPES Concords. Phone 703-J-2. FOR SALE Hammer mill. F. E. Weaver, Riddle. I'VE fOfl t It I -WONDER. WHY SHE NF.YER. HAS DATES WITH FELLOWS? see you ( YOHAT VJ5 ,T I VJfZySJ' f NOT HIS i' Tomorrow FOR SALE 1910 16-foot Brump ton coach trailer house, best of condition. Pryor Place, 1 mile west of Sutherlin. FOR SALE 1 H. P. heavy duty 3 phase motor. Smith Gunshop, 560 N. Jackson street. LADIES BEAVER COAT for sale or trade. Box 1596, c-o News Review. Livestock MILK GOATS Two registered Toggenburg bucks for service, i mile south of Coos Junction on Pacific highway. Phone Moyer Nurseries, Roseburg. FOR SALE 78 head ewes, 1 to 4 years old; 30 lambs; 15 aged ewes; sell all or separately, reasonable. Claude Ritehey, Yoncalla, Oregon. FOR SALE Milking Shorthorn bulls, registered as qualified in milking record which is better than R. M. L. O. Higgins, An lauf, Oregon FOR SALE Good Corriedale bucks, 2 years old, from regis tered slock. Charles E. Wilson, Rl. 1, Roseburg. South Deer creek. JERSEY COW now giving 34 to 4 gallons a day. Fresh 4 months ago. Mrs. Phillips, South Myr tle Creek. Phone 17-F-6. TWO BROOD SOWS, 7 weaner pigs-$100.00 for bunch if taken at once .John L. Camp bell, Glengary. FOR SALE -25 Hampshire wean er pigs, $5.00 ,each. A. J. Young & Son, Curry Estate. PUREBRED Shorthorn bull for sale. J. L. Hooten, Mountain house. FOR SALE Gentle bull, for herd, V. J. Van Brjesen, Riddle. FOR SALEBull calf, 5 days old, $4.00. Bonebrakc, Melrose. FOR SALE- Day old calf. W. O. Common, Curry estate. RABBITS for sale. Phone 34-F-2. Miscellaneous BUCKLES AND BU'ITONS cov ered, hemstitching and alter ing. 515 Fowler street. WE HAVE DISCONTINUED boarding dogs and cats. Dr. Geo. L. Nicholas. BY FRED HARMAN ONE OF V" BUT IT31 im ftY NtA invitt BY V. T. HAMLIN "Wsi .6 'iTHEOLO .KNOW, I NT "AfBLOWIN'Hi5 Fj .... " 'TfQ i )LJ V X. . . BY MERRILL BLOSSER BAFFLES ME.' SHE'S bWEET ENOU&M IO EAT WITH A SPOON A mvF f ---- ',1 . -jj -JM lM ABSOLUTELY NO HUNTING or trespasing on my property, 2 miles N W. of Roseburg. Stay Out. Fred L. Verrcll NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Louis S. Kohlhagen, Jr., property, 4 miles N. E. of Rose burg. NO HUNTING or irespaslng on our properly at Carnes. W. F. Paris and W. S. Hamilton. NO HUNTING or trespassing on M. Leota Plummer's place. 3 miles south of Brockway. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the J. H. Short property, 7 miles N. E. of Roseburg. NO HUNTING or trespasing on my properly east of Rose burg. W. S. Hamilton. NO HUNTING or trespassing on F. Baraga r & Son place, 2 miles N. of Roseburg. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Stanley Prnrce property, 3 miles E. of Roseburg. NO HUNTING or trespassing on O. C. Brown property, 1 isile S. E. of Dixonville NO hunting or trespassing on the property of T. V. Kerr, 1 mile E. of town. NO HUNTING or trespassing on W. I. Dixon properly West of Oak creek road. NO HUNTING or trespassing on A. J. Standley, and Phil Stradcr property, Glide. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Lynn Berkley property, 3 miles E. of Roseburg. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Happy Valley Ranch. Lyle Marsters. NO HUNTING or trespassing on 1. D. Sampson property, Rt. 1, Box 21-A. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Mt. Alto ranch. C. G. Gil breath. POSITIVELY NO HUNTING or trespassing on the T. O. Dixon estate. NO HUNTING on the lands estate. . or tresspassing ol the Curry NO HUNTING or trespassing on our properly. Kruse Bros. Trade TRADE Box of 3030 shells for box of 25-35. Box 1593, c-o News-Review. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN From this dale, August 30, 1 will not in any way be respon sible for any bills contracted by anyone oilier than myself. HOWARD CASEBEER, (Adv.) Roseburg, Ore. GEO. W. DIMMICK AGENCY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 125 Cass Street, Prion. 484-L farms stock ranches timber lands NOTICE We have purchased the Deer Creek Dairy. Any bottles or caps with the nam Deer Creek are now owned by Umpqua Dairy and contain Umpqua Milk Back the Attack I B uuy war oonas For newspaper deliveries from 6:00 to 7:00 Please Call 215-1. Roseburg News-Review Roseburg, Ore. Please renew ( ) or start ( ) the News-Review to mc for one year at Bargain offer price. Enclosed is $ ($4.50 by mail, or $6.50 by carrier) for one full year subscription on the Bargain Period Offer. Name Address COMM'CL REFRIGERATION diet Hamm. Phone 715. PLUMBING Pete Crummett, phone 697. Roscoe Marsters, phone 121. Wanted WILL PAY up to $10 per month for rent of furnished or partly furnished house or apartment. Box 15!)2, c o News-Review. WANTED Medium-sized used tricycle. Will pay good price. Delia Davis, Gen. Del., Tiller, Oregon WANTED One good used 19 Inch tiro, 500x19 or 600x19. Box 1595, co News-Review, WANTED 4 cords hardwood, stove length. Adam's Auto Court, Coos Junction. NOW BUYING wool and mohair. Roseburg Poultry Co., 920 Ste phens St. WANTED TO BUY New 5 or 6 room house. Phone 327-L. WANTED 3 4 8 Winchester shells. Powell Hardware. Myrtle Creek MYRTLE CREEK, Oct. 11 Mr. and Mrs. William Hyatt have sold their small farm near the South Myrtle road to Mr. and Mrs. Rathbun, who have been liv ing In Bear Pen hollow. The Hy atls have moved over into the Melrose neighborhood. Friends hero have received word that since moving, Walter, their son aged nine years had one hand blown off and three fingers on the oilier hand, by the explosion of a dynamite cap with which ho was playing. Pfe. Dean Powell arrived here Friday from Camp Van Dorn, Miss., for a few days furlough with his parents, Minister and Mrs. E. W. Powell. The Powells are expecting another son, Leo, home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mervln Dailey have had as a house guest for a week, Mrs. Dailey's bihthcr, John 3. Fallin, of Salem. He re lumed to his homo last Friday. 1,1. and Mrs. Neal .1. Orlflith Are you keeping star boarders in your chicken house? ? Bring us your non-productive hens for bigger profit. NORTHWEST POULTRY CO. 500 West Lane Phone 210 FARMERS! You cannot buy new farm equip ment! Protect what you now have by hav ing your old machinery repaired at the Farm Bureau Shop. Expert Workmen to serve you. "You Own the Profits." DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON BARGAIN PERIOD ORDER BLANK don't delay mail this coupon today! RADIO SERVICING Radio Doctors, 30f N. Stephens. Lund Radio Service. Phone 34. PIANO TUNING "" Arundel, Repairs, Demoth. 189-L. and small son, Donald, have gone to Bremerton, Wash., where Lt. Griffith will be stationed for a while. He has just returned from n two-year period of service in the South Pacific Islands. Mr. Oakley Bibby is here from Salem visiting with his family fnr n shnrt limp tuifni-n i-ntnrnlnr. -- - - - lo the State tuberculosis hospital where he has been a patient for some time. He is very much Im proved. 1 Sutherlin SUTHERLIN, Oct. 11 How ard Davis, a brakeman on the Southern Pacific railway, was In Sutherlin Saturday visiting his father, P. J. Davis. Mrs. William Beck, who has. been very ill, Is reported as some better. Mrs. Mildred Jolson and daugh ter of Roseburg were in Suther lin, Saturday visiting her moth er, Mrs. P. A. Comslock. . Raymond, Norris and William Longbrako both returned from a hunting trip with a deer each. Gunner's Mate Third Class El- za Haviland Is home on furlough visiting his mother, Mrs. William Jones. After his furlough he will go to California to enter school. James Haviland, wno is stu- tloned in Australia, Is fine, so his mother, Mrs. William Jones, reports. He has been across for nearly two years and during that time had never met ony one he knew until six months ago he ran into Dick Pleuard from his own home town, Sutherlin. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Paddleford were in Sutherlin Monday visit ing their daughters, Mrs. GladJ Sweeney and Mrs. Owen Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson and Mrs. Ernest Adamson attend ed the observers' meeting held in Roseburg at the filter station Monday evening. Mrs. Edgar Slack, who has been very ill, Is much improved and is aDio to su up a lew nours a day. Date.,