EIGHT R.OSEBURS HEWS-REV1EW, ROSEBURS. OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1943 GEO. W. DIMMICK AGENCY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 125 Cass Street, Phon. 484-L farms stock ranches timber lands FOR SALE Linoleum, Mirrors. Shower Curtains, U. S. Flaas. Babv Beds, and Silo Covers. Judd Furniture Co. AN AMAZING OFFER The makers of Dr. Parker's Corn Remover will give you double your money back if if fails to remove your corn or callous. Only 35c at Chap man's Drug Store. To serve others as we would be served. DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME Cor. Pine and Lane Streets FRANK W. LONG, Manager Licensed Lady Attendant Colli 12 s;( ny or light AMBULANCE SERVICE DOUGLAS MARKET Meats arc plentiful here, that is if "ou want your choice of several different varieties. LAMB Stew (1 pt.) Lb Chops, (G pts.) Lb Legs, (7 pts.) Lb 15c 25c 27c Shoulders, (3 pts.) JC CEEF Co- ' Deef, too! Roast, (9 pts.) Short llibs, G pts.) Lb 19c Steaks, loin and UCfP round ill pts.) Lb. wf-Jr1'' WE CUSTOM SLAUGHTER Phone 350 238 N. Jackson ft , WJ if ? J ' Good Food -:- Good Service Run of Chinook Disproves Theory Of Dam Blockade PORTLAND, Op., Oct. 8 -(API -The SIO.000,000 Columbia "ivT s:! I moll industry, which was supposed lo have (lied of strang ulation this year, Is very much -tjivt. The Oregon fish commission disclosed today the splint; run of ctiinonks was aliove Ihe average of 2,225,0(10 pounds. Figures also showed fish are getting over Bonneville dam en roule up si ream. This would seem lo disprove Ihe dire prediction of lii.'iS, Ihe vcar Ihe dam was huill, that Bonneville would choke off Ihe salmon Industry, preventing fish fiom gelling lo or from spawn in); (.'rounds. Since Ihe salmon generally were assumed lo live at sea four years belore returning lo spawn, Ihe 1!)12 run was expected hy op ponents rif Ihe dam lo he Ihe last groat run in Ihe river. The 1!)13 figures silenced many, hut some slill foresee death for Ihe industry. Their areumcnt Is thai Ihe life span is longer lhan four years anil the salmon entering Ihe river now went lo sea hclorc Ihe flam was huill. This argument may stand up for years, lor Ihe way of the sal mon is mysterious, anil experts are no! prepared lo stale delinile ly and unanimously how long the fish lives al sea. Meanwhile Ihe fishing's good. Around the County Glide GLIDE ,Scnt. 27 - Mrs. Fannv Worn, from Kan Rafael, Califor nia, is visit i n; her In-other am1 sister in law, Mr. anil Mrs. I'. K. DcShiclds. Miss Louise lioise will leave October -1 for Corvallls where she will enroll as a freshman at Ore-bn Slate. Mrs. .lack Reville (Marlnrv Price) who has been visiting her narenls, Mr. and Mrs. W. I; Price, while her husband, who is s-rving with Ihe U. S. army, has been on maneuvers this sum mer, expects to Join her husband al Fori Lewis soon. She will re turn here l;ier this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Klberl Cellars 'lave moved into Ihe home whic' thev recently purchased Irom J H-. Denham. Mr. Cellars is nil- nloved by Ihe Thunder Mountain 1 .umber company. Mr. and Mrs. I'niil Simpson 'r,ve sold their ranch lo Mr. and Mrs. I limit Kurdish of Seattle. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Simnson re turned home Tuesday evening liter helm; gone lor several day lookini; for a new location. Thev have purchased a home in Ku gene and exneel to move (here about the middle of ( Iclnber Mr. unci Mrs. Dewcv C. Bullock from Bend Ore., are now s'aMon ed at lleil Hulle lookout lo re- place Mr. and Mrs. Paul C-iswell new lower has been built ."tie improvenvnts made. The Bid lock's daughter is stavin- in liiveliurg and allcniling school. Rev. and Mrs. .1. R. Denham of Bronkinvs, Calilornia. visited friends and allcudcd to business here last week. Diekalnn Den ham is attendiiH; Westinnnt col Ice lii I os Ani'cles and her GRIMM'S STAYS OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE brother, Richurd, Is attending Stonebrook, a boys' school in Long Island, N. Y. The PJenham family lormerly made their home at Glide. Sgt. Kenneth Taylor of the army air corps has returned to Dalhart, Texas, where he is sta tioned. He was here on leave to visit his parenls, Mr. and Mrs A. B. Taylor, who live on Rock creek. Mr. Cecil lilakely of C'orvallis, Ore, brought his father, Arthur lilakely, out from Roseburg Sun day to visit relatives. W. D. Van Horn has received word from his son, Millard, who is stationed with the army al Camp Campbell, Kentucky, that he has been granted .'to days sick i leave following an operation on I his knee. He will slop en route,! lo visit his brother, Edgar, who is serving with the navy and is .stationed in California. Lyle lilakely, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester lilakely, has return ed lo Salem where he is attend ing school. Mrs. John Iiarney, who has been in El Paso. Texas, with her husband. Chaplain John Barney, will return here as soon as trans portation is available according to word received by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Connlne. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Church and family have moved lo Rose burg to make their home. Mr. Church is employed by the Doug las County Kite Patrol. The September meeting of the P.T. A. has been cancelled and no meeting will be held until October 22. This change was made necessary hy the fact that Ihe teachers will be attending a teacher's meeting on the date of Ih September meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hargis (El vina Asaml and famPv tave moved from Eugene to Roseburg where Mr. Hargis will be em ployed hy the Eugene Plywood company. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Childcrs left Wednesday for Nappa, Ca fornla, to visit Mr. Childcrs" par ents and his twin brothers, who are home on leave from the navy. Mr. Childcrs returned from Portland Tuesday night Where he enlisted in the army and expects to he called before long. Mrs. Art Palmer returned to her home on Little river Thurs day from Mercy hospital where she recently underwent a major operation. Vein Hodees left Thursday for Los Angeles where he will at tend Westmont college. I Walter 1 brasher, teacher In the high school, Is making his home at the ,1. S. Marr home on the Hurkhorn road. Karl Hodges, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hodges, returned home Tuesdav from Eui'eno where he recently under went an appendectomy. H e expects t o start school next week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merry and daughter, .lovce, have returned from California where Ihey have been living the last two years. Mr. Merry says he is glad to be back in Douglas county again. The Clide school oiH'ned Mon day, Sept. 11 with 38 re"istei-"d 'n Ihe high school and til in the grades. The attendance has fluc tuated considerably due to the fact that quite a lew students have been helping with the prune harvest. It is expected that the total enrollment will be in creased as some students have been away working an dhave not registered yet. Mrs. Kay Garner: Slh and (ilh grades. The teaching staff is as fol lows: Mr. Chester Cook, orini pal, will teach Latin. Industrial Arts, Prelnduciion math and Hoys Athletics. Mr. Waller Thrasher: Social Science, U. S. History and Typ ing. Miss Helen Macpherson: Eng lish, Science and Girl's Athletics. Miss Ruby Coryell: Mathema tics and Science. Mrs. Margaret Weaver: 1st and 2nd grades. Mis. Eileen Cook: 3rd and 1th grades. Elkfon ELnTON, Oct. 7 RicharX Ol io, who has been serving on a looXcut station n ar Diai or, J la has r"'t'iil home. Mr. Chi iiy. hi ;h school prin cipal, has mo. co into the louse iccntly vacate i -y Mr. a::d Mis. Lonny Noltage, who have mov ed lo Roseburg. Mrs. Velma Hinder has been quite ill at her home here. Lawrence Thomas and Phil Becklcy have returned from a trip lo Los Angeles. Mrs. Claugh, high school teach er, has moved into one of the Franklin cabins. Mary Wells is visiting in Rose burg for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Kranklin Haines ol Kellogg, and Mrs. Fay Mad ison are on a trip to Crescent City. The Waller Durke family has moved to Murphy's camp at Scottsburg. Mrs. Blossom O' Kelley of San Francisco is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rill Cheever. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weather- I l.v have moved lo Ihe Gorman house. i Harry Anderson of Kellogg Is ! leaving for military service soon. Betty Godell, who is attending I Bible academy in Canyonville, I spend the weekend here with her i patents, Mr. and Mis. Chester ! Godell. Oliver Haines and Mr. and i Mrs. Jim Haines went lo Port ; land Wednesday to see Mrs. I Mary Haines, who underwent a ' ma lor ooeration in the Km:,nn,.l hospital, last Thursday. Mrs. Haines Is getting along nicely, now, and expects to leave Ihe hospital in about a week. Mrs. Rose Hendered has re turned from a trip to Portland and Washington. Walter Olson has returned to his home In Forest Grove, having finished his job here for the Bridge and Smith logging out lits. Mrs. Le Anna Haines and Mrs. June Morganli were Roseburg visitors Tuesday. Prune harvest is now com pleted in Ihe community. Lawrence Smith, Jimmy Gates, "Brick" Nichols and Fay Madi son, have gone to eastern Oregon on a hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. George Bawman and family of Reedsport visited at the A. II. Sawyers and Law rence Smith homes Sunday eve ning. Paul Anderson, who is in the navy at Fart agut, Idaho, is on a two-day furlough, visiling his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kmil An derson in Kellogg. ' Wood engravuie by II. M' Cormirlc after oil -u-ntii-i- by Jdine L'luim . - n rt. . 53S5y Lucky Strike vss leasts Fine Mara Advisory Group to Be Appointed For Produce Truckers A meeting has been scheduled for all producers .truckers, deal ers, and pioecssois of livestock in the Mcdiord, Oregon .area, lo he held at 8 p. m., October II). at Main and Grape streets, Mod ford, at which time an area live stock industry transportation ad visory committee will bp elected or selected, Jim II. liusch, ODT district manager .announces. This committee .when approv ed by the Office of Defense Transportation .will advise and assist the ODT in directing the movement of motor trucks used in the transportation of livestock to or from points in the area. Producers .truckers, dealers and processors who raise, buy, sell, transport, or handle live stock within the area are entitled I to elect oi' select their reprcsen- talive on the committee . The Medford area includes Jackson, Josephine, Douglas, Coos, Curry, Klamath, Lake and Harney counties in Oregon, and Modoc, Siskiyou and Del Norte counties, in California . Riddle Mrs. G. U. 1 lowland has sold l-er residence properly here to Mr. and Mrs. Al Huffman and has been disposing of her house hold furniture and effects Ihe past week. She will make her home in Calilornia. Mrs. J. II. Boyer, Mrs. Ernest Pruner and children, Dellon and Priscilla, Miss Parlene Lane and Mrs. Paul Campbell and daugh ter, Barbara, motored to Bandon Saturday .where they enjoyed the day picnicking on Ihe beach. Jean Donovan of Portland has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Phillips, Uie past week. Yoncalla YONCALLA, Oct. 8.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seflon and daughter, (Tiarmaine, spent the weekend visiling relatives in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coggs well and Mrs. Tom Palmer spent the weekend visiting in eastern Oregon. Deer hunters going lo eastern Oregon from here were, Herman Schosso, Tom Palmer, Alton Vest, George Edes, Harold Edes, Ernest Helliwell .Howard Hart ley and Luther Daugherty. L. R. Williams of Santa Moni ca, Calif., has been visiting at the Sloneman home for the past week . Mrs. Wade Crowe of Portland spent the weekend here visiling relatives . Miss Mabel Schindler of south ern Douglas couniy visited at the Warner home here recently. Mr .ilnd Mrs. Earl Howard of Eddyville spent the weekend here visiting at Ihe Charlie Apple gate home and the G. W. Angst homes. New Device Ups Typewriter Speed WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. - (AP) A Navy department typist look ed nonchalant, and a little bored, today as she zipped along id 180 words a minute. The world's speed record is 119. She was beating a smoolh tat too on one of the navy's new typewriters, its keyboard design ed by Lieut. Commander August Dvorak. Formerly of the Uni versity of Washington and now the department's top time and motion study expert, he has de vised the first major keyboard change since the machine was in vented 70 years ago. The navy disclosed that the new arrangement divides labor 11 per cent for the left hand and 5G for the right. On the present standard keyboard ,it is about 57 and 43 respectively. The result of the change, the navy claimed, is an increased output of about 35 per cent. "About all it doesn't do," one typist observed somewhat wist fully, "is reduce stenagraphic hips." OUTPOINTED GREAT FALLS, Mont. Mrs. J. E. Grady returned home and found CO points in red ration coupons on the kitchen table. Then she discovered three choice steaks were missing from a back porch refrigerator. il