ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSFBUBS. OREG'ON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1943 SEVEN V Help Wanted Wanted Real Estate Real Estate No Hunting jfjgijgs LOGGERS . WANTED Choker setters, fallcrs, buckcrs. Camp 15 miles east of Sutherlin. Modern camp facilities niuint tainetl for employees, serving highest o.uality food. Daily bus ievice furnished from town to camp. Inquire at camp or mill Office Roseburg Lumber Co. WILL GIVE ROOM and board to employed man wife to look j after things while I am in ihe hospital, or will give $10 week to middle aged woman who can milk. C. J. Lnnkford, Cherry Hill Farm, Sutherlin. WANTED -Man for farm work married man preferred. Fur nished house to live in, board witli family. Good wages .per manent lor right party. Phone 3 F-22. WANTED Middle-aged woman to do housework, $80.00 per month. Box 151)1, co. News Review. WANTED 2 automobile me- cnanics and 1 body and fender man. Good pay. Lockwood Motors. WANTED Apple pickers good picking, top wages. W. D. Love, phone 31-F-3. Educational TRAIN NOW for a profitable career afler the war. Learn Beauty Culture the easy way I The Burnham Method " Tui tion rates at prewar levels, en roll this month for our fall class, the only beamy school in Southern Ore. MEDFORD SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CUL TURE 235 East Main St. Med ford, Ore. (The school ,hat passes it's students. I For par ticulars ph. 2530, write or call in person. Rentals PARTLY FURNISHED subur ban 3 room apartment. City water .electricity, small acre age if desired. Phone 701-J-3. Lost and Found LOST Brown coin purse, zipper opening, containing one S10.00 j urn aim iwu o.J-uu mils anu a small amount of silver. Finder please Keep S5.00 and return rest to News-Review. I LOST On Tyeo road, 3 cows- 1 I large Jersey, 1 roan two-year-old, and 1 Jersey two-year-old. Reward. I. B. Wilder, Star Rt, Oakland LOST - Fleet way 700x15 tire and wheel, between Oakland and Kellogg. Roy Ladd, Oakland. LOST Certilieate for two 000-16 tubes. Sam Truax. Return to O. K. Rubber Welders. Poultry 800 NEW HAMPSHIRE fryers and pullets. A nice size for canning or the locker. $10 a dozen. W. A. Thomas, G 12 miles E. of Sutherlin. FOR SALE-4 doz"n 2 year-old hens. 4 dozen pullets, Hnmp shire Reds, blood-tested. II. V. Chenoweth, Sutherlin, Oregon. FOR .SALE Turkevs. 140 4 1 2 month old at $3.50 each: 100 3 monih old at S2.00 each. Walt er Leake. Dixonville. NEW HAMPSHIRE cockerels from blood tested. 2-year-old hens. $2.00. O. A. Rowe, Wil bur. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE About 3 acres of corn in Held, 1 mile out, for .best offer. Ilohensee, 112 Wharton Ave. FOR SALE Vetch seed. J. L. Aikins, Kiddle, Oregon. VETCH STRAW, 75c bale. E. E. Baker, Coos Junction. Dogs FOR SALE Highland Scotch Shepherd pups, from extra good sheep and turkey dogs. Several to pick from. W. H. McLain, 013 S. Mill St., Rose bin g. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS s 7 r r 1 1 1,- - . 7 er"". 1 1 F'5v VOU'EF A PMtT 1 I'fAOUO DONT TWINK TOO MARSMLV OF -- X? AND YOU j ' Mii ROY, LAUD, AND yOU DID. . VY SOM HU5ERX, VEN TMOUSh Z..-, ( TO MAKE ALLOWANCES 11 I'""" I'VE EMJCY6D LWCLE URIAS! , ME DID DR'VE YOU CRAiy vVlTM i rf -j- V FOR. PEOPLE LIKE J fat . MT-7" IM THE HEAD EEEXf '.'1 ; UM IPS itr vf rliftlip WANTED A 5 or 6 room fur nished or partially furnished house, not over 1-2 mile from center of town. II. C. Bellows, co Wilder's store. WANTED 2 tons second cutting alfalfa, clean and has not been wet. Harry Durcil, Melrose Route, liox ICti. WANTED Medium-sized used tricycle. Will pay good price. Delia Davis, Gen. Del., Tiller, Oregon WANTED TO RENT- Furnished house or apartment, by two adults. Box 13S2, co News Review. WANTED TO BUY-Power buzz saw, for cash. R. T. Schmutzlcr, Camas Valley. WANTED Tractor, prefer John Deere on rubber. Write G. E. Clayton, Myrtle Creek. WANTED 1 2f gunge repealer shotgun. See or phone Fred A. Goff, phone 218. NOW BUYING wool and mohair. Roseburg Poultry Co., 920 Ste phens St. Work Wanted SAVE YOUR DEER SKINS. Have tanned, made into gloves, coats. Ross Glove Factory. Douglas street, 1 mile east. THE OLD Fashioned Blacksmith. I specialize on plows, logging equipment, thread cutting and spring work. E. E. Woodcock. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Mrtrlnl'n nni iinri-.fMt fV,l-tf'c lftic. posal Service. Box 71, Myrtle j Creek, Oregon. MAN and 1 1-2 Ion flat .rue!;! want hauling. S2.00 per hour. Ray Angermayer. Glide, Ore gon. HAVE cat available for logging or road work. Phone -ll-J 4. FOR HIRE Man and logging team. Inquire 1175 W. First. Miscellaneous WE HAVE DISCONTINUED boarding dogs and cats. Dr. Geo. L. Nicholas. Livestock MILK GOATS Two registered Toggcnburg bucks for service. 1-2 mile South of Coos Junction on Pacific highway. Phone, Moycr Nurseries, Roseburg. FOR SALE-78 head ewes, 1 lo 4 years old; 30 lambs; 15 aged ewes; sell all or separately, reasonable. Claude Ritchey, Yoncalla, Oregon. FOR SALE- Blocky bay mare, gentle and sound, weight 1 100. age 9 years. Price $85. Lind bloom, Dixonville. WANTED-To buy gentle mule to work and pack. Weight 900 to 1100 pounds. R. L. Mor row, Glendale. TWO BROOD SOWS, 7 weaner pigs- $100.00 for bunch if taken at once .John L. Camp bell, Glengary. FOR SALE 40 head of good size feeder pigs. Andy Hempenius, 1 mile E. of Sutherlin. FOR SALE 25 Hampshire wer.n er pigs, $5.00 ,each. A. J. Young & Son, Curry Estate. FOR SALE 20 or 30 good ewes. V. L. Hush, Tenmile, Oregon. SADDLE HORSE Gentle. Clyde Fullerton, phone 17 F-12. FOR SALE- Day-old calf. Phone 3-K-22. RABBITS lor sale. Phono 34-F-2. Ration Books Lost LOST -- Ration book No. 3. Frances and C. C. I tougland, Lookingglnss Star Rt. Trade WILL TRADE Monarch Mixer, tor good milk cow. Phone 3S F-13. 115 Acres, most all tillable. J story 7-room house in good condition, with electricity. Sev eral barns in fair condition. Lo cated clo.e in. Suitable for stock ranch, or general farm. Priced at $8500. 171 acres, about 50 acres tillable, balance pasture and timber. Buildings old, but can be re paired. Live creek through property. Price S-40O0. 100 acres, 11 1-2 tillable, balance pasture and timber. Irrigation ditch through property. 1 story 3-room house. Poultry houses, brooder house ,barn. Priced for quick sale at $-lS00. Takes $3000 to handle. 100 acre sheep ranch, 150 head sheep, S tons 2nd cutting alfal fa hay, in good barn. 1 room cabin, water bv springs and live creek. Priced at, $10,000. Good stock ranch. Extra good modern dwelling, good location in Roseburg, $7500. Two other fair dwellings, $3000 and $3250. We need more dwellings and small tracts. Everything in Real Estate and Insurance. Fred A. Goff, Realtor, 122 S. Ste phens, phone 218. FOR SALE On account of ill health, 53 acre farm. 15 acres cherries, 1 acre filberts, prunes, pears, peaches , plums, and grapes, for family use. Good 7 room house, bath and electri city. Good barn and out build ings. Would consider selling 2 cows, and 200 four-month-old ! leghorns, mostly pullets, 3 doe rabbits, and buck. C. J. Lank ford, Cherry Hill Farm, Suth erlin. FOR SALE -37 acres In high state fertility. 10 head fine Jer-I soys and Gurrnseys, 1200 chick-1 ens, incubating and laying equipment for 3000. Modern six-room House, all furnished Electricity, hot and cold water, rriced to sell. Nelson Bros. Rifle range road. FOR SALE -10 acres .lots of .im ber, on Coos Bay Highway. Good buildings, 4 room house, a 2-room cabin, barn, chicken house, gas station, electric lights, good spring. Ideal place for camp ground and grocery. Address A. J. Johnson, Route 2, Box 47. 1 WANTED Morr rarm listings: We have many good prospects on the waiting list all sizes, types and prices. Call at 813 S. Stephens street, Roseburg, or phono 173-L. Stiout Realty Agency. Ray Ruebel, agent. SUTHERLIN city building lots, two 5 and 10 acre lots, improv ed or unimproved. Farm land, 5 to 500 acres. Price right for quick sale. L. dc Waard, Suth erlin. 100 ACRES, west of Roseburg. Cabin , creek, .springs, hunting and fishing ,lots of outrange, good soil. F. H. Crittenden. 5320 S. E. GUtli Ave., Portland. l, Oregon. FOR SALE - 21-A. farm with 5 room house, barn, and fruit house .orchard, electricity. S. W. side of Lookingglass Valley. See John Beck, on place. FOR SALE Kotise, large barn, approximately .9 acres, in.Sj therlin. S3500.00. See Bonnie Y'raguen, Suthor!i:i. Oregon. WISH TO SELL OUR HOME in Portland. Very good location on West side .Close to school. Call 543L, Roseburg. FOR SALE -- One five room house, furnished, and on? eight-room house, partly fur nished .003 W. Lane. FOR SALE -2 vacant plastered houses -1 5 room and 1 0-room house. Close in. Immediate pos session. Call 350. FOR SALE--4unit apartment house. Sound investment with good income. Phone 2)3 .1. RESIDENCE for sale, 401 N. Jackson street, $3250. Coen Lumber company. FOR SALE .Modern live room house. W. J. Hickman, Oak l;i nd. 'ire. A Touching Goodby FOR SALE- House and lot on Fleser street. For information call Mrs. Julia Reed, 939 W. i First street. i Autos USED CARS WANTED WE PAY MORE FOR GOOD USED CARS CALL 80 FOR THE HIGHEST CASH OFFERS FOR YOUR CAR. LOCKWOOD MOTORS WANTED USED CARS AND TRUCKS. TOP CASH PRICE FOR ALL MAKES. KEEL MOTORS, Your Stuiiebaker j dealer, 4-13 N. Jackson. USED CARS, TRUCKS AND j tMUUKSWA,ifcii.iiu.n. HANSEN MOTOR CO. FORD 192li Model T roadster with Ruxtell drive. $G0.00 cash or trade for late model A 101 West 2nd. Ave. N. For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE No hunting or tres passing signs, employees ter mination blanks, statements of earning and deduction books, rubber stamps. Special printed forms or every description. Phone 100. Roseburg News Review. FOR SALE One 9x12 Royal Wilton rug Willi pad and 1 small rugs to match S00..T0; 2 library tables; one blue wick er chair. Call A. G. Homager home in Laurelwood. FOR SALE - Registered Guern soy bull; electric or hand-power cream separator; poultry equipment; brooder batteries. Lois M. Clough, Myrtle Creek. FOR SALE Large oak roll-lop desk, fair condition, $25.00; forly five bales oat straw, about 2 12 Ions, $22.50 if taken at once. Paul Simpson, Idlevld Rt. Phone 54-F-l. FOR SALE 1 bnby hod, slightly used, with Simmons mattress; oak breakfast set, table and four chairs; '34 Ford coupe, good tires and fair shape. 408 Rowe slreel. BLUE FLASH REFRIGERA TOR, new, to trade for domes tic irfrigerator, or consider , selling. R. T. Schmutzlcr, Camas Valley. 1,000 feet electric wire, No. 14, new .perfect, sell to best offer Write Ray Angermayer, Glide, Oregon, amount wanted and price offered. FOR SALE Canning tomatoes, 1 young cow and calf. Dennis Mathews, near Joelson . Mill, Idleyld Star Route. ., FOR SALE Choice dried petite prunes, 10c lb. Phone I9 F5 evenings --postal card will do. Lindbloom. CANNING TOMATOES-Bring containers. Pick them your self, 50c bushel. Walter Leake, Dixonville. 12 GAUGE FULL REMINGTON automatic shotgun, like new. 532 South Mill St., Roseburg. FOR SALE- 1 good double bar rel 12-guage shotgun. B. P. Enyeart, Rifle Range road. CANNING TOMATOES, plenty of them, 50c per bushel. W. F. Wright, Curry Estate. FOR SALE Trailer house. Call at trailer just E. of Sutherlin housing. Ed Harbison. LATE MODEL 2 1-2 If. Johnson Outboard motor, $125.00. 005 S. Pine, Apt. 2. ONE 8 and one U-holc steam table. Inquire Roseburg hotel. KoR SALE Collapsible baby buggy. $5.00. Phone 085 R. Invasion Is Costly fighting your Boy Gives 100 per con; How about your bond buying? NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Louis S. Kohlhagen, Jr., property, 4 miles N. E. of Rose- burg. NO HUNTING or irespas'n" on our property at Carnes. W. F, Paris and W. S. Hamilton. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the J. 11. Short property, 7 miles N. E. of Roseburg. NO HUNTING or trespn-siin on my property east of Rose burg. W. S. Hamilton. NO HUNTING or trespassing on F. B.uagar fe Son place, 2 miles N. of Roseburg. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Stanley 1'raice property, 3 miles E. of Roseburg. NO HUNTING or trespassing on O. C. Brown property, 1 mile S. L of Dixonville NO HUNTING or trespassing on John Lander properly. Camaf Valley Star Route. NO hunting or trespassing on the property of T. F. Kerr, 1 mile E. of town. NO HUNTING or trespassing on W. I. Dixon properly West of Oak creek road. NO HUNTING or trespassing on A. .1. Standley, and Phil Strader property. Glide. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Lynn Bcckley property, 3 miles E. of Rosebtng. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Ray Ranch property on Roberts creek. No HUNTING or trespassing or. Happy Valley Ranch. I.yli Marsters. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Sunshine ranch, 8 miles N. E. of Roseburg. NO HUNTING or (repassing on F. D; Sampson property, lit. 1, Box 21-A. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Crispen ranch, near Milo, Oregon. NO HUNTING or trespassing on Mt. Alto ranch. C. G. Gil breath. ' POSITIVELY NO HUNTING or trespassing on (he T. O. Dixon estate. NO HUNTING or tresspassing on the lands of the Curry estate. ABSOLUTELY NO - HUNTING of'trespassing. Geo. L. Nicho las. NO HUNTING or trespassing on our properly. Kruse Bros. Fusl PHONE -10" Green Slab Woou ROSEBURG LUM3ER CO. Ration Dates and Data RATION BOOK NO. 2 OCTOBER 20 Expiration date of blue stamps U, V and VV (pro cessed foods). OCTOBER 30--Expiration date of brown stamps C, D, E, and F. E becomes valid October 10; F on October 17. Each weekly sc ries good for 10 points. RATION BOOK 3 (Brown Stamps) Replacement book containing coupons to be used for purchase NOW OPEN EVERY DAY GOOD HOMG COOKED MEALS Breakfast - Lunch - Dinnbr Special Sunday Dinners EDDY'S CAFE & SERVICE STATION Coos Junction BY MERRILL BLOSSER COMM'CL REFRIGERATION diet Hainm. Phone 715. PLUMBING Pete Crunimett, phone 097. Roscoo Marsters, phone 121. of meats, fats, butter, cheese, oils. RATION BOOK NO. 1 SUGAR OCTOCER 31 Expiration date stamp No. 14, five pounds. Can ning sugar stamps No. 15 and 16, each good for 5 pounds, through October 31. SHOES OCTOBER 31 Stamp No. 18, good for one pair of shoes through this date. FUEL OIL Period 1 coupons in new fuel oil rations hist through January 1, 1944. Poriod 5 coupons (1942 13) valid through September 30. Coupons with g.illonigo printed on the face valid until expiration date shown on coupon Bhcet for fj.-tllonagc indicated on coupon face. STOVES Purchaser must get certificates it ration boards for most new stoves. WOOD. SAWDUST, COAL ruel dcal-rs must deliver by -iriorltics bnscd on consumer needs. GASOLINE riOVEMDER 21 Expiration date of No. 8 stamps in A book, each good for 4 gallons. TIRES Cars with C ration books have ;ire3 inspected every 3 months; B books every 4 months; A books ivory G months. September 30 next inspection deadline or every " BEST BUYS REAL ESTATE a LARGE LOT GARDEN LAND. West Roseburg three bedroom home, wired for electric range, new roof, well painted, low taxes, yard all fenc ed, lots of fruit etc. Vene tian blinds, garage, Large shade trees. Close to school, line lor chil dren. Price $4,000.00 . ONE OF ROSEBURG'S FINER NEW HOMES I oflered for sale. Appoint- 1 ment only. , Price $8,500.00 1 THREE BEDROOM I HOME, 2 large lots good garden ground, close lo river, lots of fruit, grapes etc. Hani, chicken house and garage. Price $3,500.00 MODERN HOME ON RANCH, 250 acres, SO acres creek bottom, 101) acres very good upland pasture, smne timber, good lor dairy or slock. Home has concrete base ment, furnace, double u I u in h i n g, I lu ce bed rooms, wired lor range, barn, sheep barn, chick en bouses, b r o o d e r houses and garage. Only 12 miles from Roseburg and has phone and is on school bus line. A very good buy at ... 11,000.ob SHEEP OR CATTLE RANCH. 525 acres. .'15 tilled. Lots of springs, good range, good, large barn in excellent condition. I'anacity ,')00 ewes or 50 cows. Clover, lotus and allalla. Only l.'l miles from Roseburg. Price $15,000.00 unMKini ra n m m m m a B REALTOR 3 Hotel Rose Bldg. 3! Phone 726-R Q Roseburg News-Review Roseburg, Ore. Piease renew ( ) or at Bargain offer price. by carrier) for one full Name Address ,vr IKS HADIO SERVICING Mmlio Doctors, 300 N. Stephens Lund Radio Service. Phone 31 j PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Dcmoth 189 L 5,000 miles, whichever occurs first. REGISTRATION War Ration "cok No. 4, design ed to lar,t for a period of two k'r3r "J fJow HamPshiras 2 m0, old ?OR SALE 609 New Hampshire PuSIefs 603 Mew Hampshire Cockerels Can be seen Saturday, October 9th between 10 and 12 a. m. at UMPQUA PRODUCE CO. next to Douglas Flour Mill SAWMILL WORKERS WANTED By Douglas County Lumber Company near Idleyld. Good PayP., ..Steady work all winter. Call M. L. Hallmark at 299 or see him at Douglas National Bank Bldg. AUCTION AL'S ROSEBURG AUCTION Monday. Oct. 11, at 11 a. m. Sharp FURNITURE & HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Davenport and chair; Stainless steal kitchen cabinet with four sections; Bed, springs and mattresses; Dressers; Dinette set; Table and four chairs; Electric irons and toast ers; International Cream Separator, like new; 2 wheel trail er with good tires; Linoleum rugs; Houscfull of small tools and miscellaneous articles. LIVESTOCK: SALE STARTS 2,30 SHARP 20 head weaner pigs; 12 head feeder pigs, 100 lbs.; 25 head good young ewes; 4-yr. old Guernsey milk cow (fresh 30 days) giving 4'2 gal.; 3-yr. old cow (fresh 2 mo.) giving 3 gal.; 2 good springers; 6 head yearling and 2-yr. old heifers; good gentle saddle horse. MAKE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS EARLY. WE ALWAYS HAVE A BUYER. Be sure to tune in KRNR 7:25 Monday morning for program and sale listing. Al laPan, Auctioneer Phone 486-Y BARGAIN PERIOD ORDER BLANK don't delay mail this coupon today! start ( ) the News-Review to me for one year Enclosed is $ ($4.50 by mail, or $6.50 year subscription on the Bargain Period Offer. years, will bo issued the end of October. The four-day registra tion will bs handed at school sites which will be announced at a latter date. Applicants will be enquired to bring their Book 3 with them when applying for the COLONEL GETS THE BIRD SPOKANE Maj. Otto E. Haa land, home frurr. Guadalcanal, tells of n visiting colonel, ap proaching a tent, who froze in Ills tracks upon hearing the com mand "hah:" He stood it sometime before discovering lie was the victim of a self-appointed sentry a pet parrot with a one-word vocabulary. Rhode Island Reds 3 ivo. eld Btirrod Rocks 11 weeks old Date,