FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1943 DOUGLAS COUNTY ROLL of fitei t?n row hufl rMJ Httm War bonds have been purchased in the Third War Loan campaign in honor of Douglas county men and women in military service as follows: OCTOBER 7 Harry Wright, U. S. A. by Jacob S. Smith, Tiller. j Sgt. Don E. Wright by Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Days Crcok. j Ptc. Donald R. Hcpler by Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Days: Creek. Gordon W. Clark, U. S. A. by Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Days ' Creek. j Wm Taylor by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Weeks, Myrtle Crick. ! Ptc. Theodore Peterson by Gary G. Burnett, Myrtle Creek. Earl Weeks by Ernest W. Weeks, Myrtle Creek. ; Corp. Frank B. Coop-jr by George Cooper, Roscburg. Mike Marcy, U. S. N. by Mr. Gordon Burnett, Myrtle Creek. Pfc. George W. Nowcll by W. E. Nowcll, Myrtle Creek. Clifford A. Penncll by Dclton B. Pruner, Riddle. Delton B. Pruner by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pruner, Riddle. 1st Lt. Harold Pruner by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pruner, Riddle. Pvt. William R. Stock by Mrs. Agnes A. Riddle, Myrtle Creek. MaJ. Go. W. Hunt by Glenn N. Riddle, Myrtle Creek. Pvt. Marshall Hunt by Glenn N. Riddle, Myrtle Creek. Corp. Wm P. Wilson by Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pruner, Riddle. Capt. Robert R. Boncbrake by Mrs. Agnes A. Riddle, Myrtle Creek. Ivan Andrus by Kathcrine Voorhics, Lookingglass. Vernon Green by Catherine Voorhies, Lookingglass. Leslie Buell by Kathcrlnc Vcorhics, Lookingglass. Wayne Swan by Kathcrine Voorhics, Lookingglass. Floyd Andrus by Kathcrlnc Voorhies, Lookingglass. Durwood Owens by Katherinc Voorhics, Lookingglass. Ivan Matthews by Kathcrine Voorhics, Lookingglass. George Marsh by Katharine Voorhics, Lookingglass. Raymond Buell by Kathcrine Voorhies, Lookingglass. Dale Ellis by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hodges, Lookingglass. Ivan Buckle by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hodges, Lookingglass . Nelson Buckle by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hodges, Lookingglass. J'ifferson J. Hodges by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hodges, Lookingglass. Cpl. Leslie Buell by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Cpl. Leonard Buell by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Cpl. Raymond Buell by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Joe and Vern Green, Navy by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. A. C. George Marsh by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Floyd Andrus by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Ivan Andrus by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Dewitt Cary by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Art Davidson by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Jlmmle Davidson by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Cpl. Wallace Dysert by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Sgt. Maurice Holmes by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Alvin Heard by Edna Williams .Lookingglass. ' Jack Adair by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Sgt. Chester L. Williams by Edna Williams, Lookingglass. Leonard Calvin Williams by Edna Williams. Lookingglass. Cpl. Raymond Buell by Mr .and Mrs. Roy Buell, Lookingglass. Cpl. Leslie Bucl Iby Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buell, Lookingglass. Cpl., Leonard Buell by Mr .and Mrs. Roy Buell, Lookingglass. Cpl. Leslie Buell by Lyh Buell, Lookingglass. Cpl. Leonard Buell by Maxino Buell, Lookinglass. Cpl. Raymond Bu-jll by Mary Jean Buell, Lookingglass. Cpl. Leonard Buell by Frankie Buell, Lookingglass. Cpl. Leslie Bi.l I oy Martha June Buell, Lookingglass. Maurice Holmes by Mae M. Green, Roscburg. Jack Barton by Bass Sutton, Lookingglass. Raymond M. Hcinstrcct by Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Houck, Looking glass. Dcrwood E. Oar by Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Cory, Roscburg. Jack Hairc, Navy by Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Cory, Roscburg. Pvt. Willis E. Butler by Mrs. P. R. Cory, Rosiburg. Willard Shortridgc by Mr .and Mrs. P. R. Cory, Roscburg. Dcrwood Oar by David A. Jacoby, Lookingglass. 2nd. Lt. Howard E. Newell by Lcland J. Hewitt, Roscburg. 1st. Lt, Wm A. Ncwoll by Lcland J. Hewitt, Roscburg. W. H. Karlingcr by Mr. and Mrs. M. Karlingcr, Roiiburg. Stewart Karlingcr by Mr. and Mrs. M. Karlingcr, Roscburg. J. M. Ferguson, Jr. by John M. Ferguson, Roscburg. Pfc. John W. Ferguson by Jack W. Ferguson. Roscburg. M HAD . H )I$S . - r- - ai Tf -Mi iwa.-.jt James Burnett by Mrs. Jean 13. Sutherland, Rowburg. Dean Margworth by Mrs. Jean D. Sutherland Roseburg. Clifford D. Barker by Mrs. J. F. Barker, Roseburg. Mr. Jomtthon Shephard by Mrs. Jean B. Sutherland, Roscburg. Mr. James Roy by Mrs. J-jan B. Sutherland, Roscburg. Mrs. James Roy by Mrs. Jean B. Sutherland, Roseburg. Mr. Warren Terry, Ly Mrs. Jean B. Sutherland, Roseburg. Lt. Clyde W. Adair by Bessie B. Adair, Roscburg. Mr. Howard Struck by Mrs. Jean B. Sutherland, Roscburg. Colbert Carter by Mrs. Jean B. Sutherland, Roscburg. Cpl. Wm E. Mills by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Beach, Roseburg , Ralph E. Hermann by Mr .and Mrs. Fred J. Hermann, Roseburg A C C. L. Miller by Dorcthy Smith, Roseburg , Capt. Robt. L. Harris by Mrs. Ethel Turner, Roscburg. Burt Bailey by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bailey, Roscburg. H. Dewjy Wilson by Mrs. Jessie Rapp Vinson, Roscburg. Thomas Smith by Brace Phillips, Roseburg. Thomas Smith by Joan Phillips, Roscburg. James E. Judd by Kent J. Phillips, Roscburg. Thomas Smith by Keith and Jennie Phillips, Roseburg. Ben Melton by Harlan Melton, Jr., Roseburg. Pc''.r Franco by Agnes M. Pitchfortf, Roseburg. Lcuic Franco by Ayncs M. Pitchford, Roseburg. Bud Manning by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ison, Roscburg. Roscoc Jolliff by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ison, Roseburg. Wayne Craft by Mr .and Mrs. A. M. Ison, Roscburg. Leon White by Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ison, Roseburg. Watson Talcott by Mr, and Mrs, F. C. Dunn, Melrose. Bud Richards by Mr. and Mr3. A. M. Ison, Roi;buro J.ick Tucker by Mrs. E. Oscar Rickli and Mrs. Beriha E. Rickli, Roscburg. Pvt. Bob Lyman by Dclmer Howell, Rcsiburg. Jair.ea Medford by Marie Austin, Roscbjrg. Pfc. Bill Huffman by Mr. and M-s. Jerry Stanck, Roscburg, Sgt. George Burdcck by Betty SI m-k. Roseburg. Clare Arnold Meredith by Lela Jjanita Meredith, Lookingglass. Harold Printz by Wallace Rose, Roseburg. Dill Wharton by Wallace L. Rose, Roseburg. Clifford Palmer by H;nry D. Palmer, Roscburg. J, B. Hcrchcr by Mrs. Jessie Hcrcher, Roscburg, Donald Glanvillc by Mr. and Mra. Lcland R. Hartcr, Roscburg. Sgt. John Harter by Mr .and Mra. Lcland R. Hartcr, Roscburg. Prtva'.; William M. Smith by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Smith, Scottsburg. Duanc Johnson by Frank and Luclla Johnson, Roscburg. AC George E. Hnjh by Mr. and Mrs. Edw. G. High, Roscburg. Pfc. Vernon J. Houck by Mr. and Mrs. Edw. G. High, Roscburg. AC George E. High by Mrs. Naomi K. High, Roscburg. Robert Wells by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Fullerton, Roseburg . Leslie Cummings by Mr. ;mt! Mrs. Lewis J. Fullerton, Roseburg. George Bacher by Mr. and Mrs. Lswis J. Fullerton, Roseburg. Hubert Alford by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Fullerton, Roseburg. Gy. Sgt. Walter F.. Cordon by Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Cordon, Roseburg. Staff Sgt. Lee Wood by Miss Donna Edith Ccrdon, Roseburg. Wesley All-.-n Lcv y Rcna and Volhe Lewis, Roscburg. Donald Clarke Wik by Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wilson, Umpqua. Sgt. Cecil Pierce by Mr. Vance W. Bowen, Roseburg. Pvt. Marcus W. Brown by Frank R. and Winnie Drown, Camas Valley. Ensign Darrcll Davis by Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Hochne, Rosc burg. Pfc. William Drummond by Clarcn I!. Slake, Roscburg. James Lerioy Cook by Miss Joyce Lcona Cook, Brockway. James LeRoy Cook by Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Cook, Brockway. Cpl. Donald Slarmci by Ted and Ellen Post, Roscburg. A. M. M. 1C Hugh B. Cooper by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh rf. Cooper, i-.oschurg. A. M. M. 1 ' C Hugh B. Cooper by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Cooper, rifi burg. A C Ray S. Owens, Jr. by Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Masters, Roseburg Pfc. Edgar P. Craig by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Craig, Roseburg. Staff Sgt. William F. Craig by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Craig, Roseburg. Staff Sgt. William F. Craig by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Craig, Rost iu;rg. Pfc. Edgar P. Craig by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Craig, Roscburg. Raymond E, Grogg, U. S. N. by Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Grogg, Roscburg. Eddy Lewis, Army by Billy Rilny, Roscburg. George Knight by Mr. and Mrs. W. Riley, Roscburg. Harold Bnner by Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Guard, Roscburg. Vernon Perry by Dennis M.ithjws, Jr., Roscburg. Pfc. Gordon W.ilkcr by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker, Roscburg. Sgt. Calvin Smith, Medical corps by Fred C. Kuck, Roscburg. Cpl. Argus Fisher, U. S. A. by Fred C. Kuck, Roscburg. Roy Grimm, Jr. by Richard Ciaypool, Roscburg. Clarence Myers by Joycj Cl.iypool, Roscburg. Edw.ird B.illou by Shirley and N. R. Fisher, Roseburg. Lyle Jones by and Norma Fisher, Roscburg. Donald Frcar by Mr. and Mrs. James Mortcnscn, Roscburg. Maj. K. M. Johnson by Luzie L. Marst'rs, Roseburg. El wood McLaughlin by Verla McLaughlin, Roscburg. f'.ldon McLaucjhhn by Vela McLaughlin, Roseburg. Shirley McL.uiqhhn by Vn la McLaughlin, Roscburg. John Cotiiii hy Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Smith. Roseburg. VV. A. Tison, A. M. 2 C by Mr. and Mrs. Grover Ttson, Roscburg, Raymond Heicfennch hy Mr .and Mrs. Grdv:t Tison, Roscburg. Andy Coin. A. M. M . 2 C hy Mr. and Mrs. Grover Tison, Roseburg. R. V. Hatfield by Mr .and Mrs. Grover Tison, Roseburg. Harry M. Stlmson, M. M. 1C by" Max G. Stimson, Sutherlin, Verl W. Stimson, H. A. 1C by Max G. Stlmson, Sutherlin. John B. Richards by Carl and Pearl Thornton, Sutherlin, Kenneth P.McCollum by Carl and Pearl Thornton, Suthsrlln. Claud Lebou by Carl and Pearl Thornton, Sutherlin. Jon Roberts by Mrs. Mary , Bridges, Roseburg, Ivan Andrus by Mary E. Bridges, Roseburg. Jon Roberts by Jon Ivan and Edith Pickens, Roseburg. Shirley McLaughlin by Jon Ivan and Edith Pickens, Roseburg. Thecdore Insley by Wyllys Insley, Roseburg. Theodore Insley by Mr. and Mrs. Insley, Roseburg. Bill Wharton by Wallace and Pauline Rose , Roseburg. Harold Printz by Wallac-3 and Paulino Rose, Roseburg. Emma Lucia Britton by James E. Britton and Bernice M. Brit ton, Roseburg. Emma Lucia Britton by Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Britton, Roseburg. Mr. Harold Cacy by Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Britton, Roseburg. Paul Cacy by Mr. and Mrs. .Earl A. Britton, Roseburg. Frank Roadman by H. B, Roadman, Roseburg. Dani.r.ni9 Carananv. Lont Island City. N. Y. Franchise Bottler; Pepsi-Colo Bottling Co., Roseburg, Oregon Rich in Vitamin B-l, Red & White Super Flake Oats is an appe tizing breakfast food that children will eat morning after morn ing without, tiring! It is good for them and good for you. Keep several packages on hand. for making oatmeal. cookies as an ideal extender for meat! Specials for Friday and Saturday, Oct. 8-9 RED & WHITE SWEET 3 Sieve PEAS 2 for RED & WHITE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46-oz. Tin RED & WHITE TOMATOES No. 21 Tin 2 for 35c 35c 29c Red WL ROLLED OATS SS?. : 25C Red L TOMATO JUICE S.2 23 JL WHITE CEREAL Package Each JL. COFFEE X lb. Jar lb. Jar 95 OUR VALUE PEAS 303 Tin 2 for 25 HARVEST PRIDE FLOUR 49. b. sack 1.95 BAKING POWDER CtaSU tit BON-AMI Powdered 2 fr 27C Pirifl EC Harvest Brand Country h ntlXLLJ Style Quart Jars Each CRACKERS Sunshine 2-lb. Box Each 31C MOTHER'S OATS 35C CORN FLAKES 2 for 19C MOLASSES 33C With China EACH KELLOGG'S ll-oi. Package BRER RABBIT Gold Label 24-oz. Glass. NORSE LOSES FAT ; SAFELY AYDS WAY ! Get slimmer without exertso 1 RED RYDER Funeral or Wedding? BY FRED HARMAN rvitrt.tin AV1is til." . t ... K' ' if.H'l-". I. f .... I ni ill nii'i.itiM in v.. it- i!,' i-. f . I.' r Weight II. n i- v.-r K'l ' v ' Vi ! Ho ,l iv nupi'tj. M.'iH' M.-kt I VKAMI'IMf , fxmi.'ll l It ui!:v Ju-t i'V, if Ch.ipnKin's Ph.irm.icy Rofobury, Ori-yiMi. BE PREPARED, MOM! Keep a liip green package of wholesome Money Maid Urahams alwajH on hand! "ONLY THE BEST MEETS A MOTHER S TEST! Honey Maid GRAHAM CRACKERS f tt$4uttmc&L chops lR? PREVENT GOLDS from developing I'm ;t fi w ilii'i"- .'I Y.i no-no! u .l.l.osIl.l tlic wr tirM Mull1: nr mrcic. 1 1 ii"h k .1. i ni'i .tii!1-Nturc'sil. !'''..-. .iciin-l inkU I'uilov. VlknJ 30 VU'KE A fiWUU RE-Nfl I TO VISIT EP f WOT tMVT WE'LL RIPE INTO Th' V3LVCO MD LOOVS OVEK HIS F?ACH.' I'LL MAKE FLAMS JHElvE-FOfil HIS FUNERAL.' For newspaper deliveries from 6:00 fo 7:00 Please Call BAKtD BY NABISCO NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 215-L i i ALLEY OOP JAP RAT.' J a i - -; f ' i 7I VIHItE, ACE HALLOS IS NOT THE OrtLY one: DETER MINED TO "otT" P -.0 Hi3WD1. l rOH,HEL--L--0, FRLTTV y il J V ' A Y n stuvict. PRETTY DAY. HUH HE DOE6T TVvE TIME TO hJOTiCr. THAT rrFftc.i'TY HE Vjia--- ".: A 50lNC)TOH!5'r:'.":i! Bullseye BY V. T. HAMLIN SJO DAIJC? SVVC5D IS - 'A I GONNA STOP A MOrESM J FloHTER PLAME ...BUT J ill: BY GOLLY, I CAM'T . ' v.just can't stanp , ,he;am'do 1 ; VNlOTHiNl' cur . i A PINK-TCtC DlPLOOOCUi I HIT IT.' l-U t'-M2 -A A- .. i IiT v. ' . " - . I : ti . v v i , X i. - ...Mi . - i