TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1943 Uau4 Dally ;. Nataila by tfte Ke.nHevtw ivtiipMMj, I nr. Mrinltrr f Hie ANsmrltilril I'm The AHHocinti-d I'retH U fxil 1111 v ly entlthd tu lliu n.' fur republic- Hon of all ntWM iMHjmt-it cntliteil to It or not utherwino crwdittid in tnts paper and tu an ,utti nuwii publlshutl herein. All rlK'tte or r mmiicittton of npf-ial diuputchefl. herein ara iIho rtHervedv CHAR V. STANTON Kdltnr EDWIN I KNAFP MunaKtT Kntered as aacnnd claaa mattt'r May 17. 192. at tha nmtiMff i.-e h' Rojehiu-ff, Oregon, under act of atftrcb , 1875. It pre Rented r Nrvw York 271 Mmlmon Ave. blttix 30 N. Mtchluuil t m, . dun rraitflNi'o fiilf- M.nUfi Sir-"-t l.N Aimrl?. i:C( S, SpHnK Mruut ealtie tUM Stewart HtffMl I'orllimd 50 H. W. 81 Mh Mreut HI. I.uiii 411 N. Tonih Klrct. Afamls OlEG PCI POBLIS 4Vl$qjj)i 1 t 1 0 a Editorials on News (Continued from pug 1.) the loiiR and bloody seven months li'om Buna to Salamaua. Mac-Arthur points out that this has been accomplished with "forces ALWAYS LESS than those available to the enemy." GKNERAL. Arnold, head of the U. S. army air force, speak ing in Seattle at the opening of a drive for 9,000 new workers for Boeing (to build more Fly ing Fortresses I, says: "U. S. and British air forcen saved the tdlied troops from ANNIHILATION at Salerno. To ilo il, we had to scrape together every possible plane from every possible source in the Mediter ranean area. "It nearly wasn't enough. The lask would have been easier with more planes; it COULDN'T HAVE BEEN PONE with LESS." ARNOLD adds that the fighting in ItaJy is Just a curtain raiser. "The big battles (in Europe), he says "are yet to be? Joined, and when they are Joined it will he the army with the extra ma terial that will conquer." THERE'S a new point of minor interest. Germans land "in strength" on the island of Coo In the Dodeca nese group Just off the Turkish coast in the Aegean sea and cap ture several points in stubborn righting with Ihe British garri son. 'ITle Germans already hold Rhodes, in the Dodecanese group. Don't forget the Aegean entirely. Nothing has happened there yet bill these recurring battles for iolands indicate that something MAY HAPPEN there sooner or later. FOR days, we've been getting hazy rumors about a separate peace between Ihe Germans and the Russians. Most of these rumors seem to come from the Balkans, and it is practically certain that they're planted by the Germans, wno a e , siu- up suspicion uuu , I ween us and Ihe British, J one side, anil uie uusm.uis, jh m other. AS long as we and the British , and the Russians slick togeth- : er, the Germans haven't a chance j in the world to win the war and Ihev have very little deed lo win Ihe better peace that's about al! they have let I to tight fin But it they split Ihe Kus sians oil tnun us and the British and gel the three ot us to quarreling in advance over Ihe spoils that will remain lo be divided after Germany Is licked, they'll have accomplished some thing worth while from their standpoint. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting Systsm, 1490 Kilocycles, REMAINING IIOl'RS TODAY 400 Fulton Lewis Jr., Plough Co. 4:l." .lohnson Family. -I. .'id Swing Songs. I l."i Hal Mclnlyre's orchestra 5.00 Moods in Mimc 5:15 Superman, KeHoqg's Pep. ."UP Radio Tour. 5:45 Norman Nesbitt N-:ws, Studcbakcr. 6:00 Gabriel Heatter, Krcml. II l") Songs O' St Pence H .'HI Soldiers with Wings 700 John B. Hughes. Anacm. 7:15 State and Local News. Motor Co. 7:JD Musical Interlude. 7:.'MI Lone Ranger. 8:00 Take A Card. Hinds. 900 Alka Saltier News. 9:15 Hound-Up in Hit Sky, E. G. High. 9:3fJ General Barrows, Union Oil Company. 3.11 Fulton Lewi' . ,'r. 10.01) Sicii OK. LIFE WITHOUT .EDITORIAL. By Charles UOW would you like to live in I paper? Did you ever stop paper contributes to your daily life and the welfare of your town. You doubtless are like the majority of persons who accept your newspaper as a matter of course. You crab because there is "no news," hul you make an awful fuss if the carrier boy is a few minutes late or if, as happens so often without apparent reason, you arc missed entirely. We like to have people complain when they miss their newspaper. We know then that the pa per is appreciated. But life would be much more dreary, wouldn't it. if you were unable to obtain a newspaper) You would hear reports of accidents, accounts of crimes, news of industrial or business development only by word of mouth. We know by sad experience that such reports would come to you in a most distorted fashion. You would have no way of sorting the truth from the imaginary or exaggerated. You would have none of the news of the comings and goings of your friends and acquaintances. Your schools and churches would suffer because of inabilily to impart information of their activities and meetings. Societies, clubs, lodges and organiza tions would have a much more difficult time maintaining in terest. News of weddings, births and deaths might reach you or might not. You would never be sure of the information you re ceived. Hack fence gossip would he a poor substitute for your daily newspuper. The invention of printing marked the end of the Dark Ages. The facilities for collection and dissemination of news have paced the progress of civilization. Our industrial life at tained maturity through the "Golden Age of Advertising." Modern merchandising has been developed through the advertising columns of newspapers. Without advertising lo stimulate rapid turnover and volume sales, retail outlets would be badly handicapped. Many merchants fail to avail them selves of the opportunity for increased business offered by newspapers and they also fail lo realize the obligation they owe the newspapers for the very existence of their business, for it is the power of newspaper advertising that has created and maintained modern retail methods. Without advertising we would still be back in the days of the general store and the open cracker barrel. A newsDaner can build or promote harmony and cooperation, or it can stimulate factional- j ism. suspicion and strile. As has heen snown ay ine porno graphic German press, owned and controlled by degenerate dictators, it can destroy the moral fibre of a nation, or, on the other hand, it can be a powerful influence for righteousness. The power of the press is almost unlimited. In reckless, careless or acquisitive control the newspaper can be a dangerous weapon. That is one reason the slogan of National Newspaper Week is "A Free Press and a Tree People An Unbeatable U. S. May Have to Go Into Rubber Making-Jeffers OMAHA. Oct. (i I AIM The government may find it neces sary to "go Into Ihe manufacture ot tires and rubber goods gener ally" to avert "unnecessary inter ference" and "continual iiiLE and knifing" of lb bicker rubber prugrani, former istralur William Rubber Adtnin M. .letters he- lieves. .letters disi losed his view pii.u.Mphla Record, which cited ., niAvs story from Akron, c, .-,,, i ;i i n 1 1 iu warnings trom live lubber company executives inai immediate steps must be taken In avoid a threatened collapse of piuim' tnutspoi l. The newsp.iier asked that "in view ot these facts hadn't you be.,,.,- return to youi j b as , until it is done right '. .left 'is reiterated his resign:! Hon li . l:ii ntioi, Ihiit "the big Job covered by Ihe recommendations in the Banich report is dune." .mil asserted that some id the iiinbei companies "are devetiug Inn much ol their nianpow cr ami lacihlies to other than making tiles inr military or civilian use." Navy Plane Crash Near Port Angeles Kills 8 SEATTLE. Oct. i APi A huge navy plane crashed near Pysht. "'() 'inn's west ol Port An I'cles on tin strait ot Juan de l-'u-c.i. .tinmt niHiii y clei day. killing the eight members ot the crew. district headquai'lers. .innuuncing ihe cr.ivh. s.ud Ihe tunics nf those dead will be an niuinci'd alter niititU'.itinn of the next nt km. Dr. E. D. Hill, Former Agriculture Aide, Dies PASADENA. Calif . I vt. C i APi Death has ended Ihe e.i rcer nt Dr Elmer Darwin Hall, 7'1. who wis ,i-..;stiint sccieiary nt agriculture under Presidents WlUnn and Harding in Pr Rail, who died here vester day pillowing ;i long illness, was M'icniitic research ilneiinr nt the agriculture department I rum P'L'l to l!i'.'"i. He was dean of the !.'ti!vi"'!'y of .Virons ir.'l'i'v aim ultuic li'om l:''J. tu l:'.'.l. A NEWSPAPER V. Stanton u community that had no news- to think just how much the news disrupt a community. It can Farmers' Market Plan Aided by Salem Council SALEM, ore., Oct. 5. i APi The Salem city council last nighl appropriated to start n farmers' market, at which farm ers may sell directly lo the con sumers. The mayor will appoint three persons to serve as a cily public market commission. The money will be used for a canvas covering for the market. OSC Students' Head Suffers Broken Bones I'oKVAI.l.lS, Ore.. Oct. ti being engaged in business at i AP) Oreg in State college w ill Oakland. Yoncalla and Drain, pri have to do w ithout Don Hall. ' o,- to moving to Cottage Grave, basketball leitcrman and prosi Surviving are a daughter, dent of the associated students. Mrs. Glady Hiigue. Portland, an I tor ;i lime. , la son. Corpmal George I1'. Taylor, School nllicijls learned today I'. S. army. Miami Beach, Fla. that lie sultered several broken j Mr Taylor was a member of bnnes in ii I. ill while working i the Methodist church. iie.M' Aberdeen. W'.ish ' Funeral services will be held W REMODUNG HOMES Within specified cost limitations this bank is still authorized to make those liberal-term FHA Loans for maintaining homes in a condition necessary to healthful, sanitary living; also for remodeling of a certain character. We suggest that you get an estimate on any work that may be required and then come in and talk the financing matter over with us. Roseburg Branch of ihe rXITEl) STATUS XATIOXAL 1IAXK nf I'vrltantt Delivery of Cans For Salvage Asked Of Residents Here Residents of Roseburg and vi cinity having an accumulation of cans for salvage are requested I iv Fred A. Goff, county salvage chairman, to deliver the cans, if possible, either to the Pepsicola Bottling company plant at the Douglas Ice and Storage company building, or the Coca Cola Bot tling company plant in the Rose bur Dairy and Soda Works building. E. T. Unrath, Cpca Cola agent, and Albert Micelli, local Pepsicola distributor, who are handling the shipping of cans lor tin salvage, are preparing to mak? up a carload shipment, Goff stated, and will have space for a considerable amount of tin. At the present lime, however, there are no facilities for collec tion and residents are asked to cooperate by delivering their ac cumulations to the respective shipping agencies. Plans will be worked out at a later date, Golf said, for collec tions through the schools, but the organizational work cannot be done at this time. He also announced that no campaign for heavy metals is contemplated in Oregon and Washington during the balance of ibis year, due to the fact that both stales made such a remark able record in the first salvage drive that stock piles still con tain a considerable amount of scrap. All scrap rnetal should be saved, however, Goff said, as it is expected there will be a cam paign at some future date. Grangers Will Plan Membership Drive A grange membership cam paign will be planned at a meet ing of Douglas County romona grange with Riversriale grange on October Hi, Fred A. Goff, county deputy, reported today. The meeting will be held at the Riversdale grange hall at 8 p. m., r.nd all grange members attend are '-'J;', grange will furnish coffee. A Joint letter has been sent by W. 6. Patterson, master of Po mona grange, and Mr. Goff to all subordinate granges, urging particularly the attendance ot all masters, lecturers and secre taries. It is particularly desired. Goff said, to bring into grange mem bership as many of the new resi dents of Ihe county as can qual ify. Plans also will be made for continuance of the grange agri cultural program. F. G. Taylor, Former Douglas Resident, Dies Fredrick George Taylor, til, former resident of Douglas coun ty, died Tuesday al his home at '.ill N. 9th St., Cottage Grove. Born Sept. I. 18!-:.'. al Ahmick Harbor. Ontario, Canada, he was married at Sclienectedy, N. Y., Aug. 1. 190;) to Cornelia Picl-vr- , ing. i He was a resident of Douglas j i utility lor a number of years. ...... '. DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHARLES A. EDWARDS St. Paul when writing to the Romans saiu, "We giory in tribulations." Tragedy is us J by some as an excjse for self pity and blooding l-.itttriiv'3s There are other fouls wnoe It leaves defeated and hope less and yet to still others it has added strength and depth to lives already rich in spirit ual experience, The marks of many tragedies in St. Paul's body assures us that his spirit had mounted up through pain and suffering like so many steps into a sort of high calm and an almost superhuman understanding. There is an old Russian proverb which reads, "T he hammer shatters glass but forges steel." Some tragedy may break the shadow, .self center ed brittle spirit. But ihat same catastrophe may strengthen and reshape ihe soul whose strength ia in ihe Lord. Whose netal has been softened to pliability by the warm glow "ol a Christ-like com;)as3ion for other suffer ers. Truth is not to be distill ed from life by those who shrink from its flames. "When through fiery trials thy path way shall lie, my tjrace all suf ficient shall be thy supply. The flame shall not hunt thee. I only design thy dross to con sume, and thy gold to refine." Thus we may glory in tribula tion. Amen. at the M. E. church in Yoncalla at 2 p. m. Thursday. Beyers Re-e!ected as Manager of Turkey Assn. SALT LAKE CITY. Oct. 6 I API Glen Bidleman of Kinds ley, Kan., was elected president of the Northwestern Turkey Growers' association at conclud ing sessions of the group's 12th annual convention Monday. He succeeds Leon McNicol of Great Falls, Mont. Named vice-president were H. V. Clutter of Denver, Clyde C. Edmonds of Salt Lake City and J. C. Leedy of Brooks, Ore. Herbert Beyers of Salt Lake City was re-elected general man ager and secretary-treasurer. Oregon War Bond Sales Now 23 Pet. Above Quota PORTLAND, Oct. 5.- (AP) Nearly $3,000,000 more in war bond sales were reported by state officials today, boosting the total to S128.-lSli.9S7 23 per cent over the S104,000,l)0() quota. Bond headquarters .predicting the grand total would approach $135,000,000. said final returns may not be available for two weeks. Flying Block Seriously Hurts Reedsport Logger REEDSPORT. Ore.. Oct. 5-j i APi Cecil Albertson, hit on the i head by a chain block loosened j by a hrokeii line, was - Cl'is hay hospital today In serious con- j dition. The accident occurred at j Ihe Albertson and Sons logging I operation on the Scbr.rield river j snuthei'sl of here ye.terday. For Fine Matresscs Soo JUDD FURNITURE CO. Home of the Sealy Tuftlcss Roseburg, Oregon -1."H '1 DIALjlpLOG By SUSAN We're in the throes of house cleaning down here at KRNR and most of the advance publicity on tonight and tomorrow's shows lias been lost in the shuffle. Ah, well, no one is paying much at tention nowaday to anything ex rept the World Series, so why not dial 14S0 when you Rise and Shine nt G:45 in the morning and just don't bother it all day. Of course, if you don't get up that early you can tune in any time the spirit moves you, but we hope all you ladies aren't for getting the Pegeen Fitzgerald Is bHck with us at 8:55 and wc es pecially hope you aren't missing Esther Geddes when she brings you Top ot the Morning at 9:30. As to tonight's shows, we re member that there was to be a specially interesting guest con testant on Take A Card at 8. but for the lite of us we can't remem ber who it is. Also, from that grab-bag we. call our mind, we produce the following scraps of information: Private McMichael, formerly a member of the Merry Macs of radio fame, is now heard on Soldiers With Wings -that's the one you get tonight at 0.30, and Fulton Lewis Jr., is Jimmy Scribner's Johnson Family at 4: 15, most ardent fan never miss es a broadcast. Thursday, besides the ball games, you get Junior Jamiwree at 5; Music You Re member at 6:30; Your Date With Fort Lewis at 7:30 and Ameri can Forum of the Air at 8. Inci dentally, this is the night you'll get the Forum on Thurs day night - where It will move and whether we'll still be getting it still rest in the laps of the gods. Social System Teacher Is Roseburg Visitor Mrs. Clara B. Rainboth. Seat lie, a member of the Baha'i' re gional teaching committee of Oregon and Washington. Is Clean and Seal Your RADIATOR "Supreme" CLEANER Give your radiator o thorough clconiing NOW! "Supreme" does a swell job of removira dirt, sludgo, and rut. K27II. f I-m. Con "Supreme" SOLDER Pormorwntly stops oil small leaks. Doei not harm any ma terials m cooling system. 1-o. Can. K2634. 45c Quick Starting Plus Long Service With 'Wizard' and 'Western Giant' Batteries WESTERN GIANT 51 Plates, No. 1 Cat Guaranteed 30 Month. FIBERGLA5 In- suiated 099:o. $765 uchontje ., Give Your Car "TOP" Attention Inspect its top today. A few cents spent on ft now may save you dollar teter. TOP DRESSING. .Pint 73c "Supreme" iet b'ack super dresstnn. protect, preserves, dotfs not erac With weather chonges. X2133, TOP PATCH KIT ....31c t ?S inches o patching ifateria', cement a-xl y.ifrt. Sticks hat, cov er, tears. F79iO. TERMINAL COVERS, Ea. 1c ccil ond oVstnhutor term rl ; prevent short circuits. 4333. spending a few days In Rose burg, visiting here with Mrs. Catherine Fullerton, 130 N. Par rott street. She is visiting sever al of the kuger cities of the state in the interest of the organiza tion, which is dedicated to a so cial system based on religious unity and universal peace. Appl Ceiling Prices Given Boost by OPA WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 ( AP) An increase of approximately 34 cents on a 45-pound package over the ceiling tentatively announced In September will be provided by new apple ceiling prices signed by War Food Administrator Mar vin Jones, Rep. Holmes (R Wash.) said last night. He said the basic price to the growers for 45-pound packages, for October delivery, had been set at $2.59, f. o. b. country ship ping points, with a corresponding adjustment per pound according to package weight . Also approved ,hc said, was a 17-cent markup to the grower for each month apples are in storage during the shipping season. Cigarette Shortage Faced, Federal Warning WASHINGTON, Oct. 5-Amer-ieans are facing a cigarette shortage, the Commerce depart ment said today. Noting growing demands that may send 1943 consumption to nearly 300,000,000,000 cigarettes, Ihe department said manufactur ers already were dipping Into 1914 and 1945 reserves "to satis- NOW OPEN EVERY DAY GOOD HOME COOKED MEALS Breakfast Lunch - Dinner Special Sunday Dinners EDDY'S CAFE & SERVICE STATION Coos Junction fFft Afin rof Hert's a timely "Newscast" of some of iht thing your car will need for colder weather efficiency and for your driving comfort. For hundreds of other accessories and parts, come to WESTERN'S. Here, you'll find Guaranteed merchandise at atways-SAVING pricei. Change NOW to Winter Grade OIL Use LONG-RUN PER GALLON In Your Own Container Federal Tax Included 47' Equal to 25c Per Quart Iff wok -free, 100 distilled; o product of the most advoncvd, scien tific refining process! Thousands of users vouch that LONG-RUN Oil qvi better and safer lubrication . . . power . , . preircu mwing ports Two names that have enviobfe reputotions throughout the entire West for long, efficient service ot lowest cost. Built with modern non overflow vent plugs, and perfectly balanced oversize "Oxi-Vite" plates in a one-piece, molded cose. Wizard, Guaranteed 2 Years WIZARD, 45 PLATES, No. 1 CASE Fof molt Chevrolet!, Dodoes, Wyrnouthi, m 7P ond Ford "A." CW8I0. I J . txchang WIZARD, 51 PLATES, No. 1C CASE For '37.'3 Chevrolet, '?3-39 Ford V-8, Hudson, and owners. 0980. I (change $675 RADIATOR HOSE, Ft. 21c l'4inch "Supreme aol'ty. R653S. 2-rnch Hose. R6593 ft. 29e HOSE CLAMPS . .Each 6c five sis from 1 5" to i' ". WIPER BLADE . .9 Standard- 5-oiy tade .m chp, keep ati ciiia cm nana. ut.j, WIPER ARM 21c chrome-plOTed. . . 8 inches lono. B2263. All MtKrMnM SllkrKt t Stock m Hoi. 1 1 7 S. Stephens PHcne 97 "l-uc fy the need for 35,000,000,000 tq 50,000,000,000 more cigarettes than the industry can buy tobac co to make.' 40 minutea offer it I painted witk Luminal! Start hanging your pic tures 40 minutea after your room ia painted with Luminal). Tha walls will be dry in that time and the room will be odorless. You can use Luminal! wherever you would use any flat paint It covers any surface thoroughly in one ooat even wallpaper. We have a Luminal! color chart for you and a complete stock of all colors. Gals. 52.10-9 ts. 65c Coen Lumber Co. Phone 121 Oil momtoins compression . . . conserves rrom unsua wear. Kadium 'Life-Long' Muffler For 193538 Ford V-8 Soctal corrosion resistant alloy, guaranteed to lost as long os you hov the car. K3531 $319 Kadium Tail Pipe PiU 193S-3S Ford V-8. Reotac. Trior ruiry. leany piprl . - wrh o KADIUM S110 yeor. of low-cost ervK. KJ7I7 Ask tmr law fVit m h Olfcef MuSlw. and Tali fipu. Tire Cut Filler 6-inch tuH of self-vulconitfng, pure olostic rubber Repair that tire cut before It qrows M I t b.ogerl A33H Sm r r'WVM PAINTINO I IHE MOST CXM I tlVI HOMR WITH ft w I LUMINAU" "I CAN UNDII-1 Lj3 I STAND WHY-IT I f II I It (O MAUTIRJL- I