TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1943 '5 'M - !V ft Uaued Daily i Hutiiy Uf ifcr Nvwa-Hcvleiv Compiur, I no. Member of the Anoclnled) lrrmr The AHBOolutfd Piemi 1b exclutiive- ly entitled to the iihu for republica tion of all nevn dlsLmtches credited to It or not otherwise credited In thla payor and to all local newi DubllHhbd horcin. All rlulnt or re publluittlon of nptwln tiiapatchoa. litre i ii n id nmu i uiiithwi. CHAS. V. STANTON .Kdltor EDWIN U KNAFP M linnet Kntered aa second cluns matter Mav 17. 192(1. at the noMtuir i:e Ito.ieburjr, Oregon, under act of Mareh i. 178. Kepreacated by Nrtr York 271 Madison Ave. UiM'iiHti afill N. Mii'liiKiin Ave. Sun li'mm'liM'i 6J6 Mtirlt-i Strict I.m AiiUrlrn (3ft 8. hjth htiut Hrnltlr tliKi StfWtrt Htrei-t I'otlhiiHl r-0 S. W. Slxtli street at. I. out 411 S. TPlith Htroct, PDBLI$HCRi44$0( ttiiliHcrlpclon Hntra Hullv. ner vflnr liv mul '. .IS, 00 Dully, H months by mall 11.50 Dully, H muntliB by mull 1.2b Editorials on News (Contlnuod from page 1.) we've speculated instinctively on where the GERMANS would strike next. The change is a significant one. , fairly dependable news source since the Italian trouble started, offers a new sidelight. Hitler, according to Italians arriving In Spain, sent Goerlng to Rome last week, to find out why Mussolini had been tossed out and to demand that he be sent to Germany for safe keep ing. This request Is said to have bceti politely but firmly refused by Victor Emanuel. ' NOTE that Italians gutting out of the trouble zone seem to be going In largo niinibers, tp' Spain at least those whofcan get air transportation. ' Why? One explanation is thai it's farthest from Germany. WHAT will happen In Italy is still anybody's guess. But what everybody WANTS In Italy Is becoming reasonably cleaft." jf The Germans want to hold Italy In the war . ON THEIR SIDE. We want to force Italy into the war ON OUR SIDE. The Italians .JUST WANT OUT. They want to say "King's dx" and quit and go about their business, with everybody letting them alone. IT'S understandable enough that tills Is what they should want, but It's as near certain as any thing can ic that they won't get It. Once you've started a war, gett ing out of It Isn't tluil simple and pleasant. A SWISS correspondent at Mil an says an air of desperation has settled down on the Italian people, who scribble signs on the walls at night reading: "Death 10 Badogllo and the king." "We want peace and work." "The Germans must get out of Ilaly." That's the way they, feel about It now. They felt different when Mussolini was heating his bosom and yelling for Italy's full share of the swag, which at that time looked Juicy. THEN was the time Tor them to have thrown Mussolini out. EXCEIT here on the West Coast, the war In the Pacific seems to have been more or less forgotten, but there's sllll bitter fighting there. At Mumla, we're moving In on the Jap air strip from three sides. On the south side, we've I broken through a long COVER-1 ED trench - probably with thcj help of flame throwers and I her-1 mite Domos, roasting ine japs out of their deep burrows. The Japs, as usual, are fight ing to the last man. Membership of "Keep Oregon Green" Growing Nearly ten thousand young Oregonlmis have Joined the Green Guard and are doing their share to Keep Oivgon Green, ac cording to Jack Ferris, Douglas county Keep t iregon Given chair man. "The resonse of our 'leen age boys and girls to this pub lic drive lo keep fire Irom our ferest lands has been a wonder ful thing." the chairman report ed. "These young people are doing n real Job, helping Inform the public of the dangers from man-caused fires. They are help ing to preserve our great foiest lands for their generation." "The next few weeKs will be critical and weeks In GIVE THE CITY COUNCIL A HAND .EDITORIAL. By Charles HE Roseburg city council thoroughness with which it chise for a new spur railroad track in North Roseburg. THe franchise was granted to the Youngs Bay Lumber company, which will build the spur from North Jackson street to the site of its defense plant to be built just east of the city limits. The future may disclose some mistakes, but any errorB which may be discovered will not result from any lack of conscien tious and thorough advance study on the part of the members of file city council,' the city attorney antt others connected with the plans. Through suggestions made by councilmen, grades across pav ed streets were improved as compared with original plans, without materially increasing construction costs. The fran chise agreement was given particular care in its preparation by City Attorney A. N. Orcutt to safeguard the city from any pos sible damages, to insure continued usage of the track, to make the route available for future industrial developments, to pro tcct adjacent property from water damage, and to make pos sible any future city improvements which might involve the right of way upon which the track will be located. City councils have hot always been so painstaking in their deliberations. " The City of hasty judgment and actions on the part of councils. The fact that the council years ago vacated property af the end of the existing Kinney spur is one lacking, the property beyond of way was vacated and was incorporated in the present Rose burg Lumber company plant. Because trackage facilities now arc needed at points further to the build a track roughly paralleling derable extra cost to the new industry. The misalignment of streets ih North Roseburg, the vaca tion of West Commercial avenue between West First street and Winchester street, the vacation of some alleys in the businss dis trict, and the failure to check surveys on plats filed for opening of new districts, such as have resulted in confusion of property lines in Laurelwood and along Winchester street, are samples of too hasty action by city councils in past years. Members of the city council men who are occupied with personal business problems. They ave little time to give to city less task without remuneration of any kind. They are to be respected for the sacrifice they make for the sake of the city. The present city council is making every effort to give whole hearted cooperation in the industrial development of Roseburg and surrounding area. Despite the abnormal' pressure of per- sonal business, they are giving much time and attention to the for liberal terms, Including the city's affairs. They are entitled to appreciation from all resi- dents for their work. Mistakes may be made, but the errors hope by such a move to be able will only occur because the , city officers are not seers and, I to prolong the war with us or to j,. , ... ti I i . ! negotiate better peace '"'terms tnererore, unable to see into the future. They are earnestly strw- us , , ing to provide every safguard for future development, while! Gossett Is author of a bill' pro working to coordinate the administration of city affairs with the1 1'osiB 10 rc'l,uce , ove1' . " . , . ' i gral ion, permit entry of 100 Chi- needs of new industry. lirsc am,ually and allow, Chinese the forests of our slate," said Nel son S. Rogers, state forester, in a statement to the citizens of Oregon. "Every man and wom an and child- must do his share lo see that our emergency fire light organizations do not have to extend valuable time and ener gy In combatting man-caused fires which start from careless acts of our citizens. Wo must have lumber for the army and navy, and fires will slow down lumber production, as well as BASEBALL HORIZONTAL 1.6 Pictured ball Answer to Previous Funic ISTE team mnnagerip 11 lTvjl lU 1 Flax cloth - 15 Withdraw 16 Ad valorem (abbr.) 17 Like 18 Hollow tubes 20 Wnndor 22 Obtain 24 Weight allowances 25 Ladles out water OR I I M 11 1 28 Pound (abbr.) 58 Tae ?. -)0 M..oti(i , lathe l!l Friends 3B Outer Guard ( 37 Mass of soft material 3D And (Latin) 41 Us 41! Fnx 44 3.141(1 45 Locomotor ataxia 47 Provided 49 Parent 50 Slnve 63 Make new again (15 Negative W (it! We (17 His team is in the National (ill Pertaining to the sun 71 Left end (abbr.) 72 Snuffle 73 Vex IDjOIRI I JSiCIRIOJMjWiE;LL.I blvlE risjIIoMrIe LpIe a il I ' R ATDCTAMTMPJITANM Ifl Al lie : BMlrgAlRHgc trie ei ERI niy,,- A A P$SSLlAIIESM6Wf gnome San i Shorp'e SjT A I N S &j 5 R E." T A I IN I1J4S 6781 10 III III k - is-" " 1 n Srsr- ""k T, . Ip' i" T V iifTl & L-Li-- Ll Eg-- MMMMi iKkk MMMM liilt .... MNM 51 pjjij S ST SB 51. 0 g rEs 6 7 (.4. 70 , -- - -- V. Stanton is to be commended (or the studied the subject of a fran Roseburg is full of examples of sample. Because foresight was the end of the Kinney spur right east, it becomes' necessary to the Kinney spur, forcing con- They are' are business men affairs, They perform a thank hinder our air corps patrol plan es." Among recent additions to the rolls of the Green Guards from this county are: Betty Lou Bal dridge of Reedsport, and Marion Orville Foster of Drain. North Church, from which in 1775 the lanterns were hung sig naling to Paul Revere that the British were marching lo Lexing ton, sllll stands in Boston. MANAGER 13 Nights before 19 Peep 21 Baby's napkins 23 2000 pounds 27 Modern 29 Destiny 30 Since 31 fluit 32 Permit 34 Wonder 35 Affirmatii T 38 Obscure 40 Beret 43 Herb 46 Flying mammal 48 Frustratel 50 Carry 51 Besides 52 Sorrow 54 Faithful 55 Bobbin 58 Within 57 Nuisance 50 Kind of duck HO Pierce 02 Monkev 4 Affliction 08 Gravimetric volume (abbr.) 70 Music note I VERTICAL 1 Pennant 2 Ascend 3 Any 4 Fiber knots 5 Weave , 8 At liberty 7 Helux 8 That one 9 Courtesy title 10 Shell fish 11 Pertaining to blood 12 He manages a base team OUT OUR WAY ' I, J, ft. WlUJam. ft THAT'S A FINE THING-- Y. SURE, I'LL SET r0i USING TODAYS PAPEfe ) IT FOR VOU'- , Pfe- TO MAKE A KITE. f -LXSUT WILLVOU 11 VJPLL . CTET Mt M7 PI pace tci i kvka &lfoZ&Z WMfen THE KITE ' rrff W NOT TO GIMME A 1 1 J 1. j Nt BP3oHlgryvfts too soon i&$m? j Chinese Exclusion Act Repeal Urged WASHINGTON, Aug. 10 (AP To olfset Japanese propa ganda which he said "definite ly is pointing toward a separate peace with China," Rep. Gossett (D.-Tex.) today urged repeal or the Chinese exclusion act as soon as congress reconvenes' next month. ' Gossett, a member of the house Immigration committee, declar ed ine Japanese aireauy nave adopted separate peace tactics by "relenting on atrocities" in occu pied Chlna-and by trying to win over the pedple of those territo ries, even' to the extent of "pass ing out candy to Chinese chil dren." :i "And the Nipponese," he told an Interviewer, "probably will of- already legally resident in Amer ica to become citizens. During hearings last spring, Kilsoo Haan, Washington repre sentative of the SlnoKorean peo ples league, predicted Japan would make a peace offensive In China by September. Hanri early in 11141 predicted the attack on Pearl Harbor. Although it held long heal ings on bills proposing repeal of the Chinese exclusion act, the Immi gration committee has not pre sented legislation to the house floor for action. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System, 1490 Kilocycles. BEST BETS FOR' TODAY TUESDAY 6:30 The Cisco Kid. 7:30 Let's Talk It Over. Bi00 Eyes Aloft, ; WEDNESDAY R:00 'Shady Valley Folks. 9:30 Coast Guard Band. 5:30 Chick Carter, Boy Dc- tective. 630 Soldiers With Wings.' 8:00 Take a Card. 8:30 Sherlock Holmes.' 9:30 General Barrows. . REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00 Fulton Lewis Jr., Plough Chemical Co.' v 1:15 - Dance Music. 1:30 - Army-Navy House Parly. 5:00 'Voice of the Army. 5: 15 Superman, Kellogg's Pep. 5:30- -Clark Carter, Bov Detec tive. 5!45 Norman Nesbitt with the News, Studebaker. 6:00 Gabriel Heatter, Forham's Toothpaste. 6:15 Faces antt Places, Chevro let Motor Co. 0:30 Cisco Kid. 7:00 John B. Hughes. 7:15 State and Local News, Keel Motor Co. 7:20 Musical Interlude. 7:30 Let's Talk Over. S:00 - Kvos Alo:. S:30 Dr. Walnscoll. 8:15 Slnfonletta. 9:00 Alka Scltter News. 9:15 Rex Miller, Wlldroot 9:30 Protcetoln ol Poti-dletim Facilities. 9:45 --Fulton I-wis, Jr. i0:oo- sign orr; WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 11 (1:45- Rise and Shine. 7:00 News, Los Angeles Soap Ce. T:15 Muff and Nonsense. 7:30 State and Local News, Boring- Optical. 7:35 Judd' Furniture- Store. 7:40 Rhapsody In Wax. 8:00 Shady Valley Folks. 8:30 Merry Go Round. 8:50 Musical Interlude. 9:00--Boake Carter. , 9:1S Man About Town: 9:30 Coast Guard Band. 9:45 Morning Melodies. 1000 Alka- Seltzer News. 10:15 Shoppers' Guide. 10:30 Luncheon with' Lopez. IliOO Wheel of Fortune: 11:45 Rose Room, Kellogg's Ce reals. 12:00 Interlude. 12:05 Sports Review, Dunham Transfer. 12:20 Parkinson's Information Exchange. 12:25 Rhythm at Random. 12:45 State News, Hansen Mo tors. 12:50 News-Review of the Air. 1 i05 Terminal Market Reports, Sig Fett. 1:10 Melodic Varieties. 1:30 WAVES. 2:00 Sheelah Carter.' 2;15 Welcome Inn, Ott's Music Store. 2:30 The Dream House of Mel ody, Copco. 3:00 Phillip Keync-Gordon. 3:15 Johnson Family. 3:30 Mutual's Overseas Re porters. 3:45 Tone Poems. 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr., Plough Chemfcal Co. 4:15 Danco Music. 5:00-r-Moods in Music. 5:15 Superman, Kellogg's Pep. 5:30 Chick Carter, Boy Detec tive. 5:45 Norman Nesbltt with the , News, Studebaker. ' 6:00 Gabriel Heatter, Kreml. 6:15 Faces and Places, Penzoil Co. ' 6:30 Soldiers with Wings. 7:00 John B. Hughes, Anacin. 7:15 State and Local News, Keel Motor Co. 7:20 Musical Interlude. , s most out of it Studebaker's expert service gives you top-notch mileage IT'S highly Important to have your car inspected frequently, if you want to get top-notch mileage with a minimum of ex pense for repairs. Our Studebaker mechanics arc Essential Transportation workers who have been fsctory (rained to spot and correct trouble in a car before it gets serious. Come in for inspections fre quently, whatever make of car rod drive. Our servicing is prompt and efficient because we use special procedures de vised by factory experts on ihe great 800-acro Studebaker KEEL MOTOR N. Jocktort St. 443 Smdll Supply Ammunition for Bird Hunters Allowed WASHINGTON, - Aug. 10.- (AP) The war production board was reported today ready to alio cate enough materials for the manufacture of 100,000,000 shot gun shells for Hunting this fall one-sixth of the output In peace time' years. The disclosure was made by the office of Senator Bushfleld (R., S. Dl)' which said WPB officials had agreed to the program after it was explained that game birds were causing great damage to crops. WPB authorities sometime ago said there would be "some am munition" for hunting but em phasized at that-time it would be held to a minimum. Later, it was said in some quarters, a hunter would have to show that he was eliminating pests and thus giving the farmer a break before he could get shells. The Bushfleld announcement indicated that the release of the ammunition would be without such strings attained, however. No shotgun shells ve manu factured for hunters i.;."t year. About 3,000,000 were allocated in special cases out of stocks on hand to supplement those held ov er by hunters from the 1941 sea son. The plan was said to provide for allocation of shells to the 48 states primarily on information supplies by the federal fish and wildlife service on the estimated game population. 7:30 Lone Ranger. 8:00 Take a Card, Hinds. 8:30 Sherlock Holmes. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News. 9:15 Round-Up in the Sky, E. G. High, Ins. Co. 9:30 General Barrows, Union Oil Co. 9:45 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10:00-Sign off. proving ground and in the fa mous Studebaker engineering laboratories. Don't lake chances with your car. Keep it up to par with Studebaker service. BUY A LATE-MODEL USED STUDEBAKER Save gas, tires and upkeep You nerd no special authorization to buy a uvd car. And if you pur chase a used Studehoker. you save gas and tirra remarkably. Our stocks include dependable used cars of other popular makes as well as used St ude bakers. COMPANY B Roseburg, Ore. DIALfflFlOG By SUSAN Well, kids, how do you like Chick Carter? No doubt you're wondering about that marvelous code gun well, it's Chick's own Invention, with both sound and sight codes manipulated by the trigger of the gun. Unfortunately, no "code guns" are available for the duration, but they will be manufactured for sale as soon as the war ends, so, kids, how about hurrying that happy day along and putting all those pennies In war stamps to help to get the Job over as soon as possible. Wed nesday's Soldiers With Wings (6:30) presents Diana Barry- more and Charles Ruggles, as the Hollywood luminaries for this week and Take a Card (8:00 brings four interesting personali ties to the mike; namely, and to- wit: Walter O'Keefe, comedian; t.a Buttnor, clock watcher; a lady taxicab driverj a navy nurse, and an elevator operator In the world's tallest building. General Barrows makes his second appear ance on our net at 9:30 with his news comments at 9:30 you'll hear him every Monday, Wednes day and' Friday and on Tuesday and Thursday at 9:15 you may near Kex Miller. There are plen; ty of news commentators now so, if you aren't keeping up with current events, friends, it's not our fault but definitely. In fact, some folks say they coud do with less news but you wouldn't want to miss anything that's going on, now would you? P. S. Remember tonight is Cisco Kid (6:30); Let's Talk It Over 7:30) and Eyes Aloft (8:00) all good snows, so lend an ear. Fourth Generator Now Running at Grand Coulee WASHINGTON, Aug. 9 (API Interior Secretary Ickes an nounced today that a fourth great generator had gone into iction at Grand Coulee dam, add ing another 100,000 kilowatts of power. "The rated capacity of the Grand Coulee plant, with the lat est addition, is more than 600,000 kilowatts a volume sufficient to supply the normal power re quirement of a city of three mil lion people," Ickes said. Its capacity is second only to Boulder dam as the world's larg est hydroelectric plant, and w'lth hree additional machines install ed by 1945 the capacity would be increased to nearly 95JiQQajii!a it(s." The American Legion Proudly Presents WEST COAST VICTORY ALL THIS WEEK in Roseburg On the Merry Go Round The Ferris Wheels The Sky Ride The Loop a Plane The Tilt a Whirl The Octopus The Big Side Shows The Fun Show See the Funny Clowns See the Best Lighted Gay Way in the West And by all means see the WORLD'S HIGHEST HIGH ACT THE ROCKETS who perform on a slender pole 125 feet in the air without aid of safety devices or nets If you like to laugh, and like to have fun, bring the whole family. Remember, it's good for their morale. Keep 'em smiling. Help the Veterans Help a Veteran Carnival Ground Pacific Highway North Technical Details of v Coming Motion Picture Directed by Export f ' 'w "Behind the Rising Sun," com ing to Hunt's Indian theater, Wednesday, Aug. 11, although carrying an exciting plot, has been most carefully filmed to portray Japanese customs and habits with utmost accuracy, Donn Radabaugh; theater manager,- reports. Having reaped a gold harvest by presenting the truth v about Schickelgruber in "Hitler's' Chil dren;" based on another factual best-seller, RKO Radio -'.officials bought the screen right to "Be hind the Rising Sun," and em ployed the book's author; flames R. Young, as technical adviser, insisting that he be outspoken at all times oil matters Japanese. Young spent 13 years In Japan as an American newspaper cor respondent: He spent two' monT") ol those 13 years in a JapaneW Jail, because 01 his outspoken ar ticles. Because ot the careful super vision given by Young, the pic ture is authentic In every tech nical detail, Radabaugh declares, even to the make up nlasks; spe cially made for actors. SNAPPY CATCH WINCHESTER BAY, Ore.- Qregonians don't need ammuni tion. Douglas Dailey discovered cougar in his apple tree, calmly ensnared' it in a fish net, then lumped the critter into a cage. Two women a week earlier en countered a cougar on a road. They dragged it home in then' fih net-. 3 RIDE- VISIT-