FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1943. Society and Clubs BY LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER JUNIOR DEPT. OF SUNDAY SCHOOL HAS ENJOYABLE PICNIC The Junior Department of the Methodist Sunday school held very enjoyable picnic and wiener roast Wednesday at Umpqu.i park. Swimming whs enjoyed and the sixth grade girls, "The Jolly Juniors" Willi Mrs. C. K. Hand, us teacher, held a business Meeting. Barbara Rand, retiring president, had charge and new officers were elected and Include: President, Ida Chamberlln; Vice, president, Doris Goodwin; secre tary, Barbara Rand, and Treasur er, Harriet Catherine Hoolh. Plans were made to hold a pic nic once every month during th summer. Chaperones for the af fair included: Mrs. C. K. Hand, Mrs. Hugh Harrison, Mrs. Kred L. i'uiilhwlck, Miss Lorraine Rose and Miss Doris Rose. Mrs. South wide Is superintendent of the Jtin lor department. MISS RUTH JUMP IS WINNER OF BRONZE MEDAL CONTEST Miss Rulh Jump, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Jump, of this city, was the winner of the brunz. 'modal contest held lasl Friday evening at the Free Melhodi.-il ' church. Her reading was enllt led, "Shall They Go Free." Other contestants included: Cherry Arne, Lavelle Delioss, Vera Mae and Raymond Hall and Billy Houeoek. The contest was under" Hie au spices of the Flying Tigers of the Loyal Temperance Legion with Billy Boucock, president, presid ing. Rev. Mr. Ilouser, leader of the group, gave a short talk tell ing of the activities of tlm group and slated that one of the proj ects was airplanes. The Flying Tigers group is made up entirely ol boys. MRS. SHRUM IS HOSTESS TO CLUB GLIDK, July 20-Mrs. Vein Shrum entertained Ihe members ol Ihe T. A. club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Vislllng and sewing were enjoyed after which refreshments were served to: Mrs. Justin Eifert and Joe, Mrs. Harold Barker and Norma, Mrs. George Casebeer and Richard, Mrs. Lester McBrlde and Joan, and Mrs. Dale Hal field. PATCH AND CHAT CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY EVENING The Patch and Chat club will meet Thursday evening al 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. Domenicv). All members are cor dially invited to lie present. Taxpayers Attention Tho Annual mooting of fho Douglas County Taxpayers' Lcaguo will bo hold at tho Circuit Court Room, Court Houso, at 1 0:00 o'clock a. m. Wodnosday July 21st 1943, for tho purposo of consider ing tho 1943 budget, tho oloction of officors and such othor business as may proper ly corns boforo tho mooting. Douglas County Taxpayers' League COORSi Pottery scvoidl lovoly hr)c CHURCHILL Phono I H. P. Rico, Prosidont. Meat cutter wanted. Inquire 1 Henninger's No. 2 EA8TERN STAR TO PICNIC ON THURSDAY Members of Roseburg chapter of Eastern Star, their husbands and visiting members are Invited to enjoy a six-thirty o'clock pic nic supper Thursday evening at Ihe Calkins summer camp on Ihe North Umpqua. Those not soli cited are asked lo bring salad and sandwiches. Mrs. II. H. Turner is acting as general chairman of the affair and Is being assisted by the offi cers of the chapter. Those desiring transportation are asked to call liKiY or 132L. Everyone unending has been ask ed to bring (heir own table ser vice. STATE REGENT TO BE HONORED AT DINNER ON THURSDAY Mrs. William Horsfall, of Marshfleld, slale regent of Ihe I). A. R will be guest of honor at a six-thirty o'clock no-hostess din ner at the Hotel Rose Thursday evening. All members of Umpqua chapter are requested lo be pres ent. Mrs. George M. Brown, re gent, will preside. Following the dinner, a meeting of the Chap ter will he held at the home of Mrs. William Bell on South Jack son street. DINNER IS ENJOYED WEDNESDAY EVENING GLIDE, July 20- Mr. and Mrs. Lester McBrlde and daughter I Joan entertained at dinner Wed nesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Garfield and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Miller. The evening was plea santly spent In visiting. L ADY ELKS TO HOLD SOCIAL MEETING The Lady Elks will hold a so cial meeting at 8 o'clock Thursday al Ihe temple. High score prizes will be awarded winners in con tract bridge and pinochle. All Lady Elks are cordially Invited to be present. NORTHSI DE SUNSHINE'' CLUB TO ENJOY MEETING The Northslde Sunshine club will meet Thursday afternoon al the home of Mrs. Frances Long at IDS I'arrott street. All mem bers are urged lo be present. POETS CORNER A FIGHTING MOUNTAINEER By ALDEN HARNESSES He fore litis war had broke the peace Delusion claimed would never cease, Back In hills of Arizona Clearly thinking, Craig Corona, A young enlightened mountain eer, Foresaw the secret aim and plan Of gansler-rulers of Japan Anil warned a world that would not hear. When news of Nippon's con quests flew Swiftly over Arizona In his mountains, Craig Corona Did feel control of higher Power Anil hear an Inner voice he knew, Commanding him thai fateful hour To leave Ills home and tighl and llghl For lieedom and eternal rigid. 'I'o aid MaoAi'thtu's daring men Upon an Isle in tropic seas, As by morass and marsh and len They lought Invading Japanese, In his strong ship Craig Corona, After leaving Arizona, Sailed to llial isle's embattled shore And In one day from wild domains Of vine-enelreled jungle trees, Willi malehless skill shol down a score til Nippon's newest halllcplaiics And hit and crippled many mine. Tomorrow, Craig Corona will With bombers over Nippon's Isles lielease great bonilis lor miles anil mill's (in w ar-rUipmcul and supplies And rapidly decrease the sie (11 over-crowiled el lies till Every warcrard desperado Anil Ihe denied Mikado Shall sleep, before I hey are aware. Forever and turevcr there. Small factory .shipment of fom. rd Coors "Rotbud" war. Dinner-ware, casserolos, teapots. Same lusterous glare, same in vulnerability to heat and cold. last shipment (or duration HARDWARE 73 WWm RNG-NECKEO PHEASANT, J f I AN AAA4GttAvr VXXM CMASA, I 1 HAS BEEN WADE THE OFFICIAL fl I f STATE BIRD OF SOUTH DAKOTA J In the old fashioned home. CHILDREN ONLY WERE CON TROLLED BY SWITCHES, BUf IN THE MODERN HOME, EVERYTHING IS CONTROLLED BY SWITCHES uSXC&or THE CHILDREN," 4- S?J J. D.CROAM, notrie, ag,fc-t9. s s s . .J T. M. REQ. U. 8. PAT. OFF. NEXT: How MR. AND MRS WATSON TO CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING ON SUNDAY Relatives, neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Watson .'in most cordially invited to attend Ihe open house from two lo five tlilrly o'clock Sunday, July Zr, al the Watson home on Deer creek in celebration of their golden wedding anniversary. NEWS OF OUR X7$S3t MCNw'.VOMEN IN UN'FCnM Charles W. 'lush, supervising engineer for the Austin company on const ruction of the Douglas aircraft assembly plant near Ok lahoma City, has been commis sioned a captain in the U. S. ar my engineers. He lias reported lo Eon lielvoir, Va., in' compli i itce wilh orders. Mrs. Tush will remain at their present home on the North Umpqiiii river until Captain Tush has a more defi nite location. Willi the army air corps alone asking ror 300,1)00 WACs, the job or a WAC reerulling officer Is a real task, according lo Nellie L. Moure, former News-Review em ployee, now on active duly at tho reerulling office in Cincin nati, Ohio. Following completion ot her training course at Fori Des Moines, Iowa, where she was given basic and specialist train ing, she was transferred lo Co lumbus. Ohio, for assignment lo her present post. Cjuenlin Raphael Rvchard, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rychard ol Voncalla, Ore., was graduated July 17 from Ihe army air forc es photographic school al I.owry field, Colorado. Ho entered the school April 21, Hll.'t. Prior lo en tering the army, Felt. 20, V.)YX he was employed In the logging woods for Ihe Sam Hall company al Drain. Albert I-:. Hodges, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Hodges, Urork way, has been enrolled ill Ihe ar mored sibiiril ai Fort Knox, Ky.. in- is among a group ,d' picked technicians -.elei-li-d lm- speci.'l j tnsinu tioii in a cuiiim- ol i,mi I lurch. inlis, i Ada 11. Weaver, daughter of j Mrs. Myrtle W. Hcuhcst. s:w j Toinplin St., Ilnsi'biirg. has been j promoted lo private tirM class al i Moore field. Mission, Tex., where! she is sei nig in the W AC ail , llilllislr.ilm- service as a mem her of tin- post operations loree i at Hie anny air torees advanced , I'Kini: school Prior lo her eiilisi j llietlt 111 the WAl's she was em I ployed al the llolel l'mpiua. 1 i Word has been received here lb, H : Harold "Hud" cloake, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Allied Cloake ot Ibis ; cily, and bis brother in law, Tom- 1 my Havens, son ol Mr. and Mix. i 'I' ;. Havens, ol Oieen. have hoih been aiUaiued lo Hie rank ol enr poial in the r, S. army at liolihs, , New Mov. where th"y aivslall'Mi rd. Mrs. Cloake and Mrs. Havens and daughter. Cherie. recently ioiued I heir husbands in .New Mexico. Mis. Paul Itiaskey . ol this city , 1 Iris received word that her son. Private First class Warren Lucas, foi inei ly ol Roseburg. has arriv-j ed in Ii an w it It I'mted Slates j force-.. Word li.e. been lorrivcil from j Dow V. Kea.ry. .ii , son of Mr. I and Mrs. IV W, Ke.isey, Kdcnhow or, I hat he has been promoted' lo hospital apprentice first class ir the P. S navy. He Is located ill New Caledonia. Corporal lilenn K Mount, son ol W. C. Mount. LookinggMss, I his lieen selected at the Carls I bad anny air field. Carlsbad, N. j M . lo aMetv.l aviation cadet j school for pre aviation cadet ; iilt 1 )&A tf. MOST BASEBALL BATS COME FROM NEW YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA, FROM WV TREES CUT WHEN THE TRUNKS ARE IS INCHES THICK. 7-21 deep is tlio ocean? I raining at Sheppard field, Wi chita Falls, Texas. He entered the service October M, 19-12, at Los Angeles. Technician 51 h Grade Delljert 10. Grout, husband of Mrs. Virgin ia Grout, 1117 Harvard Ave., Roseburg, has been u warded a Good Conduct medal at Paine Hold, Everett, Wash., when; he is in service as a sergeant ma jor at the air base hoapital. The medal is awarded only to enlist eo men who have had one full year of continuous service and who have shown exemplary be havior, efficiency and fidelity. The ribbon of the medal is scar let with three white vertical stripes at each side. Private Hilburn L. Cheek, son of Mr. end Mrs. II. S. Cheek of Melrose, Is being trained in aer ial gunnery, according to word' re ceived by his parents. He has been serving in chemical warfare service, and is now receiving in struction as a machine guner with a bombardment group. He is lo cated at Sheppard field, Texas. F. I. White, Ex-Oregon Newspaperman, Dies PORTLAND, July 15) f APt--Frank I White, 72, Klamath Falls circuit court bailiff and former Portland newspaper man, died hi re Saiurday. While came lo Portland in 1903 from Kansas, worked on Ihe Jour nal, I lie now-defunct Telegram, anil later became assistant city editor of Ihe Oregonian. He moved lo Klamath Falls in 1925, where he was secretary of the Klamath realty board and the republican nominee for state rep resentative in I93S. H. C. L. 1850 SAN FRANCISCO Rooms, SUM) to $.)() a month; washing, $20 for a dozen pieces! apples, $5 each; eggs, ,SL a piece, loaf of bread, 7.) cents. Don't rush lo the OI'A -those prices were charged hack in ISfiO in the gold rush days. The Chronicle printed Hie list with a survey ot today's restau rant prices AMERICA delivers Missing Infant Found; Kidnapper Suspect Arrested SANBERNARDINO, Calif.. July. 19 (API A 15-months-old baby Identified by sheriff's dep uties as Jo Ann Tucker, reported 5000 MM L00 OCRS NDD! The War Manpower Commission is calling loggers out of the ship yards, airplane facto ries, and other war industries for no work is more impor tant than log produc tion right now I iV t(B the goods! America has shifted into "high"! It's a tough job . . . and a thirsty one. BOTTLE SHORTAGE! Return "Empties" promptly abducted. Friday-while her moth er slept In a Los Angeles bus sta tion, was safe in a hospital here early today. The deputies, H. A. Richardson and Clarence Potts, said they found the child in the company of Mrs. Laura Merle Thornton, 20, of Wheeling, W. Va., at a cafe in nearby Colton, Calif. Mrs. Thornton was booked on suspicion of kidnaping after, the p( v4 yyjjfx pftvi'H.'-'vH' m i v, FANTASTIC? Not at all! America is building the greatest fleets of troop carrying transports and gliders the world has ever known. And they are made of WOOD! England is mass-producing Mosquito Bombers that out-speed the Nazi's fastest fighter planes. They're made of WOOD ! Literally logs are flying from the woods right into en emy strongholds. THAT is why Amer ica so desperately needs more saw logs, INGHAM LUMBER ROSEBURG LUMBER 1 L. - m$x Mm?- deputies declared, she stated she took the child from the bus sta tion "because Its mother was mis treating it." Richardson said the child ap peared to be in good health but was tajn to the hospital for a medical checkup. The mother, Mrs. George W. Tucker, wife of an army sergeant, told Los Angeles police she was exhausted upon arrival friaay Gliders, transport pianos, invasion bargos, more peeler logs, more pulp logs NOW! In addition to planes and gliders, there MUST be wood for thousands of inva sion barges, pontoon bridges, sub chas ers, shell cases and aircrafttarrier deck ing. Logs are making munitions from nitro-cellulose to shell cases. Every log ger can serve America best by sticking to his ax and saw... and by urging his logger friends who've quit the woods, to return to the forest fighting front! COMPANY , COMPANY A- -r .U ..t- Xli; A'N'k ' (J from Chattanooga, Tenn., and that she accepted the offer of a strange woman to care for the child while Mrs. Tucker napped on a bench in the depot. When she awoke, Mrs. Tucker said, h child and the woman were gonw M. O. A. Club to Meet The ML O. A. club will meet Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. C. B. Calkins. carried the Sicilian Invasion! ( Buy ANOTHER Bond J