Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 11, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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iHMut-d lail Ruhflfcy hf the
Member ol tli .tJnH4tril VrrM
The AsKi;ili'd Vvn h -3uinive
y i-iuillM lo for refciibllca
tivn of nil now iIibihi Ii' vn-Atted
to H or not utliemiAe r red I ted Iti
trim paptT nnd lo All )o ul mwi
putdiKln-d lit-n-ln. All rlnhid of rv-
fublU-ntion of upct ial dlBfmlcliuB.
u-roin iirv also tvAftrvcil,
. . . .Kdltor
. .MnnitKcf
Kntercd a BfCOHU .lnM tufllter
Mnv n, 1920, nt'lha roAtoinee m
rtoseburti. Orcyon,
Marvh 2, 1878.
u u dor act ot
JtrprmrntPil hjr
Kv Vrtrk 271 M.-hIIsmti ,V.
UilrattA tU X. Mi. hlyan A.
Hun I'rnni'Uto -IIJA .Miirlct Sln-rt
Iim A-mele t:;:i H. Spilim ,Sii'i'tt
Urnltle "iici Stfwr.-t Hti.-.l
I'Artlnnil f.i'O ft. Sixth Street
fcf. l.oiiU 111 N. T.-nth Mrr-.-t.
SulmrrliMlon Uatm
Puily, l'or -nr by mull.
mo tit lift by mnll.
.1 muntliH ly tnMt.
Editorials on News
(Continued from (pace 1.)
would have boon their
year ago.
way a
IN Tokyo (as reported
Jap radio) Tadaklko
"speaker" ol the Jap
by the
tells a mass meeting that Japan
must "utterly destroy the United
States and Britain or be destroy
ed herself." He says the grim
nature of global war "will permit
no half-baked distinction between
the victor and the vanquished."
Instead, he adds, It's a question
of "survival of the fittest- of eat
or be eaten."
That's more of the dictolhe-last-man
talk that seems to be re
garded in Tokyo as good morale
stuff tor the poeullar-mlnded
I thunder talk, this writer Iguoifc'
es the Japs would like to quit
GOT, which is a 'pretty big slice
of what they've always wanted.
heavy bomberfe. fjy 900
miles Westward from
Darwin lo hit Jap Installations
on. the former butch Island of
Socmba. that's MORE than Iho
distance from AUu to the Jnp
bases in the Kurlles.
CAD 'oills chll,'chl11 I
spoke sternly on the same
subject recently) in warning the
axis of dire consequences that
will follow ANY use or poison )
The Germans have long been
expected to use gas as a last des- :
perate resort when It begins to ;
appear definitely that the war Is ;
going against them. The com- j
bination of these two warnings
makes it seem likely that word I
of German and Jap preparations !
to use gas, if a situation arises ,
that would make Its use effective, 1
has reached our higher leader
ship. II isn't a particularly pleasant
subject to contemplate, but If the
Japs are going to use gas any
where they'd be likely to do II
In a sneak raid against some Of
our coast cities.
(To be most effective, poison
gas must be used where It will
hit the other Tellow but MISS the
user's forces. Such a condition
would be present In a Jap raid on
the Pacific Coast. I
ON the home front. Herbert
Hoover tells the American
Farm Bureau federation: "There
are too many conks for TOO
LITTLE food."
The control of food, he says. Is j
now divided NINE ways. There i
should be only ONE head, he .
adds, and that should be the I
secretary of agriculture. II e i
Ihinks fooil prlw fixing should j
begin as near the fanner as pes-
Mblc and WORK UPWARD, in .
stead of beginning at the lop and
working down.
He concludes: "The present
price system Is stifling farm pro-
duet ion and ISN'T stopping in-
Ilatlon." !
Mrs. P. Russell Funeral
Held at Myrtle Creek
Funeral services weie held in the
Myrtle Creek Methodist church
Monday lor Mrs. iVarl Russell,
1!i, who died Saturday. June .", at
a Eugene hospital. Surviving are
her husband, James Russell, and
four daughters. The services
wcic i-Onducted by lilt' Ri'V. J. 'A.
Wilklns. interment was ,u Hie
Mvrtlc Creek 1 O '' eem"-Iviv.
By Charles
have been hearing some
activities off the Oregon
marines rurhorcd to have been sunk by our aerial patrols have
actually been sent to the bottom, the Nip navy must be getting
awfully short on U-boats. Rumors fly thick and fast. The ru
rnor spreaders seldom know anything first hnnd they only
heard but thnt does not stop the story from being spread as
absolute fact. We hear of concentrations of planes, sound of
depth charges and gunfire, great oil slicks, bodies cast up on
beaches, and numerous other talcs. But actual information is
I'robably none of these rumors has any basis of fact. On the
other hand, perhaps there has been action against the enemy
of which we have no knowledge. Certainly the policy of army
nnd navy intelligence in withholding all information from the
pontic is a moat valuable aid to the rumor monger, liuman
curiosity feeds on rumor. Ilie only satisfactory wny to combat
rumor is through official publication of truthful information.
Last September the southwestern Oregon coast was visited
by two Jap raiders. Belated news was given of one flight, but
information oh the second was suppressed and was not revealed
until a few days ago at a senate investigation at the national
capital. Doubtless thousands of Oregon residents knew of the
second bombing. We heard lots of stories, some from "re
liable" quarters, all much more interesting nnd far more em
bellished than the prosaic report given the senate committee.
We believe it was senseless to suppress the news of that at
tack for so many months.
I he excuse is thnt news of action in our coastal area would
provide military information to the enemy. We believe, how-;
ever, thnt, in many cases, the suppression of news docs more!
harm at home than publication would benefit the foe.
Out civilian defense council is earnestly appealing for volun-
rcers. It is being found increasingly difficult to keep the civilian
population interested in tedious defense organizations.
A valuable opportunity to stimulate civilian defense interest
was lost in the Jnp raids on the coast. A couple of air raid
alerts would have done more lo
their toes than all the public
dollars being spent by the army on personnel activities de
signed to contact workers and keep them on the job.
If there are enemy activities off our coast, the publication of
such facts would prove a most effective stimulant to the tot
tering civilian defense body.
The policy of no information leads to n sense of false secu
rity. Few residents of the Pacific coast would refuse lo serve
in any capacity where they might be needed if ihey had the
feeling thnt our shores were actually endangered.
If. there is any truth in even one small fraction of the wide
spread rumors, publication of the actual facts would produce
benfcfitB to the) morale of the home forces far oul weighing the
small amount of informational aid to the enemy. .
Mutual Broadcasting System,
1490 Kilocycles,
6:45 Oregon on Guard.
7:00 Henry Armstrong.
8:15 Lone Ranger.
9:45 Your Red Cross Re
porter. 10:30 Stop, Look and Listen.
2:00 Navy Bulletin Board.
3:30 Hawaii Calls.
4:00 American Eagle Club.
5:00 This Is the Hour.
6:30 Chicago Theatre of the
7:15 Saturday Night Bond
wagon. 8:30 Halls of Montezuma.
2:00 Answering You.
2:30 This Is Our Enemy.
3:00 Camp White on Parade.
4:30 Stars and Stripes in
5:00 American Forum of the
7:45 Rocking Horse Rhythm
8:30 Wings Over the West
4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr., Plough ,
Chemical Co.
1 15 Dance Music.
I .10 Quaker City Serenade. ;
4: 15 Musical Seniehoard.
5:00 Moods in Music.
5:15 Superman. Kcllogg's Pep.
5.311 Highway I'alrol.
5:45 Norman Ncsbitt with ttie '
News. Studcbaker.
6:00 State anil Local News.
Keel Motor Co.
11:115 Dinner Conivrt.
6:15 Faces and Places. Chevro
let Motor Co.
li:30 Freddy Martin's Orchestra
(: 15 ( iregon en Guard.
7:00 Henry Armstrong vs.
Sammy Angntt, Gillette.
S: 15 - Lone Ranger.
S: 15 Music Without Words.
9:00 Alka Scltrcr News.
9:15 Hi Neighbor, McKc.m A
Carstens. !
II:. 'in
II: 15
I'liele Sam. j
Fulton Lew Is, Jr.
Sign ulf.
8:00 Wesley R.idio League.
N:30 Chapel Singers.
8:45 Rev. V. W. Cain. Anglo-
Sakon Assn.
9:00 Detroit Bible Class.
9:30 Organ Chimes. Presby
terian Church.
!): 15 Robert Childs Choir.
10.00 Alkj icltcr News.
V. Stanton
more rumors about submarine
coast. If all the Japanese sub
keep civilian defense forces on
appeals and th
iKnn.-,nrU nf
10-15 Romance of the High
ways, Greyhound Bus
10:31) Bacon or Deiileiiinomy.
10:45 Canary Chorus.
11:00 Baptist Church Services.
12:00 -nils Is Fori Dix.
12:30 Madrid Melodians.
1:00 Lutheran Hour.
1:30 Young People's Church of
the Air. ,
2:00 Answering You.
2:31) This Is Our Enemy.
3:00 Camp White on Parade.
3:30 Treasury Star Parade.
3:45 Voice of the Farmer,
American Dairy Assn.
4:00 Floyd B. Johnson and the
King's Ambassadors.
1:30 Stars and Stripes In
5:00 American Forum ul Iho
5:15 Kwning Seivnude.
6:00 Old Fashioned Revival.
7:00 John B. Hughes.
7:15 Song Spinners.
7:30 Bob Crosby's Orchestra.
7:45 Rocking Horse Rhythm,
S:00 Hancock Ensemble.
S:3() Wings Over the West
9:00 Alka Scltrer News.
9:15 Voice of Prophecy.
0:15 Henry King's Orchestra.
10:00 Old Fashioned Revival.
11:00 Sign olf.
(I:I5 Kis
and Shine.
7:1X1 News.
7:15 Stnfl and Nonsense.
7:30 Stale and Local News,
Boring Optical.
7.35 Rhapsody in Wax.
8:00 Haven of Rest.
S:3D Xeh Carver's Oreliesli a.
9;00 Man About Town.
"10 Morning Melodies.
0:30 Here's Music.
!:!." Your Red Cross Reporter.!
10 00 Alka Seltzer News.
10:15 The Harmoneers. ! PORTLAND. June 10. i.P -
10:30 Stop. Look and Listen. I SllK'"' inventories may he increas
10 15 Henry Jerome's Orchestra. '''' "' wholesalers and retailers
11:00 Lam Melntvre's Orchestra.;
11:15 The Pastor's Scrapbook.
Dr. Roach, Presbyterian
1 1 :.'to Mutual Goes Calling.
12:00 Interlude.
12;05 Sports Review, Dunham
Transfer Co.
12:15 Rhythm at Random.
12 45 State News, Hansen Mo
I. on Salvation Army.
1:15 Aqueduct Rail's.
1:30 Itra.'ilian Parade.
2:00 Navy Bulletin Board.
3.1m I Hear America Singing.
315 Williams Ewing.
3:30 Hawaii Calls.
Mill American Eagle Club.
1:30. Cisco Kid.
.i' Ih! u. tin Hour.
News of Men
In War Service
Harry Bakken, serving with
I be army at Fresno, Calif., re-
ccntly was promoted from ser
geant to stall sergeant, ins wile, i
the former Lavola MeMillen,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W.
MeMillen of Idlnytd, is making
her home at Fresno while her
husband is stationed at the basic
training center there.
Word has been received here
I hat Charles Stuart McElhinny,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McEl
hinny, Salem, former residents
of Uoseburg, has completed na
!val aviation training at Pensa
1 cola, Fin., and has been coininls
! stoned a second lieutenant in the
'marine corps. He was a student
at Oregon State college and Wil
lamette university before enlist
j ing in the navy.
I Aviation Cadet Frank 1.. Clark
I has arrived at Moore field, Tex
as, advanced flying school near
I Mission, Texas, to begin the final
j phase of his cadet training. He
j is the son of Mr. and Mi's,
j Charles B. Clark, Brocljw ay.
i Glide Pastor and Wife
: Accept California Call
I Rev. David Duel ksen. pastor 01
the Glide Baptist church for th-'
past Ihree years, will conduct
1 farewell services at the church
Sunday. During the past two
j years he held Bible classes in
the Glide school. Dinner will bo
I served at the eluiich Sunday fol
lowing the morning worship
! hour and all friends are invited
'to inin in the farewell meeting
and social hour. The Rev. and
'Mrs. 1 Merkson recently accepted
a pastorate in California and
j with their rhildrcn. Merriam, Er
j nest. Vernon and Donald, will
1 leave' for their new location the
j fits! of the week.
I Former Willamette U.
I Vice-President Killed
VANCOUVER. Wash.. June 10
'API The Rev. Thomas El
. lintt. S2. one-time vice-president
' id Willamette university, was
1 killed last night when he was
j struck hy an automohile.
1 Vancouver policeman George
' Oherg said the driver. William
i Caveihill. 52. a shiptitter. was
j being held in tile city jail with
, cut hall on a charge of driv ing
while drunk.
j Sugar Dealers Given
I Inventory Boost Permit
a: 30 Tiny Hill's Oriheslr.i.
5:45 Norman Nesbttt with the
News. Studcbaker.
6:00 State anil Local News,
Keel Motor Co.
i:0" I 'inner Onieeii.
li:.'!0 Chicago The.ltle of the
7:00 John B. Hughes. An,icin.
7:1. Saturday Night Hnnd- i
I -
Teddy Powell's Orchestra.
:0 Chick Floyd's Orchestra,
s 1"' v'.u I Kav.iii's Orchestra.
S.30 Halls of .M'inteuma. i
tl:00 Alka Sillier News. '
! !." Fi.inkie Master's Orche
0 30 H.irrv ,l ""v' ( '-,.,..ii
!".'M- M-n '.il.
to meet home canning require
ments, the district OPA said to
day. Allowable Inventories may
be doubled between June 16 and
August 31.
Army Clerical Duties
Given Nettie L. Moore
Auxiliary Nettie L. Moore,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
Moore, Days Creek, former News
Review employee, has completed
training in the Administrative
Specialist school of the First
Women's Army Auxiliary corps
training center at Fort Des
Moines, Iowa. She will be assign
ed to non-camhatalit service witl
the army in a clerical capacity.
Navy Enlists 8 More
1 Douglas County Youths
Among recent volunteers re
cruited by the navy tit Portland
were the following from Douglas
county: Charles William Pope,
Jr., Azalea; Donald Raymond
Ilonnold, Drain; Stanley Thomas
Hancock, Elklon; Ralph Kendall
Briggs, Gardiner; Joseph Marion
Hfirtle, Oakland; Lee - Robert
Clements, Reedsport; James El
mer Ambrose, Roseburg; Donald
Robert O'Ncil, Jr., Sutherlin.
Flying Fortress Crash
In Spain Kills 8 Men
LONDON, June 10.-(AP)
The Paris radio reported today
in a broadcast beard by the As
sociated Press that a Flying For
tress crashed last night six miles
from Algeciras, Spain, killing
eight members of the crew. Two
who bailed out were reported se
riously injured.
1 Depicted is in
signe of USS
U. S. Naval
13 Coin of
14 Fish cg?s
15 Dry. as wine
16 English river
17 Tone E
18 The gods
19 Born
Answer to
21 Whirlwind
23 Music note
24 Shrill cry
27 Hold beloved
29 Eel-catcher
31 Assault
32 Grate
34 Parent
35 Nova Scotia
36 Requirement
39 On account
40 Bachelor of
46 Exclamation
47 Biblical
48 Condemn
50 Halo .
52 Weight of
53 Genus of
55 Up to the time
56 Of the thing
59 Exlamation 6f
60 Mine
41 Diminutive of 61 From
Louise 62 Amount
t2 Proceed (abbr.)
43 Crliftacean 64 Palm lily
Jniei ijjctyuwjs oxitI
Efiml CAKED re sills
HFQmAA) .... ApElOIN
llfMBil TjEp: TIR 1 P ,.I1N O
B3jig.lL AE N A PffiW
PiRr c hIA'l.Ik I RjE
IaT'ri iPioTRlclEi InioIt
I 2 Ii I 14 IS It I 1 IS II j I0 III jiZ "
ii r.r sv'ei-iio" zir'tiiz&Ti
iffi fp 'WWW1
Ij 53 "Ss1 tfpl T" f31 v?ii"rr
,, , , I ill . je
1 50 ri si
mm i ii i wi nWn III l mmn MirriwfcMMmTiTg
tf J. R. WiStami
Plans for Oregon
Endeavorers Meet
Here are Shaping
Preliminary plans have begun
lo take shape for the forthcom
ing stale Christian Endeavor con
vention, with the announcement
of the selection of Roseburg as
the convention city and October
1417 as the meeting dates.
Co-chairmen of the local com
mittee in charge of arrangements
will be Rev. Len B. Fishback, of
the Christian church, and Dr.
Morris H. Roach, of the Presby
terian church. Other members
on the incomplete list released
last Sunday at the first meeting
of the group include Dorothy
Smith, secretary; Louise Blake,
treasurer; Mrs. Donn Radnbaugh
and Mrs. Harold Bellows, hous
ing; Mrs. J. P. Motsclleiibacher,
banquet; Bessie Lakey, Drain,
registration; Wendell Herbison,
.Oakland, parade; and Val
Klampe, publicity. ;
The fall convention, which Is
expected to draw more than 700
delegates from outside of Doug
las county-, is to replace that or
iginally scheduled at Salem ill
April, but cancelled due to prox
imity to Camp Adair.
British air-sea rescue experts
have invented an air borne life
boat that can be dropped by para
chute and with its own power can
carry 11 men 100 miles.
In England, boots which can't
be repaired arc converted into
Previous Puizle
11 Tissue (anat.)
12 12 months
18 Not shallow
20 Each (abbr.)
22 Paradise
25 Legal point
26 Collective
body of
27 Follow
28 Summer (Fr.;
30 Headstrong
31 Sole
32 Sinbad's bird
33 Swiss river
37 Self-esteem
38 Church
44 Striped
camel's hair
45 Large bud
65 Beverage
66 Petty prince
67 Weeps
1 Sweet
2 Auditory
46 Contradict
3 Right (abbr.) 49 Fragment
4 Test
i Hawaiian
6 Cyst
i Employ
8 Symbol for
9 Imaies
51 Lariat
52 Shrub
53 English money
of account
PU .
54 Genus of Wilt
56 Unoccupied
57 Dregs
10 Hypothetical
63 Size of shot
slruclural unit 65 Sloth
Bible School Set
By Church Groups,
Salvation Army
The Pilgrim Holiness, Free
Methodist and Nazarene church
es, together with the Salvation
Army, Will open a vacation Bible
school, starting Monday JUhe 14.,
under the leadership Of the rtftV.
Tillman Heuser, pasl-lr of the.
Free Methodist clHinh. The
school will be held at the iaa
rehe church and will connive
through June 25.
liev. and Mrs. John Slnm,
Lieutenant Thoma, Mrs. lone
Taylor and Rev. Leonard Han-!
non will assist as Instructors.
Rrv. Mr. Stron and Rev Mr.
Hn.nnon will instruct the boys of
the intermediate division. Mrs.
St'-om Will serve as Instructor fot
intermediate girls. The primary
division will be under the suocr
ision of lieutenant Thoma and
M.3. Taylor will be in charge of
the beginners Class. Teachers
and officers of the various Sun
day schools Will be assistants In
die several divisions.
An interesting program is out
lined, it is reported, a id a gener
al invitation is extended to boys
and girls of the city.
Here's another weekend staring
us in the face and nil those
good listening spots again. Bra
zilian Parade 11:301 Saturday 0.
m. features Morton Downey this
week ahd Chicago Theatre of the
A i r (6:30) preschts "Paper
Hearts," an original drama writ
ten for the Chicago Theatre.
There is quite a variety in the
musical score, including such far
voriles as Toreador song, The Ro
sary, All Through the Night and
Rio Rita. Saturday Night Bond
wagon (7:15) presents an origin
al drama. "America's Burma
Road." in tribute to the Ameri
can Engineer corps in the war.
Also on Saturday you know,
there's Cisco Kid (4:301 and
maybe we're low brow but dog
gone it, we like him. Too, there's
Navy Bulletin Board, Hawaii
Calls, This Is the Hour and Halls
of Montezuma -all shows cither
for the service rnen or produced
by some branch of the service
and all of them good. Our spe
cial weakness is the Marine show
mostly because of the musical
introduction which never fails to
give us a thrill.
Sunday you'll find the same
schedule as usual. However,
there's something a bit unusual
on the American Forum of the
Air. Supreme Court Justice
Owen J. Roberts will make an
unprecedented appearance when
he lakes part in the discussion of
the question "Can We Organize
Peace on Federal Union Lines?"
The first of the week you'll find
several changes in the morning
programs but we'll tell you
about those tomorrow and for
tonight don't forget the Henry
Armstrong-Sammy Angott bout
at seven o'clock.
6ank Visitor Urges Aid
In Home Ownership Need
A national program 10 secure
a greater percentage of home
ownership, particularly after the
war, is being conducted on an
increasing scale, Hans C. Pfund,
assistant lo the president of the
Federal Home Loan bank 01
Portland, reported yesterday
while on an official business
trip to Roseburg. Private owner
ship of homes has been steadily
declining, Mr. Pfund reports.
A campaign already is in prog
ress to encourage workers in war
plants to save toward construc
tion of homes following the war,
he reports. The bank is Urging
savings and loan companies to
assist Investors in plans for fu
ture home construction.
Mr. Pfund visited here official
ly with the officers nf the Doug
las and Umpqua Savings and
Loan associations.
In the county court of the
state of Oregon for Douglas
count v.
In the mailer of the application
for change of name of Warren
LeBron Watkins. a minor child,
Notice is hereby given that pur
suant to an order of the Honor
able D. N. Busenbark duly made
and entered in the above-entitled
court and cause on the 4th day of
June. 1043, which order was has
10 Rounds
Tune 1490
FRIDAY 7:00 P.M.
Air Raid Signals
ALAtttt Variable liltch si
ren. Duration: five minutes.
ALL CLEAR Steady pitch
ilren. Duration: two minutes.
Air Raid Wardens (1st and
3rd Tuesdays) circuit court
room, 8:00 p; m.
Auxiliary police Court
house, 7:30 p. m.
Medical Auxiliary Unit No.
1, Junior High, 8 p. in.
Oregon State Guard Arm
ory. Hq. Co., 7:30 p. m.j Co.
A, 8 p. hi.
ed upon application heretofore
filed in said cause praying for
change of name of the above
named Warren LeBi'on watkins
to that of LeBron Camp Preston;
and bv said order the harne of
said Warren LeBron Watkins lias
been changed to that of LeBron
Camp Preston. Now, therefore.
In pursuance Of said order notice
is hereby given of the change of
name of said Warren LoBroh
Watkins to that of LeBron Camp
Dated this 4th day of June,
County Judge.
All persons having claims
against the Estate of Gertrude
Peck Rostron, deceased, now
pending in the County Court of
Douglas county, Oregon, are here
by notified to present the same,
verified as required by law, to
Hallmark & Geddes, Attornevs,
Roseburg, Oregon, Within six
months Irom Iho date hereof.
Dated this 11th day of June,
Administrator with the will an
nexed of the estate of Gertrude
Peck Rostron, deceased.
Case No. 9194
III the circuit court of the slate
of Oregon for Douglas county.
The First National Bank of Eu
gene, a National Banking As
sociation, plaintiff
The Bounds Timber company, a
corporation; Virgil Mattson,
Jane Doc Mattson, his Wife;
the unknown heirs of Virgil
Mattson. if deceased; the un
known heirs of Jane Doe Matt
son, if deceased; also all other
persons or parties Unknown
claiming any right, tide, estate,
lien or Interest in the , real
estate described in the com
' plaint herein, defendants.
To all persons or parties Un
known claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the real
estate described in the complaint
in said suit, defendants: IN THE
OREGON: YbU, and each of you
are hereby summoned and requir
ed to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in said
suit within four weeks from the
date of the first publication of
this summons, to-wit, May 2
1943, and if you fail to answer,
for Want thereof plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief
therein demanded, to-wit,- a de
cree quieting title in said plain
tiff in and lo the following de
scribed real property in Douglas
pnlmtv Ol-nnnn tn.wil.
The east half of the south
east quaner, inc souinwesi
quarter of the southeast quar
ter, the southeast quarter of
the southwest quarter and
the West half of the south
west quarter of section 14,
township 23 south range 10
west of the Willamette Meri
dian, containing 240 acres, ac
cording to the government sur
vey thereof, excepting there
from the following parcel of
land, towit, commencing at a
point on the east line of said
section 14, 16.23 chains
south of the government
Quarter (corner) on said line,
thence running south 741
west 41 chains, thence south
6.50 chains, thence north 741
east 9 chains, thence north
65 east 5 chains, thence
north 74S" east 5 chains,
thence north 841 east 5
chains, thence north 50' east
6.75 chains, thence south 60
east 5 chains, thence north
62S cast 7.20 chains to the
intersection of said east line
of said section 14, thence
north along said section line
' 6.50 chains to the point of
beginning, containing 23 acres.
more or less.
Service of this summons is
made by publication under and
bv virtue of an order of the Hon.
Carl E .Wiihbrrly, Jilrige of said
mlI't rlilnH ktn,- Of? 1(1,1 .11 .
vu,.t, udiiu in AU, i, Ulieil-
ing publication thereof in News
Review, a newspaper printed and
published in the city of Roseburg,
Oregon, once each week for four
successive weeks.
Attorney for Plaintiff. '
P. O. Address; 404 Miner Bldg.,
. ..Eugene. Ore.. ..