,i FOUR KUoCDUKU INCWJ-KCYICVYi HUJliuixOi ixuvii mu jua i , jvhl Oi i t-t j. 1- -gag Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER MRS. CARL WASSOM HONORED AT SURPRISE FAREWELL DINNER Miss Doris Abecl, daughter ot . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Abecl, was hostess at her home at a charm ing surprise farewell dinner par ty Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. Carl Wassom (Velma Crocker), who is leaving soon for the east to join her husband, First class seaman, Carl Was som, of the U. S. navy. Covers were placed at a beau tifully decorated table for the guest of honor, Mrs. Wassom, Mrs. Donald White, Miss Betty Mae Whipple, Mis. Jay Shlnn, Miss Faith Young and the host ess, Miss Abecl. MRS. VERN HOLGATE PRESIDES AT MEETING SUTHERLIN, June 7.-Suthcr-lin Rebekah lodge met in regu lar session Thursday evening with Mrs. Vern Holgate, noble grand, presiding. The lodge voted to give $24 to the local Red Cross to finish a sun room at uamp wnuo, which was started by the Past Noble Grands club. They will give another dance, June 12, and part of the proceeds will go to the home. After lodge closed a pot luck, no host luncheon was serv ed to the following members: Mrs. Clyde Holman, Mrs. Iiriltain Slack, Mrs. George Green, Mrs. Henry Barge and Mrs .Vein Hol gate. , WOMAN'S SOCIETY TO MEET ON THURSDAY The Woman's Society of the First Presbyterian, church will meet Thursday at a one o'clock potluck luncheon at the church parlors. Mrs. W. M.. Campbell will be chairman of the luncheon and will be assisted by Mrs. E. L. Knapp, Mrs. George Sewell, Mrs. J. F. Parker and Miss Margaret Baldwin. Mrs. Earl Ullrich, president, will conduct the business meet ing, which will be followed by devotions and the program. All ladies of the church arc invited. FAMILY REUNION IS HELD ON WEDNESDAY A family reunion was held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Kva L. Wilkinson. Those present were: Mrs. W. A. Burn ham and daughter, Eleanor, of Victoria B. C, Mrs. Muriel Webb, of Tacoma, Wash.; Private First Class Charles Marvin Mall, of Kingman, Ariz.: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Knigge and family, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Hall and lamilv, and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hall and family, all of Hoseburg. This was the first time in 22 years that Mrs. Burnham had been with the family. W. S. of C. S. TO MEET ON THURSDAY The W. S. of C. S. of the Melh oilist church will meet at a one o'clock not luck luncheon Thurs day at the church parlors Willi Mrs. A. .1. Geddes as chairman. Th,. business meeting will lie in charee of Mrs. R. L. Whipple in the absence of the president, Mrs. William Hoelt, who was re ri.nllv called east by the dealh of a brother. The devotions will lie conducted by Mis. Charles A. F.dwards and Mrs. Geddes will have charge f '"' program. Members and friends are cor dially invited to lie present. LADY ELKS TO MEET THURSDAY The Lady Elks will meel Thursday evening at S o'clock at the temple with Mrs. H. L. Adams and Mrs. .1. G. l'cst : Joint hostesses. Prizes will he awarded winners in contract bridge and pinochle. All mem tiers are urged to be present Enamelware DIRECT FACTORY SHIPMENT Large kettles, coffee pots, double boilers, re frigerator pans, tea pots, dish pans, etc. In line with our policy of letting all our Douglas county friends have a chance at scarce goods, wo promptly put the ware in our window and are announcing its arrival here. Just ono allotment, 'first come, first choice. Churchill Hardware ; ; i ill ri -ii ii MRS. VERN LEISENGER HONORED AT SHOWER SUTHERLIN, June 7. Mrs. Emma Real and Mrs. Eloise Lam orcaux were Joint hostesses at a charming miscellaneous shower party in compliment to Mrs. Vern Leisenger, Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Lamor eaux on First avenue. Gorgeous bouquets of spring flowers in pas tel shades were arranged about the rooms. A large bouquet of mixed flowers, bordered by blue tapers, graced the buffet. The large serving table was covered by a beautiful lace cloth and laden with gifts. The guests were given cards on which to write their favorite recipe for the guest of honor. A guessing game was played with Zola Webber and Ed na Real sharing honors. The guest book was in charge of Miss Edna Real. The presents were presented and opened by the bride and af ter being passed to the guests. were packed in a large traveling i irunK, given mis. L.eisinger. our plans on joining her husband, who is In the army, when he ar rives at his post. Lovely shower gifts were presented by Miss Lola Webber, Mrs. Madeline Stowe, Mrs. Thelma Brunello, Mrs. Joe Christianson, Mrs. Will Leisin- cor, Mrs. Doris Van Fleet, Miss Edna Real, Mrs. Sadie Goff, Mrs. Frank Oliver, Mrs. Floyd Porter, Mrs. Robert Miller, Mrs. Harry Papple, Mrs. Ernest Adamson, Mrs. Juanila Atterbury, Mrs. Jimmy Lang, and the hostesses, Mrs. Emma Real and Mrs. Eloise Lamoreaux. Friends sending gifts, I unable to attend were, Mrs. Frank ! Oliver, Mrs. Joe Copeland, Mrs. I Glen Jackson and Mrs. Mason Davidson. W. C. T. U. COUNTY MEETING ANNOUNCED The Douglas county W. C. T. U. will meet Wednesday after noon at the First Christian church in Roscburg. All mem bers and friends arc cordially in vited. The next meeting or the Hose burg W. C. T. U. will be announc ed later. ,. ... - - NORTHSIDE SUNSHINE CLUB WILL MEET The Northside Sunshine club will meet Thursday aflcrnnon at the Eugene Prlncen home at 231 N. C'badwick street with Mrs. Helen Prlncen as hostess. Mem bers are requested to bring Pol lyanna gills and bingo prizes. H. E. O. CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY The II. E. O. club will meel at l:C!0 o'clock Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Lydia Hooper on Harvard avenue. All members I are cordially invited to be pi es- j cut. ; PATCH AND CHAT CLUB TO MEET The Patch and Chat club will meel Wednesday evening at 7:.'t" o'clock at the home of Mrs. E. II. Verrcll. All members are cor dially invited to he present. W. B. A. TO MEET THURSDAY AFTERNOON The Woman's Benefit associa tion will meel Thursday after noon at two o'clock at the Mac cabee hall. All members are urg ed to be present. Auxiliary to Sew George Stunner auxiliary members and triends are asked to meet Wed nesday from 10 to 1 o'clock at the Perkins building to sew for the Red Cross. Those spending the day there are asked In bring their own noon lunch. Mrs. G. W. Similar! is sewing chairman. Wo didn't expect this ordered it a long time ago. Here it is. Fine, long-lasting Reed Enamelware. ...r.n. nrwr nnirtll nAfrOlloe ADCCM TIICCHAV II IMC 0 lOI 1 rzs&T i men JMIICU III i in . m on'.uivut. a i . SIMON there is a pittsbuk&h Baseball, battery COMPOSED OF au7c& jam &aa?&: 6-9 NEXT: Hearing from More Gasoline To Be Asked For Oregon Hunters PORTLAND, June H. (AP) Tho state game commission is go ing to appeal for more gasoline and ammunition for Oregon hunt ers this fall. Frank B. Wire, slate game su pervisor, said the commission would address I lie appeal to fed eral officials in the annual meet ing here Friday and Saturday, when 'dales are to be set for fall burning seasons. Other western stales will join, pointing out that wildlife oilers another source of meat, hides and fats. Wire also said the open season on does, confined to Grant coun ty last year, probably would be extended lo other areas this fall. He said season dales would lie changed little. Last year the deer season was from .September 2l to October 31 and the elk season frdom October 2H to November 30. Elkton EI.KTON, June -1 Miss Lois Anderson has gone to Drain to work. Miss Dorothy Bellinger, of Eu gene, spent Thursday visiting friends in Elkton. Pauline Rowe lias gone to Eu gene to work for I he summer. Born to Mr. and .Mrs. Lawrence Chestnut, a son. May 21. The mother and child are in Mercy hospital in Roscburg. John Bowman and Horsey Fullhrlghl, of Yoncalla, are working at Elkton. The men are building a new home for Mr. and I Mrs. Al ley Marsh. The house is on the lols recently nought from Hie W. f. V,aics csiaie. I it- men are also winking on the Church ot Christ building. The plan is to have a side room off the audi toriutn. two classrooms and a kii i hen. The ceiling has been lower ed. The walls will lie finished Willi insulating hoard and Hie out side of the building will be paint ed while. Mrs. llulda McDonald and Mrs. Gertrude McKinney were Rose burg visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shelley have moved ill the cabins this s'de of Drain. Little Judith Tax lor ot Collage Grove is staying xxilb her grand I parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. II. II. m J cock, xxhile her mother. Mr. Ted Tax lor is on a Il ip lo California, j Mr. and Mrs. Olio Gusinlson have returned lo their bona' all it spending a lew days Willi Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodden. The Glistalsotl's live ill Marshlleld. Donald Agcc has come from Kosehurg to si ay Willi his moth or. Mrs. Grace Ac.cc. xx ho is living on I he Brown elate. Miss Kin h Ann Herd has coin to Kagle Point. Miss Reed l.iucht in I he high school the past ear. Tenmile TENMILE. June 1 Lain. nice Lockwood lias recently built a pumpltouse oxer his electric pump and walled up the sides ot the spiitis; which linuisii the water to the house ami ginunds. Mr. and Mrs Dick Stexeiison f i mil Hippy Valley s-nt the xveekend as house guests ot Mi and Mrs. l.iuraniv Ijirkxx.md The ladies are sister".. John Calm was railed to e on the juiy last week. Jim Bar lies, of Dillanl, hut loimerlx a Tenmile resilient, lias been seiv ing also. Theodore I Dude I llenidtek. local Ita'i eliaiil. xxas transacting huM ncss in Kosebutg. Monday Mr. and Mrs. I .uois linden Mr. and Mrs Umiu 'Jnc'e:;-t'U.-hrr and iliiMrrn Ktxe LAKE, an AMCAV, SOLD GECMANV ON THE VALUE OF THE SisSMA2AS ...-rt YEARS BEFORE THE FIRST WORLD WAR THE CECMANS WERE SO IMPRESSED AND &RATEFUL THAT THEY STOLE HIS PATENTS AND SQUEEZED HIM OUT. LATESZ, HE RETURNED TO AMERICA AND BEGAN BUILDING SUBMARINES FOR. THE US. NAVY. 111 08DEETO GET A6HAVE, YOU AXUST GET A HAIR CUT'SS HENRY WOLFF, the ir.an in the mouii. returned lo their home here from Collage Grove where Louis spent the past several months working in the logging woods. Bird Smith came up from Pow ers to spend the week end at his home here. Earl Ward went lo Myrtle Point Sunday to spend the week with his family. He will move them to the Lockwood-Lakey sawmill, where ho Is employed, as soon as school at the Point closes early in June. The state guard sponsored a dance at the Tenmile hall Satur day night, w hich was remarkably well intended and netted a nic: sum lor the guard. Music was furnished by the five piece Olalla r. fenestra. The money will he used by I lie guard lo buy first aid kits arid gas masks. The girls' ambulance corps furnished sup pec, and. sold a. pair of pillow cases and made some money for I heir organization also. Later they will sponsor a dance tit which a hand-pieced star quilt tup will be sold ami the money used for first aid kils for the corps. Mrs. 'nn Lockwood and Mrs. Don Lakev went lo Myrlle Point Wednesday on business connected with I he Double L sawmill. Yoncalla YONCALLA, June 1 George Meyers Jr. and the two Morin boys transacted business in Rose burg Thursday. Mrs. C. E. Talbot of Eugene vis ited al the W. J. Ladd home Wed nesday. .Miss Bettv McGinilie and her grandfather! C. E. McGinilie. left Thursday lor a month's visit xvitli relatives ill Coriono Del Mar, Calif. M. A. Davis returned lo his home in Riverside, Calif., Tues day after spending a month here visiting Ins son aim tamiix, .xn. Mis Earl Davis. Miss Froida Nelh of Nebraska visili'd al I he Waller Luimey home this xxeek. David Wilson, who is will! the I' S. army in California, spent a couple of days here this week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. l Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Vein Williams have purchased Hie George Wil liams place west of town and will lake possession the first of June. Mr. jind Mrs. George Wil liams have purchased the George Taxcnor ranch west of town, and will raise several hundred tur keys on it this summer. Canyonville CANYiiNVII.l.E, June 1 Miss I Iha May Elliott is enjoying a visit al the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellloil. Miss Elholl taught in the high sehool in Yoncalla the past year. I George McClane, Jr.. Weill to ' I'nrvallis Thursday and brought ' l.i- sister. Genrgella, home w ith I bun. Miss McClane has attended I i 'Si' this past year. Miss Mollie Sullivan went lo I Hoseburg with J. O. Gloss Friday I morning. Mrs. Virgin lloskm as- s.sted in the post office during Miss Sullivan's absence. .Mrs. Elizabeth Baker returned lo Canyonville Thursday evening, she is working at the hotel and was called to Portland because of her daughter's illness. SKATING Every Wednesday 7;.10 lo 10:00 p. m. Reservations available for pri vale parties any time except Wednesday nights. RAINBOW RINK Winchester Construction are Needed by Army Announcement has been made by Lieutenat Clayton C. Morse, resident engineer, U. S. army en gineer office, Camp White, Med ford, that the corps is seeking men in various special trade clas sifications who may proceed by means ot a voluntary induction plan into construction units. Nine thousand enlisted specialists per month are needed to make up construction regiments, he ad vises. The army is not seeking the services of men at present engaged in essential war work, but it does want to properly clas sify men who are skilled con struction workers into a branch of the service wherein their ex perience can be put to best use. Among those needed are auto mobile mechanics, blastmen or powdermcn, bridge builders, con struction carpenters, construction foremen, power shovel operators, electricians, operating engine men, water supply filter opera tors, machine shop foremen, utility repairmen, riggers, trac tor drivers, tractor machinists, quarrymen, jackhammer opera tors, heavy construction equip ment operators, railway section foremen, well drillers, motorboat operators, lumberjacks, sawyers, lumber graders, sawmill mill wrights, timber cruisers, etc. Interested men are requested to contact the resident engineer, I P. O. box 832, Medford. Canyonville CANYONVILLE, June 4-Mf. and Mrs. Fred Elliott and daugh ter, Dortha May, left for Port land, Saturday to attend the graduation exercises of the Paci fic college of which their son, Gene, is a member. Walter Cornutt of White Sal mon. Washington, was a dinner U J J WWW LUMBER MARCHES FORWARD LOGGERS! The shout for "more lumber" and for more plywood and pulp products comes from our forces in Africa ... in Attu ... in the South Pacific . . . and from millions of troops in England poised ready to strike at the heart of Nazidom! They need more invasion barges more deadly Mosquito bombers more sub chasers more ammunition cases more ponton bridges! WOOD, and MORE wood is needed desperately! But there is a real short age of saw logs now ! That is why the War Manpower Commission wants every available logger on the job right now. This government agency is urging loggers to quit shipyards and other war industries and to FIGHT IN THE WOODS. If you have a friend who's an experienced logger, but who is not now work ing at the trade, urge him to get on the job. He can obtain a Certificate of Availability from his present employer on instant notice. Ask him to then inquire at the nearest U. S. Employment Office for assignment to the loca tion where he is most desperately needed. ACT NOW! Your promptness can help win this war I guest of Mrs. Emma Wamsley and Mrs. Carl Allison, Friday Gordon Harry and daugh ters, Ann and Jean, returned to their home here Friday. They have been visiting relatives and friends in Idaho for a month. Phil Hart Is here from Port land to attend the graduation ex ercises of the Canyonville high school which will take place Thursday night. His son, Bill, is a member of the class. Mrs. Ella Sullivan and son, Rollie, were in Roseburg Satur day. Mrs. Elsie Poole of Myrtle Creek was visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Poole, Memorial day. Mr. and Mrs.Jimmie Yokum of Myrtle Creek were guests Sun day of Mr. Yokum's sister, Mrs. Paul Ecklund. James Moyer Is home from Eu gene, where he has been attend ing school. Mrs. Susie Burnett, her mother, Mrs. Barbara Hopkins and her nephew, Don Hokins of Oakland, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Couglar. Mrs. Marge Beals and daugh ter, Dorothy, of Pittsburg, Cali fornia, are here for a week, vis iting friends and relatives. Elkton ELKTON, June ' 4 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhoadcs spent the week end visiting on the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haines of Drain were Elklon visitors Sun day. Mrs. Mary Thompson and Miss Mary Alaske Thompson have gone to Vancouver, Washington. Mrs. Thompson was teaching in the high school here the past year. There will be a school meeting al the Elklon grade school June 21 to vote the budget and lo elect one director for three years and a clerk for one year. Saturday was clean up day in the Elkton cemetery. Mrs. Albert Dvkslra and Mrs. I INGHAM ROSEBURG LUMBER LUMBER Clara Smith were Roseburg vis itors recently. Mrs. Ella Fenley. Mrs. Forest Solomon and Miss Patsy Vian have returned from Roseburg were they have been visiting. Miss Vian is working for Mrs. Solomon this summer. Mrs. Ina Jacobs Is visiting rel atives and friends in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McKinney were attending to business mat ters in Reedsport Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Peter Fetter have returned home from a trip to Wheeler. Donald Abraham and Kenneth Stewart are on a trip to eastern Oregon. Mrs. Grace Beekley, who is in A7A rfi 1 V fflftl 0 UVI u SCRAP CAST IRON CASH ON DELIVERY HIGHEST GOV PRICES For Details Write or Call Mr. Fryburg WESTER FOUNDRY CO. 2400 S. W. Water Ave., Portland, Ore. ATwater 0207 COMPANY COMPANY i he hosnltal in Eueene. Is re ported to be very much Improved. The world's largest known de posit of beryllium ore has been discovered in southern Oregon. Beryllium-copper is replacing bronz-e and steel in many war uses. I RUSSELL'S Typewriter Service Office Machine Service and Supplies , 335 N. Jackson Phone 320 See "Wood Goes to Weir" M-C-M Technicolor film sonn it your local theater. Don't miss it! Hi 'ce in, 'in' ID 4- -6 -4 325r3aB2Saa9B999335Kan9H&3Er .,'vr';-"'-';