515! KOSEBURS HEW5-REVIEW. R0SEBUR5. ORE60R. THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1943. Allied Fleet Raids Axis Convoy Off Toe of Italy (Continued from page 1) v For Travel-Vacation- or for a lovelier, more comfortable you all fhru the summer the excitingly new two piece suit dress and we've dozens of them to tempt you. They come in checks in tiny stripes in all the soft, cool-looking shades that keep you looking band-box fresh on the hottest of days. Often with touches of flattering white pique. They are a dress or a suit so have plenty of extra blouses or dickeys. 10.95 to 22.75 Gantner Swimsuits New Stunning Beauty They've just arrived! 2.95-3.95-4.95 etc. At Fisher's you'll find a complete showing of White Shoes. Pumps with attractive bows in low heels or dress heels also Oxfords for comfort or sport wear at just the right prices $3.95 and $4.95 y S FISHER'S dept. store Chesterfield Coats The season's sensation of pastel woolen fabrics with velvet collars. All sizes, all the lovely shades. 24.75 to 33.50 oil lo Nlram Into halllc lit nn hour's iiolicc." I 'ispalclics from allied head quarters saiii American war planes swept over "Mussolini's rock" at I'uiitellcrlu island almost at will yeslenlay, smashing buildings in the port area, and shot up bivouacked Hoops and ra dio Installations in southern Sar dinia. Pantelleria lies 4 miles east of Cap Bon, Tunisia, and Is stra tegically important as a poten tial sleppinfi-stone for an invasion ol Sicily or the Italian mainland. ! Axis Displays Jitters lloth Home and Berlin plucked nervously at the specter of an allied invasion of Kurope, with axis broadcasts ranging from na 7.1 defiance to fascist appeals for courage. "Our fate will he terrible ; should we lose this war," said a Home military spokesman, appar ently seeking to frighten the Ila lians into a lasl ditch stand. "Nobody will be spared." Another Italian commentator declared that "not much quarter" would be given British and Am- i erican invasion forces, and add ed: - i "II would he a mailer of but--cher and be butchered." I A Berlin broadcast, discussing two invasion articles in the CJer-1 man organ "Die Wehrmacht," stressed the possibility of allied j thrusts into Europe from several I directions, and declared: ; "An Anglo-American expedi-. tionary force might perhaps sue- i ceed in crossing the Meditorran- . can and landing somewhere in southern Europe, but it would not have the slightest chance in bat tle against axis continental ar- , mics with their millions of well- j trained and well-equipped j troops." Coupled with this boast of axis j invincibility, the broadcast con- , ceded that allies "might perhaps : succeed in obtaining a foothold at t seme points on the Norwegian , coast for some lime." j "It cannot be denied, of course, that the Anglo-American occupa- j lion of Tunisia created a new sit uation in the Mediterranean," the , broadcast added. "It would he , foolish to ignore the fact that the Anglo-Americans now are in a position to use the bases in Tuni sia lor ot tensive openiuuns against Europe." - Berlin previously nan nameci June 22 as "Her Tag" for the allies' grand assault on Europe. ' TEAM STANDINGS and LATEST SCORES tBv the Associated Press) COAST Team W h Pet. I .os Angeles 33 U .750 San Francisco 2(i 17 .(0S San Diego 25 21 .5-13 Oakland 23 21 .523 Hollywood 20 2ti .135 Portland IS 2ii .4(1!) Sacramento Hi 27 .372 Seattle Hi 2.S ,3(i-l Hesults yesterday: San Francisco (i, San Diego 2. Portland !), Oakland 2. Hollywood 9-2, Seattle 1-3. Sacramento 3, Los Angeles 2. NATIONAL Team W I. Brooklyn 2(i I I St. Louis 23 11 Pet. .650 .622 .514 .514 AM .485 .395 .324 f Cincinnati 1!) IS Pittsburgh IS 17 Philadelphia IS 19 Boston Hi 17 New York 15 23 Chicago 12 25 Results yesterday: Cincinnati 13. New York 6. Philadelphia (i, Chicago 5. Brooklyn 3, St. Louis 2. Pittsburgh 3, Boston 2. AMERICAN Team W New York 19 Washington 21 Detroit IS Philadelphia 19 Cleveland 18 Boston IS Chicago 14 St. Louis 12 Hesults yesterday: Chicago 2. New York ' Detroit 7, Philadelphia St. Louis 7-2, Boston 4 Washington 13, Clevel; Pet. .576 .568 .529 .500 .486 .474 .467 .387 3. mil 1. There are 62 collegiate, 59 pro fessional and IS honor fraterni ties in the I'nited States. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 15 Miles of Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Waste If you hare nn exma of ariils in your blood, your 15 ir.ilos nf Li.inrv tuU may ! over worked. Thevetmy hi tor ami tutcs ar work in day and nitlit to Mp Nature rnl your yMfm of ai-il anl noLtoiious vrast. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your olood, it liiftycaunr nailing backache, rheumatic pint Iff paius, I "on of pop and ciutvv, getting up nttflita, wt'llintt, pufliness uihIit tits eyes, lieaihv'hw and liimuewi. Kmiucnt or fc-anty pWAfps with smarting and burninjr eoinw tiitirt shows there u i.uitcthuix tttvutf With your kutneyt or bladder. Kidneys may need hrlr the apie as bowel. MMk vourdnucL't for l)in n IMLi.imkI iu mwfully by inillions for oxer 40 --u. Thy five happy relief awl will help the IS mile ol ntnev tune fliub out ihwhous waste from jvur ulwd (Jet 1muis 1'dis. WON'T LET YOURS CXPIRi H 1 H;H , FROM JUNE I ' THRi THRU AUU. 13 PUR SUGARS Yellow Bowl PEAS 25C 2 cans SCHILLINGS Black Pepper 2 oi. can 5C O Golden Bantam CORN 2 cans 29C o Bermuda Onions, 2 lb 19C Carrots, large bch., 2 for 15 Lettuce, large head 2 for 29C Green Onion and Radishes, 2 bch ..tic Juice Oranges, Sunkist, doz .2H Gapefruit, Ariz., 3 for 17c Shatter Potatoes, 10 lbs 59C lfJJJxrxrwrViiuiJJ iiiii i . v (Siy!Ls Your Best Friend ... A SHORT HAIRDO! Short for Sum mer! Because it's cool and carefree. Practical up-off-the-neclc lines keep you safe on the job . . . perfectly groomed for every occasion! The waved bang is the glamour note for off-duty hours. Try it! BEAUTY SALON mji.." 1 ; Mezzanine Floor, Store No. 1 rui MinfMi STORE NO. 1 TELEPHONE 522 71 xw Tiniiiiiin rfiiif ec swifts ' T r ; FRESH MEATS Pork Chops, center cuts, 9 points lb.39C Veal Steaks, 6 points... !b.35c Lamb Chops, 7 points. lb. 43C Pickled Pig Feet, 2 points lb. 20C Assorted Lunch Meats, 5 points ....lb. 35c WE ALL BETTER KEEP ON BUYING WAR BONDS All O - So Milk CERTO BUY NOW 15c COFFEE 1 LB JAR 32c Stamp No. 24 , 9. KRISPY CRACKERS 2 LB. BOX 30c I pkg. 18 oi. KELLOGGS CORNFLAKES And 1 pkg. 4 Ct Bran Flakes both for KELLOGGS GRO PUP and GRO PUP MEAL 25C Both for JAR RUBBERS Reg. 3 doz. ... IOC KERR LIDS Reg. 3 doz 25C ECONOMY CAPS dor .: 19C SWIFTS. 8 Points Cheese lb. 39c SWIFTS. 5 Points - Sweet Me 25c - Good Egg Noodles,, pl3 19c Matches s, 22c 3 for 29c Tall Can SWANSDOWN Flour, 49 lb.sk. 2.19 Umpqua Chief 49lb.sk. I 1.65 ; OMPOUACHIEr tB r S HHARTS STORE NO. 2 TELEPHONE 39