FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1943 Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTEB KELLOGG GRANGE TO MEET FRIDAY EVENING The KellogK Grange No. 811 met Wednesday evening at the hall with Master Cornelious Mil ler presiding. Paula Anderson, home econom ies chairman, reported on I he suc cessful club meeting held May 20. A birthday supper has been planned for 8 o'clock Friday evening, June 4 at the hall. All members and friends are invited to attend. The supper is also yiven in honor of the boys who are leaving for the service. Inez Smith, chaplain, read a most constructive, letter from the state chaplain, Arthur Brown. Memorial Hay was the timely theme of the interesting lecture program presented by lecturer Mabel Racier. "God Bless Amer ica," and "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." were sung by (he group, accompanied by Virginia Myers. Mabel Kadcr gave the reading "In Plunders Kields." Eugene Fisher read a poem In UMPQUA DAIRY PRODUCTS are on sale at YOUR GROCERS answer to In Flanders Fields. An interesting quiz on names of flowers was held, after which Mrs. ftita Minler had charge of Ihe evening's elixir prize, which was won by Cornelious Miller. .Slips of paper wilh unfinished proverbs were used to find sup per partners. Miss Mae Madison and Mrs. Mabel Kader furnished t ho delicious refreshments, which were enjoyed by: Mr. mid Mrs. Dayton Minler, Mr. and Mis. Cor nelious Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Char les Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ra dcr, Mrs. I'aula Anderson, Mrs. Virginia Myers, Miss I'earl Mon row, W. Simpson, Gail Madison, Frank Beebe, Arthur Hutchinson, Harold Minter. II. Smith, Eugene Fisher and Wilbur Anderson. HOME ECONOMICS CLUB HAS MEETING The Kellogg Grange Home Economics club met Thursday afternoon at the hall. The afternoon was spent sew ing knee robes for Ihe Red Cross. A short business meeting was called by Chairman I'aula Ander son at which time plans were made for a birthday supper for Friday evening, June 4. Those attending are asked to bring pot luck food to complete the supper. All members and friends are cor dially invited. Mrs. Mildred Ladi' won the coin prize. Pcl'clous refreshments wer served by M s. Mildred Ladd to Ihe following members: Mrs. Paula Anderson, Mrs. Mabel Ra dcr, Mrs. Jen Fisher, Mis. Inez i Smith, Mrs. Virginia Myers and I Beverly Ann and Little Norman I. add. U. S. OFFICIAL IC4L,Aj I Hd.o'dPIA'P'a'g.'E S TIE!E!RiS LIE. 15 I .riK U ANA K;T -ni ;0,.NUAlm 24 2000 pou PeoslCola Comoany, Long Island City, N. Y. Franchisee! Bottler: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Roseburq, Oregon HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1,7 Pictured U. S. official 11 Either 12 Courage 13 Winglike part 14 Within 16 House pet 18 Foot digit 19 Sprite 20 Golf peg 21 Small particle 23 Hobo 24 Examination 25 Paradise 27 Vessel 28 Like 29 Marry 31 Upon 32 Any 34 Us 35 Mine 37 Unite by thread 38 Therefore ACT RE T O U P E'E. adminis trator 52 Poem 53 Rested 54 Placed 50 Attempt 67 Exist 58 Because 59 Icy 40 Street (nbbr.) 61 Myself 4 1 Egg'shaped 62 Kingdom 43 Acid C3 Unity 45 Cut ... VERTICAL 46 Kindnof.i i,i 1 Boxes 50 Ho is V. S. 2 Half an em )!A GIEI -:IeTd'ETT LLAIULP) TRlVORM SEP A Ll- ;EiS Sl ;L!A'R:t"E" AS El S SriM E R I !t'E S C R E E N (abbr.) 20 Beverage 24 2000 pounds 26 Stairway post 27 Brag ' Ajjy,R!N28Limb RiEISIbl 30 Moisture 33 Negative word 36 There 37 Tree fluid 39 Dolt 40 Tempests , 42 Contend 44 Decay 46 Weep 46 He encourages produo ' tion ! 47 Near ! 48 Not shut 49 Reign 51 Tint S3 Sun 55 Metal 3 Matched pieces 4 Slow pace 5 At any time fi Music note 7 Moist 8 Mountain 0 "Old Dominion State" (alibr.) 58 Field Artillery) l&VIidday nap (abbr.) 1 1 Wood sorrel 59 Proceed 13 Seine CO Doctor of. 17 Fox Entomology 19 Isle of Man fabbr.) M i6 i7 rI-M CTi M L tMtA.i if is ij W 61 INITIATION HELD BY JOB'S DAUGHTERS Job's Daughters met al a de liL'htful six-thirty o'clock dessert supper al the Masonic temple j Tuesday evening with Ihe Honor ed Queen, Jerric Johnson, presid ing. Initiation was held and new members include: l.onnie .lean Mall hews, Harbaradel Freain, June Clayton, liamona Fell and Patricia I'argeli-r. Mrs. K. A. lh itton, grand guide of Hie Job's I laughters of Ore gon. paid Her oiiicial visit oi in speetion I GRAND OFFICERS TO BE HONORED AT RECEPTION SATURDAY the lu'lhcl. Here's a WILLIAMS TASTE-FLEASER THAT'S NOURISHING. .AND A MISER OF RATION POINTS The extra nutrition value of added H-Yltaminsand Irwi is a plus that conies to you in t his finer Enriched llrcad with out any extra cost. It's yours in addition to the recognized eneijly-huildinji value of bread's proteins . . . which aid today in replacing nutrients formerly secured from foods now strictly rationed. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR HIS HELP IN BETTER LIVING TODAY I Live better on your rat ion points. Follow your friendly grocer's day-to-day tips on plentiful, non-rationed and low-point- value foods . . . including ... , Williams' ENRICHED BREAD 0 cops diced day -old bread (li.v) ,' j cup chicken fat 1 tcii.on tincly chopped onion 1 cup clvpiKd celery .' i tenspoon salt 1 teiisvwn poudcicd s.i&e 2 teaspoon jKiultiy seasoning .' 9 teaspoon blai k (cpKT .1 tuivs diced cooked chicken 1 i-i'tip chicken stix-k (or 1 chicken biniill 'n cube ill ,' j cup Ivulini; water) 1 ecu, Ih-.iU-h Prrpaie t.rr.iit !,v s!u imr ami then cuttiiii; j.lii i-i it-i dit-p. Melt In, Vfn a.Ut ',tii-ii, an.! Milliner until vlt ,iinl yellow. Then nit.l liir.i.l iuil anil l-ir.i inilil Lit is writ tli.tnl'Utr.l A.M crlciv,"inia:s ami i liu krn, and tivis tn mil Hi 'n.ui;lil v , tln 'i i,l,t ty.lten ri;i; aiul am Mill. Turn iiiln a b i up tmttctct cai .ncrnlc, -let in a sli.iEl, w pan ot liot vvrttn, anil hike m n nvilriatr iiven i.l:,J F ' t.a JO to la nun ules, until In, t ly titoivti'-il ali.l linn. Serve ht with hot i In, k-a Siavy or tniMhrinMn Rtavi. Srt rs ti. line of Hie largest affairs of! tile season will be the reception i lo lie eiven by Knscburp; Rebek- alt lod;,c, .o. 41. and Philetarian ; loilne rs'o. S, Saturday evening, I June S, at 8 o'cloeK in the I. O. i (1. F. hall honnriiiH Mrs. Ethel j Bailey, vice-president of the Re hekah assembly of Oregon, and Halph I... Uussell, deputy grand master of Ihe 1. O. O. F. of Ore gon. Lena C. I'orter, noble grand of Knscburg Itebekah lodge, and I. nine Swenson, noble grand of I 'hilctarian lodge, have announc ed (hat a special program has been arranged for the reception. All members of the two lodges hero as well as members of all lodges in the district and visiting Ki'hckahs and Odd Fellows arc invited. The reception will also be onen to husbands of Rebekahs I and u ives of Odd Fellows. A large number of grand offi cers plan to be present for the a I lair. Refreshments will be served later ill the evening. BIRTHDAY PARTY IS ENJOYED SATURDAY AZAI.KA.June .1 Mrs. Charles Hewey entertained Saturday af ternoon at two o'clock at a lovely j party honoring her daughter i Minerva Jane Rust on her eighlh mi unlay anniversary. Tliu-o attending this patty were the honor guest Minerva Jane. .Marion, I'at and Dan Clare, i Mrs. 1!. C. Head and sons, Rich aid and Roderick, bobby Gaed-' i i-lie. Janet and Jackie Smith, ' Virginia Cleveland, Mary I-eeand ; Kusl. .Mis. Mav Worlev, 1 .Mrs. ta-oige Wendoroth and Ihe hostess. Mrs. IVucy. j f.Lirgc bouquets of rliofiodeu- i ilions and greens wore used for decol at inn. j Lovely rclreshments including i three birthday cakes with candles i were served Irom tallies on tlie l..w n Many atliaciive gilts vveie re i cived hy Ihe honor guest. ii. lines were enjoved during 1 1 to altcrnoon. MRS. ELLA FENLEY HONORED BY GROUP ELKTON, June 3 The W. S. C. S. gave at the Methodist church Wednesday a farewell party and handkerchief shower for Mrs. Ella Fenley. Mrs. Fen ley has sold her home to Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McDonald and is mov ing to Roseburg soon. A short program was given. Mrs. Fenley resigned from the hostess and receipt committee. Mrs. June Morganti was appoint ed on the hostess committee and Mrs. Edith Gates was appointed on the receipt committee. Mrs. Mary Grubbe was appointed on the fancy work committee while Mrs. Mabel Binder is at Albany this summer. A gift was present ed Mrs. Binder in appreciation of her work on the committee. Mrs. Ida Thomas and Mrs. Blanche Wade served refresh ments and Mrs. Edith Gates pour ed. Those present were: Mrs. Ella Fenley, Mrs. Myrtle Sawyers, Mrs. Edilh Walker, Mrs. Fannie Clemo, Miss Kathleen Clemo, Mrs. Ella Moore, Mrs. Barbara Tawnowskl, Mrs. Gussie Nottage, Mrs. Edith Adams, Mrs. Zua Wade, Mrs. Thorne, Mrs. Robert Warnock, Mrs. Roy Rhoades, Mrs. Carl Johnson, Mrs. E. M. Owens, Mrs. Brontie Smith, Mrs. Clara Checvcr, Mrs. Edith Gates, Mrs. Ida Thomas, Mrs. Blanche Wade, Mrs. Lorena Binder, Mrs. Mabel Binder, Mrs. June Morgan ti. Mrs. Esther Gates, Mrs. Myr tle Welles, Mrs. Wardie Snook, and Mr5. Frances Hedden. MR. AND MRS. HEATER ENTERTAIN FRIENDS TENMILE, June 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Heater, former Olal la residents, entertained a num ber of friends Sunday, at their home in Happy Valley, in honor of the second birthday of their small daughter Sandra, who was a most charming hostess to three other small fry of near her age, liarla'Sue Howard of Tenmile, Baby Sliner of Happy Valley and Myron Williams of Roseburg, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Heater and Mrs. Elsie Williams, her grand-aunt Miss Gladys John stone, an untie. Glen Williams and other relatives and friends, Arthur Boyer and daughter Ann, Mrs. Glen Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard and daughter No il aMae, Mr. and Mrs. John Tel, ford, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Stiner, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes. Robert Holmes and Marylyn Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Carnall. Many nice gifts were presented to the young lady and two lovely birthday cakes, each with two candles were placed on the long table where a delicious picnic din ner was served In the shady side yard at twelve-thirty. PUBLIC INVITED TO CHARMING RECITAL TO BE HELD MONDAY One of tho largest and most charming spring recitals, which is open to the public, will be pre sented Monday evening at- 8 o' clock at the First Baptist church, when Miss Gladys H. Strong will present a group of her piano pupils in a delightful program. All persons Interested are cordial ly invited to be present. EPISCOPAL GUILD TO MEET MONDAY St. George's Episcopal Guild will meet Monday, June 7, at the home of Mrs. Ed. Looney at Suth crlin .Members are requested to meet at -the parish hall on East Cass street at 12:13 o'clock and cars will be there to furnish transportation to the meeting. Everyone attending has been asked to bring food for the pot luck luncheon to precede the reg ular meeting. DOROTHY ADAMSON HONORED ON BIRTHDAY GLIDE, June 3 Miss Dorothy Adamson was honored on her birthday anniversary by a sur prise party given hy her aunt, Mrs. Curtis Barker. A wiener roast and picnic sup per was enjoyed after which games were played and tho even ing spent in visiting. Those enjoying the occasion were the honor guest, Dorothy Adamson, Betty Steur, Virginia Barker, Naomi Schloeman, Joyce Everts, Norma Jean Shrum, Tru die Boyman, Arden Helweg, Ma rian Boise, Zona and Willa Will-shire. RUSSELL'S Typewriter Service Office Machine Service and Supplies 335 N. Jackson Phone 320 The Washington Creamery Co. Poultry Dressing Plant is now in operation and offers you top market prices on unlimited amounts of turkeys, poultry, and eggs. We invite you to get our deal before vousell. Plant located in former cheese factory build ing, two blocks off highway 99 on Rice street. Phone 502 Under management of Grant Phillips. i i POETS CORNER LOVE liiiumlli'ss lnvr n (imt ll t'i'Iv i;iVtMi ssinu hi'iiiMlh I lis i ul Tin mists nv riwn. nth stains an wiiu'd awav A' ininils fominand. KiAi'.iliti mm fort day And pi't led man. nil.' ihoii wit n heart allainc Hh lilr ami truth and love lints maLMiily His Namr In hravon above. When Legs Ache and Feet Burn tVn't lt A-n to l--hlo vHiri!f tV hniklv frhNrg trot, anS and teg night rowrr'tit penetrating tried' cited O't nrvclilv soothes jtntl cemfevis -count irritate wnds fresh new Mood n th fvts ea'nt; pm and xwn htlpinf hn't-vr tip itifne All c,vid ilnmsnts sHI Moone'j Ene'ld conomivak Mdst action uaranteed. Chapman' Pharmacy WITH SUNSPUN SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 4-5 Red & White COFFEE asit!.d 33C Red & White TOMATO JUICE ENach2 11C Blue & White PINK SALMON i '. 25c Blue & White OYSTERS 7 oi. tin 43C SUNSPUN 27c Salad Dressing Pint W BANANA FLAKES Dehydrated, equal to 8 fresh bananas. 4-oz. pkg mm Red & White PIMENTOS nr Fancy 2 oz. glass each A W BEANS ' Our Value Cut No. 2 tins 2 for mm t CREAM CORN Our Value No. 303 tin 2 for MjW Red & White CATSUP -r Fancy 14 ox. bottle each , Jl w Krispy CRACKERS 2 lb. pkg. . 31C WESSON OIL 9, 57C Red & White TOMATO SAUCE 4 4 8 ounce tin .2 for AX Harvest Pride FLOUR 1 Qr 49 lb. sack 17 3 White Rose BLEACHING 1 C LIQUID J gol.,45t Rancho TOMATO SOUP 4Ca No. 1 cans 2 for XK Blue & White TOILET PAPER 4t 1000 sheet rolls, 3 for Red & White CORN FLAKES 11 ounce package t ROLLED OATS m- A lb. ck PLA SAFE MATCHES C 6 box carton rr v iiL j j L S5i