FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURS. OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1943. Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER EVERGREEN GRANGE HAS INTERESTING MEETING Evergreen grange held an In teresting meeting Monday even ing at the hall with the worthy master presiding. A sock social was planned for the next meeting to be held April 12 at the hall to raise money for lecture needs. Plans were talked over for help ing with the bond drive. A report on Ihe government seed wheat problem was given by the agricultural committee. Klce Brothers turned in five bobcat hides for the pest hunt. The Home Economic club meet ing was announced for April 15 to be held at the hall. A report on the penny supper and money given to E. A. Hrit ton for the scholarship was made. A program followed and In cluded: song, "Shade of the Old Apple Tree by Iceland Mown and Bill Garrlck; selections by everyone, accompanied by Ah Rice. Bill Garrlck and Mable Garrlck, and song by Sharon Bloom. SUNSHINE CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING A very enjoyable meeting of the Northside Sunshine club was held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Mildred Nelson on Cobb street A short business meeting was in charge of the vice president l'atsy Fisher. After which Polly anna presents were exchanged. Birthday presents were presented to Edna Mae Jones and Margaret J'endergrass and Lucia Ingles. Bingo was played during the afternoon hours with Mabel Pat terson winning grand prize. At the tea hour a delicious luncheon was served by Mrs. Nelson assisted by Marjorlc Case- beer to Katherlno Ballon, I.tlcia Ingles, Mabel Patterson, Mar garet Pendergrass, Patsy Fisher, Edna Mae Jones, Myrtella Em mitt, Dorothy Pcrrln and Enore Fisher. Mrs. Emmitt invited the club to meet at her home on Parrott street for the next meeting on April 8. STUDY CLUB HAS POTLUCK LUNCHEON The Greens P.-T. A. Study club lield a very enjoyable meeting last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Tressie Claypool at Keiley's Korner. A delicious potluck lunch eon was served at one o'clock. Lovely spring flowers decorated the room and dining table. The afternoon wits spent In visiting and sewing. Plans were discussed to raise money for Ihe 4 11 scholarship. Those enjoying the day with Mrs. Claypool were Mrs. liesse Lounsbury, Mrs. Agnes Schmidt Mrs. Agnes Telford, Mrs. Enore Fisher, Mrs. Bella Holm, Mrs. Gertrude Hess, Mrs. Lucy Myers. Mis. Bella Holm has Invited the club to meet at her home In Happy valley for Ihe April (i meeting. A potluck luncheon will be served at noon. N. OF W. THIMBLE CLUB HAS MEETING 'ihe Neighbors of WonilrraN Thimble club met at Ihe home of Mrs. W. 1'. Krederlekson Monday for a delicious onoihlrty o'clock politick luncheon. Members brought wool pieces and spent the alteration making lap robes for the American Red Cross. Those present included Mrs. Ch.'iuneey lutnn. Mrs. V. Iv Moran, Mrs. A. 11. I'errin, Mrs. l.ydla Hooper, Mrs. Thtirman Smith. Mrs. A. I . Hawn, Mrs. Elizabeth Gardner. Mis. U. W Taylor and Ihe hostess, Mrs. Fred crickson, and Ihe following guests! Mrs. Andrew .1. Ford and Mrs. Mary Johnson. The next meeting will be April 12 at Ihe home ol Mrs. V. I.'. Mo ran at Sl.'i Miller street. HOME EC CLUB GIVES PARTY FOR F. F. A. The Kos'-biug high school Home Economics cluli citlcriaiii ed I In Future Farmers ol Ameri ca. March 12. with a delightful parly, Childhood comics weir played lo start Ihe party's uctivi lies and these lasted for sonic time. Teams, the Commandos, Ihe Eagle Squadron, the I'ough boys, and the Flying Tigers were picked and persons ol the uiuning team were awarded prizes. A shoe scramble was held lo drirnnino who cai-h pri son s rating partner would be. Kr freshnieiils were served and the remainder o( ihe evening was taken up by singing. WORTHY GRAND MATRON TO VISIT HERE THURSDAY Mrs. Marjorie Simpson, ol Portland, worthy grand inalron of Ihe Oregon Eastern Star will pay her official visit at the dis trlct meeting to be held by I lose burg and Oakland chapters In this cily al Ihe Masonic lempie Thnrsdny 'evening al K o'clock. All lireinlwrs and visiling mem bers are mrdtally invited lo he present. Mrs. J. E. Kunyan and Mrs .D. H. Morgan are joint hos tesses for the occasion. H. E. O. CLUB HAS LOVELY PARTY The H. E. O. club enjoyed a lovely party Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. John McCuan on Harrison street. Flowering quince was allractivcly arranged in bouquets about the rooms. Members present were: Mrs. Henry Ersklne, Mrs. Harry Lohr, Mrs. Myrtle Norwood, Mrs. David Meyers, Mrs. Lydia Hooper, Mrs. Chauncey Dunn, Mrs. A. fl. Gar dener, Mrs. J times Medlll, Mrs. Elsie McComas, Mrs. Arthur Per- in and the hostess, Mrs. McCuan. Five-hundred was enjoyed and high score prizes went to Mrs. Eiskine, Mrs. Norwood and Mrs. Lohr. A lovely birthday cake was presented by the hostess honoring her birthday and delicious re freshments were served. The next meeting will be held at 7:30 the evening of April 11 at Ihe home of Mrs. Norwood on Chad wick street. WAR RELIEF GROUP SHIPS LARGE BOX The Christian Science War Re lief sewing group, which meets at the Perkins building every Thursday at two o'clock, has Just announced Ihe shipment of a large box of furs to Portland,! where the furs will be rr-enndi-' tinned and made into linings fori men's coals and Jackets for men In the service overseas. Mrs. Annie L. Kussell, chair- man of the group, has reported thlil residents of this commuiiily! htive been especially helpful andj onerous In furnishing these j fills, but n call has been given j for even more. Anyone having used furs to donate to Ibis cause . has been asked lo leave same at be sewing room or to call Mrs. Russell. HEALTH ASSOCIATION TO MEET ON THURSDAY I The Douglas County Heall!) as sociation has announced an Im portant meeting for Thursday evening to be held at Ihe home of the president. Mm. Fred Fish-1 or, on the North Pacific highway. I All members and persons Inter-1 ested are Invited lo attend. POETS CORNER MY VICTORY GARDEN by J. M. Judd j I chose a place In our back yard 1 am telling you that ground was hard t spaded all day from sun lo sun It look two days for me to get i done. j I had such an awful pain in my I back I If I moveil a muscle I could bean It crack Rut 1 kept right on with my hoe' and rake Instead of making a fancy cake I finally go! It all smoothed dow n The nicest, smoothest garden In town So now I am ready to put in Ihe seeds And later on I can pull (be weeds You ask what I am doing this for Why it will help to win the war If every one will do their share It will soon be over.over there. TRANSITION by AI.DEN HARNESS Through all Ihe night In wilds alar. While Insl. diil Stanley Swan, A Yankee lad from Zanzibar, Walk on and on and on. When red dawn lit the cloudless east And on Ihe desteit burst , To danger stages fast increased I he torture of his thirst. I From where he walked, around him gleamed To spaces far and dim, j That sandy waste whose silence seemed As vast as lime lo him. The great sun blazed like Xiie that day; lie reeled beneath its might. ! Mul soon a green oasis lav I Hefore bis claddeno,! licltl When night, like thought thai sooths ami calms, Across the desert i-i-cot lie reached that place of gorgeous p.unis And near a cool Km-ine slcni He learned lo shoot with match less skill: He learned lo hunt with i-.m- And with an ancient gun to kill Ferocious lions I here. Hut now upon a distant isle The midnight sea befogs. With ritles of the newest style He kills the yellow dogs. SKATING Every Wednesday T:."lO lo IIUKI p. in. Reservations available for pri vate parties any time cucept Qjlg. Wnlnesd-y mijlits, RAINBOW RINK Winchester f MAY HAVE GfifvV t BLOOD, OR. ZjLCM m m ST,?' Jj-Lri it blood... "j .tfffapte&lkW Mt BUT NEVER ,g?7 ' 1$ S BLOOD ' H T. M. hlU. U. . PAT. Off. MANV OF THE BASEBALLS NOW IN USE HAVE &OA SAt.. CORES. com mi by nea scR'icr. inc. 3 .31 JS'EXT: LEGION AUXILIARY TO HOLD DANCE AT FACILITY ON WEDNESDAY EVENING A delightful informal dancing parly has been planned by Ump qua Unit of the American Legion auxiliaiy for all members of Ihe unit and their friends to be held Wednesday night from 7:45 to ID o'clock at the Veterans Adminis tration Facility. Mrs. I. II. Iliegel and members of the unit will be In charge of the affair. Music will be furnished by Hess' Melodians. MID-WEEK BIBLE CLASS TO MEET ON THURSDAY The Mid Wcek Bible class of St. Paul's Lutheran church will meet Thursday at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. A. Sylwester at 1170 Military street with Miss A. Meusch as co hosless. In addition to the regular Bible study, the class will discuss the question of joining Ihe Federa I lion of Lutheran Women. Mem ' b'Ts and friends are most cordi 1 ally Invited lo be present. I GARDEN VALLEY WOMAN'S J CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY j The Garden Valley Women's I club will meet Thursday at two o'clock al Ihe clubhouse wilh' Mrs. Adam Schneider as hostess. 1 All members are urged lo be pre sent. Yoncalla YONCAI.I.A, March .'Ml Mrs. Neno I'erlnl SX'tu several days last week visiting her daughter and family In Medford. Mrs. Vermin Patrick and daugh ter of Portland visited at the Kay Potter and A. II. Patrick home last week. Mrs. Viola Smith of Yreka, Calif., is visiting at Ihe home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kd. ewhy, over the weekend. Hill Cross, who is hiking of ficer's training at the navy yards in liremerton, Wash., spent sev eral days here last week visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Thlel anil Jay Huntington transacted busi ness In Roscbing Friday. Mrs. Arne lljork of Salem i Enjoy Leisure j Hours By u Bowling Whon you wsnl 16 relax after business, come to our well-lighted, air-conditioned bowling alleys. You will feel better, look better and work more ef. ficicntly. . ' ROSEBURG RECREATION Hall and Bowling Alleys Arch Llliell. Mjr. "SUBMAEINEJ, AT TIMES. MUST SINK TO KEEP AFLOAT," Ssyt CHARLIE BEITS", .jag, imm April fool J visited relatives here last week. Iiwrence Coons of the U. S. navy ground force at Yuma, Ari zona, spent the week-end here visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Sumner Brawn and sou, Richard, spent last week in Eu gene, where Richard received treatments for an Infected ear. Wilbur Mr. and Mrs. Will J. Deardorff I of Oakland spent Tuesday visiting relatives In Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clayton have moved to California to re side. ff 1 News of 4-H CLUBS A Victory Garden club of nine members, enrolled at Dlllard, is to be led by Mrs. Margaret B. Adair, 1 leachcr of the school. Some of the : members of the club have their j own gardens while others are1 sharing in work and management i of the gardens of their parents. The membership of the club in cludes Francis Laurance, presi dent; Bobby Hercher, vice presi dent ; Darlene Alexander, secreta ry; Barry Laurance, Oliver Fos back, Dick Blair, Sharon Herch er, Jim Fosback and Delmar Smith. An advanced clothing club of four girls is enrolled at Sutherlin. Miss La Verne Bolton is direct ing the activities. The members are Jacqueline Flory, president; Phyllis Worman, vice president; Viola Aldropp, secretary, and Lo la Stowe. County Club Agent Britton made a trip to the coast Thurs day and Friday, where lie visited the clubs and schools of Booth, Gardiner and Reedsport. He also met with several leaders of clubs. Friday evening the 4-H club members gave a program at the Riddle school. Mr. John Edwards, principal of the school, presided during the meeting. Several local numbers were given including those of the school orchestra. Sound motion pictures were shown by County Club Agent Britton. Following the program, popcorn and crackerjacks were sold for the purpose of raising money for a 4-H club scholarship at summer school. Four H leaders and members of Ihe South Deer Creek school en tertained their parents and friends at the grange hall Satur day evening. Since they alreadv have raised money for three 4 11 summer school scholarships, they made no attempt to raise any more money at the program. The South Deer Creek boy's quartet completed Ihe balance of the pro- STL H. EYE WITNESS TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS Starling Thursday, April 1st Drainatizrd Presentations of the Outstanding Events of the War Interpreted From the Reports of the Associated Press. SPONSORED AS A SERVICE TO SOUTHERN OREGON RADIO LISTENERS BY THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY fgram and sound motion pictures were also shown. There was a good crowd in attendance. Edenbower News by Pat Calkins A very lovely gift was presented to Joanne Ware by the other members of the "Future Cooks of Edenbower" for her room in her now home, where the meeting of the club was held Thursday. The girls held only a short business meeting. Most of the time was taken un bv an oral auiz over the cookery handbook. Refreshments, consisting of ice cream, cookies and punch, served by Mrs. Ware, were enjoyed by the group who spent the remainder of the after noon playing games. The business meeting of the Hobby Forestry club Thursday was also very short. The boys spent the time bringing record books upto to date and adding sev eral new specimen including laurel, myrtle, Oregon grape, wild honeysuckle vine and several V'erns to their scrap books. The girls In the Arts and Crafts j club have started sawing out let- Always Buy Williams'... ITS SLICED AGAIN For Your Convenience. lUncrnuiit No. 2 appreciated by everyone he cause crura hs don't roll up umlcr the knife blade w hen you spread. Just compare it! UrttiTiucnt No. 3 it contains extra Vitamin Bi, Niacin, and Iron needed to help you build more strength and stamina fur important home-front war activities. Just cat it! Williams' ENRICHED WHITE BREAD ws 30 P.M ter holders, which will be their next project. ; The members of the Girls' Cookery club have collected sev eral large sacks ol cotton rags to be sold for the fund for 4-H sum mer school. RUSSELL'S Typewriter Service Office Machine Service and Supplies 335 N. Jackson Phone 320 For Bread That's 3 Ways "Better! 4