ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, itiL mm Sl-W. 1..- siiirtwaists! Amazing Sale o! Carol ilroiit Gather "round all you Carol Brent fans! Here are your beloved classics in soft, expensive-looking rayon crepes, in clean shin ing white or lovely pastels. And they're all on sale now ... in time to add the finishing touch to your new Spring suit! Note the triple rows of stitching this year on the collar and pocket, the double row of three on the long-sleeved cuff! 32 to 40. r1 2.19 Long-sleeved rayon crepe, now 1.98 Short sleeves in same fabric . . 3.19 Long sleeves, finer rayon crepe 2.98 Short sleeves in same fabric . . i Three lovelv Sijles for iliis Spring SALE! 3.98 JUMPERS AND JERKINS 3,77 Get one of each at this omaiing pricel Spun rayons or mixtures of wool and rayon in all the newest colors, lots of plaids! Sizes 12 to 18. 1.98 SPRING SKIRTS REDUCED TO "J Postal plaids, novelty weaves io mix with colorful jackets? in all rayon or mixtures of wool and rayon. Get ssv ral now . ; , and savel Sizes 24-32. A 4.45 Reg. 1 4.04 1 All in crushed leather thai is so popular with smart young women! You can choose a smart casual oxford in soft turf fan or, if you prefer black, a dressy oxford or siepin with shiny patent trim. They'll look wonderful with your Spring clothes. So come in today. II il I'illllllllN kmi Oxfords! mmH'h 2.17 LOOK! REGULAR 1.29 HATS, NOW 10( You'r In luck! A new spring hot lor o song! Straws! Feftil Rayon bettings! In o whole array of gay and becoming styles. Coma and e! 1.19 DRESSES FOR GIRLS NOW JjJJc SIZES I !o 14. Amaiing saving-, on dainty cotton percales! New est Spring styles! Wonderfully well made! Tubfasi! 11 II V BEST QUALITY fjr IE 1 tUA ft OIL TANNED WORK SHOES One of our most popular work shoes made of teagh, sturdy, oil tanned leather that resists moisture yet remains soft and pliable. Storm weft for extra protection, against dampness and oak tanned soies for long, hard wear. This Blue Band Quality work shoe is per fect for heavy outdoor work in any kind of weatherS Wards work shoes give eomfortobie, dependable service so why not come in today and buy a pair? s H35iB!S5s BETTER QUALITY RED BAND WORK SHOES 3.49 Soft, durable eiU tamed feathers that let your feet breathe. An all-purpose work shoe with a storm welt that helps to seat out moisture. Oak leather soies. GOOD QUALITY GREEN BAND WORK r 1 I . 1 r - If 1 , - f economy graac worn snocs iw m y-- v work. Uppers of sturdy elk fanned leather to 3 give you long wear. Nailed and sowed con- struction. Durable composition soles. SHOES 491 f PIONEERS FOR ME I SAY MfLUONS OF MEN if you weor KSs sveroBs on your Job, then you know that good overalls coir fess in the loop run because they wear ion ger. That's why miUions of men ask for Wards Pioneers when they're buying overaiis. Pioneers are made of extra he ovy denim a doth that weighs 8 ex. per yard. Thii fabric is Sanforiied-ihpjnx ii dnt snrisk OVf h ItfaSJ, i6d we've tested if, and we knew! Pioneers ere extra:roomy, fuBy reinforced, and nvade carefuiiy by overall experts, for real work tiothinj va''je,aJt for Porjeerst re fo.: LOW WARD PRICE! WORK SHIRTS fC 69' Nutsesi Housewives! Business womeni These him black kid oxfords ats designed to make walking a pleasure! You'H be so pleased with thei comfort you'll want a pair so hurry in for youri. SALE! MIN'S CANVAS WORK GLOVES IOC 13" A glove bargum! S-oi. twilled canvas, soffty napped totton timng. Knit wrists or doubt thick, full iis. l?t ROCKFORB SOCKS REDUCED TO ONLY In heavy-weigfrt coijn wifh finforcd fest! Sim Cut for comfort and priced for scvir.g! Choice of two sturdy fabrics cotton covert or chameray. Both wear well . . ; " wash easily. And the siies are estra iM, r rj wiih plenty of aSowanc for wlrAas. J Mode with Irim dress-typ coSar, 2 roomy poctets. Stronsiy taileredi This is a real shirt hafsahj SALE! MEN'S 1.8? PANTS 1.77 ti your work fantj new et a iij javfesl Here Is smooth-finish cotton covert, sbW to scil i s i feSy ai1sM..ftf Sar.forited can'f shrink over l0 Her h Words rugged iartering seams co full stitciwd ts prevent rippirtj, bar. fac'm at trass pornfi. Made fn roomy sizes won't pu!t or bindt 1 315-31 7. W. Jacluon Icilcplioiio 9I 3iS-Jt? N. JiStksott J. 'S. Telef Isono ?S