ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, - TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1943. Montgomery Ward Co. Offering Special Values In Spring Savings Sdl ' EIGHT Prices So Low They Are Amazing, Store Manager Declares New Merchandise Received In All Departments Sale To Continue Four Days. Ward's .Spring Savings Sale, oponlnf! Wednesday and continu ing through Saturday, Is one of the greatest merchandising events to be Inaugurated hy the company in many months, l-'rank Wanl, store manager, announced today. "I was amazed," Ward said, "to learn the exceedingly low prices Huthorizcd hy the Montgomery Ward company on the merchan dise heing offered in this four day sales event. In these days of high level prices on all types of merchandise, it Is very grati fying to me to be able to offer to our customers such excep tional values at prices that are lower than even those of us fa miliar with the company's policies of bargain offerings had anticipated. "The merchandise being offer ed in this sale is nut old stock. The goods in all lines and depart ments are new and conform to the latest styles. We are proud in these times of merchandise shortages to be able to offer to the public such complete, slocks In all departments." Mr. Ward called especial atten tion to the new merchandise available in the hardware and automobile accessory depart ments, "Stocks of hardware are be coming increasingly difficult to secure," the store manager stated. "We feel extremely fortunate that ve have been able to secure such a liberal allotment of merchan dise to complete over lines and we Big Beast of Burden (t;. S. Army Photo From NEA) American soldiers somewhere in India give their bangagc-totidg elephant tlie once-over as they arrive in a camping area. cannot promise that many of these items will be again avail able alter the present supply Is exhausted. "Our line of automobile accesso ries also is very complete and we urge car owners to take advan tage of this sales event to pro vide for their aulomobiles the supplies and accessories that may be needed to keep motor vehicles in operation for the duration or until new cars become avail able." The Montgomery Ward compa ny, the local manager stated. Is pleased to be able to extend the privilege of credit accounts on merchandise sold during the spe- ; cial four-day period. The usual ; service also will be given on mail ' orders. Telephone orders will be ! promptly and efficiently filled, Warcj states. j A single Britain nigh! raid of I 1,000 bombers over the Khineland i cost close to 11 million dollars, I the largest single item being the I cost -jf the planes that were los'. i Australia, through reciprocal ! aid, has furnished American i forces with more than 2(i million pounds of fresh meats, 20 million pounds of potatoes, 25 million pounds (jf fresh fruit, and almost ,V'- million quarts of milk. Hew Shipment Of Paint Received By The Local Store Clean-up, Paint-up Time Is Announced by Department Manager Jack Crow. March - first brings not only spring fever, but also the annual Clean-up, Paint-up time, accord ing to Jack Crow-, manager of the Montgomery Ward Paint Depart ment. "We have been preparing for the painting season and have Just received a new three-toll shipment of paints. In this you will find a paint to fit your need - barn paint, chicken house paint, inside paints and enamels for every purpose and use." Crow said. "Order your paint from Mont gomery Ward and rent our spray outfit to do the work - See how quickly you can refinish that dark, dingy room and at a cost that will surprise you. See our ad today for the '1-day paint specials. These paints are high grade paints specially priced for this sale. "We cordially invite you to in spect our paint department and meet us," said Crow. "We will cheerfully figure your paint needs and render you any necessary aid in preparing your estimates for your spring painting. "Let us give you some helpful hints to save you time, labor and money in preparing your floors and walls for relinishing." year compared to the 1937-41 average, due to less lightning, the preliminary national forest fire record, presented at a house ap propriations sub-committee hear ing on a deficiency appropriation bill, shows. Acreage burned was almost double normal, however. The Oregon Washington region had the most fires 1,089, of which 839 were caused by light ning, 250 by man. The 1937-41 average is 1,963. Twelve of the fires were larger than 300 acres, and 8,438 acres were burned over inside national forests. F. R. Turns Down Lumber Proposal WASHINGTON', Feb. 27 (API President Roosevelt has refused to establish a new forest products service with "a huge revolving fund," the white house announc ed last night. "This and similar plans were shelved in an effort to obtain the same result more simply and eco nomically," the statement said. PH Chief Nelson and Secretary of Agriculture Wlckard, it was indicated, proposed the.forest pro ducts service. The white house said it would have been a large organization with very extensive powers. Industry is turning out less lumber than is needed, the state ment said, due principally to lack ol manpower. Holding out no hope that more workers can be provided, the white house, said WPB will send out field expedi tors to tell producers the specific types of material needed for the war, aid in arranging contracts and assist in complicated proce dures of procurement "which are disheartening to many small op erators." The expeditors also will help obtain timber for mills which have inadequate supplies of stand ing timber. U. Of O. Club To Meet The University of Oregon Mothers club will meet Wednesday eve ning at a 7:30 dessert-supper at the home of Mrs. B. R. Shoe maker on Blakeley street. This meeting was previously planned for March 10, but was changed to thisi week. An auction sale will be a feature of the social hour. ' Easter Offerings At Spring Sale Draw Attention Ladies Should Be Pleased Says "Hap" Spielman, De partment Manager. "After looking over the sale price on the merchandise we are offering in Montgomery Ward's Four Day Spring Saving Sale, I just can't help but be enthusas tic," said "Hap" Spielman, de partment manager of the local Ward store. "The ladies will be particularly interested in our selection of ray on, taffeta, rayon satin and other yard goods especially with Easter just around the corner. "The men's department is well stocked with merchandise for both work and dress wear. New sport coats and slacks have just been received. "Don't forget," said Speilman, "that play shoes may be pur chased without a rationing certi ficate. Remember, the items we are offering are new, spring mer. chandlse selections. Come In and let us help you." Aid ea AZALEA, March 2 -Mrs. J. s, Evans and Mrs. John Jantzer made a business trip lo Eugene Wednesday, .... , Bill Jantzer attended to busl. ness in Grants Pass .Wednesday. Ralph Stark from Sacramento, Calif., arrived here Wednesday and will spend several days visit, ing relatives at the Clare Luni. bcr Co. Mrs. Paul . Newman shopped in Roseburg Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Evans amk Mrs. John Gertz were in HosJJ burg on business Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Head trans acted business In Roseburg Thurs dya. Mr. Madden from Los Angeles was in this vicinity on business Thursday. Mrs. Harry Speaker and daugh ter, Anita spent the week end in Grants Pass with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mabel Connine. -- Northwest Forest Fires j In 1942 Reveal Decline WASHINGTON', March 2. -(API-Forest fires in the north west declined 25 per cent las' Mms c NOW... A Deluxo Ice Refrigar ator of unusual beauty and design. LATER... V-.'hon tha war is over . . . converts to an ELECTRIC! us mm? imwa Wards Bond Assures Purchase of an Electric Unit After the Warl Wards offer a revolutionary idea in refrigeration 1 A Deluxe Ice Refrigerator of unusual beauty, with many features unobtainable in ordinary ice boxes and at a sensational savings to you! When the war is over . . . lor an additional charge Wards will convert this refrigerator lo an ELEC TRIC! A PROVED scaled unit, guaranteed or 5 years, will be installed giving you an up-to-date electric rcfrigcratot ! BIG DELUXE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR CABINET muds ierww" ' m Ask About Wards Monthly Payment Plan 75 Lb. Capacity 3 in. Insulation All Stool Construction Interior light Porcelain Interior Culux Exterior fetei'M . ; Ilcpliirl.69 lli s(rpl ilosidk Spig 1 WBI. lflill M TJ BQftl Ma,ei,a5fr!pet,co,,0,,sp,!n'anc, j ; . T'Vr'Criii '-'' Vfflk vZrlvcvvl I II M H im you'll look crisp and smart wherever you V WW j 1 ""'"' go. Tailored types! Tricky shirtwaists! ifINf r if fn j I flordls' dots' checks-ur K69 brunch coats ei tl&m, I V" A 2-2C 38-44, 46-52. .JS5SS licic's the answer to war prul'lem ol kvd piotec tion during the war! And vou're nionry ahead . . . because vou use this cabinet NOW as an tec rt-fn-Kcrator and LATER 'when the wai is over convrtt it to a modern ELECTRIC refrigerator! Get the featuics listed above phis sliding shelves, 2 way dram and many other! ! Sec it at Wards! RAYON HOSE Vou II lie iuiiaznl al ioloretl slips for White' Fink! with color contrast in piping and embroidery! (and dosn't (he cmbtcidory looV liVc petit point applique?) In finer rayon satin or smooth rayon crepe. oil beautifully made, oil thoroughly washable. 32 to 44. 'Saw Telephone 95 Telephone 95 ' 3 I S-J I 7 N.