ROSEBURG NEWS-ftEVlEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1943 THREE Local News Here Monday J. H. Parrott, of Camas Valley, was a business visitor in this city Monday. Attends To Business Oscar Weeks, of Myrtle Creek, spent Monday in this city attending to business. Shops And Visits Mrs. Claude Church, of Camas Valley, was here Monday shopping antl visit ing friends. ) Glide Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. rjeorge W. Vaughn, of Glide, spent Monday in this city attend ing to business. Here From Reston Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, of Reston, were in Roseburg Monday visit ing friends and attending to busi ness. Improving Mrs. O. S. Cham bers, w ho has been very ill at her home in Laurelwood for the last several weeks, is reported to be improving in health. Will Go To San Francisco Mrs. Walter Holm, of this city, plans to leave tomorrow for San Francisco to spend a week 01 ten days visiting friends. Improving Miss Gertrude Do lan, Roseburg nurse, is reported to be convalescing at Mercy hos ')i(al from a recent major opera "ion performed in Portland. Spend Today In Eugene Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nylund, who reside on Reservoir avenue in this city, left this morning for Eu gene to spend the day attending to business. Visiting At Hansen Home Mrs. J. C. Gercty, of Grants Pass, formerly of Roseburg, has arrived here to spend a couple of weeks visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Hansen in Laurel wood. Takes Father East Arthur C. McGhohoy, of Vallejo, Calif., ar rived here Sunday and, accom panied by his father, A. G. Mc fihehey, or Roseburg, left today for Kansas City, Mo., where the .latter will enter a sanitarium (pr medical treatment. ) Auxiliary To Sew Members of George Stanner auxiliary and friends are invited to sew for the Red Cross Wednesday from 10 to 1 at the Red Cross sewing rooms. Those spending the day I here are asked to bring their own noon lunch. Mrs. Cr, W. Shugart is sew ing chairman. Out Of Hospital According to word received here, Mrs. Homer Rand has been discharged from Sacred Heart hospital in Med ford and is now convalescing sat isfactorily at her home in that city, following several weeks ill ness. Her mother, Mrs. Emma Eiickson. of Roseburg, is at the Rand mime in Medford. The Rand family formerly resided here. Back From . Portland Mrs. kliarry F. Hatfield has returned to 'her home in this city, following a visit in Portland at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, At torney and Mrs. William W Knight, and family. Attorney Knight has been spending the last two weeks in Chicago on business and just returned to Portland a few days ago. AND BRING YOUR WIFE ALONG! Bowling is a spor your wife and you can enjoy together. Make a date with her tonight and come to our bowling alleys for an evening of refreshing fun and relaxation. ROSEBURG RECREATION Hall and Bowling Alleys Arch Elliott, Mgr. rl)fol GERMANY tl ! 1 IflvStlta HAS A EUROPEAN FRONTIER OF I 1 I IT i"TTaJ TO GUARD AOAINSr Ea I BrL . I AJi WASOSS. Fjl I ' The WIND MAY BLOW A Vffl 1 ) r M'tf'-h BIRD'S FEATHERS UP, BUT iJSL ' &SNaw ' THEY'RE STILL. DOWN'Sayj 3V? ' " Jigwtfim L..V. SHAW, I WimV5Wr Cener'sport, AhvaScotf. Vr DORMICE ' 1 Kl DURING. THEIR WINTER. Si-A N-i SLEEP, f gfjT r ff-y j J T"j j j jj'jjj 5- 5 t. m ntc. u. s mi, orp. NfcXT: How Dobbin rests best. Bellview Club To Meet The Bellview club will meet Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert Huff. Merry-Go Round Club To Meet The Winston Merrj (Jo Round club will meet Wednesday at a 1:30 dessert-luncheon at the home of Mrs. J .H. Carnes. I Women To Sew The Metho- dist women and their friends are I asked' to meet at 1 o'cloc k Wort j nesday al the church parlors to ! sew for the Red Cross. Mrs. J, J. Ensiling is sewing chairman. Embroidery Club To Meet The Roseburg Art and Embroidery club will meet Wednesday after noon' at the home of Mrs. Alia Smith at the corner of Oak and Parrott streets. New Idea Club To Meet The New Idea club will meet Wednes day at a 1 o'clock luncheon at the home ol Mrs. V. R. Bttekini'hnm with Mrs.' R. II. Williams as Co- Officers Reelected by Roseburg Fire Dept. Wallace Rapp was re-elecled president of the Roseburg fire de partment at the annual election conducted at the tit v fire ball last night. Waller Krederickson was reelected vice-president and Wednesday Only md f'M' .... . TODAY The Living Ghost AND Private Buckaroc f tXPlOSION Of MIRTH! L ... Hm uriwkoll "Mod lonlon': J I ni tin biontlosi Jim rtolly ' J JS-i tantownl ir riutniiic Jui itit Gotooa Jri j Harrie W. Rooth was again chos en as secretary. William Unrath was named treasurer, succeeding Harry Hurt-, who recently moved from the county. Members of the fire commission supervised the department's election of Glenn II. Taylor as fire chief and James Hew ley as assistant chief. The meeting was followed by a feed and social hour. Warning Service Wants Old Phonograph Records The aircraft warning service Is in need of several hundred flat type phonograph records, It was announced today by Lieutenant Huysmnn of the local filter cen ler staff. It is desired, he stated, to secure new records for use in givinj.T instruction, but new rec ords cannot he obtained unless old records are turned in. Per sons having worn, cracked or broken records they are willing to donate lo aid the service in its project are requested to leave their donations at the Roseburg armors'. V if l t JOHN WAYNE JOHN CARROLL ANNA LEE PAUL GORDON JONES mum TODAY "DESPERATE JOURNEY" ERROLL FLYNN, RONALD RAEGAN Zone, Block Leaders Ashed to Meet Friday Mrs. Homer Grow lias announc ed a. meeting of all zone leaders and all block leaders for Friday night at 7:30 at the circuit court room of the courthouse. Mrs. Laura Wells, state nutrition chair man, Portland, will be present to explain the block and zone system in the national defense program. Instructions will be elvoji in print ed form to all leaders. Plans will be outlined for the first project lo begin next week. VITAL STATISTICS BORN LEDCERWOOD To Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ledgerwood, of Myr tle Creek, at Mercy' hospital, Monday, March 1, a son, Scott Lewis; weight seven pounds. MARRIAGE LICENSES 11 YATT-HREITWEISER Rob Robert Howard Hyatt and Ruth Ellen Breitweiser, both residents of Vancouver, Wash. Canyonville CANYONVILLE, ) March 2 Mrs. A. C. Duncan went to Grants Pass Saturday for medical atten tion. Mrs. Barbara Hopkins left Wed nesday for Oakland, in response to the word that her son-in-law, Brady Burnett, had passed away. Mrs. Evelyn Lair left for her home in Tacoma, Washington, Friday. She had visited her par ents, Mr., and Mrs. Emmett Moyer, for ten days. Her uncle, Cal l Beals, went with her as far as Eugene to visit his sister for a couple of days. Mrs. Walter Smith and daugh ter, Judy Belle, of Portland visit ed with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamlin, for a week an is now visiting her sister, Mrs. Ira Poole, in Tiller, for several days. Mrs. William Cox and son.uon by, were in Roseburg Saturday on business. Word was received recently of the death of Mrs. Eva Washing ton of Seattle. She was formerly Miss Eva Albro and spent her girlhood days in Canyonville. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ash craft were in Roseburg Satur day on business. Mrs. Alice Green, Mrs. Bennet ta Pickett nitd Mrs. Ann Worth ington attended the Past Noble RUSSELL'S Typewriter Service Office Machine Service and Supplies 335 N. Jackson Phone 320 I 1 ITS WEDNESDAY i3 KELLY 11c-30c 40c Grand club in Riddle Thursday. They report n very pleasant after noon. . : I Victor Shaw was in Roseburg Friday on business. ' ! H. W. Bovee was a Roseburg visitor Saturday. Ronald Loffer and son, Lyle, of Portland are in Canyonville this week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott wore in Roseburg Saturday. . .. Camas Valley i t : CAMAS VALLEY. March 2 Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cook re cently took Mr. and Mrs. Amidon and two children hack to their home in Medford. The Amidons had been here visiting for two weeks. . George Baldwin went to Sandy on business Monday. . Arthur and Merle Alexander of Winston attended to business matters in the valley Tuesday. Mrs. Lois Varney Baker of Roseburg was in the valley Wed nesday calling on friends and at tending to business affairs. Guy Moore, Jr., left Wednes day for Eugene and Portland with the intention of joining some branch of the armed service. Mrs. Oscar Olson of Olalla is visiting for a few weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. R. Standley. Mrs. Oran Standley and Bert What's the idea of the three finger salute. Mary lust You Be Sor?J" in-- Golgerl received a telegram Wed nesday telling of the death of (heir mother at her homo near San Jose. They left Immediately for San Jose driving the Stand ley's pickup. Miss Virginia Thornton Is stay ing with Mr. and Mrs. Si Robson and Pearle Waters. Charles Roth was III with a severe cold last week and was not able to go lo Sandy where he is working In piling. Mrs. Ethel Brown and small grand-daughter, Rozelle Brown, returned trum Eugene Saturday evening. Rozelle is recuperating from her illness resulting from a severe cast of tonsllitis. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Church returned Thursday from a busi ness trip to Portland. While there they visited Mrs. Church's uncle and aunt- Mr. and Mrs. Everett Parrott, and her aunt, Mrs. Bess Honey, and Claude's sister, Mrs. Loren Nokes. Mrs. John llarmson went to Eugene Monday for medical care. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmidt are taking care of Nathan Kirkendall at their home. Lloyd Roberts, Jr., who has been attending school in Glendale, Calif., came home last week to spend some time with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rob erts. Mrs. Clifford Walbert and Three rti- u; bread wtbin . n . started try isbte perfection . le Sam the ofrF uRt small son, Terry, of Portland vis ited during the week at the home of Mrs. Walbert's parents- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Richter, Mrs. Jim Combs and daughter, Sharon Jeanne, and Robert Mar- SERVICE In this day of shortages of materials, labor and priorities, one hundred percent service is Impossible. The Coen Lumber Company is mak ing every effort to supply their trade with ma terials required. By reason of their large stocks happily few delays are necessary. When in need of lumber, millwork, plumbing, linoleum, roofing, paints, glass, wall paper or other building materials, see the Coen Lumber Company for good materials, good service and reasonable prices. XT dJUrfiM Phont 121 Thats just me to get the bread thats BETTER. THREE WAYS 7 , ! V Uilliams' ENRICHED WHITE BREAD tindale went to Days Creek Sun day with Mr. Combs, who has been working in a logging camp near there. Mrs. Combs . and Sharon expect to stay there most of the time while Jim works there. LUMBER COMPANY to remind aC