1 ft ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1943. FIVE O Rentals MODERN, 4-room, furnished upartment, electric range and refrigerator, private bath. Adults. Inquire 910 Winchester or phone 698-Y. WANTED furnished house, 2 bedrooms. Reliable party. Call manager, Western Auto Supply, 97. 5-ROOM, furnished house, 11 blocks from Rose hotel. Inquire 32U W. Cass. APARTMENT lurnlshed. Close 9 In. Reasonable. Adults only. Phone 645-J. MODERN, 5-room, unfurnished house. Inquire 419 E. First avenue N. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. NORTHSIDE APARTMENTS. Modern. Phone 802-R. SLEEPING rooms. Moshcr street. 707 West FURNISHED HOUSE, able. Phone 12-L. $8.00 a month sleeping rooms. 429 W. Lane. FOR RENT 1235 Harrison West Rosoburg. St. FOR RENT modern apartment. Hotel Valley. Wanted WANTED late model refrigera tor and washing machine. Will pay cash. Call or sec John H. Peyton, Route 2, Box 297, or phone 31-F-21 evenings. LEASE or buy home with acreage near Rosoburg. Cash. Write de scription and price. Box 234, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. WANTED late model Chalmers C tractor and 2hor.se manure spreader. Will pay cash. Box 1-109, c o News Review. WAN TED Mercury motor, truck transmission, also haul-back blocks, 10 inches and larger. Sievert Iverson, 911 Hamilton. WANTED- President 8 Stude baker or Master 6 Buick car motors, 1929 model or up. L. L. Ford, Box 28, Camas Valley. ) WANTED late model tractor. Will pay cash. John Potter, Yoncalla. WANTED TO RENT small piano. Mrs. Floyd Lewis, phone 2')5-R. RED RYDER DON'T KEE.R IF VUH BUND-' I G'.T OUTA THAT bed vjhile ah search 10RE CABIN - ALLEY OOP r : 7 I VES,MySOMSj VEH,THAT!S WHAT IT SAV.FOOZy, n f VEZZlR.OOf? IF IT HADNJ'T W ( UWCLECOP I WE'VE ALWAYS REMEMBER. I bUKb UO BEEM rOK VOU, M i I IS ABOUT THE UWDER." s THAT TIME J ...IT LOOKED I WOULPM'T BEASAKES 3 S iKAIftWTIET .TroD BUT GOSM A WE M BAD FOR. A HERE MOW ALOUD (( Trie: rs o WARRIOR ISJV ALONGSIDE YrXCXGffaGn&tt V vu-' 1 A I lALLOPMOOyM PFUNK,POP XC fk 7 ?At.f.- XJM.-AC FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Eliminating the Competition By Merrill Blosser rz. yr : ' " i f-,.'a! .V WT iv C T '. S! bOME OF MV PALS AVE 1 ThEY HEARR ABOUT VOU - fiijMi, 4 THEY'RE L : OM 7WEIR WAY OVER, LIKE ! . SO TMEY GOf UP A UJTL? J 1 'IX; '' V ' C$7 W Nor HAVE NT JERRY! 1 WANT YOU f HECK POOL J THE FIRST GUY (3 COWM& TME TO MEET TMEA M i no T& DATE YOU WiMS V '---SSSiJ,. ' IN ! I SuSHTf Sf - .r Jfev. 'M TWO BUCKS f well- J2 --Tziy3- ; "( wonder ID ' I UK I N. dM. W 1 I f ifS B fMf'.Bfl I i . f,V- 4 f YJm 1 Livestock HORSES for sale 15 head to pick from. You may try tiiese horses at the farm. You must be satisfied. Will buy feeder pigs or any kind of cattle. Write V. H. Schricker, Route 2, Rose burg. Ranch located at Win chester. FOR SALE 2 purebred Here ford bulls, Belmont breeding. Also one 3i inch Mitchell wagon in good condition. Ken neth Conn, phone 6-F-ll. JERSEY-GUERNSEY cow, 4 years old. Freshen first of April. May be seen at Caswell place near Glide. Inquire 842 Mill street. FOR SALE 75 head of sheep, C feeder pigs, also young team. Fred Vedder, Henninger's Mart No. 2. FOR SALE 20 nice, fat, wcaner pigs, O. I. C. stock, S7.00 each. Fred Reinhart, Yoncalla. WANTED weaner pigs. S. R. McCarter, P. O. Box 791, North Bend, Oregon. WEANER PIGS for sale. Vernon LaRaut, Route 2, Box 377, Rose burg. FOR SALE 13 feeder pigs, 15c pound. V. K. Holcomb, Oakland. PIGS for sale. Henry Crane, Ump qua. Poultry WANTED someone to brood 5,000 turkey poults up to eight weeks. Good chance to make some money. See Glen Wellman at the Douglas County Flour Mill Saturdays. SOME CiOOD Bronze liens for sale before Sunday. Also Bronze and red toms. F. A. Warner, South Myrtle Creek. Work Wanted THE OLD TIME BLACKSMITH. I specialize on plows, logging equipment, thread cutting ami spring work. E. E. Woodcock, WANT first or second loader Job. Driving distance Rosoburg. .1. A. Winter, Melrose Star route, Rosoburg. Help Wanted PILING YARDER WANTED. Phone 282-J or see O. P. Van Horn, apartment 2, 420 N. Jack son. WAITRESS wanted. Rose hotel. Part time or full time. Vf RED RYDE.R AROUND HfRE-' I DIDN'T KILL OR ROB AMY &ODT-I'VE GOT MOTHIM' V5 . a x ah mm - r.i e. -v For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Metal turning lathe, 26 Inches between centers, 5 Inch swing with thread gears, SISO.00. Some single phase electric motors from 1 to 2 h.p. Clyde Gish, c-o Camp View, cabin 7. FOR SALE Perfection milking machine. Two single units fully equipped with new rubber. Phone R5-F-14, Route 2 Box 222, Curry Estate. FOR SALE 31 quarts fruit, 35c, (iOc; 7 pints fruit, 20c; electric iron, $3.00, office desk, $.".0O. 130 S. Jackson, Mrs. Vclma Gil bert. FOR SALE new 18 foot house trailer, good tires; now stoves, S300.00. Clyde Gish, Camp View, Cabin 7. FOR SALE a good piling show on rock road. $200.00 deposit. 604 Soutli Main street after 7 p. m. FOR SALE Monarch combina tion wood and electric range. George Aker, Myrtle Creek, phone 382. FOR SALE gas range and water heater. Been used 3 months. In quire Camp View office. 35 CLETRAC, Isaacson hydraulic angle dozer. Price right. Box 1410, c-o News Review. FULLER Brlstlecomb iiair brush, $2.95. Merle Ivle, 100-1 Lawn ridge, Grants Pass. FOR SALE uhildrens set of books. Phone 195-J, 404 W. Douglas. LATE MOI KL 8 tube G. E. radio, $40.00. 1203 N. Jackson. FOR SALE used wood range, ,James Jones, Oakland. CHEAP wood range at Puweli' Hardware. OUTBOARD Powell's. motor, $15.00. Autos WANTED 25 USED CARS CASH AT ONCE NO DELAY TOP WOLESALE PRICE FOR YOUR CAR LOCKWOOD MOTORS WANTED 4 cylinder Dodgo. Will pay cash. W. Casper, Mel rose Route. Dogs Jacobs Kennels. Phono V.'Ul-.T. Ah Hah - ' STSAMG&R tO HIDE-' GO AHEAD ARCH' A Prophet With Honor LAWYER Ira B. Riddle, Phone 321-J Room 222, Perkins Bldg. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Casebcer, 413 S. Steph. "COMM'CL REFRIGERATION diet Hunim. Phone 71b. PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demoih. 189-1 Real Estate 1 FOR SALE or trade for city prop-1 ci ty anywhere in Douglas, Coos or curry counties, 120 acres range land, 45 acres in open range, 500,000 feet good timber. If interested write to P. O. Box 172, Rosoburg, Oregon. WANTED- farm I n Douglas county, $3,000 to $5,000. Must be good and priced right. Immedi ate possession not necessary. Write W. Mitchell, 321 W. Bis sell, Richmond, Calif. FOR SALE -acreage with good six room house in Myrtle Crook. Write Box 1-181, Route 4, Bremerton, Washington. FOR SALE or trade 40 acres timber land. T. J. Tomcrlin, Box 235 Glendale, Oregon. Lost and Found LOST- lady's onyx ring. Ca .Montgomery Ward or 311-11 1 after (i:00. Reward. Fuel PHONE 4( Green Slab Wood ROSEUURG LUMBER CO. I , I I Ex-Congressman Pierce j i To Live Near Salem I SAl.KM. ic Fob. 3. (AIM-- j Waller M. Pierre, who retired a j month ago after representing i eastern Oregon in congress lor 10 years, said today he would live at his wife's eolinlry homo at Kola, in Polk county, a few miles west of here. Pierce, who will he 82 years old next May, had a 57-ycar po litieal career, including a term MOM.. S"' RECKON TH1 FIRST 1 f jV , I Lir.-m.' RADIO SERVICING Radio Doctor. 306 N. Stephen Lund Radio Service. Phone & FLUE CLEANING Furnaoei vacuum cloaned--flui cleaning. Call 841, J. C. Be ley DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHARLES A. EDWARDS Hi' takes the sound of the dropping nuts And the scent of the wine- iweet air. In the twilight time of the year's long day, When the spent earth kneels in prayer; Ho takes a thousand varied lines, Aglow in an opal haze, The Joy of tile harvest gather ed in, And makes the autumn days. lie takes the peace of the snowy fields, Asleep 'neath the clear, cold moon, lie takes the grace of the loaf . loss trees That sways to the wind's wild rune; The frost made lace on the window pane, Tin" whirl of the starry flakes, The Joy of the rest when toil is done !ml (lie quiet winter makes. lie takes the yearsthe old, the now, Willi their changing scenes and brief, The close-shut bud and the fruiting bough, Flower and fading loaf; Graii' and glory and lack and loss. The song, the sigh, the strife, The toy of hope and the hope fullilled And makes of the years a life. Amen. as governor. He was defeated for re-election lo congress last No vember by Lowell Stockman, Pendleton republican. By Fred Harman :'J.::r.t ,,.,'., n Tp. J By V. T. Hamlin GOSH, I WE'RE PLUMS T VOL) SHOULD WOWED.' BE ...DON T r1 f I SAID SO, BUT YOUki RE POPS eoi PLENTY J PLEMTV C Hh L- No Stick-in-Muds, . if ft f ft Jlp' Mud pacKs in r.mimnn to tiioir regular equipment pacits is tnc let of these new Army Air Force Conimundos, who're shown after completing a tiinl run over au obstacle course at Camp Tauforan, CaL Yes or No? (NKA leUiihnla) Hod-lmlri'd Kny Greitory, nlxivn, Ktrlptenhlim cx-WAAC, auys alic'll wed Air Corps Lieut. Uuriity Orlw line Ilnccrs her rniM'-'omrnt rlnrj In Los Angeles ns added cmplinMi. LlMiteniint CJrlis. however, sirt "l nin very sunjllved" and deinr.i lt:c po:,5lhiliiy oi Immediate mui iki;jc. SAYING YES T- ru, Tt Fin Vf ) -;r U ir Sumf Album MEANS: Setting aside some thing to spend in tlio fu ture every time you buy something for the present. Doing your share to keep Hitler out of your home. Taking your change In War Stamps at your fa vorite store. lnfliilinn prices in il;ily liiive l)ii)Pi;lil the price of i;ood firm I.'ind In iirutind S2.000 mi iicre, and )l)(il el- liinrl is pi ujiot tioiiiilo ly exM'ii.sive. HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) Hernia (Rupture), Fissure or Fistula 8'irli Hli"rHrt Impair T"'! blth Mlftrlnttir--jirnin9 por. T'Jt 30 yr hnv ticctfttl'r Iroitarl thoti tanrli ol popI for th ll al. No Doipl1n) opr tloa. Ho aiDlinmnt. No lot ol ttm from wotk. CU fof xcmfnt'lnn or nH for TRIK doioilptlv Booklet. Dr. C.J. DEAN CLINIC Phylelan mnd Sumoon N I Cor. T. PutmWU rrJ Grn Av. Tl-pbon P. Ait 3'lfl, PortUntJ, Or.r, These Commandos LODGE DIRECTORY Rotcburg Rebekah Lodge, No. 4t Meets In Odd Fellows Tom plo every second and fuurtl Tuesday evening. LENA C. PORTER, N. G. TTLL1E JOHNSON. Sec. Ladles Auxiliary 10 Cag'es, Rose burg Aerie. No. 1is7 Moots la Maccaheo lis 1 1 on Cnss street, on second and fourth Tuesday pvo ANNOUNCEMENT! The UMPQUA PRODUCE COMPANY has taken over the HATCHiNG EGG BUSINESS formerly operated by the Douglas County Flour Mill. Demand for hatching eggs both present and fu ture looks very bright. For Year Round outlet for HATCHING EGGS, see the i Help your country by producing the extra hatch ing eggs that will help the national meat shortage, and help yourself by selling those hatching eggs where you get the best treatment, and the best year round price. Give us a shipment. Your neighbor does. GRANT PHILLIPS, Mgr. Phone 415 FIGHT BROADCAST Friday, 7:00 P. M. BEAU JACK MADISON SQUARE Tune KRNR . 1490 Tune In "UNCLE SAM" tonigM at7:l5and each Mon., Wed., and Fri. KRNR---1490 Mli,W!lil,iiJWil.illBIOTWWBll. .'.buarauiU'.nij7fj'.....ti'JEr- nines of enih months, at I o'clock. Visiting staters In goo4 fltunHtng alwayn Wfilcoma. CLARA STEIWIG, M. Pres. ESTHER BAKER, G. N. GeMolay Chapter Rego lar meeting every teo ond and fourth Thurs days at Uie MasouH temJa. SCRIBE. W. B. A., Roseourg Review, No. It Holds regular meetings on sec. and and fourth Thursdays al 2:00 p. m. Visiting sisters lnvlt ed to attend reviews. Maccabot hall. Pine and Cass streets. MAUDE POWERS, Pres. MRS. JESSIE VINSON. F. Sea O. C. 3., Ftoseourg Chapter No. & IlotilB plated communications ni llifi fli-Kt and tbtrd Thursdays II each month. All sJournln brothers and MMnra are cordlxl ly llvlt(l lo attend. GLADYS STRONG, W. M. CHRISTINE MICELLI. Sec, Job' Dauqmera. No. 8 Meen first and fourth Tuesdays of 7:30 p. m., Masonic Temple Master Masons and O. E. S members nhvnvs welcome. JERRIE JOHNSON, Hon. Queen. SHIRLEY CARTER, Rec. F. O. E. Aerie 1411,, meets Macca heo hall on I'lne street even Tniv-dny evonlnff at 8 o'clock Visit hit; brothers always wol come ARTHUR EVANS, Pres. GEO. FREW, Secy I. O. O. F., Proletarian Lodge, No 8 Meets in Odd Fellows tempi every Thursday evening. VisU Ing brothers are always wel come. LORNE T. SWENSON, N. G. GEO. W. DIMMICK, Sec. B. P. O. ELKS No. 326 Meets In Elks temple second and fourth Thursdays In each, month. Visiting brothers al days welcome. IRA 13. RIDDLE, Sec'y Neighbors ot Wooacrart, Lilai Circle, No. 49 Meats on first and third Mor.day evenings, to I. O. (). P. hull. Visiting neigh burn li'lted to attend. AUGUSTA MORAN, G. N. CYNTHIA GERMOND. Clerk. PRODUCE COMPANY VS. FRITZI ZIVIC GARDEN 10 ROUNDS Jill