TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 22. 1943. Uurl Unilr Kri ftundnr b " Nrnr-ltrvlttr o. Inc. tlrmbrr of Tli AnikIhIiI Vrvmm Th AkMK'IUUhI I'M'frt lH t'M lllHIVi- eiilillrd to IMe um- for r'-puljlirn tion uf ull Hewn dif piitt-'tii-s nditi-l tu It or nul ul)irwi! rMliti-d in thl uper hihJ lo ni new puhliNlHd licn-ln. All rlli f of re tin hi it atli f upt-i1 iu I dlapatclw herein i r ulno n rvt d. ('HAS. V. STA N'l'i.t.N . . KW1N U KNAI'I'... . . . Kdilar . AUrutgitr Knlred jun-ond Ivihh maitnr Mbv 17. lit (hit "l iffl.' ti Ilosrl'Ui (. OrfKon. under act of Miinh 2. 1S78. IlrprrMvnli'il hr I ltt'rtKt ! N. l H'liiK'iIl .f. I'mnrtmv flu -li Si ' -ft l.ti 4airlr n;i Xpnnir Hluet. Sciitllr -ti(i; Slt-wml Strt-ft. I'. .rf ''. H. W Hlxlh .Mtr.-ft. til . I,iiJn 411 N. Ti-nlli Slmel. Qic Puns II II line1 HubMf rliiliua Ratra (iiilly, Pfi' year Ity mini. . . . I'li'ly. 1 rm'nl' r l.v mint. . . . ItHlly, .1 months by mull.... A Job of Life-Saving ONLY a few weeks ago aircraft warning service observers manning a lookout station near Seaside, Oregon, were watching i-.n army bomber about five miles at sea. The routine report went through lo the filler center. Sud denly an observer saw a puff of black smoke behind the plane and n moment later came the sound of a sputtering motor. Attention Incused on Ihe plane and It was observed that one engine was not oM'i-aliiig while the oilier was missing badly. Then Ihe ship be gan to nose down sharply and Ihe observers heard the dying cough ol Ihe lnlxiring motor as II quit entirely. One nfler another two objects fell from the plane, then their descent was checked as parachutes blossomed above them and it was realized that the crew had left Ihe plane. Slowly the huge ship began to spin, its wings Hashing sunlight into the eyes of Ihe watchers before il dlsapeHr rd with a great splash into the wa. i i ii.. .... ..i.. r 1 1 1 m na I ly tu uiimiii-i .-i-in j through Ihe "Army I-lash' ty telephone lo his filler center. Within seconds a navy amphibian was on the way lo Ihe scene and succeeded In picking up one swimming crewman, while the pilot of Ihe ship, a strong swim mer, reached land without aid. AI C'oallnga, California, re cently a losl pilot, circling the town, was detected by Ihe obser vation post. The nearest air base was notified, and, as a result of Ihe prompt action, Hie plane w as landed sa fely . Contrast these two evenls with the disappearance Nov. 20. litltl. ol Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Walberl,! prominent Mcdlord residents, who left their home in their pri vate piano lo (ly to Portland. To i Ibis day the w -hereabouts of their crash remains a mystery. Perhaps you have nolic-cd the , fact that planes losl In Hie area In which the aircraft warning service operates have h e e n ' lucaled within a few hours after i liieir disappearance. Much of thej credit for Ibis achievement lie- I longs to Hie men and women wluij are doing valiant service in man ning strategic olisi-i valion sla lions 21 hours a dav. When an armv plane is report in . . . . ... . cd missing il is an easy lask. in ' Dr Geor9e Melvilt Added most cases, in trail- il to wilhinlTo Rotary Club Roster a few miles ul ihe place wln-ie il ci ashed or w as l.irced down Civil j , - ;(.,.i ge Melv In. manager of ians, working with and l..r the . I in- vei, -rails facilliv here, was In army, have icporlcd lis progress j trodm-ed .is new menilier of the Irom Ihe lime il led lis base, lo lioscburg umavy club at the Ihe point ol ils ilesicni. l inn ., -'egular wc-kly meeting held search can be eoiH-eniraled in definite area, as compared with Ihe hunt for the Mcilloid couple which was spicid ovci almost ttu entire western half of Oregon The duties ol tlie anei.ttt warn Ing service observer ale monolon oils and livquciiiK dilluuli. I: may oflcn seem useless lo devote so much time and lo make so many sacrifices se.u cliln;! Hu skies for enemy planes v bull may never IUH the air craft warning servin- Is also saving Hie lives of our own llu-is. Who knows but Dial the next n-. port Irom an observation station hero in Douglas county will fu tile one lo icsull in saving the life of an American flirt? The men and women who in engaged ill Ibis service are play inn mosl important pail in the defense of Ibis Pacific coast area. Not only are I hey alert for the possible approach of Ihe enemy, but they are helping lo protect our own men. They mci il the re specl, praise and gratitude of nil of us in whose behalf I hey serve. Initialed Into Honorary - Miss L'lva Matthew,, vl L'u Cifefc. was formally Initiated Into Phi Brla Sigma teachers' honorary at Southern Oregon College of Educalion, January 21. Member ship in this honorary Is based on character and scholastic standing, and only students reg istered in teacher educalion are eligible. Editorial on Newt fCoiiUoiiod trcin put t.l .1,1.. ,-., ..1,1.. r.r ...ll.l ..,... T..I ' , , ',, " , Instead of tackling this slroriH position he-titl on tone of the most difficult and costly of all military oieralions), Montgomery evident ly decided to OUTFLANK il and : swung around to the east through 1 tl..: desert lo Bom Ulid. W'i.h hhj ., .. . , ,, . rear thus threatened. Itommel ! had to pull out of the narrow and j wollprotcclcd defile. I The hravler arrow shows the route of Montgomery's flanking ' eolumn. Ho splits his forces ami a lighter column followed Horn- mel through the defile. The route of this column is shown by the lighter arrow. r 'ODAY'S dlsMitches suggest thai ! join for un attack on Tripoli, or the coast column may attack Tripoli while the Inland column by passes the city and races on lo get in Itommel's rear. At any rale, 11 seems clear that Kommel's army is badly broken and unable to make a stand against Montgomery. He hopes now to Join the axis fore i ,r . , , -il,. Tunisia, and our side is bent on preventing Ihe Junclion. All this, of course, is guesswork, but it seems a fair guess. B KKAKINt; the siege of Lenin- grad has brought a great lift in Ihe Husslan spirit. From one end of (lie country to Ihe other j I here Is rejoicing. Workers in Hie! war faelorles shoul and hug each : other as loud sneakers hlaie out Ihe thrilling new. T HI-; battle at Leningrad was a real military accomplishment. In taking Sell lussel burg the Rus sians silenced T1 German halter les and demolished 170 German strong points. Their artillery pounded Ihe east, I'anlt of the Neva, shattering the German defenses, and then Rus slan soldiers rushed across the ice, backed by artillery and tanks. AN Interesting note Is sounded att(ms .m kni(W a r,,w lnin(,s from Sweden. i such as how much war material Thu Swedish i inline 'minister has been shipped to the allies warns his countrymen of Ihe and bow much of it arrived sale grave iKisslhllity of an ATTACK ! '' 'l'1''11 wiM KV' lilsl bv whom mil soei-ificillv s-im,.,i HI"' I'"""" 'f "'hat iiianlilies ol but he sK-aks of Ihe likelihood of ; a hlllA probably from the air, leaving little dnjilil llial he has i Germany in ;nlnd. He says: "Beyond any possibll- II) ol doubt, we will defend our selves." WEDEN'S iron is Inimenselv valuable lo Gcimanv, and lliller can't afford to lose it. If lie should strike at Sweden, his excuse would ho that he is beat ing our side lo Ihe punch. In I lie lort ress Europe he is I planning. Sweden is practicallv ESSENTIAL to him. IN Hie South seas, Ihe Buna Japs are being annihilated. Sananan I da poinl and Sanaiianda village are taken, and Hie Utile yellow I men have been broken Inlo Ihree I pockets. I'nless rcllcl is brought I lo llieni spectacularly, llicy are I doomed. ! iiuiisiiav or .vicivinwasa mem 1 her of the Rotary club for main . vears prior to coming to Itoso burg to succeed the late Col E. F. Tandv Announcement was made thai ! the annual district Rotary con ! (cieiice Is to Is- held In' Van ' i Oliver. Wasli , uicad of in Poll i I land, as originally planned Vermin M Oil was aw aided ' Ihe war savings stamp prize I be principal pint of the club j I rogram was devolcd to a round j 1,.1'le ihscllssiiin of Ihe Rotary sworn of classification of mem ' ' bersbips Methodist Supt. Dated At Wilbur and Suthcrlin I 'i Silas 1. Kan ham. Miiei in Pratt Revision Sought teiidi nl of the Case ele disti let of . t tiered lor the consideration of the Methodist i hini h. will speak j ' rongi ess is a bill that would re Sund.iv at ihe Methodist chinches! vise lb- present draft law. It pin in Wilbur and Sutlierlln, il wits' poses thai seleclives tie based on annoiinicd today bv the Rev J ja stale w idc system ralhcr than Needhani. paslot I h Kali ham ! N'lng left to local Insirds. The will be at ihe Wilbur chinch at ' measure would halt Ihe Induction In a m and will speak at Suiher li il at 11-13 a m and again at 7:30 p m. He was for Ihree veais a stretcher Is-an-i wtlli Canadian forces in the Hist woild war and will speak on Ihe topic. "A Known Soldier Speaks Again" He also i' l!l i!iow pn ttir. . i-oiv lad war. Concerning the NORTHWEST Ai Viewed at the National Capital By John W. Kelly ' V.., .JOII. - Hack of the nomination of i Wiley li. Kutledge lo the vacancy on the supreme court to fill the i chair left vacant by Jimmy - : Hyrnrs, Is an intriguing story lawyers, newspapermen 1"1'1 r'?l "hor are whisper- "f K" K"' "' attention of the administration .,. )c pre!lUU,nt was nrmp(. j,m , pa,.k , j,U,rpmp W)Url. Judge ftulledge wrote a thesis favoring enlargement of the court, and eventually was appoliit- ",0 v s-,our of appeals for I the District of Columbia. t inui-man Arnom, in charge oi ! Hie nnli-lriist rlivininn nf ttm iln. ;..,., of (llstl, has ,.,, ',... ting out of hand. lie has been threatening to go after unions for alleged viulalions ol the Sherman anti-trust act and labor leaders have been insisting thai he be dis charged. No one in this adminis tration Is ever fired; they are kicked upstairs. Mr. Arnold hail become the problem child. If he was dismiss ed Ihe administration would be accused of favoring trusts. If he; j remained In office he would bej I fin ing up more trouble, and ! ,!mo,, , 'lninlstralliin friends 1 Something had lo he done. ITiey , o,)ko(J nrumt ., ,,, ,,lv g,J(. (.,,,. su, , ,ljsM,s,. ,)f Arnold) ; as n Ihe tJ. S. court of appeals for the District of Columbia. To cause a vacancy and enable i : Arnold to he settled on Hint bencn ! " s necessary to elevate l(ul ""K'- mere is ine siory. Two-Way Injury j H ' all very shush shush, Inn ' Hixpayers of the Pacific norlh-i Nl ""' l''"K oil ine prcpara the lion and operation of a small j fleet of steamers which will re I turn from Souih America with special cargo thai will be in di rect competition wllh an arlicle grown in Oregon and Washing ! Ion. The chief beneliciarles will lie growers in Soulii America and an importer In New York Cily. Expectation Is to buy the good I will of a Lai In American country ; which Is wavering, j Aid Truth To Be Told Belween now and June w hen the lend lease act expires, Ihe senl lo the hollom oi Hie ocean. I is known lhal German subma rines and bomber planes have wanked havoc in the Atlantic sec tion Irom Murmansk south. The committee has beard, and read in reputable periodicals. Ibal cost of ' food is lower in England than in ; the Cnitod Stales: lhal hutler. cheese, lard, eggs and bacon are ; higher in Ibis country than In ; England by I to 25 cents. I There is an understanding lhal ! the English government is pa ing ; a subsidy lo keep prices within reason; lull when OPA suggested a subsidy lo maintain ceilings ill I this country It was opposed with vigor. 1 H.ilsey's Talk Deplored j When Admiral W. F. Ilalscy de dared the war will he over ill j 1913 be set high officials agog, i for as much as they would wel ' come ieate they reeognieil 1 lal I soy's declaration as dynamite. Iin : mediately Admiral II. II. Stark, in 'command ol the Atlantic Heel.' gave an interview predicting thai Ibis would ge "a long and tough war." lie cited, as a single c ample, that nat submarines are being huill faster than the united nations can destroy them. and. the subs are nip and tuck with Ihe shipyards in Irving to weld more treighters than the send to ihe hollom. Admiral Stark Is not optimistic. Principal concern of tile high command is thai the people, be llevlng 111 Admiral Ilalscy ihe Is neiating in the Pacitici will los" interest in the war. will slacken their efforts: will oliieel lo heavy taxes, etc Admiral Ilalscy Is stiil lining Ihe Japanese as tile navy lid before Pearl haihor. as In fetior fighters with interior eipiip mcnt. Ihe admiral appeals lo tx Ihe only topflight ( who clings lo that delusion alter 13 months of combat with Hie Xip To sullen Ihe backs of the ieople Stalk and oilier spokesmen have becu throwing cold water on the rosy forecasts of Halsey. No one it chancing Ins i eput at ion by guessing on the end of Ihe war. ol man led men while a single man on the oilier side ol the stieel lull registered Willi anolliei drall tioanl is nul disturbed. One point in particular is sliessiil thai n-i maincd man be dialled until everv eligthle single nuin !n 1 h i, r--e'! 'alien This hill a.' il'n..:id bj Ihe hnu.-e last sc-cmou but rejected by the senate; that was before' the teen-agers were made subject to the draft. Local News Glide Visitor Here Mrs. Earl Oden, of Glide, shopped and visit ed here Thursday. Here on Business T. N. Gur ni'y, of Peel, sienl yesterday in this city altending to business. Olalla Visitor Here II. Z. Ire land, of Olalla, spent a few hours I here yesterday on business. Here From Azalea F. A. Far nam, of Aalea. was a business visitor in tills c-ily yesterday. Mr. Cellers Here E. N. Cel lers, of Drain, spent a short lime here yesterday altending to busi ness. Mr. Henry Here W. D. Hen ry. of i;mp(ua, spent Thursday In Koseburg attending to busi ness. Women's Loatjue Team Deer Creek Dairy G. W. Young & Son Rainbow Grill Sandy's Place Games Last Night Deer Creek Dairy 1. W I. . 1 U 4 2 2 4 ...2 4 G. W. Young & Son 1; Rainbow Grill 2, Sandy's Place 1. High individual game scon-: U. Elliot I. 1S2. i High individual scries score: V. Blessing 4117. Averages, Big Ten: X. DoGroal ; 153. B. Elliott 1 II, M. Black 1 10, A. V. Whitlalrh I3K. i K. 1-ehrbach 135, V. Blessing Mc-KiIlHn C. Cioake L. Pounds 1 1(1. 139, i :;, 131, E. Forceir 131. G. W. Young & Son . Handicap i C. Cloake E. Kininicll N. I leGroal Absentee Totals Deer Creek I landicap It Lehrharli B. Fisher . L. Pounds V. Blessing Totals Rainbow G I landicap A. McKibben V. Domenico It. Porter B Ellioit Totals Sand's Pla I landicap G. Sandel s G. I'rea Iman M. Kmslatber V. Whillalch Totals 37 37 37 lili 9:00 Mao About Town. 115 1 III 1(10 -121 9:10 Pipe Organ Melodies. 115 115 115 37.) ;i. -.-() Here's .Music. 1 17 151 129 427.9:43 Henry Jerome's Orchestra. 120 911 Ull 32ii 10:00 Alka Seltzer News. 570 548 5I5 11103 1(1:15 Ol I ice of War Inlorma D.iiry: lion. 73 73 73 219 o:,iii ,ows Bulletins. 123 93 101 371 in .-j.-i Macalester College C'noir. 139 137 US 391 H:ii0 Lani Mclnlyrc s Orchestra. 131 121 110 3'. li; "H George IHiitv's Orchcslra. 1X0 117 110 107 ij.m interlude. 019 571 512 1705 12 05 Sports Review, Dunham ill: Transfer Co. 51 SI XI 252 tJ;!.-, Rhythm at Random. 109 135 133 137 12:45 State News, Hansen 52 112 99 29.. Motors. 9S loo 129 52" 12:5,1 News Review of the Air. 102 127 1S2 HI i nil Halls ol Monteuma. 535 5 5S 027 1720 i ;-;() Nl, , ), (.ans Races, re: 1:15 Canadian Women in Ihe tin 90 90 27d war Eflort. 102 132 110 350 o-iki ;,,vv n,ieiin Board. 91 112 112 31-i ,):,k) 1 Hear America Singing. 109 95 I IS 322 ;):15 How ling Scries. II I 151 107 372 Hawaii falls. 5119 5S0 513 1032 ,yM) Arthur Mann Irom Algeria. 1:05 Carlos Molino's Orchestra. Volleyball, Basketball Entertain Glendale Fans GLENDAI.E. Ore. .Ian 22. Alter the high school girls, in llicir flashy red shorts and white li louses sv mhohlng Glendale high, won i.' to 12 over the women's town team in a volley ball game, the hoj s of Hie sopho more class engaged in an exciting and ihrilhng basketball gam against a team made up of fresh man. Iimiors and seniors Fridav night and won Hi to 12. After the game the Gieeteis club served sandwiches and hot cocoa to iioth teams, managers and other mein tiers ot the club. To serve others as we would be nerved. DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME Cor. Pine and Lane Slicrts t ft A N K W. LONG, Manager Licensed Lady Attendant Coll.U2S;;r AMBULANCE SERVICE KRNR Mutual Broadcasting lyitm, 1490 Kilocycles. BEST BETS TONIGHT FRIDAY 8:30 Treasury Star Parade 8:00 Salute to the States. 9:30 John B. Hughes. SATURDAY 8:30 U. S. Army Band. 10:35 Macalester College Choir. t:00 Halls of Montezuma. 2:00 Navy Bulletin Board, with Glen Grey. 3:30 Hawaii Calls. 5:00 American Eagle Club. 5:30 Norman Nesbitt. 8:00 This Is the Hour. 9:00 Newspaper of the Air. SUNDAY 9:30 The Chaplain Speaks. 12:00 This is Fort Dix. 12:30 The Cisco Kid. 3:00 Campana's First Nighter. 5:00 American Forum of the Air. 7:15 Rabbi Magnin. 8:30 Wings Over the West Coast. 10:00 Old Fashioned Revival Hour. IHKMAININU HOURS TODAY) 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr., Plough cnemical Co. Johnson Family. P.-T. A. Black and White. Oflicc of War Informa 1:15 4:.) -1:15 5:00 - tion. 5:15 Superman, Kellogg's Pep. 5:30 Norman Nesbitt, Studebaker. 5: 15 0:110 (i:.'IO Porlia Faces Life. Dinner Concert. Treasury Slar Parade fea luring a discussion of Mein Kampf. 6:50 7:IH) 7:15 7:. '10 S:ll( S::m - -Copco News. John H. Hughes. Art Kassell's Orclic Ira. IiOne Hanger. Salute lo Ihe Stales. Music Withou! Words 9:00 Alka Seltzer News. 9:15 HI Neighbor, McKcan & Carstens. ll .'iO John H. Hughes. 9:45 Fullon Lewis. Jr. 10:00 Xews Bulletins. 10:02- Sign Off, SATURDAY. JANUARY '.' '1:15 Eye Opener. i If News. 7 15 Morning Meli.. ies. 7:33 State and Local New Boring Optical. 7: 10 Rhapsody In Wax. 8:00 Haven of Rest. S .'ill i:. S. Armv Hand. 1:30 Confidentially Yours. 1:15 Gideon Society Program. 5:00 American Eagle Club. 5:30 Norman Nesbitt, Studebaker. 5 15 They're the Harrys. 0:00 Dinner Concert. 6:50 Copco News. 7:00 John B. Hughes, Anacin. 7 15 Saturday Night Bond wagon. 7:15 lna Ray Hutton's Orches tra. It's good business to protect tins investment. It'v also goo l bi in'ss to Mve money when you tan safely do so. Investigate tl;f sec rity .i:tJ sav ingv of a Faille. A:jto or Truck Insurance Kxciiancr pol icy. staiK'arJ, non-as-sessal-Ie cov erase.' FRED A. GOFF District M.inancr l.'2 Smith Stephens Street Phone C1B Rosehurg, Ore. FARMERS AUTOMOBILE " INSURANCE t.c..,. Truck Iniuranee Exchange 8:00 This Is The Hour. 8:30 Johnny Messnev's Orches tra. 8:45 Dick Kuhn's Orchestra. :00 Alka Seltzer News. ' 9:15 Horace Heidt's Orchestra. 9:30 Noble Sissel's Orchestra. 10:00 News Bulletins. 10:02 Sign Off. SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 8:00 Wesley Radio League. 8:30 Mutual's Radio Chapel. 9:00 Detroit Bible Class. 9:30 The Chaplain Speaks, Rev. Perry Smith. 9:45 Songs for Sunday. 10:00 Alka Seltzer News. 1 10:15 Romance of the High ways, Greyhound Bus Lines. 10:30 Canary Chorus. 11:00 Baptist Church .Services. 12:00-This Is Fort Dix. 12:30 -The Cisco Kid. 1:00 The Lutheran Hour. 1:30 Young People's Church of the Air. 2:00 Auguslana College Choir. 2:15 Treasury Star Parade fea turing Irene Wicker In "Children, Tomorrow is Yours." 2:30 The Shadow. 3:00 Campana's First Nighter. 3:30 Anchors Aweigh. 4:00 Nobody's Children. 4:30 The Angelus Hour, Doug las Funeral Home. 5:00 American Forum of the Air. 5:45- Evening Melodies. 6:00 The Old Fashioned Revival Hour. 7:00-John B. Hughes. 7: 15- Rabbi Magnin. 7:30 This Is Our Enemy. 8:00 -Hancock Ensemble. 8:30-Wings Over Ihe West Coast. 9:00 Alka Seltzer News. 9:15 Voice of Prophecy. 9:45-Dr. Polyzoides. ' 10:00 Old Fashioned Revival Hour. 11:00 -Sign OIL Hours of Shows Changed On Schedule of KRNR Several of the most popular radio shows on KRNR have been scheduled for a new hour, Mar shall Pengra, manager, reports. "Halls of Montezuma", the ma rine corps' siiow, formerly heard at 8:00 o'clock on Saturday eve ning, will now be presented at 1:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon. "This is Hie Houh nas noon moved from 5:30 lo 8:00 o'clock Saiordav eveninc. That cay caballero. "The Cisco Kid", will j air his adventures at 12:30 on sliinil.-iv aftnrnruin. instead of Oil i the former 5:30 Friday afternoon I date. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN Thai Saturday, February '20. 1943, at ten o'clock a. m. in the county court room m the c-ourl house in RoFchurg, Douglas county, Ore gon, has been fixed as the time and place lor bearing objections, if any there he, to the final ac count of the undersigned in settle ment of the estate of Mosman D. Garrison, deceased. Dated this 22nd day of January, 19-13. PAUL E. GEDI ES, Administrator of Hie Estate of Mosman D, Garrison, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executrix of the estate of John N. Hedden. de ceased, has filed her final ac count in the county court of the state of Oregon for Douglas county, and said eourl has ap pointed Tuesdav, February 9. 19-13. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said clay in the county court room in Ihe THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... "Juris, I didn't reslire fill the othor nisht when I ran across an article in the paper what a ahale ol a lot ot industrial alcohol the government needs lor the war." "1 should say it docs. Chct. I understand the heverase distillers around ts country are producing about 240.lXX).0fX) salions of lnrl-j-inal alcohol this eaj lot ammunition, urs. court house In Rosehurg. Dour las county. Oregon, as the nine and place for hearing obU'c-tions, if any. to said account and the settlement thereof. All persons interested in said estate are no- i ... 111..' ohi'iCtllinS. 11 lllieo hi in in-.. "- , any, to said account at or bcfoic the lime appoiweci ior neannti- Dated January X, i:hj. EMMA HEDDEN. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of John N. Hedden, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that Ihe undersigned has been bv the county court of the state of Ore gon for Douglas county npiioint ed executrix of the estate of Ben jamin L. Eddy, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same, verified as required by law, to the undersigned at her residence, 721 South Main street, in Rosehurg, Douglas countv, Oregon, within six months from Ihe date of this notice. Dated Januarv 8, 1913. LAURA A. EDDY. Executrix of the eslate of Benja min L. Eddy, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice, is hereby given that the final account of Ray E. Allen, ad ministrator of the estate of J. A. Crawford, deceased, has been filed in the county court of Ihe stale of Oregon for Douglas county, and Tuesday, February 16, 1913, at 10:00 oclock a. m. in the county court room in Hie court house in Rosebuig, Douglas county, Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hear , :ng objections, if any there be, to said final account and for the set tlement thereof. RAY E. ALLEN, Administrator of '.he estate of J. A. Crawford, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Miles B. Green, deceased, now pending iii to county court of Douglas coun ty, Oregon, are hereby notified lo present the same, verified as re quired by law, to the undersigned at her residence near Rosebnrg or at the offices of Rice & orcutt in Rosehurg, Douglas county, Ore gon, within six months from the lath dav of January, 1943. ZELLA MAY GREEN, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Miles B. Green, deceased. i I it - I OrOMI Si TODAY AND HHka SATURDAY ill As ... - .-t,j.. II Plus l r 7, 1 1 dMV i' ishty fortunate theso distilleries arc to do the job. Othemse. , e snll had nrohibitton. the government would have had to spend mil! iff. - P a lot of criS n at,,M.s to butld p!an:s...ui sav nothinc of IJM and.,,; c,:e of 'try lll0e, loo !ateV. NOTICE TO CREDITORS j All persons having claims against the estate of Ruth M. Blair, deceased, now pending In the countv court of Douglas coun ty, Oregon, are hereby notified to present Ihe same, verified as re- itiuired by law to the undersigned at his residence at Dillard, Doug las county. Oreeoa within six months from the 15th day of Jan- iiiarv, 19-13. W. H. BLAIR, I Administrator of the Estate ol ! Ruth M. Blair, deceased. i TODAY AND SATURDAY STARTS SUNDAY , HeU broke loose ..." tal Ihty lenght on! O ipiyli I I MIA - ROIEIT : DONLEVY PRESTOM I lit lufculi CUtf WNtiaKnil ilEbTSQIiicsEDs I li i ruiwiMH'""'