f n .-1? 5TX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1942. Shorter Hours for Liquor Sale Due To War Situation The recent order of (he Oregon liquor control commission estab lishing hours for sale of Intoxica ting liquors by sluto agencies and licensees was made at the re quest of military authorities, L. J. Allen, administrator, reports in a formal statement isued to day. Answering questions and complaints concerning the hours established in the order, Allen slates that the regulations were requested by General J. L. De Witt, commander of the western defense and fourth urmy, and Ad miral F. J. Fletcher of the north west sea frontier in the l.'ith naval district. The rules apply In Cali fornia, Oregon, Washington, Mon tana, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and Arizona. State liquor stores and agencies WAR BONOS DOUGLAS MARKET Your Christmas Turkey, Goose of Chicken should be our wony, so give us your order early for whatever grade or size you wish and we will do our best to take care of your individual order. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 25c Pork Roasts, tender, young porkers, lb Pot Roasts, especially nice, lb ttm Sausage, your favor ite country style, lb 23c Hams, Bacon Squares. Always a nice stock on hand. See us about that Goose. We have some nice ones. Phone 350 238 N. Jackson The ordinary machine gun is too cumbersome for our Marines, espe cially ror parachute troops. So the Marines have adopted new models of the Relslng sub-machine gun, ,49-callber weapon. The new gun used by the para troops is a compact model with a pistol grip and a steel-frame stock which folds out of the way when not in use. You can help buy these for our Boys in the Solomons and elsewhere with your purchase of War Bonds. Join the Payroll Sav ngs Plan and let's "Top that ten reent by New Ynr s are permitted to operate only be twecn the hours of 10 a. m. and 8 p. m. and sales to men in uni form are permitted only between a and o p. m. Establishments sell Ing hard liquor for consumption on the premises must be closed between midnight and 10 a. m No wine or hard liquors may be sold men in uniform for con sumption on the premises other man between 5 p. m. and mid night, and sale of such liquor for consumption oil tne premises must cease at 8 p. m. Beer taverns are permitted to sell beer from 7 a. m. to midnight. "The commission, in taking tnis action, has done so In an ef fort to cooperate with the com manding officers of the armed forces stationed In this territory," Administrator Allen reports. iney also nave taken this action with the hope of curtailing the consumption of alcoholic bever ages on the part of the civilians. In this war the civilian personnel engaged In the production of war material Is an integral part of the war effort and they should be protected from the excessive use of alcoholic liquors as well as the armed forces. The commission also believes that as the man power shortage is becoming more and more acute, the shortening of hours for the sale of liquor and for the operation of places where liquor may be consumed, may re lease needed personnel for es sential war work. Gl,u will make a bio ST V?S ,4 Impression on Christmas B , . si morning. Wonderful "stock J" Ing stutters," tool f Jf Really Now You'd Be Surprised! "No deliveries, no merchandise," (hat's fhe cry heard so much from merchants nowadays and really it's quite true! Failure to got mer chandise is causing many a headache not the kind that Purctost or Bayer Aspirin will cure, oithor. However we invite you fo walk through our store, and we know You'll Be Surprised At our really grand stock of Christmas Gifts You will find Toiletry and cosmetic sets bv u-h as Elizabeth Arden, famous Tussy, Imors American Memories, manufacturers Cara Nome, P Yardley's, etc. And then there are Lovely Dresser Sets Comb and Brush Sets Vanity and Manicure Sets Perfumes and Colognes Compacts and Lipsticks Travel Kits for Ladies and Men Men's Shaving Sots. Leather Bill Folds Cigarette Cases and Lighters Stationery and hundreds of other pleasing gifts. Please Come Inl You'll be surprised and atrial ed at our gorgeous displays of lovely gifts. Fullerton's Ration Program Will Undergo Alterations 'Continued from page 1.) resignation as price ndminlstra tor last night, giving as the rea son recurrent physical disability and Impaired eyesight. Senator Brown, rumored as his probable successor, is a 53 year-old demo crat of Michigan, who was defeat ed for re-election. Brown's associates declare he believes more can bo accomullsh- ed In administering rationing or ders by voluntary agreements man mrougn compulsion. And on capitol hill, this also was the contention in many quarters. even as Henderson s resiunn- tion was announced, nenalor Vandenberg (K MIch.) called for substitution of voluntary oon- trols for many of the price and rationing orders he said Were lacing the American people in a strait jacket." "Any appeal for voluntary co operation that is backed with in disputable facts Instead of Inter minable confusion will alwavs i-e. ceive an American answer." As an example, he said he ho. I leveu a straight Dorrent;in -nt in the average annual amount of fuel oil consumption would hnw found widespread wiui u minimum ot complaints. jiisii-uu oi mat, no said, OPA pursued its theoretical. n,a. rithm percentages in the rompu- mux,! n,i nii-i on rationing until iiu one Knows where he is and very do dv Is termi-iy,.,! I... nougnts or freezing." similarly, Senator Gillette i-Mowat said ho believed w;in. ne rationing in t he west u,i... no iuoi is plentiful is not worth n runner saved the cener.-.l ,11c. upuun oi civilian enterprise ho sun ii was causinir. nnitiriil.nii. first months of their war with the soviet union. German losses in recent fight ing on this front were placed at 7,000 and the Russians said 2,000 of their own troops wore killed. To the south, Russian troops wore consolidating their positions in the Surovikino section of the Don bond some 90 miles west of Stalingrad, the Moscow communi que reported. It said tank battles developed southwest of Stalingrad, where ihe Russians smashed a nal counter attack In force and push ed on to the approaches to Hotel- nikovski, on the rail lino" to the Caucasus 90 miles southwest of Stalingrad. One-Coupon Gas Limit For East Area Ordered (Continued from page 1.) AMERICAN FLIERS HAVE VITAL ROLE IN AFRICA Half of Rommel Army Flees; Others Trapped (Continued from page 1.) losses already had henn h,,,, ., cording to earlier official accounts "i me iigming. Air power weighed steadily heavier against the axis on both inks or the north African front "Extensive fiehter riod out by allied nhvr.ift' w entirely prevented enemv air oreos from Interfering with the Ivnncing eichth in-niv n, Cairo communique declared It said allied planes nttnoknii -ampediisn ishmH hniun,.n ui..m.. and Tunisia, bombed ami' ma chine gunned hai-re nff j Tunisian coast, and shot down six or more big axis planes. u. s. Fliers Blast Foe Dispatches from allied head quarters in Tunisia said one of tile inosl powerful forces of Unit ed Slates bombers and fighters so far sent into the attack had battered the enemy's Tunisian hum's yesieniay in the sixth day of sustained aerial assault. Swarms of Flying Fortresses and Douglas A-L'O attack bomb ers, escorted by Lockheed Light- mug ngniers, raided Tunis, Uier to, Cubes and Sidi Tibet, west or Tunis. German attempts to break up the raids were said to have failed completely. No American planes were lost and onlv one fighter was damaged, but five German fighters were knocked dmvn and three others damaged badly. The London admiralty an nounced today that British sub marines had damaged and proh ably sunk three more axis supply ships in the Mediterranean and ' bad scored a torpedo hil im :i far eastern waters. The RAK sent its bombers over northwestern Germany again last night, apparently In' consider able force. The British announced the loss of IS of Ihe raiders; the Germans claimed 2 shot down. The bridge of shipping which the axis was attempting to estab lish across the narrow mid Medi terranean straits was running in to ever-increasing losses. The ad miralty announced in London that three more of the supplv ships hail been damaged anil probably sunk hy British sub marine attacks. Red Advance Continues (hi the Russian central front red army shock troops drove Into another village along the Rvhev Vyazma rail line, a Moscow com munique reported. The Russians said Torpets was well behind their lines, and indicated that a CAIRO, Dec. 18 (API A Unit ed States air force troop trans port squadron is playing a big part in keeping Gen. Montgom ery's British eighth army sup plied as it continues Its hot pur suit of the broken Africa corps in the? western desert. Daily the fleet of great weight- carrying planes leaves here load ed with hundreds of tons of bombs and other munitions, food and gasoline, for the trip of almost 1,000 miles to the combat zone west of El Aghelia, in Libya. The huge planes land close be hind the advancing British troops and deliver their vital supplies. Then, loaded with wounded that are in need of immediate hos pitalization, they wheel and fly back. The American crews carrying their sleeping bags and bed down Wherever darkness overtakes them. At daylight the flight is resumed. Since the American squadron began operations its planes have been grounded only for necessary engine cnecKs. Crew Sergeant Glen W Standev of Tillamook, Ore., had only one regret: 1 would like to see r.gypt, nc said wistfully. "I've been in the air almost more than on the ground since we got here." Japanese Make Death Stand in Buna Trap (Continued from page 1.) sming lorce irom tnis sector was moving south In sharp menace to ;he main wii base at Smolensk, U.'iO miles from Mos cow. In this account the Russians aid their forward forces had hulled the Germans more than till miles south and ii miles west of Torpets "as far back as the winter of 1!M1 IJ." An implication was that southbound red army men threaten Smolensk in the current campaign. This big high way town is lust east of the border of old White Russia, which the nais overran in the' the landing party ami firing 34,- 000 lounds into rafts of oil drums alone. New Weapons Used. Tiie figures came from the headquarters of Lt. Gen. George C. Kenney, commander of the al lied air forces in the southwest Pacific. General Douglas MacArthur has decorated Gen. Kenney, cit ing him for "singularly meritor ious action" In developing para chute fragmentation bombs which are released from attack planes at 80 to 100 feet altitudes. Hundreds of this type bomn were released In the strafing of the Mambare landing party. In the air battles that accom panied the engagement, Ameri can Liberator planes shot down 18 of 'MS Japanese Zero planes and damaged five others. The headquarters communi que also reported ground activity - mentioned rarely before- in the Salamaua area to the north. WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 (AP) -The navy announced today that army flying fortresses with figh ter escorts had made another attack on Ihe Japanese base at Munda on New Georgia island 'n the Solomons, but said results were not reported. A correction in the number of Zeros destroyed in the December it! raid made the total of Japan ese planes reported destroyed !n the Solomons campaign to date (ill). The use of Airacobra fighters as escorts for the flying for tresses apparently was the :esult of the attack by Zeros against the fortresses in the December lt raid. That was the first iime since the attacks on the Munda ilea began on December 9 ihat Zeros had gone up to intercept American planes. The fntereop tion was made by 12 land type Japanese fighters and yester day's communique reported '.hat "the entire Intercepting force" was shot down. A collected e x'rt said onlv three were destroyed. on filling stations. Troops Need Gasoline Mr. Roosevelt said the reason behind the curtailment of gaso line for less essentia) uses In ihe east was that while we were try ing to use anything that would carry gas by sea, highway and railroad, there was a situation in North Africa demanding that shipments be increased to supply American troops there. It is a hurry up order, Mr. Roosevelt remarked, and it would take longer to send the gasoline from Texas to north Africa than it would from the eastern sea board. The situation, he said, .'s something that can not be fore seen in war lime. The president himself brought up the question of A cards, citing it as an example of how ration ing and price control operations were being overhauled and revis. ed right along. OPA spokesmen said govern ment-owned and government-leased vehicles are operated on T cards. They said they were unable to estimate the number. The officials, said that when Ickes' deficiency figures arrive, OPA will proceed as speedily as possible to put in effect curtail ment measures sufficiently dras tic to meet the shortage. "I think it can reasonably be said that Mr. Ickes will move pretty fast," one said. Ickes was in New York where he confered with Mavor La Guar. dla shortly before noon regarding me gusonne snortago. i Ickes May Hit Harder The New York regional nffieo of the OPA, through Administra tor Sylvan Joseph, said it was up to individual gasoline station op erators "to determine a mortor ist's needs and give the motorist one coupon's worth of gasoline if the motorist needs it for emer gency purposes." One informal explanation n Washington of what OPA meant by "emergency was that it was intended only to see that drivers wore not standed on the strees or highways by the cutoff order; another was that the one-coupon emergency ration was infeminrt oniy mr extreme situations "in volving almost life or death." The spokesmen declined in speculate whether the upshot of Ickes' statement, when it comes might be more drastic than the temporary elimination of all A books in the eastern shortaeo area; or whether a new slnih in A coupon value, already trimmed to 3 gallons each, nil flit hi In :hn offing. Order Is Criticized The one-coupon limit order came under quick fire from John "iwisior oi tiackensack, N. J., chairman of the executive com mittee of the eastern states con rerenoo of gasoline dealers, or ganized to meet rationing pro blems on the seaboard. "What is 'an emergency' and how are you going to stop them from going from one oiii, another?" asked Dressier. "Suspension of all A coupons would have been sound because it left open for use the 'B' and 'C cards for essential purposes, but this new order has me puzzled Dressier said representatives or the retail gasoline business wished a chance, with or with out salary, "to show them ; Washington what can and what can't work." "ffliffflSi White Rose Flour, 49 lb $1.69 Drifted Snow Flour, 49 lb 1.98 Festival Salad Dressing, qt 25C Cranberries, 2 lb 45c Apples, local, box $1.98 Tangerines, box . ...$1.79 Lettuce, solid heads, ea. 13c Oranges, large navels, doz 59c u PHONE 690 574 N. JACKSON A HOLIDAY IjEATS! Beef Roast, !b 27 T-Bone Stk lb 35 Bologna, lb... 25 TURKEYS Fancy No. 1 Dry Picked Turkeys Ready Monday 18-INCH "P LASS IE" DOLL Beautifully dressed mama , doll with sleeping eyes, unbreakable plastic icuu, utHj exclusive swivenng nee. ir will love to wash her lace! CT338 "BATTLE CHECKERS" GAME. A foscinatlng "Beat th aamo Of attack nnrl rltmc clrnlitnu Uses colorful plastic war devices instead of checkers. For adults or children, CT534 98c 1 AlOlt' BAtrov tcr r- i:i . i. i i bowl, mashor, wooden mold, rolling pin, and AO four other kitchen aids. CT956 H7C "TO0T-A-B0OT" MUSICAL TOY. Use simple Instructions and numbered keys to ploy lively S149 tunes. CT74I ..... I "VICTORY BOMBER" GAME. An action gome of skill, complete with catapult, wood bombs. III and target. CT719 IlC BEAR AND PANDA. Eoch 11 Inches high, cov--ered with plush in appropriate colors, andQC stuffed with cotton. CT889-90 EACH J All Stores May Not Have All These Toys Many other big Toy Velues In stock . . . ond every one pocked with pleasure! CONKLIN PEN PENCIL SET. What better gift this unbreakable set with Written GuaranteT Iri than HH:u peri, visimc in gauge, TUDUeriesS Vactl- mm. urn filler, M K gold plated clip suitable for S150 servicemen. N6086 . ....... I H.C.STEARNS Funeral Director Phone 472 OAKLAND, ORE. Licensed Lady Assistant Any Distance, Any Tlm Our service Is for ALL, and meets EVERY NEED 1 1 E AIXJl 'AltTKKS ALASKA DKI'KN'SK" COMMAND. Doc. 18 tlVlaycdt IAP) Army nil foi'iv officers disclosed today ihat their latest raids on Kiska Show ed that the Japs on that unfriend ly island si ill were trying to dig in. and apparently were working to supplement their slender food supply wild fish. I'nited Slates bombers and fighters, going over the sland Pecemher 11 attacked n refloat ed ship In the Kiska harbor, again hitting the ship, which pre viously had been grounded In Cert rude cove by American air attacks. Keturning the pilots reported they strafed two Japanese who apparently were trying to fish from a row boat and also strafed a doen Jap troops, apparently a working parly, along the shore. NEW YORK. Dee. lS.-fAP) The regional office of price ad mimslralion today ordered gaso line station operators to refuse gasoline to all motorists with A S, S2,d ?..!';'.Uon ca'(ls.if '"-y tanks. 1 '" ,hpir The order did not apply to commercial vehicles a:;d holders ol T coupons. io k. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Pr Ia''-v1-'"11 the Dis- trlct of Columbia. Regional Administrator Svlvan . J'wph said the order was is- i fe sued to prevent the nraotico nf : ii pretended emergencies" by mo-1 orists now limited under a I Washington OPA order to the use I im uni- rationing emergency MEN'S DRESS S5X ,. ... - . .In self-mailing Gilt box. Mercerized cotton socks with 4-ply heel ond toe identical with government is sue. Hand-sewn, regulation tie wrinkle re sistant. V8-I83-7. V')i03 UTILITY ZIPPER BAG. 8-Inch size, an Ideal gift for servicemen. Holds small toilet articles. Black leatherette with non-sog welt. B2I40.... PLAYING CARDS. "Admiral" bridge, gin rum- my, or pinochle decks w.th assorted back de- ?k signs. Durable finish, i 1 336-37 UJ All Stores May Nor Havo All These Items . . . but, you'll find myriads of welcome gifts In our large stocks. coupon purposes." for WHY NOT HAVE NEW WAIX PAPER for CHRISTMAS? Beau t If ul new fresh stock at PAGE'S (Adv.) Fines Are Paid Fines of Sin each were paid In justice court today by Lawrence Dan gti n,. car Wintonye, local truck drivers who pleaded eulltv to avio r,.. load charges. YOU CAN BUY AM. THE IN SUI.ATING BOARD YOU WANT AT PACE'S. No limitations. No priority needed. (Adv.) AN AMAZING OFFER The makers of Dr. Parker's Corn Remover will give you double your money back if it fails fo remove your corn or callous. Only 35c at Chap man's Drug Store. :"ts '-MM ...... . .1 20-PIECC DINNERWARC SET. "Eoster Coral" Servlce Tun bu"ful gif'! Richly glazed, modern in design Has wide coral border surrounding a bold floral center. Will hormomze with any A 95 silverware. J 1 584. OPEN STOCK . fi'rnnrfSPh'S" "T' SP0'kl". 2-Ineh bowl Ohd two candle holders in crvslal-clcar glass, oat- JM7S C" 'd' hondblown,dos'9n- 9uC MS;iD,,.!,m,lS.vt.?.stTvcleor' ,'hb"1 9'" with red plastic No-Dr,p" top. Set includes 48-5z. and Uill' x""'i ,or b'". cold drinks, etc. QfiC ?! clo:k- Keem ttot. time, is easy $059 to read from across room. B2998 A Se. Other Practical Gifts at Western Auto ... All Merchandise Subject to Stock on Honi AUTO ALTIMETER O COMPASS. Two grand gifts for the prtce of one! (Ceiling price $7,931 Genuine "Taylor" iv.uuu roor Miimeter and ' ihernll ' Compass t BI020, B3I09 '. BOTH fOR PROTECTIVE DOOR PAD. "Calolina' $69S ber, with pocket. Protects rear door ud- STTfl bolstery from scuffing. F39.26-27.. woven up- , PAIR WfDGE CUSHION. "Cofolino" water-repel-lent woven fiber. Shaped tor comfort) SllS F6565 BUMPtR BARS. Guaranteed nr-proof finish. One-piece construction, with concealed bolt. SI S3 B3e:o. pair I All Stores May Not Havo All of Theso Theuiends More Auto Porta and Acceuoriet In Stock . , We Reserve the Rijht to Limit Quantities or Change Specifications Without Notice. 1 V8l LOVELY CHRISTMAS MIR. BILL'S GARBAGE SERVICE Under Now Management Efficient Service Rates: 50c per month and up PHONE 338 Store Hours: 8 a. m.-8 p. m. Saturday, Monday, Tueiday, Wednesda 8 a. m.-6 p. m Thursday. ISvirvi i p. m Ihursday 1 1 7 So. Stephens 0 Prion 97 ri I KUKS M fAUKS. tAllv.)