THKEE Sunday FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 312 E. Douglas street. Regular services Sunilay at 11:00 a. m. Subject of lesson, "Is the Uni verse, Including Man, Evolved By Atomic Force?" Sunday school convenes at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings which include testimonies of healing and re marks on Christian Science are held at 8:00 o'clock. The reading room at 317 Perkins building is open daily except Sundays and holidays from 10:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Here the Bible and all au thorized Christian Science litera ture may be read, borrowed or subscribed for. The public is cordially invited to attend the church services and to visit the reading room. ILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH 477 S. Jackson street. Our an nual Christmas program will be held during the Sunday school hpur and morning worship time. The Christmas service will begin at 10:00 a. m. The evening service at 7:30 p. m. will be a cantata entitled, "Im manuel," presented by the young people of the church followed by a sermonette, "The Christ of Bethlehem." Wednesday night prayer meet ing at 7:30 p. m. You are most cordially invited to attend these special Christmas services at "the little church with the big welcome." Rev. J. W. Strom. DANCE Saturday 8:00 p. m. Sutherlln HI School Gym Tickets 51.00 inc. tax HORN'S SUPER CREAMED CLOSED December 27 to January 1, Inclusive For Redecorating Reopening January 2d . FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH - Corner Douglas and Kane streets. Len B. Kishback, minister. The Bible school meets at 9:45 a. m. with Vei l Miller as superin tendent. There were 183 present last Sunday. There is a well or ganized class for every age. The services on Christmas Sun day will bring again the Christ mas story and its message of hope to our world. The evening service will be a special program of j Christmas music. At 6:00 p. m. the Christian En deavorers will moot for their monthly "30-30-30" meeting, thirty minutes t6 eat, theirty minutes for social life, thirty minutes for the C. E. lesson. The sermon subject at 7:30 p. m. will be, "Wise Men of Yester day and Today." There will be a vocal solo by Lena Porter. The Bible school Christmas pro gram and tree will be held Wed nesday evening Dec. 23 at 8:00 p. m. Rember, you are always welcome at the "homelike" church. DILLARD METHODIST CHURCH G. A. Garboden, pastor. Sun day school and Christmas pro gram 10 a. m., C. C. Fosback, su perintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. F.ev. A. J. Starmer of Roseburg, will bring the Christ mas message. A cordial welcome to all. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Myrtle Creek holds services each Sunday In the grange hall, 3rd and Division streets at 11:00 a. m. Sunday school convenes at 10:20 a. m. The subject of the lesson sermon for Sunday, Dec. 20 is, "Is The Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" A meeting which includes testi monies of healing and remarks on Christian Science Is held on the DAILY. DEVOTIONS DR. CHARLES A. EDWARDS Can we not be bold and come out with it and say for all the world to hear that the chief end and purpose of man Is to love, honor, and serve his Creator? Can we not say to Uiis generation on the au thority of the Holy Scriptures and with all of Christian tra dition behind us that the pri mary aim of man's life in tills world is not commerce, or power, or social position, but godliness and true holiness. Can we not say it simply and plainly and clearly without compromise and without doubt. If we will not be di rect about it and bold enough to come out with it and say that the service of God is the only proper end of man, we shall have to commit our selves to some other purpose. Christ described the other pur pose as the service of mam mon, we shall have to live for mammon, for greed and ambi tion for purely temporal and selfish ends. Finally, this kind of living will cause so much confusion, and so much Injus tice that we shall be put to it to maintain our civilization at all. The whole world is long ing for guidance and direction for just one strong and sure word about Its destiny and its end. Those who know should speak out and declare a good witness for Christ, for .only those who are Christians can testify of God. Amen.. first Wednesday of each month at 8:00 p. m. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. TENMILE METHODIST CHURCH G. A. Garboden, pastor. Sun day school 10:45 a. m., Mrs. Wal ter Coats, superintendent. Morn ing worship 9:45 a. m., sermon topic, "God's Gift and Ours." A cordial welcome to all. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE "The Christmas Story Anew," will be the morning message by the pastor. You are invited to come and enjoy the spirit of the season. Evening service will bo In spirational. Theme, "Courtesy of Christ." Men and women will en joy a service like this. We trust it will inspire them to be their best for God and country. Sunday school will moot at 10 a. m. We shall continue our en joyable trip (via contest) dc spite world conditions. We would like to have you join us. 100 or 101 A tenant for your empty apart ment ... a better job for you ... a customer for what you have to sell ... all of these and many more are at your fingertip as near as the nearest 'phone! Call us today to Insert your ad in this widely read and widely circulated newspaper, and reach the person you want! Westerns at the Rose Today and Saturday Roy Rogers, "Gabby" Hayes with Linda Hayes In "Romance on the Range," a gamble in love and gunsmoke. ' 32 Gene Autry and Smiley Bumette are ganged by a band of bad lands bandits in "Sierra Sue," newest adventure of these ridin', ro mancin', rogues! THE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. H. P. Sconce, pastor. For his sermon topic Sunday evening Rev. H. P. Sconce has chosen the very unusual theme "Listen ing in at One's Own Funeral Sermon." Is there any way of knowing what will be said at one's funeral? What scripture will be used, what hymns will be sung? Since Mr. S. T. Brannock has been leading the singing on Sun day evening, the Baptist church Is coming to be known as the 'singing church". Mr. Brannock will direct a ytfling peoples choir and lead the singing each Sun day evening. There will be spe cial music at both services Sun day. "Where Jesus Is and What He Is Doing" is the sermon topic Sunday morning. The Sunday school meets at 9:45 each Sun day morning and the young peo ple each Sunday evening at 6:30. THE SALVATION ARMY Lt. Norma Koon, Lt. Jean Thoma, officers in charge. Sun day: Sunday school 10 a. m.; holi ness service, 11 a. m.; salvation meeting 8 p. m. Thursday: Christmas program 7:30. Regular week night services will be. discontinued for the week due to preparation for our Christmas effort. CAMAS VALLEY COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH G. A. Garboden, pastor. Sun day school 10 a. m., Guy Moore, superintendent. Morning wor ship 11 a. m., topic, God's Gift and Ours. A cordial welcome to all. Sparkle Daytimes By Bowling Nights Keep in tip-top shape and acquire new vigor and sparkle by bowl ing regularly. Our con venient location and well-lighted, air-conditioned alleys make this a favorite fun and health spot. ROSEBURG RECREATION Hall and Bowling Alleys Arch Elliott, Mgr. - v A . - i ""1 r 4 THE METHODIST CHURCH Melville T. Wire, pastor. 9:45 a. m., church school. Classes for all ages. Mrs. C. A. Chamberlln, superintendent. The church school Christmas program will be given on Thursday evening be ginning promptly at 7 o'clock. 11 a. m., morning worship: Prelude, organ and piano, "Adesto Fideles." Processional, "The First Noel," with Descant sung by Miss Phoebe Hawthorne, Anthem, "The Holy Mother Sings," H. D. McKinney. (Arr) from an early English carol. Offertory, "O Holy Night," Adam Sermon, "How Far to Bethle hem." Postlude, "A Yuletido Medley." Mrs. Paul Geddos, director and organist, Mrs. Gordon Stewart, pianist. 6:30 p. m., youth fellowship meeting; 7:30 p. m.,' concert to be given by the choir. All who are interested are cor dially Invited to attend these ser vices. ST. PAULS LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod), Corey and Military streets, West Roseburg. The service of Sunday, Decem ber 20, begins at 11 a. m. 'Hie sermon topic is, "Christ's Advent Ij-tter Calling for Repentence." This is the concluding sermon of a series of sermons entitled. "Ad vent Letters from Our Advent King." The Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. The choir will meet for a short, rehearsal after the service. A Christmas song service will be held Christmas eve, December 24, at 7:30 p. m. There will be special music by the choir. Gifts will be distribut ed to all children present. We most cordially invite all those having no church home of their own to attend our services and Sunday school. The Lutheran Hour will be broadcast Sunday over KRNR at 1 p. m. Tune in; write In. W. A. Sylwester, 1170 Military street, pastor. ASSEMBLY OF GOD D48 West First si root. Sunday services. Bible school 0:45 with a class for every age. Morning worship 11 a. m. Both Y. P. and children's church will start at 0:30 followed hy the evening meeting at 7:30 at which the Christmas program will be pre sented. The usual Tuesday ser vice at 7:30 p. m. Announcement will be made from the pulpit con cerning the Friday night service. The people of the Assembly of God, invite you to come and wor ship with us. Supply Pastor Wm. C. Ross. Ph. 863-J. , CHURCH OF GOD Sunday school at 10 a. m Mrs. C. il. Holcomb in charge. Reg. service at 11 a. m. A candle light pigeant at 7 p. m. Young people meet Thursday at 7 p .m., I prayer meeting Wednesday at 7 p. m. O. M. hponcel, pastor. DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Moose Hall Townsend Club No. 2 Gents 30c Ladles 15c FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Jackson and Lane streets. Min ister, Rev. Morris H. Roach, Th. D. Morning sermon, "The Prince of Peace." Evening service the church choir will present a pro gram of Christmas music. Mrs. Humor Grow, organist and choir director. Sunday school, Mr. W. G. Blake, superintendent. The services on Christmas will bring again the Christmas story and its message of hope to our world. The evening service will bo a special program of Christ mas music. The Job's Daughters will hold their Christmas vesper service at 4 p. m. at the Presbyterian church; Sunday, Dec. 20. The Sunday school Christmas program will be presented on Wednesday Pee. 23 at 7:30 p. m. A Christmas tableau will be given in which all the children in I the school will have part. The calendar for the week: Sunday, Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11:00 a. m.; C. E. societies, 0:30 p. m.j evening service, i :.iu p. m. Tuesday, choir practice, 7:30 p. m.; Boy Scouts 7:00 p. m, Wednesday, Sunday school pro gram, 7:30 p. m. . LOOKINGGLASS METHODIST j CHURCH j G. A. Garboden, pastor. Sun-; day school, 10 a. m., Arthur ; Marsh, sucrintonnom. a cor- dial welcome to all. ! Churchill Said Coming To Talk With Roosevelt NEW YORK, Dec. 18. (API The Stockholm newspaper Alio handa reported today, quoting "British quarters in Lslbon" us Its source and without confirma tion from any quarter, that Prime Minister Churchill Intends to leave today for Washington to confer with Presdient Roosevelt. Alleged Kidnapers Put Under Bonds of $10,000 OREGON CITY, Ore., Doc. 18 (AP) Virgil Ray Kaufman, 18, and Rosalie Mayo, 17, charged with kidnaping a Portland wo man taxi driver, were hack in Clackamas county jail today In lieu of $10,000 ball each. Justice of the Peace Tliiesson at Milwaukee yesterday set vile ball after they waived prelimin ary hearing. The grand Jury will consider their case Monday. The pair was arrested near Roseburg last Sunday. Gasoline Blast Kills Drivers of Taxi, Truck COMPTON, Calif., Dec. 18. (AP) A taxi driver and a tank truck driver were burned to death and htroc sailors critically sealed today as (hey fled through 100-foot flames that roared up when gasoline from the leaky truck exploded. The l.-ujlt truck was parked be side a road while the driver re paired a leaking valve, Investi gating officers reported. As the TODAY AND SATURDAY ROMANCE! PLUS PREVIEW SATURDAY HUNT I . Mint Vhujiu u. tlu Wrtf Starts Sunday IUNNE 11c-30c40c pWER-O'HMA I picture sine . .'Tj V 'THEODORA1 1 tV&J ' GOES WILDUg XNOWLES ' tAutt 7 p. m. tnxl drove past, carrying the sail ers, a ool of gasoline exploded, apparently either from a cigarct or a spark In the taxis exhaust. Dead are: Lewis Thomas, 50, the taxi drlvre, of Bell, Calif. Hudrey Benson, 21, the tank truck driver, of Santa Ana. VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE LICENSES HOOPER - JEFFRIES Gall Edgar Hooper and Anna Daisy Jeffries, both residents of Drain. DIVORCE COMPLAINTS CARD -Roger E. versus Caro line D. Card; married at Vancou ver, Wash., January 11, 1941; cruelty. Returns To Cam p George Grimm left this morning for Camp Gordon, Ga., following a lurlough In this city, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Grimm. LOVELY CHRISTMAS MIR RORS nt PAGE'S. (Adv.) Today and Saturday HERE'S A REAL SHOW COMBINATION 2Bia mJr ' " Western W J Hits fJr SMILTJIIJHETTt Yg Plus WT Zt rjk ROGERS Sf fHL Linda Hoye G i rSI 6:30-9 JOB'S DAUGHTERS DANCE TO BE HELD SATURDAY EVENING A charming formal dance has . been planned by Roseburg bethel of Job's Daughters for 8:30 o'clock Saturday evening, Decemlxr 19, to bo hold at the Oriental gardens. , Members of the bethel and their invited friends have been asked to enjoy the affair. YOU CAN BUY ALL THE IN SULATING BOARD YOU WANT AT PAGE'S. No limitations. No priority needed. (Adv.). . -it ECONOMIZE ON FUEL. Put a HEATILATOR In the fireplace and got THREE TIMES as much HEAT. For sale at PAGE'S. (Adv.) . DANCE at OLALLA Saturday Night Where trails begin and end! r ontne