FIVE a iiDncaEtcirccDiKKr ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1942 Rentals FOR RENT Small furnished house at 4264 E. First avenue N. S8.00 per month. Call at 515 W. Oak. CLEAN, furnished house or apartment. Adults. Call 403-J or 454 N. Stephens. WANTED Care of convalescents in my home. Mrs. Brust, 50S Fowler, phone 115. FOR RENT 3-room, partly fur nished cubin on Dixonvillc road. Phone 3F-22. FUR N I S II E D APARTMENTS. 421 Floed, corner Mill. Inquire Roseburg Hotel. APARTMENT furnished. Close in. Reasonable. Adults only. Phone 645-J. KOIILHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. NORTHSIDE APARTMENTS. Modern. Phone 802-R. FOR RENTV House, close in. In quire 211 Washington. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 707 W, Mosher street. Autos WANTED 25 USED CARS CASH AT ONCE NO DELAY TOP WOLESALE PRICE FOR YOUR CAR LOCKWOOD MOTORS WANTED USED CARS. HANSEN MOTOR CO., YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER, WILL PAY CASH FOR USED CARS AND TRUCKS. FOR SALE 5S200 spiral bevel type rear end; 4 8-inch wheels to fit, complete. W. G. Owens, Camas Valley, Oregon. WE WANT TO BUY a late model logging truck and trailer in good condition. Write Box 108, Roseburg, Oregon. '31 Chevrolet coupe for sale. Fair rubber, motor good. $150.00. R. u. Carroll, Dixonvillc. Wanted WANTED to buy circulator heater in good condition. E. L. Simpson, Tenmilc. WANTED Used stoves and household furniture. 502 N. Jackson. RED RYDER ALLEY OOP HPusy wm ,tu slw ) imm mm he btsh rr r ' ME, I'M GLAD I WOULD HAPPENOOZV SPY AIN'T W TH LONGER IT If GOT A-BUILDIN AS crevV AN' I SPONSOR OUR faK7" T' GET MV IF EENV tmrKO REASON TO TAKES US T 3ET 1 BE READY ? cJuSc va 'rAJJiAv:-. NEW RGHTIN ( OH, DEAR! FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Sharpshooter in the House By Merrill Blosser V VC 7 f "T - "y -x o Mow are- you I Just leave W- Psst NOT . wmat would Id get-arrested I I Hector, is im the- GONNA GET IT TO ME, l7C I'D LIKE INTERESTED.' HAPPEN IF BUT WHArfe THAT GOT GALLERY WITH A THAT LETTER, J PAL.' ILLIfc TO HAVE SCRAM THAT BUBBLE TODOWW---- ' BPAW I- SUnoTPP . LARD? Jr rAcrrtf ATALK GAM'TCHA GOT BUSTED ? A-mnr-n 7 r- f, MrTvi nrRzJTERl rrr Vm MtUT . with you, see I'M h rS n f ; JTCf A?iItDOE3 t' ' j '''tiitx. rt j Livestock ONE 6y..arold Guerney cow fresh in January; one 2-year-old Jersey heifer, fresh In spring; two 6 months old Jersey-Guernsey heifers. H. R. Finch, 2 miles E. of Sutherlin. Turn left at south side road. ATTENTION We remove dead and worthless stock free. Call collect 52-F-12 or 33a Rose burg By-Products. FOR SALE Rabbits. Angora buck and doe, otie White Giant buck and one doe. 203 Brown avenue, West Roseburg. I FEEDER PIGS for sale, 40 pounds ana up. c. II. Vierra ranch, for merly N. L. Conn ranch, be yond Melrose. SELL or trade milk cow for work hose or weancr pigs. G, R. Whitson, Dillard, Oregon. W A N T E D Fresh cows and springers. Call 1200 Winchester street, phone 6G3. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull calves, also Ilerefords, 1 Black Poll. Sanitary, Market. Rabbits young does American White. Dean Bartlett, Route 2, Box 172, Roseburg. W A N T E D Fresh cows and springers. Call 1200 Winchester street, phone 663. LIVESTOCK for sale and ranch for rent. Inquire George Ward, Grand Hotel. FOR SALE wcaner pigs. J. Lyons, N. Myrtle Creek. A. PIGS Max Bauer, Kellogg. Work Wanted MARRIED MAN wants work on dairy ranch. Experienced Call 1029 East 3rd. WANTED To haul lumber or mill machinery. N. Side Apart ments, phone 301. Lost and Found LOST - White, female wire hair ed terrier. Both ears brown, blown spot on back of head, bob tailed. Reward. 421 S. Jackson, phone 230. Poultry FOR SALE A dozen New Hamp shire cockerels, $2.00 each. O. A. Rowe, mile north of Wilbur. Real Estate COTTAGE AND SIX ACRES on North Umpqua near Glide. In cludes a cow, 2 dozen Red chic kens, 4 cords of wood, 2 tons hay, floor coverings and some furniture. Price $2350.00. Modern 4 bedroom home, close in, good location, paved street, garage, fireplace, builtlns. Down payment $1000.00. 22 acres with highway frontage, 5 acres tillable, lots of wood. 3 cabins all rented, service sta tion, store, living quarters, fire place, barn, chicken house for 100 hens, electricity. Price $3500. .00. I have some of the best ranches in Douglas County for sale. Earl Wiley, Hotel Rose bldg. 38 ACRES, all tillable, In fruit and grass; 6 acres apples, har vested 1,000 boxes this year. 2 acres apricots. 11 story, 6-room house, excellent condition. Barn 45x65 feet, good hen house. Personal property including all orchard equipment and other items. Good location and a paying farm. Priced right for quick sale. Stock ranches; small farms; dwellings In Roseburg. Everything in Real Estate and Insurance. Fred A. Goff, 122 S. Stephens, phone 218. FOR SALE 2 houses and lois, close in, on paved streets. New garages and woodsheds. O. C. Thompson, Umpqua. FOR SALE Stock ranch. 310 acres, 9 miles W. of Oakland. Easy terms. E. L. Settle, Oak land. Help Wanted WANTED Lady for house work and care of small girl while mother works. No wash ing. Evenings and Sundays off. Phone 310 days, 839-R evenings. STENOGRAPHER or typist, ex perienced or Inexperienced. Phone 46-F-2, Bonanza Mines, Inc., Sutherlin. WANTED Someone with buzz saw to saw about 12 tiers wood. R. T. Belcher, 837 E. Douglas. LADY HOUSEKEEPER in moth erless home. No drinkers. Sal ary, $30.00. P. O. Box 222. WANTED Waitress. Immediate ly. Sullivan's Cafe. . Fuel PHONE 4U8 Green Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMHKR CO. Shower of Bullets Got Some Champagne? GENERAl SAW FIL.NQ Howard Casebeer, 443 S Steph PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demoth. 185-L COMM'CL REFRIGERATION t'het Hamm. Phone 715. LOCKSMITH Pacifl.. Key Serv. Phone 34S For Sale Miscellaneous ' O R SAL E Turkeys, geese, chickens and rabbits for your Thanksgiving dinner. Speak ahead for your bird. We can supply you with any grade. Douglas Market, phone 350. THE IDEAL GIFT Fuller Bris tlecomb hair brush, $2.95. Mall order to Merle Ivie, 100-1 Lawn ridge, Grants Pass. Fuller cata logue on request. BOATS $15.00 and up. Johnson fishing motor, $S5.00. Boat and trailer, $60.00. Five horse John son, $110.00. E. S. Powell Hard ware. FOR SALE- New 150 egg incu bator, two brooders, 150 chick size. All kerosene, James Jones, box 156, Oakland. 30-40 KRAG rifle, 2 boxes shells. Imperial cook stove. H. R. Finch, 2 miles E. of Sutherlin, Turn left at south side road. FOR SALE 1 Corona portable typewriter. Good condition. $30.00. Musgrove Hardware, Sutherlin, Oregon. FOR SALE John Deere drill; disk plow; 3 bolTom mold plow. R. Cook, Umpqua Hotel. FOR SALE High chair, buggy, car bed, female cocker spaniels. 727 Fleser street. Study Club to Meet - The Green P.-T. A. Study club will meet at a pot luck luncheon Tuesday at the home of Mrs. May Pollard. For newspaper deliveries after 5:30 Please Call 215-L FURNITURE REPAIRING Miles. 430 N. Stephens. 465-J. RADIO SERVICING Radio Doctor. 306 N. Stephen Lund Radio Service. Phone V PLklB CLEANING Furnaces vacuum cleaned flui cleaning. Call 94L J. C. Bew ley. Intcr-Se Study Club to Meet The Inter-So Study club will meet Tuesday at a one-thirty o' clock dessert-luncheon at the home of Mrs. Charles Doerner with Mrs. D. Ramsdell In charge of the program on "Geography of China." SUMMONS ! Tn thn Ph-nnit rviiit.t nf tl.n State of Oregon for the County of Douglas. Oregon Exploration Company, an Oregon corporation, J. W. Hanselman and P. T. Meaney, iiusiees., i-iaintills, vs. Pat ivielty, Maude Nash, George Ot ten and Fred Jobe. Def-'nXinls. To: Pat Kieltv. one of the de. ienuanis aoovo named: I In (he name of the Stale of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the aixive mimed suit on or before six weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, and set forth what right, title or in terest, if any, you have in the following described real property situated in the County of Douglas aim male oi uregon, to wn: Section 26, Fraction No. 1, more particularly described in the location notice record ed on page 135 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. Section 26, Fraction No. 2, more particularly described in (he local Inn nolice record ed on page 135 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. Silver Peak North Base, more particularly described in the location nolice record ed on page 125 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records ot Douglas County, Oregon. Lower Silver Peak North, .more particularly described in the location notice record ed on page 126 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. East Silver Peak, more By Fred Harmon 7T By V. T. Hamlin fAWRI6HT, UMPA.hV particularly described In the location notice recorded on page 295 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. Lower Silver Peak No. 2, more particularly described in the location notice record ed on page 296 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. Silver Peak No. 3, more particularly described In the location notice recorded on page 59 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. Silver Peak Fraction, more particularly described In the location notice recorded on page 59 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. Silver Peak No. 1, more particularly described in the amended location notice re corded on page 54 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. Silver Peak Base, more particularly described in the amended location notice re corded on page 59 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. Helen, more particularly described in the amended location notice recorded on page 60 of Volume 10 of Min ing Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. Lower Silver Peak, more particularly described in the amended location notice re corded on page (30 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. Silver Peak No. 2, more particularly described in the amended location notice re corded on page 54 of Volume 10 of Mining Claim Records of Douglas County, Oregon. Also all buildings, machin ery, tools, appliances, supplies and equipment on said claims or any of them and used or useful in the operation and development of said claims, together with all the dips, spurs and angles, and also all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz, rock and earth therein, and all the rights, privileges and fran chises thereto incident, ap pendant and appurtenant or therewith usually had and en joyed, and also all and singu lar the tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and if you fail to appear and answer, plaintiffs for want there of will apply to the above en titled court for the relief pray ed for In the complaint; to-wlt: That a decree be made and en tered that plaintiffs are the own ers and entitled to the exclusive possession of all of the property herein before described; and that Hie defendants Pat Kielty, George oiten, Maude Nash and Fred .lobe, have no right, title or in terest In or to the above de scribed properly, or any part thereof; that the deed of con veyance from the Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon, to de fendant Pat Kielty, dated Decem ber 9, 1!)32, and recorded on Janu ary 10, 1933, In Record of Mining Claims No. 4, at page 111, of Douglas County, Oregon, con veyed no right, title or Interest in the above described property, or any part thereof, to defendant Pat Kielty; that the deed of con veyance from defendant Pat Kielty to defendant George Ottcn, dated December 22, 1H.J2, and re corded on June 23, 1933, in Re cord of Mining Claims No. 4, at page 115, of Douglas County, Ore gon, conveyed no right, title or interest to said defendant George Ottcn in or to the above describ ed property, or any part thereof; thai said deeds of conveyance constitute clouds upon the title of these plaintiffs to the above described properly, and that both of said deeds of conveyances be declared Invalid and ordered can celled on the records of Douglas County, State of Oregon, anu mat the clouds thereby caused on the title of plaintiffs to said prop. orty be removed; that on July 23, iikrj, and prior thereto, the said mining ground was not vacant or open to location, and the purport ed locations of defendant Fred be are Invalid and of no force or effect, and the record thereof constitutes a cloud upon plain tiffs' title; that said Instruments Ik- declared Invalid and cancelled on the records of Douglas County, Oregon, and that the clouds theiby caused on the litle of plaintiffs to said mining properly be removed; thai the title of plaintiffs to all of the property nerelnnelorc described be quieted and forever set at rest; that the plaintiffs he awarded their costs md disbursements in this suit; that the plaintiffs be awarded such other and further relief as to the court may be Just and equitable in the premises. I tils summons is published by order of the Honorable Carl E. VVimbei ly, Judge of the above en titled court, made and entered on Ihe 10th day of November 1!H2, directing publication ol this sum mons once a week for four con secutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation In the County of Douglas and State of Oregon. R. N. Kavanaugh Attorney for Plaintiffs (ill! Mead Building Portland, Oregon Date of first publication, No vember Hi, 1912. Date of last publication, De cember II, 1912. Brave Bird This Ignorant little bird probably doesn't know a tommy gun from a stick, so it perches innocently on the business end of the weapon used by one ot the defenders ot Midway Island. It is a white tairy tern, one of the many species of birdlife on the island. North Africa Cotoblanca, morocco. I Ookor W?- i i:xV -IIKJITCrv I If there, was conflict going on from Seattlo to Nev York across tho northern half of the United States, it would be comparable to tho battle now blanketing north Africa from Casablanca to Suez. Map compares sizo of U. S. with Africa. A Different Kind J Cry ' . r.E J-1 f - -y fvSr j - 'drXS Lip'1 i I 5 - Jf , ' . J- NEA Radio-Tclcphoto) Even in the fiercest flshtinB, there's time for aid to the wounded. In this enso, two members of an armored division ot tho ALP in Africa ad minister first old to a French nnllvo soldier during on early phase of U. S. landing operations. Photo radioed London-New York. Lunch Time in c , , ft i int-ius iiu lllnu uul kvt tta, u,,,Li ui ui, L-uiu wiit'ii uur Wui6iup n in u OiiUic. uuriiiB action atiainst Jap forces oil the Santa Crus Islands uul Uct. ;'S, a lookout unci lus "tdlkor" aboard a U. S. vessel grab a bile to eat wuile keepicg eyeo and eats upeo for tha enemy. at Midway Front Big as U. S. V " CTATrt 4t, nil I A EGYPTIAN OUUHH AFRICA . BELGIAN CONGO i : : , of Action in Africa the South Pacific a-, i