FIVE A DDOKECCTraDIKItr ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. PREGON, ; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1942, mi Rentals FOR RENT Five room house, R corner Booth and Eddy streets. Inquire J. L. Paris, 1007 Eddy street. 5ROOM, modern house, base ment, garage. Phbnc 555-J or 424 or call at 504 S. Stephens. FOR RENT 3-room, partly bur nished cabin on Dixonvllle road. Phone 3F-22. FUR N I S H E D APARTMENTS. 424 Flocd, corner Mill. Inquire Roscburg Hotel. APARTMENT furnished. Close in. Reasonable. Adults only. Phone 645-J. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. QbRTHSIDE APARTMENTS. Modern. Phone 802-R. ? HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 707 W. Mosher street Autos WANTED 25 USED CARS CASH AT ONCE NO DELAY TOP WOLESALE PRICE FOR YOUR CAR LOCKWOOD MOTORS WANTED USED CARS. HANSEN MOTOR CO., YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER, WILL PAY CASH FOR USED CARS AND TRUCKS. FOR SALE 58200 spiral bevel Oiype rear end; 4 8-inch wheels lo fit, complete. W. G. Owens, Camas Valley, Oregon. THIRTY ONE model A truck, fair rubber or trade model A coupe. J. E. Harris, Glcndale, Oregon. FOR SALE Equity in 1937 Ply mouth coupe. Inquire 4 4 8 Fowler street, after 5:30 p. m. Wanted FILING TIMBER WANTED. State price and conditions. Box 108, Melrose Route, Roscburg, Oregon. WANTED to buy circulator heater in good condition. E. L. Simpson, Tenmile. . . WANTED Used stoves and f household furniture. 5Q2 N. Jackson. WANTED 1 twin bed springs. Phone 579-J after 6 o'clock. RED RYDER Red-' tu Go TXVJN 6Y the RIMER.' VSE'LL SCATTER. pArwr up t?e .' opcn Ft? I VJHErt TJONNELlVS STE5 lHIT THE VWTEK-' ALLEY OOP y- "SYERDAKiGTOOTIN' Z.AW IF OL' EENV'5 VEH...BUT T - WOW.ASOOTNHEV DO.'LOOK...rMWOOZM5 TRY COMINj THERE'S OWE 1 THEM HEAVY ALL OUR FORTlFt-NlM THERE.WHAT A N THING I ftOM'T COAST DEFEN3E CATIONS UNIT3....Y SURE) HERE OM THEY COVER A. CHART OUR VULNER- ) 7 1 ? ' ,1 . ABLE ARE Av jl FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS I f Me played witm my heart 7tis4 rC ft-. SPURNED M5 NOW HE THINKS L JrwJ xf-TS I WANT HISMISERABLE- MONBY J Livestock ATTENTION We remove dead and worthless stock free. Call collect 52 F-12 or 338. Rose burg By-Rroducts. FEEDER PIGS for sale, 40 pounds and up. c. H. Vierra ranch, for merly N. L. Conn ranch, be yond Melrose. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull calves, also Herefords, 1 Black Poll. Sanitary Market. WEANER PIGS for sale, 2 months old. C. M. Stark, Rt. 2, phone 12-F-6. LIVESTOCK for sale and ranch for rent. Inquire George Ward, Grand Hotel. 12 NICE feeder pigs, $85.00. Hoover place, Olalla. FOR SALE weaner pigs. J. A. Lyons, N. Myrtle Creek. PIGS Max Bauer, Kellogg. Help Wanted INSIDE WORK in one pi Port land's finest laundries. Ideal working conditions. No experi ence. We supply instruction. GOOD WAGES. Part time jobs available. Write NEW SYSTEM LAUNDRY 1001 N.E. Flartders, Portland, Or. RAILWAY LINEMEN or climb ers to work on S.P.&S. Ry. be tween Portland and Spokane. 92c per hour and board. Write G. A. Leslie, c-o S.P.&S. Ry., Portland, Ore. WANTED Single man for farm hand, middle aged or passed. Room and board. P. O. box 84 Riddle, Oregon. LADY HOUSEKEEPER in moth erless home. No drinkers. Sal ary, $30.00. P. O. Box 222. WANTED Farm hand. Good wages. Box 1370, c-o News-Review. WANTED Waitress immediate ly. Sullivan's Cafe. Work Wanted BULLDOZING done by the hour, road work and piling. E. L. Church, Idlcyld Star route or call Hansen Motor Co. GOOD HOME for old and Kick -leople: Mr.s.. Brust, 508 Fowler, pnone lis. Fuel PHONE 468 Green Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. ARE RIGHT): SURPRISE THEY'LL) THIS GET.' !rOKAY, 1 I Xtt-"WM TT ASHY.' F WWLE WWXXS XX QUIET , DAD.' "WTHET COULDN'T KftovO VSE'RE MINX? V rWJS A V ACROSS :( I DON'T LIKE IT.' I'll r'NDVltO1 THE HERD "WIGHT.' I YCWSE. THE TOWELL SKUNK-' -"WE MM T WX AND HAS "A THERED $E NO VJAY tSss) I spy-' plus V a 'ww --rSM!0 v'f imm 650 ACRE SHEEP RANCH very close in good buildings, 60 acres In cultivation balance open range. Priced right. 4 bedroom house i mile from courthouse, full basement, ga rage, modern, price $3500.00 $500.00 down. 15 acres in Curry Estate, small house. Some nut trees, balance best of garden land. 56 acres, 40 tillable, good grain land, 5 room house, electricity and running water. Good chic ken houses for 1500 layers, brooder house, barn with six stanchions. 3 horse stalls. Ma chine shed. Store room. 21 miles from small town. $1000.00. Earl Wiley Hotel Rose bldg. 38 ACRES, all tillable, In fruit and grass; 6 acres apples, har vested 1,000 boxes this year. 2 acres apricots. 11 story, G-room house, excellent condition. Barn 45x65 feet, good hen house. Personal property Including all orchard equipment and other items. Good location and a paying farm. Priced right for quick sale. Stock ranches; small farms; dwellings In Roscburg. Everything in Real Estate and Insurance. Fred A. Goff, 122 S. Stephens, phono 218. BARGAIN CLOSE IN FARM. 65 acres, 40 tillable, balance wood ed pasture. All woven wire fenced. 5 room house, electri city, running water, sheep shed, garage. Only eight miles out on good road. For quick sale will include, sheep. Price $3250.00 Low down payment and easy terms. Earl Wiley Hotel Rose bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE -Combi-.riation serviue station, grocery, lunch. Stocked and equipped. Buildings fair, living quarters, also separate dwelling. 5 cilv lots, 50x100; $4,000.00 or will trade for farm 80 acres or more, suitable for slock, with electricity, water and fruit. Mrs. H. Hash, Canyonville, Ore. THE VANDERER RANCH, con sisting of 720 acres, In Olalla, for sale or rent. Address own er, F. J. Vanderor, 422 E. Mlchcltorena street, Santa Barbara, California. FOR SALE Stock ranch. 340 ' acres, 9 miles W. of Oakland, Easy terms. E. L. Settle, Oak land. FOR SALE 80 acre farm close to town. Box 1360, c-o News Review. Into the Trap And It Didn't Blow Away RIGHT THERE AT THREE PA.LMS UNDERSTAND..: WAIT, I'LL SHOW VOL) ONJ TH MAP. The Root of All Evil BUT WHAT r DO TO SATISFY MY UN- REQUITED LOVE ? 1'fA SUING HIM ONLY TO MEAL. MY I . 4 . M sfvM . t 1 AL J.l VM vsf PH 1 umfWiflTTll lYlV fc GENERAL SAW FIL.NO Howard Case beer, 443 S StepH PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demolh. 189-L COMM'CL REFRIGERATION diet Hanim. Phone 715. LOCKSMITH Paciftv Key Serv. Phone !M 1 For Sale Miscellaneous SOUTH BEND malleable range with water front; good condi tion. New hot water tank; one hot plate; also one ice box, hundred pound capacity; both like new. 1276 Umpqua avenue. THE IDEAL GIFT Fuller Bris- tlecomb hair brush, $2.95. Mail order to Merle Ivic, 1004 Lawn ridge, Grants Pass. Fuller cata logue on request. FOR SALE New 150 egg incu bator, two brooders, 150 chick size. All kerosene, James Jones, box 156, Oakland. DRIED PRUNES Large Italians, 11 pounds, $1.00; Pctites, 13 pounds, $1.00. In largest quant ises left. Lindbloom. ONE Shelvedoor refrigerator, one oil burner. In good condi tion. See Mrs. Pearl Law son at Riddle, Oregon. ONE two-horse wagon, $25.00; one lhorsc wagon, 58.00. Will trade for Red or Hampshire chickens. COOKED FOOD SALE Satur day, November 21, at McKean and Carstens, for Tenmile church. 3 lovely lurs; antique car rings, ruby sotting, for plarced ears. Lula Hulliday, 420 N. Jackson, annex. FOR SALE OR TRADE for what have you electric fence eharg er.E. L. Sompson, Tenmile. FOR SALE John Deere drill; disk plow; 3 bottom mold plow. R. Cook, Umpqua Hotel. FOR i SALE - Cider. Bring con tainers. Phone 7-F-ll, Lewin 'Parker. Miscellaneous NO trespassing or nuntlng at any time on our property. Krusc Bros. OKI I LEFT IT.' DADGUNA WW. OOP IT, GUZ.IF VOL) WHATDIDJOH WASN'T STONE DO V TTH iL BLINH. YOU....y CAN MONEY The will BEEN PROBATED, MILLIE .' HOW DEEP ARE YOUR. WOUNDS ? WOUNDS FURNITURE REPAIRING Miles. 430 N. Stephens. 465-J. RADIO bEHVICINU Radio Doctors. 306 N. Stephen Lund Radio Service. Phone .V FLUE CLEANING Furnace vacuum cleaned Qui cleaning. Call SO. J. C Bew ley. Poultry FOR SALE-Eightecn White Giant pullets, weight about 7 pounds. Also two roosters, $2.00 each. One 4-year old bay mare, gentle. tOr 'will trade.) First house on the highway North of Winchester. E. D. Russell. FOR SALE 500 six weeks old New Hampshires 425 Christy pullets, 75 Larabee roosters; best stock obtainable. 50c each. E. A. Hester, Glide, Oregon. FOR SALE 50 New Hampshire red pullets, 7 months (laying). Cherry Hill farm, 21 miles E. Sutherlin. Lost and Found LOST 16-foot, while and brown rowboat from Idleyhl mooring. Finder please notify M. L. Kimmel, ldleyld. Reward. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS CONCERNING DIXONVILLE PRECINCT Whereas, al a general election held In Dixonvllle Precinct in Douglas County, Oregon, on Tuesday the 3rd (lay of Novem ber, 1942, a majority of all votes cast for and against permitting dogs to run at large In said pre cinct were cast against permit ting dogs lo run at large In :;ald IMxonville nrecinet. therefore. Notice is hereby given that af ter 60 days from the date of this notice, it shall be unlawful for any dog or dogs to run ut large or off the premises of the owner or keeper and nut in company of and under the control of their owner or keeper. In Dixonville Precinct In Douglas County, Ore gon, without said dog or dogs having a shepherd's muzzle made of wire or metal and properly fastened around his nose and neck sufficiently strong to pre vent him from biting or injur ing any person, sheep, goal or other domestic animal. Dated and first published this 12th dav ol .November, 1M2. ROY Ar.F.K. Countv Clerk. By Fred Harman By V. T. Hamlin By Merrill Blosscr has MEER MIND THAT HOV MUCH OINT MENT "AM I GONNA BE ABLE TD PUT ON THEM ? THIS . Pjfid -CiJCOPI t9J B II Bv'Cf hC I' tUJ WW J ST r. mmr .Iv - terday andi 7T r City League Standings. W. L. Pet Lund's Radio 17 10 .630 Kuhn's 16 11 .593 Cecil's Eats 14 13 ,.519 Umpqua Cleaners 12 15 ..444 Games Last Night. Lund's Radio 2, Umpqua Clean ers 1, Kulm 3, Cecil's Eats 0. . High Individual game score, Del Carr. 204. High individual series score, Del Carr. 536. Averages: Cecil Black 165, Lund 164, Butner 164, Wellman 162, Spencer 160, Carr, 159, Fie gel 157, Wetzel 154, Patchett 154, Bruton 152. Umpqua Cleaners. 165 Glenz 141 165 165 .495 134 141 416 171 151 483 Bruton .. . Parkinson Rose Carr Total 161 124 133 204 928 122 155 401 135 179 447 153 179 536 880 970 2778 118 118 354 Lund's Radio. 118 ...187 .184 ...179 ...131 ...180 ...979 123 ...153 ...153 ...130 .177 ...167 ...903 188 ...138 ...179 ...137 .172 ..125 .939 Wellman .. . Kleg.-l Butner Friedman ;. . Lund Total Cecil's Eats. Speneer .. Buell Patchett .. .. Stevens Black Total 160 173 520 187 161 532 167 159 505 143 144 418 134 162 476 909 917 2805 123 123 369 149 .161 463 199 134 485 144 158 432 129 102 468 190 175 532 934 912 2749 188 188 564 141 117 396 168 125 472 119 128 411 142 203 517 182 158 465 970 919 2828 Kuhn Club. Smith Griffin Porter Spttrgen Beck Total Gossip of )lhe Gridiron SEATTLE, Nov. 19 (API Washington's football squad tra veled soulh today for Saturday's game with U. C. L.'A. on the de parting keynote: "Oregon did It. and anything Oregon can do, we can do." Stopping Bob Waterfleld's pass es a Job to which most coast con ference learns haven't been equal was recognized by the Huskies as their big chore. Coach Welch Indicated that, the Bruins might have a little pass defense problem of their own. BERKELEY, Calif., Nov. 19- fAI'l- -Gene Fraselto shared left guard with regular Jack Ilerrcro, and Tony Fredman worked out alongside of first siring Ernie Centner at right guard yesterday as California's fool ball warriors practiced for the Stanford game Saturday. Coach Allison said the innova tion was an attempt to develop I he two as reserves at the spols which have proved weak in the past. Allison made no promises re garding Saturday's outcome but did say, "we may come home." PALO ALTO, Calif., Nov. 19 IAP) -Three Stanford football players returned to the field yes- 'Light Up, The Allied boys really get around. by profftrtcg cljctto, W.--n.: .--;' V ...T....- fc ,, terday andi Coach Schwartz In sured their health for the Calif ornia game Saturday by avoiding scrimmage. - The three are Fred Sandcrman, who broke a collar bone In the Notre Dame game; Buck Fawcett and Art Shlpkey. Azalea ' AZALEA, Nov. 19. Miss Bcr nlce Gaedeckc arrived here Mon day morning from Florence and spent several days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gaedecke, and with Mrs. Henry Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gaedeckc. . . Paul Newman was a Roscburg business caller Thursduy. Mrs. Champ Johns, Mi'3. Paul Newman, Mrs. F, A. Farnam r.nd Mrs. Martin Newman shopped In Roseburfj Monday. . They also visited Mrs.,Ora Condray. O. E. Reynolds and James Thomas from Balaton, Ore., visit ed hero Tuesday with Mrs. Alllc Garrison and Jim White. . Mr. and Mrs. William Jantzcr made a business trip to Eugene Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wlndom from Medford were dinner guests Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Booth. They wore en route to Pendleton where Mr. Wisdom will be be stationed with the U. S. army. Mrs. John Jantzcr, Mrs. J. S. Evans and Mrs. Stanley Jnnrzer and son, Johnny, from Azalea, and Mrs. Ben Jantzcr and Mrs. T. B. Patterson from Wolf Creek, shop ped In Grants Pass Friday. Yoncalla YONCALLA, Nov. lf).-At the recent election, Walter Boak was reelected mayor of the cily of Yoncalla. Harriett Roberts was reelected treasurer, Jean Cowan and Alton West were named councilmen and W.'J. Ladd was elected recorder. Frank Hclllwell, John Kruse, Mrs. Wade Crowe and Oscar Thiol were on the elec tion board. The new city hall is receiving some badly needed repairs. A new shingle roof is being put on by John Bowman and Elmer Gil mer. Word has been received from Medford of the birth of a son, Leon Dor, to Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Forbes. Mrs. Forbes will be re membered as Delorls Sphllike1!! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perinl of Yoncalla. Several service men, who have left from Yoncalla returned re cently for short furloughs. Among those who have been home are John Jackson and Earl Shlery from Florida, and Calvert Cox from Maine. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp son report their son, Marvin, Is stationed In Michigan and George is In Texas. George Taylor, an other Yoncalla boy Is in Miami, Florida. Mr. and Mrs.nRaymond Jones of Elkton are being congratulated on the arrival of a daughter born at the home of Mrs. Olive MeKeo at Yoncalla. Mrs. Jones Is a da ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed New by of Yoncalla. Bert Lufkln or Auburn, Wash., formerly from Yoncalla Is visit ing at the George Kellogg home for a week. Mr. and Mrs. George Marstcrs and son, Bill, enjoyed the foot ball game at Grants Pass Wed nesday, at which time their son, George, Jr., played with the Rose burg team. Harry Shannon leTt Wednesday for Bonners Ferry, Idaho, where he has business to transact. Mrs. Mamie Lake and Mrs. Nel son of Salem arc visiting at the Cynthia T. Turpin home for a few days. George Tavcnor, who is wlh the U. S. coast guards, sent scv- Girls; They're on the House' w- Here they sre ir Tew Guinea trying than hich thcr lfroothing deatw era! days here last week visiting his parents. Rex Menegato spent Monday transacting business in Salem. Minor Applegate, George Edes anc( Prof. Menegate transacted business In Roseburg Wednesday. Miss Gertrude Van Demear of Everett, Wash., spent several days here i last week organizing a Euodja club; This is a club of young girls, who study the Bible. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Upshaw and Mrs. F. M. Thornburg of Port land visited at the Luther Daugh erty home Monday. Mrs, Cassius Rychard and son, Phil, returned to Portland with them for a weeks visit. Dare Klngery made a business trip to Redmond, Ore., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Al Blhlandcr of Seattle visited at the Dare King cry home over the week-end. Mr. McKlnley Huntington of Fossel, Oregon, visited at the Ben Huntington home recently. Bruce Turpin, who has been employed for the government in Alaska for the last year, is home for a five weeks vacation. Mrs. Jesse Odcn and family of Holdervllle, Okla., arrived . In Yoncalla Saturday to Join Mr. Oden. Charles Barry of McMlnnville spent several days here last week visiting at the Kirklie home. Sutherlin . SUTHERLIN, Nov. 19. Mrs. Harold Tonolq and Mrs. Ivan Pickens of Roseburg were here last Thursday night to meet with the home nursing class and to give further Instructions In the care of the sick during hlackouts. The second lesson will be given Monday night. . Mrs. Perry Thiele or Hoschurg has accepted the teachers position for the seventh and eigmn grade rooms. Mrs. Helmut Til che former teachor, resigned to go to her husband, who Is In the armed forces. The listening post opened here for the first time since a change was made, with Mrs. B. S. Slack and Mrs. E. W. Adamson as the "watchers." Edward Johnson and Harry Mott of Gunter stopped to visit friends for a short time Friday while en route home from Rosc burg. Mr. and Mrs. George Green are building an addition on the cast side of their building. '' All those donating lo the lis -tenlng post are asked to give their donations again as this Is the beginning of another month for the night service. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker have arrived from Baker where they have lived since leaving here sev eral months ago. They have re turned to this part of the state again to take up residence. Mrs. Lloyd Quimby visited Mrs. Gcrtl Weaver in Salem last Saturday Mrs. Weaver is seri ously 111 in a hospital there. . Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cooper, Jr., visited rclaitves In Portland over the week-end. Leonard Barge, who Is on a 30 day furlough from the navy, Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barge and other relatives here and his wife, who Is In Eu- Miss Betty Davis, who Is attending- school in Eugene spent the week-end here with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Da vis. Mr. and Mrs. "Zip" Lempko and small child of Spokane, Wash., arc visiting friends here. They arc considering locating in Sutherlin. A courtly truck driven by Har vey Carey rolled over on the Bonanza mine road last Tuesday knocking off a running board. The driver was not Injured. . George Allen left Saturday for Marshfteld where he expects to be employed. . I Toltphoto local belles lo coax a smile from three down there la the Junglei