FIVE 'A EDnmEGETrCDEHIEr ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW,' ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1942 i i m - i v mmsw M M trtrrzi'v war M jr jr r MMfiWft mm mikm mvmmamzmm a Kenrais i-or Mie Miscellaneous Real Estate I iSOilCTr sn ; FOR RENT Modern, furnished home. 2 bedrooms, basement, furnace heat, garage, close in. SJd.ou month, adults only. G. W Young & Son, 205 W. Cass phone 417. FUR NISIIED APARTMENTS. 421 Floed, corner Mill. Inquire Koseburg Hotel FURNISHED houses and apart ments. Reasonable and close In. Inquire 320 W. Cass. APARTMENT furnished. Close In. Reasonable. Adults only. Phone 6 15-J. FURNISHED HOUSE. 3 rooms and bath. Adults. 40-1 N. Jack son. ...... FOR RENT Cabin, $3.00 pel month. 1227 Umpqua avenue. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. NORTHSIDE - APARTMENTS. Modern.- Phone 802-R. i -. j 1 2 ROOM, furnished apartment, downstairs. 348 S. Pine. - ' SLEEPING rooms. 707 West Mosher street. Help Wanted WANTED Salesmen and sales women. Openings at various points in Oregon. Opportunity fur valuable training and ex perience. Apply at Standard stations, Incorporated, Oak and Stephens or Lane and Stephens. PARTY to operate mountain stock ranch on shares. No school, summer road. Give ref erences. Box 1361, co News Review. WANTED AT ONCE Second cook and fry cook. Hotel Ump qua. WAITRESSES WANTED. Rain bow Grill, phone 379 or 718-L. WANTED Man to drive truck. Steady work. Coen Lumber Co. Miscellaneous NO trespassing or minting at any time on our property. Kruse Bros. KITTENS to give away. Box 1!IS, Melrose route. Write, Fuel PHONE 4C8 Green Slab Wood HOSKHURG LUMBER c'O RED RYDER " i Whom to Believe Bv Fred Harmon , , , : IF TrtW'S ML TOlI WANTED NOW WMT A Ml MUTE , f K AND rVf Me WOE'S I V"r? VWt EJ4 KS.iT FOR 1 HEARD A I LODGE DIRECTORY I TO SEE ME k&OUT-HlRjrV V RED RYDE.R ' 1L TELL' GOT LONG FinIe KfcRE? A, EACE. TALK-' Ir "iDU CAM 1 DIFFERENT w s. CKstV ME AS A SPf I'LL BE l.WOQ VJHY 1 MEETJ j NO0 TriL-TRE OKSAZIN1 FINT OUT-WATS BoWERiS)' -'1 WOMTCR tL GO'M' BACK..' il , SPff 13 rut HE OUT OF THEM , AND WE. CAN Fl VMO'5 KIDDIE1 F. O. E.-Aeno IW, menis M.uxa ALLEY OOP How It Works By V. T. Hamlin iv THE MORNHNCFTErEfcOrfM?1 fHEY.'Yrll'TH Hu.lkB YA REAUA f77ZT vWMTAUrORV.' ,) If f -KS' tlCAST TO KIM6 GOZ'S EXjLEP MOCVl.VO GOVERMMEMT f I MY bovscom't ATftisTHEy (THIMK EEMYS ) iSV V DICTATOR EEMyS 1 WEVE,S f (J II f aSfla "hjk MmO DOUBT OF HAW6EP TH RAT THIWK OUR T30YS AVBE TX3IM' 7FUK1 I HAVE Ji!!, I Vf'' JlrVm 'fRKKLES a7' HIRIENDS Call Your Shots' " ' '" By Merriilllosser , f1 : y : 111 s v w 1 IHVIMCISIUTY'S soreR- INTUITION ' ROMMEL S f Hector, you naugmtv eoyLoox whV , "V7 Vou Tmis is omd a le nextttmf you go hlntimg-, 1 i, .- . K VOUVE, DOMETDTME LETrECl L WCOTE- TTcU "-v BAD PHOTOSTATIC COPY, THIS "wiUt TeArH YOU NOT To 1? GENIUS p'.' , Tf ) -' YOU MB COMPLETELY DESTSOVEO THe EVIDENCE THIS , BOY . j ME.- GRUBBLE" J SHOOT AT DECOYS' : ', ' -Sgk , V-S " -rj5i . .J rM POOR. LAWYER. WAS GOING TO USE AGAINST ME IN COURT.' ) s JHAVE THE FIEAL. , v. - . Sl " " g FOR SALE '39 Chevrolet truck, stock rack, exceptionally good rubber; 1941 Westinghouso flat top electric range; number 15 DeLaval cream separtor. Fair Oaks ranch, 5 miles east, 5 miles south Sutherlin. FOR SALE - Large Deluxe cir culator heater, 13 inch with fan, like new. Kelvinalor elect ric refrigerator, excellent con dition. 2 wood heaters, air tight type. Quantity of 6 inch stove pipe. 946 W. First street, phone 652-L. FOR SALE One piano, one washing machine and one sew ing machine. Can be seen at the Ed Weaver ranch near Myrtle Creek, or phone 251-R, Roscburg. FOR SALE Fordson tractor; In ternational tractor disk; wreck ed V-8 Ford sedan, good rubber and motor. For quick sale. L. Archambeau, Sutherlin. THE IDEAL GIFT Fuller Bris ' tlecomb hair brush, $2.95. Mail order to Merle Ivie, 1004 Lawn ridge, Grants Pass. Fuller cata logue on request.' TRAILER. Good tires, iron bed, 500x19 4 ply; 475x19 6 ply. J. B. Davis, Sutherlin. 2 VICTROLAS and records, cheap. 1 oak, 1 mahogany. Phone 12-L. FOR SALE 10 foot cement block chimney complete, $3.50. 922 Mill. HOT POINT electric range, cheap. 1103 Mill or phone 6S9-R. FOR SALE Quick Cooker range. $15.00. F. Parker, Wilbur. HAWTHORNE bicycle, 26 inch wheel, 1941 model. 4 13 Ella. BOAT and motor Powell's Hardware. for sale. Trade 1912 MODEL Schwen bicycle, like new will trade for saddle horse. Fred Meyers, South Myrtle Creek. WANTED - to trade 2 blue love birds for 1 canary. Must he good singer. 1051 Winchester street. Poultry FOR RALE 3 purebred While Giant cockerels, 1 purebred Polled Angus calf, 7 months. G. E. Aikins, Riddle, Oregon. 10 Six month old Hampshire Red pullets, SI .25. Call 9 F-1I. FOR SALE 160 acre mountain ranch. About 12 acres fenced. Has excellent garden ground sub-irrigated, variety of fruit trees, berries and grapes. Good well neat house, 2 year-round springs above : house, small stream below house. More than enough wood timber to pay for place. Has 5-room house, barn, chicken house, I woodshed and other buildings. Excellent home for someone wishing to retire. Write Mrs. H. P. Walter, P. O. Box 51, Leland, Ore. FOR RENT Unfurnished 4 room house close in. Furnace, gas water heater, 2 bedrooms. Wish to lease for year. FOR 'SALE 3 benroum home, 4 lots, double garage, chicken i house, fruit and nut trees. Just ! out of town. Bath and electri city, $2500.00 . FOR SALE 300 acre ranch fully equipped and stocked. A high income ranch being put on the market due to illness of owner. Step right into a good income. Earl Wiley Hotel Rose Bldg. FOR SALE Stock ranch. 3-10 acres, 9 miles W. of Oakland. Easy terms. E. L.' Settle, Oak land. Livestock FOR SALE -Milk goats. 6 doe kids from grade does and pure bred Toggenburg buck. All for $50.00. Doreen Eggleton, Oak land. Phone Oakland 27-F-23. ATTENTION We remove dead and worthless stock free. Call collect 52-F-12 or 338. Rose burg By-products. FEEDER pigs for sal.-. ". II. Vierra ranch, formerly N. L. Conn ranch beyond Mrlme. FOR SALE Team of horses. Good for farm work. Box 1300 c-o News-Review. 6 MONTHS Old Collie to give away. B. P. Enycart, Rille Range road. YOUNG springer. Well bred, easy milker. Route 1, box 119 Holmgren. FOR SALE -100 head of Angora goals. Ware Bros. Phone 58-F-11. PIGS for sale. Mrs. V. Bounds, Myrtle Creek, tregon. I YwififrMsVaHM GENERAl SAW FIL.NQ Howard Cimobeer, 443 3 Steph PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demolh. 189-L COMM'CL REFRIGERATION Chet llainm. Phone 15 LOCKSMITH PaelfU Key Serv. Phone 34P Wanted WANTED - Have $11)00.00 cash. Will assume up to $3000.00 with best security lor farm not less than 250 acres. Want about 4 timber with livable house and water on a good road. No agents wanted. Write Box 1359, c-o News-Review. WANTED-Either Delco or Kohl er power plant. Must be reason able. Phone 374 or write P. O. Box 283. WANTED Small ranch, suitable for turkeys. With electricily and water. Box 1362. c-o News Review. WANTED -Electric light plant, alternating current, 110 volts. E. F. Lane, Azalea, Oregon. WANTED -Medium sized tractor ! in good condition. Route 1, I box 119, Holmgren. WANTED to buy or rent cider press. Robert E. Marsters, Oak land. WE BUY old magazines and clot li hound poetry books. Fiction I Library. WANTED-Walnut meals. Rose burg Poultry, 920 S. Stephens.1 i WANTED - Coal oil incubator. I l'errin Bros., Brockway. Autos WANTED 25 USED CARS ' j CASH AT ONCE . I NO DELAY I I TOP WOLKSALE PRICE FOR ! YOUR CAR I LOCK WOOD MOTORS I WANTED I USED CARS. HANSEN MOTOR ! CO., YOUR CHEVROLET I DEALER. WILL PAY CASH ' FOR USED CARS AND TRUCKS. 'COUPE WANTED Best coupe I ran buy lor $500,110 cash. Box i l'ii;.f. co News-Review. FURNITURE REPAIRING"" Miles. 4.10 N. Stephens. 405-J. RADIO dfcHVICINQ Radio Doctors. 306 N. Stephen Lund Radio Service. Phone !V FHIE CLEANING Furnaxa VHCUura cleaned Hut cleaning.- Call 841, J. C. 'dew ley. .,, :.. WAN TED AT ONCE-Light ear, 16 inch wheels. Cheap for cash. Condition fair, tires no object. Carl Cornell, 853 S. Main. Dentistry DR. NERBAS Fluorescent teeth In piastlr Old plates made like new. 80 years success in partial or full denture replacement same day. Extract ion Pyorrhea treatment. Gas when desired. Masonic Bldg. . Phone 483 Work Wanted WANTED To haul ties, lumber, light cats or mill machinery. Reasonable rates. Phono 199-J. FOR HIRE-Man wilh ton and a half truck, good rubber. 950 E. Douglas street, call evenings. Lady Elks To Meet The Lady Elks will hold a social meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock al the temple. Prizes will be award ed winners in the contract bridge mid pinochle plays. NEW HAETER POTTERIES Hcsynes Store For newspaper deliveries ' after 5:30 Please Call 215-L DRAIN, Nov. 10. Mrs. E. G. Whipple returned Monday from nn extended eastern trip of about j two months, spent mostly In j New York and Pennsylvania, where sho visited relatives. She ! also visited friends in Michigan j and California en route. Mrs. H. J.. BlyUio of Silvan Grove, Kansas, came last week j to spend the winter with her da-1 URhter, Mrs. Dora Parker. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Seymour went to Medford Monday for a few days visit with Mrs. Sey mour's mother, Mrs. Wheldon. Verne Thomas made a brief surprise visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Thomas, Sunday, while his ship was in port at Seattle for' repairs. Verne also celebrated his 22nd birthday, while at home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gotchcr re ceived word recently from Clif ford Swcaringen that he had been transferred from Salt Lake to Florence, South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Klrtley re ceived a letter this week from their son, Robert Klrtley, say ing he had been transferred from Sheppard field, Texas, to Boise, Idaho. Robert recently graduated from an army air plane mechanic school with the second highest grade in the class of several hundred men. Don Sanders of the U. S. N. came from Seattle last Thursday for a week's visit with his father, George V. Sander, hero and his sisters, Mrs. Maxine Cramer and Mrs. Bea Addison of Lorane. Don has been on duty in the Dutch harbor area. Paul Cramer came down from Eugene to visit his funnily over the week end. Postmaster O. A. Snook has been grunted a leave of absence and left here Wednesday to join his family in Portland where he will do defense work. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Chapman of Hay hurst have rented the Snook house. Dennis Lovelace has returned home from Boise, Idaho, where he was employed. The Civic club will meet Wed nesday Nov. 11 for tile regular meeting, to bo followed by u pot luck supper to which everyone Is invited. In the evening Christ mas boxes will be packed for till boys from Drain and vicinity in the service in the states. The boxes for boys overseas, were sent on Nov. 1. Bill Cool, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cool, a student of Lin field college, was elected editor of Hie college paper at the first of I he school year and was recently selected by fellow students of the department of journalism to represent Linfield at the Col legiate Press conference held in Chicago Nov. 5, 6 and 7. DAILY DEVOTIONS DR. CHAS. A. EDWARDS It may seem ironical to cele brate a day of peace now; the world placing a wreath of re membrance with one hand, with the other hand signalling for a blast ot earth-shaking artillery fire, In this newest war which has eclipsed all oth ers before it. But that is a selfish view which forgets the men which Armistice day symbolizes. The day belongs to them under acres of chaste white crosses on foreign soil, in hospitals or the thousands still living, who bear in their hearts the scars of world war 1. It Is not their fault that the peace they won for us could not outlast man's In Jierent stupidity. They did not fail us. It is we who failed them. To them it was the one great adventure which was going to outlaw war for all time. Somehow, living or dead, they will share with the world this Armlstic- day, Its shock ing disappointment, that the peace was so short lived: that statesmen could forget so soon the criminal blunders of another day. It is completely fitting that we should observe Armistice day, not that we can logically say peace, peace, when there is no peace, but we must never forget the men who died for their country. Amen. DeMolay Chapter Hi'RU lar inoutlng evory soo ond mid fourth Thiirn iliiys at Die Mnimiiii tcnu.lo. SCItl UK. i Big. LoadLittle Lad .. t.(T.,-t- Proudly doing bis bit, wee war worker Malcolm Nribbs brings a nuge mad or liny in along a country road near Burnet, England. W. B. A., Roseourg Review, No. It Holds regular meetings on sco and and fourth Thursdays al 2:00 p. m. Visiting sisters invit ed to attend reviews. Maccabe) hall. Pine and Cass streets. 1 MAUDE POWERS, Pres. MRS. JESSIE VINSON. F. Sen Job's Daugmnrs. No. 8 Meet! first and fourth Tuesdays al 7:30 p. m., Masonic Temple Master Masons and O. E. S members always welcome. . Hon. Queen. RUTH HANSEN, ELLA MAT CLOAKE, Rcc. . O. O. F., Phlietanan Lodge, Nq 8 Meets In Odd Fellows tempi every Thursday evening. Visit lug brothers are always wel come. GLEN WILSON, N. G. O. L. JOHNSON, Sec. O. E. S., hoieourg Chapter No. 8 iloluu tamed c-ommiiiiicatluns oi the first and third Thursdays li ench mouth. All sojournlnl brothers and Inters are cordiM ly Invited to nttend. LESTA SHOEMAKER, W. M CHRISTINE MICELLI, Sec, Roseburg Rebekah Lodge, No. 41 Meets in Odd Fellows Ten pie every second and fourth: Tuesday evening. VELMA HERMANN, N. G. T1LLIE JOHNSON; Sec. Neighbors of Wooacrart, tllai Circle, No. 49 Meets on first and third Mor.dny ovonlnna, , in I. O. O. F. hull. Visiting neigh bors Invltml to attend. ; ETHEL BEAVER, G. N. CYNTHIA GERMOND. Clwk. 4 , 1