FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1942. r j rr CLUBS Unco more the pupils of lhv , Edcnbower school have organized clubs und taken up their 111 work. Perhaps one of Hie largest , clubs was the group enrolled in victory arts and emits, under the able leadership of Mis. liar ' hara Parrott. This dub has; (if- teen members Patricia Crouch - Is president, I.orene Kiilingr vice-president, Palsy Lamm, sec retary, Phyllis Brehmer, social chairman, Margaret ilidlne.T, song and yell leader; Zola man - Kayner, Mary Makinson, Wilrna Pope, Dorothy Urehmer, U.tly Jenny, Joanne Ware, .l.n' Me Call, Perdita ("line, Alia Moon ', and Coleen Mnoiv. 'I'li'.i i:i ih; third year this project has been carried in Kdcnbower. The club held the first regular business meeting October 19. The gills discussed color harmonies, - made color chart and discussed color combinations in styles clothes. The next project will lie ' mosaic design. Nine girls, with Mrs. E. II Ver rill as leaedr, have organized a cookery club With the exception of one member, who has unrolled in division three, the group is carrying the second year project. The members Include Zolamae Rayner, Wilma Pope, Alia Moon, Patricia Crouch, Perdita Cline, Lorene Kldingcr, Margaret Kid tnger und Colleen Moore. The girls had not yet received hooks or equipment so were unable to do any work. However, the fol lowing officers were elected: President, Patricia Crouch; vice president, Colleen Moore, and secretary, Lorene itidinger. Another club organized Thurs day was a group of boy:i enroll ed in forestry. The hoys elected Duane Pope as president, Dein llartlett as vice-president, and Earl Baquot as secretary. Other j members include Jimmie .Suiter, i Modus Moore. Steve I less, Sam- I mie Suiter, Joe Suiter, Jimmy Kayner, and Austin Welt, llie remainder of the meeting was given over lo laying out plans for club activities for the year. This club Is under the leadership of Mrs. Curtis Calkins. A health enrollment of nine leen members was sent in bv Mrs. Hertha Hlundell, teacher of the Piddle school. Tin' :nemher include the fifth and sixth grades. Ardilh Alkins was elected president of Ihls club, Priseilla Primer vice-president, and Hetty Acker iiecretary. The second health enrollment from the Kiddle school, Including the seventh and eighth grades, was sent in by Mrs 1. II. l'ulleii, leacher of that room. The mem hers of this clu'.i elected ".ena Weakley president, Jennie llow ard vice-president, and Myrtle llcndrirk secretary. l''ourleen boys and girls of Yon calla school enrolled In a health club, with Mrs. Gertrude Stunt as the leader. They elected t.tli eel's as follows: Alley McNahh president, Donald vice president, and Lois 'ri:;hl wcre ;ury. The loiirth health club enroll men! to he received this week was sent In by the Drew st-hunl. with Mrs. V. K. Kleiners;!. ni as leader. Ann l,in;:;im,'iin and '.;!( Lingomann, also ol Mil school, have enrolled tor both rlnlhiii" and cookery protects in addi tion to the health project. The liveslock project seitrin1.; schedule has been made out by County Club Agent Hrillon It is as lollows: On .Saturday, Novem ber II. Arthur and Dill Ward. Days Creek, poultry project. 7 a. Play The Friendly Game Q When good fellows ejet together, it is usually at our place! Our al loys accommodate u largo crowd so come and spend an evening of fun and healthful recreation. ROSEBURG RECREATION ' Hall and Bowling Alleys Arch Elliott, Mrjr. r Tivo Soldiers Write New War Bond Theme Song, "Everybody Ev'ry Payday" i E V'RYBODY EV'RY J J i.rr .T WASHINGTON I). C. Two young soldiers have combined tlieir musical talents to write a new United States War Saving.-; Ilond theme song, "Ev'rybody Ev'ry Payday," which will soon be heard from coast lo coast on the ratlin, in theatres and from juke boxes. The song will be re leased in sheet mu.sir im,l t-,., ,.-,!. all profits going in Armv Uelie'r t he composers, Stjt. Dick Ulil and Corp. Tom Adair, turned over me copyright to the Ciovcrn ini-iii mi- regisiraiion in mo name of Seereiar.v of the Treasury llen- i y mill Kcnuiatl, jr. Kelease of "Ev'rybndy Kv'ry Payday" at this time is parliru Inrly timely because the War Savings Stair or the Treasury De partment is preparing to launch a nationwide payroll savings campaign to "top that 10 percent by New Year's." Li I ' . . r. ", i ! ; ' fl i r MP riht f . i j i ' I' ; f t- l. -e . ' 1-. - .1... w J Kir I ft s J s W Let's All Be Victory Drivers Vc3 Three dots and sounded on your horn, will remind :.iiccdi-i become vittoiy drivers. I ni.; at '.I a. m Ai lap W eaver, Myrtle Creek, and ai :M ,, l',li:. I Wilson, also ol Mvrile Cn-i U Allan has 1 'Ml.,, k .h-lse; h.i;;s laud lioliliv has Poland ( hni.i i hogs. The committee will n,i go in III ocku a . w hr i c I vv 11 stop at llie honie ol KicImhI Nichols, wild has Shropshue sheep and alien I lurk v. huh as a Coriiedale. The sinus Ma te .e: lie si II in. I ll l . ' The group will iiesi e Ilohcl Is Cl ccU lo sec t he I ill ' owned by l.eroy Sieli This will he at alioiu I ,;n p, o,. i-S! will eume Ita.licl I'.nshins! n Happy Valley al J ,n. l-'roir. ,lni,- the couimillee will ;:, i, milglass to call upon tji, 'rcrlatice iloiiges al 'i .'til last slop ol the cl.iv v.ill Busier Lea's at West Lo I ill Friday, .uvci.iher '. eoinnullce will go in tin noon to see the ir.,, m-n by 111 uee I loiiglas. La haul and Cordon Hughes, all i den valley, i m thai a I:, senrtll:,' Will be ilolic lol I ' look .-lull I'l lll.-ltl Mooic, James Alakn tans- H.iynor. De.-oi Daiiieii .nil m Lallou ol .'.'ili nhower. I'lheis who an' lakili:; pail ill the colllesl ai,. ('i,iii,, (I,-' gills and l:,i,hi';:,i Anlaiil, i Sawyer ol I i ain. John Mi l .i nil i,- an. I Mai ,hai Melk ol Von. 'alia. Ivnl ,,n. I I n . Mile ,lcD,,,. ol l i.iKl.ui.l. John Kohinsuii. N...-.I Tal.-oii and II. uold Man oi i;,. ainl Hon Ki uiiibai h of DimuimII... h, prolcots w ncil l, Ihls l.isl ei clip Will Is- enibei compos, -i.l. local I. chlh n ll.lloio - ' o l 'M on Sahu .lay , n '.'I. the cmantll. d ol Mi-. .1. . lionelualvc, ' "I the Douglas l oiinly and lour creoi lembei s, ion lli irnl.a. n. Mat f. I'a me I 'oiiefas, ,,. lion. i. akc. County ClaO Ihiiion. will ic. icr.paii;. isl i he collmilllee. Li. int Agent and a Aecol.lin,. o ,, ,. by .Mr. ami Mrs. ( '. A leaehcls ol . .-,nl. , or le. end I 'ampneii iks si ho.. hi'.. 1 1 II ciua llailowi-e,,. iieei- 'etc east ol Sul lie rhn. the j members e,,vr ,, ,,.,. I party to h,,-. ,i I invited li is icpeiled hat ill." PAYDAY. t ' A.i i hi i - &rV 5 Sgl. Uhl and Corp. Adair have completed a tJiur of duly with the treasury Department, ilurinf which tliev composed Severn i songs lo promote the sale of War lioniis and Stamps. Uhl is n-nv back at Camp Ku rest in Tennessee while Adair li: relumed to l-ort Jackson in Smith Carolina. Uhl and Adair came lo the Army from radio and no t at Kurt Jackson, where they were as signed to the orchestra. Uhl, one of four brothers in military serv ice, is n native of Wilkes-Barro. Pa., ninl graduated from Prince Ion in 1:1.111. Adair was- hm-n ir Newton, Kansas, and graduated from Lns Angeles Cily t'olleec. Adair is well known in Tin Pan Alley, having written several hits. Among the ..rings f.r which he wrote tli- lyiic.-i are. "L.'l'.i OlI . i.M I e all Ihele le "Mothel- s ill Ihc s nei M'lcil on ulllill they ,.ud Wlle'i chool Hi. look, ' I.I, 1 he Ihi ill li. it oat i n1. . Wilbur 1 1. in i:. Mis ei eon lor. euialee. Mr. and Mis : Mi. a:..! il and lali;:h sell. J ,111, and La I'l I an; and . ol Unehnie. Klh lU.'illel . lien-'. , al Keii mil Sllllila is, I u; ; . Ina-.i,; and Ml -oil, el '.HI I'.. I, .1 Lie -., li ar mi V .. .--iM ' I -.Mil.; .1 l . 11. 1 I.I Ann l ie Llls.eM V. . i l! ..Is I il h.s an I sol th fill a In olhe Mrs C ! I lnpiU,i. Mr. ai and son. I.aillalee. all day son in law Mrs. Ken ui.l li .. the oi i ;. ;ui'si-. an. I neil, All . and Mi ll I , and Mis c. . j, i- n Lll-so!! .Hi, I e, ,e!, lier miosis ol Ah . ,,::,! McK..v Woilnes,l.,j Mis. Anna Lieue Mel in Lalmei . ,;t,. aileliilcd the I iisiili.;;, Monday and Tu.'s.l.iv. Mi ch, i chin Mr. w ho vi home Millie lo l., I esi.le and Mis L. d al the I aihel I I her . .1 I La ' II".' :. have move. I I'tiomp. oil to Alr I I, Ic and Mis a hllsiii. -S.S Ld llo'll,s,el ip I- I i ll ilinei 1 1 . 'I I, -1111,1 em Hlleie All- llollllsli ployinenl. Su" anil the chihhen sd.iy eyeltniL:. I. Lone, I home Mi- an.l M,s - ' Thin s.!,,y l,,- i ',,, calli.s I hi II- so 1 in i., w ,, nil Mr. and Mi . I oo l.imily l.-i l s hie, . Isoll, Hid ;i (lush tii s.ivr i nl jI mi- ;itnl i:,is. Thi; mj;ti:i1. .s tit tlnw tlu'.vii ;.n(i Mr -iid Mi i; i -.i:i I lcgy. t ah: .; m.i. a: n cd 1 4 I J- 1 Cun. Tom Adair deft) and Seiil. Dirk lid (ricl.t), Armv inn dies. v. rile new War ISond IIicjic suae wnuh Ircasurv De par. meat v. ill tculiirc from roast to riK'.st slinrllv. all profits from rj.fii. .a;p iioxcs ami sheet music Vs?r'iis to tilt to Armv Itclict. (.0.v!j::nt was turnrd over in (imminent ami registered in nanu nl Serretarv of the Trcas iiry. Henry iMiirffcnthau. Jr. Away I'Tm It All." ni thini! Ilaopens To Me.' 'I he new War Ha song s lyric.i. written Adair, follow: Lvery- d theme by Corp. Kv'rynno can help to save iialjon Ev'ryoiie can help lo win the the war Tliere's no linn- for rcslin' Let's !n-gin inveslm' In the tilings our country's lighting for. Fv'ryb'idv ev'rv pavdav Huy a Bond the V. S." A. Way That's the job, it's up lo you and me Hut ' " i ':er. banker, scholar Take a dime from ev'ry dollar Kv'ryone pilch in for victory. Ev'rvhody ev'ry payday Kv'ry farmer ev'rv hayday Top the crop with dunes for Uncle Sain Ten per cent. That's the rent Kv'rynnc can pay l'"or a L'jii: in tiie S A. i,..'.. .'...,..,.. ,.,.-., hfi r- .Mond.ty ;i Mrrnnon, K.ilpli liiiislH-il his I'.hIio school and ( Sjii'cN lo he c;il led ill NiTVKV mmiii. Mis. I.oumts will i-ciiKiin line wilh lnr luicnls, .Mr. ;nnl Vri noii l,;ti;uil, indrfjiiilcly. Yoncalla AI.I.A, Nov. 10. Mi .1. .1. Oshurn of Corvallis anil .Mi s. Alpha New by ll Mi "l W'dl.iir.iii.i viMtnie at th nt last Sunday Harold Tuipin home in Sculls Vail Miss Dolly Kill li y. Kruse, wtio ! ;s empinyi'il in Hie Minor building, l.'ieeiie, ..pi-ni several days last week isiline. her parents here. Mis. Alton Noel ami iwo sons 1 1 tin tied lo t heir home in Umpire, line. Saturday a Iter spending II wci k visum,, al the paii-nl,,! Li od l.-c home. Aldoli Lee. Inotll .1 ol Mis. iiel, look them to I'Jnl- I M n a in I Icll. mil ol Salem spent , Thursday here w ith Ins parents. .Mis. i i,.,.r Hell, iinl and daugh t lei . w ho .spent the lasi s, months ' with Mr. Ilellanil in Sail Lake l ity and Nevada, lellll lied to Yoll- . H i Sun, lay . Mi . Hell, ,n, is n '. Ill si ill I he U.S. army. Mi s i:,,y Turpin li ansaeted ha , ines-. m Kiigene Tlmrsdav. Mis. I ilison lelt Tiiuisilay for weelv's Msll Willi lcl.dlM'S ill l aiyei i Ciisy, w ho is w ilii Ihc i ray in I bullion, .Maine, is home : a sh.ii i tin le.ii:!:. Mi. and Mis. Fail 1 'a i '.Mil llie li go L.ism-i Is! oi low il. .'r .ui.1 M's. 1. 1, a, I F:,:,-' il. . Iia .e.l the I ii I; Thm pe i low a Mr. and Mrs. Thm '' '" ' 'dlispie Cornei , WELDING TRAINEES Men ond women to train for welding. 8,000 wi.ldors dro wanted for Portland ship y.itds. Jobs are open for both men and women upon completion of training. THE ROSEBURG WAR PRODUCTION TRAINING SCHOOL Is prepared to train you for one of these jobs. TRAINING IS FREE Class Hours: 12 to 3 6 io 9 p. m., 9 p. m. io 12 Sciiool locited at 404 Registration list is ui r ciflstf . Farmers Advised To Plan for Full 1943 Production Agriculture Assured Ample Share of Labor, Chairman Of County Board Believes The war manpower commis sion s . recent order freezing workers on livestock, poultry and dairy farms is seen by Leo Sparks, chairman of ihc counts I.SDA war board, as definite re cignition of tie; fact that feed itig an army is just as important' as arming it. .Mr. Sparks believes tha' ci un 'y iarmers can now plan for all out production in 1U'3 w" -.! ,,s sjii.nce that agriculture will gel ts share of hie nation's man power. This vi w is sin c- by l.obert II. Taylor, chairm.:i (f the state USDA war hoard, lie believes ihat attainment of .he I'bji olives of i.hv progri ri v. ill do much to relieve iho farm labor situation in the siaio. ! The program will include class- ! iftculion. i.f ,lii-u ll,...U..I. -.n.t poulti-y workers into .'lit under elective i service, delcrmenl of such workeis who have no dejK-ndents, non-recruitment of such workers by ihc armed forces, recruiting of addi tional workers to replace .hose who have gone into military ser vice or war industries, and train ing of unskilled workers, includ ing women, lo keep vital war foods and raw materials fiowing ; into die war effort- ! Provisions are also included lo I hall the drain on the farm jabor I supply caused by farm workers I leaving for work in the shipyards and other ar ndustries. The stahilizatK.n program .s . being applied only io liveslock, poultry and dairy larms because milk, meal and eggs can he class I ed along with planes, tanks and ! shells as basic war materials, the chairman explained. While -ill larms are producing food ieed"d j ir. the war effort, it was .eeiess- t ary lo put lirst things first, ' .Mr. Spai'Ks said, in explaining what will constitute an "essen tial l.irm'.' under the prog am. Cows Or Equivalents Le(iiii'menls lor classification as an essential farm is one which has al least X dairy cows t milk ing or dry) and a minimum an nual production of .'11,11110 . ol milk or the equivalent in live- lock or poultry or a I'oinbinalion of animal units which meet iho standard. At the expiration of three month:; of the program, tlx' basis minimum standard :s ID or more dairy cous i milking or dry I w ith a minimum annual production of .TT.iilKI pounds of or llie eiiiivaient in livestock or iioullry or a combination ihereof Aller the second three nimths period of the program, llie basis minimum standard is 12 dairy cows i milking or drvi with a i minimum annual pruduclion ot la.liilli pounds of milk or the eiiii Mr ind i x '" ''V('stock or poultry or a coiuoioaiioii uiereoi. i.ivesioex and iioullry larms are related ,o minimum si.ed dairy farms, bas ed mi Ihi' following standards: I dairy cow. S.." hogs raised; '1.2 beef cows; I.S yearlings; iwo year old steers; .'Li Iced lot cattle; Id.") ewes; SO feed lol lambs; Tl hens; 2al) .-liiekens raised: mill broilers and -ID lur keys. Tiie above sl.mdarils do mil apply lo range animals for which standards will be Issued at an eai l date. I.oiane highway this week. (leorge llassett is moving lo I he Dr. Thus place at the fool of .Mill Town Avoid Regret Protect your future with dependable HiitomobU insurance. Consult FRED A. GOFF District Manager L'2 S. Stephens Phone 218 Roseburg, Orcuon TED p. m., 3 to 6 p. m., midnight. W. Lano St. now being taken for hill. i a'nch i rr"i94&rZS. h lv , j FARMO(ftuj0to0BILE house! IntBSOTE5xCHA will 'Y-.T.y;- I ., II,,,. I - Hint to Mint A Veronica Lake hair-do does not keep Joan Blanchard from seeing one of the swastikas which long have decorated the U. S. Mint in San Francisco. Citizens want the Nazi emblems removed from the building. To keep from letting off steam by speeding, film actress Evelyn Keyes rigs steamboat whistle to car. Its automatic blast when she exceeds 35 miles an hour would summon motor cops from miles around. Potluck Supper Friday The Spanish War Veterans camp and auxiliary will hold a sixthlrly o'clock put luck supper Friday evening, November 13, at tile 1. ) '. F. hall. "WANT A6S" READ AND USE -THE CLASSIFIEDS YOU WILL BENEFIT The following list shows how little it costs for big returns: Number of Ratopcr consecutive insertions , v-ord One Time 2c Two Times 3c Three Times 4c Six Times . ., 6c Twelve Times 12c Every day for one month, per line .... $1.00 Minimum Charge 25c WRITE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD IN THIS SPACE AND Mail or bring to the Roseburg News-Review Plea-.e insort the above section. First insertion Address.. i Farm rooo WAR NEWS Secretary Claude W'ickard has requested immediate action to keep manpower on the farms for the crucial 19-13 production job, the Oregon USDA war board re ports. He has recommended that all essential farm workers get occupational draft deferment, and that war industries holding gov ernment contracts be prevented from hiring such workers. More than 1.600,000 workers left the farms in the past year, 60 pet cent for war work, 40 per cent for the armed forces. Information received by the Douglas county USDA farm ma chinery rationing committee in dicates that milk cans and fen cing supplies will shortly be added to the list of items' ration ed by the committee. It is expect ed, the committee reports, that OPA's recently acquired author ity to ration milk cans and fen cing will be delegated to the department of agriculture. Producers of spray-dried skim milk have been directed to set aside 90 per cent of each month's production for government pur chase to meet needs of the arm ed forces and lend-lease. farm applications tor new iruei;s are now tiled witn tne ROOF LEAK? Just Received a Shipment of -op Repair or Reroof and "OWN THE PROFITS" - . DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON WANT AD RATES copy Hmos in the 9 Signed PHONE 100 county farm transportation com mittee, the county USDA war board has announced. This new procedure has been agreed upon by the ODT and the department of agriculture. L. S. Compton is chairman of the county transpor tation committee, which has headquarters at the county agent's office, Roseburg. The 1,000 tons of superphos phate allocated to Oregon for dis tribution this fall "lasted quick," the state AAA office reports. All of it was speedily requested by counties and orders from farmers indicate that twice that amount could have been used. The state USDA war board has been informed that the depart ment of agriculture has announc ed a new price support program for dry edible beans. Prices will be supported at levels equivalent to 90 per cent of parity. The present "freeze" on new farm machinery will remain in effect until the new rationing pro gram is announced, the county USDA war board reports. In cases where new machinery is needed immediately to maintain production, appeals can be filei'J, with the county farm machine!' rationing committee. Repair parts are not frozen, but attachments may be sold only by a retail deal er, provided he has them in stock. POWELL'S FOR FISHING TACKLE 245 n.' Jackson St..-Rowborq ' Ml: UP Nows-Rovicw classified Robfina 5