FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1942. Social Calendar Monday, October 19. Dr. R. I. Dunn's hiblo study class to mei't ns 7:45 unlock in evening lit Douglas hotel dining hall. Public i.iitod. Kcys'.on.: club of Mellind'sl church to meet at 7:30 o'clock desscrt-suppcr at home dt Mrs. Adrian Fisher with Mrs. H. D. McKay, Joint hostess. President to ho elected nt business meeting. St. George's Episcopal Guild to meet at 8 o'clock in evening at (he homo of Mrs. R. D. Williams with Mrs. J. A. Fulcher, Joint hostess. Junior Woman's club rush party at 8 o'clock at clubhouse with Beatrice cooncy, cnairman, assisted by Mrs. Edwin Gardner and Mrs. Clifford E. Smith. Lilac Circle No. 49. Neighbors of Woodcraft to meet at 6:30 o clock potluck supper at I. O. O, F. hall. Tuesday, October 20. Roseburg Woman's club to meet at 1:30 dessert-luncheon at clubhouse. Roll call topic speak ers, special music and program, (Women of Presbyterian church and friends Invited to sow from 10 to 4 for Red Cross upstairs in U. S. National bank building. Mrs. C. E. Roberts, chairman. Bring own noon lunch. Green Study club to meet In nf ternoon at home of Mi's. N. R. Fisher at Kelley's Korner. Wednesday, October 21. Methodist women and friends Invited to sew for Red Cross nt church pnrlors from 1 to 4:30. Mi's. J. J. Eastling, chairman. Roseburg Art and Embroidery club to meet in afternoon nt home of Mrs. Henry Worlhlng ton. All members asked to pie pare number for afternoon's pro gram. H. E. O. club to meet nt one o'clock no-hostess luncheon at home of Mrs. Henry Erskine. George Slarmer auxiliary and friends asked to sew from 10 to 4 for Red Cross upstairs In U. S. National bank building. Mrs. G. W. Shugnrt, chairman. JMew Idea club first fall meet ing at one o'clock luncheon at home of Mrs. F. II. Applehoff. Thursday, October 22. Country club ladies to hold weekly bridge tournament play at !):.')0 In morning at clubhouse. Politick luncheon at 12:30 and golfing nt 1:30 o'clock. P. N. G. club to meet In even ing at I. t). (). F. hall with Mis. Elsie Russell, Mi's. Elbe! Wilson, Mis. Emma Lenox and Mrs. El vira Cannicbael, hostesses. Lady Elks lo meet at 8 o'clock In evening at temple. Prizes to he given winners in contract bridge and pinochle. W. H. A. lo meet at two o'clock at Macrabco hall to complete nl:m f r ii 'mmi-il iositorllon lour of the stale field director, Mrs. Sohmid, of Portland, who was re cently Installed in this office In take the place of Mrs. Julia V. Yvard, who resigned because of poor health. Mrs. Schmld will pay her visit here November 12. Northside .Sunshine club to meet in afternoon at home of Mrs. Mildred Nelson, bingo will be played. Friday, October 23. Writers club to meet al 7:30 In evening at home of Mrs. George E. Ilouck on South Stephens street. Saturday, October 24. Hnscburg Woman's club sciv vice shop open all (lay upstairs fn clubhouse, opposite Hunt's In dian theatre. State Grange White Satin Sir gan canning contest to be held nt former Rreler store building at 231) N. Jackson street, open lo all grange men ami women. Prle-v For more infoi malion call Mis. C. K. Marks. October 30. Evergreen grange penny sup per al 8 o'clock in evening al hall. Free entertainment. Ce dar chest to be given away. Pub lie Invited. October 31. Riversilale grange invites pub- Give Yourself more time to Relax ll it Phone 88 By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER lie to free dance and masquerade party at 8 o clock at hall. Re freshments will be sold. L. A. TO B. OF R. T. HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING TUE80AY The ladles auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railway Train men met Tuesday evening at the clubhouse wilh Mrs. Gertrude Feikert and Mrs. Alida Morlan as Joint hostesses. Mrs. Myrtle Snoddy, president, conducted the business meeting and five new applications were received. Plans were made for the November 10 meeting and the hosti'sses will be announced later. Following the meeting Mrs. Feikeit anil Mrs. Moilan served lovely refreshments at a table covered by a White cloth and cen tered wtih a large bowl of green and blue grapes, encircled by Michaelmas daisies and flanked by tall yellow tapers. Those enjoying the evening as guests of Mrs. Feikeit and Mrs. Morlan Included: Mrs. Esther DunVap and Mrs. Hat tic Cordon, of Eugene; Mrs. Myrtle Snoddy, Mrs. Jessie Duncan, Mrs. Unmet Allison, Mrs. Elsie Wright, Mrs. Nellie Ford, Mrs. Alda Williams, Mrs. Hazel Melssncr, Mrs. Cecile Deal, Mrs. Mildred Moore, Mrs. Clara Starmer, Mrs. Anna Walk er, Mrs. Lola Spray and Mrs. Kathryn Frcam. . W. 3. OF C. 3. HAS VERY INTERESTING PROGRAM THURSDAY The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Methodist church met Thursday afternoon at the church parlors with Mrs. A. J. Geddes, president, 111 charge. Mrs. W. J. Adair presented the devotions and Mrs. Melville T. Wire had charge of the very In teresting program, which includ ed: Miss Phoebe Hawlliorne pre sented her high school Spanish class, who gave talks on the Pan American countries and showed articles and presented Spanish music. Mrs. Bruce Mellls gave a delightful talk on the cathedrals of Bogala, Columbia. Mrs. Goridos conducted the business meeting, at which time delegates to I he stale conference at Eugene lo be held October 10- 2021, Included: Mrs. A. J. Star mer, Mrs. J. R. Needham and Mrs. Luclnn Cobb. Plans were al st) made for the potluck dinner to be held October 22 the date of the district conference at the local church. O. S. C. MOTHERS CLUB HAS LUNCHEON MEETING WEDNESDAY The Oregon State College Moth ers club held Its first fall meet lug Wednesday al an enjoyable one o'clock no-hostess luncheon at I he Hotel Rose with Mrs. E. A. llritton, president, In charge. Covers were placed for Mrs. Million, Mrs. II. !. McKav, Mi's. G. W. Marshall, Mm. II. C. Berg. Mrs. William Craig, Mrs. Robert Savage, Mrs. Hugh Ritchie, Mrs. A. M. Knudlsen, Mrs. Ellsworth Davis, Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield, j Mrs. L. A. Wells and Mrs. Claude I Baker, j The next meeting of (be club 1 will be held November I at a one ( o'clock no hostess luncheon al the 1 Hotel Rose. Chairmen of tile at-I fair Include Mrs. Harry F. Hat- I Held and Mrs. II. 1). McKay. j PATCH AND CHAT j CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE I MEETING ON WEDNESDAY Mrs. Parley Ware very gra ciously entertained the Patch and Chat club Wednesday afternoon i al her home Sivviti(- im,l t-luii;,.,. ...... ....... ..h , were enjoyed and at the tea hour. Mrs. Ware, assisted by her sister- ; in-law, Mrs. Gordon Ware, served lovely refreshments to: Mrs. V. 1!. ; Buckingham, a guest, and Mrs. , Doyle Smith, Mrs. I). W. Keasey. Mrs. J. X. Door, Mrs. Curtis Calk- : ins and Mrs. William Barton. The October 'JSth meeting will beheld In the evening al the home of Mrs. William Barton. Relaxation is all important those days . . , life is more strenuous. Don't uso up en ergy unnecessarily doing (asks that cost loss to have done away from home! Washing is just such a task. Send it to New Serv ice and spend your wash day wilh fho U. S. O., Red Cross or in similar diver sion. You'll bo doing your duly (o yourself as well as your country! New Service Laundry ROSEBURG WOMAN'S CLUB TO ENJOY PUPPET SHOW ON NEXT TUESDAY All members of the Roseburg Woman's club and their invited guests have been asked to enjoy a one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon and program at the club house, next Tuesday. Mrs. John William Robertson Is chairman of the hostess com mittee and will be assisted by Mrs. B. W. Taylor and Miss Ma rie Martens. Mrs. Harry F. Hat field, president, will conduct the meeting and Mrs. Homer Grow, music chairman, will be In charge of the community sing. Mrs. Frederick J. Porter, pro gram chairman for the day, has announced a very charming pup pet show to be presented by Miss Corene Placek, assisted by Miss Helen Casey. Miss Placek is cm ployed In the occupational thera py department at the veterans ad ministration facility and her pup !ot show Is unusually clever and entertaining. The acts will in clude: Marshmnllow and His Ban jo; Bimbo and Mopsy; Marsh mallow and his tap dance, and Professor Pompordink (virtuoso of the piano), playing Mendel ssohn's "Rondo Capricioso." In addition lo the puppet show. Miss Helen Casey will present two delightful feature numbers, assisted by Mrs. Homer Grow at the piano, and a special musical feature has also been planned. Miss Casey, Mrs. W. M. Camp bell and Mrs. Claude Banning will present roll-call topics during the dessert-luncheon hour. As this Is the first regular meeting of the club for the fall, the officers are urging every member to attend. SUNSHINE CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING AT PERRIN HOME Thursday afternoon Mrs. Doro thy Perrin was hostess lo the Northside Sunshine club. A short business meeting was helil, then the hat show was giv en. Many comical creations were displayed with Mrs. Ingles re ceiving the prize lor Ibe best bat. I he Pollyanna gilts were given to the members. Afterwards the af ternoon was spent in playing bingo, high prize going to Mrs. Kalherine ISallou. Bouquets of zinnias, asters and roses were placed about the rooms. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Frances Long, served delicious re frcshnienls to Mrs. M. Sory, Mrs. Mary Matthews. Mrs. Lucia In gles, Mrs. Perrin. Mrs. E. IS. Ris ley, Mrs. Mary Princcn, Mrs. W. O. Patterson, Mrs. Enure Fisher, Mrs. Mai iorie Caselieer, Miss Eli zabeth Paul, Mrs. '.. K. Emmill, Mrs. Kalherine Ballon, Mrs. Frances Long, Mrs. Edith W'ris ton, Miss Bornadine I'rincen. The next mooting will be held at the home of Mrs. Mildred Nel son. PAST MATRONS CLUB HAS DELIGHTFUL MEETING MONDAY Mrs. Maurice .1. New land and Mrs. T. B. Virden were joint lios losses at a very lovely seven Uni ty o'clock dessert supper Monday evening for I he members of t he Past Matrons club ol Rosehurg cbapler or Eastern at the al tractive Newland home on West First st reel. The Hallowe'en uiotil was very beautifully carried out in the dec orations. Covers weir placed tor: Mrs. V. J. Min-lli, Mis. D. II. Morgan, Mrs. Ii. 1.. Whipple. Mrs. It. 1. Williams. Mrs. c. G. I'er rler, Mrs. Waller I lerclier, Mrs. George Kohlhngcn, Mrs. P. T. Bu liar. Miss .Margaret Page. Mrs. II. D. Lee. Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker and 'the hostesses. Mis. Newland and ! Mrs. Virden. The next niccling will lie held jal the home ot Mrs A B. Ta lor 1 in l.auri'lwooil with Mrs. I.. K. jliaruood ns joint hostess. : DELPHIAN CLUB HAS ; STUDY MEETING AT W. R. BROWN HOME I The Delphian clul held a very . interesting studx meeting on "The Orientation of Modern Art" at the home of Mrs. W. Ii. Brown on Moore street Wodnes'las morning fixim nine to eloen o'clock Those present included: Mrs. A. J. (in Ides. Mrs. Kenneth Ford. .Mrs. J. C. McCalliMer. Mrs. Kav mond Parslow. Mrs. Washington Hughes. Mrs. C. A. Ch.inihcrlin and Mrs. Brow n. The next mooting place will be announced later. LILAC CIRCLE TO MEET AT POTLUCK SUPPER MONDAY NIGHT All members of Lilac circle. No. 411. Neighbors of Wooder.itt. are urged p, attend six thirty o'clock potluck Mipnr and meet ing Monday evening at the 1. O. O. F. hall. The regular business session will follow the supper. MISS BETTY SHOEMAKER AND WALTER H. ALLEN ANNOUNCE BETROTHAL At a dessert bridge party nt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Scrinter in Medford Thrus day evening, the betrothal of Miss Betty Shoemaker, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. R. Shoemaker of Roseburg to Walter H. Allen of Medford was announced. Miniature newspapers were dis tributed to the guests, announcing the wedding date as Nov. 15. Twentv guests were oresent for the occasion. Including Mrs. B. R. Shoemaker, who motored south for the occasion, and two former ! Roseburg residents. Mrs. L. C. Latham and Mrs. Kenneth Miller. Miss Shoemaker is employed op the reporting staff of the Med ford Mail Tribune and Mr. Allen is associated with the Union Oil company at Medford. HAPPY HOUR CLUB ENTERTAINED AT PFAFF HOME WEDNESDAY Mrs. Homer Pfaff very graci ously entertained the Happy Hour club Wednesday evening at her home in Kiversdalo. Mrs. i Pfaff, president, conducted the j business meeting with Mrs. Dale jGuiley giving Hie secretary and i treasurer's report. ' Plans were made for making up Chiistmas boxes to be sent to 'a number of boys in the service. Letters were written by the group , to Mrs. T. R. Burr and Mrs. N. loisen, who recently moved with their families to Portland to rc . side. i Lovely refreshments wore ser j ved by Mrs. Pfaff to: Mrs. W. E. jBiicil, Mrs. W. Common, Mrs. Dale Guiley, Mrs. Bert Kruse, I Mi's. Joseph Marstcrs, Mrs. Bruce I Roark, Mrs. Don Guiley, Mrs. Ernest Trussell, members, and j Margaret Baringer, a guest. , Mrs. Bert Kruse Invited the group to meet at her home the evening of November 11 to enjoy an eight o'clock dessert-supper. RED CROSS NUTRITION CLASS TO MEET MONDAY i i I I Mrs. Roy Bellow s, county chair- j ceres, at 8 o'clock Thursday eve man of the American Red Cross njn(Jt t the First Methodist nutrition class, and Mrs. Velle church. Rev. F. Carl Schmidt, Broadwav, city chairman, are urg ing full attendance for the Mon day evening nutrition class to be held al 7:30 o'clock October 10 at the home of the instructor, Mrs. ft'ii.,' U. iiouck, on South Steph ens street. Mrs. Houck, who is chief dieti cian at the veterans facility, has outlined an unusually interesting course of study in the nutrition j work as planned by tile Red I v l oss in pi opal tO IOI i.oiok i the canteen course. All persons, j who registered for this Monday evening class, are urged to attend ' the meetings, as a certain number lof hours of study are required j for qualifying to complete the course. (PORTLAND VISITOR COMPLIMENTED AT PARTY ON FRIDAY ' Mrs. Georeo II. Roach, of Port- delabra. land, who is here visiting her son i The bride was preceded to the and daiighler-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. altar by her sister, Miss Donna ! .Morris 11. Roach, and family, was Jean Perrott. and Miss Kathleen complimented at a charming one- Brow n, dressed in identical gowns ! thirty o'clock dessert luncheon ' of peach over taffeta, with titled yesterday given by Mrs. Mark L.J bodices and short puffed sleeves ! I'liderwiiod and her sister, Mrs. ' of lace and net bouffant skirts. ; M. P. Barrett, at their attractive j They carried old-fashioned bou home on Fowler street. quels of cornflowers, centered by ! Dahlias and zinnias formed a i talisman roses, .pretty motif in the dining room, i They were followed by the ! w hile liououels of roses were maid of honor, Miss Laurinc Per- i used about the living rooms. Fol lowing the dessert luncheon, sew ; ing and visiting were enjoyed. CIRCLE E HAS I MEETING THURSDAY 1 Circle E of the Roseburg' Bap tist Women's society held an in teresting and enjoyable meeting Thursday afternoon at the home ol Mrs. .1. G. Stephenson on Flint i street. Eight members were pre i sent and the afternoon was spent ' in doing w bite-cross sew ing for the church. The next meeting w,ill i be November 10 al the home of Mrs. Dunham in the Gerrctsen I i building. i JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB TO SPONSOR RUSH PARTY MONDAY EVENING The Junior Woman's dub will hold its annual rush pally Moll da evening al S o'clock at the clubhouse. Miss r,ealriee Cooney Is general chairman of the affair and is being assisted by Mrs. Ed win Gardner and Mrs. (."Ill ford E. .Smith. All members and their in vited guests have been asked to enjoy the occasion. KEYSTONE CLUB TO ELECT NEW PRESIDENT MONDAY EVENING Members of the Methodist Key slone club are most cordially in ited to attend ;i o'clock dessert supi seven-thirty j r next Moll- day evening at the home of Mi's. Adrian Fisher with Mrs. II. D. -McKay as joint hostess. A new 'president ol the club will he I elected. HONORED AT FAMILY - DINNER WEDNESDAY Mr. and Mrs. R. A Neil enter tained at a vers delight In! family dinner at their home in Glengnrv Wednesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. C C. W eaver, ot ( itikland. Immediately follow ins the rero C.ilif.: Mr. and Mrs Bill Meyers, I money, a reception was held for of l-onglew. Wash, ,u-j1 Mrs ;j:-0 guests, in the banquet room Nellie M.-Gimus and family, ofjer the church In the receiving Glfiijjary. il:le P1V Mr. and Mrs. Perrott. Marry at Turlock, ";5. i . and Mrs. Before an altar decorated with pedestal bouquets of white asters ami gladioli on either side and backed by lighted tapers in ean jdelabra. Miss Chariine Perrott be came the bride of Donald A. Perry at a doubie ring ceremony 'read by the grandfather of the ! bride. Rev. J. M. Morriss o pastor of the church, assisted. The church was lighted only by candles standing in a row along the altar rail, and at the windows. Preceding the ceremony, Miss Donna Jean Pcrrot, sister of the bride, played a violin solo entitled "Liebestraume," by Liszt, accom panied at the organ by Mrs. Roy Weaver, and Mrs. John Andrews sang, "Through the Years," by Vincent Youmans, and "Wedding Song," by Mary Rosa, j As -the organ sounded the strains of "O Promise Me," Miss ;Mary Margaret Perrott, sister of Ibe bride, and Miss Marilyn Spa , gol d, dressed in gow ns of pale ;blue wilh lace bodices, short puff jed laeo sleeves, and full bouffant jskirts of net, carried lighted ta pers in their nosegay bouquets, , down the aisle to the altar to light Mho 11 candles in the two can- rott. in a blur gown of the same ; material and style and carrying a J cascade bouquet of pink houvar :dia and roses. Each attendant ! wore a coronet of pleated net, matching her dress. I As the organ sounded the wed jding march from Lohengrin, the 'bride came down the aisle on Un arm of her father, and proceeded to the altar in a gown fashioned with long sleeves of lace puffed at the shoulder and a slim lace bo jdice with full skirt of net. Her 'face veil and floor-length veil iwerc heltl in place by a sweet- heal t coronet of pleated net. During the ceremony, the soft strains of "I Love You Truly" jwere played by Mrs. Weaver at : the organ. She also played the 'wedding march by Mendelssohn 'as the recessional, preceding the ceremony. I The groom was attended by Ro bert Went as best man, and seat ing the guests were Harry John I slim and Hoberl M. Spa f ford. I The bride, daughter of Mr. and I Mrs C. F. Perrott. is a graduate of local schools, and attended Chapman college in I.os Angeles, and San Jose state college, where she was active in musical organ! j at ions and activities. Her bus i band, the son of Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Perry of Rosehurg. Ore., al jso attended Chapman college and i San Jose state college. He -is a member ol tile Kappa I'eita .Ml naieiuiiv, lino is u jiiesem cm ployed at the Vaga aircraft plant ! in Los Angeles. ! Mrs. Perrott chose for her j daughter's w edding an ensemble jot cinnamon brown with a shell i pink neckpiece, and accessories of j darker brown. She wore a coi"sage j jot talisman roses, j Mrs. Perry wore a black en-' j Semitic w ith matching accessories i accented by a white laeo collar. Her flowers were gardenias and nink houvardia I Mr Calif., Oct. I IP V i i ' 'j .Vuwa-lto'.'lew KiiBruvtiig Donald A. Perry Mrs. Perry, the bride and groom, and their attendants. Refreshments were served from a table centered by a beautiful arrangement of fall flowers. The four-tiered wedding cake, which was topped by a miniature bride and groom standing under a sil ver bell at a wishing well, was cut by the bride and groom and serv ed to the guests. Hostesses were Mrs. Agnes Cooper and Mrs. W. W. Ferguson. Presiding at the re freshment table were Mrs. Wea ver and Mrs. Harold Markley, and assisting with the service were Misses Florence Swanson, Ade line Arakelian and Betty Schen del. When the couple left for their honeymoon, somewhere in the Slarras, the bride was wearing a navy blue tailored suit with a while frilly collar framing her face. Her navy hat with its face veil matched her other accesso ries. After I lie honeymoon, the cou ple will be at home in Los An geles. Among out-of-town guests, be sides Mrs. Perry, who came from Oregon for the ceremony, were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roes of Fresno, Rev. and Mrs. Girdner of Hollister, Alfa Riggs and Oscar Holt of Berkeley, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wenzel of Sonora, and Mrs. .1. M. Morriss of Ceres. Turlock Daily Journal. A. M. COOPER AND MAY FENN MARRY IN CANYON VI LLE SATURDAY A. M. Cooper, of Myrtle Point, and Miss May Fenn, of Canyon ville, were united in holy matri mony al ten o'clock Saturday morning at the bride's home in Canyonville by Rev. James Wil kins, of Myrtle Creek. The bride was very atractive in a powder-blue frock with Ian ac cessories. Her corsage was an orchid. Those attending the wed ding Included: Mr. and Mrs. John Fenn (parents nf (he bride), of Canyonville; Miss Lois Fenn, of Coquille; Rev. and Mrs. James Wilklus, of Myrtle Creek and Mary Anne, Jimmy and David Cooper, of Myrtle Point. For traveling the bride chose a soldierlilue suit with black ac cessories. Following the wedding dinner, which was served to the bride and bridegroom and the wedding guests, the couple left for a ten-day honeymoon to be spent in the northern part of the state, after which they will go to Myrtle Point to make their home. CHRISTMAS CLUB IS ENTERTAINED AT CORDON HOME Mrs. Guy Cordon was a most gracious hostess Wednesday eve ning, when she entertained the members of the Christmas club at a very lovely "seven o'clock supper party at her home on East Lane street. Covers were placed at a pret lilv appointed table for: Mrs. Clair K. Allen. Mrs. L. E. McClin tock, Mrs. D. B. Bubar, Mrs. C. B. Wade, Mrs. Ivan Pickens. Mrs. O. M. Berrie. Mrs. Kenneth Quine and the hostess, Mrs. Cordon. Sewing and visiting were en joyed during the pleasant eve ning hours. EPISCOPAL GUILD TO MEET NEXT TO MEET NEXT MONDAY EVENING St. George's Episcopal guild w ill meet at 8 o'clock Monday evening at the home of Mi's. R. D. Williams, with Mi's. H. H. Turner, president, in charge. The hostess chairmen for the evening includes Mrs. R. D. Williams and Mrs. J. A. Fulcher. All members are urged to be present. Ii Is"! MRS. L. L. WIMBERLY ENTERTAINS CLUB AND ! GUESTS AT LUNCHEON At a charming one-thirty o'clock luncheon, Mrs. L. L. Wiriv berly very graciously entertained her bridge club and several guests Wednesday afternoon at her attractive home "Pine Ridge." Tiny bouquets of dahlias graced the serving tables, while large bouquets of chrysanthemums, Michaelmas daisies and giant dahlias were arranged about the rooms. Mrs. Adrian Fisher and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter assisted in the serving. Guests enjoying the occasion with Mrs. Wlmberly included: Mrs. O. M. Berrie, Mrs. G. V. Wimberly, Mrs. George Wharton, Mrs. W. J. Olmscheid, Mrs. A. J. Ellison and Mrs. Frederick J. Por ter. Members present were: Mrs. Clyde Fullerton, Mrs. j. P. Mots chenbacher, Mrs. Adrian Fisher, Mrs. Phil Harth and Mrs. S. C. Richmond. Contract bridge was enjoyed during the pleasant afternoon hours with Mrs. Motschenbacher winning the high score for club members; Mrs. Porter, the guest prize, and Mrs. Wharton the trav eling prize. MRS. FRED VEHRING ENTERTAINS WINSTON MERRY-GO ROUND CLUB Mrs. Fred Vehring entertained the Winston Merry-Go-Round club at a very delightful one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon at her beautiful new home on the Coos Bay highway at Brockway, Wed nesday afternoon. Very lovely bouquets of color ful fall flowers were arranged about the rooms. Covers were placed for Mrs. Emery Baker, a guest and sister of the hostess, and Mrs. D. II. Morgan, Mrs. J. H. Carnes, Mrs. Archie Wilson, Mi's. J. Harold Nichols, Mrs. J. R. Wil son, Mrs. J. K. Masters, Mrs. George Gaab and Mrs. Vehring. During the afternoon the group enjoyed inspecting the attractive, new home of the hostess. The next one-thirty o'clock dessert-' luncheon of the club will be held 'October 28 at the home of Mrs. J. Harold Nichols. mrs. H. R. NERBAS (COMPLIMENTED AT CHARMING SHOWER I The Badoura club, Daughters of the Nile, held a delightful : twelve-thirty o'clock potluck puncheon and charming shower party luesday in compliment to Mrs. H. R. Nerbas at the attrac tive Albert Micelli home on the Melrose road. Lovely gifts were presented to I Mrs. Nerbas from: Mrs. Bert Wells, Mrs. A. J. Young, Mrs. Will H. Gerrctsen, Mrs. Elma M. Stephens, Mrs. T. B. Virden and Mrs. Albert Micelli, members, and Mrs. F. W. Chase and Mrs. Emma Knoss, of Peoria, 111., as guests. A short business session was conducted by the president, Mrs. T. B. Virden, after which the group sewed for the Shrine hospi tal in Portland. MUSIC TEACHERS HOLD FIRST FALL MEETING FRIDAY AFTERNOON The first fall meeting of the Douglas County Music Teachers association was held at one o'clock Friday at the studio of Miss .Gladys II. Strong, at which time the program- lor the year was planned. The group decided to study contemporary music and musicians of various countries of I the world. Those present included Miss Gladys H. Strong, Mrs. Morris H. Roach, Mrs. H. R. Nerbas and Mrs. Clyde Beard. The next meet ing will be held at the studio of Miss Strong, November 13, at one o'clock, at which time the study topic will be "Contemporary Mu sic of Russia." F. S. CLUB HAS PICNIC MEETING AT WINCHESTER PARK The F. S. club will hold lis next meeting Tuesday, October 27, at the home of Mrs. Walter Single ton on East Douglas street. The last meeting was a delightful pic nic Tuesday at Winchester park. Those enjoying the occasion in cluded: Mrs. A. J. Ford. Miss Max ine Laird. Sharon Lee Bloom and Phillip Knight, guests, and Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield. Miss Marie Martens. Mi's. Earl Decker, Mrs. R, W. Meissner, Mrs. G. R. Chap man, Mrs. B. H. Laird and Mrs. H. T. Bloom. Mrs. Ford was welcomed into the club as a new member. T. N. T. CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING AT SACRE HOME Mrs. John Sacre was a most gracious hostess Tuesday evening, w hen she entertained the T. N. T. club at a delightful seven-Hiii-iv I o'clock dessert-supper at her home. ; Those present were: Mrs. Paul (Morgan. Mrs. Bruce Lattin, Mrs. Sherman Morris. Mrs. Cliff Thornton. Mrs. Clair Williams, iMrs. Clyde Fisk and the hostess, j Mrs. Sacre. I Tripoli and other games were j enjoyed during the pleasant eve ning hours with Mrs. Lattin win I ning the Tripoli and game prizes jand Mrs Morgan winning the second prize in Tripoli. REBEKAH LODGE HAS INTERESTING MEETING TUESDAY EVENING The Roseburg Rebekah lodge met in regular session Tuesday evening with Velma Herman, noble grand, presiding. Plans were made for a rum mage sale to be held In the nea -A future and a committee consist-" ing of Maggie Dent, Elsie Russell and Reba Hartley, was appointed to make arrangements and set a date for the sale. Three applications for member ship were received. Myrtella Can aday and Elsie Russell were ap pointed as advisors for the Thcta Rho girls club. Ethel Bailey gave a report of a visit made recently by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bailey to the Rebekah lodge at Bend, Oregon. Committees for the meeting to be held October 27 were ap pointed: Refreshments, Gertrude Hatfield, Bertha Bayliss, Esther Harpham, Lois Baker and Ben Bailey; decorations: Mayme Fett, Effie Stubblefield, Ruth Reese. The October visiting committee: ( Bell Stephenson, Ada Payton, and Nora Blosser. All of the lodges In the Rose burg district are being invited ."tfik guests of the Roseburg lodge in? the next meeting when the initia tion ceremony is to be held. Ethel Bailey, the good of the or der chairman, presented the first of a scries of contest numbers, a most Interesting and mirth pro voking skit entitled, "Hanging Out the Wash." The characters, Onyx, a colored lady of avoirdu- i pois, who does washing by the day, was very ably portrayed by Lydia Roadman, and Emma, her most aristocratic friend, who gives a timely discourse on the rising cost of living and also her opinion of the neighbors, was played by Emma Taylor. The amusing incidents kept the audience in an uproar from be ginning to end. Many other inter esting program numbers are promised for future meetings. Thirty members and three vi. f ors were present. INTER SE STUDY CLUB HAS DELIGHTFUL MEETING ON TUESDAY Mrs. Paul Geddes was a most gracious hostess Tuesday, when she entertained the Inter-So Study club at a charming one thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon at her home in Laurelwood. The table was beautifully appointed with an arrangement of fall flowers, leaves and berries. Covers were laid for: Mrs. Clyde Beard, Mrs. R. R. Brand, Mrs. Charles Doerner, Mrs. V. V. Harpham, Mrs. Bruce Mollis, Mrs. Delmer Ramsdell, Mrs. Charles Stark, Mrs. Earl Ullrich and the hostess, Mrs. Geddes. Roll-call topics were given by the members on "Resources ;n'i. Industries of China." The ne. meeting will be a one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon October i 27 at the home of Mrs. R. R. ! Brand in West Morcland with Mrs. Jay Young In charge of the program on "Important Charae-; ters In the Current Conflict." Mr. AND MRS. CUMMINGS ENTERTAIN POTLUCK SUPPER BRIDGE CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Ward Cummings entertained their six-thirty o'clock potluck bridge supper club at their home Saturday evening. Marigolds formed a pretty motif for the table and rooms. Covers were placed for: Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wimberly, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Lee, Mr. and Mrs " C. Patterson and the host iml hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Cummings. Contract bridge was the diver sion of the pleasant evening hours with Mrs. Wimberly and Mr. Lee winning the high scores. Li iZJofl Your Portrait is the Ideal Gift We know of no other gift J quite so appreciated quite so personal but I May We Urge that now- todayisn't too early if you expect delivery by Christmas. Many who wait will be disappointed. CLARK'S Photo Studio" 103 S. Jackson 4 7! : 1','rrTT.r '; I