Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 10, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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Social Calendar
Sunday, October 11
B. P. W. C. to attend 11 o'clock
a. m church service in body at
Baptist church.
Monday, October 12
Dr. R. L. Dunn's nondcnoniltia-
tlonal Uil)le sludy class to meet at
7:45 in evening at Douglas hotel
dining hall. Public invited.
Public Invited to 0:30 pot luck
sup)ei' to be sponsored by Doug
las County Health association at
Episcopal parish hull. Bring cov
ered dish and sandwiches. Mrs.
Sadie Orr Dunbar, speaker. Spe
cial program.
N. of W. Thimble club to meet
. at 7:30 in evening at home of
Mi's. Lydia Hooper at 1151 Har
vard avenue.
Past Matrons club of Roseburg
chapter of Eastern Star to meet
at 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper at
home of Mrs. Maurice J. Newland
with Mrs. T. U. Virden, Joint hos-
'. less.
a. P. W. C. to meet at 8 o'clock
al clubhouse. All members urged
. to be present.
' Tuesday, October 13
.'. Presbyterian women unci
friends invited to sew for Red
,' Cross at Red Cross rooms (up-
stairs in U. S. National bank
building) from 10 to 4 o'clock.
. Mrs. C. E. Roberts, chairman.
Uadoura club of Nydla temple,
Daughters of the Nile, to meet at
12:.'10 xtluck luncheon at home of
Mrs. Albert Micelli on Melrose
road. Afternoon to be spent in
" sewing for Shrine hospital.
Eagles auxiliary to hold Import
'. ant meeting at 8:.'I0 In evening at
Eagles hull.
Ladies auxiliary to Brotherhood
of Railway Trainmen to meet at
H 7:30 in evening at Woman's club-
house with Gertrude Fulkert and
CI Allda Morlan, Joint hostesses.
Inter-So Study club to meet at
one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon
- al home of Mrs. Charles Doerner.
' General forum to be held on sub-
Ject, "Natural Resources and In-
dustrles of China." All members
requested to bring roll-call topics
on this subject.
Roseburg Rebekuh lodge to
meet at 7:30 in evening at I. O. O.
F. hall. Mrs. J. li. lluiley an
nounces special feature for eve-
nlng. Degree staff to practice fol-
lowing lodge session.
"'. Douglas Counly Nutrition coun
' ell and conimiltee members, as
" well as all persons Interested, ask
Z eel to meet at 7:30 in evening at
health office In courthouse. Mrs.
",' I.. A. Wells, chairman.
District No. 11 of Oregon Slate
' Graduate Nurses association to
T meet at 7:30 In evening at facll-
lly. Very Important business sea-
-. Wednesday, Ootober 14
Methodist women and friends
to sew from one to 4:30 at Metho
dist church parlors for American
, Red Cross. Mrs. J. J. Hustling,
Members and friends of George
Slurmer auxiliary to United Spun
' Ish War Veterans to sew for Red
, Cross al Red Cross rooms tup
- slairs in U. S. National bank
' building) from 10 to 4 o'clock.
Mrs. G. W. Shugurl, chairman.
Merry Go-Kound club to meet at
one-thirty o'clock dessert lunch-
con ul home of Mrs. l-'red Vehring
at Winston. All members cordial
ly invited lo be present.
Patch and Chat club afternoon
meeting ul home of Mrs. Parley
Melrose Home Economics club
to meel in afternoon at home of
Mrs. P. N. Kuscnhnrk.
Elizabeth Campbell circle of
Baptist society ti meet at two
o'clock at home of Mrs. 11. mil on
1 loovcr si reel.
Douglas County W. C. T. V. all
clay institute lo be held at First
Teacher of Singing
Voice Building, Tone Produc
tion, Song lnlerprelution
Studio: Masonic Bldg.
Phono 695 J 1
Give Yourself more Time to Relax
Christian church. Mrs. G. W. Lee
per, chairman of luncheon, as
sisted by members of various
Thursday, October 15
Ladles of Roseburg Country
club to meet at clubhouse at 9:30
a. ni. for contract bridge play.
Polluck luncheon at 12:30 and
golfing at 1:30 o'clock.
Mid-Week Bible class of St.
Paul's Lutheran church to meet at
two In afternoon at home of Mrs.
W. A. Sylwester at 1170 Military
street with Miss Alvina Meuseh
as Joint hostess. Members and
friends cordially Invited.
Roseburg chapter of Eastern
Star annual homecoming and
Past Matrons and Past Patrons
night at 8 o'clock in evening al
Masonic temple. Mrs. S. J. Shoe
maker, worthy matron, will pre
side. Past Matrons to present sur
prise entertainment. Special mu
sical program. Refreshments.
Visiting members cseclally In
vited. Christian Science War Relief
sewing group to meet at two
o'clock at Perkins building. Mrs.
Annie L. Russell, chairman.
Eva Cummins circle of Baptist
Woman's society to meet at two
o'clock in afternon at home of
Mrs. Leon Haas on Marstcrs
Circle E lo meet at two o'clock
at home of Mi s. J. G. Stephenson
on Kllnt street.
Loyal circle to meet at two
o'clock at home of Mrs. W. D.
Harris at 528 Pilzer street.
Weslsiile circle to meet al home
of Mrs. T. P. Perry on Military
si reel at two o'clock.
Marlon Beebe circle to meet at
two o'clock In aflernoon, place of
which will be announced later.
Margaret Kuddabaek circle to
meet at two o'clock at home of
Mrs. Lubke on North First street.
Friday, October 16
Chapter HI of the P. E. O. Sis
terhood to meet at two o'clock in
afternoon at home of Miss Gladys
II. Strong on South Main street.
W. C. T. U. to sKnsor afler
noon rummage sale.
Saturday, October 17
Roseburg Woman's club service
shop oH-n all day upstairs in club
house, opiKisilo Hunt s Indian
All-day rummage sale of W. C.
T. U.
The junior high racully enjoyed
a delightful polluck dinner Wed
nesday evening al Hitter's Hack
Forty on the North Hmpmiu
Covers wen- placed for: Super
intendent and Mrs. W. M. Camp
bell and daughter, Miss Eliza
beth; Principal and Mrs. It. .
Brand, Coach and Mrs. II. II. Tur
ner, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. liuell,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Grow, Mr.
and Mrs. Scot I Williams, Mrs. .1.
A. Caraway, Mrs. Hazel Lytic,
Miss Murphy, Miss Shanks, Miss
Easlling. Miss Fryo, Miss Founds
and Miss Fentner.
Following (he dinner hour. Miss
Frye, Miss Founds and Miss Fent
ner, new teachers al the school,
presented a very delightful and
enjoyable stunt. Games and visit
ing were enjoyed during the so
cial hour.
Mrs. Carl E. Wimberly invited
a few close friends and relatives
lo a delightful informal lea Sat
urday allernoon tit her attractive
home on East Lane street in com
pllment lo her mother, Mrs. (1. E.
I -cut, of Portland.
Early blooming bronze chrysan
In. 'mums, dahlias anil Michael
mas daisies formed a preltv hid
III lor the oecualon. Visitinc was
onjoyon unit al I in- tea Hour Mrs.
Wimberly served lovely rclrcslv
meals to: Mrs. Lent, guest of lion
or. Mrs. It. I.. Whipple, Mrs.
Hurry S. Black, Mrs. 1.. I.. Wim
. bel ly, Mrs. ( I. V. Wimlierlv, Mrs.
! A K Kent. Mrs. .1. A. Wood. Mrs.
Guy Cordon and grandson. David
I Cordon; Mrs. I.. A. Allen and Mrs.
I li. I Williams
Relaxation is all important
ihoso days . . . lifo is more
strenuous. Don't use up en
ergy unnocossarily doinq
tasks that cost less to have
done away from home!
Washing is just such a
lask. Send it to New Serv
ice and spend your wash
day with the U. S. O., Red
Cross or in similar diver
sion. You'll be doing your
duty to yourself as well as
your country!
New Service Laundry
Mrs. J. E. Henbest has been
elected president of the Junior
Woman's club for 1942-4,'), accord
ing to an announcement made by
the club following the first fall
meeting held Monday evening at
the clubhouse. Mrs. Henbest, who
is one of the most prominent
members of the club, will lake the
place of Mrs. Adrian Bowen, who
has resigned as president. Miss
Merle Erlckson was elected secre
tary for the club year to take the
place of Mm. Henbest, who was
previously elected secretary.
Mrs. Fletcher Gardner, vice
president, conducted the Monday
evening's meeting. Mrs. Harry F.
Hatfield, president of the Rose
burg Woman's club, was In at
tendance and asked the cooK'ia
tion of the club for the district
convention to take place the fol
lowing day. Mrs. Clifford E.
Smith and Mrs. J. E. Henbest
Were apixdntcd to have charge of
the flag ceremony for the conven
tion and Mrs. Perry Tliiele, Mrs.
Pon Johnson, Mis. George Ham
mer and Mrs. Clifford E. Smith
were appointed lo have charge of
serving at the tea.
Mrs. O. S. Sanford, Coquille,
stale president of the Oregon
Federation of Women's clubs, was
present and gave a very Interest
ing talk to the group regarding
i ne pari ine junior woman sviii
be expected lo play during the
Those present included: Mrs. O.
S. Sanrord, Mis. Harry F. Hut
field, Mrs. Fletcher Gardner, Mrs.
George Hummer, Mrs. Pcai John
son, Mrs. J. E. Henhesl, Mrs. poll-1
ill, I While kin f'lii-l Wnuin I
Mrs. Perry Tliiele, Mrs. Edwin
Gardner, Mrs. Clifford E. Smith,
Mrs. Ralph Herman, Miss Merle
Erlckson, Miss Beatrice Cooney
and Miss Betty Strong.
Plans are being made by the
club for the annual rush party,
which will be an affair of the
evening of October 19 at the club
house. Miss Beatrice Cooney Is
general chairman of the parly
and will be assisted by Mrs. Ed
win Gardner and Mrs. Clifford E.
Mrs. C. M. McPerinotl enter
tained at two very charming one
thirty o'clock dessert-luncheons at
her beautiful home on EasL Cass
sheet Tuesday and Wednesday, to
which she Invited the members
of her two bridge clubs.
Michaelmas daisies, zinnias and
marigolds were attractively ar
ranged about the rooms, while the
serving table was centered with a I
lovely bowl of zinnias, flunked by j
tall tapers.
Tuesday, Mrs. McDcrmolt en !
lerluined: Mrs. Edward P. Burke, I
of Portland (her sister, who is i
spending a couple ol weeks here I: I
Mi.-.s Helen C asey and Mrs. Phil- j
Hp D. llurlh, guests, anil Mrs.!
Fred I.orkwood, Mrs.
Maurice L.
Hallmark, Mrs. L. K
Fies, Mrs.
E. A. Pearson, Mrs. E. B. Van
Ness and Mrs. Paul Geddes. Con
trncl bridge was enjoyed during
the nlternoon with Mrs. llurlh
winning the guest prize: Mrs.
I.ockwood. I In- high score club
prize, and Mrs. Geddes, the sec
ond high score club prize.
tin Wednesday, gnosis enjoying
the occasion included: Mrs.
Burke, Mrs. L. L. Wuiibeily anil
Mrs. E. S. MeCluin. Members
present included: Mrs. Marshall
I'engra, Mrs. I!. P. Powell, Mrs.
S. .1. Cooper. Mrs. Scott Williams,
and Mrs. Frederick .1. Porter. Con
tract bridge was the diversion of
I ""' allernoon with M
I ' inning the high
. Wimlier
si-ore for
quests and Mrs. Porter
the high scote club prize.
Mrs. J. R. Clark i Dorothy
t'rumnieln was complimcnlcd at
a very charming bridal shower
parly Sunday afternoon, when
Mrs. Clillord E. Smith and Mis.
Fletcher Gardner were Joint hos
tesses ut the Smith home on Cobb
Cecil Brunner roses anil attrac
tive nosegay (avers decorated the
serving tables, while bouquets of
pastel-colored Michaelmas daisies
were arranged about he rooms.
Lovely gitls wer
Mrs. Clark liom
Criimmel. Mrs. .1
presented to
Mrs Peter
E llenlx-si
Mrs. Curl Wassoni. Mis. Peris
lliiele. Mrs IVn Johnson, Mrs.
Adrian Bowen. Mrs. Geori:e Frew.
Mrs. George Hammer. Miss Ilea
iriiv Cooney. Miss Merle Frickson
and the hostesses. Mrs. Smith and
Mis. Gardner.
Games were enjoyed and prizes
wore awarded to Mrs. Clark und
Miss Enckson At the tea hour,
lovely refreshments wne seised
by the hostesses.
Mr. arid Mrs. Narcisse LaRaut,
residents of Salem, but who made
their home in Douglas county
ior many years, returned to Wil
bur Sunday to celebrate their
golden wedding anniversary. They
were married October 5, 1892, at
tno home or Mr. and Mrs. J. I.
Chapman, In Roseburg. Mrs. La
Raut wag formerly Lucy A. Dim
mick. This was a romance of the
Old Umpqua Academy, as well as
a uniting of Douglas county's well
known and highly respected pio
neer tamiues.
' On last Sunday, "Old Father
Time" paused in his mad career
long enough for relatives and
friends to meet at the Wilbur
school house to honor this worthy
couple, who have spent the great
er part of their life in this coun
ty. Their home at the present
time is In Salem among the
beautiful shrubs and flowers and
beside a murmuring stream,
where they are always at home
lo their friends.
The delightful autumn day,
fragrant with the aroma of
flowers, and cheered by the
happy faces of their children and
grandchildren, as well as other
relatives and many friends made
it a fitting setting for this real
culminating day of their greater
llf i' romance.
The banquet table circled the
spacious hall, and was decorated
with beautiful dahlias in full
bloom and autumn leaves. Around
the room were gorgeous boqucts
of gladioli, zinnias and asters.
There were one hundred thirty
friends seated at the table. The
three tiered Golden Wedding
Cake graced the head of the table
with the bride and groom seated
At the close of the dinner hour
Mrs. O. C. Brown acted as toast
mistress and the following 1m-
program was given:
Loves Old Sweet Song" by
Mrs. Kathleen Wrenn and Mrs.
Edith McKay. This was followed
by the cutting of the wedding
cake by Mrs. LaRaut, assisted by
Mrs. Henry Booth.
Then Mrs. Wren and Mrs. Mc
Kay sang two duels, "Sweet Gene
vlve" and the grooms favorite
song "Put On Your Old Gray Bon
net." This was followed by the
presentation of the Wedding to
ken, a beautiful lamp, by Henry
Boo til. Mr. Booth pre
faced his presentation
of the gift by many references to
the old school days and memories
i of the curly days in Wilbur. Those
have become hallowed memories
to niuny of us, Muny other gifts
were also received.
Luler In the afternoon Mr.
Frank Grubbe and Mrs. Wrenn
sung duets and Mr. LaRaut play
ed several tunes on his harmonica.
II was a wonderful day, and to
some extent seemed like the old
Reunion that was omitted Ihis
year. All wish Mr. and Mrs. La
Raul a long and happy life, in
their happy, peaceful home.
Mr. and Mrs. LaRaut have two
children, bolh or whom were pres
ent on I his anniversary day: Mrs.
Kathleen Wrenn of Minneapolis,
Minn., and Vernon LaRaut, of
Garden Valley. They, also, have
six grandchildren and one great
grandchild. All of the grandchild
ren were present except Mrs.
Ralph Loomis. of San Diego, and
Robert Wrenn. of Minneapolis.
The guests from out of the coun
ly are as follows: Mrs. Gilbert
Wrenn, Minneapolis; Wilma La
Raul. Salem: Mr. and Mrs. Bay
ard Reed, and Mrs. Florence
Mills, Cottage Grove; Mrs. Etfie
Smith. Alia Delano, and Margaret
I Pepper. Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Lcs-
j ion L. Lewis. Mrs. Ida V. Smith,
and Mrs. Lucy Adams. Eugene;
Mrs. Beth Aebischer. Hillshnrn:
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ellison, Mill
wuukie; Mr. and Mrs. Max Lyons,
Those present from Douglas
county were. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sands;
Miss Elcy Walker; Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon LaRaut and James; Mr.
and Mrs. Ellis Baiiram and Alta;
Mr. and Mrs. li. E. Brown and
Arlyn: Mr. and Mrs. Jess Russell;
Mr and Mrs. Harold McKay and
Marv Ellen; W. II. Van Ormun;
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Grue, Mrs.
Martha Buss: Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Schneider; Mr. and Mrs. P. P.
McKay; Mr. and Mrs. O. C.
Brown: I.uwrancc Powell; Claire
j i.eitbeiscr; Doris Vincent: Mr.
j and Mrs. Will Pcardoff; Mr. and
I Mrs. George S. Short; Mr. and
i Mrs. C. E. Jenkins; Mr. and Mrs.
j Walter Kinsel; Mr. und Mrs. R.
I A. Moore: Mrs. Effa Moon; Miss
T. Wells: Uozellu Bridge; Mr. and
Mrs. W. 11. Brown: Mrs. Mary
Lane; Mrs. Elizabeth Blakcly:
Mi- and Mrs. W. 1-'. C'h.-mmun:
Mr. and Mrs. Geo W Pimmlek: !
Mrs. Pitzer Beeklev: Mrs. F.lla
Lough: Mrs. W. A. Peari-e; Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Ritchie: Mrs. M.
. .Mi ter: upa joties; l-.i i l is.
Jones; Mrs. Irene McMiekle and !
Bonnie and Jovoe; Mi
Thompson; Rev. and Mrs
Needham; Mr. and Mrs
I Hutchinson: Gerald Haine
-"ls- ' li- isunne; .sir. ann
' ' " Booth; Mrs. Minnie
ichenosveth and Miss Ruth: Mrs.
i.ois using; .nr. and .Mis. Maris
tlaird: Mr and Mrs. Clifford Mc
Kay; Pr. and Mrs. B. R. Shoe
ley; Mi-
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Med-1 rorily and I'hi Kappa Phi, im
am! Mrs. l.lovd Pinkston: tional honor society. For the last
Mr und Mrs. Paul Allen: Miss I throe years, she has been an in
Irene Walker: Miss Olive Walker; structor in the Roseburg senior
Miss Maie Walker; Mr. and Mrs. j high school. The bridegroom at
1,'uinton; Mrs. Verne Ilolgale and tended V. C. L. A., where he was
Cordon Lee; Mr. and Mrs. Percy ' a filiated ssith Beta Theta PI tra
; Croft: Mrs. Belle Croft; Mr. and ! ternlty. They svill make their
t Mrs. Fred M Chapman: Mr and home In Corvallis. while Sgt.
Mrs. LeKoy Crosier; Mr. anil Mrs.'Tosvt Is stationed at Camp Adair.
Director Nancy Love Gets Right Down to Job
Of Organizing New Women Ferry Pilots
(NEA Service Staff
WILMINGTON, Del., Oct. 10
There will be no fuss and feath
ersno phony glamor about the
WAFS as far as Director Nancy
Harmless Love Is concerned.
That Immediately becomes
clear when you talk to her about
the new Women's Auxiliary
Ferrying squadron which will
enlist fifty experienced women
pilots to ferry the air force's
fighting and training planes
from place to place In the U. S.
Uniforms? Yes, the WAFS
will have uniforms, Mrs. Love
told mo at the Wilmington air
port, where she is busy getting
things lined up for her new com
mand. She said that since the
army is not bestowing military
rank on these girls, they'll be al
lowed to change to civilian
clothes when their work's done.
They'll wear trousers on the job
and skirts for street wear.
Nancy Love is 28, extremely
good-looking with large blue eyes
and a shock of prematurely gray
hair. She has an engaging, frank
manner. She wore a large chro
nometer nearly as wide as her
wrist, a blue chambray shirt
waist dress and orange mocca
sins, and carried a large catchel
purse over her shoulder.
Between long-distance calls to
Washington, she explained what
she expects the WAFS will be
called upon to do.
There 11 be a month's training
to start. We'll get drill in the
morning, and half the day will be
spent in classes-the other half
ji course we re an expericnc-
ed pilols but we'll have to prove
we can really do a job before
they trust us with the multi-
motored planes. You know,
there's a lot of difference be
tween landing a plane at 60 m. p.
h. and 120 m. p. h."
She has flown for twelve years.
it husband is a lieutenant col-
nnr.1 In thn i,.
. ml , -'""
mand They left on their honey-
moonin heir own plane and took
turns piloting it. "Absolutely
equal division of flying time,"
she assured me.
She was the only woman
among the 33 pilots who ferried
bombers to Canada before the
fall of France.
For the moment the WAFS will
he limited to 50 members and
Mrs. Love feels sure she'll have
no trouble finding 50 efficient
women pilots. She guessed there
. ., nueoseu com-
mercial pilols in the United
If. M. Knapp; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Grublie; Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Sands; Mrs. Naoma Riggs and
Harriet and Leone; Mrs. Thelma
Ridgeway and Joanne.
The only ones in the group to
be present at the wedding fifty
years ago were Mrs. Ida LaRaut
Smith, of Eugene and W. F.
Chapman and Mrs. O. C. Brown of
Sadie Orr Dunbar, of Portland,
svill be guest speaker at the six
thirty o'clock potluck supper to
be sponsored by the Douglas
County Public Health association
at St. George's Episcopal parish
hall next Monday evening, Octo
ber 12. The public has been cor
dially Invited to attend. Those
al lending are asked to bring a
covered dish and their own sand
wiches for the iwtluck supper.
The supper Is In charge of Mrs.
J. P. Motschenbacher, chairman,
Mrs. C. E. Rosolund, Mrs. M. F.
Middelburg, Mrs. W. E. Sullivan
and Mrs. George Hammer.
Mrs. Lula Gorrell, Douglas
county school superintendent.
will be program chairman and
has announced that Miss Corene
Plucvk and Miss Helen Casey svill
present a very charming enter
tainment und Miss Phoebe Haw
thorne will present her sextette
of high school girls.
Mrs. Dunbar Is an exception
ally fine speaker and is well
know n in this citv.
Miss Carol Elizabeth Carnes.
,. ,,.,, A ... ... .. , ,,
"?,d' ;uul
''os- viunea, oi noscuiUK,
II u
and Sgt. Jack Harding Towt. son
of Mr. iuid Mrs. C. W. Towt. of
Los Angeles, were married by
Rev. E. H. Grinshaw, at the Meth
odist church in Mitiden. Nevada,
Sunday, September 27.
The bride svas graduated from
Oregon State college and is a
memlMM- of Delta lvlta Delta so-
Jr - 'J
( i- p o
HARKNESS LOVE ... she has
a "no-red-tape" manner,
states who would be available.
The first five recruits are all
from the eastern seaboard, but
more are arriving from all over
the United States.
With the same easy "no-red-tape"
manner she insisted I ride
back info town with her and
three of the new WAFS. She
stopped her convertible coupe
in front of a sad-looking pea
green barracks. "Those are our
h,.o,lnn,.,,. XTnt n.,in
racks-we've' been assigned to
hhni,. ir.,.- ,.,.... i.
......... .. -..... .o
y quite snooty,
.Tve ev(,n boon ablo to talk the
colonel into giving us a full
1(.nRth mjrror on cach of (he tw0
fIoors nnd (hov. )ul in Venetian
blinds," she explained. "Further-
mm.Ci wo may ,oln tno officel.s.
cib and eat in the officers' mess,
h,, nr ... k i
much, we'll be out on the road
most of the time."
The WAFS are under civil ser
vice and will receive $3000 a
year. They'll be limited to do-
"meslie flying-and for the time!
oeing are on an
Mrs. Oscar Slack was compli
mented at a very lovely pink and
blue shower party Friday after
noon, when Mrs. Herbert Dage,
Mrs. Earl Ridgeway and Mrs.
John Strom acted as hostesses.
Games and visiting were en
joyed and later the many attrac
tive gifts were presented lo Mrs.
Slack, after which Mrs.
Mrs. Ridgeway and Mrs. Strom
served refreshments to: Mrs.
Slack, guest or honor, Mrs. Les
ter Coy, Mrs. Ernest Higginboth
am, Mrs. Lorin Murphy, Mrs. Si
meon Linnell (who is visiting
here from Kansas),' Mrs. L. E.
Moore, Mrs. James Anderson,
Mrs. Don Wells, Mrs. Abe Spenos,
Mrs. Hewitt, Mrs. George Ware
and Mrs. Lloyd Livingston.
A pretty blue, pink and white
motif was carried out on the
serving table by the use
Mrs. Myrtle Norwood enter
tained the II. E. O. club al a love
ly one o'clock luncheon at her
home on Chadsvick street Wednes
day afternoon. Fall flowers ssere
arranged on the table and about
the rooms.
Covers were placed for: Mrs.
Gene Mills. Mrs. Henry Erskine.
Mrs. Chatinccy Dunn, Mrs. Clif
ton Hooper. Mrs. Arthur Perrin.
Mrs. David Meyers and the hos
tess, Mrs. Norssood.
isinng ana games ssere en
joyed during the afternoon. The!
next meeting svill be at the home j
of Mrs. Erskine, October 21.
B. P. W. C. TO
The Roseburg Business and
Professional Women's club svill
observe national business svo
men's sveek by being special
guests of the Baptist church at
the 11 o'clock morning service
Sunday, October 11. All members!
of the club are asked to attend :
tills church service in a liody.
On Monday evening the club:
svill meet at 8 o'clock at the j
Koscbiu-g Woman's clubhouse. A i
spaced program has been ar-
ranged for the occasion and all !
members v t urged to be present. '
Mrs. W. R. Wands and Mrs.
Wayne Batan were Joint hos
tesses at a very charming fare
well party in compliment to the
former's sister, Mrs. Martin
Brooks, Friday evening at the
Wands home. The affair was in
the form of a surprise party aJid
the guests gave a very lovely gut
to Mrs. Brooks as a going-away
I present.
Visiting was enjoyed and later
Mis. Wands and Mrs. Batan
served lovely refreshments to:
Mrs. Martin Brooks, guest of hon
or; Mrs. Lillian Brooks, of Ther
mopolls, Wyoming; Mrs. Dave El
lis, Mrs. Redell, Mrs. David King
and Mrs. Ethel Kluver. ,
Mrs. Brooks and her son, Mar
tin Thomas, and the latter's pa
ternal grandmother, Mrs. Lillian
Brooks, were guests at dinner
Wednesday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Batan;
they were entertained as lunch
eon guests by Mrs. Ed Patterson
on Thursday and on Thursday
evening were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. David King.
. Mrs. Brooks and son, accom
panied by Mrs. Lillian Brooks, left
Sunday for Myrtle Point to join
Mr. Brooks, who is now manager
of the Safeway store there. They
were taken to the coast by Mrs.
Brooks' brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wands.
The O. A. club met Wednes
day at the home of Mrs. J. A.
Wood In the Howell apartments
with Mi's. E. G. Cloake, Mrs.
George Powers, Mrs. Eldon Ogle
and Mrs. C. W. Cook as hostesses
at a delightful one o'clock lunch
eon. Beautiful bouquets of colorful
fall flowers were arranged about
the rooms.
Covers were placed for; Mrs.
F. T. Horan and Mrs. Sam Smith,
of Ronton, Wash., guests, and
Mrs. C. B. Calkins, Mi-s. L. Con
nelly, Mrs. John Travis, Mrs.
Charles Mohr, Miss Pearl Jones,
Mi s. C. T. Tipton, Mrs. E. G.
Cloake, Mrs. Eldon Ogle, Mrs.
George Powers, Mrs. C. W. Cook
and Mrs. J. A. Wood.
A victory collection was taken
and will be turned over to Dr.
Charles A. Edwards for the pur
pose of sending Christmas gifts to
American prisoners of Japan.
Games and visiting were enjoyed
during the social hour.
The next meeting will be a one
o'clock luncheon November 4 at
the home of Mrs. C. W. Cook
with Mrs. C. B. Calkins and Mrs.
John Travis as assisting hos
tesses. : '
Mrs. Effie Stubblcfield very
graciously entertained the Rose-
I burg Art and Embroidery club at
; her homo Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. C. V. Carmiehael svas a guest
and members present included:
Mrs. Frank Bceels, Mrs. F. J. Cor
nell, Mrs. George Cluck, Mrs.
Earl Decker, Mrs. Hoffmeister,
Mrs. Lucie Ingels, Mrs. Napier,
Mrs .Miller, Mis. E. Rhoads, Mrs.
II. F. Snyder, Mrs. J.,G. Stephen
son and Mrs. Henry' Worthing
ton. At the tea hour, Mrs. Stubble
field served lovely refreshments.
The next meeting will be October
; 21 at the home of Mrs, Worthing-
ton, at which time every member
will furnish a number for the aft
ernoon's program.
The Monday evening bridge
club members entertained their
husbands at a delightful six-thirty
o'clock potluck supper this week
at the attractive home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clvde Fullerton on the
' Couth ITmnnnn river.
Fall blooming crocus graced the
solving tables. Covers were plac
ed for: Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wim
berly, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fuller
ton and daughter, Mollie; Mr. and
Mrs. B. R. Maddox, Mr. and Mrs.
Adrian Fisher and Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Fullerton and son, Jerry.
Cards and visiting ssere enjoyed
'during the pleasant evening
Dr. R. L. Dunn's non-denominational
Bible study class will
meet at 7:45 o'clock next Monday
evening at the dining hall of the
Douglas hotel. The class svill be-
gin the study of the introduction
to the Book of Revelation. Ev-
:cry meeting follosving svill be de
I -oted to the text of this last book
in the New Testament. All per
sons intending to take this study
I are urged to be present at the
next meeting and to have their
' note book and Bible svith them.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. McClintock, '
Sheriff and Mrs. Cliff Thornton,
Attorney and Mrs. Paul Geddes,
and Attorney and Mrs. Maurice
L. Hallmark enjoyed a delightful
informal dinner Saturday evening '
at the Oaks, after ss'hich the
group svept to the Thornton heme
for a social hour.
Mrs. C. B. Robertjjtlgave an
unusually interesting review of
the book, "Rlra, of the Carib
bean," written by Mrs. Barney
Morgan, of Santo Domingo, at
the one-thirty o'clock ' dessert
luncheon meeting of the Wo
man's society of the First Pres
byterian church Thursday after
noon. The dessert-luncheon, was serv
ed by Mrs. Fred Fisher, chair
man, assisted by Mrs. George
Sewell and Mrs. W. G. Blake.
Beautiful bouquets of fall flow
ers decorated the tables and
Mrs. Clair K. Allen presided
over the meeting in the absence
of the president, Mrs. W. M.
Campbell. Mrs. Roberts present
ed the book review, after which
Mrs. John E, Runyan gave a
very inspirational devotional talk
on "Man's Relationship to God,"
followed by Mrs, Homer Grow
giving the year book of prayer
and Dr. Roach giving the three
o'clock prayer for the nation.
Plans were outlined for a
harvest home potluck supper for
the evening of November 23, at
which time two missionaries will
be present to take part on the
evening's program.
Marcia Newland, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Nesv
land, celebrated her eighth birth
day anniversary at a charming
party Thursday afternoon in the
attractive garden of the Newland
home on West First street.
Los'Cly gilts were presented to
Marcia from Shirley and Paula
Hclweg, Harriet Catherine and
Brian Booth, David Morgan, Jo
Ann Wharton, Karen Kronke,
Joyce and Janet Harpham, Ca
mille and John William Robert
son, Jimmy Helliwell, Larry
Fisher, Kay Brown, Betty Mat
thews, Dickie Stone, Sandra
Strader and Bonnie Tyer.
Games were enjoyed and later
Mrs. Newland, assisted by Mrs.
Harris W. Booth and Mrs. T. F.
Patterson, served lovely refresh
ments at a long table in the gar
den. The Hnllowc'cr. motif was
beautifully carried out In the
decorations aid a lighted birth
day cake was cut and served
wuh the refi ethmc-nts.
Mrs. Ivan Pickens very gra
ciously entertained her bridge
club at a charming one o'clock
luncheon at her home on Fowler
street Wednesday afternoon. Fall
flowers lent a colorful note to
the rooms.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Helen Casey, Mrs. Clair K. AU
len, Mrs. C. B. Wade, Mrs. Ches
ter Morgan, Mrs. P. M. Lee, Mrs.
D. B. Bubar, Mrs. L. E. McClin
tock and the hostess, Mrs. Pick
ens, i
Contract bridge was enjoyed
during the pleasant afternoon
hours svith Mrs. Wade winning
the high score.
Miss Melba Wilson nnd ' Mica
Evelyn Crossland were joint hos
tesses at a lovely bridal shosver
nartv TiipcHav at ihn'-hnnui f
Mrs. E. G. High in compliment to
miss .ieanor cuiter. Attractive
Douquets of colorful fall flosvers.
and autumn leaves svere use, J
about the rooms. '
Games were nlaved and lovelv
gifts svere presented to Miss Cul
ler irom: miss Hazel Nesbitt,
Miss Gladys Hart, Mrs. E. G.
High, Miss Crossland and Miss
Later in the Pventnir lrwnlv rn.
frcshments, were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. DeBolt,
of Mill street, Roseburg, have re
ceived word announcing the mar
riage of their son, Alexander De
Bpft, to Miss Voile Harem, of
Roseburg. They were married in
Lawrence, Kansas, where Mr. De
Bolt is in training for the U. S.
Our Office Will Be
Open Til
8 o'clock
h accommodate thoso who
have not been ablo fo como
to the office" before that time
to take advantage of our
Roseburg News-Rtview