'1 ' ' ' I , .... . ROSEBURS NEVVS-RfeVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1942. FIVE OCaECCTrCIDEKlTr v i - -m mm t niir mm f ms a , iiiii mm f AAr MmA a i i Rentals JOR RENT 204-acre farm. 60 ts tillable, balance pasture and timber. Large dwelling, barn and chicken house. Good stock ranch. Phone 218, Fred A. ; GofX, 122 S. Stephens street. : FOR RENT 3-room furnished r .x house, electricity. 1 acre of ground, garage, chicken house, i : nut dryer. Curry Estate. $10.00 f month. Available In 2 weeks. .... Owner home Sundays. .fAfSOLINE pumps for rent at dissociated station. Coos June Ttlon. Call 537, McDermott. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 424 Fioed, corner Mill. Inquire Roscburg hotel. FURNISHED ground floor apt. . Newlv DSDcrcd. Firelace. Adults, 645-J. SLEEPING ROOM. Steam heat. 'Sell building, 122 S. Jackson. FURNISHED HOUSE, $8.00. -.Braughton, Miller's Addition. . UOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS .Strictly modern. Phone 550. !joi iRTHSIDE APARTMENTS. Modern. Phone 802-R. fe ARTMENTS, Close In. 302 West Washington. RENT Modern apartment. lotel Valley. LEEPING rooms. 707 West dosher street Autos WANTED TO BUY Late model cars, trucks or pick ups. Cash prices. Advise mod el, type, condition of tires, etc. Kelly Owens 235 So. Commercial Salem, Oregon f WANTED 25 USED CARS V CASH AT ONCE NO DELAY TOP WHOLESALE PRICE FOR ; YOU CAR LOCKWORj MOTORS h V WANTED 11 ' 1941 model, or 2-ton truck, any make, 160" wheolbase prefen-ed. Roscburg Lumber Co. NTED '37 or '38 model car. x 33B, Sutherlln, Oregon. ' ' Dentistry " DR. NERBAS Fluorescent teeth in plastic 1 Old Dlatcs made like new. JO years success In partial or full :ywilLure icpmceiNC-iii same uay. :.'.uil.rac-uuu try i UL'a 11 i-uuuem. t Gas wnen acsirea. V UncnnM PMii Phnns 488 UD RYDER tGfteAt gizzards, I Pe-Pi' i Ti-WkT KfeAULY A CAMEL? (5feAI.LT A yr V SOME. HELV - VKftSY J HITCH AKOUND V" B.k W .A J.jjf. , I ..... ,. I ..Ill ALLEY OOP Taking No Chances By V. T. Hamlin 1 t GREAT GALLOPIM' GOSH I IT'S A GOOD THING t WIWOKL SjilSkrrl 5TOt)jp'DyJOORC,EK. 1' ( PIDW'T KNOW EEMy HAP THAT1 NEVErVoR METHEV JDnVT J (OJR LEERicTigNASM T I AFTER" MEP 5 . V KAANY MONKEYS OM HE (2. .(tdoKSUCH LLOW UPTHE R J WAS "TOO ( SHB THOU6HTN TPfrA R SF, Jja lTIOKUVOU SIDE...THEY MUST BEHEAVIkJ A BEATIN' APMTAGEmBUT J I GREAT SHE I OOP HAP HER )9P?, ) SKJi? lOvV HO HEB jj lg I FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Warnnig Signal By Merrill Blosser Cub's simply. DEE VINE.' I was ? ( Afisaid f " ...J fHwiMoioHE doallIwhem I first saw hia. fvbu'o beher 1 GEE, AND MDU DIDMT EVEN V A F PAID T3 ! ! Tb ? f IF I HAD TWAX SOU N JUST I A TtMY BELL SEEMED TO . NOT LET f SAY A WORD THE r-a-TnT7yiiiri m.'Tdfe WHY? A SPOKEW, FIFTEEN MlMUTES ? TlNKLE7 INSIDE MB J FRECKLES For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Canning tomatoes. Pick them yourself. 50c per bushel. Bring containers. Cleo Anderson, 1 mile north of Mel rose store. FOR SALE Fordson tractor, in good shape, with plow, or will trade for sheep or cows. Morn ingstar, at Oakland. FOR SALE 1 all-steel baby buggy. Good condition. Pearl A. Lawson, Riddle, Oregon. NEARLY NEW, large, "Alexander Smith floor plan rug, 12x21 feet. Call 380. FOR SALE Mirror, desk, 2 lamps, other small articles. 1125 E. 3rd street. FOR SALE New trailer, $200.00. Camp View. 14-foot Clyde house Gish, PRUNES for sale. Louis Bauer, Melrose road. . Wonted WANTED Room and board fot 2 high school girls In private home. Box 1331, c-o News-Review. WANTED Good 30-30 or 30 Rem ington rifle, or other calibre if you have ammunition. Give make, model, condition and price. P. O. Box 95, Canyon vllle, Oregon. WANTED Prune drying trays, 2 by 3 feet. State condition, kind, price. Arb Stearns, Oak land. WANTED Good electric wash ing machine. Phone 11F5. CASH for filberts. Oakland. Allin Tuthill, Trade EXCHANGE Business income property in Medford. Establish ed 16 years, under lease to re liable company. Buildings all concrete block, In first class condition. Income above $1200 net per year. Want well im proved acreage or ranch. Write Box 64, Chcmult, Oregon. Personal I will Jiot be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone " other than myself after Sep tember 14. J. W. McDonald, Sutherlln, Ore. Miscellaneous NO HUNTING or trespassing on my property. Ralph B. Bigc low, Melrose Star route, Rosc burg, Ore. V ltrSNrTAFIELT Wf, , fGlVE THE END OF fk V ( 1 GOTW CLE, ) jzfli rouse give me , j i ( the Rppe a half- j II vuta his way, Red ) NO trespassing or. hunting at any time on our property. Kruse Bros. . : Livestock TEAM of bay work horses, weight 1500 pounds, 6 and 7 years old. Perfect match, well broke, gentle. Price, with good harness, $250.00 cash. Call 1120 N. Jackson after 6:00 p. m. WANTED Well broke, tame, saddle horse. Suitable for wo men or children. Give descrip tion and price. Wm. A. White, Sutherlln. FOR SALE One young sow with pigs, $40.00, 3 nice woancrs. pigs, $-10,000, 3 nice wcancis. Oscar Weeks, Myrtle Creek. YEARLING boar Hampshire fifty dollars. Weaners, seven and eight dollars. J. H. Witt meyer, Yoncalla. ATTENTION We remove dead and worthless stock free. Call collect 52 F-12 or 338. Rose burg By-Products. FOR SALE 1 to 100 big, healthy breeding ewes from 1 to 6 years old. J. S. Bussell, Clendalo, Oregon. FOR SALE Two 10-monthoId 7'8 milking Shorthorn bulls. Alma Hatfield. FOR SALE Pack mule. G. W. Cooper, Melrose. WANTED 2 to 3 fresh cows. Phone 3-F-22. Real Estate FOR SALE Largo dwelling. Could be arranged for apart ments. Lot 160x175 feet. 008 W. Oak street. This property is close in, good soil and is of fered at very low price for quick sale. For particulars call 218. Other residences, acreage and farms to suit your needs. Everything in Real Estalc and Insurance. Fred A. Golf, 122 S. Stephens, phone 218. FOR SALE Suburban home, 5 rooms, modern, bath, electri city, cily water, six acres. Or chard, garden, outbuildings', shade trees. Sacrifice price, $3,000. Terms. G. W. Young and Son, 205 W. Cass. Phone 417. FOR SALE Small farm, .some stock and furnished house. $750.00 for my equity.' 4 miles from Roscburg on Looking glass road. L. C. White. FOR SALE Stock ranch. 340 acres, 9 miles W. of Oakland. Easy terms. E. L. Settle, Oak land. A Strange Catch Help Wanted WANTED Prune pickers. House to live in. Bring bedding. Ed gar Solle, 3 miles south of Umpqua, west side of river. PIN SETTERS WANTED Male or female. Guaranteed wages. Roscburg Bowling Alley. WANTED CapaDIe lady : for light housework and care of baby. Phone 651-J. ' MESSENGER Boy, Rirl or man. Ago 16 or more, bicycle. Post master, Roscburg. GIRL WANTED at Cy's Sand wich Shop at once. PRUNE PICKERS once. Lindbloom. wanted at Lost and Found LOST Gasoline delivery hose be tween Consolidated warehouse and Douglas county warehouse. Please leave at General Petro leum service station, Oak and Stephens. Reward. LOST Brown initialed billfold. Finder take one third money and please return to News-Review. LOST Pair henna colored kid gloves. Finder please return to News-Review. LOST Billy goat, tag number 68 in ear. Phone 3 F-12. LOST Sunday, Brown beads. Phone 798. Rosary Business Opportunities FOR LEASE Service station in best of location with a well es tablished trade. Call at corner Cass and Stephens streets from S:t)0 to' 6:00. After 6:00 call 753-L. Fuel ' PHONE 408 Green Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. IVOOD for sale. Phone 15F3. Work Wanted WANTED Poles to yard. Have cat. Box 3328, care News-Review. Poultry CHOICE live fryers, .10c pound., Inquire ' Drive In Market, J Norlhside. GENERAL SAW FILING Howard Case beer, 443 S Steph PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demoth. 189-L FLUE CLEANING Furnaces vacuum cleaned fan cleaning. Call 84 1. J. C Bew ley. FURNITURE REPAIRING F. L. Miles, 430 N. Stephens. Around the County Sutherlln SUTHERLIN. Sept. 30 Mrs. Hugh Wahl returned Sunday from a few days trip to Gaston and. Portland where she visited relatives and attended to business. Mr. and Mrs. Doral Dauben speck spent the week-end here from Portland. While here they visited friends and relatives and looked after business affairs. P. J. Davis spent a large part of last week at the home of his (laughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hebard, at Umpqua. Mr. and Mrs. Merle England and son, of Walton, Oregon, spent the weekend at the Ray Hoyt home east of town. Jerry DcMuth visited here at the home of his mother, Mrs. An nabelle DeMuth, the first of the week. He is employed In the ship yards in Portland. Mrs. Brlttain Slack and Mrs. Edgar Slack relumed Saturday from Texas where thye spent the past month visiting with their son and husband, respectively, who Is in the army air force. Mrs. Helmut Tllchc, who taught In the fifth and sixth grade room hero last year, has returned this year to teach the. sevenths and eighth grades. ' Mrs. Ray Scarbrough and da ughter, Ruby, of Portland arriv ed Sunday for a visit at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Snook. Ruby became 111 Monday and was taken to the hospital in Eugene where she Is For newspaper deliveries after 5:30 Please Call 157-Y Bv Fred Harman RA&IO SERVICING Hargls Radio Service. Phone 82? Radio Doctor. 906 N. Stephen Land Radio Service. Phot LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Serv. Phone 348 REFRIGERATION Chet Hamm. Phone 715. confined with rheumatic fever. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bfatton and family are moving to the home they recently purchased, cast ol town. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Atturbury and son, Gordon, returned home Monday from a two weeks vaca tion spent at San Diego, Oakland and Berkeley where they visited relatives. Dr. and Mrs. I. A. Dunlap are building a new garage and wood shed at their home on Calapooia street. A. Metzker Is the carpen ter. Mrs. Clyde Holman and sons. Russcl and Jimmy, returned Sat urday from Ashland where the former has been receiving medi cal treatment. She Is much Im proved in health since her re turn. Mrs. Alice McCormack Is spend ing a few days here looking after business interests and visiting relatives and friends, She has been In Portland at tho home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Grant McCormack. Riddle Eugene Carpenter, who Is with the army unit stationed at Spo kane, Wash., arrived here Tues day and will spend a 15-day fur lough visiting with his mother, Wrs. Joe Huftllc, and with friends. Mrs. Roscoe Ball and Infant son, Jack Lee, were brought by ambulance from Mercy hospital, Roseburg, Friday morning and are being cared for at tho Elbert Ball homo. The Infant was born at Mercy hospital Monday morn ing. The Riddle school is Scheduled to open Monday, Oct. S. Prof. John D. Edwards Is principal, Mrs. Ernest Riddle and Miss Ed na Davis, high school assistants; Mrs. Dorothy Pulley of Tilla mook will teach the 7thi and 8th grades; Bertha BUindcll the 4th, 5th and 6th, and Waneta Wallace the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades'. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beauchamp of Seattle are spending several days here visiting at the home of Mrs. Beauchamp's sister, Mrs. N. S. Cornutt. , Mi-, and Mrs. Leland Hurter and sons, Allen and Grant, have moved to Myrtle Creek where Mr. Haj-ler will teach in the school this winter. Mrs. Lizzie Crow, who has been quite ill, is still improving. Mrs. A. O. Speer and Mrs. Everett Meagher arc assisting in her care. Relatives of Zanc Becker, Fred Ramsey and Wesley McCullah, lo cal boys who wore taken prison ers at Wake Island, were made happy by receiving letters from them Saturday morning. The let ters were written last June from a war prisoners' camp at Shang hai, and reported they were in good health. Azalea . L. S. Johns and E. L. Johns at tended to business in Myrtle Creek Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tanner returned to their home here Monday after spending several weeks at Spanaway, Washington, visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Smith. En route home they visit ed wilh relatives at Salem, Sweet Home and Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ilarrell and Mis. Everett Walton were in Roseburg on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fisher were Canyonville business callers Monday. Mrs. Henry Speaker was In Roseburg Thursday where she re ceived medical care. Yoncalla YONCALLA. Sept. 20.- Mr. ano Mrs. Fred Selton and daught er, Ch.j-nvilne, spent Sunday with friends at Winchester Buy. Ijiwnna Edes of Culp Creek re turned home Monday after spend ing several days here visiting her grandparents. Mrs. Belle Rupprecht and da ughter, Marcille, of Portland visit ed friends hero Friday and trans acted business. , India turns out 8,000,000 pieces of army clothing a month, In ad dition to fleets of small war ves sels and 'quantities of ordnance parts and other military equip ment. , Carrier-Based Plarfes Needed to .Flier Asserts WASHINGTON. Sent. , 30 (AP) Lieutenant Commander John S. Thach, thrice decorated for his exploits as leader of a squadron of navy fighter planes in me racmc, declared yesterday that only carrier-based alrpower can ciear tne way for invasion and defeat of Japan. Horizontal bombers, ' whether operated by the army or navy, cannot do this lob nor can they siop any torce ot enemy warships directed against American object ives, he said. He declared that "not one ma jor ship In this war has been sunk by horizontal bombing," and when asked whether that includ ed the Haruna, Jap battleship which the army reported sunk by a flying fortress in the Philip pines, he repeated his assertion. "But with a couple of dozen air- lorce units," Thach continued, "and with enough marines to carry out landings, I'm convinced we can cut a path across the Pa cificand cut it quickly right to Japan. And, we can make it stick." Thach, who fought In the battle of Midway, told a press confer ence at the navy department that carrier-based, dive bombers and torpedo planes, with, carrier-based fighter protectlpn, had dealt the decisive blows which routed the enemy and produced America's foremost victory of the war. Allied Air Raids tfeakeil Balkans' Link With Axis By GLENN BABB An optimistic but anonymous Yugoslav, official' in London 'has likened, today's frenzied situation In the Balkans to that of 1918 on the eve of the . collapse of the satellite members of the Hohen-zollern-Hapsburg axis. That au tumn Turkey, Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary one' by. one -raised the white flag and the German surrender followed quickly. But hopes built on any Imagin ed parrallel between that Septem ber and this almost certainly will prove Illusory. Undoubtedly Hit ler, like tho Kaiser, is having trouble keeping his lesser allies ot the southeast up to the mark. There can be little doubt that It requires the strongest kind ot pressure to keep the Rumanians and Hungarians fighting side by side against the red army, not to mention the Italians. But the parallel ends about there. In 1918 the British already had conquer ed large sections of the Turkish empire; Bulgaria had been invad ed by the French and Serbs. Tho polyglot armies of the Austro Hungarian empire were simply molting away. Today tho threat of Invasion is far away from Hungary and Rumania. The armies they have contributed to. the Russian cam paign are fighting from 500 to 1,000 miles from home and tho promises that they are to sharq in the spoils ot conquest, or at Ioast have favored places in the Hitlerlan new order, have tho ap- IS YOUR CHILD A tlOSE PICKED? It mmr be a liffn n( bowel wormat And thoM roundworm!! ran rntiM rrnl trouble I Other warnintre Are! unejur fttomnch, ner vouitneM, itchinx Iwrta. IT you even eUHnect roundworms, net Jnyne'e Vermlftiire todar I JAYNK'8 te Amerlm'e leading proprietary worm tnoliafno ; uenl by milliona for over a century. Arte rently, yrt drive out round worm!. Demand JAYNE'8 VKHMIFUGB. NOTICE City Subscribers Our city collector is helping the prune industry this year. THE BARGAIN OFFER is now in full swing and, as we are short of help, we earnestly request you to cooperate with us by calling at the office or mailing your check for your bargain subscription. And it is again a special bargain this year at $6.00 delivered by car rier in the city. An early payment will be appreciated by the office force. pearen'ce of fairly sound currency. Then, too, the ties with whicn the nazl conqueror grapples bis satel lites to his cause are of far tough er fiber than those of 1918, far more ruthless terrorism, greater thoroughness, of political control, the all-prevadlng fear invoked by the gestapo. Alliance Getting Shaky . But signs are appearing that the one-sided alliance is suffer ing increased stresses. Fear wag the primary force that brought the Balkan states into the com bination, fear and greed. Now fear is being exerted from the other side and far away the war has been brought home to Bucha rest, Budapest, Sofia and Zagreb by the long-range bomber, Amer ican, British, Russian. United States Liberators are known to have, raided Rumania last June and there are apparent ly well-founded reports that the same far-ranging machines had much to do with the recent spread of air raid panic through the axis capitals of the Balkins. If these reports are substantiated and their truth brought home to the peoples of the Balkins the moral MARKET REPORTS LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 29 (AP) tU. S. Dept. Agr.) CAT TLE: Market about steady; few medium steers 11.00-12.00, com mon grades down to 9.00 with. cutters down to 7.50; common to low medium beef heifers 8.00 10.25, some held higher; cahncr and cutter cows mostly 5,00-6.00, fat. dairy type cows 6.S0-7.Q0 with heavy Holsteins to, 7.50, medium beet cowa . 7.75-.8.50; , co'mmpn to' medium bulls 8.00-10.25; good to choice vealers 14.00-15.00. . 'HOGS: Market active; mostly. 10 below Monday's average, top 15 off; good to choice 175-215 lbs. 14.65-75, few 14,85, . medium grades 14.50 down; 230-290 lbs mostly 14.00; light lights . 13.65- 14.00; gopd sows 300-550 lbs 12.75- 13.25; good to choice feeder pigs 14.00-15.00. , 1 , SiHEEP: Market about steady but very slow on cull and com., mon ewes and lambs; few. good spring lambs 11.50, feeders 9,00 50, light cull lambs downward to 6.00, good shorn lambs 10,25, com?, mpn yearlings 7.00; toad feeder, ewes 111 lbs 3.00, good slaughter ewes salable 4.00-4.50, culls dowp to 1.00. PRODUCE PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 30.-. (AP) These are the prices re tailers pay wholesalers, except where otherwise noted: BUTTER, Pflnts, A grade, 51 514c In parchment wrappers, 52 521c In cartons; B grade, 50-50.0, in parchment wrappers, 51-51ic lit cartons. EGGS Price' to producers: A large, 45c; B large, 40c; A me dium, 40c; B medium, 36c dozen. Reside to retailers, '3-4c higher for cases; cartons, 5c .higher. DRESSED TURKEYS Sell Ing price: New. crop, 37-38c lb. ' All other produce prices steady, unchanged. HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) Hernia (Rupture). Fisswt or Frstoft eh (Uisrdon twpaJr rWr inn inoinoy tuning a power. Poi 30 yoirt w bv I aoooMfnlir tiMtod Uo.fi arla af DMfitafot lhM all- 1 11)1, (It boipllai opf4 I tloo. tffo ooalUaaiMt. No ' IOM ol tlm .torn work. Call 11 or saalnation or mmd for VXIK doaotiptlv Booklet Opm fvanMtji, Mon.,WJ trl, 7 fe 0J6 Dr. C.J. DEAN CLINIC Phytic! m mud Bargn tf. S Cor. X Bunt it da and- Grand Ava, TalpHoB KAat3918, Portland Oraaoa R2