Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 26, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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',-" 4 fcv tii i cf.f vivjs vw rrf' ' o.tif tin" -
Social Calendar
Monday, September 28.
Dr; R. L. Dunn's non-denominational
Bible study class to open
fall study at 7:45 o'clock In ev
ening at dining hair of Douglas
hotel. 1 Public invited.
B. P. W. C. to meet at 8 o'
clock In the evening at clubhouse
with Mrs. L. L. Spencer, program
chairman. , ,
Tuesday, September 29. .
Presbyterian women and
friends invited to sew irom 10 to
4 for Red Cross upstairs in U. S.
national bank building In Red
Cross rooms. Bring own noon
lunch. Mrs. C..E. Roberts, sew
ing chairman. ... .;,'.
Wednesday, September 30..
American Legion auxiliary
Multnomah Inter-Unit Council to
sponsor dance at veterans facility
from 8 to 10 in evening. Infor
mal. ..' Members of unit and
friends cordially invited. Trans
portation.will be furnished those
meeting at Hotel Umpqua nt 7:45
o'clock. ' '
H. E. O. club one-thirty potluek
luncheon at home of Mrs. A. H.
Pcrrin. ... .
Patch and Chat club afternoon
' meeting at home of Mrs. Gordon
Ware. . i
'Methodist ladles and friends In
vited to sew for Red Cross from
1 to 4:30 in afternoon nt churcli
parlors.' Mrs. J. J. Eastllng, sew
ing' chairman. . ;
All members of George Star
mer auxiliary to United Spanish
War Veterans urged to sew for
Red Cross 'from 10 to 4 in Red
Cross rooms above U. S. National
bank: MrsrG. W. Shugart, sow
ing chairman.
Thursday, Ootober. 1.
. Country club ladies to meet In
morning at' club course for gou
lng. Potluek luncheon nt 12:30.
Contract bridge play at 1:30 o'
clock. .
'Ladles Aid to meet at home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Bloomqulst in
afternoon. Members and friends
Invited. . ,. .'
Mid-Week Bible class of St.
Paul's Lutheran church to meet
at two o'clock at home of Mrs.
A. Schllck at 640 South Pine
street with Mrs. A. Cocnenbcrg
Joint- hostess. Members and
friends cordially Invited.
Rosoburg Baptist Women's so
ciety to meet at two o'clock nt
church parlors; Devotions and
program. Members asked to
bring articles for Mather school
at Buford, S. C.
Friday, October 2.
Methodist Woman's Society of
Christian Service to sponsor rum
mage sale all day in former film
shop building. Mis. R. L. Whip
ple and Mrs. E. A. Bi'ltton In
charge of collecting articles.
Rlvorsdalc grange booster nlghl
program open to public at 8 o'
clock nt hall. Ladles of grange
to furnish cookies.
Chapter BI of the P. E. O. Sis
lerhood will meet at tlnofiftecn
o'clock at home of Mrs. Homer
Grow on Cobb street.
Saturday, Ootober 3.
Second day of rummage sale
at Film shop to be sponsored by
Woman's' Society of Christian
Service of Methodist church.
Roseburg Woman's club service
shop open all day upstairs In
clubhouse, opposite Hunt's Indian
t Ilea I re.
October 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Narclsse Laltnut
to celebrate golden wedding Jinnl
versnry at 'Wilbur school. Rela
lives and friends invited to bring
basket dinner and enjoy the oc
October 6.
IRosoburg Woman's club lo of fi
elally open club year al district
No. 2 convent Inn to be held in
this city' beginning at 10 a. m.,
followed by. noon, luncheon and
afternoon session.
New Service Laundry
Phone 88 for Pickup Service
Roseturg Woman's Qfub to Open
With District Convention Here
District No. 2 of the Federa
tion of Woman's clubs of Oregon,
will hold Its convention in Rose
burg October 6 and district offi
cers are busy making final ar
rangements for the day.
The convention place will be
announced later, but the first ses
sion will be open at ton a. m. to
bo followed by a noon luncheon
and afternoon session. Due to the
tire shortage and so many club
women active In ' war work, the
officers have reported that there
will not be so many at the con
vention as In pre-war days, but
nevcr-theless, the officers state
that the day will be of unusual in
terest to all club women.
Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield, presi
dent of the Roseburg Woman's
club, has urged all local officers
and club women to attend the all
day affair. Details of the conven
toin will be announced later.
The district convention on Oc
tober 6 will officially open : the
Roseburg Woman's club year.
The outlined program for the
year (arranged by Mrs. H. B. Car
ter and Miss Mario Martens,
chairmen, assisted by Mrs. Frede
rick' J. Porter), is as follows: "
October 6
' District No. 2 convention.
October 20
Program. Mrs. Frederick J.
Porter, chairman. Hostesses: Mrs.
John William Robertson, Mrs. 13.
W. Taylor, Miss Marie Martens.
November 3 - . '
Program. Miss Marie Martbns,
chairman. Hostesses: Mrs. H. B.
Carter, Mrs. Walter Good, Mrs.
Frederick J. Porter.
November 17
- Program. Mrs. A. J. Geddes.
Hostesses: .Mrs. . W. R.. Brown,
Mrs. Maude Fields, Mrs. George
K. Qulne.
Deoember 1
Program. Mrs. Homer Grow.
Hostesses for tea: Mrs. Mark L.
Underwood, Mrs. H. Cnrstens, as
sisted by members having birth
MRS. C. B. WADE ' "
A very beautiful yellow motif
was carried out by Mrs' C. B.
Wade Wednesday, When she en
tertained her bridge club at a
charming one o'clock luncheort
at her attractive home oh South
Kane street. The first course of
the luncheon, also carried out a
yellow motif.
Covers were placed for Mrs.
Robert Savage and Mrs. E. S.
McClnln, guests, and Mrs. L. E.
MeClintock, Mrs. D. B. Bubar,
Mis. Ivan Pickens, Mrs. Clair K.
Allen, Mrs. Chester Morgan, Mrs.
P. M. and the hostess, Mrs.
Wade. i
Contract bridge was enjoyed
during the pleasant afternoon
hours with Mm. Savage winning
the guest prize and Mrs. Allen
the club prize.
red cross needs
More women to
sew for organization
Mrs. Dexter Rice, who has
charge of the American Red
Cross sewing, is urging every wo-1
man in the county to assist wtlh
some sort of sewing for the Red
Cross organization. A large num
ber of organizations are sending
representatives to the Red Cross
rooms one day a week to sew
from 10 to 4 o'clock. According to
Mrs. Rice, what is needed urgent
ly at this time, Is for more wom
en to do sewing In their homes.
Anyone who can help with this
work has been asked to call al
the Red Cross rooms (upstairs In
the U. S. National Hank building I
and gel sewing materials to lake
home with them to complete. A
great amount of sewing is re
quired and It is the women of this
country, who will accomplish this
major task. Anyone, who can
knit, Is also urged to hell) by
making knitted garments.
I Love Snowy
That's why
regularly to
I send them
days from July through Decem
ber. ' ,
December 15
Christmas party. Mrs. Jack
Suksdorf, chairman. Hostesses:
Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Mrs. Earl
Ullrich, Mrs. E. L. Knapp, Mrs.
H. C. Wilmot.
January 5 " '
Service shop program. Mrs. C.
E. Banning, chairman. Hostesses:
Mrs. W. C. Holmes, Mrs. L! E.
Goodbourn, Mrs. George Frew.
January 19 ' ' ' '. "
Poetry ' program. Mrs. H. B.
Carter, chairman. Hostesses: Mrs.
A. S. Coen, Mrs. L. E. Garwood,
Mrs. Q. V. Wimberly.
February 2
'Hobby program. Mrs. I. B.
Riddle, chairman. Hostesses: Mrs.
L. A. Wells, Mrs. Jack Suksdorf,
Mrs. C. E. Jump.
February 16
Program. ' Mrs. George M.
Brown, chairman. Hostesses:
Mrs. A. J. Geddes, Mrs.W.'H,
Richardson, Mrs. R. W. Marsters
March 2 '
Program. Mrs. C. E. Roberts,
chairmanHostesses: Mi's. L A.
Hhodon, Mrs. C. E. Marks, Mr
J. R. Matlach.
March 18 ' '
Soring tea. Junior Woman's
club. Chairmen, Mrs. O. 9.' Cham
bers and Mrs. R. L. Whipple as
sisted by members having birth
days from January through June,
April 6 , i.
Easter program. Mrs. R. R
Brand, chairman. Hostesses: Mi s.
C. E. Banning, Mrs. C. H. Bailey,
Mrs. Frank Brown.
April 20
' Gardening program. Mrs. G, V.
Wimberly, chairman. Hostesses:
Mrs. L. Kohlhagen, Sr., Mrs. An
nie L. Russell, Miss Jennie Jorey.
' Election of 'officers. Hostesses:
Mrs. Homer Grow, Mrs. A. C.
Marsters, Mrs. W. E. Ott.
May 18 '
Annual picnic. Installation of
officers. Committee: Mrs. Albert
Mlcelll, Mrs. Foster Butner, Mrs.
Rose Clayton.
Mrs. L. E. Goodbourn Very
graciously entertained the D, A
R. members at a charming one
thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon at
her home in Melrose Monday
afternoon. Marigolds, asters aiid
other colorful fall flowers were
attractively arranged about the
rooms. i
Covers were placed for Mrs
Clinton Gorlhy, a guest, Mis. W.
R. Anderson, Mrs. R. H. Grin
sted, Mrs. C. P. Caylor, Mrs.
George M. Brown, Mrs. Ray S.
Petrequln, Mrs. D. N. Busenhark,
Miss Adeline Stewart and the
hostess, Mrs. Goodboiirh.
Mrs. Brown, regent, had charge
of the business session and an
nounced that the chapter would
furnish a program for the Rose
burg Woman's club February lfi.
Mrs. Clinton Gorthy, who re
cently returned to Roseburg from
Honolulu, gave a graphic and
very Interesting talk on the at
tack on Pearl Harbor, December
7, by the Japanese. Mrs. Gorthy
was residing there at the time.
Her talk was greatly appreciated
by the chapter members.
The next meeting time , and
place will be announced later.
Gladioli formed a very attrac
tive motif for the one-thirty
o'clock dessert-luncheon, given
by Mrs. Morgan Iawson Tuesday
afternoon, when she entertained
her bridge club al her home.
Covers were placed for: Mrs,
Paul Lane, a guest, and Mrs. G.
M. Krell, Mrs. (. J. Feldkamp.
Mrs. Herbert Sullivan. Mrs. Hob
ert Irving, Mrs. Paul Morgan,
Mrs. II. H. Franks and the hos
tess, Mrs. Lawsnn.
Contract bridge was enjoyed
during the pleasant afternoon
horn's with Mrs. Uiwson winning
the high score and Mrs. Feld
kamp, second high score.
Mrs. II. 11. Turner was a most
gracious hostess Friday when she
entertained her bridge club at
her home on South Main street
Colorful fall flowers were ar
ranged Hbout the rooms.
At the tea hour Mrs. 'miner
served lovely refreshments to
Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon and Mrs. W.
J. Olmscheid. guests, and Mrs. J.
F. Dlllard. Mrs. A. U. Taylor.
Mrs. L. W. Metger, Mrs. E. R.
Metgor and Mrs. H. C. Stearns.
Score : prizes for the after
noon's bridge play were won hy
Mrs. Stearns. Mrs. L. W. Metger
and Mrs. Olmscheid.
GLENDALE. . Sept. 26. The
candlelight wedding of Miss Mix
Ihe McMurren, aaugmer oi jvir.
and Mrs. W. E. McMurren, of
Glendale, and Robert Jones, son
of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Joriegi of
Glendale, was solemnlted' Sep
tember 17 at the home of Miss
McMurren's uncle and auntj Mr
and Mrs. Mclvin Nye. Rev. J. K.
Howard officiated.
With the first strain of the
wedding march the bride anil her
father and her bridesmaids en
tered from the right and the
bridegroom ' and his attendants
entered from the left as Rev. Mr.
Howard took his place for the
ceremony. Mrs. cnaries -tooiey
and Mrs. Glenn Gilmore acted as
bridesmaids and Dan Jones,
brother of the bridegroom, was
best man.
The bride was lovely In a long
white rayon taffeta, princess
style wedding dress. She wore a
f neertio veil and carried a do-
quet of cream-colored rosebuds
and pink asters.
Mrs. Tooley wore a pinn iioor-
length dress and Mrs. Gilmore
wh dressed In a' peacn colored
gown. Both carried bouquets of
olnk carnations and white asters.
MISs Gloria Wunsch, dressed In
a 'floor-length blue dress, was pi
anist and played "Ah, Sweet Mys
tery of Life" before the wedding
march. ' ' 1
At the windows at the front of
the room were two tall candle
sticks holding white tapers fur-
nlsHIng the light for the cere
mony. On both sides oi me win
dows and about the room' were
large bouquets of fall flowers.
The wedding cake was four-
tiered with pink rosebuds and
silver leaves. On the top tier was
a little bride and bridegroom
standing under an arch of orange
blossoms and a tiny silver Den,
The cake was the centerpiece
with blue candles on each side.
The table was covered with a lace
The aunt of the hrldcgroOm,
Mrs. A. H. Lewis,' of Oakland,
California, presided at the punch
bbwl while the aunt of the bride,
Mrs. Chester Ferguson, of Teh
ant, California, served the cake
after the couple had cut the first
piece. .
Friends of the Jones family
present from out of town were
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shirtcliff, and
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Ady of
Myrtle Creek and J. Lind of Eu
gene.' : '
About fifty were present at the
Mrs. Jones' going away dress
was black with bolero and black
accessories and a light tan sum
mer coat.' '
The couple left for a short
wedding trip and are now making
their home at the Eldon apart
ments. ..... . ' .'
Miss Doris Williams, attractive
daughter of Mr; and Mrs. L. R
Williams, bf Seattle ( formerly of
Roseburg 1, and Elwln Robertson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Rob
ertson, of Oakrldge, Ore.; were
quietly married at St. George's
Episcopal church, Wednesday
September 16. Rev. Perry Smith,
rector of the church, pcrlormco
the ceremony.
The bride was attractive Jn a
tan colored dressmaker suit with
green accessories and a corsage
of rosebuds. Mrs. Ucrniocc Miller,
matron of honor, wore a brown
tweed tailored suit with a glad
loll corsage. V. C. McCallister act
ed as best man to the bride
The bridegroom left Septemoer
22 for the army and the bride ex
pects to leave the first of the
month for Seattle to mane nor
home with her parents. Both Mr,
and Mi's. Robertson are well
known here and both were grad
uated from the Roseburg high
Mrs. Gordon T. Finlay and her
daughter, Mrs. W. E. Sinclair, in
vited a group of friends to
charming one-thirty o'clock des
sert-luncheon at their attractive
home on Reservoir avenue Wed
nesday afternoon. Lovely bou
duets of -zinnias-, roses and other
fall flowers lent a colorful note
to the rooms.
Guests Invited (o enjoy the f
ternnnn with Mrs. Finlay and
Mrs. Sinclair, Included: Mrs. G,
V. Wimberly, Mi's. George Whar
ton. Mrs. E. O. Rickli. Mrs. L. L.
Wimberly, Mrs. G. C. Finlay. Mrs
Fred Hamilton and Mrs. Fred
erick J. Porter.
Kiversrialf grange met Friday
evening at the hall for a delight
fill seven o'clock lmtluck tllniic
honoring members having birth
davs in the last quarter.
A large birthday cake and love
ly bouquets of colorful fall flow
ers graced the table
Covers were placed for twenty
seven members. Plans were madi'
for the Booster night program to
be held at 8 o'clock, October 2nd,
at the hall. The public is cordially
Invited to a((end. Grange ladies
are requested to furnish cookies.
Marries in Olympia,
jttjTWWBJOFfrw Iff ':
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At i "'
J'huto By IMArk'i
Mr. J. R.
Miss Dorothy Crummett, lovely i
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Crummett, of Roseburg, became
the bride of Sgt. J R. Clark, oi
Sheridan,1 Wyoming, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Clark, of
Sheridan, Wyoming, at an im
pressive ceremony performed at
high noon, Saturday, September
19, at : the Methodist church in
Olympia, Wash. Rev. Mr. Ashby,
pastor bf the church, performed
the ceremony. The church was
lovely with fall flowers arranged
in attractive bouquets.
The bride was very attractive
In a black crepe afternoon dress,
fashioned with matching lace and
a pale pink yoke. Her accessories
were black and her corsage was
of gardenias. Mrs. Peter Crum
mett, mother of the oriae, was
matron of honor, and wore an at
tractive crepe afternoon dress of
The first fall meeting of tho
Delphian club was held Wednes
day afternoon at the home or
Mrs. J. C McCallister on East
Lane street.' '
Mrs. W. R. Brown is publicity
chall-man for the year and Mrs.
William Bell and Mrs. C. A.
Chamberlln have charge of 'ar
ranging the study topics. Mrs.
Kenneth Ford, president, con
ducted the meeting.
Plans have been made by the
club to work for the Red Cross at
every meeting. Knitting was ddne
at this meeting of the club. The
neitt meeting was planned tor
nine o'clock in. the morning to be
held at the home of Mrs. William
Bell, October 14.
Those enjoying the meeting
with Mrs. McCallister included:
Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. W. R.
Brawn, Mrs. Washington
Hughes, Mrs. C. A. unamnenm,
Mrs. A. J. Geddes and Mrs. Ray
mond Parslow.
The club wil meet the second
and fourth Wednesdays from 9
to 11 a. m.
Neva Colleen Pfaff, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie H. Pfatf,
celebrated her first birthday an
niversary at a charming party
Saturday afternoon at her home
in Edenbower.
Lovely gifts were presented to
Neva Colleen from: Mrs. J. A.
Ellison (her grandmother), Mrs.
Norman Lewelyn and uariene,
Mrs. Mary Hodges, Mrs. Lucille
Edwards, Mrs. G. W. Turner,
Mrs. Homer Pfaff, Mrs. t'aui
Jenkins, Mrs. E. J. Rodger, Mrs.
Ruth Reese, Mrs. Domimck Mor
risroe and daughter, Mary Ann.
and son, Tony, Mrs. Anna Haupt
and Mrs. Leslie M. I'fatt.'
Visiting was enjoyed and later
Mrs. Pfaff served delicious re
freshments and rt beautifully dec
orated birthday cake was cut and
The Methodist Keystone club
members and their famiiles en
joyed n very delightful potluek
supper Thursday evening nt the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Elward
Smith on Deer creek.
Covers were placed for: Mr.
and Mrs. Ned Dixon and daugh;
ter, Marilyn; Mr. and Mrs. Mon
roe Lytic. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Ed
wards. Mr. and Mm. Marion Fel
ler anil daughter, Doris and son.
John; Mrs. Ray B. Hampton.
- Mrs. W. B. Hawkins, Mrs. Hugh
Harrison and son, Keith; Mildred
Fiohmader and Mi's. Flora Har
vey and daughter, Margaret.
Following the dinner, group
singing and visiting were enjoyed.
1 .
"' ! r
fc 'V'YJf 1 'ih ,
26, 1942.
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Sludlu Nows-Heviuwr ICnKruvliiK.
air-force blue color. Her accesso
ries were of the same blue and
her corsage was of rosebuds.
Sgt. Albert O'Neil was best man
to the bridegroom. ..
Following the ceremony, a wed
ding luncheon was served at the
Olympian hotel. For traveling
the bride chose a soldier blue
suit with matching accessories.
The bride is well known In this
city, having been graduated from
the local high school, after which
she was employed In the Douglas
county school superintendent's
office and is now employed In the
office of the selective service
board, where she ' will continue
her work Until Sgt. Clark has fin
ished his officers' training course.
The bridegroom attended school
at Sheridan, Wyoming, and later
was engaged as a newspaper re
porter, before entering the U. S.
. Mrs. C. M. Stark' very gra
ciously entertained the Inter-Se
Study club at the first fall meet
ing at a lovely one o'clock dessert-luncheon
at her - picnic
grounds on' the North Umpqua
river near the-Country club Tues
day afternoon.
' Covers were placed at' attrac
tively appointed tables for: Mrs.
Ida Ullrich, of Melrose, a guest,
and Mrs. Paul Geddes, Mrs. E. S.
Hall, Mrs. Clyde Beard, Mrs. R.
R. Brand, Mrs. V. V. Harpham,
Mrs. Earl Ullrich, Mrs. Bruce
Mellis, Mrs. James Davis and the
hostess, Mrs. Stark..
Mrs. Geddes, president, had
charge' of the business meeting
and appointed Mrs. Bruce Mellis
as publicity chairman for the
year. Mrs. E. S. Hall had charge
of the afternoon s program ami
presented a very interesting talk
on "Ancient History ot cnina.
Th( next meeting of the club
will be October 13 at one o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Charles Da
vis, at which time Mrs. Davis will
be program Chairman on the sub
ject, "Industries and Natural Re
sources of China."
Roseburg bethel ot Job's
Daughters met Tuesday evening
at the Masonic temple with the
honored queen, Ruth Hansen,
presiding. Ruth Ann Ruhl, who
attended the supreme session of
the International Order of Job's
Daughters in Alberquerque, New
Mexico, this summer, gave an in
tensely Interesting report on the
session. Mrs. A. J. Young, who 1s
past guardian of the local bethel
and past grand guardian of Ores
gon, was appointed on the educa
tional committee of the Interna
tional Order of Job's Daughters,
of which Mrs. Edna Mick, foun
der of the order. Is the commit
tee chairman. Mrs. Young also
attended the supreme session.
Members having birthdays in
June; July, August and Septem
ber were guests of the evening
and were escorted to the east.
Birthday cake and punch, ar
ranged "for the evening by Mrs.
Robert Savage, were served. Mrs.
E. A. Britton took the place of
Mrs. A. E. Elliott for the evening,
as the latter is ill at Mercy hos
pital. coquille Auxiliary
sponsors birthday
party at facility
On Wednesday a group of wo
men from the Coquille American
Legion auxiliary came to Rose-
burg to sponsor the Dirtnnay
party at the veterans administra
tion" facility honoring patients
there having birthdays in Sep
tember. .
Bingo was enjoyed and later
Ice cream and birthday cake were
Rdsetiurg "Rebekah lodge No.
41 held a very Interesting meet
ing on Tuesday evening Sept. 22,
celebrating the 91st anniversary
of the founding of the Rebekah
lodge In America. Ralph Russell,
grand warden of Oregon, I. O. O.
F told of the institution of the
first lodge Sept. 20, 1851: Ger
trude Hatfield gave, a report of
Oregon's first wage in obicm.,
and Ina Farnsworth gave the
history of Roseburg Rebekah
lodge No. 41, wnicn was nui-,
ted in 1891 with twelve charter
members; Two of the original
members, Miss Jeannle Buick
and Mrs. Anna Vanzlle, are Still
members of. the Roseburg lodge.
Thn tonutlful Rebekah degree
was conferred upon Mrs. Lulu
Gorroll, and Inga High, a Past
Noble Grand of Reedsport lodge
was received by transfer. ..
riftonn visitors from Cottage
Grove were present and were in
troduced by their Noble Grand,
Mrs. Ziebeck. Included in the
group were Mr. Robert St. Elmo,
marshal of the grand lodge of
Oregon, and Mrs. Rose Lewis V.
G. of the Cottage Grove lodge.
The officers of the Roseburg
lodge were eacn present wim
a beautiful spray of gladiolus
blossoms by the Cottage Grove
delegation. - " 1 1
nihnr visiitors were Pearl Har-
Sntherlin and Lillian
Brooks of Thermopolls, Wyoming.
ittne consisting of Ber
tha Bayliss, Reba Hartley and
Zella Brooks had decorated the
lodge hall for the occasion with
beautiful baskets oi iau iiuw.-ia.
The door prize was won by G.
W. Sweet of Cottage Grove.
Short talks were made by Mr.
St. Elmo, Mrs. Ziebeck, Mrs.
Lewis, Edythe Florence Kelly.
Fnllnwlne the meeting refresh
ments were served to the visitors
and members at beautifully deco
mtori tahles in the dining room
by' Mayme Pickens, Thelma
RWtrpwav. Tillle Johnson, Helen
Saar and Oliver Johnson,
Miss Madlvn Stearns, daughter
bf County Coroner and Mrs. H.
c. Stearns of Oakland, has re
signed from her position with a
Portland ' real estate aguiiuy
where she has ben employed as
secretary and receptionist during
the summer montns ana nas ac
cepted a position as an Instructor
in n Portland school of dancing,
according to word received by
hup narents.
M Stearns, wno. wimc in
tending Oregon State college
from which she was graduated
last June, was a student assistant
in the school of dancing conuuci
cd by Miss Betty Lynd Thomp
son, associate proiessor oi pnysi
ral education at O..S. C, recent
lv returned from a special course
of study in Canada. Miss Thomp
mn nnd Miss Stearns ' attended
Qtaff refresher course at me
Provincial Recreation Center,
Vancouver. B. C. where Miss
Thompson was a special guest in
structor. She and Miss Stearns
several dance demonstra
tion!! which were received with
much favor and highly publicized
in Vancouver newspapers.
' Seven members of Florence
Nichtihgale tent, No. 15, Daugh
ters of Union Veterans ot the
Civil War; were guests of honor
at a delightful birthday potluek
sunncr and party Thursday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Lillian
B. Davis on South Main street.
Defense stamps were brought
bv members to the party to go to
wards purchasing a bond by the
organization. Gifts ana oirtnaay
cards' were presented to the
buests ' of honor and' birthday
cake was cut ahd served at the
close of the supper hour.
Those enjoying the delightful
occasion wnn mr. ana mrs. ua
vis were: Eva Ware, Daisy Bar-
nett. Genevieve Simmons, Cora
Dourte. Louclla Johnson, Effi
Olson, Mary' Parr, Zclma Sands,
Marion Patrick, Mayme Guile,
Emma Suraguc, Anna Carson
and Ruth Reese.
Tho opening, of .the 8th year of
Dr. Dunn's
Monday Night Bible Class
September 28, 7 45 p. m.
in Dining Hall of Douglas Hotel
The Book of Revelation
is the text for study.
There are 1000 Christian people in Roso
burg and vicinity who would be informed and
helped spiritually by the class study of this
We hope to register one hundred in this class.
All Who Will May Come
ON OCTOBER 12th;-, ., j
The Douglas County Health As
spclatton met Thursday evening
at the home of the president, Mrs. "
Fred Fisher, to complete plans
for the October 12th meeting, at
which time the state president,
Mrs, Sadie Orr Dunbar, will be
guest speaker.
, Mrs. Dunbar Is inter-nationally
known and Is considered a very
excellent speaker. She will meet
In the afternoon with beal sale
chairmen and discuss with them
the work for the 1942 sale. In the
evening a dinner will be held, at
which time Mrs. Dunbar will be
the speaker. Mrs. Lulu - Gorrell
will be program chairman for tho
evening and Mrs. Wilbur Culp,
Mrs. Chet Hamm and Mrs. J. P.
Matschenbacher are in charge of
the dinner arrangements.
Reports of committees were
presented. It was reported that
the health film committee had re
viewed several films, but had nol
as yet selected one suitable to b
shown (n Douglas county. The
committee on materials to loan
reported that a bed was now avail
able for loan by the association.
Mrs. C. D. Fies has been ap
pointed Douglas county seal chair
man for 1942 and she will an
nounce her committee appoint
ments at a later date. g
The Roseburg Baptist Women's
society will meet at two o'clock
next Thursday at the church par
lors with the president, Mrs. R.
D.. Knigge, conducting the bus
iness session and presenting the !
devotions. Mrs. B. W. Taylor will
be program leader on the topic;
'Foreign Misions. '
All members and friends ariaa.
asked to bring negro dolls, stoiW
books, trinkets, handkerchiefs for
both ladies and girls and aprons
for women to the meeting to be
put in the Christmas box to be
sent to the Mather school at Bu-I
ford, S. C. The association has re-;
quested help this year In sending I
Christmas presents to these j
colored children and anyone in-i
tercsted in assisting has been ask
ed to send articles to the Baptist
Women s society meeting next
Thursday. The association reports;
that it is not necessary that the
articles be new.
Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Van Ness en
terlalned their bridge club at a
very delightful eight o'clock des-i
scrt-supper Saturday evening at
their attractive home at the fa
cility post. The patriotic moQ
was beautifully, carried out nr
the decorations.
Covers were placed for: Dr.
and Mrs. J. L. Mitchell untl Mr.
and Mrs. L. K. Fies, guests, and
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. McClain, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Morgan, Mi
and Mrs. Fred Lockwood and the,
host and hostess, Dr. and Mrs
Van Ness. -I
Contract bridge was enjoyed
during the pleasant evening1
hours with score prizes going to:!
Mr. McClain, Mrs. Morgan and
Dr. Van Ness.
Members of the Methodist Wo
men's Society of Christian Ser
vice will sponsor a two-day rum
mage sale next Friday and SaL
urday, October 2, 3, at tho fornQ
Film shop on North Jackson
street. '
. Anybne desiring to have articles
picked Up for them to be taken
to the Film shop has been asked
to telephone Mrs. R. L. Whipple
at 109-J or Mrs. E. A. Britton atJ
51-F-21. 'The shop will be open
Thursday evening to receive arti-j
clcs that anyone would care to
leave at that time.
B. P. W." C. TO MEET
The Business and Professioiml'
Women's club will meet at 8
o'clock next Monday evening at;
the Women's clubhouse with Mrs.
Gene Mills presiding in the ab
sence of the president, Mrs. Tom
my Alkins. Mrs. L. L. Spencer will
be program chairman. All mem
hers are urged to he present.