FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1942. Social Calendar . Sunday, September 13 Republican leaders and mem "' bors of the party to hold Import ant meeting at 2 o'clock at civic club room at Hotel Umqua. ' State Chairman Neil R. Allen to be present. Pro-America mem " hers asked to attend for their September session. " Monday, September 14 B. P. W. C. lo meet al H o'clock , at Roseburg Woman's club with Nance Atkins, president, in ' charge. N. N. N. Sewing club meeting , to be held at home of Mrs. Ho mer Rand at 941 Hamilton street. - Tuesday, September 15 District No. 11 of Oregon State Graduate Nurses association to hold Important session al 7:30 in evening at facility. Kebekah degree staff to hold " special practice at 7:.I0 In ning ut I. O. O. F. hall. LVC" Presbyterian women and friends invited to sew from 10 to 4 for Red Cross in rooms upstairs ' above U. S. National bank. Those assisting with the sewing are asked to bring their noon lunch. Wednesday, Septembor 16 Methodist women and friends invited to sew for Red Cross from one to four-thirty at church par lors. Mrs. J. J. Eastllng chair man. Patch anil Chat club lo meet in evening at homo of Mis. Curtis Calkins. Roseburg Art and Embroidery club to meet In afternoon at home of Mrs. Frank Heals. Riversale Happy Hour club to meet In evening at home of Mrs. W. Common. Thursday, September 17 Country club ladles to play golf In morning. Potluck lunch eon at 12:, '10 and contract bridge play at 1 :,'i0 o'clock. Eastern Star regular meeting at 8 o'clock at Masonic hall. Oak land chapter to be guwts. A cere mony, "Renewing Our Obliga tion," will be held. Members and visiting members invited. Enter tainment and ;'cfrcshmenls. II. E. O. club onelhirty pot luck luncheon at home of Mis. Clifton Hooper. M. O. A. club members to sew for Red Cross upstairs in U. S. National Rank building. Finance and membership com mittees of W. S. of C. S. of Meth odist church lo meet at G. W. Leeper home at two o'clock. Methodist Missionary society to meet al G. W. Leeper home al 2:30 in afternoon. Mrs. Lucicn Cobb to lie program leader. Keystone club members to en tertain husbands at U:30 o'clock potluck dinner at home of Mr. and Mrs. Elward Smith on Deer creek. Hring covered dish lor pot luck dinner and table service. First fall meeting or Christian Science war relief sewing group at two o'clock at Perkins build ing. Friday, September 18 United Workers class of Chris tian chinch to meet at two o'clock ut home of Mis. Paul Blaskey on Winchester street. Election of officers. Riversdale grange 7 o'clock pot luck dinner honoring members having birthdays in the last quar ter. Program to lie put on by Pu mona, Arlene Myers. P. N. G. club 7:30 dessert sup per ut home of Mrs. J. Karl Pick ens at 4I2 South Main street with Mrs. T. U. Husenbark, Mrs. Fred A. Golf and Miss Ina Farnsworlh, hostesses. Saturday. September 1!) Roseburg Woman's club service simp oH'ii all day upstairs In clubhouse, opposite Hunt's Indian theatre. September 21 Lilac circle. No. Ill, Neighbors or WixKlerall, to meet al Si o'clock at I. o. ( ). F. hall. All members urged to be present. TWO IT'S WORK SAVING IT'S MONEY SAVING ! NEW By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER Ruthabell Knigge Marry at Impressive Ceremony Miss Ruthabell Knigge, uttrac live daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. .). knigge, or this city, and Cor- poral Clark Smith, son of Mr and Mrs. Waller C. Smith, of Reedsville, West Virginia, were married at a very beautiful cere mony Saturday evening, Septem ber 5, at the First Haptist church in Roseburg. Rev. H. P. Sconce, pastor of the church, performed the Impressive ring ceremony at H:30 o'clock in the evening in the presence of two-hundred und fifty friends and relatives. The altar was hanked by a lat tice covered wtih ferns and tiny white blossoms, flanked by bas kets of while gladioli, which in turn were flanked by three large baskets Ion each side) of pink gladioli. Tall white cathedral can dles were placed in eandelabras at the ends of the altar. The can dles were lighted by Miss Rose- ;mary Irving. , preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Clyde Beard played softly and accompanied Miss Ruth Snoddy, who very charmingly sang, "The Sweetest Story Ever Told," anil "I Love You Truly." Mrs. Beard played the UrMal Chorus from Lohengrin lor the bridal party to advance to the altar. She played softly throughout the ceremony and at the close ot Hie wedding, played Mendelssohn's Recessional Wedding march. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was beau-, lilul In a Boor-length while satin wedding gown fashioned with a train. The gown was u Princess style model anil her finger-lip wedding veil was arranged with a coronet of seed pearls. She car ried a shower bouquet of bou vardia, pink rosebuds and pale yellow gladioli buds, tied with wliile satin ribbons will) long streamers. Miss Mary Alice Wolford, of this city, was maid or honor and wore a charming floor-length for mal gown of pastel blue. She car ried a bouquet of red rosebuds. The bride's mother wore a biege figured Jersey dress with match ing accessories and tier corsage was of rosebuds and houvanlia. Rev. Martin Knigge, of Med rord, uncle or the bride, led in prayer. Rev. Mr. Kniggc's wife is a sister ol' the bridegroom. Sergeant Fritz Weber, of Ruse- burg, was best man lo the bride groom ami Earl Byrd and Mr. I latcher were ushers. Decorations lor Hie church were ill charge of Mrs. Ed Bay liss, Mrs. George Caskey and Mrs. C. P. Snoddy. At the close of Hie ceremony, the bride and bridegroom and their wedding parly received Hie guests. For traveling Hie bride chose :i blue wool suit fashioned on mili tary lines Willi accessories ot brown. Following a short wed, tin.; trip, Corporal and Mrs. Sinilh will reside in Corvaliis until alioul lie lober ."), when Hie latter expects to rctiiinif her work as secretary to City School Superintendent W. M. Campbell in this city. The bride was graduated Iroiu Roseburg high school and was an outstanding member of the school NUTRITION AND CANTEEN CLASSES TO BE ORGANIZED HERE Mrs. Roy Bellows, county nil Irillon and canteen class chair man for the American Red Cross, and Mrs. Velle Broadway, city chairman, have announced the organizing of nutrition classes lor early October. The nutrition course must be taken and suecessiiiMv passed be lore taking Ihe canteen course. Ihe course will be oiieii lo "n Roseburg ladies and will lie in Irueled liv Mis. Gcurce E. Iloiiek. chief dietician al lite vet rails administralion facility Registration for Hie classes may lie made by calling Mrs. George Richer at sjs, or .Mis. T H. Virden al PIT J GOOD REASONS - WHY I SEND MY LAUNDRY OUT . la . SERVICE LAUNDRY and Cp. Clark Smith - , debate learn. She later attended Northwestern liusiness college In Portland and is a member of the business women's sorority there. The bridegroom attended school In West Virginia and is now sta tioned with the U. S. army at Corvaliis. Friday evening, preceding the wedding, Ihe young people of the First Baptist church sponsored a charming miscellaneous shower party for a laige group of friends In honor of the bride-elect, who has been very active in the church work for the last several years. The young people of the church presented a beautiful lace table cloth to the guest of honor. Miss Ruth Snoddy sang "O, Promise Me," in a revised edition suitable to the occasion and Bev erly Byrd and Marvin Sconce, dressed as a small bride and sol dier bridegroom, brought a deco rated white wagon filled with gifts to the brlde elect. Gifts were presented to the bride-elect from: Mrs. K. D. Knigge, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mc Kean, Mr. and Mrs. John William Robertson, Alia Golden, Charles Edwards, Rosemary, Kalhryn and Frances Irving, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beard, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Sconce, Mr. and Mrs. Colett and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heels, Mr. and Mrs. George Caskey, Mrs. C. II. Wickham, Sergeant Fritz Weber, Margaret A. Page, Mar garet E. Page, Mrs. Elliott, Anna Lois Ward, Helen Wood In, Lois Updike, Joyce Thornton, Mrs. W. E. Sinclair, Margaret Blakely, Mrs. Ward Cummings, Yvonne Gadway, Mrs. Ford Singleton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 1'ope, Mrs. J. II. Wolford, Mrs. M. Herman, Mrs. Blood, Mr. and Mrs. Mack and family, Mrs. Beiilah Palmer, Mrs. I. L. Thompson, Mrs. Ieon Haas, Mary Alice Wolford, Mr. and Mrs. Schocnlolicr, Ruth Heck, Pearl Burrell, Verna I 'ticket I, Mrs. C. W. Groves, Mrs. J. G. .Stephenson, Mrs. Joseph Blosser, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Blakely, Mrs. Leo Kelly and daughters. Mona and I,cona, Mrs. A. I). llawn, Mrs. Ed Bayliss, Mrs. C. P. Snoddy and daughter, Kilt It. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wood cock, Mrs. J. F. Byrd, Mrs. Earl Byrd, Mrs. Ira Byrd, Mrs. W. R. Scot l, Mary Hollinger, Mrs. An- Irew J. Ford, Mrs. W. R. Vinson, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Roser. Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Then hi Smith, Mr. anil Mrs. lluber, Mrs. Kitsch, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Findlay. Mrs. George Findlay, E. J. Clingforth, Mrs. Gi'tie Mills and daughter, Virginia, Mrs. Emma P. Woods, Mrs. Mable Krohn, Mrs. Ella Har ris and family, Mrs. L. Kolilltagon Mrs. C. M. Page, Mrs. Harry Howe and Miss Louise Fitsim mons and Mr. and Mrs. I latcher and family. Bcaiilllul bouquets of fall flow ers decorated Hie church parlors, wliile the blllfel table was deco rated in a very lovely pink and wliile motif. A large wedding cake, hearing Hie Inscription, "Good Luck." centered the table. .Mrs. It. D. Knigge. mother oi the ', guest of honor and Mis. Ed Hav liss poured MELVA OLSON AND CARL A. ANDERSON MARRY ON TUESDAY Miss Melva Olson, daughter of Mrs. Ralph Harding, ol Resellin g. .him ttiiii.iiii j. i Mson. oi iiianis. t ass. oceanic ine nnile ot I al l A. Anderson, son of Mrs. A. S. ' rtitoerson. oi i-.tgarose, al lieno. New, Tuesday evening, Septem ber 1 Only the necessary wit nesses attended Hie wedding. The bride was charming in a brown and green figured jersey ensemble with matching given suede accessories. Her corsage was ol gardenias. Following a week's honeymoon lo points of inletest in Nevada and California, Mr. ami Mis An deison relumed to Roseburg and are now at home to their Iriends in the Kohihagen apartments. Both the bride and hinlcgronm w ere graduated fi oni Roseburg high school. The bridegroom is employed by the l.innl.ane Log jjing company with headquarters ut Roseburg. ANDY C. HALL AND ETHEL C. CHASE MARRY ON SUNDAY Andy C. Jlall j Chase, both resid ("leek, were quietl day afternoon at and Ethel C. Ills ol Myrtle married Sun- lock al the home of Dr. and Mrs. duties 'A. Edwards on South Kane ; street. Dr. read the im j pressivo ring ci'remon). They iti' unattended and only (he ' neivssary witnesses were present, i Mr. and .Mrs. Hall left tor the coast for a few days lu'lore going to Myrtle Cieek to make their home. REBEKAH LODGE PLANS 80CIAL NIGHT FOR SEPT.' 22 Roseburg Rebekah lodge met In regular form Tuesday night, with Velma Herman, noble grand, pre siding. There were 35 members and one visitor present. At the regular business meet ing plans were made for the next social night, which will be Sep- j tember 22, when initiation will be neto, louowea ay a gooa oime older" number and refresh ments. At this time the Canyon- ville lodge is expected to be guests tor the evening. The visiting committee report ed having made 12 calls since last meeting. The noble grand report ed a visit of herself and a num ber of others to the Rebekah lodge at Oakridge, where the president of the Rebekah assem bly. Madeline Rossner, paid her official visit und a number of other grand officers were pres ent. As a "good of the order" num ber, the officers practiced recit ing their official duties, also oth er activities of the lodge were discussed. f I. s Eva Cope of Langlois, Ore- go i, was present und gave a short tar- Committees appointed for the ne .1 meeting night were: Re- fn shmcnts, Mayme Pickens, Til- lie Ji.hnson, Thelma Ridgeway, Hi len Saar and Oliver Johnson; decorations. Bertha Bayliss, Revu Hartley and Zi'lla Brooks. Ihe visiting committee for the month includes: Winnie Hawn, Kale Farnsworlh and Elsie Rus- ell. At Ihe close of the meeting starf practice" was held, under Ihe direction of Jack Dent, degree captain. RIVERSDALE GRANGE HAS INTERESTING MEETING ON FRIDAY The Riversdale grange met at the hall September 1th with Cleo Tipton, master, presiding. Twenty-four' members were present. The next meeting of the grange, Sept. IN, will be preceded by a seven o'clock dinner (pot luck) honoring those whose birth-1 days fall in the last quarter. The, al ihis meeting to belt-, iieaion, ot Oakland, and i'le. iut on by Arlene Myers, Pomona. Eugene Tapp, United States It was decided to have an open 'army, took place Friday, August meeting on October 2nd and to; held the annual Booster night Christ in (he presence of a group program al this lime. The public I of friends and relatives. O. Wen is invited to attend this meeting. ! dell Herbison officiated. The grange adopted a resolu- The bride wore a navy blue lion to "Keep Oregon Green." afternoon dress with navy blue l'ol lowing the liusiness meeting t;,m white accessories and carried a program was put on by Ceres, j a houqiiet of mixed rosebuds. ntrs. .Nora lainoun, consisting o, the following numbers: Song, j America, all; reading, "The Leg end of Ceres;" by Mrs. Parley Ware; piano solo, Mrs. Elvin Cloake; duet, "Yankee Doodle Ain't Doodlin' Now," by Joanne and Donald Ware; reading, Mrs. W. O. Patterson, and piano solo, Mrs. R. L. Harmon. Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mis. R. L. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kruse. TWILA SCHOSSO AND BENJAMIN HAMMOND MARRY ON SUNDAY DRAIN. Sept. 12. Al a cere mony held Sunday afternoon al the Christian church, Miss Twila Sehosso, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Sehosso, and Benjamin i Hammond of Sacramento, Calif., jwere united in marriage, Rev. C. j F. Trimble officiating. The bride corsage of gardenias. She was at tended by her sister. Miss Shirley Sehosso, who wore a navy blue suit and corsage of gardenias. The groom was attended by Virgil Rentier. Mrs. Jack Randall played the wedding marches and Mrs. Pete Beach of Collage Grove sang "1 t .44-.. -.4ii 'i',-.a. A reception followed the cere- ,1. 4 r .4 4 I niony at the home of the bride s parents. 1 I lite young couple will make I I heir home in Drain, w here the groom is employed. W. C. T. U. HAS HIRST FALL MEETING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON The first fall nieeling of Hie Roseburg W. C. T. U. was held al Ihe First Baptist church Wednes day afternoon, at which time Mrs. Annie L. Russell was re-elected president. Mrs. Ben Zenor was ap pointed legislation and parlia mentarian, and Mrs. Charles A. Edwards was appointed evange listic leader and devotions chair man lo take the place of Mrs. C. 11. Wickham. who has completed iwo very successful years with this work. Mrs. FriM Fisher was re-elected treasurer; Mrs. V. J. Micelli was reelecteil sectvtary and Mrs. Fred L. Southwii-k was reapisiint ed head of the I.. T. L. and in charge of speaking contests. Mrs. Wickham presented a very devotional service on "I jive" and Rev. II. P. Sconce gave an excellent talk. Discussion of the county meet ing to be held Wednesday. ( H-to-bcr I I. followed and discussion of the stale nui-ting in Grants Pass, October 20. was also talked r . . . ever The national president will attend the latter meeting. SELF-APPRECIATION" Working at home with a script, above, Helen Hayes wears a tailored frock of soft fine wool. It's in lipstick red bright and warm. It has big, young buttons, skirt cut to emphasize youthful lines. Her one-side-up, one-side down colt suggests that any minute now she may be off for a romp. The same studied simplicity characterizes the cos tume, right, for Miss Hayes' current, "desperately romantic" role. It's dramatically soft gray in two shades pearl gray wool dress, deep gray cape. Dress has a leaf-like midsection in the cape's deep gray. Turban is touched wtih black, the accessory color. Valentina designed the stage costume. LOIS HEATON AND EUGENE TAPP MARRY ON AUGUST 21ST The wedding of Miss Lois Hen- Ion. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. 21, at the Oakland Church oil Mrg Q vVendell Herbison was r nna ...,,,..,,, ,,f. ternoon dress of black and white. She? also carried a bouquet ot mixed rosebuds. Pale McFerrin was best man. Mrs. Esther Pealer played the wedding march and Arthur Thorpe sang "Because." Immediately following the ceremony the bride and groom left to spend a week with the groom's mother, Mrs. Emma Tapp, of Sweet Home, Oregon. NUTRITION AND CANTEEN COURSES TO BE OFFERED Opening of a nutrition class, un der the auspices of the American Red Cross, will be about October 1, according to an announcement made this week by the county chairman, Mrs. Roy Bellows, and City Chairman Mrs. Velle Broad way. The class will enroll 20 women land anyone desiring to take the course has been asked to call Mrs. George Bacher at S2S L or Mrs. T. B. Virden at 107-J. The chairmen have secured Mrs. George E. Ilouck, chief dietician of the veterans adminis tration facility here, to be the class instructor. The class In nu trition will lie 20 hours and will " T Z ..'.. .!.r. ' .i.X Ul 4, ,14,411 3. i 4J 4JII4.' 4.(111 4,4I4T 4,ll- . .,.. .i,h,,i n,. -i ' ii44 tin . not i-ittnti e,4iii-se MR. AND MRS. LYTLE CELEBRATE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY FRIDAY .Mr. and Mrs. K. l Lytic cele brated their twenty first wedding anniversary at a very charming seven o'clock bridge -dinner at their beautiful home in Laurel wood Friday evening. Tiny dwarf dahlias and white geranium blossoms graced the prettily appointed tables, while gorgeous bouquets of gem dahlias were arranged about the rooms. Covers were placed for sixteen. ' Followine Ihe dinner, contract I bridge was enjoyed with Mr ' ",Kt " as.' n-' ? " '"' . ' ' " '44I1S. riaim nan 4ioiiiii 1111-i I high si-ore; Mr. and Mrs. Paul! jGeddes. second high score, and I I Dr. ami Mrs. C. E. Jump, third I high score. MERLIN ROYAL WILLS AND DOROTHY RICKS MARRY WEDNESDAY Miss Dorothy Jean Ricks, of Waterloo. Iowa, and .Merlin Royal Wills, of Roselvng. were quietly married at an impressive cere mony Weilnesday evening at the Methodist pai'sonige. Rev. Mel- ! ville T. Wire, pastor, and Mr performed I jthe ceremony and Mrs. i John E. Holmes, of this city (attendants. MRS. JAMES EDGAR IS GUEST SPEAKER AT LARGE TEA THURSDAY One of the most charming social event of ihe season was sponsored by the Women's Society of the First Presbyterian church Thursday afternoon, when a tea and program was held at the church parlors from two to lour-thirty o clock with Mrs. James Edgar, wife of the retired Presbyterian minister at Ashland, as guest speaker. The church parlors have re cently been entirely redecorated in white and were especially lovely for the occasion. Gorgeous bouquets of fall flowers were used about the rooms, while the tea table, covered with an attractive lace cloth, was decorated in a yel low and white motif with mar igolds and zinnias predominating in the floral arrangement. About seventy-five were pres ent. The guests were received by Mrs. W. M. Campbell, president, Mrs. Morris H. Roach, Mrs. W. M. Chalmers, Mrs. James Edgar, Miss Margaret Clapp and Mrs. J. P. Molschenbacher. Mrs. Effie Schwarz, program chairman, presented the follow ing program: piano solo, "Hark, Hark the Lark" by Schubert Liszt, played by Mrs. Homer Grow, who followed by present ing "Estudiiintina" by Lacome as a whistling number. Mrs. Grow accompanied R. M. Church, who sang. "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings" by Liddle, and "I Love a Little Cottage" by O'Hara with Mrs. Morris II. Roach playing the violin obligatlo accompaniment. Vocal solos sung by Miss Marilyn Harpham, accompanied by Mrs. Grow included: "The Green Cath edral" by Ilahn and "Without a Song"by Youmans. Mrs. Roach, accompaned by Mrs. Grow, played two violin solos. "The Old Re frain" arranged by Kreisler and "Melodic" by Moszkowski. At two-forty-rive Mrs. Campbell very graciously introduced Mrs. Edgar, who gave a very charming mil interesting talk on the Quad rennial which she attended in Atlantic City. Tea was served at the close of Mrs. Edgar's talk. Mrs. W. M. Campbell. Mrs. W. G. Blake, Mrs. George Kohihagen and Mrs. Mor ris H. Roach poured. "Mrs. Clair K. Allen and Mrs. C. E. Roberts were joint chairmen of the charming affair and were as sisted by Mrs. E. S. Hall, Mrs. Ed ward G. Kohihagen and Mrs. Homer Grow. The tea table and room decorations were arranged by Mrs. Velle Broadway and .Mrs. J. A. Barker. MRS. REX WALKER HONORED AT BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON TUESDAY A very lovely surprise birthday luncheon was given by Rex Walk er Tuesday evening at the home of Ihe Salvation Army olficers in honor or Mrs. Rex Walker j Games and singilli were en- I joyed during the evening. Those enjoying the occasion with Mr. and Mrs. Walker included Mr. and Mrs. Merit Clark. Alex Mc Malum, Carl Bush. Miss Ha Mey ers, Miss Reta Meyers. Miss Don i na iieps. .mss lamina ireps, Miss Phyllis Robinson. Miss Ve neta Robinson, Kenneth Olson. I w erejLt. Jean Thoma and Captain O. I Coleman. j Whatever Your Role, Play It. She Says MR. AND MRS. STARK ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE OF DAUGHTER, BETTY Mr. and Mrs. William Stark of Roseburg, announce the marriage of their only daughter, Miss Betty, lo Thomas Stovall, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W Stovall of Hartwell, Ga., on Saturday after noon, September 5. The lines were rend at the Methodist parsonage by the pas tor, Rev. Melville T. Wire. Mr. and Mrs. Paul MeGowan were the couple's only attendants. The bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stark also attended the cere mony. , The bride wore a navy blue en semble with matching acces sories. Her corsage was white stephanotous Her attendant wore a corsage of tiny red rose buds. Immediately following the ceremony Hie happy couple left for coast points for a short honey moon. The bride will continue her work as cashier at the J. C. Pen ney company in this city. Ine bridegroom has just, re-1 cently been transferred to the local Safeway store and will re turn lo work there following their return to Roseburg. The couple wijl be at home to their many friends at the Kohi hagen apartments. PRO-AMERICA TO MEET WITH REPUBLICAN LEADERS ON SUNDAY Mrs. T. B. Virden, president of Douglas Unit of Pro-America, has urged all members to attend the meeting at two o'clock Sunday at the Civic club room at the Hotel Umpqua, at which time Repub lican leaders will hold a session. Mrs. Virden has stated that this meeting of the Unit will take the place of the regular Septem ber session. State Chairman Nell R. Allen and other leaders will be in attendance. . IMPORTANT WV FROM HAYNES' NEW GLASSWARE An entire new array of beautiful m etched and cut glassware in nov elty dishes and tableware. SOLDIERS CHRISTMAS October 1st is the last date on which Christmas packages can be sent to service men overseas! We have a complete assortment of , the things fighting men want most. NEW POTTERY SHIPMENT A late arrival is a new shipment of your favoriie. Fiesta Pottery. Our stocks are now complete. THE LATEST FROM COTY We now offer.the latest odor sen sation by Coty, Muguet (Lily of the Valley i,' in perfumes, toilet water, bath and talc powder. Haynes Store MRS.)AME8 E. JUDD COMPLIMENTED AT CHARMING SHOWER PARTY Mrs. James E. Judd was com plimented at a very charming-, shower, party Friday evening a when a group of friends called at her attractive home In Laurel wood. Mrs. Jack Chapman had charge of arrangements tor the party. The shower gifts we present ed to Mrs. Judd in a beautifully decorated bassinet. Bridge and gin-rummy were enjoyed during the evening. Mrs. Robert Hell! well won the high score prize and Mi's. Millard Doyle received the consolation prize. Dainty oouquets of lavender flowers graced the small serving tables, while the large table, cov ered by an attractive lace cloth, was decorated with a bowl of mixed flowers. Appropriate fa vors were presented to the guests. Lovely refreshments were serv ed to Mrs. Judd, guest of honor, Mrs. Jack Chapman, Mrs. Charles.- Ostrander, Mrs. L. K. Fies, Mrst? Robert Helllwell, Mrs. William C. Unrath, Mrs. Millard Doyle, Mrs. Robert C. Gile, Mrs. R. E. Kelly, Mi's. S. Hunter Early, Mrs. Fred erick Chapman, Jr., Mrs. C. M. O'Malley, Mrs. T. W. Thomason, Mrs. J. M. Judd, Mrs. U. F. Mc Laughlin, Mrs. W. F. Chapman, Mrs. I.'M. Dunn, Mrs. E. A. Pear son, Mrs. Campbell, Sr., Miss Inez Crosta, Miss Coletta Langcnberg, Miss Verla McLaughlin, Miss Eve lyn Thomason and Miss Dorothy Norton. M. O. A. CLUB HAS DELIGHTFUL LUNCHEON MEETING WEDNESDAY The M. O. A. club met at the attractive home of Mrs. C. B. Calkins Wednesday and Mrs. L. L. Wimberly, Mrs. J. A. Wood Mrs. John Travis and Mrs. C. 'l(uf Tipton were hostesses at a charm ing one o'clock luncheon. Covers were placed for: Mrs. James Meyers and Mrs. Anna Rainwater, guests, and Mrs. El don Ogle, Mrs. Roy Good, Miss Mildred Marks, Mrs. C. W. Cook, Mrs. L. Connelly, Mrs. E. G. Cloake, Mrs. Charles Mohr, Mrs. George Powers, Mrs. C. B. Calk ins, Mrs. L. L. Wimberly, Mrs. J. A. Wood, Mrs. John Travis apd Mrs. C. T. Tipton. A victory collection was taken and it was voted to sew lor the Red Cross in the Red Cross rooms I upstairs in the U. S. National Bank building) of September 17. Bingo was played during the so cial hour with Mrs. Powers win ning the prize. The next one o'clock luncheon meeting will be held October 7 at Ihe home of Mrs. J. A. Wood in the Howell apartments on SouthtK Jackson street with Mrs. C. Wi " Cook, Mrs. Eldon Ogle, Mrs. Har lan Moore and Mrs. George Pow ers as hostesses. INFORMAL DINNER ENJOYED AT PERRY . HOME ON THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Perry and daughter, Miss Corinne Anne, entertained at a very lovely in formal dinner at their home Thursday evening. Covers were placed at an attractively appoint ed table for Mrs. R. M. Day, Mrs. Charles Harlow and Mrs. Wayne Robertson, all of Eugene; Ed Rie werrs, of San Francisco; Mrs. Charles V. Stanton and Mr. and Mrs. Perry and Miss Corinne Anne. Visiting was enjoyed during the pleasant evening hours. --- ,-B--,,-i.l-ii-inj.i Gladys H. Strong TEACHER OF PIANO Graduate of tho New England Conservatory 4 Masonic Building TeleDhone I 32-L II I.I 1 GIFT NEWS . jri' nli' i