ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, '.' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1942. FIVE Rentals FOR RENT 6room, modern house, 21 miles north of Rose burg on highway. Fireplace, furnace, electricity, city water, Fred Fisher. Phone 26F3. 8ROOM house for rent, partly furnished or unfurnished. L, Arehambeau, Sutherlin, Ore gon. FOR RENT Small, modern house. Partly furnished, with garage. Gas heat. Page Lumber & Fuel Co., phone 242. URNISHED ground floor apt. Newly papered. Adulls, 64 W. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly -modern. Phone 550. SLEEPING ROOM. Bell building, 122 S. Jackson. Phone 457. NICELY FURNISHED 3 apartment. 605 S. Pine. NORTHSIDE APARTMENTS. Modern. Phone 8Q2-R. FOR RENT Modern apartment. Hotel Valley. SLEEPING rooms, Mosher street. 70Y West MODERN apartments. 926 S. Main. FOR RENT 2-room furnished apartment. 348 S. Pine. Help Wanted WANTED Logger equipped to deliver at mill, from twenty to twenty-five thousand feet per day. Nearly all second growl h. Address Little River Lumber Co., 131 South Flint street, Roseburg. WANTED Caretaker for moun tain place on North Umpqua. Small wage. Box 1313, c-o News-Review. WILL pay $5.00 weekly lor girl to help with housework. Phone 743-L or call at 407 Ella St. i MEN to work In piling, 2c foot. g -b clirttiitirr rrnnii 1 IrwH Van Horn, 535 Mill street'. WANTED Housekeeper for two, C. C. Murrell, Canyonville, Oregon. 5 RANTED Woman for general 1 housework, part time. 223 S. Kane. WANTED- Housekcper on ranch, J P. O. Box 509, Roseburg. WANTED Man to steer piling trailer. 228 Haynes. WANTED Girl at Cy's Sandwich Shop, 318 N. Jackson. CEO RYDER f3S85PjfJ2E AJit ( WHAT SHooTiN'.' RED I Hl&ff .Lm-f 1 T jfSwtihT Tk&jfZzC (GOT THAT CAT IN MIDAIR ) VTA JL?- : ?S ' COPS. 194) U. f. rl . ' m mf - I ALLEYOOP It's NoUse7 Elephant By V. T. Hamlin ' THANKS FOR HELPIKI' (J& GET TH' ( AW! ) f WELL, SEEING AS HOW VOU ARE t-v. -J fU- CATS CKINTHEIB 1 CASES, MISS..., AND) If TWEE'S A ( MORE OR LESS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS CT J -.PPTLAtfMD ' x IV- stray .xMAescape. wemismtasvvellroundhim) 1 cLEPHANT POWW TH ROAD, SEND A-J I m wirwvr , V U S , ,o -rorv atta oau mmu r n IX 1 him BACK THIS; WAV, WILL VOU? J . 4J f ELEPHANT 1 V'.TOO-'ATTA BOV,glMNy...6Q I FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Gosh, its oood To be home, mom.' if i never leave" it" agalm . it'll be too soom P I V V II rlrTccN fVMNUTcS tt Yt I 1 If I . V 10 tAI IHtNl'LL H o ' M ) ' - Be right over. fkv 'M V 4 WANTED Housekeeper. Mother works. One child 11 and one 4. Call 390-R after 6:00 o'clock. DRYER HELP and shakers for prune harvest. Lindbloom. Wanted WANTED To buy 1 used 2- horse electric motor, and 1 used irrigation pump. Henry Paul son, Umpqua. WANTED 1 to IS h. p. air cooled gas motor. R. O. Bicknell, Brock way, Oregon. Call at Orr ville, foot of Camas mountain. WANTED 110-volt, A. C. power plant, 1000-watt or over, in good condition. Inquire 114 N. Stephens. WANTED Pickup truck in good mechanical condition. H. W. Hiles, Riddle. WANTED Kerosene or Electro lux refrigerator. Effie Johns ton, Azalea. WANTED A 4.00x19" motor cycle tire. Call at Knudtson's Jewelry. WANTED Automobile tire and tube 5.50x17. Phone 207. Hay, Grain, Feed HAY for sale, first and second cutting alfalfa; also 100 grain sacks. H. W. Burr, Curry Es tate. FOR SALE Oats and vetch, $15.00. First cutting alfalfa, $13.00. R. E. Hurst, Myrtle Creek. HAY. 411 S. 435-R. Jackson. Phone FOR SALE Baled or loose third cutting alfalfa. Phone 21F3. Personal I WILL not be responsible for any bills contracted by anyone oth er than myself. Elvin M. Ken nedy, O. K. Barber Shop. Autos FOR SALE 1939 I. H. C. truck and piling trailer; 1936 I. H. C. truck and piling trailer; trucks, complete and working. R. Col lett, 418 Fullerton street. '34 CHEVROLET master sedan! good condition, good tires. 1113 Corey avenue. Call evenings after 6:30. Fuel PHONE 468 Green Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. ) f Boy In about Five ) ( Dinner, is in five- WllSh I WHENS DINNER.?! M'NUTES J MINUTES, JUNE Wf (H I I h 7 -7 "I I AND ITLLTAKE-MF BTO Of I 'For Sale Miscellaneous PEACHES Large crop, excellent quality, tree ripe Mull's and Hales, $2.50 and $1.25 per bushel. Any day except Sun days. 8 miles west Sutherlin. Gorrell Orchards. Phone 22F22. Don K. Baird. " CANNING TOMATOES. 50c a bushel. You pick and haul. J. G. James, Route 2, Box 81, River side addition. Turn west at Watzig's Hatchery. FOR SALE or trade for wood 1 Fordson tractor and 1933 Ford sedan, good tires and good mo tor. L. Arehambeau, Sutherlin, Oregon. FOR SALE Canning tomatoes, 50c per bushel. Pick yourself. Patch on C. E. Marks ranch. F. ' D. Coon, Dillard. PEARS 2c a pound. Bartletts. You pick. J. W. Holmgren, Route 1, Box 119, Glengary dis trict. Phone 5F42. PIANO, repossessed. Will sell at bargain rather than reship. Terms. Write J. C. Stone, 1595 Norway St., Salem, Oregon. CANNING TOMATOES. Bring containers and pick them your self. 75c a bushel. E. G. Clayton, Melrose road, up the Clayton place. FOR SALE-60-inch boiler, 6x7 steam feed. 600 feet 11 inch cable. Large carriage feed drum. Ray Baldwin, Camas Valley, Oregon. FOR SALE OR TRADE Almost new 6' ice refrigerator; 2-wheeI trailer with good 650x17 tiles. Emmett Hall, 5 miles W. of Wilbur. TOMATOES John Baer, non acid, at their best now before rains. Ask for them at lien' ninger's. Lindbloom. 15 ACRES Italian prunes for s;ilc Make me an offer. Julius Kind!, Melrase. BIG, thick milkshakes, made with lee cream mix, 10c. Sullivan's Cafe. FOR SALE Household goods. 5 miles east of Sutherlin. Call evenings or Sunday. A. Steuor. FOR SALE Canning tomatoes. Come to the Fern greenhouses or call 37F2. FOR SALE Choice tomatoes. Bromps, Curry Estate, phone 55F12. PINE PRUNE LUGS. New enough for 34 lugs. 5c each. E. A. Crow, Lookingglass. Who Goes There? Slightly Sarcastic Livestock FOR SALE 25 Romncy yearling ewes, 10 registered. Also ninety young turkeys. George Hall ranch, 7 miles east Oakland. Phone 41F3. FOR SALE Stock cattle. 150 head cows and calves. Ed Hughes, Box 565, Route 2, Grants Pass, Oregon. Phone 12F23. FOUR fresh milk cows, half Dur ham. Bull calves, 7'8 Durham. 4 Delane bucks. Ted Hodges, Lookingglass. FOR SALE 2 registered rams, 1 yearling, 1 two-year-old, 1 Rom ney, 6 years old. Isidoro Inda, phone 1F32. WANTED TO BUY old ewes, about 500 head. Route 1, Box 160. Andy Spliethof. Phone! Green Station. 15 HEAD purebred Shrop ewes and registered Shrop ram and 8 head of unsheared lambs. Call 218. ATTENTION We remove dead and worthless stock free. Call collect 52-F-12. Roseburg By products. 1 PUREBRED Hereford bull, 18 months old. Work horse. 1 sad dle horse. C. T. Glanville, Riddle. FOR SALE 20 head good ewes, $7.50 per head. Also some feed er lambs. J. C. Beals, Canyon ville. WANT TO TRADE Corriedale buck lamb for a Corriedale buck lamb. Route 2, Box 317, Roseburg. FOR SALE 6-year-old team with harness, 2 enws, fresh in No vember and December. Glenn Newcomb, Myrtle Creek. FOR SALE 25 young wether goats. Dixonville road. Lewin Parker, phone 7F11. FOR SALE Blackface and pure bred Corriedale bucks. Phone 33F14. FOR SALE 5-year-old Jersey, milking and bred. $55.00. F. Parker, Wilbur. ROMNEY bucks, two year olds. Oakland. Yearlings and C. R. Horney, TWO Shropshire bucks. Phone 34F22. FOR SALE -12 head aged ewes, Joe Brumbach, phone 19F12. LINCOLN ram for sale, $25.00. Don Ollivant, Happy Valley. MEAL I SAVE GENERAL SAW FILiNQ Howard Casebeer, 443 S Steph PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demoth. 189-L FLUE CLEANING Furnanet vacuum cleaned flut cleaning. Call 841, J. C. Bevs ley. REFRIGERATION Chet Hamm. Phone 715. FOR SALE Six head Karakul sheep at a sacrifice. Will de liver. Cooper's Gardens Flor ists, Myrtle Point, Oregon. Poultry FOR SALE Half grown turkeys 50 Bronze, good stock; 20 .Bourbon Red. $100.00 takes bunch. H. J. Hausotter, Riddle, Oregon. FOR SALE 150 White Leghorn pullets, 13 weeks old. 75c each. J. G. James, Route 2, Box 81, Riverside addition. Turn west at Watzig's Hatchery. FOR SALE-600 White Leghorn hens, one or all. Have to make room for pullets. E. E. Baker, Coos Junction. FOR SALE 145 New Hampshire pullets, 51 months old, $1.35; 9 Cornish roosters, all blood test ed. Mrs. Art Hansen, Sutherlin. Lost and Found LOST Heddon stcelhead rod with Pfleuger medalist reel and tapered line. Between Honey creek and Kentucky Homos, Fr'day, August 28. Reward. Please return to Churchill's Hardware Store. Dentristry DR. NERBAS Fluorescent teeth In plastic Old plates made like new. SO years success in partial or full denture replacement same day. Extraction Pyorrhea treatment. Gas when desired. Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 Work Wanted CALL DUNHAM TRANSFER CO., phone 47, for your mov ing, crating, packing er turkey hauling. By Fred Herman By Merrill Blosser TWET NEXT TiME" YOU'CE IN TOWN), I STOP OFF AGAIN FOR. A OUCK WE'RE ALWAYS 5iAD TO YOU PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Typewriting & Mimeograph Serv ice. Room 3, Second floor, Doug las Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone 259. RADIO iERVICINO Hargls Radio Service. Phone 82S Radio Doctors. 808 N. Stephen Lund Radio Service. Phone 8 LOCK8WITH Paotflo Key Serv. Phone 348 WANTED Truck driving Job. No logging experience. 421 N. Rose street. Business Opportunities . GENERAL merchandise store, southern Oregon, building, stock, fixtures. Good regular business, splendid prospects for large increase. Consider trade for ranch, stocked and equip ped, also Income for ranch. P. O. Box 846, Roseburg, Oregon. Real Estate LOOK AT THESE LOW-PRICED HOMES Five-room house, modern, with garage, basement, sleeping porch, nice lawn, Rivei'slde. $1600.00. Six-room house, old style, but , within three blocks of post of fice, $1600.00. Five-room house, eight blocks from city center, $1300.00. Six-room house, partly furnished, lour blocks from courthouse, suoo.uo. Earl Wiley, Hotel Rose Bldg. FOR SALE Unimproved garden land to suit your needs. WANTED Small acreage close In with good dwelling. See us today for bargains in dwellings in Roseburg. Everything In Real Estate and In surance. Fred A. Goff, 122 S. Stephens. Phone 218. FOR SALE-400,000 Tcet mer chantable Douglas fir. Price $2.50 per thousand, stump cruise, easy to get out. Change able according to price. Henry Elpi-I, Route 1, Camas Valley. "WANT ADS" READ AND USE THE CLASSIFIEDS YOU WILL BENEFIT The following list shows how little it costs for big returns: WANT AD RATES Numbor of Rate per consecutive insertions v ord One Time 2c Two Times . 3c Three Times 4c Six Times . 6c Twelve Times 12c Every day for one month, per line .... $1.00 Minimum Charge 25c WRITE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD IN THIS SPACE-AND Mail or bring to the Roseburg News-Review FOR SALE 41 acres, 38 tillable, ' $500.00 improvements. On high way, 2 miles from town. Terms. E. A. Schudelske, Oakland, Ore gon. : MUST RETIRE. Will sell my in come-bearing home, furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. W. R. Scott, 530 West Oak street. FOR SALE 5-room house, 4 lots, $600.00. Riverside. Inquire 112 Brockway. GLIDE 8CHOOL The opening of the Glide school has been changed from Sept. 14 to Sept. 28. (Adv.) NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS The annual meeting of stock holders in the Umpqua Coal Co, will be held September 2nd, 1942, a,t the office of the Geo. W. Dim- mlck agency, 124 West Cass street, Roseburg, Oregon, at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of electing officers and directors for ensuing year and such other business as may come before the meeting. Signed Umpqua Coal Co., B. W. Maddox, Pres. (Adv.) f ee-Loyer Stung MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) You won't believe It, but S. D. Pitts, a bee-fancier, came home and found a swarm of bees in the back yard. ' Excited, he got down on hands and knees to search for the queen bee so he could hive them. The bees swarmed right spang on the scat of his pants. Maternal Gobbler ALTUS, Okla. (AP) J. V. Smalllng wondered what his tur key gobbler was doing in the al falfa patch. He investigated, found the old boy setting some guinea eggs. The other day the For newspaper deliveriei ; after 5 30 Please Call 572-R gobbler rose in triumph, eggs had hatched. The NOTICE! Due to lack of help and ether conditions ovtr which wt bay no con trol Doyle Bros. AUTO WRECKERS Wish to announce that our shop at 444 N. Jack son will no longer be In operation. But wo will conduct our business at our place north of Rose burg on Highway 99. PQYLE BROS. WARNINGI tEWARI OF D0UELU0RL1S Roundworms Inside you or your child can cnuse real trouble. And you may not know whnt In wrong. Warning ignR are i "picky" fiinetite nervouaneaa, uneasy stomach. ' Itching parts. Get Jayne'a Vermifutfo right awHyrjAYNE'S la America's leading pro prietary worm medicine i used by millions. Acts gently yot expela roundworms. lie sun you get JAYNE'8 VEKMlfr'UQE! HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) Hirnii (Rupture), Flssun or Fistula non disorder Impair your slth llloleaoy srolaaj power. For 30 yssrs we havo enooestfolly treated thou tads ol people for these lU eats. No hospital opera tloa. No ooniiBement. No 1 oss ol time lrom work. Call or eaautoatloa or seed lor rRIK descriptive Booklet. Open ftftngi(MonWo,.W.7fo 8.36 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC PhyaMan and Surgn M. 1. Cor. E. Burntlde and Grand Ave. Telephone lAtt 3918, Portland, Oregon Ploaso insort the abovo copy timos in tho Nows-Roviow claisifiod soction. First insertion 19 Signod Addross PHONE 100 9