ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1942. FIVE C7 Rentals FURNISHED 4-apartment house being renovated. Close in. For information call at 333 S. Ste phens or phone 828-L. I FOR RENT Small. 4 room fur nished house. B. F. Chilson, 875 Hoover street. GROUND FLOOR, 4-room apart ment with frifidaire. Inquire KoseDurg notei. 5ROOM, furnished flat, gas equipped. Phone 222-R, 547 S. Stephens. iFOR RENT 6 rooms. 440 S. Stephens. $35.00. Coen Lum ber Co. FURNISHED ground floor apt. Newly papered. Adults, 645-J. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. SLEEPING ROOM. Bell building, 122 S. Jackson. Phone 457. NORTHSIDE APARTMENTS. Modern. Phone 802-R. f run ncivi iviouern apanmeni. Hotel Valley. SLEEPING rooms. 707 West J Mosher street. J MODERN apartments. 926 S. I Main. Wanted- WANTED A 21-inch rim and al- :4 so a tire for a Dodge-Graham I pickup. Page Lumber and Fuel i Co. WANTED TO BUY Modern home with 3 bedrooms, good condition. Close in. Box 130G, c-o News-Review. WANTED Pasture for lambs, any place in county. Fred Boyer, Northside market. Phone 280. WANTED About half grown turkeys. Arthur Weeks, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. WANTED Good Erativor grass hay, delivered. L. Thronburg, Route 2, Box 370. WANTED Angora goats, ley Long, Uniqua. Stan- WANTED Used . N. Jackson. furniture. 502 Denrrlstry DR. NERBAS Fluorescent teeth In plastic Old plates made like new. tO years success in partial or full denture replacement same day. Extraction Pyorrhea treatment. Gas when desired. Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 RED RYDER (IN-, tE PW-UfA BACK. IM VlNiVa. yM f LS"E.SS JP.QIE- I AS NEV) ' l'VlET s) PEE ) y 3-il j tlA i ALLEY OOP There's Many a Slip By V. T. Hamlin UUUnaHOI -s' 'k Ml L bang 'gY Bfllll&att tfUU I I.MRWHI ,JL IHyMU -.Hi l l m Sr i SJ& "FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Football Training By Merrill Blosser Wmat wepe Trying To dcop 1 Y key. you Guys- fe? TSP'gtc) f-KICK Ano wArr X'l'ir you doing Rxw kmcw I don't shoot F0lys' rdrow.n& rjt . IW THAT H FAD FOR TRYING TOO. I YOU MIOMT hitjeam -5,ASi cf,JP,?F k. TO BREAK" , J,it kJ Tree? yTO set this fopest muoj 1 or. me , there ever in V-.ard 4C '1' sb " Real Estate FOR SALE 3-bedroom house, three blocks from courthouse, new roof, new paint, new oil heater, rugs, dining room suite, breakfast set, stove. Owner leaving state, sell all for $2100. 5-room stucco, house, close , in, hardwood floors, fireplace, gar age, full basement, sawdust furnace, $3750. Earl Wiley, Hotel Rose Bldg. CALLED to war work. Must soil at sacrifice my 19-acre poultry and dairy farm. Modern house, basement with furnace. City utilities, poultry houses, barn and garage. Adjoining Rose burg in Riverside addition. Phone 6-19-Y, Halsey DeCamp. WANTED Property. Improved or unimproved. Must have year round stream, timber, five or more acres tillable. Under $2000. Write description and how to locate to L. B. Pierce, 31 N. Orange street, Medford, Oregon. FOR SALE Sawmill powered with P. D. 40 fifty horsepower International dicsel. Will sell together or separately. Good condition. Cooper and Hall, Camas Valley, Oregon. FOR SALE CHEAP 160 acres of timber land near Roscburg. See owner B. Olson at Hill Crest Motel Auto Court, Rose burg, August 18, 19. WANTED Farm bordering Umpqua river, with ten acres or up irrigated, improvements, clear title, to owners only. Box 1303, co News-Review. 10 ACRES with piling and old growth timber, live creek. On Coos Bay highway 42, $700.00 cash. (j. II. Taylor, Brockway, Oregon. ., FOR SALE -41 acres, 38 tillable, $500.00 Improvements. On high way, 2 miles from town. Terms. E. A. Schudciske, Oakland, Ore gon. MUST RETIRE, will sell my in come-hearing home, furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. W. R. Scott, 530 West Oak street. Impounded Unless claimed within 48 flours from date ot noticp, all dogs de scribed below will be sold or killed as provided in city ordi nance No. 1014. White and black long tailed, fe male terrier. White, tan spots, bob tailed, male, mixed Spitz pup. Tom Fletcher, city enforcement officer, phone 2F4. August W, 5:00 p. m. Help Wanted W ANTED Hop pickers. SIGN UP NOW for hop picking. Starts August 10 at Art King's Lakeside Hop Yard, Route 2, Box 262, Grants Pass, Oregon. Price for picking 3c pound straight. Tent houses, tables and benches, trailer space, elec trlct lights, wood and water furnished. Commissary on grounds. Write for further in formation and register at the 1 above address. ! PROGRESSIVE Northwest Life Insurance company lias open ing for District Manager in Roseburg territory.' Salary and commission. Replies confiden tial. Write Box 1308, c-o News Review. WANTED Woman, about forty, to care for small apartment house during September. Board and wages. 302 West Washing ton. WANTED Prune pcikers. Wat- zig orchard, Gazley road. 1 mile north of Canyonville. O. H. Watzig, Myrtle Creek. WANTED 4 pear pickers. Trans portation furnished for more than 2. H. M. Knapp, Garden Valley. Phone 32F12. WANTED Pear pickers. Will start about Wednesday, August 19. A. F. Suksdorf, Coos Junc tion. WANTED Middle-aged lady to help in cafe. Experience not necessary. Phono 783.- 3 MEN to pick pears. A. F. Hoff- meister, Route 2, Box 175. WANTED Choker setter at 222 1 lay nes. WAITRESSES wanted. Rose Ho tel. Lost and Found LOST 8-ton Black Ilnwk hy draulic jack, between Glcmlalc and Starveonl Lumbrr Co. mill, Saturday, August 15. Reward. Wm. Jantzer, Azalea. LOST About 8 keys on key ring in front of Indian I heat re. Please return to theatre box of fice. Reward. Work Wanted NOTICE: Watch those metal fel loe wheels and if loose have them tightened on hydraulic tightener at Sarff's, 523 N. Main. CALL DUNHAM TRANSFER CO., phone 47, for your mov ing, crating, packing r turkey hauling. No Heart for Cruelty (T? KILLUIA BABY ' GUESS For Sale Miscellaneous -r- REMINGTON 16 sine 7.62 MM bolt action rifle with 500 shells for $40.00. Also modern Win chester with scope, size 257 Roberts for $135. 3030 for $22.50. Also 32 20 for $25.00. 30-40 shells, 30 Remington, 32 Remington, 25-20, 32-40 Win chester, -shells. Powell's Hard ware Store. PEACHES. Tree riH large crop. Gorrell orchards, 8 miles west Sutherlin. Phono 22F22 or write. Don K. Baird, Oakland. Crawfords now ready. FOR SALE Trailer house, 8x18. Good rubber. $100.00 cash. Must be sold by Saturday. Ask for Chris at Holgate's Garage, Sutherlin. FOR SALE 30-40 Springfield and 7 boxes 6hetls. Mechanical ly perfect. Call Zenith Auto court, Sutherlin. J. W. McDon ald, cabin 6. FOR SALE New Colson deluxe bicycle, $40.00. New Kelvlnator, largo size. Call North Side Apartments, room 303. FOR SALE Crabapples, cooking apples, plums, $1.00 bushel. La ter Concord- grapes. O. H. Wat zig, Myrtle Creek. FOR SALE Sawed red cedar shakes. Write W. 11. Wright, Lookingglass. 3 miles out on Ncbo road. FOR SALE Household goods In cluding 6-foot refrigerator. W. II. McMullen, South Myrtle Creek. SWEET CORN for canning. Mc Lendun place, opKsile I. O. O. F. cemetery. Come before noon. CHOICE Gravcnstein apples. Mile north county shop. 50c and 25c box. Kllnger place. I BIG, thick milkshakes, made with ice cream mix, 10c. Sullivan s Cafe. TRUNK FOR SALE. Inquire 707 W. Mosher. Mrs. Fulcher. Business Opportunities FOR SALE QUICK Account be ing ordered into active service must sell modern food market located in Reedsjiort booming industrial center. VICTORY ' MARKET, operated by Mark W. Dunham. Fuel PHONE 468 Green Slab Wood nOSFBTIRG LUMBER CO. BUNNIES. ME ME Find OTHE.K TO KAY-UTJOCTC i- mm GENERAL SAW FILilMO PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Howard Caaebeer, 443 S Stcph Typewriting & Mimeograph Scrv 1 " ice. Room 3, Second floor, Doug- PIANO TUNING las Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone 259. . . . RADIO KRVIUlNte Arundel. Repairs, Dcmoth. 189-L ., FLUE CLEANING Hargls Radio Service. Phone 82! Furnaoea vacuum cleaned flu. Radio Doctor. 306 N. Stephen cleaning. Call ML J. C Bew ley, Lund Radio Service. Phone REFRIGERATION LOCKSMITH Chct Hamm. Phone lib. Pacific Key Serv. Phone 348 Livestock . Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE 12 head cattle; 11 daily cows; one registered bull, can be registered; 3 milking, 8 freshen in fall. See cattle at Cobb's farm, at Kellogg. FOR SALE 5 yearling, good grade Romney bucks, $8.00 each. Henry Jones, Canyon ville. Dennis Hanks ranch. ATTENTION We remove dead and worthless itock free. Call collect 52-F-12. Roseburg By products. FOR SALE or trade- Sound 1200- Mund, 9-year-old brown work horse. $30.00. F. Parker, Wil bur. FOR SALE 10 yearling Rom ney bucks. C. R. Homey, Oak land, Oregon. FOR SALE-6 cows. Floyd Cal ler, on old Brosi place, Coos Junction. FOR SALE 50 head sheep. J. C. Beals, Canyonville. 100 EWES, all ages. J. F. Rice, Myrtle Creek. Autos 41 SPECIAL Deluxe 5 passenger coupe. Heater, 5 good tires, cheap, or will sell equity. J. D. Carstcnsen, Oakland. FOR SALE 1931 master Chcv rolet sedan. A-l condition, good rubber. 315 Cass street. 1930 CHRYSLER coupe, good tires, $60.00. Douglas Super Service. Poultry FOR SALE W. Leghorn pullets, , 200 February 15, $1.50 each; 500 . April 20, $1.00 if taken this week. Isaac Dalil, Camas Val ley. By Fred Harman XI I little BeAwelr..' V tec TTi FOR SALE Baled or loose third cutting ulfalfa. Phone 21F3. Around the County Olalla OLALLA, Aug. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Adamek and two chil dren, Noble and Conrad, who have been working at Standley brothers logging camp at Iron mountain and living )r ihelr trailer-house, have moved home. Later Jim will drive a bulldozer for Standleys at their Camas mountain camp. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Young have sold their cleaning establishment at Riverside, California, and have returned to Olalla to make their home. They came here from Cali fornia a number of years ago, but had to go back for a couple of years to look after business Inter ests. Their son, Glen, Jr., Is in the united States navy. John Cabot has finished com bining grain on the Ireland place. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Collins are building a new house on the Eckrlght place on Hoover hill road. Earl Olllvant had his hay haled last week. Several others are bal ing tills week. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Tank ersley and family have gone to northern Oregon to pick hops and later help in the fruit harvest. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad (Shorty) Arnold came down from Molalla Sat unlay to spend the week-end at the home of Conrad's father, William Arnold, on Hays creek and also went on to Port Ol ford to visit Mrs. Arnold's people. Word has been received that Pal O'Dowd, who left here for Wallace, Idaho, a few weeks ago, has Joined the navy. Mrs. Anna Ireland spent the week-end at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Dave Rackliff, In Coqiiillo. Mrs. Henrietta Lubke and daughter, Beverly, who have been spending their vacation with Mrs. Ireland and oilier relatives here, have returned to their honie In SiKikane, Washington. Mrs. Frank Adamek returned Friday from a few days' visit with her friend, Mrs. Ella Maupin, al Ashland. Miss Rosella Adamek, who accompanied her mother to Ashland, will remain there for a longer slay. Monroe Arnold and Randolph Smith went to Portland ttyo first of I lie week for their medical ex amination for the army. Ran dolph has been sent to training camp but Monroe was granted a short leave In which to finish his haying and threshing. He ex pects lo leave August 22. Word has been received of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Giles of Bandon. Lowell Is a son or Mrs. Maud (Ireland) Giles and is well known here. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sweek and two children arrived recently from Sllka, Alaska, and have been vlslllng Mr. Sweck's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs A. E. Gilkison, for the past few days. They left Wednesday for Coivallls for a few days. They plan lo locate in Oregon. R. D. Lockwood left Friday for a few days' visit with relatives near Vernonla, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie (Dor) Clark have returned from Cali fornia where they went to take their son, Frank, to a military post. Frank has been stationed at Mobile, Alabama, for several months and came homo recently on a shoi-t leave of absence. Mrs. J. A. Harvey was taken to a hospital In Portland recently. Several people from Olalla WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Without Calomel-And You'll Jump Out ol Bed In tH Mernini Ririn' to Go Tha) Mvtjr tfinoM poor I pint of bllt Jtite Into rout bow eta vrrr day. If thl bile tl not flowfrtf frlr( you 'f m)r not tL It mar juat deray In tha bwfta. Then a bloat, up your tnmarh. Yon t ton atlpated. You feel tour, sunk and the world looki punk. It Uk-a thoa H oH CarWe Little, Liver PI He to gt. theae 2 pint of btle flnw ln freely to make you "up efid fip." G:t a pacLtze tmUy. Take &i directed. Effective lo Baking bile fl.w freajy. Ask tot Crt'a Utile Livf I'X. IM tad Hi. have been making mattresses at the mattress project, being car ried on at the playshed on the Tenmlle school grounds. Around sixty mattresses will be made be fore the project closes. Mrs. Anna Carson, Mrs. Will Fisher and John Ncmctz of Rose burg spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Camall at the Car nail homo here Thursday. The Carnalls came down from the North Umpqua Tuesday with an eight-pound steel head, which Roy caught Monday evening near Idleyld. Orln Jones, who was a resident of Olalla for a few months last winter, has been called to Port land for military medical examin ation. He has been cutting timber for Joe Mora, in Camas Valley. Roy Carnall has been putting a new roof on his house the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Carnall will leave soon for Rock creek where they will have charge of the checking station and fire patrol work. Miss Virginia Byron of Rose burg sont the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Junia Byron. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Olllvant were shopping and transacting business in Roseburg the last of the week. The Olalla and upper Olalla schools will open early next month. There are about ten or twelve new pupils for the lower Olalla Bchool this year who will go from the settlement around the Blcknell sawmill near the Mossman place. BARBS The army has taken over some of the large vacation hotels in Atlantic City. How about changing the old song to "Tent ing Tonight In the Old Ball Room . A new shortage of chemicals for bleaching hair Is reported. As far as many of our blonds are concerned, that brings mat ters to a head. ' CARD OF THANKS We wish to express at this time our sincere appreciation to our many friends for their kind ness and sympathy shown us in our recent bereavement at the death of our loved one. Mrs. Alfred Stephen and Gerald- ine MARKET REPORTS LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 1R. (AP)-(USDA) CATTLE: Mar ket slow, mostly a cleanup mar ket; generally steady to weak with Monday's steady market; few common-medium beef steers 9.5011.50; light dairy type steers down to 7.50; top fed steers Mon day 14.35; cutler lo common dairy type heifers 7.008.50; few beef heifers 9.00 10.00; canner and cutter cows 5.25-.00; medium beef cows 8.25-75; good young cows quotable 9.75 or above; common- medium bulls 8.009.75; fairly good bulls 10.2; good beef hulls quotable 11.00; large lot medium- good vealers 14.50; choice 15.00, odd head 15.50. HOGS: Market strong to 10 higher; good-choice 170215 lbs, moslly 15.50-60; 230-290 lbs. 14.75 15.00; light-lights 14.50-75; good sows 14.00-50; medium heavy sows down to 13.25; good-choice feeder pigs quotable to 15.00 1G.50. SHEEP: Market slow, quality below normal; scattered sales weak; few medium-good spring ers 11.00 50; trictly good-choice quoin hie 12.00 or above; feeders NATURELAND to P Modern Cottages and Apartmonts. Attractive surround ings and privato driveway to ocean beach. NOTE: There are no restrictions on the beach at Natureland, other than the requirement that there be no lights, on the beach alter dark. NATURELAND (John Dornath and Sons) Bandon, Oregon, just south of town on the beach road We cm help yon gel lift mznm UN SAVE YOD 10 ( 30 OF YOU TIKIS' UK Only $2.00 lt ue folate your Him Try 2S0O milu. This halps you maximum mileage. ty At Iht Mm time, bran J yew icenee numfrere on your (7r ! rfi'tcourafe thtfl. Goodyear Service Store 101 S. Jackson Phone 220 '' salable aruiiud 9.5075; load mix ed fat and feeder range lambs late Monday 11.50; common slaughter ewes 2.50; good ewes salable around 4.00 25. PRODUCE ' PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 1!) (AP) These are the prices re tailers pay wholesalers, cxcepl where otherwise noted: COUNTRY MEATS Selling price to retailer: Country-killed hogs, best butchers, 129 to 141 lbs., 20-21c, nominal; others un changed. All other prices steady un changed. s BILL'S GARBAGE SERVICE ' Efficient Service Rates: 50c per month and up PHONE 338 HEMORRHOIDS (Piles) Hernia (Rupture), Fissure er Fistula fetich dliordor Impair yoir hoalth Moloney oifnlno powar. For 30 yecrt w bav ueooMfullr tratd thou sand of DMopI lor thoso all monta. No hoapMal opera Hob. No oonllnamonl, N loiaolttno from work. Call lor lamination or nd for, FREE d-aoriptw BookUt Opm f vtnnoi, Mtft.,Wto'., M., 7 to 63C Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Pttyifefm and &rgn N, K, Cor. E. Bornstd and Grand Av, TaUphono EAI391B, Portland, Oregon at BANDON 3 COTTAGES lg I