FIVE a UDDDiicsccTrcffiniar ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1942. NOTICE: 10:30 DEADLINE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE MENTS CANNOT BE AC CEPTED LATER THAN 10:30 A. M. ON THE DAY OF PUB LICATION. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. Rentals WANTED TO RENT Place that will run about 75 head sheep. Improved. Write E A. Antis, Myrtle Creek. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment, close in. Hot and Icold water Included. $15.00. G. W. Young & Son, phone 417. 6-ROOM house with acreage, barn, chicken house. Close in. 630 E. Douglas street. FURNISHED ground floor apt. Newly papered. Adults, 645-J. BAILEY apartments 3 rooms and bath. Adults. 117 S. Kane. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. NORTHSIDE APARTMENTS. Modern. Phone 802-R. SLEEPING ROOM. Bell building, 122 S. Jackson. SLEEPING rooms. 707 West Mosher street. MODERN apartments. 926 S. Main Poultry WANTED AT Or-rCt-Hatching eggs. New Har.ipshircs, R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks, Hamp shire and Red-Rock crosses, Hampshire and Red-Cornish crosses. We will pay 16c pre mium over Portland Grade A, f.o.b. your shipping point for . all the cross hatching eggs we ean get. NORTHWEST HATCHERY, CORVALLIS, OREGON. WANTED Hatching eggs of heavy breeds. New Hampshircs and Cornish New Hampshire cross especially desirable. Call at 530 N. Jackson street on Wednesdays or Fridays of each week. Mrs. J. J. O'Dale. For Sale Miscellaneous 3IG, thick milkshakes, made with ice cream mix, 10c. Sullivan's Cafe. FOR SAtE "Baby bed. A. O. Gal' braith, Idleyld Star. Fuel PHONE 468 Green Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. BED RYDER ALLEY OOP i Red rydpp will bp wrr om 1 f keep your, line -tighte-R..Clmre.'I r cictpp von'RPKniM'Hi.THEPE-'Osfcl " ' ra M - ' ' -f ' 1?-K "' J , 7-3Q con nn 'vJELL,BOSi " LIMPED IM J ( WE OUGHT A. SAV OSCA-eQ AaF.&MHILE : AM AMERICAN A.1RPOICT COWlE-A f I VJOMDEW WWmriSasf) OUR RAID 7WITH A MAKE CHIW& DO VDU-- WHERE IM THE V3IATIC WAR ZOMB SKIPPER. WAS SVj; DUMMoN OM THAT SbUSTED THOSn YU JIG T1METHIMK gAMTSAY... VES.SIR.THAT BASErTJV 'SPf? '"BUT IF Wb' V JAP OUTPOST SUB AKl' PEISOMERS NJOW -THOSE THEV WERE. WAS COMPLET6Ly PUKING JH "G, W,, , I SPOTrT.I'D TUKMED yfeOARED WE TOOK SURE)- . rT PLAJOE3 I J!r2 DESTROD...MCrr "TWAS iMM SCHp MtjL WOT WAXJT OUT OKAyyOUT WITH V WILL FRY... A INESWN VJ-TS ATHIM3 MCWKK3, V 1JJ???ST WmL L.r TO BE OM veh? Amotor- whemthev Xp$cjrr except a little NItiwer I r J -r-, fiO DRIVEN SAILl LEARM WE'VE J S ? jeP?. '1" eCHOOMER, JUST iiSf JT ' FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Wmat was in tub letter tmat vou mailed and want Tell BUT I TO GET BACK? (SET AND IT Real fcsrate FOR SALE 5-room house, large lot. West side. $1500.00. Modern 6-room house, close in, double garage. Excellent loca tion. $5000.00. See Roy Young at 205 W. Cass street. Phone 417. FOR SALE 1G0 auics, about 17 miles southwest of Roscburg, described at the S5 of NEJ and NJ of SE1, section 34-2!)-7. Make offer. B. Olson, 1820 S. Jay St., Taeoma, Washington. FOR RENT OR SALE 3-room house, bath, garage and barn, berries. Sale price $600.00 cash. North of Texaco plant, Eden bower. R. Anderson. FOR SALE, trade or rent my wrecking yard property con sisting of 6 lots. E. O. Sarlf, 523 N. Main Street. FOR SALE House and 6 acres in Sutherlih, Inquire Valen tine's on South State street, Sutherlin. FOR SALE OR RENT 5-room house, close to Ford's mill. Rea sonable. Inquire at 730 E. First avenue N. Wanted WANTED 3 good old model sew ing machines, in good condition and priced low. Yoncalla branch American Red Cross, Mrs. Hugh Warner, Sec'y., Yoncalla, Oregon. WANTED 8' sawn fir ties, all sizes. Telephone collect price f. o. b. mill, quantity can sup ply, earliest shipment. Niedcr-meyer-Martin Lumber Co., Portland, Oregon. WANTED 150 tons of alfalfa or oat and vetch hay. Harold Schafer, Marshfield, Oregon. Star route, Sumner, Oregon. WANTED TO BUY Young, gen tle horse for children and light farm work. Write to Dorothy Lapp, Azalea, Oregon. WANTED 4,000 shakes, 5"x24". State price delivered at my place. Charles Olson, Melrose Star Route. WANTED Sweet corn, beans and other produce. 411 S. Jack son street. Phone 435-R. WANTED Used sawdust burner in good condition. Box 429, Route 2, Roseburg. WANTED 21-inch used tires. Straight sides. Harry Pearce. WANTED Stock dog. Route 2, Box 320. E. R. Schwender. yoa GOTfA IT BACK -X MAVBE IT lfeXS HAS NT GONE DESTRO IVv OUTSET! r ' I 1)1 ACT MOM Lff WILL Livestock 60 BREEDING ewes, 4 years and over; 45 two-year-olds; 16 year ling ewes, 80 lambs, 1 Romney buck and 1 Corriedale buck with papers. Myrtle Maris, Oak land. FOR SALE A good, fresh, Guernsey - Jersey cow with week-old calf. Three bucks, one Corriedale, one Romney, one crossbred Lincoln. N. L. Conn, Melrose Route. ATTEN1 ION We remove dead and worthless stock free. Call collect 52-F-12. Roscburg By products. FOR SALE 6 Toggcnburg milk goats. Exchange chickens, sheep, cow. J. R. Jeamson, Myr tle Creek. FOR SALE 3-year-old Jersey. Will freshen in few days, 2nd calf. R. B. Spackman, Dillard. FOR SALE Berkshire sow, ten months old, pure blood. L. M. Hodges, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. FOR SALE Cocker puppies, with or without papers, cheap. Geo. Hess, Garden Valley. FOR SALE 30 good yearling ewes. W. H. Blair, Dillard, phone 46F3. WANTED 7 Lincoln bucks. W. A. Blackert, Myrtle Creek. Phone 2802. FOR SALE Corriedale rams. Kruse Bros., phono 42-F-2. FOR SALE 30 good feeder lambs. Phone 15F13. impounded UNLESS claimed within 48 hours from date of notice, all dogs de scribed below will be sold or killed as provided in City Ordi nance No. 1014: Small white female terrier. Old dog. Large white and black female terrier and shepherd, mixed. Old dog. Tan and white long-tailed female terrier. Tom Fletcher, City Enforcement Officer, phone 2F4. July 28, 5:00 p.m. Dentistry DR. NERBA'S Fluorescent teeth in plastic Old plates made like new. 20 years success in partial or full denture replacement same day. Extraction Pyorrhea treatment. Gas when desired. Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 But Not the Finny Kind Trouble Ahead and Above Slightly Mixed , Well, go To IMC LAW I POSToFFICe CWALANT AMD MAYBS TUEV GIVE IT" BACK TO VOU Help Wanted HOP PICKERS wanted at Fort Vannoy yards. 180 acres. Earlies and Lates. Cabins with electric light outlets, fuel, water and camp stoves furnished free. Desirable trailer house sites. Fine crop, three cents per pound, no bonus, picking sfarts about Aug. 5th. Make reservations for picking and cabins. Will mail notice of cx act starting date. Fort Vannoy Hopyards, Grants Pass, Ore., 5 miles west on Lower River road. Phone 6-F-12. WANTED Hop pickers. SIGN UP NOW for hop picking. Starts August 10 at Art King's Lakeside Hop Yard, Route 2, Box 262, Grants Pass, Oregon. Price for picking 3c pound straight. Tent houses, tables and benches, trailer space, elec trict lights, wood and water furnished. Commissary on grounds. Write for further in formation and register at the above address. REGISTRATIONS are being tak en for hop picking at HILTON DIXIE HOPYARDS, work to begin about August 10. Pick ing price will bo 3c per pound, with no bonus. Write to Ben Hilton, Grants Pass, Ore. FRY AND DINNER COOK Also kitchen helper wanted at Sey mour's Cafe, Eugene, Oregon. Better than union scale paid. Air conditioned kitchen. Write, phone or apply in person. WANTED at once one EXPERI ENCED hotel clerk. Top wages. Write wire, or phone Medford 2197 or 2198. Hotel Grand, Medford, Oregon. WAITRESSES wanted at Say mour's Cafe, Eugene, Ore., un ion house, good conditions and wages. Air conditioned dining room. WANTED Loggers by contract log 15 to 20 thousand per day or will sell mill. R. C. Foltz, Tenmile. WANTED Man to do fence work for about 2 weeks. Good wages. Write Mrs. Harry Wallen, Glide, Oregon. WANTED Fallors and bucksrs. Lane-Linn Logging Co., phone Roseburg 8F23 or Lalilo toll sta tion. WANTED Reliable girl to take care of b year old girl. Apply at Valley hotel. Apt. 205, even ings. WANTED Waitress. Hotel Ump qua. Apply Immediately. MOW CAN A SUY ACT f HAVE yod LOT NONCHALANT WHEN HE'S II A GETTER I ( A scared To pieces p just J'l mfan , havcT Well tfJflL WALK UP AND BE CASUAL, Ml WU MENT OUT WHAT JksL I SUPPOSE ' jffllm THE SAIL YET t I DO Wm FVl VTliwl fM I MEAN YOU SsSs&.i i .6 I- ; 'Mh'l 4IIM A WEAN? I (FFifF i ill -FfciJ ' MM-, r u iPf i mm GENERAL SAW FILING : ' RADIO SERVICING Howard Casebeer, ilST" IIargl3 Radlj Sclcc. Phonc g,. tombstones Radio Doctor. 308 N. Stephen! Harry G. Rapp. Phone 819-Y. Lund Radio Service. Phone SW PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demoth. 189-L LOCKSMITH FLUE CLEANING Paciflo Key Scrv. Phone 348 Furnaces vacuum cleaned flu REFRIGERATION . cleaning. Call 841, J. C. Bev . ley. Chet Hamm. Phone 715. WANTED Experienced sales : lady with at least six months training. , Steady employment, ' local store. , References requir ed. Write box 1288, c-o News- Review. SET of fallers and buckcrs to it contract falling and bucking. ', (1.50 per thousand. Phone , 846-Y, 6 to 8 evenings. STOCK MAN, 17 to 20 years, : steady employment. 115 ' N. ' Jackson street. Work Wanted CALL DUNHAM TRANSFER . CO., phone 47, for your mov j lng, crating, packing w turkey hauling. WASHING done in my home. ,. 541 S. Pine. Hay, Grain, Feed Fpil SALE 12 acres alfalfa in shock, second cutting, ready to haul last of week. Phone 32F2. W. D. Hess. FOR SALE Good oats and vetch in shock. O. S. Stromback, Mel rose Star Route. Around the County Yoncalla YONCALLA, July 29. Mrs. Percy Applegate and three chil dren are enjoying a two weeks' vacation on the Umpqua river near Roscburg. I! Mr. and Mrs. Art Thomas have as their guests Mrs. Cockeram, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Olsen and Shirley Murphy of Redding, Cal. Mrs. Myrth Long of Bend is visiting at the Lena Long home. Mr. and Mi's. Clarence Wilson arcbolng congratulated on the ar rival of a son born at the Sacred By Fred Harmon r NIA ttlVICt INC. T. M HO U . PT Off. Hamlin By Merrill Blosser By V. T Heart hospital, Eugene, Wednes day, July 22. Mi's. Connie Shnpro is receiving medical treatment at the Mprcy hospital, Roscburg. Mi's. Lamb and Mrs. Olive Me- ,Kee transacted business in Rose burg Wednesday. Jimmle Dodd, who is with the aviation corps of the U. S. arrny at Blythc, Calif., Is . home on a two weeks' furlough. Mrs. Roy Dodd returned home Wednesday from the Sacred Heart hospital, Eugene, where she underwent a major operation. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell and daughter, Barbara, moved to Eugene Saturday where Mr. Campbell has accepted a position with Standard Stations, incor porated. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Helms and family of Bend visited at the Her man Thiol home recently. Miss Georgia Underwood of San Francisco vistec at the Her man Thiel home Monday. Patricia Beutell and Jackie Bowman left Thursday for Seattle where they will visit relatives. Mrs. Ed Williams transacted business in Cottage Grove Friday. Mrs. Ralph Davis of Portland sjient several days here last week with relatives and friends. Mrs. Mary Shields is visiting her son and family In Noti. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McEImurry returned to their home in Litch field, Calif., Saturday after spend ing a month here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thorp left Friday for Mullan, Idaho, where Mr. Thorp has a position in the mines. Mi's. Dan Wright, librarian, re ports the following new books added to the shelves of the Yon calla public library: "The Trail of Die Bear," Wood; "Northern "WANT ADS" READ AND USE THE CLASSIFIEDS YOU WILL BENEFIT The following list shows how little it costs for big returns; WANT AD RATES Numbor of Roto per consocutivo insorfiont v ord One Time 2c Two Times 3c Three Times . . 4c Six Times , . . . 6c Twelve Times . . 7 12c Every day for one month, per line .... $1.00 Minimum Charge . 25c WRITE YOUR" CLASSIFIED AD IN THIS SPACE AND Mail or bring to the Roseburg News-Review Calendar of Roseburg Classes and Meetings in Civilian Defense MONDAY Police Reserves C. D. standard first aid class circuit court room, courthouse, 7:30 p. m. fire Reserves, C. D. Standard first aid class Junior high. 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY " Air Raid Wardens, regular meeting, circuit courtroom, court house, 8:00 p. m. Red Cross Motor Corps, regular meeting, sample room, Hotel Umpqua, 7:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY 1 Police Reserve, regular meeting, circuit Courtroom, court house, 7:30 p. at. Supply Unit, justice courtroom, courthouse, 7:30 p. m. THURSDAY Red Cross Motor Corps and Rescue Squad Standard first aid class Douglas Funeral Home, 7:30 p. m. Nurse," by Elliott Meritt; "House for the Sparrow," by Yenni; "Heidi Shirley Temple," by Syp rll; 'Lou Gehrig," T. Grahani; "Blue Horizon," Faith Baldwin. During the summer months, the library Is open on Saturday after noons from 2 to 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mi's. Jess Lasswell re turned home Saturday from a trip to Portland where they visited their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lasswcll. John Collins of Portland spent several dnys here last week visit ing at the Luther paugherty home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vlan are be ing congratulated on the arrival of a- son born Thursday, July 23, with Dr. Victor the attending physician. . Mrs. Olger Holland and daugh ter will leave next week for Salt Lake City to Join Mr. Holland, who is a first lieutenant with the S. army. Mrs. Holland and daiightpr have been yisltlng at the Eric Slenseth home for the last four months, from their tyome In Portland. Harold Turpln, pitcher for the Seattle baseball club, spent the week end here with his family. Mrs. Mary Connolly celebrated her 80th birthday recently with a dinner at' her home, north of town, with several close friends present'. ' '' ESTATE OreatPHt ndvrrtlier of conn trr nroDrrtv. Una made ovef (M.OOO alrnr of Hnnn FarmM Arrrnjre. Barer from nil over the World. Free open Uatlnir. E. A. STRQUT REALTY AGENCY RAY RUEEEL, Representative ' 813 S. Stephens Phone 173-L DON'T MISS IT WONDER SHOW July 31 7 P.M. Cory Av. 9e 15c Inc. tax Harlan Carter, Jr Jimmle Bellows For newspaper delWeriei after 530 Please Call 572-R Ploaio Insert the obovo copy timos In the Newi-Roviow classified section. First insortion 19....... Signed - Addross PHONE 100 pgjkm ass rnrn. IK! ir KE sfevR V T. M. BEC M. 8 PT. prf .