ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON MONDAY, JULY 6, 1942. FIVE Rentals FOR RENT Building space at Gllmore 'gas station on Steph ens street. Suitable for shop or store. 6-ROOM house with acreage,' barn, chicken house. Close in. . 630 E. Douglas street. 4-ROOM house, partly furnished. Lights, water, $15.00 month. 1227 UmpqUa Ave. BELTONIA, modern, ; furnished apartment. Reasonable Phone 12-L. ., . KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone '550. - NORTHSIDE "APARTMENTS. Modern. Phone 802-R. FURNISHED ground floor apart ment, adults. Phone 645-J. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 707 West Mosher street. J2-Room, furnished,, downstairs ap artment. 348 S. Pine. , FURNISHED house, $8. Braugh ton, Miller's Addition SLEEPING "ROOM. Bell bunding, 122 S. Jackson. fbi &dto ffllseeftaMou TYPEWRrrER FOR SALE. Prac tically brand new portable, in ."possession . of owner for , six Q months, but used only a few times. Large face type, tab key, carriage return with extended space bar. This 'portable is in !tip top condition. Sold new for $62.50, owner must sell imme diately .for cash. Will take WU.uu. rnone i or wnie r. u, Box 1231. . FOR SALE John Deere 12-A 'cbfnblne, Bean spray rig. Earl Smith, Camas Valley Star Rt, Roseburg. Phone 21F21 eve nings. CHERRIES "Royal Anne and blacks, 3c lb. Pick them your self. Willard Laurance, Dil Iard, phone 42F5. FOR SALE Cherries. Bings, Lamberts, Royal Anns. 3c, pick r them yourself. Curry Estate, . ' J. G. DeDobbelaere. Bing and Royal Ann cherries, 3e a pound. You pick. Bring con ' tainers. 3 miles West of Suth- i erlin, A, Tuthill. UMBRELLA TENT, 7x9, with floor, 1 iron, 1 wooden camp ' . ing cot. Half price; 1035 W. ' 1st St. . . FOR SALE Wood range with hot water coil arid tank. Farm Bureau Exchange. BIG, thick milkshakes, made with ice cream mix, 10c. Sullivan's Cafe. FOR SALE Hamilton upright , piano. Phone 2-F-24. BING cherries on tree, 4c lb. L. E. Coon, Dillard. Help Wanted SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED. I 7th and 8th grades. Man prefer red but any application would be given full, consideration.' Salary not less than $140.00 per month. Address Box 1271, e-o News-Review. WANTED Cherry pickers, July 8, 2c. Pick them yourself, 3c. Bring containers. Cherry Hill Farm, 2 miles east and 1-mile north Sutherlin. WANTED 20 men ror mill work and 2 truck drivers. Work starts Tuesday morning. Schlc man Lumber Co., Sutherlin. WANTED Fallers and buckers. Long logs, steady work. $1.30 per thousand. Dorf Logging Co., Eagle Point, Oregon. MIDDLE AGED lady to do light housework and care for invalid. ni tiM T Olivine uui-u. WAWTrn Mlnht flrtni- man Must be able to drive. Rose burg Garage. WANTED Housekeeper for two. C. C. Murrell, Canyonvllle, Ore gon. WANTED Cherry pickers. A. F. Hoff meistcr, Route 2, Box 175. Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Baled alfalfa; grass and alfalfa mixed. W. T. Wright, Days Creek. Wanted WANTED Model A Ford coupe. 568 N. Jackson. - . NOTICE Regular meeting Umpqua Post, No. 16, American Le- gion. Installation of newly elected officers. July 7, 8:00 p. m., I. O. O. F. hall. Adju- tant (Adv.) Red fcsrate Extra fine garden spot, with three room and bath cottage, partly furnished, in West Rose burg. Offered for sale this week only. ; Four room and bath newly finish ed dwelling; Fine garden lot in North Roseburg. Small acreage farms and busi ness property to suit your heeds. War risk and all other types of Insurance. 122 S. Stephens, Fred A. Golf, Real Estate and Insurance. 122 S. Stephens, phone 218. i FOR SALE Fine stock and grain farm. 120 acres cultivated, in cluding' 80 acres rich bottom land on river, 180 acres pasture and timber. Good buildings. '$12,500, about 1 cash. Owner. P. O. Box 1062, Roseburg. FOR SALEt-160 .acres, about 17 miles southwest of Roseburg, described at the Si of NE1 and Ni of SEJ, section 34-29-7. Make offer. B. Olson, 1820 S. Jay St., Tacoma, Washington. 33... ACRES; log house 20x40; chicken house; good well; good feed; i acre good garden, fenc ed; fenced around buildings. P. O. Box 46, Dillard. FOR SALE Forty-acre chicken ranch, $2,000. Terms if desired. Write or see J. R. Blanchard, Glendale, Oregon. FOR SALE, trade or rent my wrecking yard property con sisting of 6 lots. E. O. Sarff, 523 N. Main Street. . FOR SALE 131 acres east of Sutherlin. See Andy Hempcn ius, mile east Sutherlin. Dentistry DR. NERBAS Fluorescent teeth In plastic Old plates made like new. 20 years success in partial or full denture replacement same day. Extraction Pyorrhea treatment. Gas when desired. Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 Work Wanted CLERICAL WORK High school graduate. GirJ. Two years typ ing training. Good speller. Ac curate. Willing to learn. Box 1268, c-o News-Review. CALL . DUNHAM TRANSFER CO., phone 47, for your mov ing, crating, packing ar turkey hfluHnc RED RYDER Alley oop SQUARE "TO KETCH "THOSE " plp2!:j FINlD'ErN DEPUTIZED. JjNs3f THE Se.f2IA.l MUMBERSvfcl I BANK (2DBBCR.S VOHO J 'f&,i': vOAKrMN , TOD tfS-rA. . ON IHfc. iu-trM T I ' s 'f LISSEM,OOP, I DUNNO, BUT PRET7Y QUICK YTZ LOZ7 f NOW THOSE NIPS ) THEM FOR ACTION WE'Dl f . ALU RIGHT , GUVS... ( TO ALL THAT THEVRE GONNA FIND OUT i,oOMS CHANGING SURE WILL G6T;BEST PR6PAR6.THEV1.L J LET'S GIVE 'EM TH' 1 I FUSS...WHA,TCHa I WE AWT FRIENDS... BUT OURCOURSE- SUSPICIOUS GIVE US A LOOK-OVER wollS .( H" VRECKOMTHEV'RsJkvY, .VpowT RUSH THINGS BV hp5 uADM' .' CL NOW, POP. FAIR. .-UkW0KK MOW' ' HOLLER.IN' y'V lGANINO AROUND OUR lluNp AT t H 'mWtT U FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS WHAT do we Gobble- lunch, DO IN OUR. LUNCH AMD COLLECT A PERiOD, CHUM ? j LITTLE TAW ON 1 ' f.'i " i t i i r i Livestock ATTENTION We remove dead and worthless stock free. Call collect 52-F-12. Roseburg By products. FOR SALE One two year old Corriedale ram. Phone 5-F-12, Riddle, Oregon. P. W. Dldtel. WANTED Springer cows and fHt cattle. W. A. Blackert, Myrtle Creek. FOR SALE Yearling roan Dur ham bull. Mildred Kanipe, Oakland. FOR SALE 1 good Hereford bull. A. J. Standley, Camas Val ley. Poultry WANTED AT OttCtr-Hatching eggs. New Har.ipshires, R. I. Reds, Barred Rocks, Hamp shire and Red-Rock crosses, Hampshire and ,Rcd-CornIsh crosses. We will pay 16c pre mium over Portland Grade A, f.o.b. your shipping point for all the cross hatching eggs we can get. NORTHWEST HATCHERY, CORVALLIS, OREGON. FOR SALE 230 N. H. Red, 10 weeks old pullets, 65c. Red fry ers, 50c and 60c. Come and get them. Mrs. H. DeCamp, River side. Phone '649-Y. FOR SALE About 30 Cornish game roosters, one year . old, blood tested. C. W. Perry, Camas Valley, Oregon. WATZIG'S chicks this week at a . special price, Season's last hatch. Please place order early. Watzig's, phone 740-J. FOR SALE 200 to 300 . black turkey poults, 6 and 7 Weeks old. Call 185, Roseburg, Ore gon. Fuel PHONE 468 Green Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Auro WANTED USED CARS We pay highest wholesale cash prices for used cars and trucks. Lockwood Motors. MODEL A Ford coach cheap for cash. 245 N.- Jackson street. . r Trade WILL TRADE electric refrigera tor for good milk cow. Inquire 707 Mosher street. - 1 WONDER. IF JFAN SPEMDS HER TIME ON THF BEACH AT NOON f ly- News of Douglas County Glendale GLENDALE, July 2. Mrs. Monte Bates and daughter, Helen, left Friday for Eugene where they will visit until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Witham. Mrs. Witham is the former Billie Bunch. ' Harry Neete of Cottage Grove spent Monday with the Walker Purvlnes. Mrs. Charles Tooley left Mon day for Eugene where she will stay with her mother and sister, Mrs. Esther Miller and Betty Lou. Frank Galloway left Friday for Portland where he will visit. Ben Huntington of Jacksonville is working in the drugstore until Mr. Galloway returns. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ball and son, Snooky, spent Monday in Grants Pass on business. Mrs. Roy Gibbons and son, Gary Lee, left Friday for Riddle i where she and her son accompan ied Mrs. Fred Bal( to Salem to, visit Mrs. "Ball's daughter, Pat., Mrs. Gibbons and Gary Lee re turned home Monday. ( Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Craddock were business visitors in Grants Pass Saturday. Mr.' and Mrs. Jim Stewart were In Grants Pass, Monday, on bus-, lncss. Sylvia Wlederman, who has been attending school in Los Angeles, arrived Friday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Walk er Purvine. Mr. and Mrs. Life Edson were Grants Pass visitors Sunday. Art Winkelman left Thursday night for Portland where he will enter the U. S. navy. Mrs. Jim Stewart returned Wednesday from Portland where she has been on business. Mrs. CoWan and son, Richard,: FOR SALE OR TRADE lor suburban 'property, a lunch room, serving fried chicken, small grocery stock, 2 gas pumps, living quarters. Elec trically equipped throughout'. Room for cabins. Located near Camp White and Mod ford. Doing a good business, $3500. For fuller informa tion write F. B. Jones, Rt. 1, Box 183, Central Paint, Ore. A Good Start Battle Stations Lots of Competition ? N " AMD I I WONDER. IF SHE I REALLV She said WASN'T INTER ESTED ItJ BOYS. AND LOOK! S LJoLIKES MALES? m i it- . 7 um MS, ii , ,u r I AJ V T ii r, ui 'iT cr iiCI Imrnimr V. I I 0 77 Ji are attending the Camp Meeting at Bethal Park, at Brooks, Ore gon. The camp (meeting is in session from June 19 until July 5. .'Rev. J. K. Howard left Mon day for Gold Beach, California, where he is in charge of the Gold Beach Presbyterian church. 1 Mrs. Bart Belcher of Fairview, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grants Pass visitors Thursday. .Mrs, Tomerlin and daughter, Rita, and Gertie Lystul were Granst Pass visitors Thursday. Mi's. Anne Wampole, Roy Warn pole and Mrs. Gilbert Olsen re turned Saturday after visiting Mrs. Olsen's daughter, Mrs. Hurry Cool, in Drain. Mrs. G. H. Ashman, and son, Marvin, . returned Wednesday njght after visiting In Sutherlin. ; Bernice Martin left Sunday evening for Portland where she will visit. (Mr. and Mrs. Bussell were bus iness visitors in Roseburg Satur day. Mrs. R. B. Gardner, Mrs. Chejka and daughter, Joannette, were business visitors, in Grants Pass Monday. Mrs. Frank Thompson and da ughter, Sally Jo, were Grants Pass visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lewis and son, Micheal, came Sunday for their furniture which they will move to their home in Seattle. They returned Tuesday. Edwin Jones, formerly of Glen dale, now of Roseburg, visited here Tuesday. Mrs. Ted Marshall and Mary Alice Hoots were visitors in Rose burg Thursday night and Friday. Mrs. Ralph Thompson and da ughter, Vicki, arrived Tuesday from Weippe, Idaho, to be with her husband who is employed here. ( Mrs. Emby Troxell is employed at Cooleys Thrift store this week. Pat Hutchens returned from Weippe, Idaho, Friday where he has been Visiting. Creston McNeil has past his ex aminations for the Marines and is waiting to be called. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Marshall were visitors at Medford Satur day where they visited Mr. Mar shall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ison Marshall. ' The first drill meeting of the State Guards was held June 29, Monday. The drilling was at the baseball diamond and at the City Hall. Plrley Winkelman was the instructor. she - Surrounded BV Sun-Tanned Jerks .'vdu're gonna have T COMPETITION, ML UIL A UAtC I I I RDAli HI S " 1 -7-TT -' j . cwv .Mvrjwf, rniiiricT Tinii rA 11 i i i i nri n mtt i Canyonville CANYONVILLE, July 6. The Reverencd and Mrs. Paul B. Jones and children of Clardon, Arkansas, visited at the Mark Elliott home and with Mrs, Edna Ross and family the first of the week. Mr. Jones has been preach ing in Arkansas for four years. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Ross arc sisters. Miss Llla Dage left Monday for Corvallis to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dage, who are working there. Miss Dage works at the Alpine Lodge. Cecile Williams and Miss Laura Ross came to Canyonville Sunday evening. They have been working as waitresses in Seattle. Miss Ross went on to her home in Ash land, Monday. Mrs. Esther Shaffer ' came home Sunday from Dunsmuir, California, where she has been visiting her father and attending to a camp meeting. Miss Mary Kessi has gone to Berkeley, California, where she will teach In the Berkeley college for the summer months. She ex pects to return to Canyonville this fall and teach in the Bible academy. She taught here last winter. Mrs. Max Luelke and her da ughter, Mrs. A. J. Hayes, and Mrs. Hayes' daughters, Catherine, Jean and Virginia Mae, of Eugene visited at the Fred W. Cooper 'home Sunday. They also visited with Mrs. Tudcs Hughes. Word has been received from Ashland that Harry Manning has been in a bus accident and is In a hospital in Medford. Mrs. Man-, ning has been visiting in Ashland and expected to return home the first of the week, but due to this accident her return will bo post poned for a few days. Byron Allen Is managing the hotel in her absence and Mrs. Robert Couglar is caring for the rooms. Tudes Hughes has gone to Eugene and secured work there. Mrs. Raymond Smlck came Sunday from Shasta Springs to visit with 'her father-in-law and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smlck. She will return to her home Friday taking her small son, Roy, who has been visiting his grandparents for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Taylor of Medford were calling on Mrs. Ecklund Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Baker of Redding, California, called on Mrs. Ecklund Monday on their way home from Cottage Grove, where they had attended the funeral of Mrs. Baker's only sis ter. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Harper and- By Fred Harman CSOOT5 LET'S rtE'ErAj By V. T. Hamlin By Merrill Blosser ro... OFJEANie STAIN'T FUNNV WITH (hc MCGOOSEV GENERAL SAW FILING RADIO 8ERVICINQ Howard Cascbeer, 443 S Steph T , ., . 1 Hargls Radio Service. Phone 825 TOMB8TONE8 TZ T . . Radio Doctors. 306 N. Stephen Harry G. Rapp. Phone P19-Y. . Lund Radio Service. Phone 3 PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demoth. 189-L , LOCK8WITH FLWE CLEANING Pacillc Key Serv. Phone 348. Furnanes vacuum deaned-fliH REFRIGERATION cleaning. Call 841. J. C. Ben ley. Cliet Hamm. Phone 715. HE LOST HIS PANTS Too young to "lose hit panta" at the races, Master Peter Cooper donates his water proof wardrobe to the current rubber drivebut gladly. He's following the lead of the grown-ups who are turning tn everything with a stretch In It to help snap back at the axis. Tire Tower 1 , -T?-Ki;fA ' " ' tvC' Lots of help in flshtlns the axis is represented by nky-hish pile of old tires -jalhdred as Los An geles opened rcclalmable rubber drive. country and are occupying Ilie hoiiso ot Lewis Weaver on Main si met. Carl Heals came home Sunday night, from Kugone where he has heen visiting his sister, MrR. Kd Miller. He expects to go there later for a longer slay. Mrs. Jesse lloselton and son, Bobby, anil grandson, of Glen d;ile called on Mrs. Emmett Mover, the last ol the week She and Mrs. Mover were neighbor 1 . VjTi) y Si . " Sk f. '4. l l 12 years ago In Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hanks' have sold their .property to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rorman ot Berk ley, California. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Matthewj and sons, Richard and Jack, ol San Francisco, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis recently. This was their first trip to Oregon and they were very much impressed with this country. 1 The Bert Farmer family has moved to the Steep Gables. The house where they have been liv ing has been Sold to O. M. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green were in Grants Pass and Medford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hanks were In Roseburg recently on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Duncan Wore invited to the Ray Wright home In Days Creek Sunday. Mrs. Duncan and Mr. Wright birth days occurod that day and a birth day dinner was given honoring them. Mrs. John Parker fell at har homo Friday and injured her spine. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Sharpe of Springfield visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis the week end. Mrs. Sharpe Is Mrs. Hanks' sister. The funeral of W. R. Allen was hold at the Methodist church, Sunday afternoon. The Reveren cd James Wllklns of Myrtle Creek officiated. Mr. Allen has been suffering from foot in fection sometime and was taken to a hospital In Grants Pass and passed away t Friday June 26. William Riley Allen was born July 27th 18C9 In Mars Hill, North Carolina . Ho was married to Miss Serena Brown In 1900 and ot this union three children were born Mrs. Kate Slrey of Port hind, Mrs. Eva Kelscy of Port land and Frank of Vancouver, Washington. In 11)25 he was mar ried to Miss Margaret Constance Lint in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have lived In Canyonville eight years. Mrs. Allen will con tinue to live here for the present. Gold Usages About one-fourth ot the gold produced is used as coinage in normal times, with the remainder being consumed In dentistry, jew elry, Eliding and gold-leaf work. Was Largest Army According to Herodotus, the biggest army of ancient times was that of the Persian conqueror, Xerxes, In the fifth contury.B. C, who had 2,(00,000 fighters. For newspaper deliveries after 530 Please Call 572-R