..... 1 ft6SEBUR& NEWS-RgVIEW, ROSEBUR6, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY I, 1942.. o 1,500 iy a3'. ised to ' Japan-' ike the ' they tractor ?d in a his tax le gov to the a pass tax e the of the states n try. e tax states Idaho n has Society and Clubs Iff U By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER I - NOTICE ! Notice Is being given to all per sons desiring to turn in society for this week's society page, to turn the items in not later than 12 o'clock Thursday noon. The change was made necessary this week, as there will be no paper published on the Fourth of July and the regular society page will be published on Friday Instead. Rl VERSDALE GRANGE TO MEET FRIDAY Rlversdale grange will meet Friday night at 8:15 o'clock at II m-txd t i 1 1 i rairie 1 legate ;,, duced g the J and i lorth. Iy, an way. itruc- will Is in wing 'hich and ficer :i in the uild. men "P 'r tov: Wo- ins- irch ;co, Ira on rk" luct TODAY AND THURSDAY ARE Bargain Nights Two Adults, 40c Return Showing of a swell picture JACK BENNY FRED ALLEN and MARY MARTIN "Love Thy Neighbor" Plus The SPIRIT of AMERICA. ..in a Sparkling Musical Comedy Drama! V I r STT ii r Q fWEIDLER McDONALD GORCEY H f & 7:15 9:30 p-M- the hall. Refreshments will be in charge of Mr. and' Mrs. Peter Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ott and Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Tipton. All members are urged to be present. OREGON D. A. R. MOTHER TO BE HONORED WITH CARD SHOWER JULY 4TH Members of D. A. R. chapters all over the state are sending greeting cards this week to the state D. A. R. mother, Mi's. J. B. Montgomery, 2625 S. E. Haw-, thorne Blvd., Portland, In honor of her 96th birthday anniversary, which will take place Saturday, July 4th. Mrs. George M. Brown, regent of Umpqua chapter of the D. A. R., has requested that all mem bers of the chapter send a birth day greeting card to Mrs. Mont gomery, who organized the first D. A. R. chapter in the state of Oregon. FAMILY DINNER HELD AT F. SNYDER HOME DAYS CREEK, June 30. The Fritz Snyder home was the scene of a delightful family dinner Sun day. Covers were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Don Snyder and son, Warren, of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bartley and daughter, Miss Joyce, of Roseburg, Mrs. Maggie Snyder, Raymond Snyder and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Snyder, and their daughter, Barbara, and son, Richard. KEYSTONE CLUB TO HOLD POTLUCK AFFAIR AT NELSON HOME FRIDAY The Methodist Keystone club members will hold a noon pot luck luncheon at the home of Mrs. M. M. Nelson on Deer creek, Friday, July 3. Mrs. Fred L. Southwlck will act as assisting chairman with Mrs. Nelson. Mem bers are asked to bring their own table service. VITAL STATISTICS DIVORCE DECREES DIVER Kathryne from Wil liam S. River; married at Pasa dena, Calif., July 15, 1941; cruel ty. Plaintiff to resume maiden name of Kathryne Clemens. BROWN Elma May from Ira Brown; married, at Roseburg, Dec. 12, 1935; cruelty. Plaintiff to resume maiden name of Elma Cox. DIVORCE COMPLAINTS - JONES Vance I. versus Alice Jones; married at Roseburg, May 9, 1936; cruelty. STARTS TODAY4 DAYS! Bob's in a love bubble that bursts Villi in his face when his favorite ' 1 1 1 L blonde involves him in a spy plot! I Liv" 808 HOPE v 4 1 1 7j cAnnou 1 1 I? ; K7 MI " ') T V Gale SNDERGAARD U 'It A George ZUCCO W rii- Victor VARCONI NJ WfctT 3T Lionel ROYCE Jll V Mor VftiuuMiH the Wt7 sy 2:lV" 0 lie P. M. 30e 40c 1 Local News Mr. King Here Dale King, of Canyonville, spent Tuesday in this city attending to business. Here Today Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Dean,,of Days Creek, spent to day in Roseburg attending to business. Spend Day Here Mrs. W. T. Hutchinson and son, Murl, of Days Creek, were visitors in this city Tuesday. War Relief Group to Meet The Christian Science War Re lief sewing group will meet Thursday at two o'clock at the Perkins building. Garden Valley Club to Meet The Garden Valley Women's club will meet Thursday at two o'clock at the clubhouse with Mrs. J. V. Long as hostess. Mrs. Crummett Home Mrs. Peter Crummett has returned to her home in this city to conval esce from a recent major opera tion performed at the Eugene hospital. Move to Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. Vandiver and two daughters have moved from Twin Falls, Idaho, to Roseburg and are mak ing tneir home at 228 Haynes street. Days Creek Visitors Here Noel Welch, Miss Ueraldlne Spore and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Go in and daughter, Miss Violette, all of Days Creek, were visitors in Roseburg Tuesday. Here Tuesday Mrs. Ray Dun san and children, Miss Jean, Miss Norma, Ralph, Bob, Loren and Miss Marjie, all of Canyonvifle, spent Tuesday in this city visit ing and attending to business. Ladies Aid to Meet The Chris tian church Ladies Aid and Mis sionary society will meet at two oclock at the church parlors Thursday, with Mrs. Len B. Fish back in charge of the program. Mrs. Taylor will preside. Mrs. Lundeen Home Mrs. C. W. Lundeen has returned to her work in Churchill's hardware store, following a few days at Vancouver, Wash., visiting her husband, who Is employed in the shipyards. Visits Here Mrs. L. H. Howe, who recently moved from Co quille to Portland, stopped over here this week to visit her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. House older, en route to Coquille on business. Back From Portland Mrs. E. R. Kenny has returned to her work in the office of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph com pany .in this city, following a three day stay in Portland attend ing a meeting of the company. Visits In Portland Mrs. E. R. Walton, who is vacationing from the Pacific Telephone and Tele graph office here, has returned to Roseburg, following several days In Portland visiting relatives and friends. Strawberries Enjoyed The News-Review staff enjoyed a fine box of strawberries brought to the office Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Miller of Winchester. Some of the berries measured as much as five inches in circum ference. They are of the Miller Improved Marvel variety. Leave for Home Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Bayliff have returned to their home in Portland, follow ing several days in this city visit ing relatives. They were accom panied home by Mrs.. Bayliff's mother, Mrs. F. E: Feikert, of this city, who will visit in Portland. Daughter Is Born According to word received here, a daugh ter, Karen Sue, weighing nine pounds, thirteen ounces, was born Tuesday, June 30, in San Francisco to Mr. and Mrs. Clair F. Taylor. Mr. Taylor, who is ad vertising manager for the San Francisco Examiner, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Taylor of 510 South Jackson street. Country Club Ladies to Meet The ladies of the Roseburg Coun try club will meet Thursday morning at the clubhouse for golfing to be followed by a 12:30 politick luncheon and contract bridge play at 1:30 o'clock. Plans will be completed for the fourth of July picnic dinner and day at the clubhouse to be enjoyed Sat urday by the members of the club, their families and Invited guests. Spree in Public Place Results in Fine of $25 Arvid Emil Erkkila, local saw mill worker, paid a fine of $25 In the justice court here today after pleading guilty to a charge of be ing drunk in a public place. It's a Fun-Fest Fig- j v r Sf AH Where there's life- there's Hope . . . and where there's Hope there's a beautiful blonde. Bob Hope and Madeline Carrol in "My Favorite Blonde," which opens today for a four-day engagement at Hunt's Indian theatre. Mrs. A. J. Chapman Passes at Portland Graveside services are to be held at the Wilbur cemetery at 10:30 a. m. Saturday for Mrs. A. J. (Minnie) Chapman, 73, who died Tuesday ut her home in Portland. Born at Wilbur, a mem ber of a pioneer family, she spent her early life in Douglas county but in recent years had made her home at Portland. She is survived by a daughter, Mis. Gideon Snook, Portland. Mi's. Chapman was an aunt of Mrs. Ruth Sands of Wilbur and W. F. Chapman of Roseburg. The funeral services will be In charge of the Roseburg Under taking company. Non-High School Area Board Elects Officers The Douglas county non-high school district board in its meet ing held Tuesday, elected Mrs. John Bacon, Umpqua, as chair man, and J. G. Barnes, Tenmile, as vice-chairman. J. M. Francis, Oakland, was re-elected as a member from Zone No. 1 for a five-year term, and J. D. Loffer, Tiller, was re-elected a member from Zone No. 5 for a four-year term. The fifth member of the board is J. F. Bonebrake, .Mel rose. Mr. Francis served as chair man during the past year. Kiwanians Entertained By Stars of Circus Bill A taste of circus Ufa woe brought to the Roseburg Kiwanis club at the regular Tuesday luncheon meeting, ' when The Texans Tex and Alice Ortnn entertained the club members witn a knife throwing exhibition. The program was arranged by Roy Bellows, who presented W. DANCE TONIGHT Moot Hall Townsend Club No. 2 Rose Orchestra Gents 25o Ladles 10o B. Antes, publicity director for the Russell Bros, circus, which visited Roseburg Tuesday. After giving the Kiwanians a short talk concerning circus life, Mr. Antes presented the Orton's in their knife throwing exhibition, which Is one of the circus pro gram features. A guest of the club was Allen Hewitt of Seattle, who is visiting here with his father-in-law, N. Rice, a member of the Kiwanis club. Mr. Hewitt spoke briefly concerning some of the wartime activities of the Seattle area. Is your child a HOSE PICKER? It may be more than Just a natty habit t It may b a of worma. Yea, ugly crawl lnv roundworms Inside your child I Other warning aigna are fidgeting, "finicky" ap petite, cranklneaa, itching In certain porta. These bowel wormi can cause real trouble I If you even smpect your child haa them, get JAYNE'S VERMIFUGE right away I JAYNE'S la America' leading proprietory worm medicine; aclentincally tested and used by mllllona for over a century. It expel stubborn wonn'a, yet arts very gently. If no worma are there. JAYNE'S works merely an a mild laxative. Be sure you get JAYNE'S VKKMIKUUKI NUMBER 51 -k Interesting tricis for picnics k Fine foods as low priced an Monday as on Saturday -k About helping yourself to help your Country How to have more fun on week-ends right in your own back yard There's nothing that's quite as much fun as a pictiic especially a picnic right in your own back yard. Ami because picnics are becoming more popular every day (what with the tire and gasoline situa tion) the Safeway Homemakers' Bureau presents here these menus that should make any picnic more fun. LAWN PICNIC Have each family bring something y Kidney Beans ami Sparcribs ( Colesluw with Diced Apple and ,' Green IVpper , Buttered Rye Bread Slabs of Cheese lee Cream and Cuke Coffee or Hoot Beer KIDNEY BEANS WITH SPARERIBS 1H lbs. apareriba out In IX ouua meat stock a-rib piooes H cP finely cliopiwd t tbep. shortening carrot ft cap finely chopped H tP- thyme anion 1 tsp. suit ft tap. finely chopped 2 cups cooked kidney garllo benna Brown spareribs in hot shortening in heavy frying pan. Add onion and gar lic; cook about S minutes, stirring fre quently. Place spareribs in casserole. Combine meat stock (or 2 bouillon cubes dissolved in IK cups boiling water), seasonings, and lran.s; pour over spareribs; cover. Bake in slow oven (325 F.) about 1 hour or until spareribs are tender. Serves 0, Here's a quick' and easy menu jor a back yard barbecue BARBECUE Make your own sandwiches Broiled Cube Steaks (Cooked on green-pointed sticks or toasting forks) Toasted Buns Sliced Tomatoes and Onions Lettuce Pickles Chili Sauce Potato Chips Orange and Pineapple Compote Cup Cakes Marshmrdlows for Toasting Coffee or Iced Tea PARK PICNIC Cold Sliced Ham or Luncheon Meats Bread, Butter, Lettuce, and Mayon naise for Sandwiches Pickles Potato Salad Deviled Eggs Olives Carrot Sticks Fresh Grapes Gingerbread Iced with Cream Cheese Thermos Coffee or Lemonade ' All about peanuts and vitamins See this week's Family Circle Mngn rine fur nutritional information n;i peanuts. New issue out every Thurs day, free at Safeway. Safeway Homemakers Bureau JULIA LliE VYHIGHT. Dirertor CLOSED Saturday, July 4th INDEPENDENCE PAY Shop Early in the Week. Same low prices effective every day. iBSSSS All Safe way's prices are as tow as these every tray or we ween Yi FOR PICNIC LUNCHES l4-oi. bottle 12)2 150 CATSUP Red Hill CHILI SAUCE Moneta I2'i-oz. bottle PICKLES ifirf Libby Assorted Sweets 1 2-oz.ar Op RIPE OLIVES No. I i Qw Lindsay Extra Large Can I Jy CHEESE 2 Pkgs. QQw Pabstett Plain or Pimiento Z 3)5 DEVILED HAM ifjj Underwood's No. 'A can IZfJ SWIFT'S PREM Qq,i Pure Pork Moat -12-01. can 00)5 PIGS FEET Qlrf Hormel's 28-oz. Jar 0 1 )5 SMOKED OYSTERS Smokestors 3'j PEANUT BUTTER Real Roast PRESERVES Marasca Assorted FRUIT JELLY Tea Garden POTATO CHIPS Blue Bell RITZ CRACKERS Butter Wafers 2 1 340 . 1 S; 210 2'4-6i. jar 270 100 150250 220 Lb. box ': -oz. can 150 WHEAT TOAST WAFERS 4 OA Sunshine Lb. Pkg. I Op SANDWICH BREAD I -lb. 1 Julia Lee Wright's Enriched loaf PAPER NAPKINS Q Zee Dinner size J Pkgr.Jf WAX PAPER . 9QW Diamond 200 foot roll Lofl fOR COOLING DRINKS 6 12-oz. bo 230 270 n 210 SNO-COLA. Refresh ing, delicious ROOT BEER n Hires 1 2-oz. bottles U for Grapefruit Juice . 46-oz. i Town House Unswot. TOMATO JUICE Qrf Sunny Dawn No. 2 can 3)5 FOR TEMPTING SALADS MAYONNAISE Nu-Mado " Quart MAYONNAISE Pint Jar 31c Kraft SALAD DRESSING Pint Jar 22c Qgrf Duchess Oaurt Jar 0C5 MIRACLE WHIP Pint Jar 26c , Kraft Dressing Quart Jar POTATO SALAD 0 OCj Minot 15-oz. cans for LJp 490 Pint Jar 27c JlPrf Quart Jar tUp int Jar 31c CQW Quart Jar U0)5 .'3B0 410 MALTED MILK Kraft Lb. 29c 2-lb. can COFFEE . Oflrf Airway, ground fresh Lb. bag SMI COFFEE OAflf Nob Hill, rich blend' Lb. bag Vty TEA BAGS QOW Canterbury 50 bags in ctn. Jp SOAPS AND FELS NAPTHA Laundry Soap P. & G. SOAP Reg. bars 5 for 19c CRYSTAL WHITE Reg. bars 5 for 19c SOIL-OFF Instant Cleaner LIFEBUOY SOAP Zephyr-fresh CLEANSERS 2 bar. 110, 4fi:ri90 4:190 Quart can 600 3b.r. 200 PENNY SAVERS CHERUB MILK 0 OArf Tall cans 0 for Zip EVAPORATED MILK Q (JPj Advertised brands tall 0 for ZUJu BABY FOODS Q Qnj Gerber's Assorted 0 cans ZU)5 WHEATIES li Qlw Whole-gram cereal L PWgs. Zip FLOUR 49-lb. 4 7Q Kitchen Craft sack $111 J SOUP MIX Minute Man Pkg. CREAMETTES O if. A Macaroni Z Pkgs. 13)5 DRIED PRUNES QQw Fancy Urge ' ' ' 2-lb. bag Z0)j SEABRIGHT PEAS It A Sweet, ten'det . No. 2 can I Up DICED BEETS Qrf Blue Tag No. 2 can Up CREAM CORN Q No. 2 ntw Country Home ' Z cans Zup PURE LARD PQw Lb. carton 20c 4-lb. carton 0 Op CIGARETTES 04 OQ Popular brands Ctn. of 200 J I iZ J SLETT,SSUE 4ron.190 v ' DELICIOUS DESSERTS MARSHMALLOWS 4JW Fluff-i-est Lb. Ctn. I Hp KRE-MEL PUDDINGS CH Assorted flavors 4-6z. Pkg. Dp FRESH FIG BARS 07W Wheat or White 2-lb. ctn. Z I p SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR OOw Large Package ZOp APRICOTS. No. 2 'a Green Tag whole L 310 SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS are low priced every day You can hv monty on meat any day al Saftway bacauic Saleway meats arc low priced every day ol the week. Boned and Tied Picnics, lb. . .39c SWIFTS Link Sausage, club style, lb. . .27c Lunch Meats, lb 33c ASSORTED, LARGE VARIETY Bologna, Liver Sausage, lb. . .27c Frankfurters, reg., lb 25c Bacon, sugar cured, lb 29c BY THE PIECE Colored Fryers, lb 35c FRESH DRESSED ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES GUARANTEED-FRESH PRODUCE Is low priced every day you wve money any day ol the week on Safe way Product becauie it's always low priced. LEMONS ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT CANTALOUPES PLUMS APRICOTS WATERMELONS New Peas Wax Beans New Potatoes Lettuce Green Onions Radishes Tomatoes ANN LEARNS HOW TO MAKE WEEKENDS MORE FUN WCO, I CANT SH WHY WE ALWAYS HAVE TO SHOf Ott SATURDAY -IT SPOILS HA If OU CK-O.rrC..JTC J T 1 J tHJT WE HAVf TO X OH, THAT WCfK- y'' 4 I SWOP ON SATURDAY, I tNO SPECIAL" V"W I KAV, SO WG CAN I THIMC IS A tZ-V V'f I TAKE ADVANTAGE UJTOf (KWSfHSf, yyg.J I OF AU. THE ( ANN. USTfN... I Koom it' tut g.Y vw, Ano at r or u, m pf AR. WW THAI TOft I HOI OMLV WW ' iun vtmi mean Tn 7 Ut HAVf OOA TIMf eMOWNO OW WK- SAY MS SvAV YfVfKV V! WMWf WKK- K . WT WAV mat Buy War Stamps at Safeway with the money you save here Why don't you got your "big" ordor In on a woek day, too Not only will you have more time to pixy on wrk-eniK but you'll be able to shop more leUurely if you get your kit grocery order in on a week day. Safeway pricea, you know, are always low, on everything, twry day oj Utt weflr. SAFEWAY