R0SEBUR6 NEWS-ftEVteW, R6SEBUR6, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1942. THREE Society and Clubs By NETTIE MOTHERS AND FRIENDS DINNER HELD BY JUNIOR WOMEN VERY ENJOYABLE AFFAIR A dinner honqring mothers and friends of members of the Junior Women's club was an extremely enjoyable affair at the club house Monday evening. Red and white was used as the colors for the decorative motif. Lovely red roses centered the large dining table. Enormous red peonies In a flat arrangement were at either end of the table. Two red strips over a white table linen ran the entire length of the table. Red and white carnations and snowballs were attractively , placed about the rooms. Those present were Mrs. Fletcher Gardner, Mrs. George Hammer, Mrs. R. R. Wood, Mrs. Dofliild Johnson, Mrs. R. R. eQi. Mrs. Clara M. Frew, Mrs. wTu. Anderson, Mrs. A. J. Crock er, Mrs. Carl Wassom, Mrs. J. E. Henbest, Mrs. C. G. Wassom, Airs. Paul Smith, Mrs. Hugh Miller, -Mr Robert Harris, Mrs. Ethel Turner, Mrs. Fred Dent, Mrs. Adrian Bowen, Mrs. C. E. Smith, Miss Myrle Erickson and Miss Beatrice Cooney. Mrs. Fletcher Gardner, and Mrs. George Hammer had charge of the room and table decoration, while Miss Myrle Erickson and Miss Beatrice Cooney headed the menu and Invitation committee. The next meeting will be held the first Monday in June at the clubhouse. At that time election of officers for the coming year will take place. MID WEEK BIBLE CLASS TO MEET AT HOME OF MRS. KAINE THURSDAY The Mid-Weck Bible class of St. Paul's Lutheran church will meet atfto o'clock Thursday May 21, atTffe home of Mrs. R. Kaine on South Stephens and Blakeley streets with Mrs. W. Ackley as joint hostess. Members and friends are cordially invited. , ROSEBURG REBEK AH LODGE HAS INTERESTING MEETING The Roscburg Rebekah lodge, No. 41, met for an interesting business session Tuesday evening, May 12, with a good attendance. Second nomination of officers was held and the following were nominated for the coming term: 'Noble .Grand, Velma Herman; Vice Grand, Lena Porter; Record- ' lug Secretary, Tillie Johnson and Ruth Dishman; treasurer, Mar garet Rodgers. . . The lodge voted to give $10.00 SUMMER RATES GRAND HOTEL Rooms $ 1 2.00 Month ' , '. ! ", ' and up Dine at Our Coffee Shop Best Foods at the Lowest Prices Try It MAE SEEMES, Mgr. MOORE to the Shriners Hospital. Practice for initiation will fol low the next meeting, to be held May 26 and Is also announced for Wednesday, June 3. CANTEEN LADIES TO MEET AT DINNER THURSDAY EVENING The third and last of a series of dinners to be given by the three canteen groups will be held Thursday night, May 21, at 6:30 o'clock at the Episcopal parish hall on East Cass street. When the canteen ladies were organized In Roseburg,' the group was divided into three groups. When, the course of instruction was over they began to cook and each group has sponsored a dinner for all the canteen ladies. Mrs. Roy Bellows is Douglas county canteen chairman and Mrs. Velle Broadway is city chair man. Mrs. C. W. Wharton and Mrs. T. B. Virden are acting as co chairmen of the dinner for Thurs day evening and they will be as sisted by the canteen ladies of their group. Mrs. Daniel Crockett is instructor of the canteen ladles. There will be a guest speaker. The course is sponsored by the American Red Cross. All members of the three groups are most cordially invited to attend the dinner. D. A. R. HAS POTLUCK LUNCHEON MONDAY The D. A. R. held a very lovely one o'clock potluck luncheon Monday at the home of Mrs. George M. Brown with Mrs. F. H. Churchill and Mrs. W. R. An derson, assisting hostesses. Covers were placed for: Mrs. George M. Brown, new regent, Mr. Ray S. Petrequln, retiring re gent; Mrs. F. H. Churchill, Mrs. D. N. Busenbark, Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. C. L. . Branton, Mrs. Walter Monger, Mrs. R. H. Grin stead, Mrs. W. R. Anderson, Mrs. William McGce, Mrs. L. E. Good bourn, Miss Adeline Stewart, Mrs. W. M. Campbell, members, and Mrs. Harold Bellows and Miss Elizabeth Campbell, guests, i Mrs. Bell was appointed by the state regent as state chairman of the American Red Cross commit tee. There will be no meetings of the chapter during the Gummer months. The next regular meet ing will be September 21, with Mrs. Goodbourn and Mrs.iMonger acting; as co-hostesses. ; NEW IDEA CLUB MEETING PLACE AND DATE CHANGED The New Idea club, which was to have met with Mrs. Bucking ham, Wednesday, May 20, will meet,, instead,, at the home of Mrs. C. B. - Calkins, Thursday, May 21.! There will be a one-o'clock luncheon and all members are urged to be present. DANCE TONIGHT ' Moose Hall Townsend Club No. 2 Rose Orchestra Gents 25o Ladies 10o TtfyyyC IOITIIO UN0E AUtHOmir Of tut COCA-COIA company ir vsggt COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF ROSEBURG Telephone ROSEBURG WOMAN'S CLUB ENTERTAINS BELLVIEW CLUB AT PICNIC TUESDAY The Roseburg Woman's club held Its annual spring picnic Tuesday at a charming one o' clock affair in the gardens at the John M. Raish home at the Fa cility Post with the members of the Bellview club as special guests. Mi's. John M. Raish, Mrs. Foster Butner, Mrs. R. W. Mar sters and Mrs. Rose Clayton were in charge of the hostess commit tee. Covers were placed for: Mrs. A. F. Saar, president of the Bell view club, Mrs. Harry Collison, Mrs. Carl Roselund, Mrs. S. W. Van Voorst, Mrs. P. W. Beckley, Mrs. Ross Lovelace, Mrs. F. J. Roer, Miss Irene and Miss Mazie Walker, Bellview club members; Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield, president of the Woman's club, Mrs. John William Robertson, Mrs. R. W. Marsters, Mrs. Earl Ullrich, Mrs. Edward G. Kohlhagen, Mrs. W. R. Brown, Mrs. George M.. Mel- vin, Mrs. Mark L. Underwood, Mrs.- L. Kohlhagen, Mrs. H. B. Carter, Miss Jennie Jorey, Miss Marie Martens, Mrs. O. S. Cham bers, Mrs. John M. Raish, Mrs. I. B. Riddle, Mrs. C, H. Bailey, Mrs. William Bailey, Mrs. R. L. Whipple, Mrs. A. J. Geddes, Mrs. W. M. Campbell and daughter-, Miss Elizabeth, Mrs. Thompson,' Mrs. W. H. Richardson, Mrs. Douglas Waite, Mrs. Foster But ner, Mrs. A. S. Coen and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. Mrs. Raish, on behalf of the Woman's club, presented a love ly gift to Mrs. Hatfield, who has so very graciously served the past year as president and who has been elected to serve as the head of the club for the coming year. Mrs. R. W. Marsters acted as in stalling officer and Mrs. Earl Ull rich acted as installing marshall. Lovely corsages were presented to the new officers by Mrs. Raish. The new officers installed includ ed: Mrs. Hatfield, president; Mrs. Raisn, first vice-president; Mrs. A..S. Coen, treasurer; Mrs. W. R. Brown, recording secretary; Miss Jennie Jorev, corresponding sec retary; Mrs. C. H. Bailey, club house board; Mrs. W. H. Richard son and Miss Marie Martens, di rectors, and Mrs. A. J. Geddes, chaplain. Other members of the board and directors .were intro duced. Mrs. Saar was introduced by Mrs. Hatfield. A social hour' fol lowed and the club adjourned un til the first Tuesday in October, when meetings will be resumed at the clubhouse.' . i ' ; ! i LADIES. OF. EVERGREEN , GRANGE TO HAVE ALL-DAY MEETING THURSDAY; 1. 1 v. . ' The ladies ' of the Evergreen grange will have a very interest ing all-day meeting Thursday, May 21, at the grange hall. All members are requested to bring their penny quilt blocks. There will be a potluck dinner at noon and all members are urged to at tend. MRS. J. E. YOUNG' TO ENTERTAIN CHAPTER Bl OF P. E. O. FRIDAY,, Mrs. J. E. Young, of Melrose, will entertain Chapter BI of the P. E. O. sisterhood at a one o' clock salad luncheon Friday, May 22. All members are urged to at tend. Z201IIllflinUUIOIil ROSEBURG CHAPTER OF EASTERN 8TAR TO MEET THURSDAY EVENING The Roseburg chapter of ' the Eastern Star will meet at eight o'clock Thursday evening, May 21, at the temple with Mrs. S. J. Shoemaker, worthy.matron, pre siding. There will be a short school of instruction which will be in charge of J. D. Osborn. A social hour will follow and hus bands of members and visiting members are cordially invited. Mrs. Earl Wiley and Mrs. G. C. Finlay are in charge of refresh ments and Mrs. A. B. Taylor is in charge of bingo and bridge tables . COUNTRY CtUB LADIES TO SPONSOR HOMECOMING PARTY THURSDAY The ladies of the Roseburg Country club are sponsoring a homecoming party at the club Thursday, May 21, at the club for all members, former members of the club and their invited guests. Golf matches will be played in the morning with prizes being awarded. There will be a potluck luncheon at noon and contract bridge will be played in the i.fter- noon. Mrs. H. C. Stearns and Mrs. Kenneth' Quine are joint chairmen for the affair. SALVATION ARMY ADVISORY BOARD TO HOLD IMPORTANT MEETING TONIGHT The advisory board of the Sal vation Army will hold a meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the Sal vation Army hall at 327 W. Cass street. Mr. Crittenden states that this meeting is very Important and urges all board members to attend as this will be the final meeting before the . beginning of the financial campaign. GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB TO HOLD IMPORTANT MEETING THURSDAY The Garden Valley Women's club will hold a very important business meeting at two o'cloc!?, Thursday, May ,21, at the club house with Mrs. R. A. Calhoun as hostess. Every member is urged to be present. North Umpqua Road To Diamond Lake Not Open The North Umpqua road to Diamond lake is not passable at the present time, V. V. Harpham, supervisor pf the Umpqua na tional forest,' reported today! The lake, however,, may be reached by way .of the Union creek road. i Numerous inquiries hay been received, regarding' the, North Umpqua route, Harpham stated, but: at present the indications are that it will not be suitable for tra vel until the first of June., ' Only partial maintenance has been provided between Rock creek and Big Camas, and the road is in bad condtilon, due largely to logging operations. At the Diamond lake end of the road there is still considerable snow. As soon as weather permits the road to be put in shape for sum mer travel, the work of improve ment will be undertaken. Group to Meet The Christian Science war relief sewing group will meet at two o'clock Thurs day, May 21, at the Perkins build ing. 186 Local News Here Tuesday Robin Reed, of DeLake, was a business vlistor in this city yesterday. Here From Mllo Jay Wright of Mllo, was attending to busi ness here for a few hours Wed nesday. Here From Dillard R. J. Ness of the Fairhurst Lumber com pany of Dillard, was a business visitor here Wednesday. Visits In Yoncalla Mrs. Ver dun Boucock, of Roseburg, soent Tuesday visiting her mother, Mrs. Wofford, in Oakland. Here Tuesday Clifford McKay of the Sunshine Ranch on the North Umpqua, was shopping and visiting friends here Tuesday. Returns to Hospital Harold W. Sanders, of this city, returned to Mercy hospital Tuesday for fur ther treatment of a leg broken recently in a fall. Here on Business Bob Russell, forest service employee, located at Oak Flats on the North Ump qua, was attending to business here for a few hours Tuesday. Here From Rice Creek J. W. Colvin, B. W. Colvin and H. W. Colvin, all iOf Rice Creek, were attending, to business here for a few hours Tuesday. 1 ' ' ' ' Meeting Changed The meet ing of the George Starmer camp Number 18, U. S. W. V., set orig inally for Friday, afternoon, will occur instead, tomorrow, Thurs day, May 21, at 7:30 p. m. , . I .' 1 r I : I r - . '' Auditor (Here Mr. A. B.iHarrl son, Portland, of the auditing de partment of the State of Oregon, arrived here the first of the week to spend several days attending to Dusiness. i i i i . - - nil Here Frortv Missouri Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks ' and family, of Stockton, Mol,i have' arrived here to visit with 'Mr. Hendricks' brother, Tom Hendricks, and fam. lly. They plan to visit In Califor nia on the return' trip to: Mis souri. : ' ; :' 1 , 1 Circle to Meet The West Side circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Louis Kohlhagen, 901 Mili tary Ave., at two o'clock Thursday afternoon. It is an organization meeting and all members and friends of the Baptist, church on the west side are invited. Leave For San Francisco Mrs. Mable Lewis and her son, Lieut. Edgar Lewis, left Tuesday for San Francisco. Lieut. Lewis, who recently graduated from U. of O. and received his commission in the United States army, will be stationed at Camp Roberts. To Attend Funeral George Staley of Roseburg left Tuesday for Forest Grove In response to a message announcing the death of his brother, Charles D. Staley. He was accompanied by his sis ter, Mrs. Sarah Wilson, of Yon calla. The funeral services were conducted at Forest Grove today. VITAL STATISTICS BORN BARTRAM To Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bartram, 231 E. Lane, at Mercy hospital, May 19, a daugh ter, Charlotte Rae; weight seven pounds, two ounces. COUEY To Mr. and Mrs. ' Charles J. Couey, Umpqua park, at Mercy hospital, May 19, a daughter, Donna Louise; weight seven pounds, thirteen ounces. , DEROSS To Mr. and Mrs. J H. De Ross of Roseburg, at Mercy hospital, today, May 20, a .son, Joseph Hooker De Ross, Jr.; weight six pounds, two ounces. DIVORCE DECREES CREECH Al from Grace Creech; married at Grants Pass, March 22, 1910; desertion. SWEARINGEN C. D. from Eythel Swearlngen; married at Roseburg, Dec. 2, 1925; cruelty. DEFENSE WORKERS! Better Health Better Work JTacfa, Colon and Hernia gm. Rnptaia) dlaordara impair Vn. your natlta -oomloft - alfi f 1 Clancy aarnloa power. Wa KlCvA auccaiafully tiaat lhMeoB i ' dttfona. Including film. IfM without hoapllal operation. V I Liberal oradlt Urma, Call Sfc V for lamination or aand for Aj ', J FREE daactlptlva Booklet. -Opto f vanrngi, Won , Wad., Frl., 7 fo 8.-30 Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Phyticimn and turgmen N. f. Cor. E Burnilda and Qiatid Ava. TaUphona E Ait 3018, Portland, Orafon Air Raid Warden Service Here Asks For Volunteers Due to the departure of a num ber of men who were regularly enrolled as air raid wardens in the civilian defense organization for the city of Roseburg, addi tional applications for assignment to duty as wardens in the event of air raid are desired immediate ly, It was announced today by Robert Glle, commander of the defense setup for the city. The air raid warden personnel has been depleted at the rate of about four men weekly, as men have entered military service or have removed to areas where defense work Is in progress, Glle states. Men willing to volunteer for all- raid warden training and service are asked to make application at the office of the chamber of commerce or notify some warden of their acquaintance. Mr. Glle reported that the city control office will be set up in the city hall Thursday, May 21, and after that time all activities pertaining to the city alone will be conducted from the headquar ters there. He also is again urging resi dents to stock up with sand from the pile provided by the city for free distribution. The sand is pil ed at the city property at the end of North Roseburg and may be obtained without charge. Resi dents are required to furnish their own containers. Every home should have a supply of dry sand for use In combatting incendiary bombs, Glle states. Illegal Taking Of Auto Charged To Walter Browning Walter Browriing, 24, was back in custody here today and was booked on a charge of taking and using an automobile without; au thority from the1 owner, Sergeant i-wui morgan or me siaie ponce reported today. Brownincr onlv re- cently, 'Was released from the state ' penitentiary after serving ten months of a sentence' of one year Imposed in May) jl941, ,bn a cnarge oi ootaming money by false pretenses, Morgan' said. Browning was arrested in April, 1941, accused 'of passing bad chocks, but' was' given a con tlnualidn of his case in drdcr that he fright enter tnilitary service. By t,he time He had leached the induction center, it was learned that he, had issued more: bad checks after his, appearance. In court and ho was brought ,back from Fort. Lewis and sentenced to the penitentiary, Morgan stated. He had bepn working at the Medford army , cantonment, and came to Roseburg last Sunday with some friends and is alleged to havp borrowed, the car. of one one of his fellow workmen and failed to retin-n it at the desig nated time, the officer said. He was arrested last night at Rob erts crock. There are 502 states In India under native rulers In contrac tural relations with the British crown. THEY'RE WILD. e.WOOLY... Those "Buck Privates" are bucking. The Merry Macs are truckin'i M If Nv. ' Un'V""' Pi,,U'" h . 2lr MERRY 'mACS IC ' D,CK FORAN iiVfe- fcSPaJa i",V"r Mt Umuiu in tlu Yfoit! l 1 lc 30c 40c Home For Summer Miss Eliz abeth Campbell, who has spent the school year In Independence, Ore., engaged as an Instructor in the schools, has returned to Rose burg to spend the summer with her parents, Superintendent of City Schools W. M. and Mi's. Campbell, on South Main street. THE PICTURE HITLER FEARS! "AFTER MEIN KAMPF" Powerful but true expose of sterols the wsr!d has never known about the Mad Dog of Europe. MdDSIE Coming Friday Saturday TODAY AND THURSDAY ARE BARGAIN NIGHTS Two Adults ALWAYS TWO FEATURES RETURN ENGAGEMENT "Nothing But the Truth' with BOB HOPE PAULETTE GODDARD PLUS ' I MERRY MA V3f ' 'srsiy sandy ...irsK- ?' HON ERR0L . jL ANNE GWYNNE 'ftf(r Shows Today and Thursday 7:15 - 9:30 P. M. STARTS TODAY 4 DAYS! - r I !'. II I klir ' II DO YOUR EARS RING? May bo gomebody's talking about youl Tbey noticed your bad breath. Sour, gassy stomach often accompanies occa sional constipation. ADLERIKA blends 8 laxatives for quick bowel action and 5 carminatives to relievo gas. Try ADLERIKA today. at Yoirrt iuwo storr 40c, Inc. tax 55L. AND WACKY! 2 ' A W'3