Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 10, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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FOUR KOSEBURty NbWb-KfcYlbW, KUtDUKVy, gnwuiN, riiUATt ArftlL iu, -eggg
Jesus cannot be confined
within a tomb; that Is the
meaning of Easter. No matter
with what materials the tomb
may be constructed, no matter
how carefully precautions to
prevent His escape have been
made, no matter how watch
ful and alert the guards may
be, Jesus will overcome every
effort to restrain Him. The
deep conviction that Christ
lives Is the heart of the Chris
tian faith. By It millions upon
Millions of God's children have
been sustained In their hour of
agony and grief, finding hope
when hope seemed all but
gone. Time and again Christ
seemingly entombed has brok
en the shackles and marched
forward, conquering and to
conquer. He was all but buried
beneath the eccleslasticism of
the medieval church, but was
released upon a waiting and
expectant world when the re
formation rolled away the
stone. He was confined by a
corrupt and Indifferent church,
but was freed when Wesley,
under divine guidance, pre
sented him anew to a spiritu
ally Impoverished and expec
tant England. In the history of
our faith there have been dark
days aplenty and tragic situa
tions, but Jesus has su,rvived
every crisis. After Gethsemane
there is Easter, after death,
the triumph of undying life.
There Is no final defeat of
Christ. He lives and because
He lives we too shall live.
312 E. Douglas street. Regular
services Sunday at 11 n. m., sub
ject of lesson: "Are Sin, Disease
and Death Real?" Sunday school
convenes at 9:45 a. m. Wednes
day evening meetings which in
clude testimonies of healing and
remarks on Christian Science are
held at 8:00 o'clock. The read
ing room at 317 Perkins building
is open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 10:30 a. m. to 4:30
p. m. Here the Bible and all au
thorized Christian Science litera
ture may be read, borrowed or
subscribed for. The public is cor
dially Invited to attend the church
services and to visit the reading
Harvard avenue, West Rose
burg. L. A. Skuzic, pastor. Sun
day school, 9:45; morning wor
ship, 10:45; subject, "Definite
Plans," In this time of emer
gency. Y. P. M. S., 7:00; even
ing worship, 7:45. Subject, "Je
sus," the man of the ages.
In Myrtle Creek holds services
on Sunday at 11 n. m. in the
grange hall, Third and Division
streets. Sunday school convenes
nt 10:20. The subject of the les
son sermon for Sunday, April 12,
is "Are Sin, Disease and Death
A meeting which Includes tes
timonies of healing and remarks
on Christian Science Is held on
the first Wednesday of each
month at. 8 p. m. The public Is
cordially Invited to attend these
G. A. Garboden, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a. m., Arthur Marsh,
siiierlntendent. Epworth league
Q:30 p. m.; evening services, 7:30
p.m., sermon topic, "The Last
Breakfast." Special music. A
cordial welcome to all.
G. A. Garboden, pastor. Sunday
school 10:45 a. m.. Mrs. Walter
("oats, superintendent. Epworlh
League, 7:30 p. nt. A cordial wel
come to all.
Capt. Olive Coleman, officer In
charge, 327 W. Cass street. Phone
5R7-J. Sunday: Sunday school
10 a. m.; holiness meeting. 11 a.
m.; open air, 7:30 p. ni.; salvation
meeting, 8 p. m.
Tuesday: Corps cadets, 6:30 p.
m.; Bible study, H p. m.
Wednesday: Home League t.)
meet at hall at 327 W. Cass. 2 p.
m.; voung people's club, 7 p. in
Thursday: Little boy's club I
p. m.
Saturday: Sunbeams, 2 p. m :
oio rtsHioNCo
CharlM E. Fullir,
Old Hrmni "
Cttiptl Prttthlni
kuitort. 6 00
1490 KllKUltl
Gotpel BrMtfcatt
m-nlcn cnrilen fin m
Come and worship at the Sal
vation Army. You are always
Corner of Lane and Main
streets. Saturday, April 11, Sab
bath school 9:30 a. m.; preaching
service 11 a. m.; young people's
meeting 3 p. m. Preaching ser
vice Sunday evening, 7:45, subject
"Man In Life and in Death." Wed
nesday evening, 7:45, the subject
will be "What and Where Is
Heaven." Beautiful pictures. You
arc always welcome.
Rev. Rodney Britten, director
of Christian Education in Oregon,
will be the speaker at both ser
vices at the First Baptist church
Sunday. Rev. Mr. Britten has re
cently attracted national atten
tion by his plans to organize the
Baptist Voung people of the state
to help harvest Oregon crops this
summer. He will tell about this
work as a part of the Sunday
evening service. Sunday morn
ing at eleven Rev. Mr. Britten
will speak on the topic "Putting
life Into Gear." Mrs. Grace Deele
and Mrs. Gertrude Whipple will
sing Sunday morning. Sunday
evening Rev. Mr. Britten will
speak on the theme '.'A Modern
Miracle." A thirty-five voice A
Capella choir from Pacific Uni
versity from Forrest Grove, Ore
gon will give a conceit at the
Baptist church Wednesday even
ing at eight o'clock.
G. A. Garboden, pastor. Sunday
school, 10 a. m. C. C. Flsbach sup
erintendent. Morning worship,
11 a. m Topic "The Last Break
fast." Special music. A cordial
welcome to all.
G. A. Garboden pastor. Sunday
school 10 a. m. Guy Moore super
intendent. A church with a wel
Church of the Nazarene, 400 E.
Douglas. Sunday school hour
convenes at 10 a. m. promptly.
Claire Edwards supt. Mrs. Clif
ford Conrad will render a song
before the service. Morning wor
ship 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Claire
Edwards will sing, "That's Why I
Love and Adore Jesus." Evangel
Istlc service 7:45 p. m. " Leonard
T. Hannon, pastor.
477 South .Jackson. Sunday
school convenes at 10 a. m. with
Rev. C. L. Dage, superintendent.
A visitor contest is now in pro
gress. Morning worship 11 a. m.
Pastor will speak on "Responsi
bility." Young people meet at
church at 3 p. m. Mrs. John
Strom will give the evening mes
sage. On Tuesday at 7:30 p. m.
Young people's prayer meeting
at the church. Prayer meeting
will be Wednesday night nt 7:30.
A warm welcome uwaus you at
these services. Rev. John VV.
Strom, pastor.
St. Paul's Lutheran church
I Missouri Synod), Corey and Mili
tary streets. West Roscburg. The
service of Sunday, April 12. be
gins at 7:30 p. m. The Sunday
school meets at 9:45 a m. Mrs.
I-ouis Wilson Is superintendent.
Tle Young Lutheran's league
meets Tuesday, April I I, at the
home of Miss June Goetz, 107
North Flint. The mid-week Bible
class meets Thursday, April 16, at
the home of Mrs. Roy Hebard.
Mrs. Hohard and Mrs. Wilson an
serving at joint hostesses. The
Lutheran Hour will be broadcast
Sunday at 1:00 p. m. over KIINR.
Tune In: write In. W. A. Sy! weM
er, 1170 Military street, paste.
Corner Kane and Douglas. Ij-w
II. Flshback. minister. The Bible
school meets at 9:45 a. m. There
Is a live, wideawake Bible class
for every age. The sermon sub
ject at the eleven o'clock hour
will be, "With Christ We Con
quer." There will be an anthem
by the choir. The young people's
Christian Endeavor society will
meet at 6:30 p. m. The s'.'rmon
subject at 7:30 p. m. will be "The
Gospel for I he New Age." The
ladies quartet will sing. Remem- i
her, you arc always welcome it i
the "Homelike" church.
I Jackson and Lane slrccls. Min
' ister. Itev. Morris II. Roach, Th.
I H. Morning sermon. Communion
Meditation. The vesper service
1 will be held at 6:30 p. in. Sunday.
I The C. K. societies and the aduit
I discussion group will meet from
I 6:30 to 7:00 o'clock for separate
j meetings. At 7 o'clock the groups
will nssemoie lor a song seivicc
and vesper message. The discus-1
slon group will consider the ques
tion "Why Do Hie Nations War?"'
. ........ ft in i ia hiiipiii nArni in AnrAkl rMrsivs mnii i isja
The calendar for the week:
Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45 a.
m,: morning worship, 11 a. m.;
C. E. societies, 6:30 p. m.; vesper
I service, 6:30 p. m.. Tuesday:
Choir practice. 7:30 p. m.. Wed
nesday; prayer meeting, 7:30 p. m.
Thursday: Ladles aid, 1:30 p. m.
No 8 a. m. service Sunday
morning, April 12. Church school
9:45 a. m.; morning service 11 a.
m., Walter Watson, of Portland,
will tell of work among the sol
diers. Around the County
Wm. C. Woods and son,
returned Friday from
l.Ml-9. I
where they had visited relatives
for a few days.
Ralph Anderson of Seattle
spent the week end with his mo
ther, Mrs. Alma Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Padelford of
Happy Valley have been visiting
their daughters, Mrs. K. L. Sween
ey and Mrs. Owen Rc-sc, and iheir
families the past few days.
Donald Larson was an over
night guest of Russcl Holman
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Coleman and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fowler spent
the week end at Corvallls visiting
The Fair Oaks Industrial club
met at the ciub rooms last Thurs
day with Mrs. Clarence Fraser
and Mrs. Richard Riggs as host
esses. Claire Wclchel went to Califor
nia last week to get a bus which
the mine has purchased to haul
the men to and from work.
Mrs. Howe Weber, who Is at
tending vocational school at Eu
gene spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Man
ning. Billy Lang, who suffered a
crushed leg while at work In the
woods last Friday, returned to
his home Tuesday from the hos
pital. Mrs. Clyde Holman has receiv
ed word that her brother Audrian
Adams, who is quite well known
here, has been called Into the ser
vice. Billy Trozelle has returned to
his home here from Seattle where
he has been employed in the Boe
ing airplane plant.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cooper have
moved from the Cliff Parrott ap
artment to the Grace Boyd place,
formerly known as the Shirley
ranch, east of town. Mrs. Boyd,
of Grants Pass, spent the week
end here attending to business.
Mr. and Mis. Orville Ilankins
and family visited at the Bill
Beldlng home at Springfield Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Holman
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Larson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cooper are
moving the latter part of this
week to Port Orford.
Myrtle Creek
MYRTLE CREEK, April 10 -Mr.
and Mrs. George Strong who
live at the Reuben mine near
Glendale, were business visitors
in Myrlle Creek, Monday. They
were luncheon guests at the
home of Mr. Strong's brother, C.
A. Strong.
The old bridge across N. Myrlle
Creek, Just east of town on the
S. Myrtle road, has been replac
ed with a new and wider one. A
long fill and a large culvert on
the west approach make it much
more able to com- with the dang
er of washouts in flood seasons.
Mrs. Howard Bobb of Nuggett
is visiting In Portland with her
daughter. Marie, w ho is receiving
treatment in a hospital there.
Word has just been received
from the Skinner brothers, sons
of Mr. and Mrs. li. L. Skinner,
that Gaylord, who recently en
listed In the naval reserve has
been given a petty officer's rat
ing and Is In training at the train
ing slation at Newport, R. I., and
Leonard is in training at the ma
line corps base in San Diego, Cali
fornia. Eugene Milts, who recently en
listed, writes home that he is in !
the hospital in Camp Callan in !
Jay Lounsherry. who enlisted a i
short time ago. is now in ii'ain-
ing in a Texas camp. 1
After taking his t.-imily (i '
Portland to live a short time ago.
Vic W'ynter moved them back to ,
their home here last week. 11c I
! could not find a house In Port-
I land or Vancouver. Mr. W'ynter
! states. He returned to Portland
; Saturday and lis mother. Mrs.'
I Ruth W'ynter, went hack with j
him for a visit with her dauli- 1
ters. Mrs. Kenneth Winston, and i
' Mrs. Larry Halrd.
' Mr. and Mm. John Schmidt and ,
: baby daughter of Yakima. Wash..
are visiting at th- home of Mr-. '
1 Schmidt's laliier. Jesse Chanel,,;
ion S. Myrtle. Mrs. Selunidt was
: Miss Fay Chane . j
! Sam Thackrev is a patient in a !
Portland hospital.
T. IV Cornatt was quite ill last !
week but is able to he alMiut
again. ,
Sawmills are springing up til
round about the community, with
rumors of more to follow. Work
has been resumed on the mill on
upper N. Mj i lie II is said, and ihe
Three Apostles Leave Ghristus
mt L At r Will
LcRoy Peacy, who plays the Christus In the famed Passion Play
his former apostles, Bernard Becm, Roger Brown and Samuel
Zchrung mill on upper S. Myrtle
Is being put in shape by the new
Word has been received here of
the death in Ncwbcrg, last week,
of Mrs. Susan Cardwell, aged 92.
anc was ine wiuow ux. .aunaiy I
Cardwell who died several years
ago. She has since lived with
ner daughter, Mrs. John G. Dicks,
v. &,
at Newberg. They were early,
pioneer settlers on S. Myrtle
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Shirtcliff
motored to Winchester Bay last
Wednesday for a visit with Mr.
Shirtcllff's brother, A. E. and
.family, who have recently return-
ea irom canaaa. i ney were ac-
-eomnamen on ine Trip won mis.
to Join Navy
at Zion, III., bids goodby to three of
Neal, as they leave for the Navy.
Anna Potter who was a guest at
the home of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Val
entine. Baby chicks are arriving in
large numbers for the poultry
raisers In the community, here
are a few of the growers who
have i-eceived shipments lately:
the Floyd Hanehetts, Ralph
M- nor anrl
QUALITY you want.
.,, chase Poultry farm, C. In-law and daughter, Mr. and
I 5,?onf Mrs. Colter, until able to go to
rong. ,,r her own home on N. Myrtle. She
Mrs. Helen Baker of Monroe , 'much lmprov(.d.
was a guest at the home of ner j . or j M Wllklns and faml-brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and i , MetnodlBt fch ,
Mrs. David Fate, on Days creek W aa .,
over the weekend. She attended - . wnk,
Easter servicc3 at the local
i Church of Christ en route to her
home Sunday.
Mrs. .Harry Stlmson who was
taken to Roscburg on the 27th of
March followlne an attack of
! heart trouble, was returned to
Myrtle Creek last week end and
Is staying at the nome 01 ner ron-
Just Putferin!
Can be very restful, if you have a few good
tools. A good spading fork, a light shovel, a good
rake and hoe, and some sharp pruning shears and
you can really spend some very pleasant hours.
Maybe some of the tools you have just need
sharpening. Whichever you need repairs orA
hew stutt, buy wnere
"You Own the Profits"
Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange
Lobk for the sterling mark when you buy
silver, look for the bright gingham wrap-
triA name "Williams When VOU
buy bread -r they're your best guarantees
From the golden fields of sunripe wheat
to your own table, Williams' Bread is qual
ity all the way, the very finest money, and
science, and skill can produce. You could
not buy finer bread if you paid a dollar a
Buy Williams' flavor baked bread in the
bright gingham wrapper. ... It has the
,..,. ..,,, ,
Wash., who is pastor
of the
Rockford Methodist
Lumber, shingles, sash, nails,
etc., for barns, chicken houses
and other farm buildings at
Page's. (Adv.)