Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 02, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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News of Douglas County
Days Creek
DAYS 'CREEK, , Aprl 1 Mr.
and Mrs., Ira Brock of Newport
arrived here TYiday evening for a
visit during the week-end at the
home of Mrs. Brock's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mather. When
they returned to Newport early
this week they were accompanied
by Mrs. Mather who will be their
guest for a few days.
Roy Pattison of Eagle Creek
spent a couple of days last week
here as a guest at the home of
his uncle, Earl Sumner. Mr. Pat
tison who was employed for some
time in this neighborhood several
years ago expects to soon enter
military service.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moore
went Sunday to Camas Valley
where they were guests at the
home of the former's brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Al
len Church. k . ;
A Roy Duncan, who has been em
.ployed in timber falling opera
tions on the" upper reaches ol
South Myrtle Creek, came home
. Thursday evening suffering from
a very serious infection in his
hand. Later in the week his con
dition was reported to be some-;
what Improved. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Miles of
Coquille were guests during the
week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Worthington., Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Con'dray and
daughter, Colleen, and son, Rich
ard, of Azalea were, also visitors
at the Worthington home.
Miss Wlletha Hutchinson who
is a student at Southern Orpgon
' College pf Education at Ashland
arrived here Wednesday after
noon to spend her. spring vaca
tion with her parents, 'Mr, and
Mrs. Walter Hutchinson.
, Mrs. Jack. Gaulke and son,
Richard, have gone to San Diego
for a short visit with the former's
Oson, Bud, who is with the navy..
They were accompanied "by Mrs.
Beryl Loffer of Canyonville.
. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ulam and
their grand daughter, Sharon
Clark, and Mrs. Ulam's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wright, were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E, I,. Rigdon on the
' Medford-Trail highway.,, When
they returned here they were ac
companied by Mrs. Gordon Clark
who had beei assisting Mrs. Rig
don for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Higinboth-1
am have recently returned to
their Tiller home following a trip
to Los Angeles where they visit
ed their son, Dean, who is cm
"' ployed in an airplane production i
plant in that vicinity. , .
Mrs. Howard Moore, Mrs. Roy
Duncan and Miss Norma Duncan
jAvere business visitors In Hose-'i
Qpurg Thursday. While there Mrs.
'Moore had some dental work
. Mrs. John Ferguson left Satur-,
day for Roseburg where she plan-'
ned to remain for several days
while taking treatments for a
sinus condition which has been
giving her a great deal of trouble;
for some time. . 'j
Work has been started on the
section of the highway from the I
Lawrence Ranch to a point some
distance above Milo. Consider
able trouble is being experienced
at the, Fate grade with slides
which have made traffic hazard
ous at times in the past few days. :
Mrs. Grace Cooper is reported
to have Deeh quite ill for some
time at her home at Tiller. '
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Allen aridi
-their family, who have until re
Q'cently been residing at Bandon,
are now making their Tiome in
the house on the Al Rowe place
at Days Creek. . I
Mrs. , Lawrence Michaels re
turned to her home here Tuesday
after having received medical at-J
tention at Mercy hospital 'Since'!
early 'Sunday. During her ab
sence, Mr. Michael's mother, Mrs.
R. K. Paris cared for small Larry l
i Michaels. . .
Mrs. Florence Smith has been
'confined to her home at Tiller
by a severe attack of poison oak.
Mrs. Alva Matthews has beenT
spending the past week in Rose
burg where she has been recciv
. ing medical attention.. . . , ,
, Attendance at this weeks first
aid class was considerably below
' what it has been previously due
,to road conditions and also to the
many cases of illness throughout
the neighborhood. The work Is
A proving extremely interesting un
, dor the Very able instruction of
E. 'A. 'Brlttbn. Oliver Johnson of
Roseburg accompanied Mr. Brit
ton here Tuesday evening. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Dean were
business visitors in Roseburg
Tuesday. . , , . , . .
Mr. and Mrs. Newel C. Wood
who have been living in Corvallis
have arrived here to make their
home until Mr. Wood is called to
active duty with the army. He re-;
ccntly completed his Smith-Hughes
course at O. S. C
Mr. arid Mrs. Wade Worthing
ton and daughter, Beverly, and
son, Junior, were Sunday guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Weaver.
Miss Anna May Manley and
Maurice Madison were guests dur
ing the week-end at the Kellogg
home of Mr. Madison's parents,
A Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Madison.
Mrs. Jack Saubcrt and Mrs.
Earl Manley were shopping and
visiting in Roseburg Friday.
SUTHERLIN, April 1 Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Stutzman of Woodburn
have moved to Sutherlin and are
making their home with their
son, James Stutzman, and family.
Burt Brown, manager of the li
quor store, was taken to Portland
Sunday for treatment for a sore
foot. . . .. . , -- .-. !
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine McCormak
have purchased the Powell pro-,
perty adjoining the L. A, Cooper
Paul Helweg and children of
Roseburg were visitors in South
erlin Tuesday. , , , !
Mrs. Cora Allen and mother,
Mrs. Mary Witcher, and Mr. and
Mrs. Dee Atturbury and son, Gor
don, drove to Medford last Sun
day and looked over the new can
tonment that is being built there.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hanklns
and the former's brother and sis-tcr-lnJaw,
who are visiting here
from Portland, drove to the coast;
Wednesday. , '
Bill Bailey of Roseburg, was a
business visitor here Wednesday
while en route to the coast.
Mrs. Emil Palm of Berkeley,
California, visited a few days last
week with Mrs. Dee Atturbury. i
The Parent-Teachers club will
hold . their, regularly monthly
meeting next Tuesday afternoon,'
March 31 at the Arts building.'
Mrs. Cliff Parrott, Mrs. T L. D.
Robertson, Mrs, Loyd Thompson,
Mrs. George Boiler and Mrs. John
Musgrove compose the refresh-;!
ment committee, . .
Homer Hungerford of Marsh-
field is spending a few days here,
at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Hungerford, be-;
for enlistment in to the U. S.;
Mrs. Cora McConneu and two
children of Medford are visiting
tor a lew days with ner sister,
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.i
M. J. Ponton. , '
Mrs. . Maude Murphy deceived
word Wednesday from her daugh
ter, Mrs. George L. Miller, that
she and her daughter, Mildred,
had arrived in San Francisco
from Karieotie Bay, Hawaii,, and
would arrive here in a few days.
Mrs. Miller was in this part of
Hawaii when it was bombed Dec
ember 7th. '
Fred Jones of Marshfleld was
here last Saturday to visit the
Icel Clark family. , ,
Mrs. . Claude Selleck has been
confined to her home for seven
days with, a sore throat.
Miss Dale Green left Wednes
day for a few days visit in Port
land. -
Mrs. Frank Holgate transacted
business in Roseburg Wednesday
afternoon. .,..'. r
Mrs. Mary Witcher left Tues
day for her home in Cottage
Grove following a visit with her1
daughter, Mrs. Cora Allen, and
Mrs. Phil Verd returned to her
home in Arlington, Washington,
last Sunday after visiting for a
few weeks with her parents, Mr.,
and Mrs. C. T. Chamberlain. . '.
Miss Earla Wolfe was operated
on last week in Roseburg for ap
Mrs. Henry Barge and Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Romberger visited rela
tives in Cottage Grove last Sunday.
Mi's. Fred Poulter went to Port
land Monday to receive medical
Mrs. Bob Ridgeway was called
to San Diego last week due to
the illness of her husband.
A baby daughter was born
Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Goodman in Roseburg. Mrs. Good
man is the former Miss Elsie Col-
man. .
. Mrs. Farren Bratton, who is
employed in Roseburg, visited
friends and relatives here last;
Everett Holgate of Oregon
City , spent the week end here
with his family. !
Mr. and Mrs. M. J.. Ponton and
Mrs. Cora McConnell and child
ren went to Medford Tuesday to
visit and returned Wednesday.
ELKTON! Mar. 31. Mr. and
Mrs. Forrest Solomon and Mrs.
Ella Fenley Spent the week-end
Visiting in Roseburg.
Budd Gronquist has returned
from San Francisco where he was
attending to business matters. .
Mrs.. Blanche Wade was visit
ing in Reedsport Monday.
LeRoy Morgantl, whp is work
ing In Portland, spent the weck-
ct-d at home.
, Miss Fsye Bosscn, who works
in Eugene, was home over Sun
Mrs. Sarah Smith, who has been
visiting relative!; and friends in
Elkton, has returned to her home
in Oakland.
Norma Bell Wcathly, who is
working In Salem, was home over
the week-end.
A. N. Arnold is in Portland at
tending a teachers meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Garrison
went to Central Point for the
Week-end. -. ,
Mrs. James Adamo and Mi's.
Henry Weatherly were taken to
their homes in Central Point by
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garrison.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McMichacl
and Mrs. E. M. Owens spent Sun
day visiting the John McMichacl
family of Jasper.
Rev. and Mrs. M. Fox, D. L.
Rule, and Mrs. E. M. Owens were
Eugene visitors Tuesday.
Miss Virginia Gates has re
turned to school in Corvallis af
ter spending a few days at home.
to.: , and Mrs. Chris Essllnger
have started to build on the land
they bought from Mrs. Clara
Mrs. Ida Thomas has returned
from Reedsport where she has
been visiting the past week with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grubbe. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Binder, Le
Roy Morgantl and Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Morgantl and son, Darrell,
spent Sunday visiting relatives
and friends in Vaughn.
Mrs. Lillie Jewell, 62, passed
away in Grass valley a number of
days ago. The body was brought
the Elkton Thursday where com
mittal services were held. Mis.
Jewell was'a sister of Mrs. R. A.
Moore and Mrs. J. R. Hutchinson.
ored with a surprise potluck din- present were Mrs. Spauldlng, Schroder, Mrs. Jake Fisher, Mrs.
ner at her home Monday. Those I guest of honor, Mrs. Frankle I John Feldmlller and Mrs. Henry
Gaedecke. The afternoon was J was the birthday twnlversaiy of
spent In visiting. The occasion ! Mrs, Spauldlng. '
Myrtle Creek
Harry Baird, Sr., of Wilbur, vas
a visitor Sunday, morning at the
service in the Christian church.
He was accompanied by two sis
ters, Mrs. Wells, and soit, Frank,
of Toledo, Oregon, and Mrs. Abel,
who lives in Colorado. They
were, accompanied back to Wil
bur by Mr. Baird's son, Harry,
Jr., who is the pastor of the
A. W. Gibson is adding a new
roof and a pergola to his house
on East Broadway. , Ned Craw
ford is doing the Work. .
Mrs. Bess Sellers sprained her
right ankle badly Monday even
ing, but fortunately was right in
front of Dr. Maxson's office.
First aid applied, immediately is
helping to keep her able to get
about without a crutch. . . ,
Miss . Dorothy Truelove has
gone to Santa Monica, California,
where she expects to be employ
ed. Miss Trulove is a niece of
Mrs. N. G. Buell. She recently
completed a course in a Portland
business college..,"
Mrs. Neal J. Griffith arrived
here Sunday morning en route
to San Diego where she will Join
her husband, Corp. N. J. Grif fith,
who is in training at the Marine
corps base. Mrs. Griffith, form
erly Miss Anita Cooper' is spend
ing a couple of weeks with her
stepfather and mother, Mr. and
Mrs. John Sellers.
Mrs. Clyde Larsen Is working
in Beryl's Beauty shop in Can
yonville for two weeks while Mrs.
Loffer is vacationing in San
Diego. Mrs. Larsen was Thelma
Butts before her marriage.
Mrs. Wm. Vaughn has received
word from her husband who is
taking medical treatments for a
spinal ailment in a Portland hos
pital, that ho is making satisfac
tory Improvement.
- Verntle Chllders is home from
Hawaii, where he has been em
ployed in defense work. He is re
cuperating from a broken arm
and injured knee cap. He is a
grandson of Mrs. V. Bounds, of
Max Ncwzell . has returned
from California where he has
been spending some time visiting
his son, George and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ell Brewer did
not go to California to live, al
though they did sell their farm
as reported. Their children wrote
them that it was much safer and
more quiet here, so they decided
to stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Roberts
moved to Grants Pass Monday.
Mr. Roberts is an automobile
Mr. and Mrs. John Sellers and
their daughter, Mrs. Anita Grif
fith, of Bremerton, motored to
Cottage Grove Sunday and spent
the day visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Rone. Mr. Rone is Mrs.
Seller's uncle.
AZALEA,. April 1. Mrs. Ora
Condray underwent an appendec
tomy at Mercy hospital in Rose
burg Monday, morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jantzer
spent the week-end at Wolf Creek
with Mrs. Jantzer's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. B. Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baker re
turned to their home here Friday
after spending several days In
Portland on business.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Head were
Roseburg business callers Satur
day. Mrs. Herbert Salvage and Mis.
Roy Wilson shopped in Roseburg
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Eakin have
moved to Bandon where they
will make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver
from Roseburg visited here Mon
day morning with Mrs. Cora
Chadwlck. They were en route
to Medford where Mr. Oliver has
employment on the cantonment.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Livingston
and Mrs. Livingston spent Satur
day in Medford on business and
visiting. ,
Dinner guests at the home of
Mrs. Ailie Garrison and Jim
White on Sunday were. Rev. and
Mrs. Larson and Mr. and Mrs.
Poole. In the evening Mrs. Gar
rison, Mrs. John Oldenburg and
Jim White attended the Baptist
church in Glendale.
A large crowd attended the
dance at the community hall on
upper Cow creek Saturday night.
At midnight refreshments were
Mrs. Millie Spauldlng was hon-
1 '"kV
.:.rv hi m v I jm.
- "i
vl ,jf . , l' yY to these many, weeks. ypu guessJ it! baked
tf . jr? (x ; nam dinner! (t reaoV fof this happy feast. Ask
HUVjft V 'Si '." f " A your Safeway market irian to sefect a fine, lean
V" , fS'jftf' , v 1 ham.iuittherfghtsiAforyeMrfamih. And
- " Kijfr , y r every ham - like evtivait ot Safeway
C - ' 'J' jit K-r?!'- V . J Guaranteed Meat is guaranteed ten-
V S1 JVW-r v k ' ,'L " IK Ar.ood.atiryourmon.yback., ,
Cw,-f iSlT&ri Ctf rk- s" j
XsiicedHam. 49 C 1 JkilU
. .B, ShwflSeJg i BEEjP StEAK .rio'tt'errib, lb.': . .. 37 J
I . BACON boiling Beef
'ite'er'beef, lb. .....J.........; 17c - V
?R!SI?U- I P y 29c 1 LUNCHEON MEATS ',b - i3c
"-:5cC6 JrrtM im sausage vm : LnKu"
uostmaRw rVW IBEEF It 0 AST kiadecuu,ib -.27c
1 flBWCBW ( ' PORK ROAST cnx . 25c tV:.27C
1 Boiling Beef
'ite'er'beef, lb. .....J......... I7c
t ' '' ' ' ' : ' i '
LINK oAUbAGE eUlk'ib ...'..'.... 2C
BEEF ROAST Blade cuts, lb 27c
(PORK ROAST Picnic style, lb. i... 25c
Keen Shortening I -lb. 18c; 4-lbs. 69c
K C Baking Powder , 50c can 33c
Peacock Self-Rising Buckwheat 10 lb. 69c
Liberty Bell Syriip tr" " 24-bz. bottle 23c
Duchess Salad Dressing pt. bottle 22c
Kraft Miracle Whip pint bottle 26c
French's Prepared Mustard 9-oz. 12V2C
Heinz Beefsteak Sauce 8-oz bottle 25c
Libby Corned Beef Hash No. 2 can 21c
E. Z. Liver Loaf, New, I OV2 oz can 21c
Denny's Turkey & Noodles 1 6-oz. 23c
Battleground Cream Cheese 2-lb. 63c
Delmonico Red Salmon No. I can 33c
Battle Rock Pacific Oysters 5Vi oz 16c
Admiral Dom. Sardines
Emerald Bay Spinach
Highway Sliced Beets
Gerber's Baby Foods
Johnson's Car-Nu
Sunbrite Cleanser
Sal Soda
Fels Napthd Soap,
Sweetheart Soap I bf
Va s, 3 for 20c
No. 2V2 'can 15c
. - No. 2 can 9e
Asst. 3 4'A oz 20c
pint can 59c
2 tall cans 9c
' 2Vi -Ib'package 9c
Reg. bars 4 for 22c
1c with 3 bars 18c
Meadow Wood Lb.
Grade A Butter
Libby Pineapple sliced No. 1,'A 'can 12c
Casfle Crest Reaches Na. 2 Vi can 21c
Harper 'Mouse Pears N6. 2h cih 22c
Dole Pineapple Juice 46-bi. cah 31c
Sunny 1dwh fomaro 'Juice ' ,46-oz. 20c
Instant Posrum ( 8-ok. cih '41 c
Hob Hifl Coffee fb. 24c; 2-1b. Vig 476
Airway Coffee lb. 20c; 3-lb. bag 58c
Rancho Soups, asst. 2 O'j'-oz. 11c
Heini Soups 'Many Varieties ' 3 l6-oz. 25c
Snowfldke Soda Crackers 2-fb. p'kg. 33c
Hi-Ho 'Crackers, Sunshine 1 -'lb. p kg. 20c
Date Nut Bread Dromedary, 2 for 25c
Minute tapfoca 8-oz package 12c
"Monster Gum Drop ' 'I -lb. tello 14e
(Fluffiest Marshmallow 4 4-oz. pkg. 15c
E Z Apple Sauce Mix, dehydrated, 2 4-oz 15c
Triangle Oats , Quick, Reg. 9-lb. bag 5c
Ralston Whole Wheat Cereal pVg. 23c
Roman Meal , , CeVeal Favorite, 2-lb. i(tc
Kellogg llice Xrtsples Veg. 'pkg. lie
Kraft Macaroni Dinner rfeg. pki.
Kitchen CVaf t 24'2 -lb. 93c: '49 lb. $1 .79
Crown iFlour 24'A -lb. $1 :03; 49-(b. $1 .95
All Puipoje Granulated 50.O. 39c, 24-OZ.
OxycSol Soap k r
69-oz box 63c pVg.QiS
Crystal White
Makes Wash Days Brighter
Palmolive Soap pc
Complexion Soap g reg bar8
brincj your
shopping bag i
Help save paper fo war needs'
, - 'IX&K- .. ......
iwwniiwiiini wiiumiimii uu. IIIMWI mSt
JmMfoM anvbodv Were craue A
525 (Immn some trolv fresh )
TumlTar S"-!'!! Our srmlined produce handling &S,
u,Ml JmT&AJ method guarantees FARM FRESH
z bars IT:) PRODUCE every time COme try it
tmmmmmmmm St fn lf 1 IIC Enmv this hMlthful tor In a arMfi VMefafals
AjrAnAuUj now: p,ic, of. iowi " :
i. " Ripe Tomatoes , talavos
Arizona Seedless Grapefruit Lb. . 4ic
New towns or Delicious Apples Lb.'6V4C
GREEN CELERY Utah type, 'lb : 9c
w.uht. bo. cow r -lUourie.
Som;.o..hO 'ene;tMul m.
Send youf
CD New potatoes ib. 25c