J 1 FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG', OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1942. Pi .: 1 : Jap Evacuation Involves Big Loss, League Head Says SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 10 (AP) Forced evacuation of Jap anese farmers from California will result in losses of billions of ; dollars Nobumitsu Takahasht, ag ricutural coordinator, northern California district council of the Japanese American Citizens lea gue, declared In a statement to day. Takahashl made the estimate as army authorities, planning to begin forced evacuation of Jap anese from west coast military areas, probably within 10 days, renewed pledges that families would bd kept intact. "The Japanese farmprs stand to lose approximately $100,000,000 In Investments, but due to the complexity of the economic sys tem, billion dollar Investments by others (Caucasians) will also be lost," Takahashl said. "In other words, the economic structure of the vegetable Indus tries, both wholesale and retail, will be seriously weakened. "These damaging effects of such nature will in no way bolst er the United States war effort or the morale of its citizens." Takahashl gave a comparison of the Japanese farm acreage of certain vital crops to those of non-Japanese sources. He said the Japanese produced 80 per cent of the snap beans; 65 per cent of the cauliflower; celery 90 per cent; garlic, 75; peas, 80; cucum bers, 50; peppers, all types, 95; strawberries, 95; processed spin ach, 60; market tomatoes, 70, and canning tomatoes 50 per cent. Around the County Canyonville CANYONVILLE, Mar. 10 Bob Miller has been attending a Stand' '' ard Oil school in Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Wynter nave moved to Roseburg, where Mr. Wynter has work in one of '' the Standard Oil stations. The Reverend J. R. Turnbull, ' of Medford, brought Mrs. Etta '' Manning and Mrs. Mary Plnaire - to Canyonville Monday. Mrs. ' Plnaire will take care of the ho- tel while the proprietor, Mrs. H. D. Manning, goes to Ashand for a few weeks, to visit with her two sons. Myles Jones of the Standard station at Myrtle Creek, was here on business Sunday. C. R. Bradley, who suffered a slight stroke a short time ago, has - gone to Santa Ana, California, to visit his son. The Red Cross first aid class studied and practiced artificial respiration Sunday. Many of the older ones needed some kind of all the next day, after the strenu ous time they put in practicing. Word has been received that ' Second Lieutenant Marden Shaw, of Co. M, 162nd Infantry, has been promoted to fjrst lieutenant. ,' Wiley Weisner, of Co. D has been made a sergeant. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hosklns had as their dinner guests Sun ' day Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jansen of ! Conullle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence - Moore, John Hosklns, Mark El- llott and his daughter, June. Norman Graham visited In ' noscburg over the week end. I Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shaffer entertained Saturday at dinner, " Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hosklns, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shaffer. The occasion was the wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer. Klinore Itambeig has been suf fering from a largo boil on her knee, and has been unable to at tend school. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gaubcrt went to Marshiield Sunday, and ; brought back with them Mrs. , Fred Cooper, who has been vlsit 1 ing her riaughlei, Mrs. Tudes ! Hughes, for some time. Mrs. Charles Cooper and small daugh ' ter, Dorothy May, also came back . with tliem. Mrs. I. W. C',111 lias returned from an extended visit to Califor nia. The Reverend and Mrs. John James visited their son, a shi dent at Canyonville Uilile acade my, last Monday. They are mis slonaries, and have but recently returned from Hawaii. They gave un address to the pupils of the academy, telling many of their experiences there during the at tack. Mrs. J. R. Chancy of Pays Creek visited her sister, Mrs. Will Stock, Monday. The state highway department road crew has rented the dining room of the hotel, and is utilizing It as an orflce. They have a crew of some 25 men working here. Mrs. Alice Nagei, who has Invn having some trouble In one of her hips, and has been here taking treatments, has gone back to her home at Tiller. The cast of the high school play, "A Heady Made Family" was taken to a show at Roseburg, and to the skating rink at Win chester Monday night. Two of the teachers, Mrs. Merrill Nor ton and Miss Lillian Hair went with them. II. J. Gi-oss of I'apalo, Washing ton, has been here for a few days on business. Mr. und Alts. Asa Lawson and Uncle Sam Posts I JPSBM' ' ... A4-A6lnc. 'mmssfi Arlington r 4 ' A-. AI2 NEWP0RT 7AI3 k )V'"''' --r7Tk , A 1 4 - A 18 inc. &E IJ A2l-A23.nc. kR -jA25-A27inc awlWiL- " 1 " JT I PROHIBITED vMMs pM' Eilila ZONE A-I" Issued by headquarters of the Fourth army in San Francisco, the above map designates the Oregon unit of the Pacific coast area in which enemy aliens will be prohibited or restricted. The order applies also to American born Japanese. Evacuations are to be a gradual process to minimize confusion and property disturbances. OUR BOARDING HOUSE Mrs. Lela Yokum, of Kiddle, vis lied at the Kcklund home Sun day. Mrs. Merrill Norton, teacher in the high school, spent the week end Willi her husband al Glass Valley, Cnlilornin. Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Ashcralt made a business trip to Kugene the first of the week. Mrs. George McClane ami son. George, returned Sunday linin a visit to Klamath Falls. Thev brought Mrs. McClane's small granddaughter, Barbara, home with them. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Ft. Swift visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hamlin Tuesday night. They were on their way to Pomona. Califor nia, to their home at Spragtir. Washington. tlrgie Farmer had his tonsils and adenoids laken out al 111'' Pocrenbcchcr hospital In Tori land the llrsl of the week. Leona Spencer Is sullering from the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Lclicii Spanglrr of Seattle visited Mrs. F.mina Wamsley Tuesday night, on their way for a visit at San I iego. Cali fornia. M's. Spangler and Mrs. Wamsley are sisters. Mrs. Jack Ford came home from a Imsmcvs tt-j, to Los An getcs, California, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shannon, who have been running the Standard service station, have CllMWBF' OOPS! I W WHAT WE- 1 jr -ilfcWMj&M FEEL A BIT JA NEEO ! J if ATTABOY, SOOSAH ! WMum DAXED BV ' A GOOD II ONJB fAORE POKE J$nWwm$ THAT upPER- OUTFIELDER S LIKE THAT AN1 COT rvWSELF JL TO CATCrV tf CLANCY WILL BE ' t MUST W CLANCY: i I Hl, dmhXi- Wtvm'A WARN RIOT W WHEN , IL EVEBROWS FER Iffy f Mf CALL THAT 1 GOOGAM 1 Si A MUSTACHE J "h SS&Wfjtfr x HAS1E A BEGISiS I M'mWM VULNERABLE KNOCKING 1 iWMmmEsmsminspi.j heart hinafor'i y 3 i I com, ml v wr scuvice iwc t m nr. u s yT orr f FLJNjQlA "Get - Out" Notice for Enemy Aliens in Oregon &om'mon of moved back to Myrtle Creek. Mr. Shannon will go on a farm, to try to raise a lot of food for vlctory. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Poole are run ning the station temporarily. Camas Valley CAMAS VAI.I.F.Y, Mar. 10. Mrs. Miles Sl.iudley of Tenmilc took Mrs. J. It. Slandley and Vic tor to Kedoinln Beach. Calif., last week where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Standley and daugh ter. Ivan and Kenneth Laird ol Brewster valley called at the A. J. Standley home on business Tuesday of last week while on their way to Portland. A. J. Standley anil Al l.ouns berry, the latler from Hoseburg, made a business trip to Portland Wednesday. Miss Ksthcr Brown was home from Medlord to spend Hie week end with her mother. Mrs. Fthel Brown. Mr .and Mis. C. .1. O'Neal mid two sons. .Imimie and Liannio, of Marshfleld called at the home of Mrs. Kthcr Hrown Friday eve ning w hile on their way home from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Standley siient last Sunday at (heir ranch at Glide. Hlchnrd Thrush accidentally MWM1MWLAMATM FALLS I WfW V- 1 C rfSSSorrzic? r I shot his right hand Sunday when Canada Scale in miles (- A With Major Hoople he laid his gun down. He has been in the hospital for several days having the injury treated. I.eo Long was very sick the lirst of the week and spent a day or two in the hospital tor treat ment. It was at first thought that an ocralion might be nec essary but he has returned home. Mrs. I-:. W. Huntley was quite surprised Monday by a visit from her son. Letter Frost, of Fort Old. Calif., and Mrs. Delhert Oden and two daughters, Betty Lou and Caolyn May, of Clark's Branch. Lester returned to Fort Ord Wednesday. Jeanne Mooiv sicnt Sunday at home in celebration of the birth day anniversary of her brother, Ciuy Moore. Jr. Arthur Alexander of Winston Hid Merle Alexander of Rose burg were business visitors in the valley Monday. Mrs. Frieda Klder of F.ugcnc brought Miss Alice Scranton also it Kugenc. to the valley early Monday morning where she will visit for two weeks at the home if her sister. Mrs. T. G. Lawson. Mm. Klder was on her way to Sams valley where she teaches school. diss McCann and his daugh ter and granddapghtcr, Min. Ger ald Looncy and Purothy May, and Madelyn Loonoy, went la Albany Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mi's. Clinton McCains. Vrlda McCann RESTRICTED 1 CAWVM ZONE R y PROHIBITED ZONE A-2-A27 inc.- SO I1C is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith during her father's ab sence. Several of the outlying roads around the valley are being quite heavily gravelled. Lftmber and logs are hauled over the roads much of the time (nd it takes quite a bit of work to keep them up. Elkton ELKTON, Mar. 10. The Elk- ton grade school girls went to Rcodsport Saturday to attend the volleyball tournament. Reedsport came out first, Gardiner second, Elkton third and Lakeside fourth. Rev. M. Fox returned Tuesday evening from Medford where he attended a church meeting. II. II. Listerud, who is working In eastern Oregon, was home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hargan have moved to Gardiner. The Hargans have been living on the Kent place. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson arc moving into the Clara Smith house. They have been in the J. L. Cook house. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Madison have moved from Kellogg to t he Frank Madison place. A. B. Haines was attending to business matters in Roseburg Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Godel were at tending to business matters in Cottage Grove Saturday. Allen Adams, who is working in Seattle, spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Ad ams and Allen Adams spent Sun day with Mrs. Wilbur Hugus, of Eugene. W. J. Wheelan, of Hoseburg. is working for Charles Binder. M" aim mis. Earl Carllle have moved to Cottage Grove. Mrs. Clara Smith, of Drain, was attending to business matters in Elkton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kenlcy, of Roseburg, were Eikton visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madison have gone to Portland where Mr. Madison will build a house. s-'- Avoid Regret Protect your future with dependable automobile Insurance. Consult FRED A. GOFP District Manager 122 8. Stephens Phone 218 Roseburg, Oregon I IMl.llfV J FAKMEIsAtrrOtoONlE U. ,v.v,..,. I Soldiers Injured InCorvaliis Fire Sent to Vancouver CORVALLIS, Mar. If) (AP) One of seven soldiers injured In a fire that killed four others in a temporary army barracks here early Saturday returned to duty Monday as the bodies of the vic tims were sent to their homes in Wyoming. Six of the injured, none critical ly burned, were transferred to Barnes General hospital, Vancou ver barracks, Washington. An investigation of the blaze which spread with explosion like rapidity through the two-story frame structure, continued Mon day. One officer said spontane ous combustion was believed re sponsible. Those in the hospital were: Corporal Heni-y L. Whitman, Par kerton, Wyo.; Private Harold E. Pearson, Cody, Wyo.; Private John R. Cardwell, Leo, Wyo.; Private Ermel L. McMahel, Lafay ette, Ind.; Private Wallace A. Wright, Kemmerer, Wyo., and Private Edward Reed, Gary, Ind. Vancouver barracks reported the condition of all six as "satis factory." Glendale GLENDALE. Ore.. Mar. 9 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stewart and Frank Barton spent Monday in Rose burg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bar ton left that evening for Port land where Mrs. Barton will re ceive further medical treatment. Mrs. Proek Blevln returned to her home here Tuesday from the Josephine general hospital in Grants Pass, where she has been for the past three weeks. Mrs. Fred Kardcll underwent a major operation in the Josephine general hospital in Grants Pass Monday. Mrs. G. H. Ashman and Mrs. R. D. Sorrels spent Saturday in Rose burg. G. H. Ashman returned home Sunday evening from Arizona where he had spent the week with his brother who was serious ly ill. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harvey spent Friday in Grants Pass. Henry Howard left Sunday for Eugene where he will visit and receive medical treatment. Mrs. Harry Cook and Mrs. M. F. Culbertson of Azalea, and Mrs. Ella Leach enjoyed a pot luck din ner with Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Gar rett Thursday. In the afternoon the ladies worked on quilt blocks for the ladies aid. About three hundred women were mobilized here last week War Caused ff Can Be Quickly Send In or and the work was completed the last of the week. Mr. R. D. Sor rels as the chairman, and her helpers were Mrs. Jess Bowman, Mrs. Marie Illldge, Mrs. R. E. Robinson, Mrs. M. A. Bates, Mrs. Herman Aydelott, Mrs. Plrley Winkleman and Mrs. Mclvln Nye. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lewis and Miss Dorothy Reed spent Satur day in Grants Pass. Mrs. Josephine Pickett, of Eu gene, arrived Monday to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Holtsclaw. Tuesday evening Mrs. Holtsclaw and Mrs. Pickett visited with Mrs. Raymond Smith at Riddle. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Henninger spent Saturday in Roseburg. Mrs. A. C. Henninger and Wayne are visiting this week in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. j. H. Stewart were business visitors In Grants Pass. Mrs. Melvin Johnson left Sun day to visit at Williamlnia, Ore gon. Mi's. Ralph Place and Mrs. Wade spent Monday in Roseburg. They called on Mrs. Frank Bar ton in the hospital there. Ray Wooley left Monday to go to Medford where he will work in the Cantonment. Mrs. Jay Collidge, who has been here helping to take care of her mother, Mrs. Joe Jones left for her home in Redding, California, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Aydellot and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Bowman were visitors in Roseburg Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Allbrlght and daughter, Pamela, left for their home in Portland, Friday. Uant If you need a D2 Caterpillar Trac tor for farm work see us at once. We may be able to release one for you. you uwsi DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-op Exchange ROSEBURG, ORE. any of Your Solved By Using Mews-Review ClassiTie Ads These little inexpensive workers haven't heard about materials short ages They will buy any thing you need or will sell what you have to sell. Try one or more today. Telephone Your Phone 100 They were accompanied as far : as Roseburg by Mrs. I. H. Smith. : Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooley, of Grants Pass, were dinner guests of Mrs. Gertrude Lystul, and Miss Alice Nebel Tuesday evening. Rev. Paul Tidball is spending several days In Portland. Word was received here this week that Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ut terback, of Coquille are the par ents of a baby boy, born Friday, February 28. The annual one act play con tests were held at the auditorium last week and the senior class won the ward. Stanley Church from the Secretary of State's of fice was present and presented the school a trophy for coming out second In the driving school contest. Choir to Meet The choir of St. Paul's Lutheran church will practice Easter service music Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the church. NOTICE J To veterans of the Civil War, ' ' Mexican War and Indian Wars, and widows remaining unmarried thereof; veterans of the Spanish American War and World War who are disabled to the extent of 40 per cent or more, and widows ' remaining unmarried thereof; notice is hereby given that all claims for tax exemption should CT' J) be filed in this office by April 1, 1942. And if not so' filed, exemp ; tion shall not be allowed to sucli I .' veteran or widow on the assess mcnt roll of this year. BARTON HELIWELL, (Adv.) County Assessor a 12? me rroms rObSe Want Ads CO a