Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, March 09, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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Society and Clubs
The Douglas County Nutrition
for Defense council, headed by
Mrs. L. A. Wells, has postponed
Its meeting of Tuesday of this
week until March 18th, according
to an announcement madj todiy.
The meeting has been po.ntpon
ed for the purpose of having a
session next week when Miss
Rae Russell, regional nutritionist
under the federal security
agenev, will be in Roseburg. Ava
B. Milam, dean of home econom
ics at Oregon State college and
state chairman of nutrition for
defense, has expressed her desire
for meeting with the Douglas
countv council at the same time
and the local committee members
are looking forward to a most in
teresting meeting. The time and
place of the meeting wiil be an
nounced in a few days.
i YONCALLA. Mar. 9 Honoring
Miss Laura Weaver, who wiil be
come the bride of Wilfred Vian,
Sunday March 8th, several ladies
in the community were hostesses
at a miscellaneous shower, held
at the Church of Christ, Thursday
afternoon. Due to the death of a
sister of one of the hostesses, no
program was given, and after op
ening and inspecting the many
beautiful gifts a delicious lunch
was serve to the following; Miss
Laura Weaver, Mrs. Clouscr, Mrs.
Harley Williams, Mrs. Chas. Vian
and son. Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Ernest
Thiei, Mrs. Fred Lee. Mrs. Fran
cis Bigelow, Mrs. Clifford Hanan,
Mrs. Lvons, Mrs. - Nolam, Mrs.
Sefton, Mrs. Leona McMiliian,
Mrs. Vance. Jr., Mrs. Vance, Sr.;
Mrs. H. L. Stonaker, Mrs. George
Edes, Mrs. Worman. Mrs. Cart
wright, Mrs. Henry Hubbell, Mrs.
Lloyd, Mrs. Lambdin. Mrs. Tom
Palmer. Mrs. Nettie Hanan, Mrs.
Lloyd Wise, Mrs. Ira Vian, Mrs.
Rapier, Mrs. Lunney, Mrs. Alton
Grass, of Yoncalla, Mrs. S. A.
Schieman of Suthcrlin, Mrs. Or-
ville Schieman of Grants Pass
and Mrs. Van Norman of Cies
The Mid-Week Bible class of St.
Paul's Lutheran church met
Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Earl Smith with Mrs. August
Martin as joint hostess at a very
lovely one o'clock potluck lunch
eon. October, November and De
cember birthdays were honored.
Covers were placed for Rev.
and Mrs. W. A. Sylwester, Mrs.
L. Wilson, Mrs. R. Kaine, Miss
Meusch, Mrs. W. Vogt, Mrs. P.
Ackiey and Jackie, Mrs. Richard
son. Mrs. E. Smith, Mrs. A. Mar
tin. Mrs. P. Siemann, Mrs. G. Mc-
Onppn. Mrs. Stenieen, Mrs. J.
Feldkamp, Mrs. Nchring and Mrs. I
E. Brinkmeyer.
YONCALLA, Mar. 9 Word has
been received from San Diego of
the marriage of Loal Gilmer, son
of A. E. Gilmer of Yoncalla and
Miss Waneta Kelms, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Keims of
Springfield. The wedding took
place at Yuma, Arizona with only
the necessary witnesses present.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer wiil make
their home in San Diego, where
Mr riiimfir u emnloved in de
fense work. Both tiie bride and
groom are well known in Yon
calla and vicinity, both having at
tended Yoncalla High school. Mr.
Gilmer is a graduate.
The Evergreen Grange has an
nouneed'a series ot four benefit
card parties beginning Friday,
March 13th, at 8 o'clock at the
hall. Pinochle and bingo will be
in play and prizes for the even
ing's play will be awarded. At the
close of the series, a grand prize
will be awarded in pinochle and
bingo. Refreshments will be
served following the social hour.
been extended to the public to
enjoy the party.
District No. 11 of the Oregon
State Nurses association will hold
a very interesting meeting Tues
day night at 8 o'clock at the home
ofMrs. Vernon Keel. Dr. O. R.
Hess will be guest speaker on the
subiect, "Syphilis in Defense."
Motion pictures on health will be
shown bv Mrs. Hazel B. Lytic.
Parents of the Junior-Senior
High P.-T. A. are being asked to
help with the filter project being
sponsored by the P.-T. A., which
furnishes the makings for sand
wiches for the high school girls
working fourteen days a month
in the filter center. The girls
leave school in the late afternoon
and work at the filter center un
til seven o'clock. The P.-T. A. has
been notified that fifty cents a
day for the fourteen days every
month, would be sufficient to fur
nish materials for the 18 girls to
make their own sandwiches daily.
Mrs. H. B. Carter has been ap
pointed chairman of this project
and any person desiring to con
tribute to this program has been
requested to call Mrs. Carter at
The P.-T. A. met last Monday
evening at the senior high school
with Mrs. O. S. Chambers, presi
dent, In charge and Dr. Morris
H. Roach, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, as guest
speaker: Dr. Roach gave an in
teresting talk on "A Well-Rounded
Life." Mrs. Homer Grow very
graciously presented piano and
whistling numbers and Miss Ho
ene Robinson led in the com
munity sing with Boy Scouts
leading the salute to the flap. A
P.-T. A. magazine article, "Re
ligion in the Schools," was read
by Mrs. Floyd Ramp.
YONCALLA. Mar. 9 Mrs. Er
vin Rice . graciously entertained
the members of the Yoncalla Wo
men's Study club at her home on
Rice Hill, Thursday afternoon.
Spring flowers were used in de
corating the long living room. A
dessert lunch was served follow
ed by a very interesting program.
Mrs. Frank Madden, health presi
dent gave a very interesting talk
on "Call to Hawaii." Mrs. Har
vey Cockeram chose as her top
ic. "Rising Cost of Living." Mrs.
Lillis Bravn had two subjects,
"United States at War" and "Ad
ministration Food." The meeting
closed with special piano music
by Mrs. Lloyd Watson and group
singing of the National Anthem
The following officers were elect
ed for the coming year. Presi
dent, Mrs. Kenneth Mulkey; 1st
vice president, Mrs. Harvey Cock
eram, 2nd vice prcsidept, Mrs.
Dare Kingery, sec.-trcas., Mrs.
Ervin Rice. The club voted to
have a box placed in some store
in town, for the collection of old
stamps. The dye in these stamps
will be used for national defense.
Guests present included, Mrs.
Charles , Medley, Mrs. Emily
Young, Mrs. Leroy Churchill of
Oakland, Mrs. Kissling of Yon
calla and Mrs. J. D. Kingsland,
and the following members, Mrs.
Lillis Brawn, Mrs. Sherman Chap
man, Mrs. Leslie Chapman, Mrs.
Jess Lasswell, Mrs. Frarik Mad
den, Mrs. Leslie Miller, Mrs. Ken-
Mrs. r,rvin nice, ivirs. r.mi
Strong, Mrs. Lloyd Watson, Mrs.
Wittmeyer, Mrs. Perry Smith and
Mrs. Paul Allen.
coprt. m; bv mn sesvice . mc. r. m. wa u. s. pat, off.
I Local
H. H. to Meet The Riversdale
Happy Hour club wiil meet Wed
nesday evening at ?:30 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. Glenn Cox.
Y. G. A. to Entertain The Mel-
rose grange Y. J, A. will enter
tain a group of Umpqua friends
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock
at the grange hall.
Spends Week-End at French
Home Mrs. Margaret Rodgers,
of Roseburg spent the week-end in
Sutherhn as the guest ol the O,
W. French family.
"Oh, those sandbags! The children were playing bomb de
fense but really you should he more alert in wartime!
Awarded Best Picture ol the Year
Maureen O'Hara and Walter Pidgeon in the screen rendition of
Richard Llewellyn's mighty masterpiece, "How Green Was My Val
ley," which opens Wednesday at Hunt's Indian theatre for a four-
day showing.
YONCALLA, Mar. 9 Mr. and
Mrs. Eric Stenseth were hosts to
a farewell dinner and family re
union at their home Sunday.
Their oldest son, Olger Helland of
Portland, who is a second lieuten
ant in the U. S. army has been
called to the colors, and will leave
this week. Those present were,
Mr. and Mrs. Olger Helland of
Portland, Marvin Helland of Sa
lem, Mrs. Marvin Helland and
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stenseth of
Improving Miss Jennie Jorey,
who has been very ill at Mercy
hospital, where she recently un
derwent a serious major opera
tion, is now reported to be steadi
ly improving in health.
know God is
Be strong, dear heart, for all is
E'en though destruction, death,
or hell
Seem present, we
Love fills all space, there's nought
to fear.
Be still, dear heart; know that
the peace
Of life divine can never cease;
The time draws near when all
shall own
That God is Lord and Lord alone.
Be calm, dear heart; doubt not
nor sigh,
Calendar of Roseburg First Aid
Classes in Civilian Defense
Medical Auxiliary. C. D. Standard 20-hour course). Place;
Junior high school. Time: 7:30 p. tn. (Also meets Thursday).
Police Reserves (Class No. 2). C. D. Standard (20-hour
course). Place; Court house. Time: 7:30 p. ra.
Fire Reserves; C. D. 1G hour course). Place: City Hall. Time;
7 p. m.
Air Raid Warden general meeting. Place: Court house. Time
8:00 p. m.
Medical Auxiliary. C. D. advanced class. Place; Junior high
school. Time; 7:30 p. m. s
Police Reserves (mounted). C. D. (10-hour course). Place:
Court house. Time 8:00 p. m.
Motor Corps and Rescue Squad. C. D. Standard 20-hour
course). Place: Douglas Funeral home. Time: 7:30 p. m. -
Medical Auxiliary. C. D. Standard (20-hour course). Place:
Junior high school. Time: 7:30 p. m.
Air Raid Warden (class No, 2), C. D. (10-hour course). Place:
Court house. Time 8:00 p. m.
Police Reserves. C. D. advanced class. Place: Court house.
Time: 7:30 p. m.
All air raid warden's gas defense school courthouse 8 p. ra.
Back From Medford Mrs. Dor
is Hamilton has returned here,
following a week's stay !n Med
ford visiting her husband, Art
Moves to Psrtianri Miss
Cress Adams, who has been em
ployed at the theaters In this
city for the last two years, left
Saturday for Portland, where she
expects to make her home.
Auxiliary to Meet The Ladies
Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of
Railway ' Trainmen will meet
Tuesday night at 7:30 at the wo
man's clubhouse with Nellie Ford
as hostess.
Badoura Ciub to Meet The
Badoura club. Daughters of the
Nile will meet Tuesday at a one-
thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon at
the home of Mrs. T. B. Virden on
North Jackson street
Degree Staff to Practice The
Roseburs Rebekah degree staff
will practice Tuesday evening fol
lowing the regular lodge meeting,
which has been announced for
7:30 at the I. O. O. F. halt
Class Cancelled The regular
first aid class for members of the
women's motor corps and rescue
unit, regularly scheduled for
Monday night, has been cancelled
for this week.
Returns to California Miss
Annibelle Baquet returned to
Los Angeles today, following a
visit here since March 4th with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cicere
Baquet, and with other relatives
and friends.
Ths Distinguished-Service
Mea ts awarded to persons ?ho,
vhvie serving in sny espadty
with. h Army af tfca United
Sisies, 4iaiinga!s& themselves hy
exceptionally meritorious services
to the GovemsteRi in dsty of
great responsibility and to sii en
listed men of the Army to whom
thts certificate e saerii fca4 been
granted under the conditions of
previses!? existing? law. it was
instituted in
On the medal the coat of arms
of the United States in brsiKse is
surrounded by a circle of dark
biaa enamel bearing tho inscrip
tion For Distinguished Service,
On tho reverse is a scroti for the
name at the recipient. It is sas
pended by a oar from ft watered
silk ribbon, composed of a band
of sesriet, a stripe of dark feitie,
a band of white, a stripe of dark
biue and s band of scsriet.
Funeral Set For
nomlnd, 34-37e lis,;
breds, 40-42e lb,; lamhs i) Jb.
MOHAIR 1341 12-sneayi, 45c
HOPS Seed stock, 1941 crop,
18e; 1342 contracts, 37c lb.
Funeral services for Mrs, Mur
ray L. SCoraelSaJ CarsiweH well
knows ifsSdefit of Douglas coun
ty, who died suddenly Saturday
merssing, wilt be held at the
chapel of the Douglas Funeral
horae Tuesday afternoon as two
o'clock, Rev. Perry Smith of St.
Georges Episcopal churea OIH-"
ciatlng. Concluding services and
interment will be in Use I, O. OJ
. cemetery at Oakland.
Mrs, CardweU, whose death fol
lowed that of her husband by five !
weeks, was hers at Oakland, Ore.,
February 14, 1884, the saaghter
af Mr. and Mrs. John R. Medley, ,
tttt$v Fkiiwiss vimniv spitttr&. i
was nsarried to Murrv L. Card-j
weH at Crescent City, C&Ui., in
1924. For about 13 years she
made her hosne near Umpassa, but
for the last several years she re-
sided In Rosebarg,
She is survived by two sons and
tnree aaughters, Pmiiip Neas,
Lakeyiew, Ore.; Wesiey Neas,i
Roseburg; Mrs, Cieo WuUaros
and Mrs. Dorothy McCain, both
of Oakland, Ore., and Mrs. Bev-
eriy Dunn of Roseburg, Also sur- j
vivirsg are two brothers and four
sisters, George R. Mediey, Cot
tage Grove; Mrs. W, A, Beck,
HHisboro; Mrs. teiia Harmon,
Partiand; Eibert B. Medley, Cor
vaiiis; Mrs. Lee Jones, and Mrs,
Horace Hatch, both si Cottage
Grove. A!so surviving is one!
PORTLAND, Ore., Mar, 9,
AP Open High Law Class
May 1.WI 3.03 3.S31 1.03$
F. S. Ciub to usest The F. S.
club will meet Tuesday altemoon
at the home of Mrs. Ira Byrd,
Returns fo Euqene Bertram
Shaemaker, student at University
of Oregon, has returned to Eu
gene, following the week-end here
visiting bis parents, Dr. and Mi's.
B. R. Shoemaker, on Biakeiey
Home Economics Group to
Meet The Melrose Home Eco
nomics club will meet Wednesday
at a one o'clock luncheon at the
borne of Mrs. Ray S. Petrequin
with Mrs. Flora Cox and Mrs. E.
M. Seeiey, assisting hostesses.
Young Peopie's League to
Meet The Young People's
League of St. Paul's Lutheran
church wiii meet Tuesday night
at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Wilson at 324
West Mosher street.
Promoted to Corpora! Pri
vate Raymond A. Baringer, Jr.,
of Roseburg, has been promoted
S fo corporal and is now stationed
in the field artiiiery replacement
center at Camp Roberts, Calif,
W. C. T. ti, to Meet The Rose
burg W, C. T. U. wiil meet Wed
nesday at two o'clock at the home
of Mrs. A. C. Marsters at 211
South Kane street.
Returns to Medford Claude
Baker, employee of the farm se
curity administration with head
quarters In Medford, has returned
to his work, following the week
end with his family in noseourg.
Sack From Portland W. F.
Harris, of the Dougias Abstract
company, has returned here, fol
lowing the week-end spent visa
ing Mrs. Harris at Good Samari
tan hospital In Portland.
Go to Pasadena Mr. and Mrs.
J. C, McCaiiister, of this city, left
Friday for Pasadena, Calif., to
visit relaUves and "friends. Mr.
McCaiiister is in charge of Ihe
weather bureau here.
Fire Causes Slight Loss
At George Spker Heme
The ci!y fire department was
called out shortly before 12 noon
today when fire was discovered
in the home of George Spieer,
Spanish war veteran, 875 Miiler
St. The biaxe, which started in
the upholstering of an overstuff
ed chair during the absence ol
Mr. Spieer, destroyed the chair
and caused minor damage to the
interior of the home.
Today stid
! It
Return to SSedfsrd Mrs.
Charles Hoiioway has returned to
her home in Medford, following
the winter months la this city
with her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs, Will H. Gerreisen.
Every member of the association; For as the sun doth rule the sky,
is urged to attend the meeting.
The Lady Lions will meet at
eight o'clock tonight. March 9. at
the home of Mrs. Kenneth Dun
ham at 628 South Stephens street
with Mrs. George Witters as Joint Accept and prove His glorious
hostess. All members are urged
to be present.
Transforming darkness into light.
So shall all wrong give place to
Sing then, dear lieart; lift up
your voice;
Tn Cod's omnipotence rejoice!
His blessings fill each waiting
Radio Course Beckons
20 More Applicants
Tentative approval of the
course on fundamental radio the
ory and nractice has been receiv
ed at KRNR from the Washing
ton headquarters of the engineer
ing, science and management de
fense training program. It Is
nlanned to start the course in
Roseburg as soon as approximate
ly 20 more students can be en
rolled. The course wiil consist of
three-hours classes twice a week.
Enrollers must have a high school
education in which was included
at least two years each of mathe
matics and science, or previous
practical radio experience. Any
one Interested is urged to cail at
the KRNR studios in ihe Umpqua
hotel. As soon as the 20 addi
tional enrollees are signed up, a
meeting of all prospective stu
dents will be held to discuss
necessary details.
Grace E. Rowntree.
Chamber of Commerce
Directors Wiil Meet
A meeting of the directors of
the Roseburg chamber ol com
merce will be held at 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday, March 10, it was an
nounced today by Harry Pinniger,
secretary. The meeting will be
held in the office of the president,
H. O. Pargeter, in the Umpqua
Savings and Loan company.
Aged King of Sweden
Undergoes Operation
King Gustav V. of Sweden was
operated on today for a removal
of a large biadder stone. The
king's condition was "quite satis
factory," Prof. John Heilstrom
said afterward.
A communique said Crown
Prince Gustaf Adoif toid an ex
traordinary meeting of the Swed
ish cabinet that he would take
charge of public business during
the illness of his 83-year-oid
Visit Parent Royal Denton,
student at University of Oregon,
spent the week-end here visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
Denton. He was accompanied
home for the week-end by a fel
low student, Jim Magee, of Pen
dleton, Merry-Go-Rouod Ciub to Meet
The Winston Merry-Go Round
club wiil meet Wednesday at a
one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon
at the home of Mrs. Juiia
Baeher at 341 South Pine street.
The members wiii spend the af
ternoon sewing for the Red Cross.
Study Ciub to Meet The Inter
Se Study club will meet Tuesday
at a one o'clock dessert-luncheon
at the home of Mrs. Paul Geddes
In Laureiwood. The program on
"Venezuela" will be in charge of
Mrs. Fred Asam with roii cail top
ics In charge of Mrs. Clyde Beard,
Mrs. Charies Ooerner and Mrs. R.
R. Brand.
Returns to Medford Brem
Starcher, secretary-manager of t
the Medford Production Credit
association, left Saturday for his
home in Medford, loilowing a
two-day stay here conferring
with Eugene Fisher, local secre
tary, and Alec Robertson, of Spo
kane, Wash. Mr. Starcher was
accompanied back to Medford by
Miss HelenHinck, who returns
to her home there following a
month working in the associa
tion's office here.
Stop Over Htre Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Zelgler, of Portland, stop
ped over in Roseburg Sunday and
today to visit friends en route to
southern California to make their
home. Mrs. Zeigier, formerly
! Doris Jackson, was employed at
Fullerton's Rexaii drug store
here, before moving to San Fran
cisco and iater to Portland.
Skin Sufferers
Krw fe?k y t-iv nutinir tti-
from ih -ith ilki? r-i4
thm from tft mttery ot JoriJ,
t-ma. Atftl' Foot. Arn, Vri
row i'lrs. tffh. Portn fk. Af
rff I. O. Rnx 3tf, iifki-y, Cnf.
PORTLAND, Ore,, Mar, S.-
erade, 391c in parchment wrap-
tiers. 40ic in cartons; B grade,
39e in parchment wrappers; 40ej
in cartons.
BUTTERFAT First quality,
maximum of .6 of 1 per cent
acidity, delivered in Portland,
39-40e lb.; premium quality,
i maximum of 55 of I per cent
acidity!, 405-4Ie lb.; valley routes
and country points, 2e less than
first, or 38c lis.; second quality
at Portland, 2e under first, or 374-
38els. !
CHEESE Selling prices to
Portland retailers: Tillamook ;
triplets, 2Sic ie,; toaf, 29ie Hi. :
Triplets to wholesalers; 26ie lb.; :
loaf, 2?e, f. o, b. TiiiamooK.
EGGS Prices to producers: A,
large, 26c; B, large, 25e; A, me
dium, 25e; 8. medium, 25e dozen.
Resale to retailers, Ac higher for
eases; cartons, Se higher,
prices; No. I grade Leghorn
broilers under Is lbs., ISe; over
U lbs., Site fryers, 2 to 4 lbs.,
22e; roasters over 4 lbs., 22c; col- i
ored hens, 2Je; Leghorns, under I
24 lbs., l?c; over 3i lbs, 19e;
roosters, Sc.
prices; Hens, 28-29c; toms, 28-29e
Sh. Buying prices: Toms, 2?-2?ie:
hens, 27-27ic ie.
RABBITS Average country
killed, 27-28c; eliy-kiiled, 29-30C.
HAY Selling price on tracks:
Alfalfa, No, 1, $22.00 ton; oat
wirSi SiSfifi ion.
ONIONS Idaho, 52.35-2.60; I
Oregon, $2.68-2.75 50-lb. sack;
sets, 13c lb.
eals, $2.50 per cental; Deschutes
Gems, S2.70-2.88 cental; Yakima
No. 2 Gems, S1.15-1.2S per SO-lb.
hag; Klamalh, $2.70-3.06 cental;
tiiafcn Riitol S2.7M.00 cental.
POTATOES, NEW California 1
while, $1.50 per 28-ib, lug; Flori
da, mi, $2.60-2.73 per 50-lb. lug;
Texas, $2.i2.75.
Potiuck Suppr Annouwotd-S w i , ,
The Lady Elks and Elks will hoid"" reiasie.s; J
.ss, .,,. t.j it, Shoes, best butchers, 12S to 1-18
e. ... , , , 'ins., ist-jyc in., vri
who have not been solicited have
been asked fo furnish either escal-
Leave Today Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Miiier left today for their
home in Klamaih Fails, following
several days in this clly as guests
of Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Grove. The
Miiier and Grove families have
been close friends for many
Auxiliary io Meet The Eagles
auxiliary will meet at a six
o'clock potluck supper Tuesday
night at the hail, to be followed
by the regular business session at
8 o'clock. Members are asked to
bring covered dishes for the supper.
Stop Over Here Mr. and Mrs.
James Twiek, Jr., and Mr. and
Mrs, J. F. Keane, of Portland,
spent the week-end visiting
friends in Roseburg. While here
they stayed at the Hotel Rose and
left this morning for Portland.
They have been vacationing in
San Francisco.
loped potatoes or salad. Bingo
wiil he In play during the social
ert Louis Gundiaeh, Fort Lewis,
Wash, and Patricia Fielder,
Berkeley, Calif.
fit t?v f-rn tttptfi wv4 2jnt' it
ihx., 1Si-J9c lb,; vp&Iers funty
Z3Wc lb.; light, thin, 1549e Sh.;
?faw, H I5c; earner cews, 15
j3k h,; hvUs, XS llc; iambs,
WXL HH2 contracts, Oregon
Beware Coughs
. from common cgWs
That Hang On
CreomtiisloH relieves promptly be
cause it goes right to the seat of the
trouble to hip loosen and eipei
gems laden phltm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tesdts, in
8and bronchial mucous nsesn
branf. Tell your drusotisi ft sell you
a bottle of CreensuiRion with the un
derstanding you ssust like the sy it
qufc&iy allays the cough or you are
to have your nssney back.
for Csuihj, Chest CoSdi, irsashiHi
Added 3 Stooge Comedy
4 Days
. 5
ft. 7ZJ
! !
ill i vttr w i ti
Today & Tuesday
iir r 'is jp
it f ' ws.siifmiBt
il 1
Con you tok it?
Shivers Ssws saf Seta!
Shows Todoy 7:1S-?;1S P, M,