FIVE 0 ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON,-. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1 942. Rentals FOR RENT Four room house, lights and water, small garden. Mrs. Anna Carte, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. FOR RENT 5 acres free soil, suitable for truck gardening. Mrs. Rasmussen, East Pouglas by bridge. FOR RENT A modern 5-room furnished house. Available af ter March 1st. Call, at 544 S. Pine. HEATED furnished apartment, modern. Small two-room un healed. Call 124 W. Douglas. FOR RENT 2 houses, newly re decorated, $20.00 and $22.50. In quire 915 E. 2nd Street S. LIGHT housekeeping and sleep ing rooms. Gas equipped. 707 West Mosher street. FOR RENT 4-room house. Con venient to Home. W. F. Hodson, Box 80, Rt. 2. 6-Room unfurnished house at Winchester. Inquire Winches ter Store. FURNISHED APARTMENT. Call at 454 N. Stephens or phone 403-J. KOHLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. 3-Room plastered house. 200 Brown Ave., W. Roseburg. FURNISHED apartment, adults. Phone 645-J. SMALL cottage, close in. Inquire 630 E. Douglas. ; Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Baled hay at $12.00 per ton, at the Crawford ranch between Wilbur and Sutherlin. ALLEY OOP i ; ( EV GOLLV, OOP ) ; , i DONE IT HE r : t STEERED THAT NOW IF HE'S -" , i PTERODACTVL- GOT SENSE . ; enoush to I J&$4jsk ! ',' ; . -MI9 CUFF ' UNLOAD, HE' ( ' U vUj ' L-l ' 'WON'T. HAVE J yso far. to yr IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS That The:' ' KIDS HAVE GOT THE WHOLE TOWM OF SHADYSIDE TALKING- itself cook Bo r FVFD BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES WASH Tt'BBS 'PUS, I VViT VOO TO I c-ue'e .oKr to I Jnn. bcwi TL1). fi ftx .H 'pf. y THEY ARE TAKIM6, HIM Z I AWAY TO BE SHOT.' HE. ..HE ' " s,, Seal Estate 5-room modern house, 2 large lots, nice 2awn, garden spot. Very low cash price if sold at once. 1 acre of land with new 4-room house on river. Very low price this week. 2-apartment hous4 good location, close In. Very low price and terms. 20 acres, modern house, close In, with river-frontage. A good . buy. . . . . Everything in Real Estate and Insurance. Fred A. Goff, 122 S. Stephens, phone 218. FOR SALE 160 awes, about 17 miles southwest of Roseburg, described at the Si of NE1 and Ni of SE1, section 34-29-7. Make offer. - B. Olson, 1820 S. Jay St., Tacoma, Washington. A FEW farms available In Doug las county. These are priced to sell. Inquire .at the National Farm Loan Association, Per kins Bldg.' The Federal Land Bank. 5-Room house, chicken house, gar age, for sale cheap. Ask Elmer Wright, 244 Claire street. FOR RENT or sale 4-rooni house. Inquire 541 Pitzer. Wanted WANTED BROCCOLI PLANT ER Horse or tractor drawn. State make, how long used and lowest price in first letter. Must , be in good condition. Joe Bohl R. F. D. No. 2, Albany, Oregon. WANTED To hear from party having 2 row corn planter for sale. Frank West, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. WANTED Logging horse or team .around 1500 pounds. ' Emil Hall, Sutherlin. UNLOAD,,, TH' CRITTER HtRES SOMETHING ELSfc HE 'WROTE -QIVE TPE MAVOR. BMOUSri ROPE AND HE'LL TIE UP A BIQ DEAL" use t OUR UAM Tnul -i A LANPIM& y Oil v ; A Livestock FOR SALE 2 three year old heifers and 2 two year old heif ers coming fresh in spring. In quire 1 mile south of Myrtle Creek on highway. Severt Iver son. . ATTENTION We remove dead and worthless stock free of charge. Call collect 52-F-12 or 611. Roseburg By-Products. RABBITS pure bred New Zea land whites, does and bucks, for sale. Also dressed rabbits. H. F. Pattison, phone 703-J-5. FOR SALE Fresh milk cow, 6 years old, with 3 Brown Swiss heifer calf. Inquire R. S. Mesick, Days Creek. FOR SALE Two young cows, two heifer calves, $200.00. Wil bur Willians, 1 mile northwest of Wilbur. FOR SALE 3 Toggenberg nanny goats. Box 197, Melrose Route. FOR SALE 5- year-old pony. M. T. Cannon, phone 34-F-22. Poultry POULTRYMEN We are now re ceiving eggs for custom hatch ing. Can take large amounts of turkey , or chicken eggs. Cobbs Hatchery, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. HAMPSHIRE hatching eggs, phone 49-Y. Dentistry Dn. iNKBta Fluorescent teeth in plastic Old plates made like new. 20 years success in partial or full denture replacement same day. Extraction Pyorrhea treatment Gas when desired Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 Too Hot BUT HE AIN'T GONNA 1 SCATTER, HE'S STEERING YOU DOPES! IN FOR V HE'S DIVING THAT MESS OF WINGED MURPER RIGjHT AT US! A Little OUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT BELIEVES IN REAP THAT AGAIN. MIKE SPENDING MONEy IT HASNT GOT. FOR. SOMETHING- IT DOESN'T NEED J 1 S s. '"- Never Say Die, Easy BUT I CAMMOT BEAR TO MEET HIS EyES.'OVER AND OVER ACjAIM 1 SAY TO MYSELr", 'HE IS NOTHHJ6 TO ME, THIS...THI5 STRAMSER.500M HE WILL BE PEAP... SOOW t WILL RJR6ET;..BUT WILL I F0R6ETf For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Fine used Montag Duchess range, used enamel washer, used duo-fold lounge $4.95, good, used Simmons spring filled mattrcai; good used davenport sets, used beds and springs, fine used, modern electric range; large used roll top desk, $9.50. All goods pric ed to sell quick. Judd's Furni ture Co. NICE DESK, dining Ublo, 6 leather seat chaire, large circu lator, cottage : range, studio couch, Hoover sweeper, almost new Biglow rug, 9 x 12. Call at 410 W. Douglas or phone 467-R. PLANT these perennial favorites now. Delphinium, Esther Reid daisy, Russell lupines, veroni cas, columbines, Frlkartil aster, liatris, anemone, etc. Wharton Bros. - FOR SALE Circulating heater, 2 heating stoves, .1 chest of drawers, 1 overstuffed chair. Dunham Transfer Co. NOTICE: For auto parts, muffl ers and glass go to Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 523 N. Main street. GOOD .HOUSE to rent. For sale black shepherd pupoles, good size. Good loose hay, easily baled. Arb Stearns, Oakland. LATEST . MODEL Wedgewood gas range, slightly used. Walter Diller, Hotel Rose. FOR SALE two-wheel trailer, 525 x 21 6-ply tires. Perfect shape. 550 Fowler Street. FOR SALE Small stock of gro ceries and fixtures. Box 1198 c-o News-Review. to Handle COPR. 1942 BY NEA SERVICE, INC.. T. M. Previous LISTEN! lb WHAT ELSE HE WROTE - Vt'S NOT The overhead that bothers he's 1155. tTC TUG- S A UNDERHAND.Y S,RJ DU7 " mJaml Es defense Yeah! 6UTWT VOO VAifWT I BIB F.I V, --V-. t Kelp Wanted WANTED Woman to clean house, three miles from town, one day per week. Write Box 1199, News-Review. WANTED Two men to buck and fall timber. Inquire Lena Denn's general store, Camas Valley. WANTED Experienced parts man 25 to 30 years of age. Or chard Auto Parts Co. WANTED Piling peelers. Apply A. O. Strickland place, tele . phone 23-F-5. WANTED Bell boy. Apply im mediately. Umpqua Hotel. FRY COOK WANTED Man pre ferred. Roseburg Hotel. Auros FOR SALE or trade for lumber. 1941 Olds. Sedan. Almost new. 1941 Olds, coupe. A real bargain. 1940 Buick sedan. Radio, heater. This car Is clean and a real bargain. 1941 International pickup. New car guarantee., 1938 Dodge truck. A real good truck for the farm or lumber , job. Also one C-30 International lum . ber truck. We also have 5 1941 Internation al logging trucks and trailers. . For a real bargain in used-cars ' or trucks see L. R. Chambers, phone 131. FOR SALE One 1937 Chevrolet Deluxe sport sedan. Very low mileage. One 1941 Chevrolet Deluxe coupe. Phono 267-R. '34 Plymouth sedan, $50.00 below Blue book for cash. Hinsdale's Battery Shop, Stephens and Mosher. , . . REG. U. 6. PaTT"OF. AOUTVc. COQ -XW . - - , T 1 "-- SOMETHINJQ WEWT WRONG AND IT GOT 1 INTO 1UB PAPER tjy MISTAKE IT WAS WELL ONLY WRITTEN To BE USEO IN CASE LETS PROVE wi DID prove the mayor. rf itthen.' . . WAS CROOKED y y ' 0 TW VOUCiH 2-2S r.nn. ItAT BY CTv?T$ frirLL "111 V " r- FOR ' SALE 1940 Chevrolet 2- door sedan, new recaps. Don Matson, Roseburg Fire depart ment. FOR SALE-Chevrolet truck in perfect condition. Box 688, Roseburg. FOR SALE Equity In '39 Buick. Will trade for cheaper car. 329 Mill. , Fuel FOR SALE 16 in. old growth fir, $3.00 tier delivered. Phone 3-F-ll. STOVE WOOD Old growm fir. $3.00 tier, delivered. E. F. Witt, Glide. PHONE 282 Green Slab Wood ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. LAST SUMMER'S slab wood, $2.75 tier, delivered In Rose burg. Box 104, Dlllard. Work Wanted WANTED Lumoer or wood pro ducts hauling. New truck and trailer. Mobile gas station, Stephens and Mosher, Rose- burg. . CALL DUNHAM TRANSFER CO., phone 47, for your mov ing, crating, packing tr turkey hauling. MARRIED MAN wants work on farm. Experienced. Rueben Allen, General Delivery, Ban don. Auxiliary to Sew The Ameri can Legion auxiliary sewing group will meet Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock at the child welfare rooms in the Medical Arts build ing to sew fort tho Red Cross. By V. T. Hamlin 2YZYOU G0Y5...RA8THI 5U CRITTER'S WINGS, QUtCK.' TIE HIS BIG TRAP SHUT BEFORE HE SHAKES. ME OFF.' CMON,,, SHAKfc 71 A LEG.' By Merrill Blosser By Edgar Martin P, , HtA SCKVICt INC. T. M. KtC. U. 8. WT. OFF. By Roy Crane WELL, EASY, MV LAP, vmrae A FOOL! yaiJ M16HT HAVE PilLED THAT POST OUT d THE 6R0UM3 AND E5CAPEP..BUT NO, YOU WATTEt? TOO LOWGf VOU 6TAKE0 EvcRyTHINci OH A6IRL 6AVIM6 VOU WECK.AMDSHES LET you down; vmk mm r . . . . GENERAL SAW FIL'.NQ Howard Casebeer, 443 S Steph. LOCKSMITH Pacific Key Serv. Phone 848. TOMBSTONES Harry G. Rapp. Phone 819-Y. REFRIGERATION Chct Hamm. Phone 715. PIANO TUNING Arundel. Repairs, Demoth. 189-L Tire Life Budgeting Plan Given Car Owners NEW YORK, Feb, 24 (AP) The Rubber Manufacturers as sociation urges the American mo toring public not to drive a mile that is unessential and, on the assumption there will be no new tires till after the war, budget the estimated life of Us tires this way: - . Each family to analyze Its car's use for a typical month, itemiz ing all regular and special trips taken and the mileage consumed, and then compare this with the estimated miles of use remaining in the tires which should mean a drastic reduction in use of the car during the coming months. If the estimated remaining life in the family car's tires is about 10,000 miles, the association said, then their use would have to be limited to about 2,000 miles year ly, which would mean only 166 miles a month or about 40 miles a week if the family wanted to keep the car operating a few more years. . .. Conferences Trying to Avert Sawmills' Tie-Up . i , ? . SEATTLE, Feb. 24. (API Conferences were resumed today by representatives of the lumber operators, the federal labdr do-, partmcnt and the lumber and sawmill workers union, overwagc demands and a threatened fetrikc of f5,000 to 60,000 sawmill! men In Washington and Oregon, Convention Dates Set I For Spanish War Vets j ASTORIA, Feb., 24. (jP ur. u. m. iyae, neaa oi ine As toria camp, said today the state United Spanish War veterans an nual convention would be held here July 5-8 Inclusive. ; Spends Week-End Here Mrs. J. Wilson, of Portland,, spent the week-end In Roseburg visiting Mrs. Julia Bacher and daughter, Miss Helen Bacher. . LODGE DIRECTORY V. B. A., Roseburg Review, No. II Molds regular meetings on SCO onil and fourth Tfr-irsriays at 7:30 p. m. VIsltlnR slstors invlt ed to attend reviews. Maccabee ball. Pine and Cars streets. MAUDE POWERS, Pres. MltS. JESSIE VINSON, V. So6 Job's Daugmen. No. 8 Meet first and fourth Tuesdays al 7:30 p. m., Masonic Temple Master Masons and O. E. S members always welcome. PAT McCLINTOCK, . Hon. Queen. PAT SAVAGE, Rec. Hold Everything! MUSEUM com 9t wr itivto. imc t h mfl u i at off '- "I tlon'l wanna sec a '!TciJ clophunl I wunnu nee one of those sliilTctl phirts my duddv talks about!" RADIO SERVICING Hargls Radio Service. Phone 825 Radio Doctors. 303 N. Stephen Lund Radio Service. Phone 34 WASHING MACHINES IRONER8 Bergh's, 630 Winchester, Ph. 809 FLUE CLEANING Furnace vacuum cleaned flue cleaning. Call 841. J. C Bew lev Lidies Auxiliary to Eaglea, Rosft burg Aerie, No. Meets in . Maccabee ball on Cass street, on second and fourth Tuesday eve nings of each months, at I o'clock. Visiting sisters in good standing always welcome. CLARA STEIWIG, M. Pres. ESTHER BAKER. II. Sec W. B. A., Roseourg Review, No. 11 Holds regular meetings on sec- and and fourth Thursdays at 2:00 p. m. Visiting sisters invit ed to attend reviews. Maccabee hall. Pine and Cass streets. MAUDE POWERS, Pres. MRS. JESSIE VINSON. F. Sec. I. O. O. F., Phlletanan Lodge, Nq B Meets In Odd Fellows tempU every Thursday evening. Visit lng brothers are always wel come. JESS MARR, N. G. O. L. JOHNSON, Sec. O. E. 6., Roseourg Chapter No. 8 Holds stated communications oi the first and tblrd Thursdays li each - month. All sojourntiil brothers and sisters are cordial ly invited to attend. LESTA SHOEMAKER, W. M. CHRISTINE MICELLI, Sec. F. O. E. Aerie 14U7, meets Macca bee nail on ,1'ine street ever -Tuof day ' evening at g ' o'clock Visiting brothers always wel come.' ' 1 ; PAUL R. DUSSEAU, Pres. H. B. SCOFIELD,.Sec; . Neighbors ot wooacrart. Lllaa vircic, MO. .dlbuib on lirBI and 1 third Monday fevenlugs. In I.' Oi O. -F. ball. ' Visltlnv neigh bors invited to.uttond. Il l i . ETHEL BEAVER, O. N. i i CYNTHIA GEBMOND, Clerk. Roseburg Rcbekah Lodge, No. 41 : Meets In Odd Fellows 'Tern pie every second and fourth Tuesday evening. ! ' i VIRGINIA CYRUS; N. G. TILLIE JOHNSON,, Sec. CeMolay Chapter Regu . lar meeting every tea ond and fourth Thurs ' dayB at tba Masonll temple. SCRIBE. LIVESTOCK Killing, Cutting, Curing and Smoking Call &4 For newspaper deliveries after 530 Please Call 846-Y I