ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1942. THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER ACE OniDCE CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING GLEN DALE, Jan. 29 -The Ace Bridge club was entertained at Hip homo of Mi's. M. A. Bales wilh Mrs. R. E. Robinson as her assistant. A dessert-luncheon was served at one-thirty with bridge p:.i;, ip.g luliov. It was a hard tinie ;-;vJ a!! pr-.'-:':'.( .vrr house drosses, the laJde covers were old newspapers and the nap kins were paper hut of odds ami ends. Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Ed win Johnson were Judged as bay ing tlie best costumes. The guests 0f tlc afternoon were Mrs. G. M. Jones, Mrs. E. J. Me.Mullin, Mrs. Lowell Curtis, and Mrs. Edwin Johnson, who won the high guest prize. The members present were Mrs. Tom Ilunsaker, Mrs. Walter Kemp, Mrs. C. li. Austin, Miss Coming Friday Saturday 'Xl Exiitemenl! Adventure! Thrills! AUioal Goo. MONTCOMfRY McryHOWAPP Jj'H with DEAN JAGGER TYRONE POWER MARY ASTOR Shows 7:15 - 9:30 P. M. Adults 30c Kiddies 11c Ends Today "Brigham Young" PLUS mm I ESlC bzaS EllSa G Fresh Ground Beef Ifjjp or Pork Sausage ,1b. KAMPFZR'S HY-GRADE HAMS vVhole or Part, lb. YCUNG P!G PORK LIVER Lb LEAN GOOD CUTS PORK CHOPS SLICED SUGAR CURED BACON Lb. RIB OR LOIN BEEF STEAKS u SHORT RIBS Florence Johnson, Mrs. Inez Smith, Mrs. Walker Purvines, Mrs. E. R. Robinson, Mrs. M. A. Bates and Mrs. Herman Aydelott. Miss Johnson won the hip.h club score and Mrs. Hunsaker the con solation. ROSEBURG WOMAN'S CLUB I IU CIS JO 1 MINfc Met I llNu ) TCLGtiAV r-TE-RW-a Mrs. I. B. Riddle, chairman, Mrs. L. Kohlhagen, Sr., Mrs. C. E. Jump and Mis. Jack Suksdorf will he hostesses at a one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon for the members and Invited guests of the Roseburg Woman's club next Tuesday, February 3, at the club house. Mrs. K. D. Lytic will have charge of the program, which will be on Douglas county and will be of unusual Interest and enjoyment to the club. Mrs. Lytle is well known In the club for presenting unusually interest ing and delightful programs. She is an excellent speaker and for merly had one of the roll-call topics in the club program a few yc;ars ago. Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield, presi dent, will conduct the meeting and Mrs. Homer Grow, music chairman, will have charge of! the special music. All members are urged to be present. Preceding the meeting the of ficers, executive board and board of directors will meet at a 12 o' clock no-hostess luncheon at the Hotel Rose. PUBLIC INVITED TO BENEFIT CARD PARTY ON FRIDAY EVENING The Knights of Pythias have Issued a most cordial invitation to the public to enjoy a benefit card parly at 8 o'clock Friday evening at the K. of 1". hall to raise mon ey for the fight against Infan tile Paralysis. Prizes will be awarded winners in contract bridge, five hundred I and pinochle. Refreshments w ill : be served. Tickets for the aflair j may be purchased from mem-1 bers of the-Knights of Pythias or at the door the evening of the ; card party. The usual benefit j card party charge will be made, f I PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY j ! DANCE TO BE FRIDAY j I Plans have been completed for I j the annual President's birthday j I dance lo be held at nine o'clock j Friday . ojvgnjjig at the Oriental ! Gardens'.toraise money lor the fight ag"W Infantile Paralysis. I Mrs. .P-W.Helltwell and Attor ney ThonfajfHartflel have charge ot arrangements for the affair. The public has been cordially in vited to attend. DINNER IS GIVEN I SCHOOL FACULTY ! ELKTOX, Jan. 27.-The highj school was the scene Monday ev-; enlng of a pleasant affair when; the economics class served a din- j ner to the members of the school board and faculty. The class serv-! cs a dinner every year at the i close of the semester. Next term t he students will take up sewing. 19c 5c Each 25c g fi 25C WA 2U 29c SIDE GLANCES Jwl I m ..a rsrV" s 111 oL-3at. COPft 1 W BY kf A SrWVIcr, tWC. T. ft. BEG- 0. - MT "Oil, yes, slic wants lo help in Hie war ell'orl, liut she's wuiting lor Hie organization of some unit with a uni form she likes!" ELGAROSE COMFORT CLUB HAS MEETING MELROSE, Jan. 29.-The last meeting of the Elgarose Comfort club was held at the school kitch en with Mrs. J. Sjogren and Mrs. Nettle Woodruff as hostesses. The meeting was called to or der by the president, Mrs. Anita Sunk. Reports from special committees were given, and plans were made to hold another card party on February 1 1. Prizes will be given and lunch will he served. The committee in charge of the parly includes Anita Stark. Al berta Recce, Daisy Ward, Nettie Woodruff. Following the business meeting the club members told of some interesting trip they had taken and displayed pictures of the trip. Miss Florence Johnson, Mrs. El Mrs. Recce gave a very interest-1 ma Archembeau, Paul Eldrjdge, ing talk on her this pest fall. trip to Missouri 1 The next meeting will be a no-host meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Sjogren on Tuesday. Feb ruary 3. with Mrs. Catherine Horn of Roseburg and Mrs. Thol ma Sundbcrg In charge of the program. At the lea hour refreshments i were served and visiting was en joyed by Anita Stark, Alberta Reece, Daisy Ward, Anna Olson, Elsa Long, Mable Backlund. Ella Johnson, Sara Ilolmquist, Hilder Johnson, Thelma Sundbcrg, Dora Ritzman, Mrs. J. Sjogren and Nettie Woodruff. SUNSHINE CLUB IS ENTERTAINED AZALEA, Jan. 29- Mrs. Champ Johns was hostess for the Sun shine club at her home Friday af ternoon. The usual business meeting was held. It was voted that the cltd) give ten cenl 1 for each mem ,ber to Ihe Inf.-.ntile paralysis drive. II was also decided the club would discontinue giving gifts for 1912. Those spending tb" iflernoon wilh Mrs. Johns were Mrs. Wal ter Kcmn, Mrs. Jake Fisher, Mrs. Henry Gaedecke, Mrs. Halbeit Booth. Mrs. Frank Tripp, Mrs. Jim Pickett, Mrs. Bert Spring stead, Mrs. Forrest Far-iam, Mrs. D. IT. Clare. Mrs. William Jam zer, Mrs. Bern Phelps. Mrs. John Jantzer. Mrs. Stanley Jantzer, Mrs. Esther Thorpe, Mrs. Lowell Curtis, Mrs. Ora Condray. Mrs. John Oldenburg, Mrs. reuman, Mrs. Herbert Salvage, Mrs. Rol- lln Johns, and the hostess Mrs. Johns. Mrs. Thorpe will entertain the club at the next meeting. Each member is supposed to bring a valentine for the valentine box. ! P.T. C. HAS j MEETING WEDNESDAY i CAMAS VALLEY, Jan. 29. I The January meeting of the Pa I rent Teacher club was held at the j schcol house Wednesday evening. Reports were given on 4-H clubs, ; Boy Scout and Girl Scout activi ties, hot school lunches, and the cluL treasury. Members voted to ; hold the meetings lor the rest of the year on Wednesday after How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expol germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allnvs the cough or you aro to have your money back. CREOMULSiON for Couehs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis By Gdbraith A-i jtT. noons from three until four. The program was a demonstra tion by the girl scouts on, "What Is a girl scout?" The girls were Introduced by their leader, Mrs. Nellie Siegel. They also sang sev eral of the scout soiifs. The meeting was adjourned following the program. SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN MR. AND MRS. CARRETT CLENDALE. Jan. 29-Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Garrett were pleasant ly surprised by a group of their lrienus Saturday evening in their nome. 1 he evening was spent in visiting and later refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Gar rett, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Scther, Mrs. Ella Leach, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Colbcrison, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Aydelott. MRS. GIBSON IS HOSTESS AT. PARTY DAYS CREEK, Jan. 29-Mrs. Velma Gibson entertained at a charming card party at her home here Friday evening. Late in the evening delicious refreshments worn Kin'vcd In Mr jinfl Mi' Hill Jewell, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Brat-' ton, Miss Betty Bratton, Roy Bralton, Clyde, Roy, and Millie' Gibson, Clarence Kreiger. Ira Barrows and the hostess, Mrs. ! Gibson. MR. AND MRS. ULAM ENTERTAIN AT DINNER DAYS CREEK, Jan. 29 - Mr. nnd Mrs. Pete Ulam were hosts at a very charming dinner at their home here Thursday even ing. Covers wen? arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Most ha f of Riddle, Mr. and Mrs. John Ulam, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark and daughter, Sharon, Miss Henrlelle Ulam and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ulam. DELIGHTFUL PARTY ENJOYED SATURDAY GLEN'DALE, Jan. 29 Miss Anne Lee Aydelott entertained a group of her friends Saturday ev- ening in her home. The evening j was spent in playing games and popping corn and later Anne Leo I served refreshments to Betty I Brov. n. Joan Carpenter. Fay i i place. Henry Kenny, Monte Bates and Kenny Rongey. .Y..I. f m$m wmii wm'i Coffee Supreme Bulk 'S. )vr. Ji ib 27C 79C Flcnty of Paper Goods 323 West Cass V t MR. AND MRS. REECE ENTERTAIN AT PARTY January 29 Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Reeee invited a group of friends to their lovely home Sat urday evening. The evening was most enjoyably spent in playing pinochle and visiting. Four tables of pinocnle were at play with Mrs. Stark and T. U. llusenbark holding high score and Mrs. T. B. Bnsenbark and Waller Cappis receiving prizes for low scores. At a late hour re I'U'siimenls were served by Mrs. Recce, assisted by Mrs. Jerry K i! :: Mr. Mrs. T. ii. Humti hi'V. :',"J...M1..-;, .C- F. J&XXi. Mr.'and Mrs.T:. G. frozefle, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stark and son DU'k, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Gann, Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Woodruff. Mr. and Mrs. Jrrrv Horn, Walter Cappis and Mr. and Mrs. F, T. Recce. DANCE AND FOOD SALE TO AID FIGHT AGAINST PARALYSIS GLEN'DALE, Jan. 29 -A dance and cooked food sale are being planned for Saturday, January 31, by the committee in charge of the campaign for Infantile Par alysis fund. The food sale will be held In the cafe building close to the Thrift drug store and will start around ten In the morning. The dance will be held in the Auditorium and good music is planned. A march of dimes will be held during the evening. A candy sale will also be held at the dance. FRANCIS HARLAN HONORED ON BIRTHDAY DAYS CREEK. Jan. 29 -Tuesday evening Francis Harlan was complimented at a delightful din ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holler, the occasion being j his birthday anniversary, covers vcro placed lor Mr. and Mrs. Francis Harlan, Mr. and Mrs. Van Windom and daughter, Don na, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ularn, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark anil daughter, Sharon, Bill Holler and Mr. and Mrs. Holler. Cards were enioyrd during the evening hours following dinner. COUNTRY CLUB MEMBERS INVITED TO POTLUCK SUPPER MONDAY EVENING Every member and associate member of the Roseburg Country club is urged to, attend the six thirty o'clock politick supper to be held at the clubhouse next Monday evening, February 2nd. As there will be several import ant matters discussed, every member and associate member Is urged to be present. Mrs. A. A. Wilder and Mrs. J. C. Hume are joint chairman of the supper. Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. M. E. 1 4 it tor, Jr., of Florence, are visiting here until Friday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hitter Sr., and Mrs. Kilter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A I F. Shukle. Here's Easy Time-Tested Way To Get Relief Get after those dlstrosslns spells of coughing and ease misery of the cold the widely used Vlcks way . . . Boll some water. Pour It Into a bowl. Add a good spoonful of Vlcks VapoRub. Then breathe In the steaming medicinal vapors. With every brcnth VapoRub's medication soothes Irritation, quiets coughing, helps clear head and upper breathing passages. FOR ADDED IlKLIEP...AlbcdtlmO rub Vlcks VapoRub on throut, chest and baok. I ts poultice-vapor action works fur hours to bring you comfort. Colds' Coughing PRICES FOR FRIDAY Rolled Oats Sperry's 91b. bag 43c SEED B. and V. are now in. ONION SETS, 3 lbs 29c Kitchen Towels Toilet Tissue Wax Paper Sanitary Napkins Facial Tissue Free Delivery Local News Reported III Mrs. V. V. Harp ham is reported to be ill at her home on Winchester street. Return Here Mr. and Mrs. J. ! H. Booth have returned to their home here, lollowing a short stay in Eugene. Attend to Business Jack Smith and Clarence Rand, of this city, spent Wednesday at Steamboat on business. Co to Medford Juke Smith and Bruce Ferguson made a business trip to Medford and back yesterday. ' No Hostess Luncheon The Business and Professional Wo men's club will hold a no-hostess luncheon Friday at. 12 o'clock at the Hotel Grand. Spend Day In Eugene Judge and Mrs. R. W. Marsters, of this city, and their daughter, Mrs. Kermit Johnson, of Corvallis, made a business trip to Eugene yesterday. Enjoy Day At Eugene Mrs. Glenn Wcllman, Mrs. J. B. Hen nessy and Mrs. Clarence Rund and son, John, of this city, spent yesterday visiting friends in Eu- g(.ne. Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sprallln, of Eugene, are here visiting their son-in-law und daughter, Mr. und Mrs. L. W. Rand. The Sprutlins formerly 1 made their home here. Daughter Is Born A daughter, Gloria Daiiene, weighing eight pounds seven ounces, was horn this morning, January 29, at Sa lem to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Groves former residents of this city. Mr. Groves is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Groves and a brother of H. W. Groves of this city. Food Sale Saturday St. Jo seph's Altar society will sponsor a cooked food sale Saturday, Jan uary 31, at Easton's grocery. A special feature of the sale will be home made breads. Mrs. L. L. Miller and Mrs. E. L. Dolan are Joint chairmen of the sale and are being assisted by Mrs. Pen rierernss nnd Mrs. Rubv Shook. WEEK-END Del Monte HERSHEY'S . coffee Breakfast 2 lb. conjSSg C0C0a COFFEE'b!1 17C 1'lb- ean ISC Z.s- 50c Prtfrrd Stock 522 c. au dl C Gelatine CORN FLAKES, Pkg. 3Jf . r-oRMAY TPZ Dessert 2LELtV. No- 2 Can Crushed TOMATO JUICE pineappe J 14 oz. cans ....'3' A- Can y Co"NnorPEAS -ft Low Prlc, Evry Day 3 ens ATlC I CARNATION MILK In Ctf 3 laroecan. .. 3&5C DOG FOOD, can jj ' 1 North Roseburg AND SATURDAY, ILJUi P' ri tl'MI SPUDS U.S. No. 1 ; I ''' 25 Lbs. ll v Here From Sutherlln Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Crawford and baby daughter, of Sutherlin, were visit ors here Wednesday. Here From Langlols Walter Strain, of Lunglois, was here at tending to business for a few hours Wednesday. Shops and Visits Mrs. Roy Duncan, of Canyonville, shopped and visited friends here Wednes day, f" Day Creek Visitors Here Dan r. I...-...-.-1.I.. V i.:-. lK.-::.(... Days Creek were business visitors In this city Wednesday. Spend Day Here Jim Moran and Marvin Helland, of the state forester's office at Salem, were business visitors in this city yes terday. Spend Wednesday Here Mr. and Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Walter Poole and daughter, Arlene, of Days Creek, were visitors In this city Wednesday. Ill Several Days E. O. Rlckll, telegrapher ut the Southern Pa cific office here, has been ill sev eral days at his home on Hamil ton avenue. C. E. Group to Meet The Christian Endeavor society of the First Christian church will hold a party Friday night at 7:15 o' clock at the church lor mcmoers and friends. Ship Two Large Boxes The Christian Science Relief sewing1 group made a shipment of two large boxes of woolen clothing and comforters to Portland head quarters this week to be sent with Bundles for Britain to needy per sons in England. Mrs. Annie L. Russell Is chairman of the sew ing group here, which meets ev ery Thursday at two o'clock at the Perkins building. Local trucking compuules furnish free transportation of boxes shipped to Portland. Red Best Blackout Color, Blue Worst, Tests Show SALEM, Jan. 29. (AP) War department tests have demon strated that deep red illumination is best for covering headlights during blackouts, and that blue Is the worst possible color, Secre tary of State Snell said today. Sncll added that the war de j partmenc s:resseu me importance of having all headlights If so as not to project any lights ti tf t any above the horizontal. , 1 SPECIALS City Limits Hlway 99 JAN. 30th AND ' 1 Crackers Cascade 2-Lb. Box f A 18c : DAen Bonneville Dam's Builder Steps Up PORTLAND, Jan. 20. (AP) , Confirmation of the promotion,. of Brigadier General Thomas M. Robins, builder of Bonneville. , dam, to major general was re- - quested of the senate yesterday oy r-resiueni nooseveu. Robins, as a colonel In the U. S. aimy engineers, was In charge of',' Bonneville construction from the beginning of the project until his -t.r-i'jfiiT. irow.P.w:',ht!ii , For eight years he had been chief of the north Pacific division, and by the time he left, Bonneville dam was in operation, the first two units having then been in stalled. . Robins now is assistant to the f chief of army engineers .and is.'.. In charge of all construction for-J the army. . 1m Local Police Reserves Confer at Reedsport Sheriff Cliff Thornton, Alvin Knudtson and Guy Cordon, chiefs of civilian defense police reserves, left late Wednesday for Reeds-1 port, where they were to be mef by Circuit Judge Carl E. Wlm berly. The officers met with po-;; lice reserves in the Reedsport area for a school of instruction. " WANTED . , Musical or Novelty Talent - for Intermission period at private entertainment. Write . before Friday. Box 34G, Sutherlln, Oregon. (Adv.) ,,'.. TODAY est, if rii All UP IN THI All... Iff rww ltltwJ t& record far ML flRAYE-BRUCEVX mjm&' WILLIAM OAROAN W&L mrw innu - PLUS Disney Color Cartoon and "THE DUTCH EAST INDIES" AND NEWS Shows 2-7-9 P. M. 11o 30c 40c Inc. Defense Tax 31st f fl II I - - ORANGES Sweet and Juicy 35C 1 1 i : SI mt m t 'VI Buy while stock is complete Phone 24