T ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY I, 1942. FIVE ft Rented FOR RENT Modern 3-room fur nished apartment, gas heat, electric washer. Adults only. Inquire Hui th's Toggery. 1 furnished housekeeping room, lights, water. $7.00. 828 Ham ilton. SLEEPING room, steam heat Bell building, 122 S. Jackson. KOKLHAGEN APARTMENTS Strictly modern. Phone 550. CLEAN rooms. 707 West Mosher. Work Wanted WATER WELL DRILLING. Cred it terms may be arranged. J. H. Thomas, Oakland, Phone 26-F-23. CALL DUNHAM TRANSFER CO., phone 47, for your mov ing, crating, packing er turkey hauling. , Real Estate A FEW farms available In Doug las county. These are priced to sell. Inquire at the National Farm Loan Association, Per kins Bldg. The Federal Land Bank. FOR SALE Five room house Al condition, 740 South Jackson. Terms like rent. Coen Lumber Company. Fuel PHONE 252 GREEN and dry slab wood. . ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. CALL Al Flcgel, 1!)8 J, for dean, long burning stove oil WASH TUBBS , ALLEY OOP I They've Met Before By V. I". Hamlin : . ! j ' .. ; ' "if TOO BAD I GOTTA WASTE ) f JEtt?.USTEM, GUARD... THIS S A MATTER Y, & KING JOHU.'&Ovit -"HT 0 OKAV, BUCKO.' BUT U-'-1 -lVil TIME DISPOSIN' OF THIS'' "TS Kuipi rNw? UIBE AMP pfEAVH.'l'VB GOT AJ'UaT WHEU it I p BE EKSHTdkl AHH, I DOPE, SUT IT'S A GOOD lS yWimuSTt 'P SEE KINCS JOHN QUICKGIVE I . MAS WOMDEBIH' H9W.,Yr tsWEAlz VJ hi HEELS TO SEE THERE BELIEVE ME, t THIKKS FOR. M&TH'i ' ( ifZ r'li rfsOLj ABBEAK, WU-LVA? I CAK) ; , ' X COULD StT TO 'lM, C 7?1f?riS lAINT AklV ,. OLD CHAR I JAILEE'S SO .. X JnJ? t WMJT pUEE MAKE IT WOEXH ; .' ! , THS YAP SHOWS UP SOMETHING tr?EEMS'Y PUMMV I'LL SEE THAT &LEEPY... HELL.O. f I 5" jK ?X VOJEWHILE A . T'GUOe ME.' WHAT FAMILIAJS. VTTMm I'VE BUSIMESgA VOUteE VWEUL 'hv ' ; what's j- K; rt.r-s - . ,t" 1 t A errof t-uck". t A a.sout mrs Tt seem tus, A-Tl or Rewarded ' ' jp lffi xLAy vt POH IRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS i Hard to Do , By Merrill Blosser , vi f " " "4 f Mot in vet I ought f Xen ' morp minutes and im ' -fQ Vo uU.fi w.nwe oTjfJ o Three-a.m- I call mr- Mesoosev, bUtX going to call June's father Henry, whvji: , IEettle rTowNMMILsL,6D f WONDER IFJUNB GUESS HED THINK I WAS . J' DON'T YOU Sit ; JSKu ' YOU CM J m V IS HOME J X DIDNT JUST AN ALARMIST ; I i 7 1 if J -?7 DOWN , AND STcP WAIT MUCH FASTER. I - J 'I . I.'1 M' PV -TV .sMm-m V t-2 S'-s?r?r. WW KPpP. 7 ev ma py.ct. mem. nCTii. p'at nrr 0 f-1 V ' ' : ip -t r- - --t ,, 1, t.,,. t. "'" ' LL. M - , , "" BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ? ? ? ? By Edgar Martin llriM00 Ck I i.60-0 0! fzsrl M I ' I Livestock FARMERS ATTENTION. Wo do custom killing, cuttinl md cur ing. Minimum chargf tor kill ing hogs. 75 cents es. Also ur veal buu-hej 04. I NOTICE Worthless kck re- moved free of charge Phone ViV Vi or 740 R. RosiftUg B' Products. 50 heaa wcancr pigs, fer pigs and 20 bred sows, somi to far row in January. Ronili Hurst, Myrtle Creek. DUKOC Jersey Red wearing pigs for sale, Wm. Garrick.!tod road to right souli of Hello's Hor ner. I FOR SALE Weaner an feeder pigs. H. W. Burr, Rt.Ii phone 55-F-13. Wanted WANTED Furnished Hcuse for clients, adults. Would lise base ment, furnace, close U Will pay fair rent. W. A. fliGARD, REAL ESTATE, 2ii Cass Street. j WANTED Used batten radio and battery, in good Rendition State price. Box Gl, Camas Valley, Oregon. WANTED To rent, 4 rjm fur nished house. Phone ) 18.) be tween 8:30 a. m. and 4:10 p. m. WANTED All kinds of ires for capping. Bond's O. X Tire Shop, Stephens and Mahor. WANTED Used furniture at Stove Repair shop, 502 N'. Jack son. 1 WANTED FURS. B. Fi Shields, 401 W. Cass St. I IT?W A KlAVy PBY EASy FLIES tLi TO BATHURSK AFRICA For Sole Miscellaneous SINGER electric sewing machine, portable, very reasonable. In quire Rt. 2, Box .J20, Roseburg. Phone 27 F Oakland. FOR SALE Light trailer or trade for stock .trailer. Must have 600x16 tires. D. W. Fate, Days Creek, Oregon. NOTICE: For auto parts, muffl ers and glass go to Sarff's Auto, Wrecking House, 523 N. Maln'l street. GOOD bicycle, for sale, $8.00. In quire at 705 E. 6th. Auros FOR SALE-1929 mode! A coupe, good rubber, 1942 license, good running order. 2 miles west of Sutherlin. Phonp 27F-22. E. A. Schudeiske, Oakland, Oregon FOR SALE Ford A sedan, re conditioned motor, V8 clutch and V8 wheels. Price $09.00. Call at 80S Mill. WANTED Used car, model 1938 or later, good condition, not through agent. Box 1175 co News-Review. Dentistry DR. NEU3A3 Fluorescent teeth in plastic Old plates made like new. 20 years success In partial or full denture replacement same day. Extraction Pyorrhea treatment Gas when desired Masonic Bldg. Phone 488 Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Three ton baled alfalfa hay. J. P. Talbott, Can- yonviHe, ( Iregon Happy Landings, Easy YOU'LL TRANSFER X,? HERE ...A PR PRY . OF B-2S'S IS TAVCW6 L Off FOR tcHARTOUM AT SUNUP FOR SALE 45 tons of hay, bal ed. 15 tons bent grass, balance oats, vetch, barley and mixed grasses. $8.00 and $10.00 a ton. Fred P.elnhart, Yoncalla. DAYS CREEK, Dec. 31. Miss Wiletha Hutchinson and Miss Elva Matthews, who are students at the Southern Oregon College of Education at Ashland arc en Joying their Christmas vacation here with their respective pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Connor and daughter, Judith Anne, and son, Michael, of Portland arrived here Wednesday to spend Christmas with relatives. They are guests at the home of Mrs. Connor's sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Welch. Mrs. Noy Cox and her small son, Dorian, left Friday for En terprise where they reside after visiting here with relatives since Monday. Mrs. Cox will be remem bered as Rena Denny, who form erly made her home at Tiller. Her mother, Mrs. Arch Archambeau, of Dothan, is also spending the holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson and the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson, were among those shopping in Roseburg Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Tison and Mrs. Ray Wright spent Monday in Roseburg attending to business matters. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hig glns and their nephew, John Dean, went to Salem, where they visited George Hlggins. They were joined in Roseburg by Miss Maybelle Rainville, who accom panied them. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Stone have ' rgj.. I f?HEH OVER ta3to?vV-M Clltt 7'" l 5uwea,the J3- Z2I' "' 1uU-:. wory coast, rWiZk jmffm 7 Lr'&i.. : . T0 as their guests at their home be tween Milo and Tiller their son and daughter-lnlaw, Mr. and Mrs. George Stone, and family of Portland. . Harry Van Worman has return ed from Longv!e where w?nt tweei.flj' "So'-vtrft Ms- jMcgfetcfeoBn route home he stopped at Silver ton where he was the guest of friends for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allin of Lake view are enjoying a holiday visit here at the homo of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Poole. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holler and the former's son, Bill Holler, were amonir those shopping In Rose burg Friday. During the week end Mr and Mrs. J. W. Wright had as their guests their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright, who left Monday morning for Brookings where they planned to visit the latter's mother before returning to their home at Co quillc. v Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis and son, Robert Lee, of Pasadena, and Mrs. Davis" sister. Miss Wlnne fred Rainville .arrived here Sat urday to spend the holidays at the Joe Rainville home. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and their son will soon return to California but Miss Wlnnoford, who has been spend ing several months at their homo will remain here with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Rainville. Miss Nettie Moore, who is em ployed in Roseburg, returned there Thursday evening after spending Christmas here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Moore. Miss Evalyn Raymond has re turned to her work in Eugene after enjoying her Christmas va cation here with her parents, Mr, u s r-Ar. 01 and Mrs. W. H. Raymond. Mrs. George Hall, who several weeks ago left for Kodiak Island where Lieut. Hall was stationed t has, because of war conditions, returned to Tiller to remain with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, L. B. K.v)pyl i.tiijefini.tij)yr .,.., .....j Early In the week Miss Susie Crispen, who is employed at Bremerton, and her brother. Da mien, who Is at present working for the Weycrhauser Timber company at Castle Rock, arrived here to spend Christmas at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Crispen. Miss Susie returned to Bremerton Thursday night but Damicn remained un til the end of the week. He plan ned to stop en route north at Sa lem to call on George Hlggins, who is receiving medical treat ment at a hospital there. Among the local people-attending the Masonic Christmas party at- Canyonvllle Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poole, Mr. and Mis. Jack Ulnm, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ulam, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Ulam, Mi's. Walter Hutchinson, Miss Gem and Miss Wiletha Hutclnson and John Hutchinson. Among others attending was Amos O. Buker, who formerly operated the Mllo store and postofflco. Charley Dean, who now resides in Idaho, has been spending sev eral days here visiting his broth ers, Hurley and Merlin. It has been about thirty years since Mr. Dean, who formerly made this his home has Jjeen hero. Miss Gem Hutchinson, who is employed as an Instructor in the school at Mlllington, near Marsh Held, is enjoying the ' holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waller Hutchinson. .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bromley, who also teach Sy Roy Crane GENERAL 9AW FILINQ RADIO 8ERVICINQ lmjr-casetor3"s'-i68j.-h-- phcng s-2 " Radio Doctors. 308 N. Stephen LOCKSMITH . Lund Radio Service. Phone 34 Pacific Key Serv. Phone 348. WASHING MACHINES- FLUE CLEANING IRONER8 ' Bergh's, 630 Winchester, Ph. 80S irnaeoa vacuum cleaned flui : DIAMn uh,7Zn " cleaning Call 841. J. C. Bew PIANO TUNING ley' Arundel. Repairs, Demoth. 189-L. TOMBSTONES ANTIQUES Hurry Ci. Rnnr. Phone 819Y Tr-g Snanirf Shnu. IQfl ? Main. in Coos county schools were over night guests Tuesday at the Hutchinson home, going on to Ashland Wednesday to spend Christmas with Mr. Bromley's mother. Murl Hutchinson, who is employed In a mine at McDer-! mott, Nev., Is expected here early next week for a short visit. Mrs. Edna Dalley of Seattle, who came south early last week j to attend the funeral services , held for Mrs. M. J. Wlllard, re mained here with her father, Mr. Wlllard, until Saturday when she returned to Seattle with Mr. Dalley, who had Joined her here late in the week. - Miss Edna Mae Poole, who Is attending a college for beauti cians at Eugene, returned there Friday after enjoying Christmas here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tong and children, Wayne and Carolyn, of Yamhill, and Mis. James Mor gan of La Crescenta, Calif., came here Wednesday evening to spend Christmas nt the A. S. Tison home. Mrs. Tong is Mrs. Tlson's 1 sister, while Mrs. Morgan is her I mother. The Yamhill visitors left Friday morning for their home but Mrs. Morgan will remain for an extended visit before return; ing to her California home. Miss Betty Lawrence, who has been attending school in Los An oeles, arrived here Monday to en joy the holidays with her parents, I Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lawrence, and her brother, Clifford. ' , , , Several of the teachers In tho local school have gone to their homes for the Christmas vaca tion. Miss Mildred Thompson went to Ashland, Miss Marjorle Church to Canny and Miss Anna' Lewis to Roseburg. : Mr, and Mrs. Elton Jackson and daughter,- Carolyn Sue, and son, David, left Tuesday for Salem to spend Christmas at tho home of Mr. Jackson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. v. T. Jackson. They were accompanied by Miss Dorothy Dale Jackson of Sacramento, who has been their guest here. Clifford Pcnnell, who has been al Ihe navy radio training school has been enjoying tho holidays at the Tiller home of his parents, ftir. and Mrs. uuy f'ennell. Mrs. Alice Manley, of Eugene, visited at the Tiller homes of her daughter, Miss Anna May Man ley, and her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Manley, before leaving for Seattle where she planned to visit her son, Lieutenant James C. Manley. Carl Harlan, of Silverton, who for the past several winters has engaged In mining activities In t his vicinity arrived here Friday to again lake up that work. The bridge built by the Kigdon Const ruction company, across the river at the Pole Ulum place, to muke possible the removal of Hold Everything! cor in; ti ma suvicf. mc T m "Tliuy insisted, on il!" Foreign Minister it ir x ; hA- 4 I - . 1 Ix -4- -F Jit China . moves tnward even closer co-operation with . the United States with elevation of T. V. SoonB, above, to foreign ministry. Soonu Is a lung-time .nood friend u( America, Anti-Aircraft ; : Unit Commander Maj. Gen. Siiiulcfford Jarman heads a provisional B'irst Army Anti-Alrcraft Artillery Company by uppuinlincnt of Geii. Hugh A. Drum, commander o the First Army. gravel from the bar on the "island" was washed out for the second time this winter by the high waters the week before Clnlslmun. It went down river some distance before lodging not i lar upstream from tho river bridge. It was possible to salvage the greater part of the materials used In Its construction and they were ugain hauled to the bridge 1 site for future use. iif s'i at. off H t I I I I , I - r I . i i i . ' j I ' I ' ( I ' -j I ' v a A2